Congratulations on the 90th anniversary of the Lundstrem. Congratulatory lines to the dearest person. Happy anniversary to a woman

How can a product of the printing industry, stamped with a circulation of several thousand copies, be turned into a unique valuable present? We are talking about how to sign. The task is at least: so that the donee finds the strength to read the text to the end and not send the essay to the trash can on occasion. The maximum task: to surprise, move to tears, to cheer them up.

How to sign a card to your loved ones

Here it is worth especially straining, starting from, ending with a signature. Successfully passed stages - delight, a delicious dinner and a boring night as a thank you. You can’t give your loved ones postcards with ready-made text. The message must be personal.

  1. Laconic soulful lines A few sentences about what a person is dear to you. Decorate the text with a compliment. Add a wish for what is missing. Promise to fulfill this desire, if it is in your power. Avoid patterns - a loved one will unmistakably feel your formal attitude to their holiday.
  2. Poems Talented and not lazy will write on their own. Those who are not gifted with writing talent can seek the help of a copywriter. Remember: a good artist will always ask you a few personal questions about the person for whom the poem is being written. If you have not been asked anything about the culprit other than their name and age, be prepared to receive a worthless product.
  3. Postcard-letter Here you will kill two birds with one stone. Firstly, the question of how to sign a postcard will disappear by itself. Secondly, finally have a heart-to-heart talk with your loved one. We do it less and less because of employment, isolation, laziness, indifference. Writing is the perfect excuse to spice up communication. Express what you have long wanted, but it was out of place or not yet time. Be vigilant: the message must be in a positive way so that your first literary face-to-face does not become the last. Write a letter on a beautiful background, roll it into a scroll, tie a bow.
If none of the ideas seemed suitable, instead of congratulatory lines, draw something on the card. Personally. Try. This does not require the talent of a painter. On the contrary, the more clumsy the drawing is, the warmer it is perceived. Put the signature “Beloved Irishka! Happy birthday to me." It's enough. A flower, an animal or the sun, drawn by courageous male paws to his beloved wife, will be perceived by the latter with tenderness.

How to sign a postcard for children

Sincerity is not a problem here. The difficulty is that these people do not read long odes - even the most coherent and sweet ones. Treasure Map Organize an adventure for your child. Hide the gift, and attach a search card to the postcard. You can draw it yourself, marking the control points in your house, write hints.

How to sign a postcard to parents

These are the most grateful readers and listeners.

Most people love poetic autobiographical stories.

Use in congratulations information about work, family, achievements, not forgetting to thank for the care, sacrifice, efforts.

How sign a card for parents only your personal experience will tell you - relationships are different. By focusing on respect and love, you can't go wrong.

How to sign a postcard to friends

Write a lot of different wishes. Cut each into a petal shape and make a daisy card.

Sentimentally, slightly childish, but if you turn on your imagination and remember all the desires of the donee to the smallest detail, “reading” the flower will amuse you.

Wishes should be short and to the point, and most importantly - individual, almost intimate, otherwise it will be boring.

For example, “happiness in personal life”, “material well-being”, “joy” will not work, but “weddings this year”, “own square meters”, “two-week vacation in the Dominican Republic” - quite.

How to sign a postcard to colleagues

Do not know how to address: "respected", "dear", "honorable"?

Address immediately by name and patronymic. If, in addition to business relations, you are connected by friendly, small quatrains about the main advantages of a colleague - that's it. When all office employees are connected to writing, real humorous pearls are born in just a few minutes.

Another question is how to sign a postcard "to that ... well, like him ... he has three more children and a dog." A rare case when it is permissible to use a postcard with ready-made typographic text. Don't forget to sign (department or donor's name), date. The complete absence of any identification marks is a bad tone.

At first glance, a postcard seems not at all an essential detail, but it is it that can cause a lot of positive emotions in the one to whom it is addressed! And even an expensive gift will not look complete without this attribute. But how to properly and appropriately sign a postcard?

How to sign a birthday card?

So, the best congratulations from century to century is the wish of health and happiness, which were expressed sincerely and with all my heart. Also, in congratulations, one should show respect for the hero of the occasion, recognize his skills, abilities, talents. For example, you can start a congratulation like this: “We appreciate you (you), respect & hellip, wish you good health and life for many years.”

In general, congratulations are similar to white magic, a kind of conspiracy for happiness, health and long life. Young people love light comic congratulations, so let it be short, but capacious and mischievous. If the birthday boy is &ndash, a fan of poetry, and you do not have the ability to compose them, then this is &ndash, it does not matter! Today, on the Internet, you can find congratulations in verses of any genre and for any category of people - whether they are relatives, friends or colleagues.

An original and memorable postcard will be the one that was made by yourself &ndash, because no one else will have such a card! For work you will need: paper, stationery knife, shells, ribbons, lace, bows, glue stick, universal glue, paints, scrapbooking kit.

Too thin paper should not be taken, as well as cardboard &ndash, otherwise the postcard will not keep its shape, it is better to use thick paper, pastel paper is perfect, it is also corrugated &ndash, and this will make the card more lively. So, you need to cut out the base from paper with a clerical knife. Now you need to prepare decorations for the &ndash postcard, they can be a scrapbooking kit &ndash, there are a lot of decorative little things. But you can also use buttons, shells, various applications and everything that is at hand.

The decoration should be spread out over the blank and see &ndash how it all looks in the complex, because it will be much more difficult to re-glue the elements. After the composition is approved by your taste, you need to start gluing the elements to the base using a universal glue stick. If you know how to draw, then in this way you can decorate a postcard, and it is better to take acrylic, metal, three-dimensional, matte and glossy paints, a drawing made with such materials will look livelier. The inscription &ndash, the appeal can be written in ink or cut out letters from magazines and newspapers. That's all &ndash, it remains only to enter the appeal &ndash inside, and the card is ready!

How to sign a postcard to a teacher?

In schools, even in our time, the tradition has been preserved to congratulate teachers on the holidays with a postcard. But how to sign it in order to show respect for the teacher and at the same time congratulate him on some event? Of course, ready-made congratulations can be found on the Internet, but you can’t choose personal texts that, for example, refer to relatives and friends.

You can also make such a postcard yourself &ndash, just cut out the base from thick paper and stick drawings of books, autumn foliage, elements of the subject taught by this teacher on it. Then you only need to sign the card and you can congratulate! You can also not glue the image on the base of the postcard, but paint it with pencils or paints, and then decorate it with sparkles or beads along the outline of the picture. But whatever the postcard for the teacher, it will still bring him a lot of joy, because attention &ndash is sometimes the most important thing for a person!

How beautiful to sign a postcard?

Usually, the congratulations written in the postcard can be divided into 4 parts: an appeal to the hero of the occasion, the definition of the holiday, in honor of which, in fact, the postcard is presented as a gift, wishes and a signature. Each such section should correspond to the event and convey through itself a lot of positive emotions.

So, you need to start with an appeal. For relatives and friends, congratulations can begin with the word "beloved", "dear", "dear". If there are warm relations between colleagues at work, then these words are also appropriate in this situation. But in the case of congratulations from the authorities, it is better to write "dear". For friends, the postcard can be started with a nickname or an abbreviated form of the friend's name, especially if the friend is close.

Then you need to specify &ndash, on which particular event you congratulate this person. If it is an anniversary &ndash, then you can feel free to write a figure, but in this case you should be more careful with women. If the birthday person turns, for example, 28 years old, then you should not indicate the number, but just write "happy birthday". On the Internet you can find many congratulatory texts, and even in verse.

It is better to rewrite the text of congratulations with a sincere attitude, because congratulations can absorb the energy of the addressee. And if you write poetry yourself, then you don’t need to be afraid that they will turn out to be not quite coherent - if only sincere and from the bottom of your heart. The nature and age of the birthday person should be taken into account when choosing the congratulation itself so that it suits him. The signature should fit within the framework of the text itself, for example: “your loving wife.

You can buy a postcard, inside which the text of the wish is already written &ndash, such a congratulation is only enough to be supplemented with a short text and your signature. And if the card is given not from one, but from a company of &ndash people, then a ready-made congratulation &ndash is the best option. Each person then simply signs his name or leaves an autograph under the wish.

At the bottom of the postcard, you should write the date, because people tend to keep postcards all their lives and they are pleased to remember when exactly and on what holiday they received this or that card.

It does not matter &ndash what form the postcard will be and its content &ndash, in verse or prose, the main thing &ndash is that the words are sincere and from the heart. The hero of the occasion will be glad not only to receive such a congratulation, but also, after many years, periodically take it out and again be imbued with those positive emotions that were addressed to him through this postcard. Such a trifle can bring a lot of positive moments and decorate the holiday!

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Today is Mom's special day - 90th Anniversary!
May there be many good friends around!
Let a lot of warm, sincere words sound,
And delight the bright colors of flowers,
Dreams and desires can come true...
Health, success, hope, prosperity!

Congratulations today
Happy birthday to our grandmother.
her 90th birthday
We welcome you with warmth in our hearts.

We wish you good health
We warm with the warmth of love,
At the table we have a nice chat,
Together we will dispel all sorrows. (WITH)

Congratulations on the anniversary of 90 years to a woman

For the anniversary of a beautiful date,
Gathering all relatives and children,
Irresistible as always you
Your eyes, the arch of your brows!

Always stay like this
After all, 90 is not the limit!
Communicate with children and grandchildren,
To live up to a thousand is your destiny!

My dear grandmother is 90 today!
A whole century is almost left behind,
Living it was not easy at all.
There are still so many years left to go.

Live another hundred years, granny
We love all of you very much.
And do not be sick, you are our beauty,
We wish you good health, love. (WITH)

Anniversary of 90 years to a woman - poems

You won't find women like that on earth
I will tell you about goodness and warmth,
You are the kindest - it is simply said,
You are only 90!
Bloom like a flower in the most wondrous garden,
And never get in trouble!
Accept from all of us congratulations on the anniversary,
And never ever get sick!

What a wonderful anniversary!
After all, you are 90 years old today!
With all our hearts, we wish you good health,
And we'll give you a gift!

Don't let your joints hurt
And all the problems do not bother!
Let the look be perky
And you can't hide the love of your loved ones!

Congratulations to your grandmother on her 90th birthday

Great-grandmother, grandmother, mother,
We turn to you
We are happy to celebrate all together
The coming of the 90th spring!

Let there be less wrinkles
Around your happy eyes
There are no tears at all
Or thoughtless phrases!

More health, dear,
Care, warmth of close hands,
We love you dear
After all, you are our native person!

And at 90 we wish you
The immortal soul does not grow old.
You have always been so dear to us,
We wish you never to get sick.

May courage accompany you
The bowl of sadness and longing passes you.
Heavenly angel protects you from troubles
Giving good lights of love. (WITH)

Congratulations on the anniversary of 90 years to a woman

You know hunger and destruction
Do you remember a lot about the war,
You survived meetings and partings,
After all, you lived 90 on Earth ...

So, honey, be healthy
Living up to 90 years old
The shelter warmed by care,
And life is at least three hundred years old!

The holiday is wonderful, marvelous simply -
You are 90 today!
We heartily congratulate
And we wish you good health!
Let relatives be near
Everything you need in life will be
Let peace reign in the soul
And the heart is not naughty!

Anniversary 90 grandmother - congratulations in verse

Grandmother, beloved, dear
Happy today congratulations
Happy 90th birthday
I love you so much my grandma.
Today is your 90th birthday.
I wish you long life,
So that health does not leave you,
Live another hundred years without troubles,
So that sadness and grief pass you by,
So that every new dawn of yours is joyful,
So that you get the sea of ​​\u200b\u200blove
And the fate of the ticket would remain happy. (WITH)

Congratulations on your anniversary!
90 years is like a full moon!
We wish you health and love
After all, we need your smile!

We wish oceans of happiness
Boundless vigor and strength,
Native people of love embrace,
Peace and tranquility reigned in the soul. (WITH)

Congratulations on the 90th anniversary of a woman

Dear, our beloved,
You turned 90 today
Behind shoulders - luggage experience,
All the stories that happened in your destiny.
Before you is the road of new wanderings,
And today accept congratulations
So that in any unfamiliar place
Never go astray!

You can't get away from anniversaries in life
They will overtake everyone like birds
But the main thing is to carry through the years
The warmth of the soul, a particle of warmth
You are 90 years old today
We sincerely congratulate you
And in life we ​​wish the main thing
Health, happiness, joy
And up to 150 years without old age!

Anniversary 90 mom - congratulations

I wish you health
On your 90th birthday
Birthday is today
My sweet mother.

So I want it to be like in a fairy tale
You became young again
For the sun to continue
Together illuminated us with you.

To be healthy again
More vigor and more strength,
So that my beloved mother
Lived longer. (WITH)

Congratulations on your significant date!
Don't forget about her.
And let 90 - sparkle
Candles in our cake to your heart's content.

We'll hope better
We will dream of the best.
And rejoice louder too
Nobody can forbid.

Entries 1 - 20 from 24

This anniversary age
Appreciated throughout the world.
Let it be small for you
Heart so that it does not know fatigue!
You catch happiness in children, grandchildren,
Great-grandchildren and further great-great wait!
You are a great example of fate for us,
Positive attitude towards life!

You can't find women like that on earth,
I will talk about kindness and warmth,
You are the best - it is simply said,
You are only 90!
Bloom like a flower in the most tender garden,
And never get in trouble!

Dear, revered,
Magnificent person.
adored by all of us,
Be with us, I ask you forever.

Anniversary 90, of course, respectfully,
But you are full of both strength and aspirations.
And today we want to tell you frankly,
May God give you many achievements in life!

Sweet, dear, tender,
Always was, well, only diligent.
Today is your big anniversary
For us, for many, he is truly a saint.
You always gave us affection and care,
Didn't relax even on Saturday.
Today we congratulate you on your ninetieth birthday,
And of course, we wish women's immeasurable happiness.

Look at the clock - ten minutes to...
It's been ten years now
Well, you continue to bloom,
With you grandchildren, great-grandchildren and children.

Your life is beautiful like a flower
Let her stay like that.
You accept this congratulations,
May the sun shine brighter today.

It's been ninety years now
Youth is gone!
And the ninth anniversary
Comes to visit us.

Darling don't get old
It's nice to live in the world!
And the tenth anniversary
We will also note.

You are ninety today
Respectable age!
We wish the heroic strength,
Excellent Siberian health,

So that great-grandchildren, grandchildren and children
Lived happily in the world
To visit you more often
You were treated to delicious dishes,

Dear hero of the day, glory and honor to you,
Let the river of life flow happily!

I congratulate you on your anniversary
And in your ninety years
With all my heart I wish
Health, joy, victories.

May your strength not run out
And the heart sings from love,
Adrenaline flows through the veins
And calls for adventure.

Already ninety? Ninety more!
Still life can please you enough!
We wish you happiness, all the best, long years!
And great-grandchildren need your practical advice.
Forget the age, forget the years
Let minutes of illness to you, minutes of adversity.
On this bright day
Please accept our congratulations!

You have always been a brave man
Here the ninth decade has passed,
And for you he will not be the reason
No pain, no sadness. Fine
Everything will be indispensable for you,
All wishes will come true in time
Well, we, know, you will not forget
On the centenary, give congratulations.

90 years is not a term
You are young if you are not alone
And you, look, everything is fine,
In public life, in private life!

So accept the congratulations,
And promise, give us all a vow,
That you will be young and young as now,
That everyone will be illuminated by the bright brilliance of your eyes!

Nine tens is not the limit
Can you double
It doesn't even matter that you are gray
But - all your friends later!
You are well done, at ninety years old
God forbid everyone looks like this,
And the birthday greeting is ready,
Hurry up and see!

You have an anniversary today
Celebrate 90 years as soon as possible.
Live another 100 years
And there will be a holiday for everyone.
We will give you gifts
And we thank you for everything.
So that you are happy, man,
And that you have a driver with a car.

Ninety years old grandma
How cute is she
We sit next to her
Let's remember her deeds
On the anniversary we wish her
Strength, health, long years,
We cherish and appreciate it
After all, there is no one she loves!

You are our favorite
We always come to you for advice.
And let's say today without embellishment
Your age, 90, is summer:

The soul blooms, and we bloom with the soul,
What, grandma, you are the best in the world
Accept congratulations and let with you
She will be the most joyful and bright.

A tear rolled down from my eyes,
Gray hair has already appeared.
Don't be sad, grandma, never
You remain young for me always.
I'll give you a gift quickly
A gift is what we celebrate
Your anniversary, of course.
After all, you are ninety years old today,
You do whatever you please.

Vigor and strength, bright successes,
Conceived to come true in an instant.
Bathed so that a woman in gifts,
And in compliments, I had to drown.
So that everything in life is easy and simple
Health was strong, so that always.
To add laughter at ninety,
To avoid trouble.
Energy, positive emotions,
So that all dreams come true soon.
Was to be active on her birthday,
And brightly celebrated the Anniversary. ©

Happy Anniversary, I heartily congratulate you,
Let there be enough vigor and strength for everything.
Let the birthday girl feel happiness
So that the holiday only brings joy.
To make everything perfect in life,
It is imperative that a woman is lucky.
At ninety, so that vivacity does not end,
There was a lot of positive vibes for everyone.
Good health, bright life,
Lit up so that a smile on the lips.
So that the birthday girl bathes in gifts,
Everything in her life was like a dream. ©

A charming and wise woman,
Strict but fair
The most wonderful congratulations
Happy birthday to the happiest.

Today you are 90 years old
This holiday is so special.
I wish you not to know troubles
And to make the whole world smile.

So that every day success gives and strength,
May you always be loved and happy
To fill the soul with beauty
So that you never grieve. ©

For the anniversary of a beautiful date,
Gathering all relatives and children,
Irresistible as always you
Your eyes, the arch of your brows!

Always stay like this
After all, 90 is not the limit!
Communicate with children and grandchildren,
To live up to a thousand is your destiny!

This anniversary age
Appreciated throughout the world.
Let it be small for you
Heart so that it does not know fatigue!

You catch happiness in children, grandchildren,
Great-grandchildren and further great-great wait!
You are a great example of fate for us,
Positive attitude towards life!

Wrote an important congratulations -
He is the confession of our island!

A bright holiday will knock on the door,
With him, flowers looked into your house,
Time flies, you need to believe in it,
And walk without thinking about it.

Let warm wishes today
The jubilee moment will be full
They contain particles of sincere confessions,
Will strengthen our unsightly verse.

May the soul not know grief,
And health is enough for business,
Let the mood be wonderful
Happiness! And warmth!

90 years old, that's the way
You passed it with such a vengeance,
And adversity managed to deceive everyone,
And now they appeared like this!

With pride we look all at you,
Solemnly raising glasses
Double bass shines for you today,
Making beautiful sounds!

And I want to wish from the heart
To be with us for another half a century,
And we will help you in everything,
In everything, in everything, so as not to get tired!

Strong date - 90th anniversary! We wish Siberian health! Let everyone be close, Give a Cuban cigar! We will have a great holiday, Guests will be happy to remember, In 5 years we will come to a new anniversary, And we are always very glad to see you!

Happy anniversary! That's the age!
90 - like a star!
These years are like roses.
They are always important to us.

Congratulations. Seas of happiness!
A mountain of success and kindness.
Sun, bright bad weather!
And health - three buckets!

Wise age - ninety years
It came suddenly, unexpectedly.
But don't be upset, no
The book of life has not been read at all.

May you for many years
Gives the world a huge only the best!
May they always live in your soul
Kindness, love, generosity!

Here you are ninety today -
What a wonderful wise age!
We wish you happiness from the bottom of our hearts!
You are incredibly good.

To adversity and bad weather
All melted away at once.
For relatives to visit
Surrounded with warmth and care.

We wish you good health
Smiles more often ... We know something
That the whole secret is in a sweet smile,
So that the heart does not naughty.

It's been ninety years now
Youth is gone!
And the ninth anniversary
Comes to visit us.

Darling don't get old
It's nice to live in the world!
And the tenth anniversary
We will also note.

Counted nine tens
Too fast life!
And this is not enough
Don't leave fate...
But today we congratulate
You with longevity from the heart,
And we consider those who have not passed
Even happy days.
We wish you good health
And don't lose your temper
And grandchildren, great-grandchildren with love
Reinforce him all the time!

We value you very much
Mom, great-grandmother, grandma!
And we want to congratulate you on the holiday
Giving bouquets, kisses!
Let's hug tightly
Talk about how we need you.
Wishing you many more years
The lightest and most prosperous!

With the most honorable anniversary,
Our dear hero of the day!
We do not dare to count the years lived,
You just got a little older.
We only want one
So that the spirit does not weaken over the years.
Let the grandchildren only inspire
After all, this age is not the limit!

We remember your concern
Since childhood, loving you
We appreciate your work
Surround yourself!
We know that happiness is near -
In the morning - the smell of pies,
And your dozens are nine,
And no enemies!

Your ninetieth birthday
It shocks everyone!
You are a living example for us
Life reserve forces
We are not only amazed
He gives birth to hope
Maybe we'll get it too
To be like you?
Why not dream...
We want to wish you
Do not give up!
With faith in God, you will live for a long time.
All the best to you and do not get sick,
And look ahead!

Let there be less wrinkles
Around your happy eyes
There are no tears at all
Or thoughtless phrases!
More health, dear,
Care, warmth of close hands,
We love you dear
After all, you are an understanding friend!

Everyone knows it's not easy
Life to live up to ninety.
Keep all the beauty
Do not waste kindness!
Do not part with health
Cheerful, cheerful stay.
Be an authority in the family
And beloved, at the same time!
We state now
You have all of this in full.
But let it multiply
Much is wanted, much is possible.
Congratulations on your anniversary
Everything that is said, we wish.
Be happy for a lifetime
Dear our man!