Congratulations to mom on her 70th birthday from her daughter. I wish my mother success

Mother is the only woman on the planet who will always love you. Her seventieth birthday will be a great occasion for you to express love, care and appreciation. Congratulations to your mother on her 70th birthday should be filled with sincerity and warmth, come from the very depths of your heart.

Congratulations to mom on her 70th birthday must be prepared with special care. They should be made bright, emotional, elegantly rhyming and at the same time respectful, tender, touching. On your birthday, your mom should feel happy, constantly smile and feel proud of her children.

And from the son, and from the daughter congratulatory lines ...

The seventieth anniversary of the birth of a woman is, of course, an event for both the birthday girl herself and for the guests invited to the celebration. And the anniversary of your mother and her age increase the importance of this event for you several times. In this case, you definitely won’t get by with a couple of warm lines, a few wishes and a gift - you will need to come up with and say such a congratulation to your mother at 70, which will pleasantly impress both her and everyone present.

Happy birthday greetings to your beloved mother should consist of beautiful phrases that you, as a child, are ready to say to her every day. It is important that they accurately express your most sincere feelings, and also be gratitude for the care and affection that a woman never ceases to bestow on you. Depending on your choice, congratulations on your 70th birthday to your mother can have a poetic or prose form.

Why are poems so good in order to please their mother on her 70th birthday? The benefits are:

  • Poetry is loved by all women without exception, and a lady of age, most likely, will even wait for a beautiful poem in her honor, recited by her son or daughter.
  • A poem for your mother for 70 years, written by you personally, will definitely become a real surprise and will pleasantly surprise the birthday girl.
  • This form is distinguished by special solemnity: verses always sound beautiful.

Today it will not be difficult to find ready-made congratulations to your beloved mother on her 70th birthday in verse, but do not rush to choose. Why not just peep the idea and remake the work in your own way, making it more personal and sincere, expressing exactly your feelings? Even in the absence of obvious poetic talent, try to do it, although, of course, some ready-made congratulations for seventy years to your mother are really good.

Congratulations to mom in prose are relevant at all times. Their main advantage lies in the fact that they make it possible to congratulate the hero of the occasion in their own words, and it is she who is the person to whom you want to say and wish very, very much. This form is perfect for expressing your emotions and feelings, but at the same time you will lose a little on solemnity.

If you are the son of the hero of the day, then surround your beloved mother with care and attention, once again express gratitude for your birth and upbringing, give her a couple of compliments, do not forget about the wish for good health and long life, and most importantly - hug and kiss her tightly - firmly, presenting before this a chic bouquet of flowers. The congratulation itself can be presented both in a poem and in prose, but the main thing is not the form, but the content.

Congratulations on 70 years to mom from her daughter are usually one of the most sincere and warmest words spoken on the anniversary. Don't leave anything for another time!

Tell your mother everything that has accumulated in your soul, do not be afraid of openness and sincerity - it will be much worse if you decide to lie or use common words. The birthday girl should positively meet your emotional message, rejoice at it, and the very congratulation from her daughter can turn into the most touching moment of the celebration.

Congratulation-game "Star Trek"
Guests line up in a row of three or four people, make way for the words of the host. The hero of the day enters the hall and stops in front of the "star path".

Leading: Step aside, friends, step aside
Smile at this moment.
Skip ahead without a doubt
You are the one who has a birthday.
(The hero of the day comes out.)
Expensive …!
Today you brightly illuminate all your guests,
After all, you direct the reflections of your star on them.
So let your rays continue to endow us with affection,
And it seems to us that life is a big fairy tale.
To extend this fairy tale to us,
At least for a little
You are not in a hurry, manage to pass
Star track.
Every star is just a mystery
You only need one clue.
Get up on the star track
And guess at least something!

1. Each of us dreams of this,
I think that including you
Get out of the hands of a man
Now beautiful ... (flowers.)
(Give a bouquet of flowers.)
2. To remember later your biography,
We will make this now ... (photo.)
(taking pictures)
3. From now on, pamper your husband more often,
After all, he gives you his ... (kiss.)
(The husband kisses the birthday girl.)
4. For all the heroes of the occasion
At such moments,
We are ready to give endlessly ... (applause.)
(Guest applause.)
5. Miracles today we can not get around,
Let it rain from the sky now ... (confetti.)
(A star with confetti is attached to the ceiling. One of the guests pulls the string, confetti showers the birthday girl.)
6. To be always with friends together,
We all need to perform ... (song.)
(Guests sing the song "Happy birthday".)
7. And it's time to honor these minutes
Hear us here the anniversary ... (salute.)
(Guests, piercing balloons, imitate fireworks).

Leading: You passed the test, birthday girl, amazingly.
We want you to invite everyone to the table.

(The birthday girl invites everyone to the table. The guests are seated.)

Leading: In December, when it's cold and hard frost,
There are different amazing demand for holidays.
Someone is happy with the magician's day,
Someone to the Day of Resurrection,
We are celebrating my mother's birthday today.
I sincerely welcome the assembled guests,
And I am happy to open my mother's anniversary!

(Fanfares sound. Guests applause. Garland lights are lit on the main design of the backdrop.)

: May this day go down in history forever,
And the birthday girl will only bring joy,
And the guests have fun, let them carelessly,
No one, I hope, will leave sad from the anniversary.
To start the celebration, as expected,
It is proposed to fill all the glasses.
(Music. Guests fill glasses.)
I propose to drink the first toast while standing.


Happy birthday mom, happy birthday!
This evening we are with you.
And good words will not regret
For you beloved and dear!
Our evening has long been shrouded in winter darkness,
You, mother, are with us, you are our star.
And may we celebrate your holiday in winter,
We wish you all: shine always!
For you, dear mother!

(Guests drink. Musical pause.)

Congratulations "Star Rays"

Leading: Dear guests! No wonder they say that a woman is a source of warmth and light, and for her family and friends - a guiding star that helps to confidently walk along the paths of life.
A star named Tatyana
Now it's in my hands.
And everything in it, as if without a flaw,
I am ready to confirm this not only in words.
Here all the rays radiate heat so strongly,
That guests have been wanting to touch them for a long time.
I invite those present to choose any ray of the star and express their attitude towards the hostess of tonight.

(The host approaches the guests with a beautifully designed "star", to the rays of which strips of paper with text are attached and offers to read it in a certain order.)

1. Tatyana! What does the name mean?
2. And the fact that she seduces everyone.
3. The character is firm, strong-willed.
4. At first glance, it is not easy.
5. But mostly optimistic.
6. Has a personal outlook.
7. Nature is devoted, proud.
8. Goes through life without much difficulty.
9. We Tanya, however, have long been admired by everyone.
10. And we will try to express feelings on this day.

So that the feelings of the birthday girl are always overwhelmed,
I want us to raise our glasses now!
(Guests drink.)
(Musical pause.)

Congratulations "Cloud of Wishes"

Leading: Dear birthday girl! This date is celebrated only once in a lifetime. And we would very much like you to be in seventh heaven on this day. We hope that our cloud of wishes will give you special joy.
(The host demonstrates a voluminous paper cloud with the inscription "Be like our cloud")
Leading: Friends! I think that with your help this cloud will gain tangible weight and fall into the hands of the hero of today's celebration. I suggest you name wishes-adjectives starting with these letters. The one who proposes the best option will be awarded a prize. So please!
(Filling the cloud with wishes. Rewarding the best.)
Leading: Dear mommy!
We give a cloud of hopes and wishes,
So that more natural talents are revealed in you!
(Handing over a cloud.)


Guests! Pour more glasses
For the hero of the day, drink everything together to the bottom.
(Guests drink)

Congratulations Angels

Leading: A cloud has disappeared from the sky
But the angels are not at all angry.
They come down from heaven
They'll be here in a minute.
(Angels appear:)
First angel: And here we are, curly angels,
We have greeting cards in our hands.
(Open scrolls, read.)
Second angel: Dear birthday girl!
Congratulations on your anniversary
As always, we protect.
First angel: Save from various troubles
Another hundred years ahead.
Second angel: Rumor has it,
That we are great musicians
Have to show for you
All hidden talents.
(They perform a song to the soundtrack "Strawberry".)


On a birthday like this
Duet meet groovy,
Your mood
That hour will rise in an instant.
Anniversary for all guests
The birthday girl is more important.
That's why, friends,
Sing along to us.

Congratulations on the date - yeah, yeah ...
We sincerely wish - yeah, yeah ...
Happiness is personal, boundless ... Yes, yes, yes!

(Chorus repeated twice.)

Leading : Dear birthday girl!
Let's not make long digressions,
Let's start now with heartfelt congratulations.
It is known that from the constellation "Builder"
Your leader came to congratulate you.
(Congratulations from the boss.)

Leading: The team would like to know
When he will congratulate.
Your turn has come.
Get started gentlemen!
(Congratulations from the team.)

Congratulations from Spouse and Children

Leading: Dear guests!
You are all witnesses that in our sky
One star is not fading light now.
And by the way, there is one fan among us,
Who has been studying this for many years.
The word is given to the dearest and closest person - the husband of the birthday girl.
(The phonogram of Suleiman's song sounds. Suleiman comes out, sings.)

I am the only one in the East
Shib-dayo-dy-ba-da. (2 times.)
Who gives magic lessons
Shib-dub-dy-ba-da. (2 times.)
The wizard Suleiman
Everything is honest, without deceit (2 times.)
The wizard Suleiman.
(The phonogram fades and Suleiman-husband pronounces the words.)
Suleiman: Oh, the star of my eyes!
You captivated me at first sight...

(Suleiman leaves. The soundtrack of the song “We came to you for an hour” sounds. The “Brilliant” group. The children of the birthday girl in wigs from the New Year's rain, with guitars in their hands, imitate the performance of the song - the first verse and chorus, after that they say the words ...)

First: We are the real stars of this children,
And they call us simply "brilliant".
Second: We are known as pop stars,
We don't need to be introduced to everyone.
Third: Since we are musical people,
We will issue a special congratulation.
First: Dear mommy!
Kirkorov sent you a bouquet on your anniversary.
(Gives flowers.)
Second: His wife is a big hello.
(Send a kiss.)
T retium : Christina - cover photo.
(They give a photo from the cover.)
First : Bulanova - beautiful boots.
(They give boots from Barbie.)
Second : Gazmanov - tender words.
Third: And Gubin ... was in no hurry yet.
First : But we are ahead of him
And we present our gift.
Second : From Suleiman and from the "Brilliant",
From son-in-law, daughter-in-law, grandchildren standing here,
We give this miracle - to watch the latest Hollywood.
(The grandchildren carry the box from under the TV to the middle of the hall. The "brilliant" pretend to take out the TV.)

Game "Live Buttons"

Third: When checking a new TV, we need to make sure the quality of the channel picture. So, we press the button.
(“Press” the TV button. “TV presenter” appears.)
Announcer-leader : Good afternoon, dear viewers! The program “Ai, yes I!” is on the air, and everyone, including you, can become participants in it. I invite the most daring and risky three women and three men to the studio.
Announcer-leader: Dear participants! Please split into pairs. Women will act as players, men - as buttons. I explain the rules of the game: the leader asks a question to all players at the same time. A participant who knows the answer to it must press the “button”, which will “issue” its musical signal that hour, and only after that can answer. I ask you to consult in pairs and choose an original musical signal, for example: “meow-meow”, “peak-peak”, etc.
(Men - "buttons" put berets on their heads.)

1. How many letters are in the word "anniversary"? (Six.)
2. Name the date of birth of the birthday girl.
3. What is the name of the youngest son of the hero of the occasion?
4. What city is the birthplace of the hero of the day?
5. How many floors are there in the house where the birthday girl lives?
6. What is the name of the car that is in the family of the hero of the day?
7. Name the river that flows in the city where the birthday girl lives.
8. Which vegetable occupies the largest area in the garden of the hero of the occasion?
9. In what month does the birthday girl meet autumn?
10. What newspaper informs the hero of the day about the life of our city?

Announcer-leader: This was the last question. It's time to take stock. The best connoisseur was ...
(Winner's reward ceremony.)
Announcer-leader : This concludes the program "Ai yes I!". With you was the incomparable Ellochka.
(“Brilliant” “turn off” the TV, hand over a passport to the hero of the day from him.)
"Brilliant": Dear Mom!
TV "Sharp" - the best in the world!
Let him always stand in your apartment.
(The Shining Ones leave the room.)

Leading: About congratulations, guests, I ask you not to forget.
You now have a minute to eat.

Leading: Today to the birthday girl with a low bow
The constellation turns
What belongs to family and friends.
(Congratulations from relatives.)

Leading : Among all the constellations brighter, more fun
We see a constellation of friends here.
It hurries to wish happy birthday
And say congratulations to your friend.
(Congratulations to friends.)

Leading: Gifts, cards and congratulations
It evokes a wonderful feeling.
To extend our holiday
Glasses should be poured.
(Guests fill glasses.)

I propose a toast to your wishes!
(Guests drink.)

Leading: Friends!
We continue our festive banquet,
We invite the birthday girl and her husband to dance.
(Dance of the spouses.)

(Dance department.)

Congratulations from the Hunter and Hares

Leading: Dear guests! If we look at the starry sky, we will make sure that the birthday girl was born under the sign of the Zodiac "Sagittarius". Therefore, I ask you to greet the person who is directly related to this sign.
(A hunter enters on mini-skis, wearing a hat with earflaps, a gun over his shoulder.)
Hunter: Happy birthday, Sagittarius!
Clearly, you are a fighter.
And neither fluff nor feather
It's time to wish you.
I'm late for the holiday
I chose all the gift
To achieve my goal
I had to hunt game.
Here brought the hares,
Maybe there is a demand for it here.
(Two guests dressed as hares run out and sing a song.)

Every year on this day we gather together.
Not then to sit at the table again:
On your birthday, we are without falsehood and flattery
Let's sing with all our heart and soul about...

And we don't care, and we don't care
What will we eat, what will we drink.
We've known for a long time, that's the way it is.
Your birthday should be kind.

We go to visit you, we are not at all for dinner,
We managed to find out the generosity of a good soul,
That's what we need your birthday for
So that they can congratulate you and tell you ...

Leading: I ask the hunter with game to keep up,
Invite all guests to the dance.

Competition "Light Dance"

Leading: Dear guests! The brightest dance of our evening is announced. We invite couples who want to take part in it. Condition: before the start of the dance, all couples light sparklers. Music sounds. Couples are dancing. At the end of the dance, the prize is given to the couple that has the longest burning Bengal fire.
(Competition. Rewarding.)

: We want to continue the feast, friends,
Please take all seats at the table.
(Guests take a seat at the table.)

Rocket flight game

Leading: Dear guests! We are always in awe of the shining stars in the night sky. Especially our attention is attracted by the constellations Ursa Major and Ursa Minor, which the people simply call the bucket. We managed to get these star ladles from the sky, and we invite you, friends, to drink a star drink from them, proclaiming a toast in honor of our hero of the day.
(A toast from the guests.)
Leading : I would like to wish our birthday girl that her life always remains a full cup, like this ladle shining to us from the beautiful night sky.
Looking at the hostess of tonight, we can say that she, like a star, is both close and far to us.
To reach this distant star.
Need to fly
And each feast on an ambulance rocket
I suggest getting ahead.
(The host gives out two rocket models.)
So, attention, flight rules: at the signal of the leader, the first participant, looking out the window, loudly says: “Happy anniversary!” and passes the rocket to his neighbor. The second, looking out, says: “Congratulations!”, The third: “Happy anniversary!” and so on, until the rocket goes around each guest at his half of the table. Let's see whose rocket will reach the birthday girl faster.
Leading: But, before you go on a flight, let me approve the crew lists. Request to guests: answer in chorus.
Leading : Us plus, minus 42.
Are you ready to fly?...
Guests: Yes!
Leading: There is no reason to worry -
All approve...
Men : Men!
Leading: Well, women in response
Tell me: are you afraid? ...
Women: No!
Leading: Rockets are ready.
The teams are in place.
Let's all fly together.
5,4,3, 2,1… start!
(Rocket flight game. Summarizing).

Leading: Today for the birthday girl is a decisive, turning point in her life. After all, every big event is a real finest hour that determines our future life.
So, hostess of the celebration,
Your finest hour is coming.
Now you are in the role of a deity
And the whole room wants to listen to you.
(Answering word of the hostess.)

Leading: I ask guests to drink you
For the coming star hour!
(Guests drink.)

Leading: Friends!
Don't forget about music
Perform all dances together.

Competition "Light the Stars"

Leading: I invite guests to light a few new stars in our sky.
Task: all team members take turns lighting candles that are set in the shape of a star. Who will complete the task faster?
(Game. Rewarding.)

Congratulations from the Astrologer

Leading: Dear guests!
Who keeps score for all the stars?
Well, of course, the astrologer!
Only flash where the star
He arrives there.
(Stargazer exits.)
Stargazer: Good evening, dear guests and hostess!
Birthday girl from heaven
I got a miracle of miracles.
Congratulations on your anniversary
I give her this cake.
It has many lights on it.
It takes a lot of strength to blow them out.
Dear birthday girl!
On the command "three-four!" - You need to smile wider.
And on "once!" or "two" - get ready first.
How do I say “start!” - you can blow out the candles.
(The hero of the day blows out the candles on command. The cake is put on the table after the competition.)

Leading: We ask guests to sit down at the tables of all,
After all, you need to drink and eat a little.
(Guests take their seats.)

Leading: This holiday is a birthday
Just a glorious anniversary
To keep the fun going
I’ll say to everyone, “Pour it!”
(Guests fill glasses.)

Let the wine sparkle in glasses
It congratulates Tatyana on her anniversary.
(Guests drink)

Fortune telling "Joyful Stars"

Leading: Dear birthday girl! There are many pleasures in life. And we wish you, of course, a whole hundred of them on your birthday. But, you know, not all wishes come true. Therefore, we have to find out which of the hundred joys of life are definitely waiting for you in the coming year until your next birthday.
We'll make a starfall
Catch the stars all in a row.
How many will you catch here?
So many joys to know.
(The presenter throws stars on which “joys of life” are written, the birthday girl tries to catch them.)

Star inscriptions:
1. The bliss of being at a philharmonic concert.
2. Quiet joy after sowing seeds in a wooden box on the windowsill.
3. Exuberant jubilation after winning the cup match of your favorite team.
4. Pleasant learning about the amount of interest that has run up on a bank account.
5. One hundred percent relaxation while staying in a 100-degree sauna.
6. The exotic pleasure of making love in an inappropriate place.
7. The pleasure of "shopping" (shopping) in a foreign capital.
8. Primitive delight during duck hunting.
9. Unbridled fun at a drunk and stupid party.
10. Tremulous expectation of a compliment while regaling guests with pickles and homemade jams.
11. Selfish joy from a personal acquaintance with a famous doctor.
12. Blissful frenzy from sitting with a mormyshka in hand and on the ice near the hole.
13. Pleasant ache in the joints after hilling a potato plantation.

(The inscriptions on the stars caught by the birthday girl are announced to everyone. Then those that she missed are read out.)

Star necklace game

Leading: A star fell from the sky
And all the guests were punished
So that one of them without delay
This is where the necklace was made.
(Two people are invited to compete in the creation of a star necklace. At the signal of the presenter, it is necessary to attach the stars with paper clips to the thread of the New Year's rain. Whoever manages to use the most stars and completes the task faster will be considered the winner. A game. Summarizing. Rewarding. Presenting the necklace to the birthday girl.)

Black box game

Friends! In honor of today's holiday, a black box draw is being held. Whoever names the contents of this box will be able to become its owner. The host has the right to answer the questions of the guests with the words “yes” and “no”.
(Variants of the "content": 1. Cognac - a star drink, 2. Audio cassette - the voices of pop stars. Raffle .. Presentation of the "content").

For the fact that henceforth everyone was so lucky, now we will pour all one hundred grams.
(Guests drink.)

Leading: You can't do without music
Let's have fun, friends!

Leading: The anniversary has long come to an end, friends,
It's hard to say goodbye, but it's time.
I hope in a year on this day and hour
At the hostess's table I will meet you again.
(Music sounds. Guests go home.)

I remember, mother, how you read fairy tales to us,
How they taught you the alphabet, poetry.
All warmth, love and kindness and affection
You gave us without a trace.

At night you sat by the bed
Putting a hand on the patient's forehead,
And through the heat and all the ailments
Your gentle voice broke through.

Anniversary - seventieth anniversary -
We are all celebrating yours today.
You are the best in the world
There is no more beautiful, believe me, on earth!

Be always healthy and happy
Live for many more years.
Tenderness, care, understanding
Let the light in your eyes not go out.

For me your age...
It just doesn't exist!
Mom you, period
Nothing else.

We won't think
How old is it today
It's darling
It will be our secret.

The years fly by
Waving the wing
We are with you, dear
We'll survive everyone!

The most expensive in the world!
(It is better not to invent, not to say)
Dear mother, dear,
On this autumn (spring) day, wish
We want you health, happiness,
Joy, smiles and warmth!
So that, not knowing grief and bad weather,
Your life, like a stream flowed;
So that its waters do not become muddied,
So that resentment vanishes forever,
To pass you through adversity,
Our dearest person!
And, celebrating your anniversary,
We can't stop admiring:
You are not seventy, dear,
And thirty-five plus thirty-five!

Dear mom, happy birthday, dear!
Seventy is a wonderful anniversary!
Let the soul be filled with joy and strength
Surrounded by grandchildren and children!
Dear mom, we are grateful to you
For love, care and warmth!
Let dreams come true, well, of course
We wish you luck!
Dear mother, wise and tender,
Clearly destined by fate -
That the love of the heart, the most boundless
In our heart is connected with you!

Mommy, Happy Anniversary!

Congratulations on the anniversary of 70 years to mom from her son

Make jam for the winter -
Give the whole family a fragrant gift!
And sorrel, lemon balm, St. John's wort -
How much we dried with you!
In the evenings - read a book
And sigh over the series
Impose all mittens, socks -
It's not a couple of trifles, is it?

Do you have "everything behind"?
There are many bright days ahead!
Surround everyone with care, affection,
Children need to be constantly
Hear gratitude from people
Life is made up of little things!
From the bottom of my heart I would like to wish
Greet each day with a smile!

Mom is seventy today
But for me she always
Like a beauty from an advertisement
Always beautiful, young!

And stay like that
After all, it doesn't matter how old we are,
Always be young at heart
After all, this is your main secret!

We'll try to be close
To never be bored
And your grandchildren are always happy to see you
You were born to be happy!

Today you are 70 years old
Mommy, Happy Anniversary!
Still waiting for many true victories,
Health will be stronger and stronger!

Let the fire in the eyes of youth burn,
So that he was forever beyond the control of time,
And may fate itself bless
So that there is only one love and happiness!

You gave me the light of life
Didn't sleep with me at night
Blessed my fate
Gave me love and affection
On the seventieth birthday
Beloved mother, on the anniversary,
I want less grief
Health is stronger every day!

Happy Anniversary, my mommy,
You are seventy years old today!
Let the dream find you
And wisdom will give health and advice,
To always be happy as well
Protecting everything that is dear to you!
Doubts so as not to touch you,
And let joy burst into life beautifully!

Mommy beloved from the heart
At seventy - beautiful words:
Let fate be simple and good,
There will be more joy.
For good bows low to you,
For nights of sleepless matu.
Let the warmth of the soul warm loved ones
And hearts will give beauty!

Very hard to put into words
What's on my mind right now...
No songs, poems
I can't surprise you anymore.
How I love, how dear you are to me,
Can you pick up words about that?!
How I pray to God, how I want
Make your life without burdens.
So that the disease does not torment you,
The soul would not hurt for the children,
So that the eightieth anniversary
Also met in a circle of friends,
She didn’t sigh: “Life is all behind.”
There are many bright days ahead.
Meet your children with grandchildren,
Gather berries in the forest
Make jam for the winter
Give the whole family a fragrant gift,
Good to hear from people -
Life is made up of little things!
Enjoy life to the end
You have to, that's why she's good!

Mommy, so what if you are already gray-haired,
So what if you're seventy today,
You are so beloved and dear to everyone,
You alone are given to us in our destiny!
Today, on your anniversary, congratulating you from the bottom of my heart,
We thank you very much,
For the fact that you, malnourished and lacking sleep at night,
Dala, everything your kids need!

There are many bright days
They are waiting for you now.
Dear Mom,
I want you

Wish health
And give all the affection.
You deserve better
Let it be a fairy tale

There will be further life
With health, inspiration.
May it live forever in the heart
Tenderness, love, awe!

Happy 70th birthday to mom from son

Mommy, I'm surprised
your spiritual power
And be, as you try -
Successful and beautiful.

I wish you more happiness
You found joy in your days.
Forget the bad work
Just deserved a break.

I want you not to need
Everything was in your house.
Meet old age with a smile,
Health to you for years!

The sun of the earth, my mother,
Happy birthday, I congratulate you
I wish you happiness and health
I dream of your long life.

Joy, health, cheerfulness to you
Today I sincerely wish
And burn brighter in the sky star
What is your destiny, I know.

Thank you for everything, my mom
For giving me life
And let your troubles go beyond the seas,
Lucky star to shine on you.

Take care of the children of their mothers,
They have earned this right.
The share of the mother, her hard,
And for putting their heart and soul into us.

Let's bow down to the ground
For the good and the soul of the golden mother.
And for that love that they carried,
High, holy, as if in a temple.
Be always healthy, my mother.
Your grandchildren and children still need you.
Seventy is not scary if the whole family
He loves you very much and appreciates you so much.

For mothers, we are always small children,
Not looking that we are not young either.
There is no one dearer than mothers in the world,
And we would not be happy without our mothers.

Today is my mother's birthday - we are together
Everyone gathered at the festive table.
As usual - we will sing a song about mom,
We will drink a glass of wine for mom.

Live in the world for a very long time,
Be healthy, forget about the years
And at seventy - you laugh loudly,
As if there is no gray hair.

The golden sun rises in the morning
The birds begin their song
Today mom's holiday is coming,
Seventy moms - everyone knows about it.

We will congratulate our mother,
With her very bright anniversary.
That she is the best of all - I tell you
She will overcome all adversity.

Happy Holidays, my dear mother!
Live very long and happily
Be healthy, may God bless you
And from us children, thank you!

/ 8.07.2016

An ideal holiday is not just a name and not just an event. This is a certain set of emotions and experiences that the hero of the occasion feels during the celebration process. And if you want your mom, when noting, to be able to confidently call him perfect, you will have to work hard. Give your loved one a little joy and fun by taking organizational functions into your own hands. Organize a cafe or restaurant, invite guests, surprise your mother.

Present such congratulations on your anniversary to your mother of 70 years, so that she will once again be convinced of how dear she is to you. An ideal gift, ideal words, an ideal birthday that will be remembered by your mother as one of the most iridescent, sunny and warm days, even if there was not even a hint of sun outside the window that day. Let the sun shine on her soul, embodied in a bright smile and sincere joy.

In order for all this to come true, you will need to not only organize a celebration and not only choose a good gift in the store. You will also need beautiful words, which you can take here. On Vlio, the broadest

To the best mom on the planet
Her children came to visit.
Our mother notes
The most beautiful anniversary.
Seventy years of the beautiful
Mom did not live in vain -
She gave birth to us, raised us
And surrounded by love.
Our dear mother
We do not have tea in you,
We say thank you for everything
Live long and happily.
Remember we are always with you
Mommy is a superstar!

Seventy years is a respectable age,
But still a young soul.
Mommy, everything is simple for me -
You will always be good
Unique and beautiful
'Cause you're in love like before
Passionately into my daughter and grandson,
Luckily, it was given to us by God.
Thanks for everything dear
I tell you from my heart
Priceless and young
I loved and love you.

On the seventieth anniversary
I wish mom well
So that from the attention of friends
A beautiful rose bloomed!
Like a vine
Full of spring fragrance
Be gifted with warmth
Health fabulously rich!

Let your years fall
In the past they took away!
I wish you rainbow weather
To make it easy on the soul!

For you, dear mother,
Let the asters bloom in winter!
A ray of happiness, I will give love
On your wonderful anniversary!
After all, it was not in vain that you lived in the world
Your seventy rainbow years
Adore you grandchildren, children,
And for dad you are wise advice!

May your world be sincere, bright,
Fills everything around with warmth
Everyone will be caring, friendly,
And your old illness will recede!

You, mommy - 70,
Meeting your anniversary
I wish you health
I'm for you, dear.

I wish you sleepless
The nights did not disturb
Dreams were peaceful
Kind, good.

For children, so that the heart
You didn't get sick
So that you are fate
Regretted and loved.

My mommy, congratulations
Happy anniversary, long years
I wish you health
You are the cutest, prettiest of all.

Here you are seventy, mom,
How quickly time flies
You gave birth to me, raised me,
Taught to believe, to love.

Happy anniversary to you, dear,
After all, 70 years is not just a number.
This life is full of events,

Every day gives new strength.

Holding your hand tightly.

Before you, my dear,
All our lives we're in unpaid debt
And don't tell you about it
Now I, mother, cannot:
We can't measure your love
Good never weigh
Do not count all the good words
which you always find.
All the wealth in the world is not enough
So that we pay off with you,
Children cannot return everything -
In return for your great love.

Happy anniversary, dear mother,
I congratulate you on this day

The most beautiful spring!

And the eighth dozen will run,

For me, like a spark burns.

The children will make noise at the park,
The most beautiful picture
It's next to my mom!

Happy Anniversary
And with all our hearts we wish:
Be healthy, be beautiful
Both fun and happy.
And in the country the harvest -
Just take it away.
In the family of peace and harmony,
From friends always participation.
Let the glasses ring more cheerfully
And the smile won't leave your face
Happy Anniversary
And we are faithful to you to the end.

Wishes for 70 years to mom from daughter and son

The most expensive in the world!
(It is better not to invent, not to say)
Dear mother, dear,
On this autumn (spring) day, wish
We want you health, happiness,
Joy, smiles and warmth!
So that, not knowing grief and bad weather,
Your life, like a stream flowed;
So that its waters do not become muddied,
So that resentment vanishes forever,
To pass you through adversity,
Our dearest person!
And, celebrating your anniversary,
We can't stop admiring:
You are not seventy, dear,
And thirty-five plus thirty-five!

Dear mom, happy birthday, dear!
Seventy is a wonderful anniversary!
Let the soul be filled with joy and strength
Surrounded by grandchildren and children!
Dear mom, we are grateful to you
For love, care and warmth!
Let dreams come true, well, of course
We wish you luck!
Dear mother, wise and tender,
Clearly destined by fate -
That the love of the heart, the most boundless
In our heart is connected with you!

Mommy, Happy Anniversary!

Do not be sad, mommy, about yesterday -
Is this the age these days?

We are saved in your shadow.

It's hard for us without your advice,
But today we give advice:

They rejoice only in you,

It's so safe to be with you!
You can look and smile
Night darkness instantly disperse
We thank you, God
For giving us such a mother!
Live for yourself and for us
And don't count your years
Healthy, cheerful and beautiful
We wish you always!

Seven of your tens, mom,
Gone like a moment.
Congratulations on your anniversary.
Your work is honorable, great.

Spent a lot of nights
You are anxious and sleepless
It wasn't easy at times,
But you kept the hearth.

70 years old to you, dear mother,
Threads of wrinkles lurk at the eyes,
But you are beautiful, I confirm
There is no relative or more beautiful now!

Let your optimism surprise everyone
Always have good health
Let nothing and no one interfere
Happiness and joy pour over the edge!

Mom is seventy today
But for me she always
Like a beauty from an advertisement
Always beautiful, young!
And stay like that
After all, it doesn't matter how old we are,
Always be young at heart

We'll try to be close
To never be bored
And your grandchildren are always happy to see you
You were born to be happy!

Mommy, beloved, dear,
We treasure your love.
You caressed us, understood -
For everything we say "thank you"

Live longer, not knowing old age,
May your dreams be calm and light
We love you dearly,
We wish you happiness, joy, love!

Our mom is the best in the world
We tell her the seventieth year.
Even if the children grow old -
Mom's love lives on for them.
Mom, we've seen so much
They grew up and grew wiser.
Just never understood
The depths of your beloved eyes.

So live and healthy and sweet,
Well, we live, loving you.

Everything that boiled in the soul.
Life flies harsh, dashing,
I don't hold hands anymore.
There are no more toys, except for money,

Mommy raised us together
She gave us her years.

For sleepless years, for crazy fears,
For the fact that I saved more than once,
for all your instructions smart
And the light of the most iridescent eyes.
For giving a piece of yourself
And life saved us more than once,
Because you prayed to God for us
And didn't sleep all night long.
Thank you, you are our bloodline!
Be happy with us always.
After all, only half lived seventy,
You are young again!

Today you are 70 years old
Mommy, Happy Anniversary!
Still waiting for many true victories,
Health will be stronger and stronger!

Let the fire in the eyes of youth burn,
So that he was forever beyond the control of time,
And may fate itself bless
So that there is only one love and happiness!

I wish mom inspiration
Wishes of all realization,
Health - so as not to get sick,

Today you are 70
So let luck be in fate
Never leaves
Be proud of yourself!

Beautiful toasts to mom for 70 years in verse

My mother is dear,
Congratulations on your anniversary!
Let it carry the eighth decade
Magic, goodness, prosperity.

Let health not fail
And the rays of heat leads
To keep you awake
And smiled more!

My mommy, congratulations
Happy anniversary, long years
I wish you health
You are the cutest, prettiest of all.

Here you are seventy, mom,
How quickly time flies
You gave birth to me, raised me,
Taught to believe, to love.

I want you to smile
So that eyes shine with happiness
So that you always laugh out loud
May you live a hundred more years!

Congratulations to our mother
She's a birthday girl!
And with cunning cunning
Looks like the moon is in the window.
You are the most beautiful in the world
After all, there is no more beautiful mother!
Forever yours we are children
Even though we are many years old!
Be healthy and happy
Be cheerful and full of strength
The sweetest and most beloved!
For you, mommy, to the bottom!

I congratulate my mother on a round date,
Although I still can't believe it.
She's the same as I've known since childhood
She hasn't changed a bit.
May the years bring her only victory,
May happiness not leave her house.
I want on any day when I arrive,
See only joy in her.
I raise the crystal glass higher,
I will drink for my mother without a trace.
I congratulate my mother on her birthday
I love her more and more over the years.

Walking the slopes of life
I'm often afraid to break
Therefore, mother, dear,
I'm holding on to your hand...
My sweet angel, you shine
In my life, like a star in the sky ...
Roads passing all over the world,
I always come back to you!
For the best mom
You are the only one in the world!
For your happiness, dear
I drink the glass to the bottom!

70 - gold,
70 - labor,
70 - your life counted!
70 is a moment
70 is life
70 is just the beginning!

With all my heart, with great excitement,
With which, without finding words,
We congratulate you on your birthday
Happy 70th birthday to you!
Our native hero of the day, do not be sick
Don't get old, don't be sad, don't be bored
And many more years
Meet birthdays.

Mom is seventy today
But for me she always
Like a beauty from an advertisement
Always beautiful, young!

And stay like that
After all, it doesn't matter how old we are,
Always be young at heart
After all, this is your main secret!

We'll try to be close
To never be bored
And your grandchildren are always happy to see you
You were born to be happy!

Today you are 70 years old
Mommy, Happy Anniversary!
Still waiting for many true victories,
Health will be stronger and stronger!

Let the fire in the eyes of youth burn,
So that he was forever beyond the control of time,
And may fate itself bless
So that there is only one love and happiness!

Happy Anniversary, my mommy,
You are seventy years old today!
Let the dream find you
And wisdom will give health and advice.

To always be happy as well
Protecting everything that is dear to you!
Doubts so as not to touch you,
And let joy burst into life beautifully!

Holiday congratulations on the 70th anniversary of your beloved mother

70? Excuse me, what is this date?!
The passport considers something a bit bad for years.
Our mom is only a little over 30.
Whatever she does, you can be proud of everything.

The beauty and grace of all men slays,
Experience and wisdom is simply amazing.
You will always be like this - for children so sure,
After all, you have always been a strong protection for us.

Smile, have fun, be always happy,
Only joy let the overflows bring life.
We love you very much, forever young,
On the centenary, we will dance!

Happy anniversary to you, dear,
After all, 70 years is not just a number.
This life is full of events,
Which is hard to say in a nutshell.

Let health not fail you
Every day gives new strength.
May happiness not depart from you
Holding your hand tightly.

Let worries and everyday life
They will get along with ease at times.
Let the sadness of pale fatigue,
Do not touch, mommy, your eyes.

Mommy, honey, seventy -
This is the beginning of the beginning.
How many winds will change -
Your berth will be waiting for us.
You are our beauty
Good soul standard.
Just call and we'll go
We sit at a friendly table.
To bring us together
you gather all the power.
Let's drink for the name day
The one that gave us life!

Our mom is the best in the world
We tell her the seventieth year.
Even if the children grow old -
Mom's love lives on for them.
Mom, we've seen so much
They grew up and grew wiser.
Just never understood
The depths of your beloved eyes.
You are for us - and the sun, and a mystery,
We so need happiness for you,
So live and healthy and sweet,
Well, we live, loving you.

If there are supports in the world -
It's not sleepers, not bridges,
Stronger than all for us, without a dispute,
Mom's are always dreams.
Mom is the one who knows best
Our fears and desires
No one will study us like that
Like a mother's heartfelt voice.
Although seventy is not scary,
Seven is a lucky number.
Know that health is important
You and I are lucky!

Mommy, dear, my darling,
Congratulations on your seventieth birthday
Thank you glorious, for everything you gave me,
I wish you well.

I want your soul to bloom
So that there is more light in life
So as not to get sick, mom never,
So that all year round it was only summer!

Happy anniversary, dear mother,
I congratulate you on this day
Let it bloom in the soul without stopping -
The most beautiful spring!

May fate prolong your minutes
And the eighth dozen will run,
After all, in your eyes is earthly love,
For me, like a spark burns.

The records will spin for you
The children will make noise at the park,
The most beautiful picture
It's next to my mom!

Today is a birthday
At my mother's
We are preparing congratulations
And wishes to her!

From our wishes
We'll make a bouquet
It has a lot of good words -
There are simply no bad ones.

Flower of goodness and happiness
And a flower of joy
And will not fly off the bouquet
Even if it's a petal.

Mommy, you are 70 years old,
And it's very hard to believe
I wish to avoid any troubles,
Let there be no anxiety in your heart.

Mommy, health never
May it never leave you
Bright life for many years
May the fate of the mother portend!

Mommy beloved from the heart

There will be more joy.

For good bows low to you,
For nights of sleepless matu.

And hearts will give beauty!

Mommy, so what if you are already gray-haired,
So what if you're seventy today,
You are so beloved and dear to everyone,
You alone are given to us in our destiny!

Today, on your anniversary, congratulating you from the bottom of my heart,
We thank you very much,
For the fact that you, malnourished and lacking sleep at night,
Dala, everything your kids need!

Mommy beloved from the heart
At seventy - beautiful words:
Let fate be simple and good,
There will be more joy.

For good bows low to you,
For nights of sleepless matu.
Let the warmth of the soul warm loved ones
And hearts will give beauty!

You're only seventy, don't cry.
You are young at heart and at heart.
You still don't know the word "doctor"
After all, this is very good, mom.

Today we celebrate your anniversary
And we want to say a lot to you.
About what happened, mom, do not be sorry,
May there be only grace in life.

Accept from us words of love, warmth,
Be happy and do not know sorrow.
Live, dear, as you lived before,
And may your years be like paradise.

To the best mom in the world
We hurry with gifts
And with champagne, and with ice cream -
We do not have tea in her soul.

The most beautiful anniversary
You make seventy
The best mom in the world
We will give all the flowers.

And in the eyes of blue sapphire
The same fire burns
The best mom in the world
Happy birthday - we say.

I wish mom inspiration
Wishes of all fulfillment,
Health - so as not to get sick,
To warm everyone with its warmth.

Today you are 70
So let luck be in fate
Never leaves
Be proud of yourself!

Today you are 70 years old
Mommy, Happy Anniversary!
Still waiting for many true victories,
Health will be stronger and stronger!

Let the fire in the eyes of youth burn,
So that he was forever beyond the control of time,
And may fate itself bless
So that there is only one love and happiness!

Soulful words in prose for the 70th birthday of the birthday girl

Dear birthday girl! You are celebrating your 70th birthday! This is a very serious date, talking about a long life that you can be proud of. We congratulate you and wish you excellent health and good mood, so that everything works out, relatives and friends give reasons to be proud of them and ourselves, and that life be a joy.

Our beloved birthday girl! Happy seventieth! You can now chalk up this solemn and impressive date to your account. We congratulate you, dear, and wish you health and smiles, happiness and kindness, love and care of loved ones. May you always be calm and easy, and may youth and spring always live in your soul. We give you these lines today as a token of our gratitude and love.

70 years is a wonderful date! Let gray hair not become a reason for sadness about the past years. On this anniversary, we wish you that Experience, Wisdom and Luck rule your ship of Life. Let failures and sorrows remain overboard, and the heart will always be open to new Accomplishments and Victories

Today you are 70 years old, there is something to be proud of! May your strength not go away with the years you have lived, and may your relatives and friends support you in all your endeavors. Enjoy life, because with experience it becomes brighter and more beautiful! May a faithful angel always keep you, protecting you from evil and misfortune.

70 years - a new life stage! On this anniversary, accept the heartfelt wishes of light, goodness and prosperity. May flowers always bloom in your soul, and cherished dreams come true in life. All earthly blessings to you, a long fate, vigorous health and new achievements. Let inspiration take you to new heights!

On this glorious anniversary, when you turned 70, we sincerely wish prosperity and abundance, a combination of courage and fortitude, sobriety of reasoning, life wisdom and a warm heart. May your days be bright and joyful, filled with bright events. We wish you a bright faith and good luck without measure!...

Congratulations on the round date, on the 70th anniversary! I wish life to play with all colors, so that the mood is always rosy! Let the well-deserved rest bring pleasure and relaxation. Good health, a lot of attention, support, understanding, complicity and presence next to the most beloved and relatives. Happy birthday! Let the horizons be filled with new dreams and wishes come true!

You are 70 today. Just think how quickly time has flown by, because only yesterday, we were going to school. But today you have not just a holiday, but one of the most special, significant and beautiful anniversaries. I want to not only congratulate you on such a date, but also wish you good health, long and eventful years, vivid impressions and emotions. You have a whole life behind you, but this does not mean that everything is over. An equally interesting and exciting life awaits you ahead, which will be a little different from the previous one, but still it will be able to impress you. Do not try to mope and lose heart, 70 is not the limit, but only the beginning. Remember, we still have to celebrate your more round and significant date.

Today, a person who has been my motivator all my life is celebrating his Anniversary. When I felt bad or sad, only she said that it simply takes my time, because I always have to be in shape. So many years have passed, many different things have happened, but I realized that I achieved everything I wanted only thanks to my grandmother. I congratulate our dear birthday girl on her seventy-fifth holiday, which she celebrates with her family and friends. You have always been able to bring our family together, although this is not easy to do. But it is your birthday that everyone associates with the fact that the whole family will come together again. I congratulate you and wish you good health so that you never get sick. I hope that today's Anniversary will be remembered by you as one of the best days of your life. We all love you and want only the best.

Today my beloved grandfather celebrates his seventy-fifth birthday. This is a truly significant event, a real Jubilee of a strong and courageous person who devoted his whole life to his family. It is thanks to you, dear grandfather, that we have grown up to be the same strong and courageous people who are not afraid to take responsibility, who are not afraid of difficulties. We are always thinking about what you would do in our place, because you approach everything wisely. You do not lose control over the situation, do not panic even when, it would seem, there is no way out of the situation. I want to wish you only health on this anniversary holiday, and you have everything else, but if anything, we are ready to do everything for you. You have always been a wonderful grandfather who did not allow me to cry when the older guys offended me, did not allow me to become limp. You made a strong man out of me.

A person is as old as he feels. So congratulations on your 30th birthday! Stay at 80, and at 100, and at 125 the same as you are today - joyful, vigorous, healthy! Congratulations from the bottom of my heart!

This day, your birthday, is especially long and dear to us, so let every moment for you be like a ray of sunshine - warm and warming, joyful and bright! We wish you happiness, because you deserve it and, we know for sure, you will dispose of all its benefits in honor and justice! Happy birthday, have a long and wonderful life!

On this wonderful holiday with sincere wishes of happiness, joy, health! Unchanging well-being, an endless stream of abundance, long years of life, full of joyful minutes!

70 is not a date yet, if there is so much strength, vigor and energy in reserve. 70 is a lot and a little, it is a whole life path, with joys and thorns, with sorrows and happy days. You never gave up, and fate generously endowed you on your today's anniversary - your closest friends, the people closest to you gathered. We wish you every day to bring success and joy, excellent health to you - for many, many years!, boundless happiness, let all life's trials remain in the past, and each next year bring only the best, because years do not matter when the soul is young.

Happy birthday wishes to mom 70 years old

Mommy's birthday today
The seventieth spring has arrived.
A lot of guests gathered at the table,
And I want spring to bloom

Another hundred years for my dear mother,
So that she does not know a serious illness,
Thanks for the golden character,
So that an evil blizzard does not circle over her.

We wish you happiness and good
For many more years to come,
So that you never see evil
And in life, may you always be lucky!

The golden sun rises in the morning
The birds begin their song
Today mom's holiday is coming,
Seventy moms - everyone knows about it.

We will congratulate our mother,
With her very bright anniversary.
That she is the best of all - I tell you
She will overcome all adversity.

Happy Holidays, my dear mother!
Live very long and happily
Be healthy, may God bless you
And from us children, thank you!

The rainbow is laughing, the sun is high
Everyone congratulates mom today.
Seventy mommy, thanks to her for everything,
Children wish her everything today

Sun and health for many years,
More joy and vigor.
Stay long, mom, young
Live happily for as long as possible.

And for everything we say thank you,
For the kindness and affection that gave children.
Happy and long be your destiny,
And the star of luck will light the way!

Seventy is old age, according to legend,
Like, the years then rush off in an instant.
Well, we heard that these are doors,
The second youth enters them!
Our mother is forever young
Remains in our memory
We fly to her for the anniversary,
Verify this for the hundredth time.
We wish mommy optimism
To flutter lively with us!
And so, flying through life,
Overtook us, and more than once!

It's hard to tell you darling
Everything that boiled in the soul.
Life flies harsh, dashing,
I don't hold hands anymore.
There are no more toys, except for money,
There is no place on the forehead without wrinkles,
I'm just waiting for this birthday
There is no more reason to celebrate.
Mommy raised us together
She gave us her years.
Know that we don't need anything
If only you were always with us.

Mammy, seventy years old
We celebrate with the whole family.
Let the wrinkles leave their mark
But don't let the years scare you.
They rush like an arrow, they fly,
And we have grown up for a long time,
But mother's care will not leave,
Her soul will warm us warmly.
Work, home, chores, grief,
After all, mom, only you will understand me.
You will find solace for your daughter,
Support in joy and take my pain!

Our dear mother,
You are seventy years old!
Let the years fly stubbornly -
Thank you fate!
We want to wish, dear,
On this holiday-anniversary,
Be happy dear
Among grandchildren and children!

There is no dearer, more reliable
Creatures on earth.
And on this day, enthusiastically
I give you words
About health, about joys,
About sunny eyes
From the heart of gratitude
Holding a hand in hand.
Live longer, honey
Don't complain about years.
Your soul is open
May you never grieve!

I remember, mother, how you read fairy tales to us,
How they taught you the alphabet, poetry.
All warmth, love and kindness and affection
You gave us without a trace.

At night you sat by the bed
Putting a hand on the patient's forehead,
And through the heat and all the ailments
Your gentle voice broke through.

Anniversary - seventieth anniversary -
We are all celebrating yours today.
You are the best in the world
There is no more beautiful, believe me, on earth!

Be always healthy and happy
Live for many more years.
Tenderness, care, understanding
Let the light in your eyes not go out.

Mom is seventy today
But for me she always
Like a beauty from an advertisement
Always beautiful, young!

And stay like that
After all, it doesn't matter how old we are,
Always be young at heart
After all, this is your main secret!

We'll try to be close
To never be bored
And your grandchildren are always happy to see you
You were born to be happy!

It's hard to tell you darling
Everything that boiled in the soul.
Life flies harsh, dashing,
I don't hold hands anymore.
There are no more toys, except for money,
There is no place on the forehead without wrinkles,
I'm just waiting for this birthday
There is no more reason to celebrate.
Mommy raised us together
She gave us her years.
Know that we don't need anything
If only you were always with us.

Do not be sad, mommy, about yesterday -
Is this the age these days?
At seventy, you only became more beautiful,
We are saved in your shadow.
What is sadness? One tear - you can,
Well, then - there is no point in crying!
It's hard for us without your advice,
But today we give advice:
Look around - all the relatives have gathered,
They rejoice only in you,
So live healthy and happy
And we are all with you, as if behind a wall.