Care and stages of eyebrow healing after tattooing. Stages of eyebrow healing after applying permanent makeup. Tattoo immediately after and healed.

So, you decided to get eyebrow tattooing and consulted with a cosmetologist. An experienced eyebrow artist suggested the best color to choose and chose the ideal shape that suits your face type. Permanent eyebrow makeup has finally been applied: what to do next? In most cases, the master will definitely tell you before the procedure how to properly care for your eyebrows after tattooing. But if you missed some points, dreaming about how irresistible you will be in a week, then we offer you step-by-step instructions for healing your eyebrows.

During the tattooing process and immediately after it, the “new” eyebrows will be much brighter than the shade you chose

First day of tattooing: how to remove ichor and swelling

On the first day after applying permanent makeup, the result will not be quite what you might expect. Bright, sometimes absurdly eyebrows, pain, redness and swelling of the skin - this is what becomes the main cause of concern. But don’t get upset ahead of time: this is a natural phenomenon for the first day after tattooing.

On the first day after eyebrow tattooing, phenomena such as swelling and redness of the skin cannot be excluded.

Since the skin is pierced with a needle up to 0.5 mm deep to inject paint, which damages the epidermis, there is a risk of infection. In the first days after tattooing, the eyebrows may even bleed slightly, but more often ichor (lymph) is released. This is a protective reaction of the body that tries to prevent bacteria from entering wounds. Linerists (permanent makeup masters) recommend wiping the damaged areas with a soft napkin on the first day, without pressing or rubbing the eyebrows, otherwise the ichor will stand out even more, and part of the coloring component may come out along with it. Using blotting movements you will remove the lymph.

One of the options for removing ichor from eyebrows is to gently blot it with a cotton pad.

You can use a napkin, cotton pad or sterile cloth soaked in a special antiseptic. The following drugs are best suited:

  • Chlorhexidine gel for external or local use or 0.05–0.5% aqueous solution of chlorhexidine. In Russian pharmacies this drug can be purchased at prices ranging from 7 to 30 rubles.
  • Miramistin solution 0.1%. Sold at prices ranging from 170 to 290 rubles per 50 ml in pharmacies in the capital.

Treating eyebrows after tattooing with a 0.05% aqueous solution of chlorhexidine will protect skin damaged after tattooing from germs.

For treating eyebrows after tattooing, any antimicrobial agent that does not contain alcohol is suitable, which greatly dries out damaged skin, causing wounds to heal much longer.

Rubbing should be done up to 8 times a day. This will help you remove fluid released from the wounds and relieve redness of the skin.

After the ichor is removed, care should be taken to eliminate the swelling. Unfortunately, this is not a rare occurrence after eyebrow tattooing, but with proper care, swelling disappears within 2-3 days after applying permanent makeup.

Cosmetologists advise using wound healing ointments. They can only be applied to dry skin.

  • Rescuer is a balm based on natural ingredients, the cost of which ranges from 122 to 200 rubles;
  • D-Panthenol 5% - medicinal ointment. In metropolitan pharmacies it is sold at prices ranging from 197 to 300 rubles per 25 g;
  • Bepanten is a cream whose main component is dexpanthenol. Promotes rapid tissue regeneration. In Moscow pharmacies you can purchase it at a price of 400 to 700 rubles;
  • oxolinic ointment is an antiviral drug that has a softening effect. The price of the product ranges from 27 to 36 rubles.

In addition, regular Vaseline also works well to soften damaged skin and protect it from germs and temperature changes. The product should be applied with a cotton swab or thoroughly washed hands, preferably disinfected with alcohol, using gentle movements. After half an hour, remove the remaining ointment or Vaseline with a clean napkin.

One way to apply wound-healing ointment to the eyebrows is to use a cotton swab

In professional tattoo parlors, experienced artists often recommend using Fougera disposable healing cream immediately after the tattoo procedure. It promotes rapid skin regeneration due to the presence of vitamins A and D and protects damaged tissues from infection. Finding it in pharmacies is not so easy, so before the procedure you need to prepare in advance for further care and purchase the necessary products.

To heal the skin after tattoos and permanent makeup, professionals recommend using Fougera disposable ointment, which promotes rapid regeneration of the epidermis

It is not uncommon to feel aching pain on the first day after applying permanent makeup. If you have a low pain threshold or very sensitive skin, then, of course, you shouldn’t endure the unpleasant sensations - just take one of the following painkillers:

  • Analgin;
  • Aspirin;
  • No-shpa;
  • Nurofen;
  • Ketanov.

Be sure to make sure that you do not have individual intolerance to the components contained in these drugs.

It is worth noting that rare happy owners of eyebrow tattooing complain of an allergic reaction after the procedure. However, if it does happen, be sure to inform your cosmetologist-liner about it, and to eliminate the first symptoms of an allergy, take an antihistamine (Loratadine, Suprastin, Clarotadine, Fenigil and others).

The main rule of the first day after tattooing: do not wash your face with water - wipe your face with wet wipes and avoid contact of your eyebrows with dirty hands. Apply all care products for skin damaged by permanent makeup using gentle blotting movements. This will be the key to rapid restoration of the epidermis. And under no circumstances sleep with your face in the pillow.

Day two: darkening of eyebrows

With proper care of your new eyebrows, on the second day after tattooing you can already notice that redness, pain and swelling have become much less. But how then can we explain why, instead of the painted areas finally starting to lighten, they seem even darker, as if drawn with a marker?

On the second day after tattooing, the eyebrows darken and a crust begins to form.

The fact is that overnight, ichor was released from the damaged epidermis, and with it part of the coloring component. It was not possible to remove it in time, and the dried lymph began to form a thin crust. There is no need to panic: this is normal. Continue with standard eyebrow care:

  1. Gently wipe the damaged areas with an alcohol-free antiseptic once every 2 hours.
  2. When the skin is completely dry, apply a special softening antibacterial ointment to the eyebrows.

Thus, you should take care of your eyebrows on the second day after tattooing in the same way as immediately after the procedure. The only caveat is that the process of regeneration of the epidermis actively took place at night, and therefore it is no longer possible to treat damaged areas of the skin so often: 4-5 times a day is enough. At the same time, it is still advisable to avoid contact of eyebrows with water.

In the first days after tattooing, washing should be replaced by wiping the face with a damp cloth or cotton pad soaked in micellar water.

It is also not recommended to go outside, especially if the tattoo was done in winter or summer: sudden temperature changes and exposure to ultraviolet radiation from the sun can negatively affect the healing process. But if you still need to leave the house, we recommend wearing sunglasses that cover your eyebrows.

The discomfort gradually disappears on the second day after tattooing, so you will no longer need painkillers. The same applies to allergies: in most cases, it stops after a single dose of antihistamines on the first day after applying permanent makeup.

Rule of the second day after tattooing: do not stop caring for your eyebrows, gently cleanse the skin and do not be afraid of the crusts that form.

Third day: what to do with crusts

So, when you woke up on the third day after tattooing, you were disappointed to notice that the appearance of your eyebrows had become even worse. The color now seems even more uneven, and the resulting crusts just want to be torn off. But this is not worth doing for several reasons:

  1. Scabs removed unnaturally can cause bleeding and, as a result, infection in the wounds.
  2. A strong discharge of ichor may begin, and along with it, some of the paint will be pulled out from under the skin. Imagine how uneven the color of your eyebrows will be when they heal.
  3. The peeled off scabs will prolong the process of eyebrow restoration for a few more days.

Removing crusts that have formed on the eyebrows can lead to infection and even greater release of ichor with washing out of paint

The resulting “layers” on the new eyebrows protect post-tattoo wounds from infection. This is the body's natural reaction to skin injury. Remember how, as a child, a few days after falling off a bicycle, thick crusts would form on our elbows or knees and how the wounds would begin to bleed when we tried to rip them off. The same will happen with the eyebrows. True, sometimes it happens that putting clothes on over your head or touching a scab in your sleep can cause it to come off. There is no need to panic, but it is best to treat the skin with an antiseptic as soon as you notice damage.

There is another advantage to the resulting crusts: you can already start washing your face with water. It is even allowed to use special cleansers, but the main caveat is that they should not contain alcohol and dry out the skin - this will interfere with the rapid healing of the eyebrows.

You still cannot use decorative cosmetics in order to avoid infection in the wounds. Otherwise, eyebrow care should not differ in any way from the procedures of the previous day: treatment with an antiseptic up to 5 times a day and the application of softening ointments.

The basic rule of the third day after tattooing: do not try to rip off the scabs!

The period from the fourth to the seventh day after applying permanent makeup

On the fourth day after tattooing, the scabs will still bother you. You will have to be patient a little and the itching that usually accompanies them. The main thing is not to give up and continue proper eyebrow care, do not forget about wound-healing ointment and antiseptics. In some places that are least exposed to paint, peeling and peeling of the crust may already begin.

On the fourth day after tattooing, peeling of the skin and peeling of the crust may already begin

On the fifth day, the itching may become simply unbearable - this is a sign of healing of the skin. But we remember that you cannot comb your eyebrows with anything: neither with your hands, nor even with improvised means. The only thing that can be done is to remove the peeling crust in those places where it does not hold on very tightly. However, there must be an antiseptic nearby, and hands must be thoroughly washed with soap before the procedure. We continue to blot the eyebrows with chlorhexidine solution once every 3 hours, and then apply wound-healing ointment.

On the fifth day after tattooing, active peeling of the crust begins, accompanied by severe itching

On the sixth day, the crust from the eyebrows is actively removed. Many tattoo owners complain about the unbearable itching that accompanies this process. You shouldn’t bother your eyebrow artist about this: even if you can’t stand it any longer, that’s normal. To ease the sensation, you can lightly press on the eyebrows with a cotton swab, but under no circumstances should you comb them. On this day, it is better not to touch the crust at all.

The seventh day after tattooing is still accompanied by severe itching in the eyebrow area. However, for most women, at the end of the first week there are almost no crusts left. But peeling of the skin becomes more noticeable - the result of frequent use of antiseptics. There is no need to worry: this drawback can easily be eliminated with moisturizing creams, which you can start using very soon.

On the seventh day after applying permanent makeup, the crusts are almost gone and peeling of the skin begins

It is still prohibited to use decorative cosmetics and expose eyebrows to ultraviolet radiation. That is why you should also avoid visiting beauty salons and solariums. To avoid infection in wounds, you should forget about swimming in ponds and pools for a month. You need to protect yourself from colds: weakened immunity due to illness can cause inflammatory processes on the skin of the eyebrows and an obstacle to their rapid healing. That is why it is best to take a course of vitamins and minerals during the post-tattoo period.

Second week after tattoo: color change

If you have properly cared for your eyebrows, then the second week after tattooing should bring fruitful results. The most difficult stage is already over: the crust has come off, the boundaries of the eyebrows have become clearly defined, and their color is finally gradually becoming similar to the one you picked up in the salon. And although the tone will stabilize for another month, the main shade will already be visible.

In the second week after tattooing, the eyebrows acquire a more natural color, and the external stage of the skin regeneration process is completed

You can gradually start using decorative cosmetics and face creams, but the skin around the eyebrows should still be avoided when applying them. You can wipe your eyebrows with an antiseptic up to 2 times a day. Don't forget about emollient ointments. Sleeping face down on a pillow is still not recommended.

Results one month after eyebrow tattoo

After two weeks of caring for your new eyebrows, you are at the finish line. And although the final healing of the skin will occur within a month, the visual result of the tattoo will not change. During this period, you will already be able to see the consequences of incorrect permanent makeup performed by a careless artist, or the result of improper eyebrow care. If in the first week the crust was removed mechanically rather than naturally, the skin in this area will be much lighter.

Consequences of unsuccessful eyebrow tattooing - uneven distribution of paint and spoiled appearance

Video: eyebrow care after tattooing

In the modern world, permanent makeup is an excellent solution for active girls whose day is planned by the minute. Thanks to tattooing, it is possible to reduce the time spent in front of the mirror in the morning to a minimum, because part of the makeup has already been applied, does not wash off, and all that remains is to add the finishing touches. Among the many permanent makeup procedures, a special place is given to eyebrow tattooing, since maintaining their shape and color takes a lot of time. Every girl decides whether or not to get a tattoo on her own, but everyone must know what will happen to her eyebrows after such a procedure and how long the healing process will last.

Stages of healing of eyebrow tattoo

The eyebrow tattoo procedure is relatively painless, since local anesthetics are used during its implementation, but in any case it significantly injures the skin, which means that it will take some time for the eyebrows to heal completely, and only then can one finally judge the effectiveness and quality of the procedure.

The recovery period after permanent makeup lasts about a month and consists of several stages, during which the eyebrows will change.

The first day after tattooing - why are they so dark?

Within 24 hours after applying permanent makeup, swelling and redness around the eyebrows may be observed.

Within 24 hours after tattooing your eyebrows, the result of the procedure will bear little resemblance to the beautiful pictures on the Internet, and you should be prepared for this. Eyebrows after the procedure are usually too bright, with redness around and swelling. You should not sound the alarm if you notice such symptoms, as they are completely natural, given the significant damage to the skin.

In the process of eyebrow tattooing, depending on the chosen technique (powder, hair method, shading), the coloring pigment is injected to a depth of up to 0.5 mm, damaging the epidermis. After such trauma, lymphatic fluid (ichor) may be released from under the skin, and even slight pinpoint bleeding may be observed. This reaction is absolutely normal, because with such secretions our body is protected from the penetration of bacteria into it through wounds.

You can treat your eyebrows after the procedure with any antibacterial agent that does not contain alcohol, since such solutions dry out already damaged skin, significantly prolonging the healing process. It is permissible to wipe your eyebrows with such preparations in the first days up to 8 times a day, depending on how much ichor is secreted.

Another unpleasant symptom after eyebrow tattooing is swelling, which, with proper care, will disappear in just a couple of days. To relieve swelling and ensure normal healing of the eyebrows, it is recommended to use special wound healing products, which should be applied to dry skin.

Suitable preparations for eyebrow care after tattooing are:

  1. Balm lifesaver.
  2. Panthenol and other products made on the basis of dexpanthenol.
  3. Etonium ointment, used after tattooing and artistic tattoos.
  4. Cosmetic Vaseline.

Photo gallery: pharmacy products for eyebrow care after tattooing

Ordinary cosmetic Vaseline, applied in a thin layer to the eyebrows, perfectly helps hide peeling skin. Etonium is a wound-healing ointment. which is used to heal artistic tattoos and after permanent makeup
Oxolinic ointment forms a protective layer on the eyebrows, through which bacteria cannot penetrate.
Panthenol effectively moisturizes eyebrow skin that has been overdried by antiseptic during the recovery period after tattooing. Rescuer is a wound healing agent that is actively used after tattooing.

Such products have a rather oily base and help soften injured skin, protecting it from the penetration of microbes and the effects of temperature changes. Applying such products to the eyebrows should be done with a cotton swab or with thoroughly washed hands treated with an antiseptic. After half an hour, the remaining product can be removed by dabbing your eyebrows with a napkin.

After the anesthetic used for pain relief during the procedure wears off, aching pain may occur. This symptom is especially typical for girls with very sensitive skin and a low pain threshold. If it is difficult to endure the pain, you can take the painkiller that you usually use, for example, Aspirin, Ketanov, Nurofen, No-shpu.

An allergic reaction to permanent makeup and the compositions used for it is extremely rare, as manufacturers of quality products strive to achieve their maximum versatility and hypoallergenicity. However, if your eyebrows react to permanent makeup with allergic symptoms, you should inform the artist who performed the tattoo procedure. To get rid of allergy symptoms, it is recommended to take an antihistamine: Suprastin, Claritin, Lorotadin, etc.

The basic rule that should be strictly observed on the first day after the eyebrow tattoo procedure is not to wash or wet the areas of the skin where the pigment was injected. It is acceptable to wipe your face with wet wipes or a cotton pad, but it is forbidden to touch your eyebrows with your hands, especially dirty ones. In addition, it is extremely undesirable to sleep on your stomach on the first day, with your face in the pillow, so as not to introduce an infection into the eyebrows and damage the skin even more.

The second day after eyebrow tattooing - everything is just beginning

On the second day, the eyebrow tattoo becomes significantly darker, as a crust of ichor and pigment residues begins to form on it.

Waking up in the morning the next day after eyebrow tattooing, most girls notice their sharp, even shocking darkening, which, meanwhile, has a completely logical basis. After the procedure, and especially during night sleep, ichor and pigment partially injected under the skin are released from the eyebrows. During sleep, no one gets the tattoo wet; the lymph dries on the surface of the eyebrows and begins to form a crust.

You should not be afraid of such manifestations, as they indicate a normal healing process, and you can continue caring for your fresh tattoo in the same way as on the first day. Eyebrows should be blotted every two hours with a swab containing an antiseptic composition without alcohol, and after the skin has completely dried, apply an ointment recommended by the artist or one of those indicated in the description of the first day after tattooing.

Considering that discharge from the eyebrows usually stops on the second day, caring procedures can be carried out much less frequently, up to four times a day. At the same time, you should wait a little longer with washing, replacing it by wiping your face with a cotton pad moistened with micellar water, without touching the tattooed areas.

If permanent makeup was applied in summer or winter and the temperature difference between indoors and outdoors is too sharp, it is better to stay at home for several days. Temperature changes and exposure of eyebrows to ultraviolet light can negatively affect the healing process. If you can’t stay at home, when going out, you should wear fairly wide sunglasses that cover your eyebrows as much as possible.

In general, on the second day after permanent makeup, the unpleasant sensations become significantly less - the pain goes away, the swelling subsides, as do the manifestations of an allergic reaction, if any.

Eyebrow tattoo, day three - still worse

Under no circumstances should crusts on the eyebrows be removed mechanically, so as not to cause infection and spoil the result of the procedure.

On the morning of the third day after the tattoo procedure, most girls note that the condition of their eyebrows not only did not improve, but also became significantly worse. On this day, there is uneven color and a noticeable formation of crusts, which most people are itching to tear off.

It is extremely important on this day to restrain your impulses and not touch the crust that forms on your eyebrows, as such actions are fraught with a number of troubles.

When peeling off the crusts it is possible:

  1. The opening of bleeding and the risk of infection.
  2. The release of ichor along with pigment from under the skin, which will lead to uneven eyebrow color after healing.
  3. Prolongation of the recovery period.

The formation of crusts is one of the important processes through which our body tries to protect itself from the consequences of injury, similar to the healing of abrasions on the knees when falling from a bicycle. If your childhood memories are still fresh, then you probably know that removing the scab does not improve the situation and, on the contrary, worsens significantly.

There is a possibility of scabs being torn off from the eyebrows against your will, for example, in the process of putting clothes on over your head or on a pillow in your sleep. In such situations, an antiseptic will come to the rescue, which should be used to treat the eyebrows immediately after you notice damage to the crust.

A pleasant moment for girls on the third day after tattooing is the fact that they can already wash their faces with water without the risk of ruining their eyebrows, because now they are reliably protected by a crust. It is also acceptable to use special cleansers, however, it is highly desirable that they do not contain alcohol, which dries out the skin during the process of its restoration.

But it is still not worth applying decorative cosmetics to areas with tattooing, in order to exclude the possibility of infection of wounds that have not fully healed. Eyebrow care on this day is the same as on previous days: treatment with an antiseptic and application of healing ointment up to four times a day.

Fourth to seventh days after the procedure - what next?

The crusts gradually disappearing from the eyebrows are replaced by active peeling of the skin

The fourth day after tattooing is characterized by the beginning of a period of itching, which accompanies the crusts and the process of their convergence. It is recommended to continue eyebrow care in the same mode - antiseptic and ointment.

From this day on, the crusts begin to peel off little by little, especially in those places where the least pigment was applied, and they are replaced by peeling.

The fifth day after permanent makeup may seem the most unpleasant, because by this day the itching becomes unbearable, but it is precisely this that indicates that the healing process is completely normal. On this day, you should fight with all your might the desire to scratch your eyebrows, since it is forbidden to do this with your hands or brushes. In this case, it is permissible to carefully remove the crust in those areas where it has almost fallen off or is hanging on by hairs, after which it is necessary to treat the skin with an antiseptic. All manipulations with eyebrows should be done with clean hands, and care remains the same.

Detachment of crusts is accompanied by intense itching

The sixth day after tattooing will delight you with active peeling of the crust, which, however, will be accompanied by severe itching. If you can’t stand the urine any longer, you can lightly press on your eyebrow with a cotton swab, but under no circumstances should you rub the tattoo with it. On this day, it is better not to touch the scabs at all, since by removing them, there is a risk of not being able to restrain yourself and starting to scratch your eyebrows.

On the seventh day, the itching may still continue, but for many girls, by the end of the first week after tattooing, there are no crusts left at all. However, the ideal result is still far from being achieved, since the healing process will continue with active peeling of the skin. Peeling is a typical reaction to frequent use of an antiseptic, which can be hidden and gradually eliminated with the help of a moisturizer.

By the end of the first week, the crusts disappear completely. but the period of skin peeling will continue for quite a long time

It is still not worth using cosmetics during this period or exposing your eyebrows to the rays of the sun, just like visiting a cosmetologist or solarium. To prevent infection from joining the healing process, it is also worth holding off from swimming in pools and natural bodies of water. In addition to eyebrow care, during the recovery period after permanent makeup, it is important to monitor your health and protect yourself from viral and colds, since a weakened general immune system can affect the speed of eyebrow regeneration. To help yourself during this period, you can take a course of taking a complex vitamin and mineral preparation.

Second week after tattooing - what color will the eyebrows be?

Within a week, the color of the eyebrows will stabilize, become more natural, and you can already evaluate the first results of the tattoo.

The second week after the permanent makeup procedure will be much more pleasant than the first, because the itching gradually stops, there are no more crusts, and you can evaluate the result of the master’s work. With proper care during the first week, clear boundaries of the eyebrows and the resulting shade become visible. At the same time, there is a possibility that the color will not be exactly the same as what was originally selected in the salon. Due to the individual characteristics of the skin and the body, the pigment can change color, turn gray or, conversely, turn into red, bluish and even purple shades, and it will completely stabilize only by the end of the month.

The unevenness of the coverage and color of the eyebrows will also become noticeable in the second week, and can be associated both with errors in the work of the permanent makeup artist, and with improper care, removal of crusts that have not yet been exfoliated, and combing the wires at the stage of their itching.

During this period, you can already start using your favorite decorative cosmetics and skincare products, but minimally touch the eyebrow area. Now you only need to wipe your eyebrows with an antiseptic twice a day, and then lubricate them with ointment, but you still shouldn’t sleep with your face in a pillow.

All noticed flaws in both the shape of the eyebrows, or their uniformity, and in color, can be corrected during the correction, so you shouldn’t be too upset if your eyebrows are still not perfect.

Two years ago I had my eyebrows tattooed, but since I completely trusted the artist, I wasn’t particularly interested in information about what awaited me during the healing period. I followed the rules for eyebrow care, but not fully, and every new day after tattooing was full of surprises. The first shock was that the color was too dark after the procedure, but the master assured me that the eyebrows would lighten significantly. Returning home from the salon, when the effect of the anesthetic wore off, my eyebrows began to ache terribly, and along with them my head ached, but I quickly solved this problem with the help of a painkiller.

I would like to say that everything after that was easy and smooth, but the next shock awaited me. One fine morning in the second week after tattooing, I woke up and saw my eyebrows purple in the mirror. At this moment, there was no limit to the frustration, but there was a glimmer of hope that everything would be corrected during the correction. Then I covered my eyes with glasses, or lightly tinted my eyebrows with a pencil, since walking around with purple ones didn’t appeal to me, and it wasn’t possible to not leave the house at all. A month later, I happily went for correction, the recovery period after which was almost the same, except that now my eyebrows no longer changed color and became perfect. Now the tint is gradually disappearing, and I will, without a doubt, get the tattoo again, as it is convenient, and also completely hides my natural eyebrow asymmetry.

A month after tattooing - what happened and is correction needed?

A fully healed eyebrow tattoo looks attractive, and minor flaws in permanent makeup will be corrected by the upcoming correction

After two weeks of fairly active care, you can now finally relax, since the next two weeks the eyebrows will recover on their own, and the result of permanent makeup will not change.

Flaws in the master’s work, if any, will now be clearly visible, as will the consequences of improper care of the eyebrows during their healing period. If the crust was accidentally or deliberately removed mechanically, then in these areas the color of the eyebrow will be significantly lighter than the main coating, and the clarity of the lines and contours will become unnoticeable.

All defects of tattooing noticed during this period must be remembered and reported to the artist who will carry out the correction. If the result of the tattoo is completely unsatisfactory, then you should think about changing the salon and artist, or partially or even completely removing the tattoo using a remover or laser.

In any case, even if the result completely satisfies you, it’s worth going for a correction, since with special light and magnification the master will see much more than you yourself in the mirror and will bring your eyebrows to perfection.

Video: how to care for eyebrows after a tattoo procedure

Often, immediately after permanent eyebrow tattooing, clients of a beauty salon remain dissatisfied with the result of the procedure, since it differs significantly from what was desired and there are reasons for this fact.

Immediately after eyebrow tattooing, their shape turns out to be not so graceful, and the thickness and color may initially upset you. But don't be upset! This is a completely normal effect for the initial stage.

If after the eyebrow tattooing procedure you are not satisfied with the resulting color, this can be corrected a month later, during correction

It should be remembered that permanent eyebrow tattooing does not give an immediate effect. In order for the eyebrows to acquire the desired shape and color, some time must pass for healing or, in other words, the eyebrows must “get over it” and fully recover.

Typically, the healing process of eyebrow tattooing after the procedure takes approximately 4 or 5 weeks and can be assessed after a month.

During the healing period, the excess thickness will disappear along with the crusts. The color of the eyebrows will also change, since the pigment does not appear immediately.

Don't forget also that permanent makeup, like any operation, causes superficial swelling, Because of this, the shape of the eyebrows can be distorted and full recovery also takes time.

Note! Before going to a beauty salon, you should definitely ask for reviews about the level of qualifications of the establishment and the cosmetologists working there. Assess the quality of service, compliance with sanitary standards, inquire about certificates for the provision of cosmetology services.

Natural consequences of eyebrow tattooing in the first week after the procedure

Permanent eyebrow tattooing is the pigmentation of the upper layer of skin - the epidermis. Like a regular tattoo, this procedure must go through a healing period, during which natural consequences occur:

  • redness and inflammation of the skin;
  • swelling and itching;
  • secretion of ichor;
  • the appearance of crusts;
  • excessively saturated tattoo color;
  • distortion of the shape and size of the eyebrows.

Note! Before the tattoo procedure, a professional, experienced cosmetologist will definitely inquire about your health, existing chronic diseases, blood condition and allergies in order to avoid complications. If there are contraindications, the tattoo procedure can be cancelled.

Complications arising after eyebrow tattooing

Eyebrow tattooing after the procedure and a month later, as a rule, does not cause serious complications or, in terms of the number of cases, they are very insignificant.

The most common case of complication is an increased allergic reaction, both to the coloring pigment itself and to the physical impact (piercing) of the skin.

Often, a tattoo artist recommends in such cases a course of antihistamines that relieve this problem or reduce it to a minimum.

Complications can also arise from improper care of eyebrow skin in the first days after permanent treatment.

Poor hygiene, washing with chlorinated water, drinking alcohol and using decorative cosmetics can cause severe inflammation, swelling and severe itching. The consequence of this, in the future, may be poor-quality tattooing with blurred shapes and the wrong shade.

How to care for eyebrows in the first 7 days after tattooing

Eyebrow tattooing immediately after the procedure and during the first week requires constant care in order to get positive results within a month.

In the first few days, ichor appears on the skin of the eyebrows subject to tattooing, which must be very carefully washed off with neutral soap (preferably for children), dried with a towel, gently blotted, and lubricated with healing cream.

Subsequently, when the ichor dries out, crusts appear on the skin of the eyebrows. The crusts should absolutely not be peeled off! Otherwise, you can get infected, create wounds and the uniformity of eyebrow coloring will be disrupted.

The crusts must be lubricated with Panthenol, Bepanten or Solcoseryl creams, which promote active healing of the eyebrow skin and have an antibacterial effect. In the first period of time, to soften it, it is recommended to apply almond, peach or sesame oil to the skin of the eyebrows.

Important to remember! During the healing period, for several days after permanent makeup, you should refrain from taking hot baths, visiting steam rooms and saunas, as well as swimming in open reservoirs and pools with chlorinated water.

All types of exposure to facial skin during this period of time should be kept to a minimum.

What happens to eyebrows a week after the procedure?

A week after the procedure, with proper care, swelling and redness around the tattoo lines should subside.

At the end of the first week, the crusts begin to fall off and the preliminary results of permanent makeup are visible.

The color of the eyebrows has not yet been finalized, but you can see the uniformity of coloring of the eyebrows along their length. If the swelling has completely gone down, then the shape of the eyebrows, the bend and their width are already clearly visible.

During this period of time, the surface layer of the epidermis is actively healing, small wounds are healing, and the recovery process is underway.

What further care is needed for eyebrows after tattooing?

In order for the eyebrow skin to heal completely, intensive care and compliance with the cosmetologist’s recommendations are required for a month. They are simple, but must be performed regularly and strictly:

  • Eyebrow tattooing both after the procedure and after a month requires hygiene. To avoid infection, the skin of the eyebrow area should be cleansed with lotions (not alcohol!), neutral tonics or boiled water.

  • Do not rub your eyebrows with a towel under any circumstances, but rather dry them, lightly blotting the moisture.
  • Use healing creams or ointments. In the summer, be sure to use sunscreen, and in the winter, use creams or ointments with vitamins.
  • Protect eyebrow skin from excessive heat or cold.
  • During the healing period, you cannot use cosmetics, you cannot tint or pluck your eyebrows.

What not to do during the healing period of eyebrows after tattooing

Eyebrow tattooing after the procedure and after a month requires special recommendations. During the week after tattooing, it is strictly not recommended to:

  • when crusts appear, peel them off independently and forcibly;
  • It is not recommended to try to tint or powder eyebrows;
  • It is forbidden to wet your eyebrows unnecessarily, rub them with a towel or touch them with your hands;
  • It is not recommended to correct your eyebrows yourself, pluck hairs, or apply color with a corrective or cosmetic pencil;
  • in the first days after tattooing, any thermomechanical and ultraviolet effects on the tattoo area should be avoided;

  • it is recommended to avoid visiting the sauna, steam room, solarium and beach;
  • When caring for facial skin, the use of alcohol-containing lotions is not recommended.

Be careful! Eyebrow tattooing after the procedure and a month later requires simple but mandatory rules of care. Failure to comply with these conditions can cause serious inflammation and swelling of the skin in the tattoo area, and subsequently affect the quality of the entire procedure as a whole and the need for repeated microblading.

What eyebrows look like a month after tattooing

A month after tattooing, the eyebrow skin is completely restored and now you can evaluate all the work done. By this point, all the shortcomings in the choice of shape and color become obvious.

Ideally, if everything worked out as planned, then you should say a big thank you to the artist for a good job and get advice from him on how to keep your eyebrows in this form for longer and discuss a schedule for correction procedures.

For a lasting effect, you will need 2 or 3 more visits to a cosmetologist, after which the eyebrows will remain the same as a month after the tattoo for a long time.

However, in rare cases, a month after the procedure, unwanted defects may appear, which are best corrected by your specialist.

Defects in eyebrow tattooing both after the procedure and a month later Possible reason How to fix
Uneven coloring or failure to paint a particular area1. Poorly performed procedure

2. Errors in care in the first 10 days after the procedure

Color too bright or too pale (exotic color)1. Wrong tone

2. Incorrect care in the first week after the procedure

Can be corrected after complete healing (after 4 weeks) in the salon by a specialist
Asymmetrical or unacceptable eyebrow shape1. Wrong eyebrow shape

2. Unprofessionalism of the master

Can be corrected after complete healing (after 4 weeks) in the salon by a specialist

Eyebrow care after a month after tattooing

After a month after tattooing, eyebrows also need to be looked after. To ensure that the contours of the eyebrows are not smeared and the color is stable, periodically, as necessary, it is recommended:

  1. Depilation (plucking with tweezers) of regrown hairs that have appeared outside the pigment form.
  2. Trimming long hairs along the entire length of the eyebrow with scissors.
  3. Eyebrow tinting. Over time, pigment paint will fade, so touching up will be necessary to ensure uniform color.
  4. In the winter season, it is recommended to use fortified creams for care, and in the summer - sunscreen to protect the color.
  5. Tattoo correction in a beauty salon.

Interesting fact! The quality of permanent makeup directly depends on your skin type. On dry skin, tattooing is more intense and lasts much longer than on oily or combination skin. When carrying out the tattoo procedure, this circumstance must be taken into account.

When is the first correction necessary?

In most cases, some time after tattooing it is necessary to correct the eyebrows, since it is very rarely possible to do everything perfectly right away.

This does not mean that the master was not professional enough, but after healing some errors may remain or arise that are difficult to predict during the first procedure. All this can be corrected only after time.

Experienced professionals will always recommend making a correction in order to analyze the result of the procedure and the degree of healing of the eyebrow skin after it. Therefore, even if the appearance of the eyebrows seems ideal, correction is still necessary.

The first eyebrow correction is performed after final healing, approximately a month after the first procedure.

At this point, the surface skin in the eyebrow area, as a rule, has completely healed and additional actions can be performed without the risk of infection and making new wounds.

Note! Permanent tattoo makeup under different conditions can last from 1 to 10 years. If there is a need to remove it, this can be done in a beauty salon with a laser, 5 or 6 procedures.

Recently, the eyebrow tattoo procedure has become very popular among women of any age, as it solves several problems at once - to look beautiful and well-groomed, save time on everyday makeup and be “on top” at any moment.

How and over what period do eyebrows heal after a tattoo procedure?

What eyebrows look like a month after tattooing:

The procedure for permanent makeup/tattooing (PM) is a rather complex and multifaceted process. After the procedure, the following changes will occur in the micropigmentation area:

1 - 5 days: swelling, redness, slight asymmetry due to skin trauma, quite bright, dark color, vascular reaction. Healed permanent makeup will be 40-60% paler than immediately after the procedure.

5 - 7 days: decrease in color intensity; when the crust comes off, everything will be very light.

15-30 day: stabilization or gradual saturation of color. The color will gradually appear in the pigmentation area.

* If suddenly after 28 days the color did not appear in the required amount - a specialist is undergoing correction Necessarily will add brightness or make the PM area 1-2 shades lighter, correct the shape if pigment rejection has occurred, or the client has not properly cared for the PM area, or even worse, picked out the crust. It is imperative to remember that the fixation of pigment in the skin also depends on the body’s defenses.

We remind you that an additional procedure (correction) is a mandatory component of the PM procedure. Without correction, the PM procedure is considered incomplete. Everything: color, brightness, saturation, symmetry, is finalized in an additional procedure.

At all stages of healing, you will have an irresistible desire to call us or write and tell us: that you are upset, that you are very worried, that the color is very bright, that the eyebrows, arrows, lips are slightly different (they will be different during the healing period due to swelling and crusting ), that there is no color left in the PM zone after the crusts have come off, etc. and so on....

This is a normal reaction of clients to color, brightness, symmetry. Don't worry, the process of stabilization and healing is underway.

Until the permanent makeup has healed and stabilized (permanent makeup, tattoo), please do not call us on these issues. Before correction in the PM area, it is strictly forbidden to add anything, since the skin must be restored.

At this stage you need to calm down and be patient. We kindly ask you not to worry or get upset. You will receive a positive final result only 28 days after the correction.

Center for Permanent Makeup by Irina Zakharova, St. Petersburg,OGRN 312784702000810 IP Zakharov Permanent Make - Up Center

Emphasis on eyebrows is this year's trend. To give your eyes expressiveness and not spend a lot of time on makeup, you can turn to a modern and fashionable procedure available to every girl over 20 years old - tattooing. It’s quite easy to do it; all you need to do is visit a beauty salon or beauty salon, but it’s important to find out in advance all the nuances of this procedure and how long eyebrow tattooing can take to heal.

Preparing for the tattoo procedure

If you decide to get permanent makeup, you should get detailed information in advance:

  1. Consult a specialist who will perform a cosmetic procedure;
  2. Assess the quality of the material and the experience of the craftsman. Choose a shape, find out how many days and how eyebrow tattoo heals, as well as available contraindications and possible consequences;
  3. Receive recommendations on how to care for eyebrow tattooing day by day, starting with preparatory procedures and ending with a return visit to the artist;
  4. Before visiting the salon, you must wash your hair, since at first water should not come into contact with the injured area;
  5. It is better to get a tattoo done when there are a couple of free days ahead, for example, weekends or holidays.

Tattooing is a foreign intervention in the human body. The pigment is injected subcutaneously with a needle, causing multiple injuries. The first stage of healing begins directly in the salon and takes more than one hour. To do this, immediately after the procedure, applicators with a soothing ointment are applied to the eyebrows. After the allotted time, the product is removed with a napkin. For the first few hours, the skin itches and your head may hurt; in this case, you are allowed to take painkillers, for example, Nurofen.

For your information. Immediately after tattooing, eyebrows look bright for several hours.

Stages of eyebrow healing after tattooing

2-3 days

For the first two or three days, the eyebrows are very itchy, and ichor is released from the wounds, which needs to be removed. This is done very carefully using a lint-free cloth, lightly touching the places where the liquid appears. Under no circumstances should you press too hard, much less scratch your eyebrows. There is no need to worry, since the healing process of eyebrow tattooing normally takes a long time. The specific period depends on the individual characteristics of the body, but on average lasts from 4 to 5 weeks.

The procedure itself is not dangerous, but ignoring aftercare recommendations can cause serious harm and increase the risk of unwanted consequences.

First week after tattoo

The main healing period for eyebrows takes one week, sometimes 12 days. At this time, you need to pay close attention to eyebrow skin care after tattooing. You can see what eyebrows look like during the healing process in Fig. below.

  1. Do not remove the crusts; they should fall off on their own. Otherwise, due to mechanical impact, the coloring pigment may come off along with them, and the eyebrow will look ugly;
  2. To ensure that recovery lasts as short as possible, pharmaceutical drugs are used that accelerate regeneration processes: Bepanten, Rescuer, Boro Plus, ointments for burns;
  3. While the resulting crusts are itchy and painful, they must be moisturized for 10 days;
  4. Carry out water procedures carefully, avoiding water getting on the eyebrow area;
  5. Do not use cosmetics: decorative cosmetics, scrubs and masks;
  6. Do not visit baths, saunas and swimming pools.

First month after tattoo

After 30 days, you should contact a specialist who, if necessary, will make a correction and reapply the pigment.

Eyebrow care by season

The time of year is of no small importance when healing eyebrows after tattooing, since these events are somewhat different in winter and summer.


  1. At first, it is advisable to protect your face from exposure to cold air, snow and wind until the wounds are completely healed;
  2. Before going outside, do not wash your face or apply cream;
  3. After returning from the street, you should not immediately take a hot shower or bath, as temperature changes will negatively affect the condition of the pigment.


  1. During the day, avoid direct sunlight on your eyebrows. To do this, you need to cover your head with a cap or hat, and also wear sunglasses;
  2. Do not use greasy cream, as it clogs the pores, and this can cause inflammation;
  3. Do not swim in ponds or pools, do not immerse yourself in water.

For your information. At the initial stage of recovery, you should refrain from drinking alcohol, as it slows down the rate of wound healing.

How to properly maintain your eyebrows

They don’t stop caring for healed eyebrows and adhere to some rules:

  1. The skin around the eyebrow becomes sensitive; the use of oils and products with moisturizing properties is required, which are applied to the entire length of the eyebrow with lightly massaging movements;
  2. Due to tattooing, hairs become weaker and grow slower, so they can be cut.

Consequences of improper care

If all eyebrow care measures are not followed, there is a risk of unpleasant consequences with your appearance, as well as health problems.

It can be:

  1. Inflammation of the epidermis, accompanied by redness, burning and itching;
  2. Infection, which is possible if dirt gets into the wounds;
  3. Pigment leakage is the result of copious secretion of ichor;
  4. Gaps in eyebrow tattooing resulting from premature mechanical removal of formed crusts;
  5. Purulent formations - can appear in the case of an advanced inflammatory process.

Important to remember! After tattooing, eyebrows immediately require strict adherence to personal hygiene rules.

Important! If during the healing process you get a headache, redness occurs that turns into inflammation and suppuration, immediately contact a specialist at the salon or a doctor at the hospital.


These cosmetic actions have contraindications that should be taken into account. These include:

  1. Pregnancy;
  2. Skin problems;
  3. The presence of moles or warts in the eyebrow areas.

Note! Some may experience an allergic reaction due to the sensitivity of the scalp.

Eyebrow tattooing is a popular procedure in the cosmetic services market, occupying a leading position. Permanent makeup is long-lasting and allows you to correct imperfections in your eyebrow shape on the same day of treatment.

In order for the final result to meet expectations and the procedure to be carried out in accordance with the rules, you must try to find a professional master in this field who will clearly talk about how long it takes for eyebrows to heal and control this process.

Important! Having decided to get a tattoo, you need to weigh the pros and cons, since the paint does not fade for a long time. We are not talking about 2-3 days; you will have to wear tattoos for the next 5-7 years.

If the master did not make any mistakes when performing the work, then the eyebrows, having healed after a few weeks, acquire a beautiful shape and color, and, importantly, you will no longer have to spend money and time on daily drawing of the eyebrows. A little patience, and the result will definitely please you!
