Dear mom, happy birthday. Happy birthday poems for mom. Congratulations in verses for mom happy birthday

Happy birthday dear mom
You are a year older today
You are more beautiful today
I want a life without worries.
And dear patience,
Sometimes it's hard for us
Don't lose your temper
Stay beautiful like this.
And I wish you happiness
Do not know you the sorrows of troubles,
Let all bad weather pass by,
Let the green light come on!


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Mommy! Expensive! Happy Birthday!
Forgive us for banal words!
We wish that from happiness and luck
Your head is always spinning!
We wish you to be healthy
To smile and bloom more often,
So that your gaze is not gloomy or harsh,
So that your long, bright life is!


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To my sweet mother

My sweet, sweet mother
What do I want to wish you?
May the heavenly flock of angels
Helps to fly through life.

Let all the difficulties melt at once,
How the snow melts under the sun.
My sweet, sweet mother
Long life, happy birthday to you!


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You are the most beautiful,
And gray hair does not spoil you.
There is no person closer, dearer,
You are the only one for me!
You are both kind and strict,
But you are not in the world of relatives!
I wish you a birthday
Many warm and joyful days!
To see by visiting you.
Your dear smile!
Happy birthday, dear mom!
I love you unconditionally!


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happy birthday mom

Mom's birthday
The whole family celebrates
Because the holiday is the main one!
We love you, mom!
Be always cheerful, happy
Don't forget to rest
Stay the cutest
Never be discouraged.


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The woman I love!
I want to wish you a happy birthday
My beloved mother!
You've only gotten better with age.
And they have no power over you...
Happy birthday, dear mommy, stay forever young!


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There are many beautiful words in the world
And everything, mommy, for you
I will list for a long time
Today is a birthday!
Worrying, every time, as in childhood,
I'll tell you quietly
What is more than all the people in the world
I cherish you, mommy.
Live without knowing fatigue
In the circle of family, in the circle of friends,
And be young at heart
Until your old age!

Birthday greetings to mom in verse

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For mom!

Happy birthday, our mother,
What we want to wish you:
So that you are always and more beautiful than all,
And did not know how to lose heart!

May all dreams come true at once
Let the house be filled with joy.
We give you love with tenderness,
For you, our dear, we drink!


Mommy, peace and goodness
Today I wish you!
Always be wonderful
And everything will seem like paradise!

Dear, always be beautiful
Let all things work out!
Thank you dear mother
That you gave birth to me!

Happy Birthday!!!
Let the years not rush
Don't rush your run
Golden leaf fall -
The memory of past years.
We wish you to live happily
To always speak after -
"How beautiful this woman is,
How infinitely young!"

Mommy, I wish you many years
Shine with the same beauty
And teach me lunch
On the table as soon as you can quickly throw
After all, no one in life could do that
To work and create comfort in the house, to the envy of everyone and everything.
Accept from your daughter, mommy, congratulations!
After all, you are the best, my mother!

Birthday wishes for dear mom

Dear Mom,
You are the most beautiful,
Affectionate, kind
And a little modest!

Your birthday! Hooray!
It's time to congratulate you!
We wish you
For a long time without guessing
Health is the main thing for you
Mother dear!

Mommy, let my daughter congratulate
You today from the heart -
You are the best mom in the world!
Whatever you want to call it

But it will still be true.
Don't give up, I know
That you're not just a super mom.
You are super super for me!

Our mother, dear,
Don't count your years.
You are young with us
And always beautiful!
So stay like this
You for many years
Be you a shining star
And never fade!

Congratulations to your beloved mother from her daughter

Mommy, sweet, gentle, glorious,
Kind, smart and radiant,
In the palms of my hands I will give you happiness.
"Thank you" for everything I tell you
Live, smile adversity-years,
We will share worries with you in half
Forget about illnesses, forget about worries,
Let us light up your life path with love.

Let your life flow endlessly
And not aging, years pass.
Be kind, happy, carefree,
Always surrounded by love.
May this day be beautiful, clear,
May happiness never fail.
Let the mood be wonderful
May your wishes always come true!

Happy Birthday
And I wish you to continue
Contrary to the worries of many,
Bloom and be beautiful!
I wish you bright, long days,
Don't count your years
May happiness be in your home
Stays forever!

Birthday wishes for mom from a loving daughter

Your love is enough for everyone
So beautiful and down to earth.
You surround us with care and warmth,
And we want you to be.

Let the years have no power over you.
Let all troubles bypass
But health and great happiness
They always walk beside you.

Happy birthday dear mother
You and I are like girlfriends.
We have no secrets from each other
And I don't need a best friend.

Let the sun shine on you
I want it to be comfortable everywhere.
May your life be bright
And you won't forget this beautiful moment.

I wish you light and only warmth,
So that you are forever cheerful.
Dear, dear mother of mine.

When I was very small,
I dreamed of being like my mother,
I am a copy of her! It is clear to everyone -
Relatives and friends, oncoming and passers-by.

I want to congratulate my mother today
Happy birthday to me. I wish her happiness
I also want to wish you good health
Huge love, real passion!

Happy birthday mom (congratulations from daughter)

Mommy, dear, protected by God.
I have always been infinitely loved.
Be brave, invincible,
Beloved, beloved, beloved!

Everyone is already used to it, mom,
That we are like girlfriends.
We wear jeans for two,
Look like each other.
Happy birthday my
Young mother.
Delicate, beautiful,
Light as a butterfly.

It's my dear mom's birthday!
I'm running to you for the holiday.
Good luck, peace and patience!
I am always indebted to you.
For your sleepless nights
For kindness, the soul is warm.
May they be illuminated by the sun
Your years to spite the winds!

"Mom" - how much tenderness in this word,
How many poets sang it
Let my lines be added,
About great and tender love for you.

You are my sunshine, my wind
In the night, an unburned light,
May your life be easy
As I am with you light and warm.

May the Lord send good luck
My sweet mother!
Never let it cry
It will be necessary for friends.
On my birthday I wish
You, mommy, love!
And I ask you, dear,
You still live a hundred years!

Congratulations to dear mother from a naughty daughter

Of course, I'm not an angel at all,
And sometimes I'm stubborn..
But I know - in solving problems -
The most difficult - mom will help me!
Regret, hear, understand
Caresses, feeds, comforts.
Will gather my thoughts in a heap
And morally, and everyone will support.
Stay, mommy, always
Kind, gentle, caring.
I always, despite the years,
I will be a child, and you will be my mother!!!

Mom, dear, dear,
On this day, poems to you -
The kindest and most beautiful
The best on earth.
Happy birthday, congratulations
Take a piece of my warmth.
I only wish you joy
Health, happiness and kindness.

I feel warm in your hands.
Only you understand me
Only with you is light for me.
There is no you in the whole world more expensive
There is no you in the whole world relatives.
May a good angel help you
In the circle of mysterious days.

happy birthday mom
Warm words of kindness.
How do you want to say to me with warmth
So that, at all, mother, you do not grow old.

I wish my mother good health
I will give you a whole bunch of smiles
And I hope with love
I won't see your tears again. (WITH)

Congratulations to mom from daughter in gentle verses

I hasten to send you my greetings
My dear, sweet mother.
Thank you for bringing me into the world
And in your arms I opened my eyes.

I want to congratulate you on your birthday,
I confess honestly how much I love you.
With all my heart I send wishes, loving
Health, happiness and good luck, my love. (WITH)

Dear beloved mother,
I am writing you a congratulations.
So I want to see my native smile,
And I'm telling you this.

Your daughter loves you very much
Appreciates life experience and your advice,
Never forget you
The heart beats with love in the chest.

And I want on your joyful birthday
To give you my love and warmth.
Hug my beloved mother tightly
And always keep in your arms. (WITH)

Kind, gentle and so vulnerable
Mommy you are my favorite.
In difficult times you become strong
A strong support for me.
You are the best in the world,
You are like a strong wall to me!
And on your birthday I wish
May you always be healthy and happy!

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Today is the most important day in the world.
Today, mom, is your birthday!
And this day should be celebrated
We need it at any cost.

I wish you good health first of all
Don't let anything hurt him!
You've already endured so much
And how much more in life remains ...

I wish you happiness, so that there is enough for everyone,
After all, you, as usual,
She invested all happiness without a trace in us,
Not remembering yourself for a moment.

I want eternity. Let the bright star
The world illuminates your endless path.
Always be beautiful, always be yourself.
For us, an unshakable example. Forever!

And do not count the years that have passed
You only get better with time.
Shake off your troubles and sorrows.
And smile as soon as you can...

Happy birthday, beloved mother,
Congratulations today!
And I wish you the happiest
And your life was beautiful.

I wish you many years.
I wish you peace, goodness.
I also wish you good health...
I love you my mom!

My dear, mommy, I congratulate you on your birthday! I want to wish you prosperous everyday life, endlessly happy time, the best health and female beauty. May you be pleased with the most pleasant and delightful moments, good news and good health. I love you and wish you endless happiness.

My mother, you are dear
So tender, dear.
Dearest and most beloved,
Essential for everyone!
Happy Birthday to You,
I want to congratulate you, love.
I wish you not to get sick
And the heart never grows old.
Smile more often dear
And enjoy life.
So that you are always near
Mommy, I love you
I don't say it often though.

Mommy, beloved, dear,
I want to say so many words -
Happiness and health, dear,
Wish from the bottom of my heart today.

Forgive me for the first gray hairs,
That she didn't sleep with us at night.
Forgive me for the first wrinkles -
They care that you gave us.

I want to hug you tight
And touch your cheek with your hand.
And the heart will immediately become easier,
And sadness will go away by itself.

Happy birthday to mom
Let's bow down to the ground.
Mom is the epitome
Peace, grace and love!

My good, dear, dear,
How many words there are for you!
I congratulate you, mother, on your birthday
And hug gently, loving!

I wish you many years in the world,
Good health and happy days,
So that no life is evil waves
Yours did not reach the shores.

You are dearer to me than anything in the world,
Be happy, my mother
I always need your advice
And I share my secrets with you.

Mommy, mommy, happy birthday!
So many words, so hard to find!
I want every moment
Life has been a blessing to you.

So that your eyes shine with happiness
So that there is always spring in my soul,
So that you are not touched by bad weather,
To have enough time to sleep.

Be always happy and loved.
Be who you are -
Glorious, kind and irreplaceable.
Everything today is only in your honor!

You are more valuable in the world.
May God keep you from troubles.
And on your birthday, dear,
I heartily congratulate you.

Wish You happiness and health,
And a heart full of love.
That the years rush - it does not matter,
At heart you, mother, are young.

Be cheerful, optimistic,
Beautiful, bold, ironic.
I will say that on the whole Earth
There are none like you, mother.

Dear mother, I love you
I hug you tightly and give you flowers!
I have no more happiness in my life,
Than to snuggle up to you and hug you!

Close, dear, tender,
You will always help - I know for sure!
In bitterness or in sorrow - you will come to me,
Sit next to me and you will understand me!

You are the only one among thousands of mothers,
And I will not betray your love in my life.
I wish you happiness forever
Always be healthy and take care of yourself!

Do not grow old in soul, do not hurt in heart,
Great-grandchildren, great-great-grandchildren with us to see!
A billion smiles, millions of days
Always be my beautiful mother!

Thank you mom for being you
That neither lies nor flattery are needed,
To describe from the heart
Everything you want to say.

You, mother, are wisdom and warmth,
You are beauty, strength and goodness,
You are the smile that always
Gives faith for years.

You are a perfect cook
Psychologist, doctor, veterinarian.
12 months a year
Always connected and in tune.

May your whole life be long
You are the best person!

Mommy dear, dear,
Beloved and dear!
I wish you long life
Do not know sorrow, nor troubles.

You be happy, smile
And enjoy every moment
Surprise with good health
Forget about all diseases.

What do you dream about - so that it comes true,
Whatever you want is fulfilled.
Let a bright shine in your eyes
Brings joy to family!

Mom, we congratulate you
And we wish you peaceful bright days,
All the best, health and good luck,
Happiness of women and kindness of people.

Know we just love you
We appreciate and adore,
Happy Birthday! You are the only one -
We say thank you for everything.

Mommy dear, golden ray of sunshine
You will always warm me with your tender warmth.
And today, on a special day - on your birthday,
For you, dear mother, my congratulations.

Be healthy and happy, like no one else on this earth.
Be charming and beautiful, no matter how much you are.
You are the only one with us - a golden ray of sunshine,
Congratulations mom, I send happiness with all my heart!

Today is not an easy holiday
Without any doubts.
My mother's own
Birthday today.

I wish you well
Health and patience.
So that your life is clear
And light mood.

And let the years run forward
Changing date values.
Just be young at heart
On your every birthday.

Bouquet of good simple wishes
I want to give my mom a birthday present!
May the sun shine on you very brightly
Fate brings many gifts.

May happiness and health not leave you
May every day be bright and joyful.
A white stripe in life will begin,
And let the whole world smile at you!

This day - it is the most important -
The day you were born.
I wish you mom
The warmest feelings and phrases,

The most joyful events
Long years, health, strength,
So that only good discoveries
Every day yours brought

May the support of your loved ones
Warms in the cold
And, dear, as if quickly
Neither carried forward the year,

Let it pleasantly surprise
You our world again and again.
Let them grow stronger in your soul
Faith, happiness and love.

Did you hear my first cry
And I bought the first satchel,
Do you remember my very first verse
And from love a thick blush.

And you completely forgot about the dream,
When I was two, four, eight.
You for this - bow to the ground,
For childish selfishness, we ask for forgiveness.

So many words of love I want to say
I don't need an idol other than you
Always be yourself, please.
You are an ideal, you are a mother, you are the top of the world.

Happy Birthday dear,
The most important person!
I wish to be healthy
Take care of yourself forever.

Let in the most tender smile
Joy is always hidden.
Let calm, serene
Eyes glow with happiness.

Happy birthday to you, mommy
I hasten to congratulate and hug.
Let the mood be bright
And the heart - to shine with joy.

Your eyes are like the beginning of the day.
Let only happiness sing in them
To never get bored
Your good heart.

Be healthy, radiate joy,
And let the years not rule.
Let them be with you
Your favorite always.

My dear, we are so close:
You are my help and advice.
Giving both life and name,
Live many long years!

happy birthday dear
My mother is native.
Where can I find so many words
To express love?

The closest person,
Connected with you forever.
You console, give advice,
Give me an answer to my question.

What do you wish me?
Just turn back time.
Those were golden days
You keep them in your heart.

I wish you health.
And forgive me for
What happens, sometimes I
I hate nothing.

I wish you a lot of happiness
And good luck, and warmth.
Forget about all the bad weather.
Know that I am always near!

You are the most dear person to me,
And it's hard to find words for you -
I want to wish so much from the bottom of my heart
And do not tell me everything, probably forever.

My mother, an angel given by fate,
There is no one more beautiful than you in the world.
And on your birthday the strongest
I wish your soul to be young.

I wish your hands less worries,
Eyes - only joy and beauty,
Always to make any dreams come true.
May happiness always live with you.

Entries 1 - 20 from 59

Mommy, happy birthday.
And thank you for the warmth.
I wish you health, joy.
So that what you dream about, everything comes!

Thanks for the love and understanding
For the fact that she led by the hand in life.
And for good, of course, education.
You are the best, my mother!

Mom, kind and dear,
Unique, dear to the heart,
Let it not be a secret for anyone -
You are the best mom in the world!

Thank you for the sleepless nights
We appreciate and love you very, very much!
We wish you a magical birthday
Fun, luck, love and luck.

Be the most beautiful, happy and tender,
In everything we will help, support, of course.
May there be health, prosperity and happiness,
Always rely on our participation.

And remember, mommy, and believe that in the world
Your beloved children love you!

Dear, sweet, only, golden, beloved, dear mother! Happy birthday! What a blessing to have a mother like you. You will always support, and console, and cheer, and help, and give wise advice. You are the most important person in my life. Mom, I wish you health for many years of spring mood, more joyful events. Thank you for everything you do for me!

Dear, beloved, dear!
Congratulations, mommy, you.
And with all my heart I wish you
Only peace, joy, kindness!

There is no you more beloved and dearer,
There is no you more reliable and tender.
You will always help me with advice.
There is no you more sympathetic, kinder.

Let your eyes water only from happiness
Let the smile of loved ones give light.
You are the most beautiful in the world,
For me, you are the best in the world!

Though sometimes I lack words
Don't think that I don't respect you
That I do not appreciate all your labors,
That I never notice anything.

For everything I don't say
I beg your pardon!
You know that I love you
My Mommy, happy birthday.

May every day bring joy.
Health, happiness and love.
May the angels protect you
On everything that has not yet been traveled, the path.

Everyone on the planet knows
And, of course, it's no secret
Mom is the best in the world
There is no better mother in the world.
And for mom all the flowers,
Gifts, congratulations.
Let dreams come true
Happy Birthday, mom!

Dear mother, dear little man,
You brought me into the world.
How many words have accumulated in the soul,
How much warmth in the heart.

May the angels protect you
Keeping for many years.
Day by day I understand more and more
How important you are to me.

Happiness, dear, to you and health,
Full of light joy.
May you always be warmed by love,
Surrounded by loved ones.

Let them bypass the side of excitement,
Strength to you, I pray.
I congratulate you on your birthday!
I love you very much!

Mommy, I wish you
So that you are always like this
What you all my life I know:
Beloved, affectionate, dear.

So that all worries and sorrows
Gone once and for all.
So that they rush off to the distant
Misfortune, grief and misfortune.

I hug you tenderly
There is no dearer in the world,
And from the bottom of my heart I wish you
Beautiful, bright, long years.

Native cute features.
An irreplaceable person.
Thank you mommy for being
She was with me in the rain and in the snow.

For long nights without sleep
For thoughts full of anxiety.
You, mother, I have one,
May God protect you.

Let the time turn back
Slowly, your years
And I will protect
And always help you.

And you, please forgive me
For everything I do wrong.
You smile, don't be sad
Fate sent us a good sign.

Words can't convey everything
Your birthday is magic!
I want to hug you now
And souls to feel kinship.

I wish you happiness and warmth
Love, health, kindness.
And if only I could -
Your dreams would come true!

I consider it the most striking miracle,
What was given to me from birth
Tireless Support
And the best friend is all you.

Congratulations to the only one
And, hugging more and more,
I want to be silent, only pressing
And getting a little sadder.

I want to sit like this for centuries:
Pressing my cheek to your hand.
To the hand that over the years
It becomes even more necessary.

To the hand that held
Learning to walk without letting fall.
To the hand that shook at night,
Led to the dream, carried more than once.

On your birthday, dear
I only want one thing:
To smile, to shine
The house was filled with flowers.

I'll take care of the rest
I'll get everything for you.
We just can't buy health
But rely on me here.

That there will be no tears - I promise
I will listen and help.
You know mom, I'm trying.
You know I love you.

Let me take care of it
Let your dreams come true.
Your years are your wealth.
My wealth, mother - you!

Congratulations to my mom.
I love my mom very much!
I want to wish her good health
Give smiles, never lose heart.
Solution to find any problems.
As well as interesting changes.
Merry and happy days
Charming and devoted friends.
Of course, I wish you a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bhappiness
. (period) asks, but still I continue:
The house will be filled with joy
Let it be cozy and warm in it.

My dear mother,
Happy birthday!
I wish not to get sick
Don't get old for a very long time
To always be beautiful
Gentle, affectionate, happy.
For me you are the ideal
You deserve all the praise.
I'm proud of you and I know
There is no better mom.
I am your son and therefore I will be
Near at the right time.
I will protect and help
I will save you from insults.

My dear, happy birthday
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart.
I will thank you for the birth
And for life. The one that I have.

For your sleepless nights
Kindness and love without borders
Thank you very, very much.
To describe everything - not enough pages.

Long, mother, you live in the world,
Let the heart beat for a hundred years.
And from these amazing eyes
May good light always shine.

You can always contact me:
Whatever I can, I will help you.
We love and appreciate you very much
In our quiet family circle.

Mom, I wish you long years and good health, well-being, happiness and kindness! I will not be verbose, but let life not be stingy and be generous to you, constantly presenting joyful surprises and gifts of fate. Happy birthday!

I congratulate my mother
I hug tightly.
And I want to say loving:
"Happy Birthday to You!".

I wish to be happy
Never lose heart.
I promise myself
I won't upset.

I want to congratulate you, mom.
I want to tell you now:
"Thank you for always being there,
Always ready to help."

You are the best in the world, mom!
As a son, I say to you:
I won't stop loving you
I will keep your happiness.

I wish you health
Always cheerful, gentle to be.
And I continue embracing
All this hundreds of times to repeat.