Christmas flower arrangements. Inspired by Christmas: New Year and Christmas flower arrangements. New Year's compositions - a tribute to fashion and traditions

A holiday in life is like a bow on a gift box. To find out what's inside it is worth unleashing, especially when it comes to the New Year. But we will rather discuss how to prepare all this, how to decorate the house for the celebration and make a New Year's composition with our own hands. And we will also learn how to turn a festive table into a fabulous one.

In English, there is even the concept of "Centerpiece" - a composition for decorating the central part of the table. In Russian, we do not make such a distinction and just talk about crafts and. And yet let's imagine that the creation we are about to make deserves a central place in the Christmas interior of the Queen of England.

You can create your own New Year's masterpiece with the help of candles, cones, a basket of toys, decorations from pinwheels and snowflakes. Whatever we choose for the idea, it must fit into the overall interior. Thus, the heart will become the quintessence of the entire decoration of the house.

Make beautiful vases from glass bottles. When doing this, wrap each of them in a musical notch to give the impression of a label. And the label of the New Year's composition, of course, will be snowflakes, which can also be made by hand. Attach tiny bells in the middle of the bottle and tie everything with twine or ribbon. Arrange these vases on a tray, decorating it with spruce branches and silvery balls. You can also apply patterns of shimmering sparkles to the glass.

If our table is the decoration of an apartment in miniature, then the focus of attention of all those who dine should be a Christmas tree. Candles in the form of a Christmas tree are an amazing symbol of the winter celebration. Place several of these wax beauties side by side, combining them in height and color. Light several at once. Who knows if all the candles will burn out during this most fleeting night of the year? One thing is clear that this symbol will lose its meaning in the morning.

Add coziness to the New Year mood with a basket tray. This is an incredibly original, warm New Year's composition, made, it would seem, by nature itself, and not by hand. Don't be afraid to be called a magpie-crow: put as many shiny toys and tinsel in the roost as possible. You can put boxes with in the nest.

Why not create a composition in the form of a children's sled in the center of the table? Who knows what this year will bring? We will not think beyond the holidays, but rather we will try to put all the most interesting things into the sled. Wooden toys, large candles, rough-bound books - perhaps a sleigh filled with souvenirs will look good not only on the table, but also under the Christmas tree.

If you come across Christmas decorations in a set, then you should take them without hesitation. Usually, though not always, they are a design solution to the problem of decorating a celebration space. The attention of the guests will probably be attracted by the ensemble of New Year's balls. Of course, they often combine accessories belonging to different masters, but unity, a common canvas, must certainly be visible.

A delicious solution would be a candle with nuts and dried fruits. But whether the guests will perceive it as a central decoration depends on the accessories. Don't forget to add celebration elements such as lights, lanterns or candles.

Get ready for the New Year in advance, because you never know what adventures you will encounter along the way. Good luck and, most importantly, good health!

Christmas is a bright, kind Christian holiday, adjacent to the new year.

Catholics and Protestants celebrate Christmas on December 25, Orthodox Christians - on January 7, according to the new style (December 25, according to the old style).

From time immemorial, there have been traditions to decorate your home for Christmas with fir branches, candles, balls, garlands.

Fir branches and candles are the main attributes of Christmas.

Beautifully decorated Christmas trees are put up in the houses. On New Year's Eve, Santa Claus puts gifts under the Christmas tree.

In Western countries, it is customary to broadcast a Christmas wreath of fir branches, decorated with ribbons and toys, on the front door of the house. The wreath on the door is a symbol of home readiness for Christmas, goodness and peace. He "tells" the guests: "Welcome!".

In Catholic countries, in churches and homes, on the eve of Christmas, an Advent wreath is set - a round wreath of fir branches with 4 candles. Advent - the time before Christmas, the Advent fast. The 4 candles in the Christmas wreath symbolize the 4 weeks of Advent. Every Sunday during Advent, a new candle is lit.

Using the traditions of Christmas wreaths, designer florists create very spectacular, stylish, sometimes simply unique Christmas compositions from fir branches, candles, flowers, cones, toys, etc. such compositions will decorate your home on New Year's Eve and Christmas.

Christmas tree decorated by florist Jessica Urista.

Christmas arrangements by florist Amy Brown Santee:

Merry Christmas composition for decorating a family holiday.
Written by Darlene Lamb-Atkinson.

Advent wreath.
Written by Caz Paul.

Photo from the page Floral Design Institute on Facebook.

Christmas wreath.
Written by Micha L. Rieser.

Even the neighbor's cats are delighted with the Christmas floral arrangement.
Written by Malene Thyssen.

Floral arrangement with Christmas gingerbread house.
The house was interactive: lights were lit in it, Christmas music played, the train moved around the house. Just a miracle, not a composition! The gingerbread house alone cost $160.
The author of the composition is a floristic company from Texas Fergie's Flowers & Enchanted Evenings!
Photo from the Flower Shop Network Facebook page.

Candles create a special atmosphere of comfort in the house. We all want to celebrate Christmas, as in the good old days, by the fireplace, in which the fire crackles cheerfully. But not everyone in the house has a fireplace.
But in every house you can organize a corner with a composition of candles. The fire of candles will create warmth, comfort and holiday atmosphere in the house no worse than a fireplace. Choose thicker candles that will burn for a long time, place them on a safe stand, and your makeshift fireplace is ready.
Happy holidays!

Candle Corner by Leanne Kesler.
Photo courtesy of


History of New Year and Christmas compositions.

All compositions are divided intoadvent (pre-Christmas) and Christmas. They are closely connected with folk customs and traditional church canons. So, the Catholic Church, which was cleansed of the Inquisition after the Church Crusades, allows the decoration of premises for holidays with flowers in accordance with church canons. In the Orthodox Church there are no canons of registration or they do not coincide with the Catholic Church.

Christmas holidays of the Orthodox Church .

Advent starts 40 days before Christmas (January 7) and starts Lent at the same time

there are no holidays in the church.

December 4 - the appearance of the Virgin - decorate the altar on this occasion.

December 12 - the feast of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, Nicholas the Pleasant.

December 3 - January 1 New Year is not a religious holiday. December 31st day

holy people - martyrs of alcohol.

January 8 - Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

January 19 - Epiphany. From Christmas to Epiphany - Christmas time.

Symbolism of the holidays

COLOR - Traditional colors of Christmas -red - life, love, blood.

White - light, spirituality. Green- hope and rebirth.

Blue - faith and sky, purple -piety, spirituality.

Yellow, gold, silver - the symbolism of the gold of the Magi.

Color tones of traditional floristry:

red, white, green, gold - are more often used for decorating children's parties and shop windows.

End-of-burn floristry - blue, purple, black, silver

this is mysticism, isothery, fairytale romance

CANDLES - a symbol of spiritual burning, sunlight and dependence onhis life.

In Christianity, candles are reminiscent of the star of Bethlehem, which announced the birth of Christ, of the significance of Christ himself as the hope for salvation and peace. The shape of the candles is simple cylinders, white for Advent, red for Christmas. Other colors - depending on the desire to create a certain mood.

EVERGREEN PLANTS - a symbol of vitality and protection from evil, protection from the witchcraft forces of winter (in incense), are used more often in Christmas compositions. Boxwood, yew, juniper, spruce, fir, cypress, pine, spruce, heather, mistletoe, holly are used for compositions. mistletoe britishhang out on Advent 1 and beyond and thrown away after the holidays, believing that shedraws in V myself impure force.

BRANCHES WITHOUT LEAVES - with leaves in the form of distillation of birch, cherry, bird cherry. They personify vitality and fertility, protection from witchcraft forces. In Europe, on December 12, on the day of St. Nicholas, they put rods and rods that have witchcraft meanings. Bare branches are used more often in advent arrangements.

STRAW - a symbol of the straw on which Jesus was born, is used in compositions in the form of bundles with bows.

FRUITS, COOKIES, CANDIED FRUIT - sacrifice to spirits, gratitude to good spirits and softening of evil spirits. The shape of the treats is a star, a circle, a heart.

CEREALS, NUTS, CONES - a symbol of new life and renewal.

STAR, ANGEL, BELL- symbols of the news of the birth of the baby - Christ, Christian signs of the pre-Christmas period. Stars performfrom straw, wood, dough, paper, foil, glassAnd etc. Angel stylized, made of a variety of materials.

FLOWERS - helleborus - the flower of Christ (similar to an anemone). Bulbs are also used - tulips, daffodils, hyacinths. Amaryllis (distillation).

JUICY FRUIT - apples, pears, seeds, ears - a symbol of the rebirth of a new life.


Wheel - a circle necessarily with intersections, a symbol of the solar wheel or the movement of the sun. European Christmas is celebrated on the winter solstice.

The wreath is a symbol of eternity and infinity of life. They can be very diverse, traditionally decorated with candles, cinnamon sticks,

needles and stars.

The cone (or pyramid) is a symbol of the tree of paradise.

The Christmas log is a symbol of rebirth.

Basic principles for installing New Year's compositions

The choice of means of arrangement and their installation as a measure of the mood and strength of the sound of the New Year's composition.

association of homogeneities (in form, color, assortment, etc.);

identifying the most important characteristic homogeneity;

the inclusion of contrasts that create tension and thus give life to the arrangement.

Compliance with the law of limitation

He consists in such a choice of material and details, which, combined in uniformity, create optically complete groups. An example of color groups is red candles, peppers, red-colored achillea inflorescences. The number of parts of the composition or assortment of plants does not matter, but one should not, for example, use cones of six different shapes, but it is better to take two or three contrasting shapes. With an assortment of arranging greens and other groups of material, the same rules are followed.

The basis of the New Year's composition is an unequal triangle. Homogeneity can connect with the eyes. The combination of equal and similar means the repetition of a homogeneous material in the composition. Therefore, repetition can be seen as a connection factor.Groupings of the same kind present in the New Year's composition should be repeated three times. For example, in a large arrangement in a shop window, color concentrations (spots) of red occur only three times, or only three groups of glass vessels are given in contrast to the rattling glazed ceramics. Moreover, of all the triple repetitions of a homogeneous in - spatial arrangement, one of the most significant geometric constructions is always the figure of an unequal triangle, which helps to find the union of this homogeneous in the composition. The most spectacular subject is always three. For example, three groups of colors - red, green and brown. 3 forms are painted with each paint. In Christmas decorations, 3 colors are usually combined - green to blue-green, red, and taupe.Green color gives pine, spruce, fir, eucalyptus.Red color- candles, decorative peppers, ribbons, twine, cords;Brown color - lotus fruits, cypress and other coniferous cones, peculiarly curved branches and fruits of an unusual shape.

Achieving decorative effect and order with the help of partitioning. The selected material is installed not singly and not mixed, but combined into so-called groupings.

Free space between groups.

In a dense New Year's composition, the beauty of its individual parts is lost. Therefore, free space should be left between the groupings so that the eye, fixing individual details, can more voluminously cover the arrangement.

Emphasizing subordination between groups.

Separate groupings should be different in their meaning. With the same value between them, competition would begin. As a rule, candles play a leading role in New Year's compositions. Therefore, they receive the most honorable place in such arrangements - on the main axis. All other elements of the New Year's composition complement the candles and, in turn, have a different significance relative to each other. Thanks to this, it is possible to direct the viewer's eye from primary elements to less valuable ones, providing for harmonious inclusions along the way.

Spatial design, volume.

Surveying the New Year's composition, the eye should not run into the "back wall". The space must be fully utilized. Groupings are arranged forward and backward, left and right, up and down. When placing the composition on flat bases (glass plates, wooden planks, ceramic and wicker plates), you can make it higher due to attachment devices (piaflor for dried flowers, polystyrene, etc.). Increasing the height of New Year's compositions will allow you to install falling branches hanging to the right and left in them, which in turn will create a three-dimensional arrangement.

Observance of optical balance.

New Year's composition should look balanced from all sides. One of its sides should not look more heavily loaded than the others.

Following the movement of natural growth.

The direction of natural growth of the material used in the compositions should be taken into account. Therefore, branches, flowers, fruits, if possible, should be installed as they would grow in nature.

The synthesis of rationality, feeling, experience and the joy of experimentation is the key to success!

The choice of means, the type of installation, the elaboration of details only then allow you to create an unforgettable New Year's composition when they are rational (conscious, meaningful). Each successfully completed arrangement is the result of mental work, since only feelings, experience and the joy of experimenting are not enough!

Appendix No. 12

Samples of Christmas compositions

(the works were made by pupils of the association "Nature and Fantasy")