Abstract of the application lesson in the middle group. Collective work “Flower meadow. Collective application "Flower meadow". Photo report For the little ones

Elena Kandakova

Good day, guests and friends of my page!

My little creators and I made an applique for the beginning of summer! The implementation of which will be discussed in my publication.

Since we live in the North, summer comes to us very late. We just recently had leaves on the trees, the grass began to turn green. Our first northern flowers are dandelions, violets and buttercups, which are the first to open their buds. But the flowers also fade quickly. And we want the flowers to be bright, bloom for a long time and there were a lot of them. So the idea came up to make a clearing with beautiful flowers out of colored paper.

The application was carried out in two stages.

The first stage is preparatory where, together with the children in free activity, they made blanks and details for our work.

1. From colored paper of bright colors, cut strips (5-7mm wide, and 8-10cm long);

2. According to the patterns of circles, we traced and cut out the centers for flowers (yellow and white);

3. Leaves and stems were cut out of green paper and curly scissors;

4. According to the flower patterns, a variety of flowers were circled and cut out;

5. From a piece of wallpaper (green, left after the repair, they made the basis for the clearing.

6. Examining and talking about paintings and drawings, reading poems about flowers.

When performing applications were delivered tasks:

1. Encourage to see the beauty of a flowering meadow, glade;

2. Be able to understand that poets in poetry, and artists in drawings, paintings convey the beauty of nature;

3. Consolidate knowledge about the structure of flowers;

4. Arouse the desire to convey the beauty of what you see in collective work;

5. Cultivate respect for plants.

My creators did a great job! Goodies! You can see it in the finished work!

And now I ask you to see how the children tried to complete the tasks.

We make "loops" from cut strips for future flowers. Glue the "loops" on the middle of the flowers.

Since the guys were tired, Maksim decided to cheer everyone up and cheer up by playing the harmonica!

Summer, summer is upon us!

It became dry and warm.

Straight down the track

They walk barefoot.

Bees are circling, birds are flying.

Maxim is having fun! (V. Berestov)

The guys glued the finished flowers onto the base of the meadow.

We glue the grass and leaves.

Why is there so much light?

Why is it suddenly so warm?

Because it's summer

The whole summer has come to us! (I. Maznin)

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Theme: "Flower meadow"


GCD on the application "Flower meadow" (preparatory group)

Purpose: - To teach children to use different materials (colored paper, sequins, beads) to decorate a butterfly;

Continue to develop collective creativity;

Cultivate accuracy when performing the application.

Activate the words in the speech of children: insects, butterfly-urticaria, lemongrass, cabbage, stick, break off.

Material: laptop, tape recorder, pieces of colored paper of different colors, sequins, beads, "flower meadow" on the table, brushes, glue, simple pencils, stencils.

Previous work:

Examination of paintings and illustrations on the topic "Insects"

Methodical methods:

Artistic word: butterfly riddle;

Using the presentation and the image of butterflies: cabbage, lemongrass, urticaria;

Questions for children;

Use of musical accompaniment;

Independent activity of children (in the course of its reminder, control, assistance);

Analysis of children's activities;

Reading the poem "Butterfly".

The course of direct educational activities:

Children sit on chairs in a semicircle at the table with a laptop.

Teacher: -Guys, listen to the riddle and guess it:

Above the Flower flutters, dances,

Waving a patterned fan. Who is this? (Butterfly)

Teacher: Right. There are many different butterflies in nature, now we will recall some of them.

(Presentation about butterflies)

Teacher: As soon as spring takes its first steps, willow blossoms in our area. Yellow fluffy earrings attract the first insects, those who like to feast on flower pollen. What is the name of the butterfly that sat on the willow earring? (lemongrass). What color are lemongrass wings? Butterflies have two pairs of wings, they are covered with small scales. Flying from flower to flower, butterflies collect nectar. What is the name of a butterfly that sits on a flower? (hives).

She is bright, beautiful

Graceful, light-winged.

She looks like a flower

And he likes to drink flower juice.

On the next slide we see another butterfly. Can you name her? (that's right, it's cabbage).

Teacher: Guys, what do you think, is it necessary to protect nature? (children's answers)

We have a beautiful flower meadow in our group. But who is missing from it? (butterflies). Now, I suggest you turn into fashion designers and come up with a bright colorful outfit for a butterfly.

Fizminutka: In the morning the butterfly woke up

Stretched, smiled

Once - she washed herself with dew

Two - gracefully circled

Three - bent down and sat down

At four - flew away!

(Children sit at tables)

Teacher: Guys, in what ways and materials can you decorate a butterfly. I want to draw your attention to the fact that the patterns should be located symmetrically with respect to the butterfly's abdomen.

Is everyone ready to go? In order for our fingers to work well, we will play with them, perform finger gymnastics.

“A flower was sleeping and suddenly woke up,

I didn't want to sleep anymore.

Moved, stirred

Soared up and flew away.

(Independent activity of children to music).

Teacher: Well, that's it. How beautiful! The glade turned out not only cheerful and bright - it became fabulous.

Reading a poem

Butterfly fluttered sweetly

The purpose of the lesson: To develop a sense of collectivism, create an emotional mood for children.



  • Continue to learn to engage in collective activities;
  • to consolidate the skills of creating a composition;


  • develop aesthetic taste, navigate on a sheet of paper;
  • develop imagination, creative thinking.


  • to educate in children an understanding of beauty, love for nature.


Recording of the work of P. I. Tchaikovsky "The Seasons" "Spring";

Pictures depicting flowers;

Whatman paper for the base of the application (flower meadow, on which the sample flower is fixed);

Material for the lesson:

stripes of different colors; yellow squares for the core of the flower;

Glue, brush; stand for brushes, scissors, napkins.

Methodical methods:

surprise moment, musical accompaniment, psycho-gymnastics, conversation, questions, scheme (rules of a working person), encouragement, instructions, summing up.

Surprise moment:

The teacher is included in the group in the form of a flower Fairy.

Lesson progress:

Spring is the time when nature wakes up from its winter sleep. All living things are drawn to warmth, to sunlight. There was a slight smell of spring, and heaps of sharp green shoots appeared in the flower beds. They hug each other like scared kids.

Psychogymnastics "Spring Flowers"

(Held to the music of Tchaikovsky)

  • Imagine that you are small flower seeds. You were planted in the ground in a flower bed. A warm sunbeam hit the ground and warmed the seeds. Small sprouts sprouted from them, very weak, fragile, defenseless. But now the spring sun has warmed, and small sprouts begin to grow rapidly. Here is a sprout, gained strength, finally got out into the fresh air. Your leaves have grown, the stem has become strong, you are drawn to the light, to the sun. How good! A small bud appeared on the stem. It grows, swells, and finally unfolds the petals, so they straightened up, and everyone around saw a beautiful spring flower. And now I suggest that you make an application from stripes, stick the petals on a circle of paper so that you get a flower. Glue the completed flowers to the clearing.
    • Show the children the basis for the application "Flower meadow", on which one sample flower is fixed.
    • Look, we have a magical clearing. What do you think we need to do to make fabulous flowers grow on it? (you need to make paper flowers).
    • Let's remember the rules of the working man according to the scheme
      • Before you begin, prepare your workspace properly.
      • During work, keep your place in order: where you took it, put it there
      • Always think about how to do a better job: save materials, save tools.
      • Finished the job, clean up your place quickly and neatly.
      • Work together.
    • And now I suggest that you make an application from stripes, stick the petals on a circle of paper so that you get a flower. Glue the completed flowers to the clearing.

The fairy reminds the children that they are in a magical meadow, which until now has only been imagined. Offers to decorate the glade with flowers. Think about what flowers will be, what color, how they should be placed so that it is beautiful, the colors are combined.

  • Read poems about flowers:

Windy in March

Rain in April

Daisies in May

and wait for lilies of the valley.

  • At the end of the lesson, ask the children if each of them alone can complete such a large and interesting picture.
  • Emphasize that this can only be done together.
  • Praise the children for their efforts.
  • Give the kids flower stickers.

"Meadow flower clearing"

Synopsis of GCD on modeling (collective) in the middle group

Target : Teaching kids how to make flowers of their choice(cornflower, chamomile, poppy, bluebell, dandelion, clover).


To teach children to sculpt a flower bud from a ball using a flattening method, and petals using a pulling, pinching method.

Give ideas about the appearance of flowers, clarify their color, shape, size.

To develop in children a sense of form, observation, the ability to agree and create a collective plot.

Cultivate respect for nature.

materials : Plasticine, stacks, napkins, boards, whatman sheet with a painted background.

Lesson progress:

The teacher asks the children riddles about flowers:

Bright blue sundress

And a green stem.

Blossomed in a clean field

We are happy…


Burned in the dewy grass

golden flashlight,

Then faded, faded

And turned into fluff.


Purple, then blue

He met you at the edge.

They gave him a very sonorous name,

But he will hardly be able to just ring.


Sisters are standing in the field -

yellow eye,

White eyelashes.


I dress the steppes in red silk

And I give the name to the candy.


After each correct answer, the teacher hangs a didactic picture of a flower on the board. Then he shows the children a clearing prepared in advance (drawn on paper) and invites the children to decorate it with meadow flowers. Together with the children, he clarifies the structure of the flower and, based on the diagrams, shows the basic modeling techniques(see applications) .

The teacher shows the children a yellow plasticine ball and a green plasticine stick, and asks: “What flower does this ball look like?”

Children answer: "Dandelion".

Educator: "What does that green stick look like?"

Children: "Stalk".

The teacher puts a plasticine ball on a stick and asks the children: "What is the flower missing to make it even more beautiful?"

Children answer: "Petals".

The teacher tells the children how to arrange the petals using a stack. You can stack the petals and apply strokes.

The teacher clarifies with the children that for chamomile you need to take white plasticine, for dandelion - yellow, for poppy - red, and for blue cornflowers.

Children choose the desired color of plasticine and start sculpting. Having finished work, the guys attach their flowers to the common "clearing". At the end, the teacher with the children admire the "meadow flower meadow" and mark each work(see Attachment) .

After that, the teacher invites the children to take a physical minute "Meadow flowers":

Flowers grow in the meadow
Unprecedented beauty.(Sipping - arms to the sides)

Flowers reach for the sun.
Stretch with them too.(Sipping - hands up)

The wind blows sometimes

Only it's not a problem.(Children wave their hands, imitating the wind)

flowers leaning,

The petals drop.(Tilts)

And then they get up again.
And they still bloom.

Synopsis of GCD on fine arts activities in the middle group on the topic:

"Flower meadow"

(collective application)

Integration of educational areas: "Cognition", "Communication", "Artistic creativity".

Target: learn to cut out rounded parts, cutting off the corners of a rectangle, to make a whole out of parts; cultivate friendliness in the process of teamwork.

Equipment: flowers in a vase or drawings of flowers (daisies, cornflowers, lilies of the valley, etc.); for each child, 5 rectangles, 2 squares; a sheet of green paper oval shaped 50-60 by 30 cm.


1. Introductory word:

Educator: Guys, do you like flowers? Do they make you happy with their beauty? Do you know their names?(Answers of children). Here we have a variety of flowers in a vase. Riddles are invented about some of them:

(The teacher shows the flower and reads the riddle, drawing the attention of the children to its features).

Rye is earing in the field ...

There, in the rye, you will find a flower.

Bright blue and fluffy

Just a shame it's not fragrant.(Cornflower)

Even an ant

Do not miss your home:

Path - path to dawn

Illuminate the lanterns.

On large poles in a row

The lamps are white.(Lily of the valley)

white basket,

Golden bottom.

There is a dewdrop in it

And the sun is shining.(Chamomile)

When you see a whole meadow of such flowers in the forest, you will admire them so much that you forget about time. Flowers make us so happy that people began to plant them near their homes, on the streets of cities. We also plant flowers on the site. Let's decorate our group with flowers. We already have a green field. It's time to plant flowers on it.

2. Demonstration of working methods.

Educator: Look, each flower consists of a core and petals.

What is the shape of the flower core?(Round). From what geometric figure can a circle be cut?(children's answers) . From what shape can flower petals be cut?(children's answers) . See how it can be done.

The teacher shows techniques for cutting a circle from a square, petals from a rectangle.

Here I have the petals and flower centers ready. Who can make a flower out of these details?(Children do the task).

What kind of flower do we have?(Chamomile). Now we will glue the petals to one circle, and then glue the second one on top. One flower is ready. But there should be many flowers growing in the clearing. Help me grow them. (The children are doing the task.

3. Summary of the lesson.

Educator: What beautiful flowers you have! Take them to our clearing.Children lay out the flowers they made on a sheet of green paper, admire the composition created.

What a flower meadow we have! How many flowers on it!