Short wishes for mother's day. beautiful wishes for mom on mother's day

Sleepless nights and day-to-day experiences are the norm for you rather than the exception. You cheer for everyone with heart and soul, support, advise, admonish. Earth bow to you for this, mom! We always listen to your words, because they are worth a lot, like your invaluable care. Be happy, healthy and smiling! And also, please, don't worry about us. We are long-fledged chicks who have already taken to the wings and are ready for accomplishments and flights. And at the same time, our gratitude for your warmth and zeal is simply boundless! Be bright like a clear sky, warm like the sun, and trembling like a doe! We love you very, very much, dear!

Today we celebrate wonderful holiday- Mothers Day. And to you, as one of the most beautiful mothers, I want to wish all the best. I want to wish you patience, I want to wish you joy, I want to wish you health and happiness. Let only warm words sound in your life, let dullness not affect your everyday life, and every day will be beautiful in its own way. Let the children please you with frequent visits, call more often, and take care of you just as you took care of them. To be a mother means to be strong, to be brave and to be dearly loved. And, apparently, for this reason, mom is the most valuable person for each of us. Congratulations!

Mommy, you know, I'm very happy man! I was very lucky, because I always had you - tender, affectionate, loving, the most best mom in the world! You cooed over my cradle, didn’t sleep at night, rejoiced at every new gesture and word, forgave my pranks ... You led me by the hand to the first grade, you were proud, empathized, upset, laughed, re-experiencing school years together with me. And so day after day, year after year. You tirelessly cared for me, bestowing the warmth of your hot maternal heart!
Mom, I congratulate you on Mother's Day! You deserve all the best! I wish you to always think positively and remain optimistic! And I will try never to upset you! Know that I love you very much!

They say love rules the world. We love, we are loved ... Sometimes mutually, sometimes unrequitedly. But there is love in the world that is not subject to anything: neither time, nor gossip, nor oblivion. This is mother's love. She accompanies us from the very first moment on this earth. We feel maternal love even before we are born. We grow up, we leave home. But even at the edge of the earth, we remember that somewhere far away warm mother's hands and kind eyes. My dear! Thank you for your unselfish love. For your participation and experiences, for concern and care. Let a bright star light up over your house every evening! And every morning the warm rays of the sun penetrate your window! Live long, long, be healthy and happy!

Mom is holy word, it denotes the most dear person to us! But on Mother's Day, are we going to congratulate one mother? Of course not! After all, our grandmother is also a mother, and already with double experience. And there are also sisters, and aunts, and friends, in general, all those women who have already experienced this true happiness - motherhood. A mother is capable of doing things for the sake of her children, which, it is believed, a person is not capable of in principle. Her holy love serves as our guide and guardian throughout our lives. So let's congratulate all, all mothers in the world on this day, created in order to give words of love! After all, mom deserves words of gratitude for all her daily chores and worries. And the best reward for her is the success of the children. The highest calling of a woman is to be a mother. And may it always be so, may motherhood be the most important thing and the most important happiness for each of the women!

Dear and beloved mothers! Happy Mother's Day! You have always been and remain selfless, loving and ready to do anything for the sake of your children! You never skimp on affection, kindness and tenderness!

The first tooth, the first steps, the first spoken word, the first time in the first grade, the first unhappy love - all this is fresh in your memory, because in these important points You have always been there for your children! Thank you for your motherly love!
Be healthy, mothers! Live happily and long! Happy holiday!

My dear, dear and madly beloved wife! The best thing in our life is the children you gave birth to! Words are not enough to express my love and gratitude to you! Our children are just wonderful, and you are the best mother in the world!
Happy Mother's Day to you, my dear!

Daughter, our dear and dear! Not so long ago you gave birth to a wonderful, healthy and beautiful son! Now dad and I can proudly congratulate you on the holiday, Happy Mother's Day! We believe that you will raise your son to be a worthy and talented person! We also know that a mother can only be happy when her child is happy!
So let your son and our grandson be happy! Congratulations, daughter!

Congratulations to the best mom in the world. I would really like to be like you.
On this festive day, I would like to wish you always good mood, cheerfulness and good health! I love you very much!

On this festive day, we congratulate our only mother, who is worthy of universal admiration.
May your whole life be full of sincerity and understanding from those around you, and the warmth and boundless love of your children fill your soul with joy. long years.
Happy holiday dear mom!

My beloved mom! Today is your holiday - Mother's Day. How much warm, good I want to tell you. A low bow to the ground to you, for all that you have done for me. Your wise advice help me in life, your love always protects me. your radiant, tender eyes make sure I don't do anything stupid. Mom, you gave me life! And from the first minutes to today I live in in good hands! Your prayer for me helps me to be successful in everything. Sorry if in the turmoil of days, sometimes I forget to do you at least a small favor. Dear mommy! I congratulate you on the holiday. I wish you good health, good luck and happiness. May the smile never leave your lips, may your eyes never see tears. Live, my dear, and please me for a long time with your presence on earth.

Most the best holiday on earth, it's Mother's Day. For each of us, mother is only kindness, hope, warmth. In moments of joy, we rush to mommy, and she sincerely rejoices at our successes. In moments of sorrow, we rush to mommy, and she will console, calm, and the soul will immediately become warm. And the problem we're facing seems so ridiculous. Mom is the source of all our life. How often, without noticing, we cause a lot of trouble to our mothers. And we will never hear a reproach. After all, it's mom! She worries, prays for us, loves us with a love that cannot be compared with anything. Dear Mom! Let crystal tears of joy roll down your face. Good health to you, good luck in everything. I kiss your hands, dear.

On a cold November day, we celebrate the warmest, the best, the most Holy holiday- Mothers Day. Mom - in this word our whole life. A great gift of fate is mom. And we must remember this all our lives. Mom is the beginning of all beginnings. It is you, my dear, who teach me to live with justice. It is you who always worries and prays for me. And that's why I'm doing so well. Mommy! You are the protector of my whole life. And so I want you to teach me with your wise advice for a long time. May God grant you good health, happiness and love in children. Let the smile on your lips shine more often, let grief bypass you. Live long, long and make us happy. Happy holiday!

Mom is the most beautiful, most gentle, warmest word on Earth. After all, warmth comes from the mother's heart, which warms for life. This motherly wise advice points us to the true path. Mom is always there, even if we are very far from her, he is always looking forward to us. There is no love in the world stronger and more sincere than maternal. Dear mother, I sincerely congratulate you on the holiday. May God grant you good health, may sorrows never enter your house, and may illnesses pass by. May your life span last longer, may your eyes shine with joy, and a smile often visit your lips. Thank you for everything, dear mother. I respectfully bow my head to your knees, and you, as always, stroke your good hand. I kiss your hands, mommy. Be happy!

Today is the most wonderful holiday- Mothers Day. The sun is shining brightly, the weather is happy. How else? After all, mother is the kindest, most holy. After all, mom is the most main man in my life. It is to her that I go with my joy and misfortune, this vulnerable heart of hers is always worried about me. It's good to have a mom! It's good that you can snuggle up to the warm, good hands and they, like in childhood, gently stroke you. These are my mother's eyes with bottomless tenderness always watching me. I thank you, mommy, for everything. And on your holiday I wish only joy, only goodness and comfort to you. Let Lucky case knocking at your house. May the goodness that you radiate be sure to return to you a hundredfold. May the Lord protect you. May health be with you for many, many years. All the best to you, my mother!

Everything that is beautiful and bright in me is all thanks to you, mom! You have always inspired and encouraged me with your kindness, patience, optimism and faith in me. All the words of gratitude will not be enough to explain how much I appreciate everything that you have done for me. Happy Mother's Day, dear. I love you!

Dear Mom, I know for sure that I can come to you for advice at any time, you will listen, and it will immediately become easier. You always understand me, you always support me - you are my most best friend. You have always taught and continue to teach me to live and enjoy life. I wish you to always be healthy, do not lose your sense of humor, vital energy, youth of the soul. Happy holiday to you, my dear.

Dear mother, if I were a member of the government, then on the day of all mothers for your care, love, patience and attention, I would award you the medal "The Best Mom in the World." If I were the richest person, I would give you all the treasures in the world. If I were a wizard, I would fulfill all your wishes. But I'm just your daughter, an ordinary person, and all I can give you is my love. But she is so big, so strong and so bright that no medals and treasures can compare with her. Be happy mommy.

There is nothing dearer in the whole world than the voice of a mother! So let me wish you a lot on the day of respect for all mothers baby warmth, love and understanding. May your soul sparkle brighter than any stars, and do not age with time! Keep and give your warmth to your children, and let it respond to you with health and comfort!

Happy birthday, dear mother - poems

Putin congratulates on Mother's Day

Mom, the best in the world,
I want to wish good luck!
You are an adviser, you are a friend,
Sometimes even a doctor.

Let the reserve of vivacity
Rising every hour
Let fate shower the house
Only happiness and kindness!

Beautiful words for mom from son

Mommy, thank you
that you gave birth to me.
Raised, nurtured
She gave everything to her son.

Happiness, I wish you
Be healthy, don't get sick
Don't worry about anything
Live long and sleep well!

I wish every new day
Meet with a bright smile!
Let them go forever into the shadows
Diseases, sadness, parks.

I want happiness here and there
You were rewarded
I love you very much, mom
Thank you for being around!

Happy birthday, mother dear!
Let gardens grow before you
And they bloom fragrant.
Be like a tree by the big water,

Forever juicy, strong, healthy.
Be fully satisfied with life.
Let many years come again
In your life a beautiful spring!

Himself native person
Today I say with my soul:
It's better not to have you in the world -
You light up the world with kindness!

You are always gentle and patient
You can be a reliable friend.
Mommy, for the joy of happy days
I would like to thank you!

happy birthday mom

You filled the world with warmth
Love, kindness.
We are all in a hurry to a cozy house,
Where it's so easy with you.

We wish you change in life
We are on Mom's birthday!
Let there be happiness every day
And every moment!

greeting card

Good morning, dear mother,
I wish you only a sunny day!
Let the mood be wonderful
Much joy, good news!

How much I love you - do not convey!
You are the best, I will say it straight!
I want to wish you with all my heart
Love, good luck and health, mom!

And so that every year you are
Happier, more beautiful and younger!
And bloomed with a joyful smile ...
You are the most precious thing in the world to me!

Mommy, my dear, my mother,
How madly I love you.
You are my harbor, you are my soul,
I look at you, how good you are.
I'm ready to kiss your hands
It's good to have a mother around.

As in childhood, I cling to you
And kiss gently.
I confess, mom, that I love
A hundred times stronger than before.

I wish you bright, clear days,
Health and good luck!
Take care of yourself and know
Which means a lot!

Voice congratulations and wishes for mom

Mommy, my love, happy birthday to you!

(A parody of Saakhov) Happy birthday, beautiful lady and wonderful mother

There is no better mother in the whole world!

You are reliability and tenderness,
I am in your anxieties!
In endless worries
In the heart, in dear dreams!

You are patient, calm
You can help me understand everything!
Because it's holy
Because you are a mother!

Mom, my dear!
On this day I wish you
Happiness, joy, kindness.
And, of course, health
Let it come to you.

Live native mother many years,
May your strength not fade.
For everything you've done for us
Thanks a lot!

Good health and happiness,
Good luck big and small!
May everything always be fine -
Today, tomorrow and then.

The children grew up and became
Your own mother and father,
But for everyday business
They remember their father's house.

Mom, dear, dear,
We wish you:
Live healthy and happy
No gray hair and no wrinkles.

Gardens bloom for you
Nightingales sing songs.
My heart for you
It beats joyfully, loving.

Mom, live long
And take care of your health!
Let fate not upset
And the Lord bless!

Mommy! I want you to never be sad. When I see your sad eyes, I feel very bad. Be always joyful and cheerful!

Dear mother, dear!
My priceless treasure!
Nothing in the world is dearer to us
Than your mother's heart.

Many of your nights have passed without sleep,
Worries, worries for us can not be counted,
Earth bow to you, dear,
For the fact that you are in the world.

Be healthy, dear, do not be sick,
Do not be sad and live longer.
Our life is warmer and brighter
From your maternal love!

Beloved and affectionate, mother,
Being with you is just a blessing!
We want everyone to appreciate you
So that your cart is not loaded too much,
So that the house was order and comfort,
So as not to live with loved ones in separation
And we gently kiss your hands
For your, dear, daily work.

Let fatigue not bend your shoulders.
And don't let your eyes grow dim.
Try, mommy, save
Ringing laughter, despite the loss.

Forgive me that we rarely call.
Your children are always busy.
We treasure your image.
In their still childish hearts.

We wish you, mommy
Cloudless sky and health,
Live happily ever after on earth
And always be beautiful like today,

Know no troubles, no grief, no anxiety,
Enjoy every day with a smile
It's easy to walk the path of life
Have big success always in everything. ©

Beloved mother on her birthday
We wish to live without grief,
Do not know illness and anxiety.
May the gods cherish you
And fill only with happiness
Your path is truly brilliant!
You are a unique nature -
Good, beautiful and not a fool,
And also the best hostess,
You still sing like a flock of songbirds
In short, you are a great lady!
We love you very much, mom!

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wish mom

I wish every new day
Meet with a bright smile!
Let them go forever into the shadows
Diseases, sadness, parks.
I want happiness here and there
You were rewarded
I love you very much, mom
Thank you for being around!

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Mother's Day Wishes

Mom, my dear!
On this day I wish you
Happiness, joy, kindness.
And, of course, health
Let it come to you.

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Mother's Day Wishes

My dear mother! There are not enough words in all the dictionaries of the world so that I can express how much I love you! I wish you to always remain as kind and charming, never need anything and never lose heart! Let illness and sorrow bypass you! You are the most dear and beloved person on earth to me! I love you very much!

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Well wishes for mom

Busy at work! The boss runs up the walls and yells at everyone like crazy! House pogrom husband in the kitchen is a disaster! Unfed children look with predatory eyes at the cat, and she at them. In general, the whole world is threatening to leave its orbit and drown from global warming! Because my mother is sick and lies with a temperature. Get well soon Mommy. Save us all!

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birthday wishes

Your birthday is the best of days.
Mother! In this happy moment, accept the wishes of the children
Always be so beautiful, warm the heart with a smile
And so that never in this world of sorrows and grief do not know.

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Mother's Day Wishes

Thank you, dear, that you eat with us,
What we see and hear you every hour,
Behind kind soul and a warm word
For not seeing bad things in life,
Thank you our dear man!
We wish you health for your good life!

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Happy birthday mom

Mommy! Congratulations on your birthday! I wish you good health, love, good luck ... Thank you for the kindness, the warmth that you give me!

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wish mom

My sweet mother! I want to wish you good health warmth, Have a good mood, respect from relatives and colleagues, mutual understanding with relatives, with all relatives .... And I want to tell you Thanks a lot for what you do for me.
I love you! Your daughter.

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Mother's Day Wishes

Dear Mom!
Accept this day from us sincere nice words: we thank you for your caring hands, which will always caress and .. feed you deliciously; for your bright smile, which, like the sun, illuminates the path. Thank you for your kind heart, which forgives all insults, all misunderstandings in which we are the main characters. Thank you, dear, that you are so we have.
We wish you long and happy years life.
We love you very much!

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Wish to mothers

My beloved mother, let the main emotions in your life be not anxiety and excitement, but joy, happiness, and the firm belief that you can be proud of me.

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Mother's Day Wishes

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Sms - wish for Mother's Day

Mommy! I wish you great health, less everyday worries and more sunny and happy days. We are happy when we see your smile.

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Happy birthday wishes for mom

Dear mother, my dear,
I hasten to congratulate you...
It's good that I have you
In the whole wide world there is no dearer than you!

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Mother's Day Wishes

Dear Mom! On this day, I want to hug you tightly and kiss you on both cheeks, tell you how wonderful you are and how good it is that you are ready to help and give wise, useful advice! Presenting you a bouquet of your favorite flowers, I regret that I cannot wrap it in rustling paper and tie the whole flower meadow! Today, your cake that you bake is, of course, the best, especially tasty and sweet! Mom, today you are like a kind queen and a fairy tale, giving us your smiles and affectionate words. Nothing can replace the warmth of a home, the comfort of a mother's embrace. I would like to wish you to always remain so cheerful and happy, surrounded by a family full of just pride in their children, confident that Friendly family together and that there are many more such wonderful days!

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Godmother wishes

Second mother, you are mine
You baptized me as a child.
I go to you for Christmas
And I value our friendship.
May the angel that God has given us
Keeps you from any drama.

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Wishes for a young mother

A young mother must be wished good health and good luck in all endeavors. Now she has a lot to do and everything will need luck. May every day be full of joy, pleasure from communicating with a child. Let the child grow up quickly, be healthy and cheerful, with an excellent appetite for semolina and everything useful. Let rather baby learns new things and does not play pranks, obeys and goes to bed early. It will be nice for a young mother to hear wishes for her and her baby together, for example, a wish to read fairy tales that a young mother loved in her childhood, a wish to always be friendly and happy.

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Wishes of the mother of the groom at the wedding

What a nice and handsome guy you raised, mom! I would like to wish you much happiness, health and good luck. You are the perfect culprit for the fact that two young people are together, because you raised a good, smart and honest man! Now acquiring his own family. For you, mom, you definitely need to raise a glass, and also wish you always remain as happy and beautiful as on your son’s wedding day!

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Birthday wishes for mom

Dear mom, today is your birthday and before moving on to wishes, I want to tell you thanks a lot for what you are! The only and loving, the most expensive in the world! May every day be bright for you, may there always be a reason to smile, rejoice, and be proud of how good children have grown! Let health never fail, and beauty never fade! And yet, may all desires be fulfilled and new ones be added to be fulfilled too!

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Mommy wishes

Mom, the one and only, I wish to always be surrounded by loved ones, dear people and rejoice in the success of your child, in which, of course, there is the merit of the mother, who raised her with love and sincere concern about the future of the child. May sweet mommy always be beautiful and all wishes come true more than expected. May every day be full of new impressions and brilliantly resolved household chores, may mommy always know that her dear people are nearby and will come together more than once.

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Birthday wishes for mom

Mom for her birthday, to wish this? Of course, everything that is usually desired - love, happiness, health, good luck and true friends, so that the house is a full bowl and all close people are together, friendly with each other. And let mom in the future be as cheerful and elegant, beautiful and blooming as on this significant day. Her favorite thing, let it always turn out well, like any undertaking, and also let the children continue to please the mother and let the mother celebrate more than one birthday as wonderfully as this one.

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Wishes for mom and first grader

You can wish a mother with a first-grader more free time, so that while spending it fun with her son, she would rejoice at what a nice kid he is growing up, and even help the kid with homework, because it’s not easy for first-graders to have years of study ahead and there is so much to do! You can wish mom and a first-grader more luck for two more, sunny, warm days to walk in the park and ride the carousel and eat ice cream.

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Birthday Wishes for Mom and Daughter

Daughter grows, reminding us of you,
Proud camp, beauty from God.
May the daughter never forget
You are caring, kindness.
She has someone to look up to now,
Mom is both beautiful and smart.
We won't stop admiring you
We drink a glass of wine for you to the bottom!

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Wishes for mother and child in verse

How nice to admire you
Mom gently kisses the child.
And the child shakes her curls,
If he pulls, he will stroke lovingly.
How much perfection in these eyes,
How much tenderness in these lips.
I know maternal affection
No one will ever replace.

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Wishes for mom and dad

You are my parents, beloved, dear!
I don't even want to think
That you will become gray.
What do you want, grumble,
Forget about laughter and joy.
Buy medicines
And drink, that's this muck.
No! It's definitely not about you.
There can be no doubt.
You are young, enthusiasm in the eyes,
And does age matter?

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Happy birthday mom

Mommy! I am glad to congratulate you on your anniversary. You have always been and remain the most important person in my life! You will be the fastest to help! You are the best person to calm and cheer! You cook better than most! You worry about my successes and failures in a way that no one else is able to experience. You love me more than anyone, and I love you like no one else does. Thanks for being you!

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Happy Anniversary for Mom

Mom, getting older, I understand more and more how difficult it is to raise a person. I understand how much you invested in me, how hard you tried to make me happy. And, you know, you did it. I am happy that I have such a beautiful, attentive, warm, beloved Mom!

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Happy birthday to mom

Mom, I congratulate you on your anniversary. Today you are 20 years old) I wish you to continue to remain so cheerful, beautiful and young! And we (I) will try (I try) to do everything possible, if only your eyes would shine with happiness!

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Wish to parents

My beloved mommy and daddy! I congratulate you on this significant date for all of us, and I wish you never to get sick and more for many, many years look at each other with eyes that I believe real love exists

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happy birthday wishes for daughter

Your daughter has grown up before your very eyes.
Mom does not take her eyes off her daughter.
Well, what a clever girl, the pride of the whole family,
Your merit here, they were able to give everything to her.
Kindergarten, school, different circles,
And everywhere you were in time everywhere.
But time has passed, your daughter has grown up with you,
Now is the time to think about yourself now.

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Mommy, my love,
You are the dearest on earth
And you always believe in me
Don't doubt me.
We have secrets for only two,
And we have common dreams
I always need your advice
You can understand without words.
And on Mother's Day, my mother,
I wish you health
I want you to live forever mom
I want to avoid pain.
I also wish you beauty,
Blossom with your young soul,
And remember, you are the best in the world
Enrapture everyone with a smile, kindness!


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Create a postcard

Happy mother's day my dear
Today is a special day, yours,
And from the bottom of my heart I wish you
Find peace of mind

Rest today, dear
And let go of all worries
Let in life, dear mother,
You are always lucky in everything!

For Mother's Day

"Mom" is an eternal, holy word,
Affectionate, kind, kind.
Comfort and delicious food
This word is always associated.

We are all flesh from mother's flesh.
No matter how we forget at work,
No matter how long childhood is gone
We feel warmth in this word.

Mom's hand touch,
The smells of home whiff,
And the soul will freeze for a brief moment -
So the word has a great meaning!


Hard work - to give birth to children,
Grow, wash diapers.
Let the mother be the heroine
For every child.

Who can give the world
Divine miracle?
Conceive, bear, love,
Where does she have so much strength?

Let mother Mary keep
All women on the planet.
I will not tire of repeating:
Mom, you are the best in the world.


I want my mother in law
Congratulations on mother's day.
Let life be beautiful
I also want to add

What are you to me, truly,
The second became a mother,
I want to sincerely congratulate
Mother-in-law dearest!

For Mother's Day