Statuses about a little son are beautiful. Statuses about son

My baby is the cutest, smartest and most beautiful, the most dear person, my dear son!

The last word should always remain with the man ... and it should be: “Of course, Beloved!”

Perhaps this is happiness - when in your life there is a big one and a small one ...

The ideal man can only give birth to herself.

You live in every beat of my heart...

Smile - and he will smile back ... :)

Just imagine that you have a small ball in your arms that needs nothing but love and warmth ... and he loves you more than his life ...


Oh, take care of mothers of daughters - my son is growing!!!)))))))))

The best man is listed in the Red Book - in my passport))

For me, gold is not something that glitters, but something that crawls, laughs and turns everything upside down...

The best man in the world got me! He calls me "mom"!

Only when you come to the crib where your little baby sleeps do you really understand what happiness is ...

I will reveal to you who is the best of men. And who in the world is more precious than all others… He is my most beloved… He is MY SON. And there can be no one dearer!

Children are worries, difficulties, screaming, noise, a mess. But when you approach them sleeping, straighten the blanket, kiss them on the nose, cheeks, and you understand that this is the greatest happiness in life !!!

Nothing can effectively complement the freshly glued wallpaper in the room like a children's drawing with a felt-tip pen!

How unimportant everything around becomes - money, career, envy, clothes, cars ... when a small treasure is quietly sniffing next to you!

Even the pangs of pregnancy, childbirth and other things cannot overshadow those moments of happiness when you look at this little creature and understand that this is your child!

The most pleasant thing in life is to see your little copy, which crawls along the carpet smiling and understand how much you love him!

Happiness is when there is a small miracle with your eyes!

There is someone in whose hands my heart is. Whose laughter brightens my day. Whose smile for me shines brighter than the sun. Whose happiness makes me happy. This is my son.

All the joy of life fits in the smile of a child!

I will kiss the gently soft hand, I will barely touch my nose with my lips ... My heart stops with love for my son ... What a happiness it is that I have you!

What a blessing it is that I have a son, beautiful eyes and chubby cheeks, a cheerful smile and sonorous children's laughter, and this little man is the most precious person in the world!!!

A girl will be truly happy when she has two happiness: one will say - "Beloved", and the second - "Mom"

The only person worth running after is the one who will shout to you: “Catch up, Mom!”

The smile of a child can disperse the most gloomy clouds, stop heavy rains, drive away melancholy...

Nothing sounds more threatening to a cat than the words "SOUSY"

If toys are scattered around the house, the wallpaper is peeled off, you do laundry every day, all small items are above your height ... it means that HAPPINESS LIVES in the house!

The best thing that can be in the morning is the invigorating smile of the most beloved person in the world! :)

The most valuable gift a woman can give a man is a child.

Nothing could be better than holding a piece of yourself...

A girl's happiness lies in becoming a beautiful Bride, a beloved Wife and a happy Mother...

My great happiness is my little son!

I AM A MOTHER! And this is the most important status in my life!

How magical and wonderful just to be a MOM! These legs, these pens... well, how not to love them!

Being the mother of a son is such a reward! And there is no need for greater happiness in life! Heir, protector and dad - a joy! I am a mother of a son and I am happy about it!

My son is my joy! My strength, my weakness! Glorious bright light, I love you son!

With the advent of a child, a woman develops inhuman abilities... to see in the dark... to hear through a dream... to walk silently and stay awake for days...

Happiness is the tramp of little feet on the floor, it's kisses and hugs, it's toys scattered around the house, sweets and cookies eaten, it's the smile of the dearest person in the world!

In my life there is one little man who always cheers up and for whom I want to live - this is my child)) This is happiness

My morning always starts with the smile of the dearest person in the world! Because I'm a mom!

Any woman deserves to be happy, Do not know betrayal, betrayal, resentment! To be a queen, not a slave, And favorably allow yourself to be loved ...

Moms of boys know for sure that not "all men are goats" ...

Diapers, cereals are an inevitability; And you can't avoid other troubles. But the main thing is that kindred tenderness, which the baby gave you. You will endure any trials, Now nothing can scare you, Above the titles of all - only one title, One irreplaceable title - mother! Now you will not be bored now, Now all sorrows will come to naught - When the baby will stretch out his hands to you And say: “Mommy! I love you so much!"

A sleepy smile, a look of beloved eyes ... "Mom, I woke up!" - that's the whole story. Gray Monday colors bloomed. Little legs ... "Mom, I've come!" Porridge on the wallpaper, a mess in the room, A cat in plasticine - so you need it - It's just morning, that's how we always do it. Mom's lipstick - where was she? So that the flowers on the walls of the room bloom, So that everyone smiles from beauty, So that later they can wash off lipstick with a rag, You need to get this thing from the shelf! Tomorrow will be Tuesday, the morning will be again. Small hands will bring love. And even the rain outside the window is not important, Whatever happens, we are always together. And let there be war or snow in this world, The main thing in the world is children's laughter. So that the fondant flower on the wall blooms, To hear in the morning: "Mom, I've come!"

The family is where the husband is revered, the wife is loved, the children are carefree and happy...

the cure for stress, and for any other disease, is children's hugs, kisses, walks and chants!

For every moment, for every breath, for the fact that God gave me a SON, for pain, for happiness, for good luck, for the fact that I laugh and cry. For what I still love. For all my life I THANK YOU!!!

The kitten will grow into a cat, the mouse will turn into a mouse,
And only for a mother, a child is forever a baby ...

My son is the most important, The most intelligent, the most glorious, The most tender, the most - the most ... He is the BEST with his mother!

Only mothers know that there is nothing more pleasant than a child's touch, nothing sweeter than a child's smile, nothing more tender than a child's cheek and nothing more important than a baby!

If, freezing at night, instead of pulling a blanket over you, you go and check if your miracle is frozen ... YOU ARE MOTHER))))

Sooner or later, happiness comes into the life of every woman ... It is very easy to recognize him: he has the most delicious cheeks, the most tender smile, and the most sincere eyes!

The quieter the child sits in the room, the scarier it is to go there)))

Children are worries, difficulties, screaming, noise, a mess. But when you approach them sleeping, straighten the blanket, kiss them on the nose, cheeks, and you understand that this is the greatest happiness in life!!!

The most precious treasure is my son!!!

My happiness: big bright eyes, long fluffy eyelashes, and ringing laughter =)

My son is just young! My favorite little man!

More than life, a woman loves her child ... and is devoted to the one who loves them both

Close to the heart, there should be only children, everything else is nonsense!

The smile of a child is the biggest thank you for mom!

Happiness is when you wake up and understand that you are not alone, that you have the very little man for whom you are ready for anything, because you are his mother!

A woman in the family is like a translator, only she understands both drunken nonsense and baby talk :)

If you are a Mom, then you are already well done, because next to you your main achievement in life is your child.

There is no greater happiness in this world than being a mother...

Sometimes you cuddle up to this little peacefully snoring creature, you hear a heartbeat and feel this sweet smell ... And at that moment you understand that this is the greatest happiness that God has given!

Here it is, Happiness - running, jumping, laughing and sleeping!

When a child appears, life turns from a zebra into a rainbow.


Innocent heart of an angel.
I'll quietly go to the bed,
And I'll kiss you on the cheek.
I carefully, breathing a little,
I'll cover you with a blanket.
My soul lives in you
In a little tired child.
You will turn on the barrel,
In a dream, smiling carelessly.
Sleep sweetly, my dear son, -
Whisper, touching your hair.
Your dream meekly keep
I will be the dark nights.
Oh, Lord, do not let me comprehend
He is worried and sad.
I'll put it in my hand in the morning
Gift of a forest bunny.
There is nothing dearer to me
Your gaze is mischievous.
And when you wake up, I'll come,
I see the joy in the lovely eyes.
It's good that kids
With such a desire to believe in fairy tales.
Oh, mommy, you whisper to me,
Who was today, guess?
Came to me from the forest
My good friend, fluffy bunny!
And joy and delight in the eyes,
And the laughter is wild and sonorous,
And I will kiss your
Gift clenched hands!

Girls, if you know any other - write!

If the Lord wants to protect a woman, then he gives her a son ...

So sweet, it smells so sweet, her face is wrinkling so wonderfully ... A friend gave birth to a son today.

In the shop. Mom with a son of 5 years old, mom accidentally touches cars and they fall. The son of the whole store: - Well, of course, come on, rasfigat everything here!

He lies on the bed, lifts his legs, sniffs softly with his nose, opens his eyes. I love this boy more than life! My good, my dear little son!

What a cool guy! .. And he is my son

A respectful son is one who grieves his father and mother, except perhaps with his illness.

Beloved, make me the happiest - give me a son ...

If a man is ready to do anything for a woman, then this woman is his wife. If a woman is ready to do anything for a man, then this man is her son.

What a blessing it is that I have a son, lovely eyes and chubby cheeks, a cheerful smile and sonorous children's laughter ... and this little man is dearer than everyone in the world!!!

The only one I'll run after will yell at me, "Catch up, Mom!"

Take care mothers of daughters!!! My SON is growing!

There is someone in whose hands is my heart. Whose smile adorns my entire day. Whose laughter for me shines brighter than the sun. Whose happiness makes me happy. This is my son.

You sleep, my little friend, Innocent heart of an angel. I'll quietly go to the bed, And kiss you on the cheek...

Sonny, sonny, little son ... Affectionate, beloved, warm little ball ... Sunny child, sweet child ... How we used to live with dad without you !!!

Happy... because I sing a lullaby... because little hands tangle my hair... because the meaning of my life falls asleep on my hand.

The sooner you start treating your son like a man, the sooner he will become one.

A beloved man appeared in my life and my legal husband is simply crazy about him.

Sons understand fathers when they become grandfathers.

Dad, before my birth, who did you want more son or daughter? “Actually, son, I just wanted to have a good time…”

There is no more solemn anthem on earth than the babble of children's lips...

Sons leave the parental home one by one, and usually return two by two.

I know what HAPPINESS is. I know his smell and the color of his eyes. It fills the whole world with boundless tenderness and quivering love, and it is in my HANDS!


The support and hope for tomorrow's future for any mother is her son. How many examples we know that from good sons, sometimes worthy husbands, family men, patriots and just great guys grow up. For every mother, a son is the personification of the most beautiful qualities on Earth. No matter how good his personal qualities and ambitions are, motherly love always forgives and believes, regardless of situations. If there is a son in your life and you appreciate and love him, then the statuses about the son are just the way. We have compiled a selection of interesting expressions on this topic, and we hope you will like them. We wish you warm relations with your own sons and happy years of life.

  • Sons leave the parental home one by one, and usually return two by two.
  • Until the age of five, treat your son like a king, from five to fifteen - like a servant, after fifteen - like a friend. (Old Indian saying)
  • A son is a man who can never stop loving.
  • Sometimes he commands like a general, sometimes he acts up like a princess, but he always remains our angel.
  • The sooner you start treating your son like a man, the sooner he will become one.

The best quotes about son

  • Do you know what a happy family is? When the son, when asked where his parents are, puts his hand on his heart and says: “Here!”
  • Whoever wants his son to respect him and his instructions must himself respect his son.
  • A spark is born from flint, a worthy son is born from a worthy man.
  • I have a dream: most of all I want a car, in this car you, and in you our son.
  • I kiss a gently soft hand, I barely touch my nose with my lips, my heart stops with love for my son, for me there is no better creature in the world!
  • I love my life very much. But even more I love Mom, who gave me this wonderful life!
  • Beautiful statuses about son“There is someone in whose hands is my heart. Whose smile adorns my entire day. Whose laughter for me shines brighter than the sun. Whose happiness makes me happy. This is my son.
  • Give all of yourself to your son, maybe he is the only man who will never hurt her ...
  • We, women, ourselves give birth and raise men, future husbands, fathers of the family. And the fruits of our upbringing will someday go to some woman who will be happy or unhappy due to the fact that we managed or failed to raise a real man from a boy.
  • She alone gave me life, she alone treated my broken knees in childhood, and only she can love like no one else on earth loves.
  • Among all other men, you are the perfect one! Only you, dear son, are worth the most tender words!
  • Now I look less and less in the mirrors, they have not been judges of beauty for a long time. "Who is the most beautiful of women?" - I will ask my son, the son will answer: “You!”
  • Not flesh and blood, but the heart makes us fathers and sons.
  • I want to give you a son. I want to lie exhausted in the ward after childbirth and feel that you are kissing my hands and whispering: “Thank you, dear.”
  • It is not surprising that the sons who are raised by a wise father are rich in knowledge.
  • Being the mother of a son is a reward! And there is no need for greater happiness in life! Heir, protector and joy to dad! I am a mother of a son and I am happy about it!
  • You sleep, my little friend, Innocent heart of an angel. I'll quietly go to the bed, And kiss you on the cheek...
  • For someone Happiness is a scarlet flower! For me, Happiness is my son!
  • You, my son, are my happiness, we will overcome all bad weather ... I will guard your dream and protect you ... I have been waiting for you for a long time ... Now you are my whole life ... HOW I LOVE YOU!
  • My son is a little joy. I am filled with feelings for you! For me you are a miracle, strength, weakness, For me you are an angel on earth.
  • My son is just young! My favorite little man!
  • My son is the most important, The most intelligent, the most glorious, The most tender, the most, the most ... He is the BEST with his mother!
  • Statuses about the son are beautiful, sincere, cute- Here it is a miracle - lies in front of us, Given from above to both dad and mom. Quietly, calmly - like an angel - you sleep, Our precious beloved baby!
  • For a woman, all men are dearer to this world, the son born to her ...
  • He lies on the crib, lifts his legs, Quietly sniffs with his nose, opens his eyes ... More than life, I love this boy, My good, my own little son!

Not a single lullaby can contain all the tenderness experienced by a mother.

The son is a perpetual motion machine, and also a jumper, a jumper, a tight hug and a gentle kisser!

Someday my son will break your daughter's heart.

I have an angel, and his name is son! And the son has security, and the name of the security is mom!

As soon as a woman doubts her beauty, she can immediately turn to the most important expert. He answers this question in the same way: “Mom, you are my most beautiful!”

He lies on the bed, lifts his legs, sniffs softly with his nose, opens his eyes. I love this boy more than life! My good, my dear little son!

“I very much believe and hope that at the hour when the time comes,
I’ll tell a grown man: “I’m so proud of you, son!”

A respectful son is one who grieves his father and mother, except perhaps with his illness.

Sometimes he commands like a general, sometimes he acts up like a princess, but he always remains our angel.

If a man is ready to do anything for a woman, then this woman is his wife. If a woman is ready to do anything for a man, then this man is her son.

Discipline your son daily. If you don't know why, he knows.

Each son belongs to the category of those boys with whom his mother forbids him to play.

The only one I will run after will shout to me “Catch up, mom!”

Antisthenes believes that a son, talking with God, must learn wisdom, and talking with a person, the art of speaking.


My son is a little joy. I am filled with feelings for you! For me you are a miracle, strength, weakness, For me you are an angel on earth.

Give all of yourself to your son, maybe he is the only man who will never hurt her ...

If you are a rich man and your son is not inclined towards a career in business, send him to university.

You sleep, my little friend, Innocent heart of an angel. I'll quietly go to the bed, And kiss you on the cheek ...

Dad, it's not about what kind of father you are, it's about what kind of son I want to be.

The sooner you start treating your son like a man, the sooner he will become one.

Sooner or later, happiness comes into the life of every woman ... It is very easy to recognize him: he has the most delicious cheeks, the most tender smile, and the most sincere eyes!

If the father is quarrelsome, then his son will be quarrelsome.

My son - my wings behind my back! My son is my stars above the earth! My son is my happiness forever! My son - you are my air and water!

A father who is humiliated by his wife cannot become a role model for his son.

When I have a son, there will be someone better than me...

We, women, ourselves give birth and raise men, future husbands, fathers of the family. And the fruits of our upbringing will someday go to some woman who will be happy or unhappy due to the fact that we managed or failed to raise a real man from a boy.

Sons are men! Sooner or later, they will stop loving you, because they will find a new source of worship...

It seems like only yesterday I rocked him in my arms ... And today he is already a year old and he runs away from me when he does not want to get dressed!

Before you reproach your son for the fact that his pockets are stuffed with all sorts of rubbish, first look in your purse.

Sonny! I ask God for one thing - that you be happy. And I will love you in any way.

Often, only their sons are rewarded for the faults of fathers.

Future parents of a boy should stock up not only on diapers, clothes, a crib and a stroller. But also plasters, brilliant green and bandages.

Do not forget: the time will come, and the son will do as you do, and not as you advise him.

If the Lord wants to protect a woman, then he gives her a son ...

My best man, no doubt., The one who says: "Mommy, hello"!

Prodigal sons return with prodigal wives.

"Gennady Malkin"

The only happiness is my dear son, My glorious, beloved, dear angel. You are the meaning of my life, given by fate. Krovinushka dear - I'm so proud of you!

The more sons in the house, the fewer sockets that anyone can fix.

An ungrateful son is worse than someone else's: he is a criminal, since the son has no right to be indifferent to his mother.

"Guy de Maupassant"

Before, my sons were small and helpless. But how good it is for me now to be small and helpless next to them!

The son is the closest person for the mother, the closest person for the father. The son is a support, pride, the greatest love. The son is the embodiment of hopes that did not come true in youth, this is the continuation of the family, this is a small sprout into the endless future.

You can talk a lot about your son, think for a long time, worry about him does not leave parents all their lives. Any number of words will not be enough to describe the feelings for the son.

Many poetic lines about the son have also been written. But every mother and every father would be glad to hear poems about their son, telling exactly about their child. Sublime feelings should be described in a special form, which is poetry.

There are many cases when presenting a piece of poetry as a gift for a son would be most appropriate:

  • birthday or anniversary;
  • wedding day;
  • the birth of a grandson or granddaughter;
  • graduation;
  • obtaining a diploma;
  • successfully completed exams;
  • getting a driver's license.

This list can be continued, because every joyful event will be decorated with good verses. And if the poem exists in a single copy and is intended only for one person, it becomes doubly valuable.

However, it is worth saying that bad poems about a son are worse than ill-conceived words in prose. If you write poems about the most necessary and close person, then you need to do it with high quality. Even poems about the love of a man and a woman can be of poor quality or bad. A poem about your child should be touching, written from the heart, beautiful, memorable.

How to make poetry for your son really good, if there are no versification skills, but there is a need to express your feelings? There are two ways out - to find ready-made lines that fully express what the parents feel, or to order the writing of such an essay by a real professional.

Where can I find a professional to complete a poetry writing assignment? The answer is simple - there are a lot of them on the Internet. Various sites offer a service - writing poems for the holidays, for certain dates, for a specific person. You should give a description of the character of your son, his virtues and hobbies, say what feelings you need to express in verse for your son.

The son for his parents is the best, the most beautiful, the most intelligent and capable. These feelings unite all moms and dads. But each person has his own individuality, which is important to express in the verses addressed to him. Sometimes a work written to order turns out to be very successful. The author manages to accurately guess the mood and feelings of the customer. But for this you need to have talent and a lot of experience.

It will be very disappointing if a good desire is spoiled by inept execution. Even if poems are written to order, they can be talented or mediocre. Choosing the most worthy performer of your idea is the most difficult task. The reviews of people who have already made a similar order for poetry will help to cope with it. The literacy and quality of finished essays can be determined by examples of work and even by the design of a web page. But only a few authors are able to put a particle of the soul into the written lines. To do this, you need to be a real poet and have talent.

Write poems about your son yourself or make an order - in the end it does not matter. Poetry is only an expression of experienced feelings. The better they are expressed, the more positive emotions the donor, son and everyone around will receive.

Poems for a son are an original and memorable gift. It can be just a sign of attention, because it is always nice to say kind words to your loved ones. Any setting - solemn or homely, will be decorated with the reading of beautiful poems. Cheerful or solemn, kind or playful, solemn or touching, poems are appropriate for any holiday.