What are the benefits for Primorye labor veterans? The procedure for assigning titles and receiving benefits. What benefits are entitled to a veteran of the Primorsky Territory?

Currently, more and more Nakhodka residents are turning to the MFC for government services, because today this is the most convenient way to interact with authorities.

The MFC system strives to be a reliable companion of a person throughout life, to be nearby and make the process of obtaining documents simple and easy. Among the most popular services provided by the MFC are the assignment of the titles “Veteran of Labor”, “Veteran of Labor of the Primorsky Territory” to citizens, the provision of annual cash payments to honorary donors in Russia, and the issuance of certificates of average per capita family income for the provision of free legal assistance.

veteran of labour
Veterans of labor are persons awarded orders or medals, or awarded honorary titles of the USSR or the Russian Federation, or awarded departmental insignia in labor and who have the length of service necessary to grant an old-age or long-service pension; persons who began working as a minor during the Great Patriotic War and have a work experience of at least 40 years for men and 35 years for women.
What benefits are provided to labor veterans?
1. Upon retirement, labor veterans retain the rights of members of labor collectives of enterprises, institutions, organizations in which they worked before retirement.
2. Labor veterans upon retirement are provided with the following rights and benefits:
upon retirement, use of polyclinics, which are financed from the budgets of the corresponding levels and funds from compulsory health insurance, to which these persons were attached during the period of work, free provision of medical care in state or municipal health care institutions;
free production and repair of dentures (except for the cost of paying for the cost of precious metals and metal-ceramics) in state or municipal health care institutions at the place of residence;
when continuing their work activity - provision of annual leave at a time convenient for them and leave without pay for up to 30 working days per year;
free travel on all types of urban passenger transport (except taxis) in any city, regardless of place of residence;
payment in the amount of 50% of the cost of travel on suburban rail and water transport during the validity period of seasonal tariffs;
payment in the amount of 50% of the occupied total area of ​​residential premises (in communal apartments - the occupied living area). Housing benefits are provided to persons living in houses regardless of the type of housing stock;
payment in the amount of 50% of utilities (water supply, sewerage, removal of household and other waste, gas, electricity and heat - within the limits of consumption standards); telephone subscription fee, services for the use of radio and collective television antenna; fuel purchased within the limits, and transport services for the delivery of this fuel. Providing fuel to labor veterans is a priority.
What are the procedure and conditions for conferring the title “Veteran of Labor”?
1. The title “Veteran of Labor” is awarded to:
a) persons awarded orders or medals, or awarded honorary titles of the USSR, the RSFSR or the Russian Federation, or awarded departmental insignia in labor and having the length of service necessary to grant an old-age or long-service pension;
b) persons who began working as a minor during the Great Patriotic War and have a work experience of at least 40 years for men and 35 years for women.
2. Persons applying for the title “Veteran of Labor” submit an application and documents confirming the grounds for its assignment:
a) awarding orders or medals or conferring honorary titles of the USSR, RSFSR or Russian Federation, or awarding departmental insignia in labor;
b) the length of service required to grant an old-age or long-service pension;
c) the beginning of labor activity as a minor in the period from June 22, 1941 to May 9, 1945, excluding the time of work in areas temporarily occupied by the enemy;
b) work experience (at least 40 years for men and 35 years for women).
3. Documents confirming the start of labor activity as a minor during the Great Patriotic War are work books, certificates issued in the prescribed manner by government bodies and authorized organizations on the basis of archival data. To confer the title “Veteran of Labor”, both the originals of the necessary documents and their certified copies can be submitted.
4. Applications with all necessary documents are sent within 10 days by the social protection body to the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation at the applicant’s place of residence.
5. The decision is made by the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation within 15 days from the date of receipt of the application with all the necessary documents.
6. A person who has been awarded the title “Labor Veteran” is issued a labor veteran’s certificate in accordance with the established procedure by the social protection body at his place of residence.
Labor veteran of the Primorsky Territory
The title “Veteran of Labor of the Primorsky Territory” is awarded only to those citizens who do not have the federal title “Veteran of Labor”.
You can apply for the title “Veteran of Labor of the Primorsky Territory” only if two main conditions are met:
1. Having work experience in the Primorsky Territory of at least 40 years for men and 35 years for women.
2. The presence of letters of the highest executive body of the Primorsky Territory, the legislative body of the Primorsky Territory, or state authorities of the Primorsky Territory that were in force before the adoption of the Constitution of the Russian Federation on December 12, 1993.
Thus, having only one work experience cannot be the basis for receiving the title “Veteran of Labor of the Primorsky Territory”; a citizen must be awarded one of the above diplomas.
It should also be noted that when calculating work experience in the territory of the Primorsky Territory, one of the periods of full-time study at higher educational institutions located in the territory of the Primorsky Territory is counted in it.
When assigning the title “Labor Veteran of the Primorsky Territory” only:
— letters of the governor of the Primorsky Territory (head of the administration of the Primorsky Territory);
— letters of the Legislative Assembly of the Primorsky Territory (Duma of the Primorsky Territory);
— diplomas of the Primorsky Regional Council of People's Deputies;
— certificates of the executive committee of the Primorsky Regional Council of People's Deputies;
— certificates of district, city, town and village Councils of People's Deputies;
- certificates of executive committees of district, city, town and village Councils of People's Deputies.
A labor veteran of the Primorsky Territory is presented with a certificate signed by the governor and a badge.
What documents need to be submitted and where?
— A passport (and a copy), one diploma of honor (or a document confirming its availability), a work record book (and a copy), a diploma or a duplicate, or a certificate confirming the fact of full-time study at a higher educational institution in Primorye (if the work experience missing) and a 3x4 photo.
Payments to donors
Citizens of the Russian Federation who have been awarded the “Honorary Donor of Russia” or “Honorary Donor of the USSR” badge and permanently residing on the territory of the Russian Federation have the right to social support measures specified for persons awarded the “Honorary Donor of Russia” badge.
Indexation of the amount of the annual cash payment is carried out from January 1 of each year. The amount of the annual cash payment is not subject to income tax.
Annual cash payment:
— assigned and paid from the date of the applicant’s application;
- carried out once a year.
Amounts of annual cash payments that were not claimed by the citizen in a timely manner are paid over the past period of time, but not more than for three years preceding the month of application for their receipt.
Please note that the amounts of annual cash payments accrued to a citizen, but not received by him during his lifetime for any reason, are inherited in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
List of documents:
.passport or other identification document in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;
.certificate of awarding the badge “Honorary Donor of Russia” or certificate of awarding the badge “Honorary Donor of the USSR”;
.personal account details.
Documents may be submitted in copies (with originals presented for verification).
Obtaining a certificate of average per capita family income to provide free legal assistance
Applicants for municipal services may be citizens of the Russian Federation living in the territory of the Primorsky Territory, whose average per capita family income is below the subsistence level established in the territory of the Primorsky Territory in accordance with federal legislation, as well as citizens of the Russian Federation living alone, whose income is below this value living wage established in the Primorsky Territory. Legal assistance is provided free of charge in the following cases:
1) plaintiffs - in cases considered by the courts of first instance regarding the collection of alimony, compensation for damage caused by the death of the breadwinner, injury or other damage to health related to work activity;
2) veterans of the Great Patriotic War - on issues not related to business activities;
3) citizens of the Russian Federation - when drawing up applications for pensions.
Documents required to receive the service:
.copy of work record;
.passport or other document identifying the citizen who has the right to receive municipal services, and his registration at the place of residence (at the place of stay);
.documents on the income of family members (a citizen living alone) for the last three months preceding the month of application;
.certificate of family composition;
.certificate from the territorial body of the employment service.

Citizens with the title “Veteran of Labor” are entitled to certain benefits from the state. The workers who worked for the good of the country were awarded various awards and honors. For this category of people, a wide list of social compensation payments and guarantees has been established, which is adjusted according to the list and amounts depending on the current economic situation. What measures of social support for labor veterans have been approved for the next 2018?

Who is a labor veteran

The concept of veteranhood, the categories of persons classified as veterans, and state guarantees of their social security are established by Law No. 5-FZ of January 12, 1995 “On Veterans.” The purpose of this regulatory act is to create conditions that provide honored workers with a decent life, honor, and respect from society. Labor veterans, according to a specific list, include citizens who:

  • have a document - a “Veteran of Labor” certificate;
  • have medals, orders of the USSR, Russian Federation;
  • awarded honorary titles of the USSR, the Russian Federation or awarded diplomas, thanks from the President of Russia;
  • were awarded insignia from industry departments for labor merits and long service in a sector of the economy (from 15 years) and have developed a pensionable service of at least 25 years (men), 20 years (women) or the length of service required to determine the length of service pension. (Law No. 388-FZ dated December 29, 2015 preserved the right to obtain status for persons awarded before June 30, 2016 by departments, while maintaining all conditions for length of service);
  • began working as minors during the Great Patriotic War, with a total work experience of at least 40 years (men), 35 years (women).

A person may be denied the assignment of such status if it is revealed that the person applicant for the title and payments to labor veterans has an outstanding criminal record or has had penalties, reprimands for work activities, or the fact of dismissal due to violation of labor discipline. The final decision is left to social protection authorities at the regional level.

What benefits does a labor veteran have?

Legislatively, the powers to develop and determine social protection measures for veterans and citizens who are equivalent to them as of December 31, 2004 are given to the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. According to Law No. 5-FZ, Article 22, regions, territories, republics and cities of federal significance themselves establish support measures, taking into account the capabilities of the local budget and using federal funds allocated for this.


According to Article 13 of Law No. 5-FZ, general support provides for a system of measures laid down by legal norms for veterans of all categories:

  • pensions, benefits;
  • cash payments every month;
  • provision of housing;
  • compensation for the costs of maintaining residential premises, housing and communal services;
  • medical care, dental prosthetics.

Veteran benefits are calculated based on the availability of regional budget funds, but there is a list of compensation and assistance measures that is valid at the federal level for all persons in this category. Basic benefits for federal labor veterans in 2018 are as follows:

  • discounts on utilities and housing and communal services;
  • the ability to take vacation when convenient;
  • free medical care in city clinics;
  • discounted dental prosthetics;
  • preferential suburban seasonal travel by train and water transport.

Tax legislation establishes its own benefits for such veterans. The previously established tax benefits for labor veterans in 2018 will remain the same. According to the Tax Code, the following are exempt from personal income tax:

  • pension bonuses, one-time payments to labor veterans retiring;
  • income from equity participation;
  • compensation for price increases in excess of the amounts indexed by the Government of the Russian Federation and increases in the cost of food (or preferential prices) in canteens and dispensaries.

In Moscow and Moscow region

Municipal legislative norms of Moscow and the region provide additional privileges to their workers who have the title of veteran. According to the Law of 03.11.2004 No. 70, decisions of the Moscow Government (Resolutions of 01.02.2005 No. 46-PP, of 08.02.2005 No. 74-PP, of 07.12.2004 N 850-PP) for this category of citizens living in Moscow and the region , have the right to:

  • free pass on municipal transport:
  • cash supplement 850 rub. every month;
  • 50% discount on housing and utilities;
  • half the cost of a train ticket in the suburbs during seasonal tariffs;
  • 50% discount on telephone subscription fee;
  • for sanatorium treatment without payment (for non-working persons for medical reasons).

In the regions

Compensation to veterans varies markedly depending on the place of residence of the honored worker. Territorial social assistance is established by local government and depends on the budget, which determines the list and coefficients of subsidies, providing for the monetization of assistance. So, for veterans living in St. Petersburg, the additional list is as follows:

  • financial assistance 282 rub. to monthly pension payments;
  • preferential purchase of medicines using a special card;
  • 5% discount on a certain type of product (usually groceries).

The Voronezh region provided its labor veterans with the opportunity to make dentures free of charge: measuring, manufacturing, maintenance during their repair. In addition, persons who continue to work are given 30 days leave at a time of year convenient to them. A 50% discount has been established on payments for all housing and communal services during the heating season and a 50% discount on payments for living space.

Veteran benefits provided by the authorities of Krasnodar provide its residents with the opportunity to:

  • receive care at public health institutions without payment;
  • make dental prostheses free of charge and provide free service during their repair;
  • ride free of charge on city and suburban public transport throughout the region, including electric trains and municipal buses;
  • use water transport for half the price;
  • pay for living space, utilities, home telephone, radio with a fifty percent discount.

Similar assistance is provided by the Rostov authorities with the addition of 30 days of leave and subsidies for the purchase of medicines. Specific types of assistance must be clarified with the territorial social protection authorities at the place of residence, where employees are required to give comprehensive advice on issues of state support on a national and regional level.

What benefits are entitled to a labor veteran in 2018?

By the onset of the new financial period, many regions have already announced what benefits for retired labor veterans in 2018 were promised at the local level. Social initiatives from the regions suggest the following:

  • Krasnodar – increase in monthly payments to 550 rubles;
  • Perm – exemption from land tax for areas up to six acres;
  • Tolyatti - payment by the authorities for utilities 110 rubles. monthly (it is planned to index the amount for the year);
  • Kemerovo – issuing social cards to receive discounts on food and medicine;
  • Volgograd region – monthly payments of 558 rubles have been extended. for residents of the region, 804 rub. for residents of the center of the region without introducing new initiatives;
  • Irkutsk - the authorities promised to pay subscriber costs for landline telephones, and extended the exemption from transport tax;
  • Sevastopol - free allocation of land plots for beneficiaries is provided;
  • Moscow – additional discounts are planned on certain types of products (5% on bread, sugar, cereals, milk, eggs);
  • Khabarovsk Territory – benefits for health improvement in sanatorium and resort institutions were retained without introducing new types of assistance;
  • Novosibirsk - the authorities have expanded the preferential list with one service, which was also valid previously, the purchase of a hearing aid for half the cost;
  • The Crimean authorities guaranteed a monthly payment of 500 rubles and an emergency installation of a landline telephone;
  • in the Chelyabinsk region and Altai Territory, benefits are limited by federal conditions.

Over the coming calendar year, the list of benefits for labor veterans in 2018 is promised to be increased. It is important to know: regional subsidies are valid when the recipient lives in a given territory. If you change your place of residence or move to another region, the previously used preferential opportunities will no longer be available, and you will have to go through the procedure for registering veteran status again.


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According to the latest changes in legislation, in 2019 pensions and wages will be indexed by 4%. And also the minimum wage will increase almost up to 9500 rubles. These increases will affect the calculations of all benefits that are due to labor veterans in 2019. Therefore, 4% is a guideline figure that all veterans can use when calculating benefits.

Benefits for veterans in 2019

It should be noted that each region of the Russian Federation has its own personal list of benefits, which has slight differences. Therefore, in order to know your rights and enjoy the benefits provided, you should additionally familiarize yourself with the list of benefits that apply specifically in your region.

Social support measures and benefits in Vladivostok and Primorsky Krai in 2019

  1. labor veterans (Article 4);
  2. labor veterans of the Primorsky Territory (Article 4(2);
  3. home front workers (Article 5);
  4. rehabilitated persons (Article 6);
  5. persons recognized as victims of political repression (Article 7);
  6. large families (Article 7(2);
  7. citizens who have special services to the fatherland and the Primorsky Territory (Article 10);
  8. low-income citizens (Article 11);
  9. citizens suffering from socially significant diseases and diseases that pose a danger to others (Article 12);
  10. employees of the fire service of the Primorsky Territory (Article 13);
  11. volunteer firefighters and family members of deceased (deceased) employees of the volunteer fire department and volunteer firefighters (Article 13(1);
  12. doctors, pharmacists, medical and pharmaceutical workers, teaching staff, cultural and artistic workers, veterinary service specialists, industrial training masters of secondary vocational education in training programs for skilled workers (employees) and social workers (Article 14).

Social protection and support in Vladivostok and Primorsky Krai in 2019

  1. monthly support in the amount of 770 rubles;
  2. skip-the-line service in pharmacies and hospitals;
  3. 50% discount on housing and utilities.

You should know! Veterans have the right to receive assistance in purchasing housing; they may be provided with an apartment. Home front workers are provided with similar benefits.

What benefits can labor veterans take advantage of in 2019?

Also, the employer does not have the right to refuse additional leave at his own expense if all labor standards are met. In this case, a citizen can sue the employer who does not fulfill the obligation to provide extraordinary rest at the request of the veteran employee.

Social support for residents of Vladivostok

  1. monthly cash payment 620 rubles;
  2. compensation for the cost of paying for residential premises in the amount of 50 percent based on the total area of ​​residential premises occupied by a person who has suffered from political repression, as well as disabled members of his family living with him, within the size of the regional standard normative area of ​​residential premises;
  3. compensation of expenses in the amount 50 percent for utilities, including when maintaining common property in an apartment building, consumed by a person recognized in accordance with the procedure established by law as a victim of political repression, as well as disabled family members living together with him.

Laws of the Russian Federation 2019

Every year, at the local level, managers may revise the lists of compensation provided to labor veterans. In the Rostov region, for example, the procedure for acquiring the title itself was revised. The list of regional awards that give the right to benefits has been expanded to 28 types. The procedure for providing social protection has also changed. For veterans who continue to work and earn 1.5 times the subsistence level, social services are provided for a fee, but citizens still enjoy preferential rates and discounts. Such a differentiated approach, according to the authorities, will save the region’s budget.

  1. Free medical care and privileged dental prosthetics are observed in all regions. Additionally, subsidies are applied for medications that support health procedures. For example, Residents of the Perm region. They receive 5,000 rubles annually for health improvement.
  2. Transport preferences depend on budget capabilities. Some municipalities provide completely free travel, while others are developing rules for discounted travel:
  • special tariffs;
  • travel cards;
  • social cards;
  • compensation.
  1. Preferences for housing and communal services payments are also differentiated. For example, residents of the Samara region. receive a small payment for partial payment of living space and a 50 percent discount on utilities (Law 169-GD). Perm residents are given a fixed amount of money, but if 50% of the rent exceeds this payment, the difference is compensated. For those who use municipal housing, maintenance, repairs and rent are paid by the state (Law No. 1830-388).
  2. Social payments as a pension supplement are practiced in all regions of Russia.

Legal consultation: Benefits for labor veterans of the Primorsky Territory

1) payment in the amount of 50 percent of the occupied total area of ​​residential premises within the size of the regional standard for the normative area of ​​residential premises used to calculate subsidies in the Primorsky Territory, without taking into account the preferential size of the regional standard for the normative area of ​​residential premises for certain categories of citizens established by the legislation of the Primorsky Territory. Housing benefits are provided to persons living in residential premises in the housing stock, regardless of the form of ownership, and apply to disabled family members of a labor veteran who live with him, are fully supported by him or receive assistance from him, which is permanent for them and main source of livelihood;

More than 60 million rubles are provided for payments to labor veterans of the Primorsky Territory

“Women living in the northern regions of Primorye must work in the region for at least 30 years. Men - at least 35 years old. The previous law provided for the required length of service of 40 years for men and 35 years for women,” informs department director Liliya Lavrentieva.

Benefits for labor veterans in 2019

  • free use of all types of public transport;
  • compensation of 50% of utility bills;
  • the ability to take vacation at any convenient time (if the veteran continues to work);
  • full compensation for services for the manufacture and repair of dentures in municipal dental institutions (this does not include the installation of dentures made from the following materials: ceramics, cermets, precious metals);
  • free services in the healthcare system (in some cases, these may be private clinics that have entered into an agreement with the state);
  • exemption from land tax;
  • extraordinary installation of a home telephone.

There will be more labor veterans of the Primorsky Territory

The status of a Primorsky veteran can be assigned to a resident of the region who does not have the federal title “Veteran of Labor”, who has worked in the region for at least 40 years for men and 35 years for women (in areas of the Primorsky Territory equated to regions of the Far North, at least 35 years - for men and 30 years old - for women), as well as awarded diplomas from the governor of Primorsky Krai, the regional administration, and the Legislative Assembly of Primorsky Krai.

Benefits for labor veterans in the Primorsky Territory in 2019

More than 60 million rubles are provided in the 2019 budget for social support measures for labor veterans of the Primorsky Territory. Every month, citizens with this status receive 1 thousand rubles in addition to their pension. This was reported by Primorskaya Gazeta with reference to primorskу.ru.

Benefits provided to labor veterans in 2019: sizes, registration procedure

The social policy of the Russian state is constantly changing, which is why the issue of benefits for various categories of the population is extremely important and deserves careful consideration. The article will tell you about cash bonuses, as well as other benefits organized by the authorities for labor veterans with an eye to Russian legislation in 2019.

So, if a company has more than 100 employees, then the number of disabled people should be 2% of the average number of employees. If the organization employs 35-100 citizens, then the number of disabled people should reach 3% of the average number of team members. In addition, persons with disabilities have the right to enter a university without competition. Download for viewing and printing: Federal Law No. 181 of November 24, 1995 “On the social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation” Labor Veterans Social protection of Vladivostok concerns labor veterans.

Benefits for labor veterans in 2018 in the Primorsky Territory

Support for students Vladivostok schoolchildren enjoy the following benefits:

  • discounts on public transport;
  • issuing free textbooks;
  • free lunches for elementary school students;
  • deferment from military service for students who have reached the age of 18.

Students enjoy the following privileges:

  • preferential travel pass in city and suburban public transport;
  • reimbursement of 13% of tuition fees on a contract basis;
  • subscription to libraries and museums;
  • the right to a shortened working day for part-time students;
  • benefits when paying for a hostel (no more than 5% of the scholarship).

Note! Students who excel in studies and actively participate in public life receive a governor's scholarship of more than 5.5 thousand. Download for viewing and printing: Law of the Russian Federation of May 15, 1991

Social support for Vladivostok residents


Primorsky Krai, home to about two million people, is one of the farthest corners of our country, and Vladivostok is traditionally considered where Russia ends in the east. The economy of the Primorsky Territory is largely based on its proximity to the sea - these are large ports, shipping lines, the fishing industry, etc.

There are also mining, chemical or oil companies here. Many of the local pensioners devoted their entire lives to work at these and other enterprises, earning the title of labor veteran.
Benefits for labor veterans in the Primorsky Territory: what support measures are provided by regional laws, what is the range of benefits, are labor veterans of the region entitled to a pension supplement. Regional legislation provides the following benefits for labor veterans in the Primorsky Territory:
  • 50 percent discount on all housing and communal services, including payments for major repairs.

Social support measures and benefits in Vladivostok and Primorsky Krai in 2018


    Support for students

  • Benefits for people who have lost their ability to work
  • Veterans of Labor
  • Social security for low-income families
  • Support for pensioners
  • Funeral benefits
  • Refund of payment for kindergarten
  • Subsidization
  • Support for Chernobyl victims
  • Support for the repressed
  • Support for honorary donors
  • Where to contact
  • Regulatory acts
    • Changes in 2018

    Social protection of the population of the Primorsky Territory is organized on the basis of federal and regional laws. It is regulated by the regulations of the Russian Federation “On the social protection of disabled people of the Russian Federation”, “On the social protection of citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant”, and a number of regional laws.

    Social protection and support in Vladivostok and Primorsky Krai in 2018

    According to Article 4 of the Law of the Primorsky Territory No. 206-KZ of December 29, 2004 “On social support for privileged categories of citizens living in the territory of the Primorsky Territory” to persons with the title “Veteran of Labor”, after the establishment (assignment) of a labor pension to them in accordance with the Federal Law of December 17, 2001 N 173-FZ “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation”, regardless of the termination of their labor activity, the following social support measures are provided: - monthly cash payment; - payment in the amount of 50 percent of the occupied total area of ​​residential premises within the size of the regional standard for the normative area of ​​residential premises used to calculate subsidies in the Primorsky Territory, without taking into account the preferential size of the regional standard for the normative area of ​​residential premises for certain categories of citizens established by the legislation of the Primorsky Territory.

    Benefits in Vladivostok in 2017

    • for a monthly payment of almost 198 rubles in connection with the loss of a breadwinner;
    • for an annual payment in the amount of almost 261 rubles for children who were left without a breadwinner;
    • for a one-time payment in the amount of almost 26 thousand 46 rubles for family members of a person who died in connection with the disaster;
    • for a one-time payment in the amount of almost 13 thousand 23 rubles for the parents of a person who died in connection with the disaster;
    • funeral payment in the amount of almost 9 thousand 910 rubles.

    IDPs from the Chernobyl zone have the right:

  1. for an annual payment of almost 521 rubles;
  2. for a one-time payment in case of relocation in the amount of 1,302 rubles per person.

In addition, displaced persons have the opportunity to take paid annual leave and an additional 2-week leave at any time.

Question answer

Subsidies I am entitled to a subsidy for housing and communal services:

  • users of state and municipal housing;
  • participants in housing and housing-construction cooperatives;
  • tenants according to the rental agreement;
  • owners of a house or apartment.

To receive a subsidy, there must be no debt for utilities or an agreement on its repayment. Finances are paid every month by transfer.

Benefits for labor veterans of the Primorsky Territory

The named population group, in accordance with Law of the Primorsky Territory No. 689 of October 6, 2015, is provided with the following types of assistance:

  • benefits in utility and tax spheres;
  • monthly financial support in the amount of 1 thousand rubles;
  • provision of fuel (firewood, gas cylinders) to veterans living in the private sector;
  • regular payment from the region;
  • payment for rental housing and major repairs (by 50%).

Download for viewing and printing: Law of the Primorsky Territory No. 689 of October 6, 2015. Home front workers have the rights to the following types of benefits:

  1. monthly support in the amount of 770 rubles;

You should know! Veterans have the right to receive assistance in purchasing housing; they may be provided with an apartment.

Download for viewing and printing: Law of the Primorsky Territory No. 360 of May 15, 2006. Support for those repressed. The category of citizens who are recognized as repressed have the right:

  1. for a monthly payment in the amount of 620 rubles;
  2. skip-the-line service in pharmacies and hospitals;
  3. 50% discount on housing and utilities.

Citizens who suffered from political repression receive a financial supplement in the amount of 620 rubles every month.
They are also entitled to a 50% discount on housing and utilities. Download for viewing and printing: Law of the Primorsky Territory No. 358 of September 10, 2006

Benefits for veterans of the Primorsky Territory

  • employees of the fire service of the Primorsky Territory (Article 13);
  • volunteer firefighters and family members of deceased (deceased) employees of the volunteer fire department and volunteer firefighters (Article 13(1);
  • doctors, pharmacists, medical and pharmaceutical workers, teaching staff, cultural and artistic workers, veterinary service specialists, industrial training masters of secondary vocational education in training programs for skilled workers (employees) and social workers (Article 14).
In addition, Article 8(2) of Law No. 206-KZ establishes social support measures in the field of ensuring equal transport accessibility in Primorye, providing for compensation payments for certain categories of citizens in the amount of 50% of the current fare.

What benefits are entitled to a labor veteran of the Primorsky Territory?

The payment amount is determined taking into account the regional coefficient. You should know! In the event of the loss of a breadwinner as a result of an accident at work or an occupational disease, an insurance payment in the amount of 1 million rubles is paid. Refund of fees for kindergarten Social programs of Vladivostok provide the right to reimburse payments for attending a preschool institution. Parents can consult on this issue with local administrative authorities or with the management of the kindergarten.
For one child the compensation is 20%, for two - 50%, for three children - 70% of the amount. Download for viewing and printing: Law of the Primorsky Territory No. 366 of December 22, 2008

What benefits are entitled to a veteran of the Primorsky Territory?


Traditionally, this benefit is the most tangible and valuable for any of its recipients - payments for apartments in Russia eat up quite a significant part of the family budget, especially during the heating season, so bills reduced by half come in handy for those entitled to such a benefit.

  • For those labor veterans whose homes are not connected to central heating, the regional budget will compensate half of the costs of purchasing firewood or coal to heat their homes.

The Primorsky budget does not provide for other benefits, but local labor veterans receive a fairly good additional payment - 1000 rubles monthly. Therefore, we can conclude that although the list of benefits for labor veterans of the Primorsky Territory in 2018 is not so large, these benefits are quite specific and allow quite significant savings on monthly utility bills.

the following are provided:

  1. monthly cash payment 1000 rubles;
  2. compensation for expenses payment for residential premises in the amount of 50 percent, including:
    • payment for renting residential premises;
    • fees for the maintenance and repair of residential premises, which includes fees for services and work related to the management of an apartment building, maintenance and routine repairs of common property in an apartment building;
    • contribution for major repairs of common property in an apartment building, but not more than 50 percent of the specified contribution, calculated based on the minimum amount of contribution for major repairs per one square meter of total living space per month.
  3. , including when maintaining common property in an apartment building, including:
    • payment for cold water, hot water, electricity, gas, wastewater disposal, calculated based on the volume of consumed utilities, determined by meter readings. In the absence of the specified metering devices, utility fees are calculated based on utility consumption standards;
    • fees for handling municipal solid waste within the limits of consumption standards;
    • payment for thermal energy, calculated based on the volume of consumed utilities, determined by meter readings, within the limits of standards, without taking into account the preferential amount of the regional standard for the standard area of ​​​​living premises for certain categories of citizens;
    • expenses for the purchase of household gas in cylinders with a total weight of no more than 60 kg per year;
    • expenses for the purchase of solid fuel in the presence of stove heating and the absence of central heating within the limits of the norms and taking into account the cost of transport services for the delivery of this fuel.
  1. benefits for major repairs for pensioners over 70;
  2. exemption from property tax;
  3. tax deduction when purchasing real estate;
  4. targeted assistance to low-income pensioners.

The document giving the right to receive these social support measures is pensioner's ID citizen. However, in case of applying for tax benefits, you will need to contact the federal tax service inspectorate at the place of registration of the citizen.

Social support for people with disabilities

Benefits and allowances for disabled people of groups 1-3.

A separate category of citizens in need of social support from the state are people with disabilities. This group includes citizens who have disabilities of groups 1, 2, 3, disabled children and their legal representatives, and disabled since childhood.

All types of assistance are processed by the social welfare service by submitting an official application and a package of necessary documentation. As mandatory documents, a medical report on presence of disability indicating the group.

  • Rehabilitation center Word of Life;
  • Sail of Hope;
  • Center for Integrative Technologies Zdravnitsa;
  • Rehabilitation center Insight-Vladivostok;
  • Rising Dragon;
  • Center for manual therapy and children's medical. rehabilitation.

Employment of disabled people.

For employers with more than 100 employees, a quota for hiring disabled people is established in the amount of 2 percent of the average headcount workers. For employers whose number of employees is no less than 35 people and no more than 100 people, a quota for hiring disabled people is established in the amount 3 percent from the average number of employees.

The number of jobs under the established quota for hiring disabled people is calculated by employers independently.

  1. compensation payments in the amount 30 percent payment of utility costs(water supply, sewerage, gas supply (including the supply of domestic gas in cylinders), electricity supply and heating). For large families living in houses without central heating - fuel;
  2. reimbursement of expenses for the purchase of medications according to doctor’s prescriptions for children under 6 years of age, but not more than 1060 rubles per year;
  3. reimbursement of travel expenses students studying in general education organizations to the place of study on intracity transport, as well as on suburban and intradistrict buses, but not more than 1060 rubles per year;
  4. reimbursement of expenses for visiting museums, cultural and recreational parks, as well as exhibitions, but no more 212 rubles per year;
  5. one-time provision of ownership;
  6. priority right to receive garden plots;
  7. priority provision of children from large families aged 6 to 16 years with places in specialized children's institutions of medical and sanatorium type, health camps and other health institutions if there are medical indications.

A family living in the Primorsky Territory, in which three or more children were born at the same time, is provided with a social payment if the family needs housing. Recognition of a family in need of housing and its registration as one in need of housing is carried out by local government bodies, regardless of the property status of the family.

Amount of social benefit calculated by the executive authority based on the following indicators:

  • family composition;
  • 18 sq. m. total housing area for each family member;
  • average market value of 1 sq. m of total residential area in the Primorsky Territory.

The amount of social benefits is calculated on the date of signing the certificate certifying the right to receive social benefits.

The total area of ​​the acquired residential premises per each family member cannot be less than the accounting norm for the area of ​​residential premises established in the municipality in whose territory the residential premises are acquired.

In the absence of residential premises with a total area of ​​at least the accounting norm for the area of ​​​​living premises for each family member established in the municipality on whose territory the residential premises are purchased, the acquisition of two residential premises is allowed.

When a family purchases residential premises (residential premises), the cost of which under the purchase and sale agreement (agreements) exceeds the amount of social payment specified in the certificate, the social payment is transferred in the amount specified in the certificate.

Benefits and allowances for the poor. Housing for low-income families.

Low-income citizens who are not disabled have the right to free prosthetic and orthopedic care.

Participants in the liquidation of the consequences of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in 1986-1987. This circle of persons has the right to the following:

  1. monthly monetary compensation for the purchase of food products in the amount of 520.9 rubles;
  2. 520.9 rubles;
  3. monthly monetary compensation for payment of housing and utilities in the amount of 50%;
  4. use of regular annual paid leave at a convenient time, as well as receiving additional paid leave lasting 14 calendar days

Participants in the liquidation of the consequences of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in 1988-1990, as well as participants in the liquidation of the consequences of the accident in 1957 at the Mayak production association in 1959-1961 receive an annual compensation for recovery in the amount 260.48 rubles.

Family members who have lost a breadwinner who participated in the liquidation of the consequences of the disaster (widows, children, etc.) enjoy the following social support measures:

  • monthly compensation for the loss of a breadwinner - a participant in the liquidation of the consequences of a disaster in the amount of 197.65 rubles;
  • annual compensation to children who lost their breadwinner who participated in the liquidation of the consequences of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in the amount of 260.48 rubles;
  • one-time compensation to family members of citizens who died as a result of the Chernobyl disaster in the amount of 26046.47 rubles;
  • one-time compensation to the parents of citizens who died as a result of the Chernobyl disaster in the amount of 13023.27 rubles;
  • funeral allowance - to family members or persons who took upon themselves the organization of the funeral of citizens who died as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, who died as a result of radiation sickness and other diseases arising in connection with the Chernobyl disaster, as well as deceased citizens from among the disabled as a result of the Chernobyl disaster in size 9910.37 rubles.

Citizens resettled (resettled), including those who left voluntarily, from the resettlement zone in 1986 and in subsequent years have the right to the following assistance:

  • annual compensation for health improvement in the amount 520.9 rubles;
  • using regular annual paid leave at a convenient time, as well as receiving additional paid leave lasting 14 calendar days;
  • a one-time benefit in connection with moving to a new place of residence for each moving family member in the amount of 1302.33 rubles, compensation for travel costs, expenses for transporting property by rail, water, road and air (if there is no other) transport, except in cases where the vehicle is provided free of charge.

Benefits for victims of repression.

Persons recognized in accordance with the procedure established by law rehabilitated, the following are provided:

  1. monthly cash payment in the amount 620 rubles;
  2. service in state (regional) pharmacies, pharmacy points, as well as outpatient clinics out of turn;
  3. compensation for living expenses in the amount of 50 percent;
  4. compensation of expenses in the amount of 50 percent for utility bills, including the maintenance of common property in an apartment building, consumed by the rehabilitated person, as well as disabled family members living with him.

Persons victims of political repression, the following social support measures are provided:

  1. monthly cash payment 620 rubles;
  2. compensation for the cost of paying for residential premises in the amount of 50 percent based on the total area of ​​residential premises occupied by a person who has suffered from political repression, as well as disabled members of his family living with him, within the size of the regional standard normative area of ​​residential premises;
  3. compensation of expenses in the amount 50 percent for utilities, including when maintaining common property in an apartment building, consumed by a person recognized in accordance with the procedure established by law as a victim of political repression, as well as disabled family members living together with him.