Speech development 1st junior group lesson dishes. Abstract of the OOD on cognitive development "Dishes" (junior group). Exercise “Cooking lunch”

Obolenkova Anna Vladimirovna
Summary of educational activities for speech development in the junior group "Dishes"

State budgetary preschool educational institution of the city of Moscow, kindergarten for care and rehabilitation No. 754 “Solnyshko”

date: 27.10.16


1. Pin names dishes;

2. Form ideas about properties dishes.


1. Understand the assignments dishes;

2. Learn to perform actions consistently;

3. To consolidate the understanding of the preposition “For”;

4. Develop general and fine motor skills.


1. Boy and girl dolls;

2. Toy dishes;

3. Children's kitchen corner;

4. Models of vegetables and fruits;

5. Any toys/furniture that can be hidden behind dishes;

6. Basket for dishes.

1. Organizational moment:

Educator: Today Olya and Kolya came to visit us. They want to have a cup of tea. Where do we put them?

Children: At the table.

2. Naming a tea room dishes:

Educator: What do we need to make tea? Which dishes?

Children: We need a kettle.

Educator: Right. And what else?

Children: More cups, saucers.

Educator: Well done. And if we want to put sugar in our tea, what do we need? Sugar bowl and

Children: Spoon!

Together with the children, the teacher puts a kettle on the toy stove, heats the water and pours tea for the dolls.

3. Naming the dining room dishes:

Educator: Now I want to treat Olya and Kolya to lunch. First they want soup. We take vegetables, what do we do with them?

Children: Mine.

Educator: Right! Then we clean it and, to cook it, put it where?

Children: In the pan!

The teacher prepares lunch for the dolls, the children help “remember” the names dishes, and why it is needed.

4. Working with the preposition "For":

Educator: Oh, someone played a prank and hid all our dishes. Let's find her. Where is the spoon?

Children: The spoon lies behind the bear.

Educator: Where is the pan?

Children: The pan lies behind the machine.

We are looking for everything hidden dishes, put it in the basket.

5. Assigning names and properties dishes:

Educator: And now Olya and Kolya want to cook dinner themselves. Olya takes a frying pan to cook soup in it. Right?

Children: No!

Educator: How will be correct?

Children: The soup needs to be boiled in a saucepan. Here she is.

The children correct Olya and Kolya and help them prepare food themselves.

6. Summing up:

Educator: Now everyone will take one item from the basket and name it. What is this?

Child: This is a cup.

Educator: Right. Why is it needed?

Child: To drink from it.

Publications on the topic:

Summary of an authorized lesson on speech development in the first junior group “Toys and dishes” Objectives: 1. Teach children to divide dishes and toys into groups; 2. Clarify children’s understanding of what dishes and toys are needed for; 3. Develop.

Dishes. Objectives: 1. Clarify and activate the vocabulary on the topic. 2. Clarify and expand ideas about cookware, its purpose, materials.

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Educational area “Speech development” Topic: “Visiting the Three Bears” Objectives: 1. Systematize and generalize children’s knowledge about dishes.

Summary of a comprehensive lesson for children of primary preschool age


Program content: Teach children to form simple sentences.
To consolidate children's knowledge about dishes and their purpose.
Exercise children in operations with words: use in a diminutive form, coordinate nouns with numerals, one-many.

Equipment: illustrations, cut-out pictures on the topic.

Children, all of you come to me, stand in a semicircle. Now look at your chairs, what is on them? That's right, these are cut pictures. You need to collect them and name what is drawn on them. Well done. How can we call all these objects in one word? (dishes).

Now listen to the riddles Whoever guesses what it is raises his hand.

When I'm empty
I forget about you
but when I bring food,
I won’t pass by my mouth?
They are made of glass
Intended for
Tea, juice, milk?
I'm puffing, puffing, puffing,
I don't want to get warm anymore.
The lid rang loudly -
Drink tea! The water boiled.

Well done, you solved the riddles very well and quickly, let's see if you can complete the next task, which is called “who is more”, for each correct answer you will receive a chip.

What kind of mug? Beautiful, new......
What kind of pan?……….
What kind of knife?…..
What kind of frying pan?…..

Well done, now let's count who has more chips.

Now let's play an interesting game “1,2,3,4,5”
1-cup, 2-cups, 3-cups, 4-cups, 5-cups.
Kettle ……..

Also interesting material for younger preschoolers:

Now let's play with our fingers.
Finger game “We washed the dishes.”
Well done guys played with our fingers well.

Now we get up from our chairs and make a circle. And our game will be called “One Many”

I throw the ball, I say cup, and the one who caught it says cups.
Cup, spoon, pan, mug, spoon, knife, plate, glass.
Good guys, give me the ball and take your seats.

“What are dishes for?”
What do we drink from? we drink from a mug.
What do we eat soup with?……
Where do we pour the soup?…..
What are we frying on?….
how do we cut food?….

How many of you can name the dishes we talked about today?
Well done.
Did you like our lesson?
Today you answered my questions very well, and for this I want to give you these medals with these circles drawn on them.

Title: Summary of educational activities in the junior group for speech development “Dishes”

Position: teacher
Place of work: GKUZ KO KDRS "Warm House"
Location: Kemerovo, Kemerovo region, Russia


1. Teach children to divide by groups of dishes and toys;

2. Clarify children’s understanding of what is needed dishes and toys;

3. Develop speech, memory, enrich children's vocabulary.

Material: Basket, toys, dishes.

Progress of the lesson

Educator: Guys, look what a beautiful basket I have!

Do you know what's there?

Children: No.

Educator: What should we do to find out?

Children: We need to look.

Educator: Let us look at it together now.

Educator: Guys, what’s here?

Children: Toys and dishes.

Educator: Correct, but everything is mixed up here.

The teacher invites the children to look at all the items that are in the basket and divide them into two tables, into one table - toys, to the second table – dishes.

Each child approaches the basket and selects any item, names it and, with the help of the teacher, determines which one. he belongs to the group(To toys or dishes) .

For example: Valeria takes out the bunny and speaks: This is a bunny.

The teacher asks: this is a bunny toy or utensils?

Valeria: toy.

Educator: Valeria, which table should we put the bunny on?

Valeria: on this table (where will they lie toys) .

Thus, all items are divided into two groups.


Educator: Guys, what did we do to you?

Children: Spread out on two tables toys and dishes.

Educator: Who did it?

Children: We!

Educator: That's right! What a great fellow you are! Now you can play with your loved ones toys.

Publications on the topic:

Summary of a lesson on speech development in the first junior group “Balapan” Educator: Orazalina G. S. Topic: “Visiting grandma” Purpose: To consolidate.

Summary of a lesson on speech development in the senior group on the topic “Dishes”. Program tasks: Expand and activate subject dictionary and dictionary.

Program content: - fix the name of the utensils - use the names of the utensils in the plural, nominative.

Thematic selection of games and exercises, topic: “Dishes”


Expand children's knowledge about dishes and their purposes.
Teach children to name an object and possible actions with it.
Consolidate knowledge about color, size, quantity.
Continue teaching children to count objects; learn to understand the concept of “half”.
To develop the ability to distinguish non-speech sounds: hitting plastic, wood, metal, ceramics with a spoon.
Replenish children's vocabulary on the topic.
Strengthen the skills of gluing, sculpting, and finger painting.
Develop memory, attention, fine motor skills, coordination of movements.


“Wonderful bag” with doll utensils: pot, cup, plate, frying pan, spoon, knife, kettle.
Wooden, plastic, ceramic, metal plate.
Plates in yellow, red, green and blue. Colored silhouette pictures of green cucumbers, red apples, yellow pears, blue plums.
Sheets of paper with a drawn table, plate and napkins. Silhouettes of cups and a teapot cut out of colored paper. Yellow plasticine. Poppy.
A sheet of paper with a picture of a saucepan (kettle). Finger paint.
Cardboard “fork” blanks without teeth, multi-colored clothespins.
Handkerchief, napkins, cups.
Pictures of “flies” cut out of paper.
Sheets of paper with dark silhouettes and similar colored pictures of dishes.
Plastic vegetables made of two halves, fastened with Velcro, knives.
Pyramid in the form of cups.
Silhouettes of frying pans, salt dough, knives, and planks cut out of black cardboard.
Toy food set, toy stoves, pots and pans.
Building material: cubes and bricks. Little nesting dolls. Small toy dishes.
Picture of a cup. Plasticine.
Audio recordings “Shoo, fly, fly away”, “We are clinking dishes”, “The bear is clinking with a spoon”.

Game situation “What’s in the bag?”

Guys, today there is something interesting for you in a wonderful bag. Lower the handle and take it out. Pot, kettle, frying pan, plate, spoon, cup, knife. All these items can be called in one word - dishes.

Didactic exercise “What is this?”

This is a saucepan. You can cook soup in it.
This is a plate. You can put food in it.
This is a spoon. You can use a spoon to scoop up food and put it in your mouth.
This is a cup. You can pour tea into it and drink it.
This is a knife. They can be used to cut bread.
This is a frying pan. You can fry cutlets on it.

Didactic game “Put the food on plates”

Look what products we have: green cucumbers, red apples, yellow pears, blue plums. You need to place these products on plates of the same color.

Applique and modeling “Tea set”

There is a table in front of you (drawing).

Show where the plate, large napkin, and small napkins are on the table. How many large napkins? One large napkin. How many small napkins? Two small napkins. Take the boxes and see what's in them. Teapot and cups.

How many cups? Two cups. How many teapots? One kettle. Place napkins, teapot and cups. There is only one kettle and it is large, so you put it on one large napkin. There are two cups and they are small, so you placed them on two small napkins. Now glue the teapot and cups.

Now it would be nice to make bagels for tea. Take plasticine and roll it out into a thin sausage. Take it by the ends with both hands and wrap it into a ring. Connect the ends. It turned out to be a bagel. Place it on the plate and press down with your palm. Sprinkle poppy seeds on top and press with your finger. Make another bagel in the same way.

Didactic game “What’s missing?”

There are dishes in front of you: a saucepan, a cup, a spoon, a plate. Remember them. Now I will cover the dishes with a handkerchief, and when I open it, something will be missing. What is missing?

Breathing exercise “Shoo, fly, fly away”

A fly flew in and landed on the dishes. - Shoo, fly, fly away! You have no business doing anything on our dishes. Blow on the fly to make it fly away.

(Cut out drawings of flies are distributed to the children. The exercise is repeated several times).

Finger gymnastics “Helper”

Our Antoshka washes the dishes.
(Rub your palms apart)

Washes fork, cup, spoon.
(Extend your fingers from the fist, starting with the little finger)

I washed the saucer and glass.
And he closed the tap tighter.
(Imitating hand movement)

Game with clothespins “Fork”

Here is a fork without tines. Make tines on the fork using clothespins.

Didactic game “Setting the table”

In front of you in the picture there are dark spots - shadows. You need to place a suitable shaped dish on top of each shadow: plate, fork, knife, spoon.

Didactic game “Sorting dishes by size”

We washed the dishes clean
We didn’t forget to dry it:
Cups and saucers stand in a row
And they sparkle in the sun.

Make a pyramid of cups. Then stack the cups on top of each other.

Musical and rhythmic exercise “We clink the dishes”

Children make sounds using various utensils to the song “We Clink the Dishes.”

Finger painting "Pan"

Color the pan: put a fingerprint in the empty circles and paint over the stripes.

Reading the poem "Dishes"

The girl Irinka was putting things in order,
The girl Irinka said to the doll:
“Napkins should be in the napkin holder.
There should be oil in the oil can.
There should be some bread in the bread bin.
What about salt? Well, of course, in a salt shaker!”

Bas-relief modeling “Decorate the cups”

The cups are new for Mitya.
So that he can drink tea,
Milk and lemonade.
We need to decorate the cups.

Pinch off pieces of plasticine and roll into balls. Apply to the cup and press.

Musical and rhythmic exercise “The bear clinks with a spoon”

(Performed to the song of the same name).

Construction “We are waiting for guests”

The nesting dolls are going to come visit us. The nesting dolls are small and it won’t be possible to seat them at our large table, so we need to make small tables and chairs for the nesting dolls.
Take a cube, place it in front of you, and place a brick on top of the cube. Like this. The result is a table. Now let's make a chair. Place it near the table, and place a brick behind it. Like this. (Vertical). The result is a chair with a back.
And here are the nesting dolls! Have them sit on small chairs. And put the dishes on the table.

Examining plates made from various materials

Here are the plates in front of you. Let's count them. One two three four. How many plates are there in total? Four plates. All plates are different. Here is a ceramic plate that is well known to everyone. Tap it with a spoon and listen to the sound you get. Here is a metal plate. Tap the spoon on it too. Here is a plastic plate. Tap it. But the plate is wooden. Knock on this plate too.

Didactic exercise “Tricky spoon”

We will play with a spoon and name the dishes.

Close your eyes, guess what?
Which plate does the spoon knock on?

Didactic game “Cut into two halves”

Using plastic knives, children “cut” vegetables into halves (secured with Velcro).

How many pieces did you cut your product into? Let's count: one, two. You cut it into two halves.

Modeling salt dough “Pancakes in a frying pan”

Roll out the dough straight into a thick sausage. Cut the sausage into pieces with a knife. Squeeze each piece between your index finger and thumb, place it on the pan and press.

Exercise “Cooking lunch”

There are dishes in front of you: a pot and a frying pan. Take the food, put it in a pot or pan and put it on the stove.

Summary of a lesson on speech development for the younger group

Topic: "Dishes"


1. Fix the names of the main utensils.

2. Reinforce the use of prepositions in speech on the.

3. Mastery of a general concept dishes.

4. Teach children to accurately follow verbal instructions.

5. Form a phrase, teach how to construct simple sentences correctly, and develop coherent speech in children.


  1. Visual and didactic aid “Dishes”
  2. Cut pictures (3-4 parts)
  3. Set of children's dishes
  4. Teddy bear

1 . Organizational moment

Educator: The one whose name I call affectionately will sit down.

Mashenka, sit down. Petenka, sit down, etc.

2. Main part.

Game "Collect broken dishes"

Educator: Children, today Mishutka came to visit us. He had trouble: he was washing dishes at home and broke them. Let's collect Mishutkin's dishes and see what he broke? The teacher distributes cut-out subject pictures to each child and repeats the instructions again.

Educator: Nastya, what are you collecting?

The child finds it difficult to answer.

Educator: Here is a sample of your picture, now you will succeed!

Educator: Egor, what did you get here?

Egor: Cup.

Educator: What is the cup for?

Egor: You can drink from a cup.

The teacher also interviews all children who are not doing well and helps.

Educator: Well done. You all helped Mishutka.

Physical education minute

Improvisation of movements to the beat of a poem.

I take the cup in my hands

And I bring it to my mouth,

I bow my head

I drink the tea to the bottom.

Game "Find the dishes."

Various utensils are scattered around the room.

Educator: Now we need to clean up the room, and Mishutka will help us.

The teacher demonstrates for Mishutka: I found a teapot. There was a kettle on the shelf.

Children find dishes, approach the teacher and say:

The cup was on the table.

The saucer was on the carpet.

The saucepan was on the floor.

The plate was on the chair, etc.

Educator: Well done, guys. Now our room is tidy and we can play.

Game “Friends or not friends?”

The teacher shows the children two objects each and asks:

Is the cup and pan friendly? (Yes, these are dishes)

Is the plate on friendly terms with the hat? (No, because a hat is not a dish).

Is the kettle friends with the tractor? (No, because a tractor is not a utensil), etc.

Physical education minute(the round dance game “Imagine the dishes” is played). Children stand in a circle and perform movements representing dishes, under the guidance of the teacher:

Here is a large glass teapot (children inflate their bellies)

Very important, like a boss (put one hand on the belt, bend the other like a nose)

Here are the porcelain cups: very fragile, poor things! (squat, one hand on the belt)

Here are porcelain saucers: just knock and they will break! (they spin around, drawing a circle with their hands)

Here are the silver spoons: a head on a thin leg (stretching, arms clasped above the head)

Here is a plastic tray: he brought you dishes! (lean forward, arms also extended forward, as with a tray).

Game “Listen carefully, do diligently”

Educator: Now let’s check which of you is the most attentive. You should put only those utensils that Mishutka needs on the tray. Sasha starts. (Then the teacher calls the children one by one.)

Take a glass, plate and cup.

Take a saucer, a teapot and a frying pan.

Take a pan, a lid and a cup, etc.

Educator: All the children turned out to be very attentive. Well done!

3. Summary:

Educator: Children, what did we talk about today?

Children: About dishes.

Educator: Let's remember in what kind of dishes we cook food, and from which we eat, from which we drink. The teacher interviews the children one by one.

Educator: Well done, guys. You played and practiced very well.