How to cleanse your energy, cleanse your energy. What happens to a person after cleansing the biofield Energy cleansing of humans and animals

Today, perhaps, no one will be surprised by the fact that each person has his own energy field. And no one will argue with the fact that people’s energy varies. After all, you can often literally physically feel that it is a pleasure to be next to one person, but you want to run away from another like fire.

However, not only living beings have energy, but also inanimate objects. So the philosophy of Feng Shui is based on the influence of the energy flows around us on people.

Causes of human energy pollution

The human energy field is influenced by literally everything: the environment, people, pets, and even one’s own thoughts and feelings. This means that the energy body of each of us can be contaminated by the hostile intentions of one of the ill-wishers or even random people whom we encounter at work or in public places. Moreover, our own negative thoughts, emotions or doubts can pollute our energy aura.

A person’s polluted energy body affects his sense of the world, vital energy and potential. Therefore, energy needs periodic cleansing, otherwise a person’s poor emotional well-being can lead to problems with his physical and mental health, as well as disruption of the harmony of relationships with loved ones.

The cause of contamination of the energy field can also be the process of cleansing the energy of the home, when energy dirt settles on a person; skin and hair are especially susceptible to contamination. This means that in order to get rid of impurities, procedures should be carried out to cleanse the physical body.

Ways to cleanse human energy

In the most effective way energy cleansing is, of course, water, that is, washing one’s own body. But there are other ways of cleansing, for example, interaction with nature. When simply walking barefoot on the ground helps to cleanse yourself of negative energy, you can also sit or lie on the ground, imagining your unity with nature and mentally setting yourself to get rid of accumulated negativity.

Another “natural” way of cleansing is interaction with flora, that is, the plant world, namely trees, which have a unique ability to both absorb negative energy and charge it with positive energy. For example, aspen, linden and poplar absorb negative destructive energy, and birch charges with positivity.

To effectively cleanse with trees, you need to remember some rules. First you need to choose the right tree, then go up to it and hug it, while concentrating on your feelings. If no unpleasant feelings arise, you should press your back against the tree and imagine how everything bad, including fatigue and worries, leaves you and complete cleansing occurs. After a few minutes, you should thank the tree for its care. Over time, you will learn to feel the waves of energy emanating from the trees.

You should also take into account some rules, for example, you do not need to become attached to the same tree for a long time. You should not “communicate” with trees in winter, when nature is at rest. It is also important to know that some trees, such as aspen, with prolonged interaction can absorb too much of your energy, depriving you of strength.

People with strong energy can cleanse the aura on their own. To do this, you need to lie down and relax, breathe deeply and evenly, then imagine that each exhalation takes away negative energy, and each inhalation fills the body with positive energy. Sometimes you can feel discomfort in a certain part of the body, which suggests that you should mentally concentrate on it, cleansing yourself.

But let's return to the most effective way to cleanse energy pollution - to water. All healers in the world recognize the healing properties of water. Also, most of them recognize the benefits of dousing with cold water, which not only washes away energy dirt in the literal sense of the word, but also fills the body with energy and health. Pouring cold water can be replaced with a regular shower, but with any water procedures it is important to remember that your emotional mood, namely the message for cleansing, is especially important.

But not only with the help of a shower can you cleanse your energy; this can also be done by taking a fragrant bath. For example, baths with the addition of orange (juice of one orange and 4 slices of this fruit) or baths with a decoction of juniper or wormwood herbs. The condition for taking such a bath is a certain water temperature - 37-38 ° C, ablution time - 10-15 minutes. After taking a bath, you should rinse in the shower, mentally getting rid of energy pollution. Then, without drying yourself, you need to wrap yourself in a terry towel and relax, enjoying the feeling of peace and harmony. In this case, you can light an aroma lamp or fumigate the room.

How to protect yourself from negative energy

Pets and plants can help cleanse the space around us and protect us from negative energy. Since ancient times, cats have been considered the most active guardians.

You can also use various protective amulets and amulets. Particular attention should be paid to windows and the front door. You can try to repel negative energy with the help of statues of elephants, lions, winged dragons Pi Yao or Fu dogs standing at the front door. Pictures hanging on both sides of the front door with images of the gods-protectors of the house will also prevent the entry of negative energy.

To protect your home, you can decorate your door with a metal ring or bracket. Sometimes a Bagua mirror is used for this purpose, which, however, should be treated with great caution.

Our Slavic ancestors traditionally carved protective symbols from wood (most often oak or acacia) and placed them above the front door.

Whitewash is also believed to protect the house, but only as long as it is clean. In private homes, it is recommended to install shutters on the windows.

Bunches of garlic, pepper or onion also have a protective effect. Feng Shui suggests driving away negative energy with the help of special decorative bunches of red pepper.

You can protect yourself with the help of herbs, for example, make a sachet from a mixture of oregano, elderberry, valerian and basil. Bags of herbs should be placed in the corners of the house; they will become a kind of amulet for the home, not only against unnecessary energy, but also against unwanted visitors.

It is known that all precious and semi-precious stones have vital energy. Jade and agate are endowed with protective properties more than others. For example, with the help of a large agate jewelry you can protect yourself from negative energy and an envious eye. Stone balls, eggs, figurines of turtles or cranes are suitable for protecting the house.

Some express ways to cleanse negative energy

It is useful to follow certain rules that will help you quickly cleanse yourself and the surrounding space of energetic dirt.

1. When returning home, you should definitely change into home clothes, wipe your shoes and take a shower.
2. Donated or purchased items (including clothes) must be cleaned (fumigated, washed or washed) before wearing or using them.
3. After guests leave, wash the dishes and wipe the floor to get rid of any negative energy, even accidentally left behind.

Take care of yourself and remember that cleanliness is the key to both physical and spiritual health.

Romanchukevich Tatyana
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When events in life are constantly not going well and regular health problems arise, it’s time to cleanse the aura. The energetic shell of a person, which makes up his biofield, is the aura. It is impossible to see the biofield with a simple human gaze. Only people with superpowers can understand the state of the biofield.


A powerful method for self-cleaning the aura is salt. The material belongs to the earth element, which is why it is able to effectively absorb negative energy. The biofield cleansing ritual involves taking a shower with table salt. It is important to rub the salt into the body with small massaging movements, and then rinse the skin under running water. Cleaning the aura is also performed while taking a bath with sea salt.


It will be possible to cleanse the aura, which has energy holes, by using an egg. It is the egg that is considered a complete living cell. In order to clean the biofield, you need to move the egg clockwise along the contour of the body. With its help, it will be possible to cleanse each chakra; the component will absorb negative energy. When the procedure is completed, you should take the egg outside and bury it in the ground without breaking the shell.


You can cleanse the biofield with the help of prayer. It helps to strengthen the connection with the cosmos and cope with the negative emotions with which a person is overwhelmed. The prayer ritual can be anything. Prayer to the saints must be said from the heart and with sincere emotions. During such a daily ritual, you will be able to restore your energy field and feel better.

An appeal to Archangel Michael is considered quite effective. When a person feels a loss of strength and inner devastation, he should turn to the saint with a prayer for help.


Thanks to meditation, strength and energy are restored. In order to get rid of negativity, you need to carefully prepare for the procedure. Meditation to restore the aura is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • It is necessary to dim the lights and turn on relaxing, calm music;
  • Take a comfortable position, the spine should remain straight. The shoulders are down and the hands are on the knees, palms up;
  • Turn your brain off from problems. The correct position of the fingers will help to achieve harmonization of feelings and emotions. By touching your thumb and forefinger in the ring, you will be able to calm down. By connecting your thumb and middle finger, it will be easier to attract positive energy;
  • Close your eyes and begin to breathe calmly and deeply. The muscles from top to bottom (from the facial muscles to the toes) should gradually relax. A person must stop thinking negatively and focus on this moment, feel how the energy moves throughout the body.

In order to strengthen your aura, it is enough to meditate for about 20 minutes a day and gradually increase this time. Connoisseurs of Indian practices can recite Krishna or Gayatri mantras during meditation.


With the help of a candle and another person, you can cleanse your aura. A church candle is considered especially effective. Thanks to the ritual, it will be possible not only to restore strength, but also to get rid of damage, as well as binary phenomena.

They place the person on the paper, use a match to light the candle and begin to move it in the neck area, above the head, near the navel and tailbone. The candle itself will tell you when to stop actions. It will stop crackling and smoking. After this, you need to let it burn to the end. Then the paper on which the person stood, along with the frozen wax, should be buried in the ground.

Being in nature

Nature's resources are limitless, which is why it can charge a person with energy and positivity. A powerful strengthening of the aura will occur while walking through the forest, staying by the fire or lake. If you hug a tree tightly and stand in this position for 5-10 minutes, the restoration of the aura will be achieved.


Listening to calm music will help you cleanse your home of unpleasant energy and calm yourself down. A frequency of 432 hertz is considered healing, which should be taken into account when selecting compositions. This method of purifying energy after the end of a quarrel is especially relevant. If there is a conflict in the room, then listening to calm melodies for 10-15 minutes will help you calm down.

Another option for effectively restoring the aura is listening to the right songs. The compositions of the white magician Vitaly Vedun and Lucien Shamballani will allow you to carry out energy cleansing. Their album consists of two compositions: “Cleansing session with prayers and spells, backing” and “Cleansing with prayers.”

Essential oils

Essential oils will help you “repair your DNA” and feel better. You can attract positive energy into your life by using bergamot, orange and cedar oils. It will be easier to protect yourself from negativity if you apply a moisturizer to your body morning and evening with the addition of a few drops of similar oils.

Good luck and positive energy will come to the house where this technique is used. Before you start protecting your abode from evil, you need to buy sacred herbs (like Kushi or Darbha) in a specialized store. You can cleanse the room with the smoke of sacred herbs.

Bell ringing

Another method that has received positive feedback is listening to bells ringing. It is important to listen to the bells ringing live. Thanks to this method, it will be possible to improve health and increase energy.

"Combing the Aura"

You will be able to attune your subtle bodies yourself. In order to cleanse your own aura, you need to thoroughly wash your hands and dry them. After this, you should spread your fingers wide and begin to comb the air from top to bottom around your body. At the end of the procedure, you should wash your hands again so that they are clean and free of stuck energy.

Additional Methods

To ensure that the energy channels are not clogged with excess “garbage” and negativity, it is important to pay attention to other cleaning options:

  • Games with the wind. It is important to relax and run towards the wind, while spreading your arms wide. The wind will begin to cleanse the chakras of the body, getting rid of everything unnecessary;
  • Feathers. Using a large feather, you can sweep away energy debris. It is important to ask someone in your household for a favor. It is necessary to perform throwing movements around the body, starting from the legs and ending with the head area. Don't forget about your back. The feather will allow you to destroy bad energy and release positive energy;
  • Refusal of foul language. By uttering swear words out loud, a person independently violates the integrity of his biofield, creating holes. It is important to eliminate swearing from your life and thereby improve your well-being.

By choosing one of the above methods, it will not be difficult to achieve full results. By learning how to cleanse a person’s aura of negativity, you can help your loved one restore strength and peace of mind.

Sometimes we feel tired, irritable or depressed for no apparent reason. Our contacts with negative people are often to blame for this. other people. If your profession involves helping other people, you are particularly exposed to toxic emotions, so you need to regularly .

Here are my three favorite methods:

1. Plants

Probably the easiest way to cleanse yourself of mental debris is to turn to Mother Nature for help.
Plants not only convert carbon dioxide into fresh oxygen, they also transform low energies. Green plants are especially helpful in ridding our bodies of energetic toxins.

to keeping plants near your bed - a potted plant sitting on your nightstand will do wonders while you sleep! It will absorb the heavy energy that you have absorbed during the day and send it into the ether. Don't worry, this does not cause any harm to the plant itself or the ether.

If your activity is, in one way or another, connected with people, if you are, say, a massage therapist or consultant, you are most open to receiving the negativity from which your clients are freed. In this case, I recommend placing the plant on your desktop. By the end of the day you will feel significantly less tired! The angels say that plants with broad leaves are most effective because they absorb the most negative energy. For example, Scindapsus aureus or Philodendron are good choices. Avoid needle-like plants. Feng Shui, the ancient Chinese science of arranging objects in space, also recommends staying away from anything sharp or needle-like. Obviously, leaves of this shape do not support the flow of positive energy.

2. Breaking the ethereal connection

Anyone who works with other people should know about etheric communication and how to deal with it. Typically, when one person develops a fear-based attachment to another person (for example, one is afraid that the other will leave him), a kind of etheric wire is formed between them. This connection is visible to everyone who has clairvoyance, and tangible to those who have well-developed intuition.

Etheric connections are a kind of surgical tubing and function like a pump. When a person who needs you forms an attachment, he begins to suck energy from you through this etheric pump. You may not see him, but you will feel the consequences of his affection - fatigue or sadness for no apparent reason. In fact, all the ego can happen only because one person takes energy and strength from another, and in return sends his waste toxic energy to him through the same channel.

Therefore, whenever you help others or when you feel tired or slow, when you are sad, “cut” this etheric wire. By doing this, you do not reject anyone, you do not break up with anyone, and you do not refuse to help someone. By cutting these ties, you are only breaking the dysfunctional, unconstructive, dependent, and fearful area of ​​your relationship. The part that loves them remains intact.

To cut the etheric connections that weigh you down, say mentally or out loud:

"Archangel Michael, I call upon you now. Please cut the bonds of fear that drain my energy and vitality. I thank you for your help!"

Then spend some time in silence. Throughout the process, try to breathe deeply, as breathing opens the door for angels who want to help you.

You may even feel the cords being pulled apart or something being pulled out of you. You may also feel changes in air pressure or notice other obvious signs that an unhealthy connection is breaking.

People on the other end will definitely think about you at this moment, not knowing that there is a break in the connection that they created. You may even find a lot of SMS messages or emails from them in the “just suddenly thinking about you” series. Do not give in to false ideas about these people: the source of their happiness and energy is still not you - only God.

The channel will be restored every time the person again forms an attachment based on fear towards you. Therefore, such ties will need to be broken constantly.

3. Cleansing by getting rid of negative energy

When you worry about someone, blame yourself for something bad that happened to someone, or, for example, give a massage to someone who is currently experiencing emotional pain, you can involuntarily take on their negative mental energy - and then the desire to help it takes uncontrollable forms and begins to harm you. This happens to everyone, but especially to the servants of Light, who are characterized by a heightened desire to help others - often even at the cost of their own health. Angels tell us methods that will help maintain balance. They want us, while helping others, not to suffer ourselves. This means we must remain open to the support they are willing to give us. Many servants of Light show themselves to be excellent in helping others, but they themselves hardly know how to receive help. Below I describe a method that will help balance this tendency.

To cleanse yourself by sucking out negative energy, turn to the angels for help and mentally say:

“Archangel Michael, I call upon you now to cleanse me and draw out the negative effects of fear.”

Then you will see an image or feel the presence of a large figure - this is the Archangel Michael. He will be accompanied by little angels known as the "Group of Mercy".

Note that Mikhail is holding a pump in his hands. Watch as he directs it to the top of your head where the crown chakra is located. You must decide which suction speed he should choose: the highest, highest, medium or low, since it is you who will be in charge of the process. Mentally direct the pump inside your head, your body and around all your organs. Clean every part of the body, everything, right down to the tips of your fingers and toes. And you will see or feel the psychic dirt humming into the pump, as if someone were vacuuming a dirty carpet. Continue to “vacuum clean” yourself until the psychic garbage stops being sucked into the pipe.

Once you complete the cleansing process, Archangel Michael will switch the pump button so that a dense, white, toothpaste-like light begins to penetrate through the pipe. This is a kind of “sealing” material that will fill those areas where psychic dirt was previously located.

Using suction is one of the most powerful techniques that I have ever tried. You can apply this method to others, working directly with a person or remotely. Just keep the intention to work on it and the process will move forward. Even if you can't clearly see or feel something during the process and are worried: “Is this really happening?” - the result will not be long in coming, and you will see it. After blowjob (cleansing) negative energy most people report immediate relief from depression or anger.

Live in accordance with your feelings. Over time, with practice, your “tuning in” to your own feelings will increase; you will be able to trust their wisdom more.

based on materials from the book: Doreen Virtue - “How to Hear Your Angels” .

Energy cleansing of a person.

Energy cleansing of a person.

Today we will talk about how important energy cleansing is and why you need to start observing it.

What is cleaning?

Cleaning is the removal of negativity that interferes with a person’s life.

How can he interfere and what kind of negativity is this?

First of all, we clean the internal clamps, blocks that impede the flow of energy in the human body. Ideally pure people can be counted on one hand, and these will probably only be saints who constantly pray, and thereby purify their energy and keep their soul and body clean. All other people need to cleanse their body periodically to prevent various diseases, including colds.

Imagine that our body consists (on the energy plane) of many different energy channels. The thickest energy channel is in our spine. The main flow of energy passes through it, directed both from us to space and from space to us. If this main channel is clogged, then a person develops serious illnesses. Most often, the disease occurs precisely from the presence of negativity, various blocks. Blocks appear from stress, fears, evil eyes, damage, in general, all the bad things that humanity has managed to invent over thousands of years. To remove all this, energy cleansing and various cleansing rituals are carried out. There are a lot of them, including those that use both Christian and Scandinavian egregors, that is, runes, elemental energies, etc.

If a person who decides to engage in magic, in particular extrasensory perception, or developing the ability to manage energies, does not have energy blocks removed, then he may experience unpleasant sensations called diseases of spiritual development. That is, this is a feeling of pressure in the head, temples, various parts of the body, some kind of incomprehensible spontaneous pain.

What does this come from? A person is trying to develop the ability to pass a large amount of energy through himself, but he has a block on one of his channels and the energy that moves along the channel cannot penetrate through it. It (energy) begins to accumulate in this place and the organ located next to this place becomes uncomfortable and begins to hurt.

Techniques for human energy cleansing.

What simple cleaning techniques exist that you can use for yourself in everyday life. The simplest thing is express cleaning, which breaks off various bindings. This is a breathing practice that is carried out as follows. As soon as you feel any discomfort, do the following: completely exhale the air from your lungs, hold your breath to the maximum. That is, an indicator that you are more or less clean is that you were able to hold your breath on a full exhalation for seventeen, twenty seconds or more. If you were able to hold your breath for less than twelve seconds, it means that something is already on you and with this breath you are breaking off some bindings from yourself, removing them, making your condition easier using the express method.

Cleaning must be done constantly, since any visit to large crowds of people gives a coating of a certain amount of negativity on the biofield. The next thing you can do without even leaving your place, if, say, somewhere at work you feel unwell after communicating with some bad person, or in a crowd on the street, or in transport, is to memorize some simple Christian prayer. For example, “Our Father.” Read this prayer at least mentally and it is advisable to also baptize yourself mentally. There are also short prayers for cleansing - these are “Rejoice, Virgin Mary”, “Life-giving Christ”.

Candle cleansing scheme.

Next is a scheme for cleansing yourself with a candle. This pattern is called a "spiral". A fairly simple cleansing regimen that you can do in the evening if you're feeling under the weather. The diagram shows that the candle is first held over the human body in a spiral from head to toe, then rises vertically, then falls down and again rises upward in a spiral. At the same time, you need to read a prayer. When you read the prayer three times and carry out all the cleansing manipulations with the candle, let it burn out. This cleansing removes weak everyday evil eyes that occur from quarrels, stress or from one’s own negative emotions.

Rules for maintaining the purity of your energy.

Keeping yourself and your home clean. After you come from somewhere, for example, from a store, a long trip, or just going out to take out the trash, you must come and wash your hands. Washing your hands washes away not only germs, but also negative energy that your hands could pick up from everywhere. It would also be good to wash your face. It was not for nothing that there was a custom in Rus' when, after a journey, a person, a merchant, always came to the bathhouse and first washed himself off the path, and then went about his business.

The second rule of energy hygiene is to try not to become emotionally attached to the situation. That is, if you feel that a tense situation is arising, which can later be reflected by the presence of negativity in your biofield, then try to detach yourself. That is, you are here, but the situation is somewhere there and it does not concern you. It's like you're watching it on TV. Even if this situation concerns you directly and let’s say your bosses are standing in front of you and scolding you for something, just imagine that you are looking at all this from the outside. You will immediately feel much better. You will be able to control your words, your emotions, react correctly, calm down.

If there is an opportunity to avoid negative problems and situations, then take advantage of this opportunity. Try to remain silent rather than say a bad word, because the spoken word already has power and will affect you if the person you offended harbors a grudge against you.

If you are going to visit a place where there are a lot of people, try to protect yourself by getting yourself some kind of protective amulet, or using mental protection. For example, when moving among people, imagine that you are constantly under a waterfall. A large stream of water pours over you, constantly washing and cleansing your body. This will help you develop your visualization, the power of thought, and you will also be able to simply protect yourself. The more often you visualize this, the better this protection will work. You can also imagine that you are in a mirror sphere, which is mirrored outside of you. And everyone who looks at you sees not you, but only themselves. And whatever bad they think about you, they will think about themselves accordingly. All the negativity directed at you will come back to them.

There are also protective words that would be good to know and say at a time when they wish something bad to your face. For example, there are such simple phrases that are easy to remember: “Your speeches are on your shoulders,” “There is a circle around me, it was not me who drew it, but my Mother of God,” “I have twelve strengths, you have five.” These defensive phrases are very helpful in acute moments of disputes and quarrels.

All people should know these basic energy cleansing rules and methods of protection in order to keep themselves constantly in good shape, keep their lives positive, good events and just be happy.

Words of amulets you need to know about...

Words-amulets, agmas (Slavic mantras), quick words, whispers - these are the names of short, succinct words or phrases pronounced in critical situations. And despite the fact that most often they are completely meaningless (at least for modern people), they actually work, saving us from various misfortunes and troubles, and sometimes even from terrible death.

Remove Ber!

The word “amulet” itself is something that is meant to protect, and according to one version it comes from the word “ber” - this is what our Slavic ancestors called an uncontrollable, violent elemental spirit, as well as a connecting rod bear that left its home ahead of time den (Ber's house) and therefore was very dangerous. So the amulet is protection from Ber, it pacifies him and brings peace, harmony and beauty into people’s lives.
The protective power of familiar words

The basis of any amulets is the Word (remember: “in the beginning was the Word..."), and therefore they were enchanted, in other words, processed with a special Word. And depending on what exactly, what emotions and what intention were invested in it, this force became destructive or creative.
The so-called quick words, as a rule, have precisely protective (blessing) power, since “soon” - that is, quickly - you need to say just such words. However, most of them are well known to everyone, and we use them quite often. One of the most common among them is a word that each of us sometimes pronounces more than once a day. This is the word "thank you". By saying it, we seem to bless (protect, ask for protection for him, bless him) some person. From the same series are such greeting words glorifying God as “glory to God”, “with God” (“walk with God”), “hello”, “be healthy” and others. These words have become traditional, and we have forgotten that they are words of amulets.

Who is Chur?

Although there are also long-forgotten, but very effective words of amulets. We know some of them. Such, for example, as the word “chur”. Few people know what this word is and where it came from, but expressions like “keep away from me”, “keep away from me”, “don’t shy away from me” are still alive. We rarely use them, but in vain.
The Slavs had such a god - Chur, the guardian of the family hearth and the boundaries of land holdings. At the border, for him (and for themselves, defining the boundary), they placed special logs with signs-symbols depicted on them, which began to be called chocks (and what has this word turned into now?). The area where Chur ruled received a kind of sanctification in this way, and he strictly ensured that no evil spirit crossed its borders. As a resident of passing roads, Chur had power over the devils. Therefore, in case of danger, it is still advised to remember this Slavic god and shut up, saying: “Beware of me!” And he even protects the secrets of a person’s thoughts. If someone says something unpleasant, you should shut him down: “Keep your mouth shut!” - and the evil wish will not come true. Well, if you find something valuable and you don’t want to share it with anyone, you need to say: “Never mind you!” - and the kind ancient god will save the find only for you.
Another word-amulet, which is better never to use, but it is advisable to know, sounds like this: “Abara”. There is no better word if you are in danger. It is like an invisible weapon against a real, completely visible and tangible weapon. When you are attacked, you need to quickly say this word, and the weapon will lose its power, and the energy of aggression will transfer to the one who emits it.

In any case, it is good because it sounds short (there is simply no time to think and read conspiracies during a truly dangerous situation), is easy to remember and - most importantly - really helps!

In addition, you should remember that any evil directed against you can be stopped in the name of God. If you are in danger, you need to quickly ask Jesus for help: “Jesus, come yourself and help me, not my enemies!”
If danger is possible - you feel it, but the person is not doing anything yet, then mentally order him: “Don’t touch!”, “Take everything for yourself!”, and the danger will pass you by.

The fire of a candle carries within itself the Radiance of the Universal Divine Sveta...

People who heal their Soul and their energy spaces from pain, hatred, fears with the help of prayers, meditations and rituals with candles realize how dangerous it is to leave negativity in their energy. It is better to cleanse yourself in a timely manner with the help of a candle fire - after all, in the flame of a candle is the Divine Radiance of the Universal Power of Life.

And it is very correct that they do not want to live in the old way, carrying in their energy the energy of the darkness of the lower planes. Entities of higher hierarchies can penetrate through this negativity, through energy holes in the biofield - and then expect trouble...| This is a very powerful self-purification practice. The most powerful in yoga.

Yes, it is not as easy as, for example, energy gymnastics. But at the same time, this exercise is very powerful - I tell you from my own experience.
For independent energy cleansing, you are unlikely to find something more effective.

Yes, it requires 11 minutes a day and some effort. But what it can give you is incomparable to your costs. In any case, it’s up to you to decide whether to do it or not, because it’s your life. Opportunities and tools are provided to you.

After the first 2 minutes, your body will begin to heal itself. All cells will interact in this process. Your body will begin to heal and you will begin to experience pain in every muscle.

Human energy, how to restore it - this is what today’s article is about. Each person, without exception, has his own energy. From the moment of birth until death. You need to cleanse your energy. Just like we cleanse our body. In essence, this is our subtle body. What are the signs of the need for energy cleansing?

It should be noted that there is a huge amount of different information around us all the time. A significant part, unfortunately, carries negative energy. Possessing destructive properties.

Negative energy depresses the human biofield

What does this affect? They may also appear at work. Chronic diseases are getting worse. Increased fatigue and low emotional background are noted. The person is immersed in and experiences a feeling of oppression. His life begins to resemble a series.

In this case, you need to immediately clear the energy field. Get rid of negative energy that negatively affects a person’s well-being.

Human energy - how to restore it? You can do the practice of clearing negativity yourself right now.

Restoring energy is not as simple a task as many may think at first glance. Special abilities and extensive experience in providing such assistance are required. One of these specialists is practicing healer Oksana Manoilo, who has successfully helped a large number of people.

Many people, like a sponge, begin to absorb the negative energy they encounter throughout the day. It is important to cleanse yours, just like your physical body. And learn to deal with such negative phenomena.

It is almost impossible to completely restore your energy without the participation of a professional. Only a true healer is able to recognize what is required. Initially, it is carried out and only then cleansing if necessary.

How to restore human energy yourself?

You can get rid of negative energy on your own if you have sufficient experience and knowledge in this area. Otherwise, you will need the help of a specialist. Oksana Manoilo offers effective cleansing and restoration of human energy. A unique technique is used to achieve positive results as quickly as possible.

You need to understand that cleansing and restoring energy is a very labor-intensive process. Requiring maximum concentration and expenditure of one's own energy. Therefore, the person conducting the cleansing must at least have strong, healthy energy.

Human energy - what is it and how to restore it?

Each person has two types of energy:

1.Physical or life.

2. Free or creative.

There are several ways to increase energy levels, depending on its type. A person’s physical energy is actively restored during rest or sleep.

Restoring creative energy is quite a long process. Especially when we live in constant conditions.

To speed up the recovery process you need to contact professionals. Just like you turn to hairdressers, cosmetologists, nutritionists, trainers... for body care.

Oksana Manoilo will not only cleanse, but also restore the destroyed and “broken” human energy. Will provide quality at the highest level. Already within the first two weeks you will feel an improvement in your well-being, life will sparkle with colors.

How is human energy restored?

In short.

  1. At the first stage, a person’s energy is diagnosed using photography.
  2. The specialist studies it most carefully. Energy cleansing is an important and responsible process that should not be trusted to amateurs. Otherwise, you can only do harm.
  3. Special knowledge and techniques will help restore energy.
  4. They will provide its protection for a long time.
  5. They will help remove deformations in the energy field.

Human energy often suffers, how to restore it yourself? Is it possible to? Do such knowledge and practices exist? You can learn this yourself. In her course "" Oksana is happy to share her knowledge. Without making this a sealed secret.

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Why is information filtering important for human energy and its restoration?

Any person, through his actions, words and deeds, forms a unique information field around himself. Strong human energy is considered the key to full development and personal happiness. How can I restore it?

Strong human energy, what is it? Good energy, like a magnet, attracts good events and useful acquaintances. Promotes success in all endeavors. Helps you develop and become better. Information filtering makes it possible to cut out negative information. Which negatively affects the human biofield. Makes him fragile and vulnerable.

Polluted human energy provokes the emergence of various types. Promotes the development of depression and depression. Does not allow you to fully enjoy life.

Sooner or later, the accumulated negativity will have the opportunity to undermine your health. Will facilitate the possibility of guidance and the evil eye. Experienced Oksana Manoilo will help you get rid of energy dirt.

Human energy is weakening, how to restore it? It is important to seek help in a timely manner. If you have begun to be haunted by failures or have serious health problems, then you should not think twice. Delay can only worsen the state of a person’s energy field. Which will require a long recovery period.

Do not forget that the disease is treated in proportion to the time of illness. That is, if your energy has been suffering for half a year, or even more. And you turn a blind eye to this and think that living in depression, apathy, etc. is the norm. Even the treatment will not happen in one day with the wave of a magic wand. Although this happened more than once.

But it is still recommended to monitor your mental state no less, or even more carefully, than for. The healer is able to cleanse a person at the energetic level. The cleaning process usually takes two weeks. Much depends on the person and the degree of neglect of the condition.

Signs that energy needs to be cleaned

The following signs can be identified. Which indicate the need to undergo a cleaning procedure:

  1. Noticeable lack of vitality and increased fatigue.
  2. Haunted by an unreasonable feeling.
  3. Frequent illnesses.
  4. Long periods of depression.
  5. Sharp, causeless changes in mood from joy to deep sadness.
  6. Problems arise at work and in your personal life.
  7. Human energy - how to restore it?