How Mother's Day is celebrated in different countries of the world. Mother's Day in Finland How Mother's Day is celebrated in Finland

There are more than 200 countries in the world. Each of them has its own laws, orders, culture, and customs. Not everyone is lucky enough to travel around them all. But it is quite possible to simply find out some unusual facts about the territories of interest. Finland is a beautiful small country. The unique natural beauty amazes tourists. The sights and architecture of this country are superb. Sparkling fountains and clear waters leave an unforgettable impression. It is best to visit this country at the end of spring - the first greenery appears, the earth wakes up from hibernation, birdsong can be heard everywhere. Not everyone knows what holidays are in May and the red days of the calendar in this country are almost the same as in Russia.

Nearest neighbors

Finland is very popular among tourists. Many people come here for shopping, others want to relax quietly with their family. Inexpensive goods and clothing sold in this country attract Russians. Residents of St. Petersburg especially actively visit Finland, because they are just a stone's throw away from their closest neighbors. Many of them support the Finnish football club and listen to their popular performers. If you want a change of scenery, but long flights are very tiring - welcome to Finland!

Red days of the calendar

As in any other country, in Finland there are many official, folk, professional, and religious holidays. Holidays in May in Finland are celebrated cheerfully and on a grand scale. Concerts in squares, picnics, partying until the morning. Any tourist will like the national flavor. Although the list of national dishes is not too long, the food is very tasty and healthy. Therefore, you can spend your time in this country with pleasure.

1st of May

The first day of May is a labor holiday. They celebrate this especially noisily and zealously. They call it Vappu - this is the name of the Catholic Holy Virgin. Walpurgis Memorial Day falls on May 1st. The shopping areas and markets are crowded - a fun fair is about to begin. They sell everything there: souvenirs, food, homemade baked goods, wines, beer, honey. Folk festivities are very fun and loud. Students, past and present, put on their heads white caps, carnival masks and elegant clothes. All these actions take place the day before, that is, April 30. Holidays in May in Finland overlap one another. Labor Day and college graduations conveniently coincide. Therefore, the fun begins in the evening on the last day of April.

Havis Amanda

A very interesting tradition exists in this country. There is a beautiful fountain in the square in Helsinki, headed by the bronze girl Havis Amanda. A slender, graceful body attracts millions of glances. The indigenous people call it affectionately - Manta. In the evening, all graduates gather near this sea nymph.

May 1 is a significant holiday in Finland, so early in the morning the national flag is raised in the central park. Residents, rested after yesterday's festivities, begin to flock there for picnics. Those who do not like going out into nature book tables in cafes and restaurants. Every self-respecting person should try the national dish this evening - brushwood with honey.

May 1st is a holiday and an official day off in Finland. Everyone is having fun, walking and visiting.

Favorite word: mom

Mother's Day is the most wonderful holiday. The second Sunday in May, all mothers in Finland relax and accept congratulations. This solemn day has been celebrated in the country since 1918. Moms receive gifts that bring tears to their eyes. Postcards, toys made by children. Concerts and tea parties are held in educational institutions in honor of beloved mothers. Children prepare a program in advance: dances, songs, pleasant congratulatory words, homemade gifts.


Holidays in May in Finland are all good. But Mother's Day is especially beloved by residents. The President personally presents awards to honored mothers. The Order of the White Rose, established back in 1919, is also awarded to those who raise orphans. Women receive a sea of ​​beautiful bouquets, warm words and smiles.

In Helsinki there is a beautiful monument “Mother - Worker”. It was installed for the holiday in 1996. From now on, people lay flowers at the monument on this memorable day and pray for the health of their mothers.

Since 1947, the national flag has been raised in the capital on this day. The holiday is considered a home holiday, but concerts and performances take place in city squares. Many people book tables in restaurants, yacht trips, and trips to nature. Adults always visit their parents and bring flowers, gifts, and cakes. Holidays in May in Finland are very cheerful and filled with positive emotions.

Holy Thursday

May 9 in Finland - They call it Helatorstay. The most significant holidays in this country have been declared official holidays. People visit holy places, temples, cathedrals. This holiday is celebrated on the fortieth day after Easter in memory of the ascension of Jesus Christ. Every year there are different dates. In 2015, May 14 is a holiday in Finland - Ascension. It was on this day that Jesus' ministry on earth ended. The Savior of mankind entered the heavenly gates of his Father.

On this day, our ancestors burned bonfires, sang songs and asked the Lord to send a good harvest. In the evening, huge bonfires were lit everywhere, calling for good weather and driving away evil spirits. Now these customs have sunk into oblivion, people gather for liturgies and then have dinner with their families.

Residents of Finland are very sensitive to this bright day. They believe that if you do a lot of good deeds on this day, everything will come back doubly. This is an ancient tradition of the country, people have been observing it for many years. Holidays in May in Finland are usually celebrated noisily and cheerfully. But on a Thursday in May the streets are quiet, calm and deserted. Holotorstai is quiet. On this day it is customary to visit relatives, especially the elderly, and have intimate conversations over a cup of tea. In 2015, Ascension falls on May 14, the holiday in Finland will be as quiet and family-friendly as in any other year.

Time stops

According to legends, on this bright holiday nature slows down, even grass grows more slowly. Shops and entertainment venues are closed on this day; transport runs on a special schedule. There is calm and peace in the cities and villages of Finland. But the next day a huge number of marriages are registered, mass sacraments of Baptism are performed. This is how unusual and touching the May 14 holiday in Finland is.

Each country has its own customs and manners of celebrating holidays. For some they will seem strange and awkward. There are many similar holidays in Russia and Finland. Some citizens of our country go to this country for colorful festivities. The winter red days of the calendar are also celebrated there on a grand scale. And in the warm season there is something to see; the nature of this country is amazing! Here are the interesting and fun holidays in May in Finland.

Wherever you live, remember to have fun and celebrate special days. After all, gray workdays are tiring. The soul and body definitely need at least a little rest. Children are especially sensitive to holidays. Give them smiles, fun and good memories.

    The rule is usually that you can ride on spikes for a week after Finnish Easter, this year it turns out it was possible until 29.4. Now it's only summer or no thorns.

    Tell me, until what date can I enter Finland on studded tires? Thank you!

    Hello! Please tell me how much cooked pig meat I can take with me, what is the fine for bringing pork sausage to Russia from Ukraine?

    Please tell me, a dog died in Finland, what needs to be done to bring it back to Russia?

    Good afternoon, a dark sun strip made of film 14 cm wide has been glued onto the windshield of the car. Will there be problems crossing the border with a stripe on the windshield? Thank you.

    Hello, the couple is traveling to Finland by car. The car belongs to the wife, the husband will drive. MTPL for both spouses. Do I need a power of attorney from the owner for the driver? And who is the Green Card issued to? Please tell me who knows.

    Good evening! Does anyone know if studded tires are already allowed in Finland?

    The question is certainly interesting)) what kind of passport do you have? Eurocitizen? then of course there is no need.

    Do you need a visa to Finland for a 3-day trip?

    Good evening. I’ll buy a used men’s bike, I live in Turku. I'm waiting for an offer. Write on FB or email [email protected]

    Needed urgently, by 30.04. driver from Vyborg to Imatra Finnish customs. Call 79216599858 no earlier than 10.00

    Now there is practically no one here (in the chat))) ((And in the new one, I didn’t find anything like that. And it seems like it was possible until April 9.

    Guys, Good afternoon. Tell me, until what date can I enter Finland on studded tires?

    vassi, after 20.00 it is possible. On Saturdays and Wednesdays.

    is there somewhere to chat? or is it just a mona here?

    They'll kill you, or maybe they'll leave you

    And what will happen to the chat now? Will they be destroyed along with a wonderful site?

    Sidor2018, great, if so, and the cans are not necessarily beer cans, they can also be lemonade)

    WA, for a returned bottle or beer can, the money is returned at any time. The check does not have a validity period.

    Sidor2018, yeah, it looks like that

    Tell us better, according to the receipt for the returned bottles (cans), how long can you shop? Does it have a deadline for implementation?

    Yaroslav, But they found a knife on me, what could happen? Answer. Yes, you can’t tell me that you wanted to stab the teacher with a knife, but like dad just forgot, and you didn’t check... fine. But should the border have been given some kind of paperwork? Where it should have been written that he violated it.

    vassi, as an old man, I can say that under the USSR they didn’t even carry that much. But no one knew, and there was no chaos that caused people to grind their teeth. A master, he is always a master, and always the best that the plebs consume. And the country is going where it was going before, into a hole.

    Sidor2018, yes, and now ishsho and suitcases with “coke” have added fuel to the fire. where is Katitsa Raseyya, horror

Despite the fact that in our country Mother's Day has been officially celebrated for 18 years, there are not many traditions of honoring women - flowers, cards, etc. We invite you to get acquainted with how this wonderful holiday is celebrated in other countries of the world. You can take something interesting into note, or come up with your own scenario for congratulating the most important and beloved person in your life.


In 2015, this country was named the most favorable for motherhood according to the rating of the international organization Save the Children. In the land of a thousand lakes, white lilies and Moomins, heroine mothers and women raising orphans are awarded the highest state award. This tradition has existed since 1919, and the awarded order has the beautiful name “White Rose”.

By the way, about flowers. Residents of Finland prefer to give their mothers beautiful plants in pots. For the holiday, a special variety of roses was even bred, called “Mother’s Day.”

Finns also celebrate the second Sunday in May by raising the flag and holding ceremonies near the monuments and the Mother-Worker, which are located in Helsinki.


The history of the celebration of Muttertag (the name of the holiday in this country) dates back to medieval Thuringia. Spring Sunday became a national holiday in the 30s of the 20th century.

On this day, it is customary to visit mothers and present small gifts and bouquets with a dozen roses. If the mother is no longer around, then they commemorate the loved one symbolically with one white rose. In Germany, there are no noisy street events on Mother's Day; everyone spends the holiday weekend in the close circle of their closest relatives.


It was in this country that the significant day was first celebrated in 1872 on the initiative of Julia Ward Howe, a public figure. Anna Jarvis proposed making the holiday national. The initiative was soon supported by many other countries, and the holiday became international.

Americans attach a red carnation to their clothes as a symbol that mother is nearby and prospering, or a white carnation to express their gratitude and respect to those who are no longer there.

Marketers in this country know how to benefit from any holiday. Mother's Day is no exception. In addition to traditional dinners, cards, and gifts, it has recently become a tradition to present a “mother’s ring.” Its peculiarity is that the number of stones should be equal to the number of children the mother raised. A very pleasant tradition for women with many children!


1929 marks the beginning of Mother's Day celebrations on Liberty Island. Cubans celebrate this day on a grand scale. Street celebrations, floral fairs, presentation of gifts and special greeting cards.

Drawings for postcards are created by artists commissioned by grateful sons and daughters. There have been cases when the postal service issued a million paper tokens for Mother's Day.

Those who are outside their homeland also necessarily write letters to their relatives. Words written in your own handwriting are now so priceless in our time of electronic messages.


In the “Country of Opposite”, the holiday also falls on the second Sunday of May, and is celebrated here with great enthusiasm. Children bring their mothers breakfast in bed, make small gifts with their own hands and stock up on cute bouquets. Adult children and other relatives don’t get by with trinkets and souvenirs; they give their mothers a solid and expensive gift.

Residents of the Green Continent also attach red or white carnations to their clothes as a sign of respect or memory of those closest to them. By the way, in this country it is also customary to congratulate all representatives of the fair half who are involved in raising children.


In this amazing country, Ahoy-Ashtami (as the name of the holiday sounds) does not coincide calendar wise with other countries; here it is celebrated in October. There is a legend according to which a mother of seven sons accidentally killed a little bear cub. For her sin, she was deprived of all her children. Heartbroken, the mother tirelessly prayed to the goddess Ashtami Bhagavati, and she revived the children. On this day, all mothers are in prayer from morning until sunset, asking for happiness and prosperity for their children.


"Haha no hi" (Japanese Mother's Day) has been celebrated in the Land of the Rising Sun for a long time - since 1915. Mothers receive souvenirs, carnations (not white ones) from the hands of their offspring, and also listen to “mother’s song” about mother’s knitting mittens and the smell of the hearth. A very touching tradition.

Happy holiday, dear mothers!

    The rule is usually that you can ride on spikes for a week after Finnish Easter, this year it turns out it was possible until 29.4. Now it's only summer or no thorns.

    Tell me, until what date can I enter Finland on studded tires? Thank you!

    Hello! Please tell me how much cooked pig meat I can take with me, what is the fine for bringing pork sausage to Russia from Ukraine?

    Please tell me, a dog died in Finland, what needs to be done to bring it back to Russia?

    Good afternoon, a dark sun strip made of film 14 cm wide has been glued onto the windshield of the car. Will there be problems crossing the border with a stripe on the windshield? Thank you.

    Hello, the couple is traveling to Finland by car. The car belongs to the wife, the husband will drive. MTPL for both spouses. Do I need a power of attorney from the owner for the driver? And who is the Green Card issued to? Please tell me who knows.

    Good evening! Does anyone know if studded tires are already allowed in Finland?

    The question is certainly interesting)) what kind of passport do you have? Eurocitizen? then of course there is no need.

    Do you need a visa to Finland for a 3-day trip?

    Good evening. I’ll buy a used men’s bike, I live in Turku. I'm waiting for an offer. Write on FB or email [email protected]

    Needed urgently, by 30.04. driver from Vyborg to Imatra Finnish customs. Call 79216599858 no earlier than 10.00

    Now there is practically no one here (in the chat))) ((And in the new one, I didn’t find anything like that. And it seems like it was possible until April 9.

    Guys, Good afternoon. Tell me, until what date can I enter Finland on studded tires?

    vassi, after 20.00 it is possible. On Saturdays and Wednesdays.

    is there somewhere to chat? or is it just a mona here?

    They'll kill you, or maybe they'll leave you

    And what will happen to the chat now? Will they be destroyed along with a wonderful site?

    Sidor2018, great, if so, and the cans are not necessarily beer cans, they can also be lemonade)

    WA, for a returned bottle or beer can, the money is returned at any time. The check does not have a validity period.

    Sidor2018, yeah, it looks like that

    Tell us better, according to the receipt for the returned bottles (cans), how long can you shop? Does it have a deadline for implementation?

    Yaroslav, But they found a knife on me, what could happen? Answer. Yes, you can’t tell me that you wanted to stab the teacher with a knife, but like dad just forgot, and you didn’t check... fine. But should the border have been given some kind of paperwork? Where it should have been written that he violated it.

    vassi, as an old man, I can say that under the USSR they didn’t even carry that much. But no one knew, and there was no chaos that caused people to grind their teeth. A master, he is always a master, and always the best that the plebs consume. And the country is going where it was going before, into a hole.

    Sidor2018, yes, and now ishsho and suitcases with “coke” have added fuel to the fire. where is Katitsa Raseyya, horror

Mother's Day has long been celebrated in many countries around the world. Holiday . The ancient Greeks worshiped the mother of all gods, Gaia; the Romans dedicated three days in March (from 22 to 25) to the mother of the gods, Cybele. For the Celts, Mother's Day was a day to honor the goddess Bridget.

From the 17th to the 19th centuries in Great Britain, Mothering Sunday was celebrated on the fourth Sunday of Lent. In those days, most poor people were forced to live in the homes of their employers, since they most often worked away from home and family. On Mothering Sunday, such workers were given a day of rest so that they could visit their mothers and spend this day with them. Gradually this date began to take on a different meaning. The holidays Mother's Day of the Church and Mothering Sunday were combined into one.

One of the founders of modern Mother's Day is considered to be American women's activist Julia Ward Howe. In 1870, she published the Mother's Day Proclamation, calling on "all women who have hearts" to fight for peace. Every year in honor of Mother's Day in Boston, she organized mass rallies. However, Julia's idea did not find universal support, since she positioned Mother's Day only in the context of the struggle for world peace.

In May 1907, American teacher Ann Jarvis from Grafton, West Virginia, organized a ceremony in memory of her deceased mother, also named Ann Jarvis. In 1908, the holiday in honor of the mother was already celebrated by hundreds of women with their children. And in 1911, Mother's Day was celebrated in all states of America, as well as Mexico, Canada, China, Japan, South America and Africa. On December 12, 1912, the International Mother's Day Association was formed to promote the celebration of this day.

In 1914, US President Woodrow Wilson legalized the national holiday Mother's Day, which was set on the second Sunday in May.
The church in Grafton, where the first Mother's Day ceremony was held, received the status of Mother's Day Shrine in 1962.
On Mother's Day, it is customary to visit your mother and present a symbolic gift. In America, the carnation flower is traditionally worn on Mother's Day: a colored carnation is pinned in honor of a living mother, and a white carnation is pinned in memory of a departed mother.
According to sociological surveys, this day ranks fifth in the ranking of the most favorite holidays, ahead only of Christmas, Easter, Father's Day and Valentine's Day. The tradition of returning to your father’s roof on this day and spending the holiday next to your mothers is still sacredly revered to this day.

In addition to the United States, on the second Sunday of May, Mother's Day is celebrated in Australia, Belgium, Denmark, Italy, Malta, Turkey, Ukraine, Finland, Estonia, and Japan.

In Australia, on Mother's Day, the morning begins with breakfast, which children lovingly prepare for their mothers. On this day, mothers are given flowers, gifts and cards.

The second Sunday in May is also Mother's Day in countries such as Germany and Switzerland. Switzerland was one of the first European countries to introduce Mother's Day (1917). In Germany, Mother's Day was declared an official holiday in 1933. After World War II, this holiday began to be celebrated similarly to Mother's Day in the United States - mothers are given flowers and gifts.

In modern Germany, on the eve of this day there is a great stir in flower shops. On this day, it is also customary for the Germans to send postcards with poems dedicated to mothers.

This holiday is celebrated on the last Sunday in May in Sweden and France, and on the first Sunday in May in South Africa.

In Greece, Mother's Day is celebrated on May 9th. In Bahrain, Hong Kong, India, Malaysia, Mexico, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Singapore and the United Arab Emirates, Mother's Day is celebrated on May 10th.

On the second Sunday of February, Mother's Day is celebrated in Norway, on October 14 - in Belarus, on December 8 - in Spain and Portugal.

In Armenia, April 7 is celebrated as Motherhood and Beauty Day; in Uzbekistan, March 8 is celebrated as Mother's Day.

In Finland, Mother's Day has been officially celebrated since 1927. On this day, flags are hung, children prepare gifts for mothers, and fathers work hard in the kitchen on this day.

In Estonia, Mother's Day has been celebrated since 1992 on the second Sunday of May. On this day flags are hung.

In Russia, Mother's Day is celebrated in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of January 30, 1998. The initiative to establish this holiday belongs to the State Duma Committee on Women, Family and Youth Affairs.
On this day, according to tradition, all mothers and grandmothers are congratulated, special attention is paid to women who have achieved success in raising children, mothers of many children and single mothers.
Russian cities celebrate Mother's Day with festive concerts.

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources