Gift ship made of sweets with a bottle. Wedding ship made of candies. Candy ship master class

The ship is a symbol of the successful achievement of the goal. This is a movement towards a new, happy and sweet life. It is customary to give a sweet ship to both men and women.

Do DIY candy ship. Give love, hope and beauty through a delicious and beautiful candy ship!

1. Cut out a base for the ship from penoplex foam, 30 cm long, 10-15 cm wide and 8-10 cm thick.

2. Cut the penoplex diagonally. To do this, measure 5 cm from the bow of the ship and 3 cm from the rear edge along the bottom of the base of the ship. Round the corners. The result should be something like this.

3. Glue the base around the edge with corrugated paper of the desired color.

4. Fold the edges and glue them with hot glue.

5. This is what happened after gluing the protruding edges of the paper.

6. Turn the ship over.

7. Now we bend and glue the edge of the paper on the other side in exactly the same way.

8. Glue the corrugation along the bottom of the base.

9. Cut off the excess paper.

10. Glue the corrugation on the other side and cut off the extra pieces of paper.

11. Let's do it sails for a ship made of candy. They can be made from mesh, organza, felt and any other material you like. The height of the main sail is 45 cm, the other sail can be made the same height or 3-5 cm lower. The width of the bottom edge is 15-20 cm (the width of the base of the ship), the width of the top edge is 9 cm.

12. We bend the sails in those places where we will glue the yards.

13. Take skewers. We cut them according to the width of the folds of the sails and make yards from them, pasting them with paper in the color we need.

14. Using hot glue, glue the yards along the top and bottom edges of the sails.

15. Glue the yards to the sail folds on the outside of the sail. It is also possible from the inside. This is what you like.

16. Glue two skewers to each other, making bevels on the skewers. This makes our skewer much longer. Now we cut the finished skewer to the length we need. We cover it with paper and glue the sails to it.

17. We insert the sails into the base of the ship.

18. We stick prepared cones with candies and pounds into the base of the ship.

19. Prepare candies with pound cakes.

20. Stick the candies into the base.

21. We attach the cord to the front cone, pull it through the sails and attach it to the rear cone.

22. We make sails from paper, from tape....

23. We decorate the edges of the ship with cord, forming patterns on it. You can add shells, candy... Whatever you want.

24. Making a stand for the ship. If desired, we decorate with decorative materials.

That's all. Our ship is ready! I wish you success in building your own ship.

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Good luck to you, friends!

A great gift for both adults and children is a candy ship. It’s nice to make and nice to receive, but it’s even nicer to eat it! And if suddenly you feel nostalgic for the times when you made something with your hands, then it’s time to succumb to this feeling and build a ship out of candy.

You can invite children to your “workshop”; they will also be very interested in embarking on such a “candy swim”. Of course, your ship will not only be made of sweets, so stock up on inedible materials as well.

Candy ship: materials
You will need:

  • Various types of sweets
  • Styrofoam
  • Extensions for fishing rods - 3 pcs.
  • Safety pins
  • Cardboard
  • Glue stick
  • Hot glue
  • Ribbons, lace, accessories, fabric for decoration (organza)
  • Gauze
  • Double sided tape
  • Foil
  • Scissors

DIY candy ship

  • Cut out the base for the ship from foam. Here you need to rely on your calculations, because only you know what size your ship will be.
  • Next, cut out the sails from the paper. One sail consists of three rectangles. It’s better if you have three sails - it’s more impressive. The lowest one is the same width as the ship. The next ones are narrower than the previous one by 3 centimeters (or look at the scale, maybe more).
  • It is better to take fishing rod extensions under the masts and cut them to the required length. Next, cover with any material: paper or fabric to decorate it with your ship.
  • “Wrap” the foam base with cardboard to remove unevenness and roughness. To do this, use pins. Next, start decorating the sides of the ship: fabric, foil, polysilk, colored or self-adhesive paper, etc.
  • Cut the sails according to organza patterns and cover them around the edges with thin tape to secure them. You can add a little lace on top so that it becomes hard and, as it were, “swells” from the wind on the ship itself. It is better to place the finished sails on something semicircular so that they take shape: on the armrest of a sofa, a cosmetic bag.
  • After this, the sails should be glued together in the same way as they will be located on the ship and holes should be made with an awl for the masts.
  • Don't forget about the slats that "hold the sails." They need to be decorated to match the ship and glued to the fabric.
  • Now let's move on to the sweets. Find candies of different sizes and types in the house: coins, figurines of soldiers, animals, candies in beautiful wrappers, small dragees. Any sweet material will be useful. And start decorating: portholes, flags at the very top of your ship, the entire deck can and should be covered with candies. Imagine!

We present to your attention a technique for making a ship with a masculine character, i.e. with a small amount of sweets (for decoration only).

To make a ship you will need:

Bottle of champagne (other alcoholic drink);
- foam sheet;
- golden, blue corrugation;
- candies, shells, gold braid and mesh for decoration;
- figurine of a captain;
- knife, pencil, heat gun.

Gift ship step by step:

For the base of the hull of the future ship, we take a sheet of penoplex (construction insulation for walls, ceilings...). It is very convenient, as it does not crumble when cutting it and at the same time it can be cut with a knife like clockwork... (photo 1).

We mark the parts (to the desired height for my planned ship hull - approximately 10 cm in height) - I will need 4 parts of a sheet of foam plastic (each plate is approximately 20 cm wide), I will adjust the length later. I mark the width of the plates on the sheet, and also immediately mark the curve of the bow of the stern of the ship's hull (photo 2.1).

To make it easier to cut out the bow of the ship's hull, I make markings, i.e. I mark the middle of the part on one plate and draw a triangle along which I will subsequently cut out the rounded nose of the karma... I do this on one of the 4 parts, and cut out the remaining three using the first blank (after having first traced the outline of one cut-out part on the other with a felt-tip pen) (photo 2.2 ).

We cut out the nose of the body on all 4 parts (we will correct all the irregularities later, so at this stage, if they come out, then it’s okay) (photo 3.1).

Having put all the cut out 4 blanks together, I trim them a little with a knife (cutting off only obvious inconsistencies in the parts) (photo 3.2).

We make a recessed base for the bottle only in the two upper parts, having previously tried on the future “alcohol trophy” along the length of the cutout we need in the 2 upper plates of penoplex (photo 4).

Having drawn an approximate marking of the required recess along the length and width of the bottle, I cut it out on one of the upper parts of the penoplex (photo 5).

Preliminary “trying on”... for control... and we cut out the same thing on the second workpiece (photo 6.1). As a result, we get the following 4 blanks, as in photo 6.2.

I determine the body length I need and cut all four pieces along it. Since I will have an upper bridge, I do not round the back of the body. Well, if necessary, you can also round it off like on real models (photo 7.1).

According to the conceived idea of ​​equipping the ship, we try on our blanks (from the blanks cut along the length of the hull - 2 or one piece of penoplex - we will make a side in the rear part of the ship). But I made a mistake with the length of the recess for the bottle - from photo 7.2 you can see that it needs a shorter recess.

We glue the two upper and two lower blanks together (i.e., the first two together and the second two together.. all 4 parts do not need to be glued yet) (photo 8).

When the parts are glued, we begin to align the first two along the cut-out recess (this point is not relevant for those who know how to make a “class” right away). First I level it a little with a knife (photo 9).

To make it look really “beautiful”, I sand it down with sandpaper. I do the same with the sides of the case, putting all 4 parts together (you can do this later, when all 4 plates are glued together) (photo 10.1). We outline and cut out the top covering of our body from the corrugation of the desired color (photo 10.2). About the same as in photo 11.

For gold (silt and other) metal. Using the corrugation, we outline the contour of the lower protrusion of the recess for the bottle we need (photo 12.1). We cut it out with a small indentation (margin in cm 2). Who stocked up on metal? The “cheap” corrugation can cover the entire surface, but this is not required (photo 12.2).

From the same metal. We cut off the corrugations and glue the “lining” of the side surfaces of our bottle recess. I glue a piece onto the gun by the inner edge and begin, stretching it a little, gluing and bending the rest (photo 13).

Well, it should turn out approximately as in photo 14.1 (there is also a small supply of corrugation at the bottom - the bend is the same as at the top). The finished “golden recess” before its decoration with braid or cord is shown in photo 14.2.

We cut out and glue the corrugation of the main color to the sides of the ship in the direction of stretching for convenience. I glue a piece on the top, a piece on one side, a piece on the other and another on the back of the body (photo 15.1). We glue the corrugation and gold mesh onto a glue gun or “Glue-Moment” and decorate all the seams of the body with cord or braid (photo 15.2).

We glue the desired candies onto the sides of the body as decoration (photo 17). Then you can glue on twisted decor - cord, shells (of course, it is better to take a thinner cord - for the harmony of the overall picture, but in this case it was not available) (photo 18.1).

We decorate our backdrop side-bridge with candies (glue it to the gun), having previously wrapped it in foam plastic or gold metal. corrugation to match the recess for the bottle, or corrugation to match the hull of the ship... according to your taste and idea (photo 18.2).

Well, then all that remains is to think about the location and number of masts with sails, the decor of the upper deck, the arrangement of objects, etc. We will write about making the sail later. Use cables (extensions for fishing rods) as masts. Since in this case they are bright orange, they will have to be taped with golden corrugation (photo 19).

The gift ship is ready!

Alcohol and candy are one of the simplest gifts, but there is a way to turn commonplace items into an original present. In the next tutorial I will show you how to create an unusual gift ship using a few pieces of polystyrene foam and crepe paper.

Materials and tools for creating a gift ship

  • Expanded polystyrene (I needed two pieces 35x16 cm and one 16x10 cm)
  • Crepe paper (blue and silver, you can use other colors)
  • Mesh or other fairly rigid fabric (1×1.5 m)
  • Braid width 1 cm and 3 cm (each about 5 m)
  • Twisted cord (about 6 m)
  • Wooden skewers
  • Glue (cosmofen)
  • Scissors, breadboard knife
  • Double sided tape
  • Candies of different shapes for your taste (I needed: domes - 6 pcs, coins - 10-20 pcs, square “Chocolate Night” - 11 pcs, Roshen chocolates - 1 pack)
  • Gift bottle


We mark our ship on a piece of polystyrene foam. The size will depend on the bottle you choose. The width of the hole in the upper part is equal to the width of the bottle, the width of the ship itself is at least twice as wide. The length of the hole should be such that the bottle is positioned obliquely in it. The length of the entire boat should be 2 times the length of the hole.

The third part of the polystyrene foam - the stern of the ship - will be as wide as the main parts, about 10 cm long.

We learned three parts: two of the same size (one has a hole for a bottle), and the third is much smaller.

We begin to decorate the hole for the bottle. From silver paper, cut out a rectangle a couple of centimeters longer and wider than the hole itself.

Glue it onto the second part, marking the place under the hole in the first part. It is best to use Cosmofen glue; it sets quickly and does not corrode polystyrene foam.

We decorate the hole from the inside with a narrow long rectangle of silver paper, and the width of the rectangle should be a couple of centimeters greater than the height of the hole so that the edges can be folded.

We make slits in the corners and glue the edges to the part on both sides.

We combine our parts and carefully glue them together.

After the glue has completely dried, using a breadboard knife, we give our workpiece a shape that looks more like a ship. We narrow the bottom - here it is important not to overdo it so that the ship maintains stability.

It should look something like in the photo.

Now we decorate the base of the ship with blue crepe paper. We start gluing it from the sides, and it is easier and more beautiful to combine the joint on the bow of the ship. The width of the paper should also be a couple of centimeters greater than the height of the ship.

Carefully bend and glue the edges.

The paper must be pressed well on all sides.

Cut out paper pads for the top and bottom of the ship. The parts should be slightly smaller than the places where we will glue them.

This is the kind of boat we got.

We then decorate the edges with braid. We glue it first along the side of the ship, then on top, carefully gluing the folds. The braid can be glued with transparent glue such as “Moment Crystal”.

We decorate the edges of the hole with a twisted cord, adding elements at the corners that resemble folded ropes.

Now carefully glue the stern. To do this, wrap the remaining small piece of polystyrene foam in blue crepe paper.

We begin to decorate the ship. On the bow we place 2-3 coins on each side, depending on the size of the ship. On the side parts there are three candy domes.

You can glue directly to the candy packaging, but there is a possibility of glue getting inside. I did this: I glued a piece of double-sided tape to the candy, covered it with paper, and then applied glue to the paper square.

The photo shows how you can decorate the poop using chocolates and sweets. If necessary, you can add a twisted cord.

We assemble masts from wooden skewers. Two long ones - from two skewers, one short one for the bow. To glue two skewers together, cut them at an angle and glue them on a flat surface.

For the sails we will need three pieces of fabric - I used mesh, so I folded it in half. The width of the sails is slightly larger than the width of the ship for the large one, and equal to the width of the ship for the small one. The size of the bow triangular sail is best determined after the masts are set.

We sew braid to the sails along the edges and in the middle. This can be done by machine or by hand using small stitches.

Then we sew the sails, folding them. Large in those places, small in two places, triangular - folded in half. Sew the braid to the fold, leaving room for the rope cord. The photo shows exactly how this needs to be done.

We thread the mast skewers through the fabric, forming sails. We arrange them as follows: the large one in front of the stern, the small one behind the bottle hole. Lines can be attached to the edges of a large sail by extending them to the edges of the stern.

We stretch the triangular sail on a cord from the mast on the bow to the mast with a small sail.

We also use cord to decorate candies and free spaces on the deck, folding them in the form of rolled ropes.

Between the masts we place a treasure chest - a box with chocolate coins and decorative beads.

We place the bottle by spreading a triangular sail around it.

Such an original gift can suit almost anyone - a boss, a friend, a loved one!

Gift ship for men

Alcohol and candy are one of the simplest gifts, but there is a way to turn commonplace items into an original present. In the next tutorial I will show you how to create an unusual gift ship using a few pieces of polystyrene foam and crepe paper.

Materials and tools for creating a gift ship

  • Expanded polystyrene (I needed two pieces 35x16 cm and one 16x10 cm)
  • Crepe paper (blue and silver, you can use other colors)
  • Mesh or other fairly rigid fabric (1×1.5 m)
  • Braid width 1 cm and 3 cm (each about 5 m)
  • Twisted cord (about 6 m)
  • Wooden skewers
  • Glue (cosmofen)
  • Scissors, breadboard knife
  • Double sided tape
  • Candies of different shapes for your taste (I needed: domes - 6 pcs, coins - 10-20 pcs, square “Chocolate Night” - 11 pcs, Roshen chocolates - 1 pack)
  • Gift bottle


We mark our ship on a piece of polystyrene foam.

The size will depend on the bottle you choose. The width of the hole in the upper part is equal to the width of the bottle, the width of the ship itself is at least twice as wide. The length of the hole should be such that the bottle is positioned obliquely in it. The length of the entire boat should be 2 times the length of the hole.

The third part of the polystyrene foam - the stern of the ship - will be as wide as the main parts, about 10 cm long.

We learned three parts: two of the same size (one has a hole for a bottle), and the third is much smaller.

We begin to decorate the hole for the bottle. From silver paper, cut out a rectangle a couple of centimeters longer and wider than the hole itself.

Glue it onto the second part, marking the place under the hole in the first part. It is best to use Cosmofen glue; it sets quickly and does not corrode polystyrene foam.

We decorate the hole from the inside with a narrow long rectangle of silver paper, and the width of the rectangle should be a couple of centimeters greater than the height of the hole so that the edges can be folded.

We make slits in the corners and glue the edges to the part on both sides.

We combine our parts and carefully glue them together.

After the glue has completely dried, using a breadboard knife, we give our workpiece a shape that looks more like a ship. We narrow the bottom - here it is important not to overdo it so that the ship maintains stability.

It should look something like in the photo.

Now we decorate the base of the ship with blue crepe paper. We start gluing it from the sides, and it is easier and more beautiful to combine the joint on the bow of the ship. The width of the paper should also be a couple of centimeters greater than the height of the ship.

Carefully bend and glue the edges.

The paper must be pressed well on all sides.

Cut out paper pads for the top and bottom of the ship. The parts should be slightly smaller than the places where we will glue them.

This is the kind of boat we got.

We then decorate the edges with braid. We glue it first along the side of the ship, then on top, carefully gluing the folds. The braid can be glued with transparent glue such as “Moment Crystal”.

We decorate the edges of the hole with a twisted cord, adding elements at the corners that resemble folded ropes.

Now carefully glue the stern. To do this, wrap the remaining small piece of polystyrene foam in blue crepe paper.

We begin to decorate the ship. On the bow we place 2-3 coins on each side, depending on the size of the ship. On the side parts there are three candy domes.

You can glue directly to the candy packaging, but there is a possibility of glue getting inside. I did this: I glued a piece of double-sided tape to the candy, covered it with paper, and then applied glue to the paper square.

The photo shows how you can decorate the poop using chocolates and sweets. If necessary, you can add a twisted cord.

We assemble masts from wooden skewers. Two long ones - from two skewers, one short one for the bow. To glue two skewers together, cut them at an angle and glue them on a flat surface.

For the sails we will need three pieces of fabric - I used mesh, so I folded it in half. The width of the sails is slightly larger than the width of the ship for the large one, and equal to the width of the ship for the small one. The size of the bow triangular sail is best determined after the masts are set.

We sew braid to the sails along the edges and in the middle. This can be done by machine or by hand using small stitches.

Then we sew the sails, folding them. Large in those places, small in two places, triangular - folded in half. Sew the braid to the fold, leaving room for the rope cord. The photo shows exactly how this needs to be done.

We thread the mast skewers through the fabric, forming sails. We arrange them as follows: the large one in front of the stern, the small one behind the bottle hole. Lines can be attached to the edges of a large sail by extending them to the edges of the stern.

We stretch the triangular sail on a cord from the mast on the bow to the mast with a small sail.

We also use cord to decorate candies and free spaces on the deck, folding them in the form of rolled ropes.

Between the masts we place a treasure chest - a box with chocolate coins and decorative beads.

We place the bottle by spreading a triangular sail around it.

Such an original gift can suit almost anyone - a boss, a friend, a loved one!