Crafts made from corrugated, colored cardboard for the New Year. Stencil of a New Year's deer made of paper - do-it-yourself window decorations for the New Year Print out deer templates for cutting

With the onset of cold weather, people wait for snow, and after it has fallen, they begin preparations for the most magical and beloved holiday. New Year is loved by everyone, and resembles a fairy tale that you don’t want to leave. In this connection, every home tries to dress as festively as possible. New Year's deer stencils for cutting, or in other words, templates, will help to attractively decorate any home.

It is the New Year’s deer stencils for cutting out that can be found on the windows of residential buildings. After all, every child knows that Grandfather Frost comes from the forest on a team of reindeer, otherwise he will not have time to distribute gifts to everyone for the holiday. Children really like images of such cute animals, so they often help their mothers glue such decorations to windows.

Animals are cut out of paper, on which their image is outlined with clear contours. Today, such crafts are often called vytynanki. Moreover, it does not have to be just one image, it can be anything. Deer, roosters, snowflakes, houses and so on.

New Year's crafts made by yourself and downloaded will look much more valuable than purchased decorations. In addition, it is not necessary to glue them only to the window. Vytynanka can be used to decorate a forest guest Christmas tree or to decorate a home.

A New Year's deer, if enlarged several times, can easily decorate any scene. Indeed, today they often hold theatrical performances, as well as other matinees in kindergartens or other institutions.

Using the desired template, you can decorate any establishments, for example, shops, cafes, offices and other institutions. If the stencil is made with the image of snowflakes, then it can be transferred to the window with different colors or cut out of paper and pasted with a soap solution.

Today, delicately made vytynankas are more popular than other boring New Year’s decorations. Undoubtedly, tinsel, garlands, as well as colored rain bring their charm. Although many household members make such crafts on their own. Of course, this is done in advance and often with the whole family using additionally prepared material.

To make jewelry, you need to know a couple of important rules. In most cases, these nuances relate specifically to the protrusion. When cutting out small parts, it is best to use a stationery knife, as it will help bring the product into a neat appearance. The contours of the image should be smooth and clear.

Auxiliary tools for crafts at home

  1. A stationery knife, if there are no hard-to-reach places to cut, then you can use scissors.
  2. A solid base, because it is not uncommon for a simple table to be cut, thereby ruining it. Experienced amateurs use cutting boards for such purposes.
  3. Glue, soap, water.
  4. Invisible threads for hanging items.
  5. An awl or a needle, depending on the density of the material from which the craft is prepared.
  6. Cardboard, sheets of white paper.
  7. Paints, gouache, multi-colored sparkles and beads, you can use another arsenal of accessories.
  8. A simple pencil and eraser.

Making crafts

It’s not uncommon to draw a template yourself, but this option is not suitable for everyone. Therefore, many people, using a simple white blank sheet of paper, apply it to a well-drawn silhouette of the stencil being used and transfer the image with a pencil.

Some people look for a template on the Internet and then enlarge it on the screen. Then, attaching a sheet of paper to the monitor, they also transfer the image using a pencil and eraser. You can print the template using a printer, but the above options are for those who do not have the ability to print.

After the image is drawn and cut out, it can be used for decoration. Although there are some factors to consider. For example, a team of deer will look good on a window with a lot of space in front.

If the deer are made one at a time, then they can be beautifully decorated using Christmas glitter and hung on the Christmas tree. You can make a whole garland on which to hang a round dance of deer around the forest beauty.

For the garland, take long tinsel, onto which animals are glued one at an equal distance. You can carefully tie them on a thread by making small holes in the middle of the silhouette, through which you pull the thread and secure it to the tinsel. After the garland is ready, decorate the Christmas tree with it in a circle.

As mentioned above, children love to help their parents with New Year's crafts. Therefore, in order to captivate your child, you can make a beautiful large deer from cardboard yourself. The tools you will need are the same as before. The only thing you need to add is a large sheet of cardboard on which the silhouette of a deer will be applied.

The silhouette of a charming animal must be applied to the selected cardboard base. A simple pencil, an eraser and the owner’s imagination will help you do this. And don’t forget that deer sometimes have beautiful lush antlers, which definitely need to be applied. It is best to take a picture of the animal, put it in front of you and simply redraw it in an enlarged form.

Perhaps you should try to decorate your apartment in a completely new way by painting real frosty patterns on the windows. They will require protrusions.

The most popular options for vytynankas are sleighs, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden and bunnies. These are the traditional heroes of the holiday. New Year's deer stencils for cutting out are no less popular.

  • How to make a deer stencil

What are vytynanki and what are they eaten with?

- one of the many types of needlework. It is based on working with paper, namely cutting out various figures and then transferring them to glass. The figures can be either simply glued or applied to the window with a “frosty pattern” based on an existing blank (vytynanka). Thanks to this technique, it is easy to decorate not only apartment windows, but also store windows, windows in a school auditorium or kindergarten, and even a mirror in the hallway.

Where did the world first learn about vytynanki? This needlework technique came into the homes of modern craftsmen from seventh century China. Paper fakes were also used here for decorative purposes. In Russia, this art first appeared in the twentieth century. In this century, vytynanki spread to Europe.

Gradually, the technique of creating stencils of various paper figures began to become popular not only on the eve of the New Year, but also at Christmas and Easter. In addition, in some localities in Russia, vytynankas are used to decorate the bride’s house several days before the wedding.

What materials are needed to make a vytynanka

To make a stencil, you will need the following materials:

1. White paper (A4 size).
2. Thick cardboard.
3. Scissors (manicure).
4. Knife (stationery).
5. Soap solution.

White paper is usually needed to make window shapes. You will need cardboard for those cases when you want to make several beautiful hanging figures.

In “Everything for Creativity” stores you can find special kits for making vytynankas. Then they proceed as follows - either transfer the finished patterns onto paper, or give free rein to their imagination and draw figures as they see fit.

It is not necessary to cut out single figures. Armed with stencils, it’s easy to recreate a real full-fledged picture on the window. For example, this could be the house of Father Frost, near which there is a sleigh drawn by reindeer, his granddaughter Snegurochka is walking nearby, and snowflakes are in the air.

- this is the most common pattern for vytynankas. First you need to draw a snowflake by hand or print a ready-made template. Then glue it to the glass using a soap solution. To make a snowflake look like a real one, you will need toothpaste. It is diluted with water so that the consistency of liquid sour cream is obtained, then a toothbrush is dipped into it and hands are run over the pile so that splashes fly away from it. These splashes should fall on the glass, namely around the snowflake. The result should be a snowfall effect.

How to make a deer stencil

With a slight movement of the hand, a New Year's deer can appear on the window. For this you will need:

1. White paper (A4 size).
2. Scissors (manicure).
3. Knife (stationery).
4. Pencil.
5. Grater.

First of all, you need to decide what kind of New Year’s deer will be - drawn with your own hands, or printed from the Internet. On the Internet you can find a huge number of ready-made templates, which you just have to print and cut out all the excess. To do this you will need a sharp utility knife. If you use ordinary scissors to cut out small parts, the stencil can easily be damaged - wrinkled, cut off excess or an uneven cut.

For those who have a knack for fine art, you can try drawing a deer by hand. For this you will also need plain white paper. Cardboard should be used only when the stencil is not intended for a window, but, for example, for a Christmas tree as a hand made toy.

The size of the stencil depends solely on how the master wants to see it. The finished vytynanka is glued to the window with soapy water and sprinkled with “snow” - toothpaste. As an alternative, you can use special decorative snow, which is sold in the form of cans at any “Everything for creativity” store. Unlike toothpaste, it does not need any special preparation for application. Just shake the can and spray.

Why making vytynankas is useful for children

Adults and their young children can make a template (stencil) for gluing various figures in the form of deer or any other animals onto windows. Firstly, the baby will definitely like this activity, if only because he will do it together with his parents.

Modern people have very little time left to spend with their children. Making for windows on the eve of the New Year is a real chance to spend time with your family doing a useful activity. The kids will be pleased to do something for everyone, becoming the most significant person for the family for a few hours.

In addition, creating a template (stencil) is also useful because this technique develops fine motor skills of the hands. This skill is very useful for preschool children. In the future, the baby will not have any problems with the need to cut something exactly out of paper. Plus, making a template for figures on windows is useful because this technique activates a person’s creative thinking. In the future, this may play into the hands of the child when choosing his profession. It is possible that just because of such activities, the grown-up child will want to connect his life with some kind of creative activity.

On New Year's Eve, it's time to decorate your home to create a special festive atmosphere. Previously, snowflakes cut from white thin paper were glued to windows, but now it has become incredibly fashionable to cut out pictures and figures using the “pull-out” technique.

This kind of creativity is based on templates cut out of paper or cardboard. Whatman paper is also quite suitable for these purposes. Such decorations look very beautiful!

To carefully and accurately draw and then cut out the templates, you will need the following tools:

  • A4 paper;
  • a simple pencil;
  • ruler;
  • eraser;
  • a special mat (a regular cutting board will do);
  • a special paper knife (a simple stationery knife will also do);
  • thin nail scissors.

It is best to print the drawings using a printer. If you don’t have such a unit at hand, you can easily redraw the template you like using a computer. Simply enlarge the drawing to the desired size using the Ctrl button and scrolling the mouse, then place a sheet of white paper on the screen and trace the outline with a pencil. After this, place the sheet on the table and aim more clearly. The template is ready! All that remains is to cut out this miracle and stick it on the window with soapy water.

Stencils for windows: Father Frost and Snow Maiden

With small figures of his granddaughter, the Snow Maiden, you can decorate a window or make a wonderful composition on a windowsill or table. If you make the template larger, it is quite possible to decorate the walls.

Stencils for the New Year: Funny snowmen

Adorable snowmen are a must to decorate every New Year's home. It is very easy to cut out figurines of good-natured snowmen symmetrically, or you can make entire families of snowmen using templates and a stationery knife. A composition with a Christmas tree, a snowman and Santa Claus will also look beneficial on the window.

New Year's stencils: Christmas tree and nature

The Christmas tree can be cut out and pasted on the window as a silhouette, or you can make a symmetrical volumetric cutout and put our Christmas tree. To make a standing Christmas tree, you can glue two identical Christmas tree templates onto a round paper stand or fold each Christmas tree in half and glue them together.

Stencils for windows: Christmas tree decorations and balls

Christmas tree decorations can be easily cut out according to an individual template or in a symmetrical pattern. A similar decoration is used to complement the composition on the window, hang it on the New Year tree, or attach it with threads to a curtain or chandelier.

New Year's paper stencils: Snow-covered houses

Nothing will look as cozy and cute as a snow-covered house in a New Year's picture on your window. You can cut out a small hut or an ice palace, or you can place a whole village of small houses on the window. If you symmetrically cut out the silhouette of a city or village from thick paper or cardboard, and put a garland inside, you will get a magnificent backlit composition.

Stencils for the New Year: New Year's bells

With the help of wonderful stencils and templates you can cut out beautiful bells. Carved New Year or Christmas bells can be glued to the window as a cute addition to the composition of the Snow Maiden, Santa Claus, Christmas tree and snowy houses. You can also glue translucent paper (such as tracing paper) to the bell template. This bell can be used with a backlight effect.

Window stencils: Sleigh, cart, deer

Another New Year's fairy tale character is a deer. A team of reindeer delivers Father Frost and Snow Maiden to the appointed place. We present to your attention excellent templates for cutting out sleighs and deer. Such drawings will look great on the holiday windows of your home.

Santa Claus's sleigh is one of the favorite symbols of the upcoming January magic. There is no more accurate harbinger of the new year and pleasant surprises than them. Every child, and deep down also an adult, dreams of seeing a sleigh with reindeers driven by Santa Claus with their own eyes at least once in their life. Stencils for windows are an effective and easy way to decorate them using any pictures you like. The advantage of such decorations is that they do not require artistic skills or special skills.

For implementation it is enough:

  • Download our proposed stencils of Santa Claus's sleigh
  • Print pictures in any convenient size - they can be large or small, but the A4 format is considered optimal for ordinary windows. The image will be complemented by deer and gifts rushing at full speed.
  • Cut out the protrusions, attach to the window, glue or paint over the area using paints/artificial snow. For image integrity, it is important that the workpiece is pressed tightly. Or you can simply glue ready-made paper crafts to the windows.

Children will enjoy the procedure and will be a fun way to spend time for them and the whole family. Such sleighs will not only fill you with a festive mood, so you can start from the first days of December. May your New Year be joyful and happy!