Warm words for grandmother on her birthday. Congratulations to your grandmother in your own words. Happy birthday wishes for grandma

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My dear grandmother,
God bless you!
I appreciate, I love you with my soul,
I look forward to visiting soon!

I give tender congratulations,
In these wonderful words.
And thank you for everything!
And I want you to live forever...

I'll hug you, grandma!
Kiss congratulations!
I want to be sporty
Drive all sores actively!

* * *

Grandma, you are my golden!
I congratulate you today.
Let the years fly by, and okay,
The main thing is that we are always near!

Promise me to always be healthy,
This is the basis for longevity!
Nothing to worry about
May fate triple luck!

Granny, all the years don't count!
Smiling suits you!
I congratulate you, dear,
I wish you to live forever without ailments!

Congratulations to grandmother in verse

My grandmother is gray
But he looks younger.
My grandmother is kind
But she looks tougher.

I love grandma for
That she is like a friend to me.
I love for affection and warmth,
Her magical hands

And a man has no relatives,
Than my grandmother.
Today, on this anniversary,
I want to congratulate

My beloved, dear,
My grandma.
caring and simple
I want to hug you soon.

And wish never
From your clear eyes
Sadness gave a tear.
Be proud of us

Your grandchildren, your children.
And so that, as now,
For your centenary
You made us happy.

It is very touching when a small child reads this poem.

congratulations to grandma
Happy anniversary we!
Who brought her slippers
Who brought flowers!

Glowing brightly
She has eyes!
Will finally come true
She has a dream!

Let's - let's rejoice
We always have it!
This day will be remembered
Us forever!

Here she is elegant
Standing among all
Make happy with the looks
We all have to!

Long life and health
We wish
Surprise with beautiful
You are our soul!

look at my grandmother
And I'll say no
More beautiful on earth
"Girls" nowhere!

You live and make us happy
With your kindness
And we will be happy
All together with you!

Grandmother, grandmother
I love you!
And this gift
I give you!

Good for you, dear grandmother,
There is simply no man in the world.
My eyes sparkled again
When wrapped in your blanket.

Around you edify only comfort,
And I sincerely wish today.
Let them sing overflowingly all around,
There are hundreds of birds of paradise and merry.

Beautiful congratulations to grandmother

What can I tell you, grandma?
Thank you for your kindness and education.
I want to sincerely wish again
To surround understanding.

Please live a hundred years
In love, smiles and prosperity.
Without senile diseases, troubles,
So that everything is in order in life.

Who has the best jams?
The best pancakes, pancakes, pies?
Grandma only - no doubt
Take care of yourself, dear!

Don't get sick, live as long as you can
Smile, don't argue with your grandfather.
Happy days to be more
They did not disturb where sorrows and ailments were.

You always understood best
My jumps, different quirks.
I sent you where there was success,
And she helped right there when it was bad.

Raised, pampered a little,
Didn't tell my mom what I did.
I kiss your gray hair
I wish you joy and lots of strength.

You spoiled me from an early age,
And always forgave my pranks.
Healed from diseases, all sorts of troubles,
Grandma, you never gave up.

Grandma, I want you to know
How much you are dear to me
And never disappeared
A smile from a kind face.

Today is your birthday
Let only warm words sound
And happy congratulations
Will give many hearts.

I want you to be healthy
Never despaired
And let under the warmth of your shelter,
It will be warm and cozy as always.

Grandma, my dear
Today is your holiday!
I congratulate you in the morning
And I'll get ahead of everyone, hurray!

I wish you many years
Do not know evil diseases and troubles.
Leisure is pleasant to spend
And visit us more often!

My grandmother, my dearest,
It's good that you are with me!
You are necessary to me in all matters,
You have a lot of kindness in your heart...

You will never scold me
If I do something wrong.
Because you love your granddaughter
As I love you, my dear...

Congratulations to grandmother grandmother to tears

Your golden hands can do everything in the world:
Pies are baked and cakes are knitted and cooked.
They salt, ferment, soar, fry and also sew,
Creating endless comfort around us ...

My dear grandmother, I bow to you ...
You are like the kindest angel in my destiny.
Let me congratulate you, wish you forever,
To keep healthy, smile at me!

My dear grandmother, I wish you the fulfillment of all desires.
How much warmth you brought into my life, taught perseverance
in achieving goals, the ability to withstand life's difficulties.
I know that you rejoice most of all at my success. wishing you

health and longevity, it is so important for me to feel your shoulder next to me.
I promise to always be your support and support, I will do everything to
you were proud of me. Your age is called golden years
and may each of them be filled with cheerful laughter and quiet joy.

May your optimism not fade and may your loved ones be nearby.
In the circle of peers, you are always the youngest and most energetic.
What a blessing that we have you, dear grandmother.

* * *

Happy birthday to our dearly beloved grandmother and mother!
These kind gentle hands brought up more than one generation of our family.
The children have grown up and started families of their own.
Now grandchildren are growing up, who are hope and support for our birthday girl.

Each of us remembers your kind fairy tales and lullabies through long sleepless nights.
Despite the daily heavy worries about the well-being of the family and home comfort,
You have always been and remain friendly, attentive and affectionate.
We wish you health, prosperity, long life and always stay with us!

Grandmother, I want to wish you to enjoy the success of your children and grandchildren. I want to wish you not to remember the war. May pleasant memories be kept in your memory. Let neither body nor soul hurt. Festive mood to you, a sea of ​​flowers and more joyful events!

Dear grandma, happy birthday! I wish you, as a woman, female happiness, men's love, care and understanding. Be always attractive and well-groomed. Thank you for your understanding and responsiveness, for the kindness and caress of your hands, for the care of your heart. I wish you the best birthday experience!

Grandmother! Thank you for your care, warmth, for your golden hands and kind heart! I wish that your hands never get tired, that you do not need doctors and pills, that you are cheerful and young! Good health, boundless happiness, lots and lots of joy, optimism and strength!

Dear grandma! Thank you for the wealth that you gave me: wisdom, knowledge, the ability to distinguish good from bad, the ability to love and empathize. Thank you for the most delicious and fragrant pies and for the most magical tales. Accept sincere congratulations and wishes on this day: never grow old with your soul, have the best health for many more years, so that a smile and good mood never leave you, and so that your house is always full of guests and grandchildren. After all, you are the person to whom people are always drawn, despite the distance. Because your word is the strongest, your look is always the kindest, and your parting words are always welcome. Happy birthday, love!

My beloved grandma's birthday is today! By the way, this is her favorite holiday. I won't say how old you are today because you don't like it. But I can only say that I am surprised at how much energy you have. You are constantly on the move, and not just at home. You constantly visit some events, exhibitions, go to museums and theaters, that is, you never sit still and lead a very active life, but at the same time you never complain of fatigue, unlike us. We wish you to continue in the same spirit and always find the strength in yourself to go towards your goals. I love you very much and want you to be happy, healthy and loved! Happy holiday, dear grandmother! Know that we are always there.

Happy birthday greetings to your grandmother in your own words

On this special day, I wish you a happy birthday, grandmother, and wish you from the bottom of my heart in your old age ... no! - in your best future years to be very happy! Let your eyes see vigilantly, your back does not hurt, and your good mood shines like the sun! And so that your happiness is complete, I solemnly promise that I will always take care of you, love and not forget a single moment that passed next to you in peace and comfort!

Today is the birthday of the best grandmother in the world! Yes, yes, that's exactly it. You devoted your whole life, first to your husband, then to raising children, and then to us, your grandchildren. You never leave time for yourself because you think that your time has passed, but this is a deep delusion. You are so young and energetic. I wish you to multiply this energy and spend it on yourself: go to exhibitions, museums, theaters. You always dream of getting out somewhere, but at the last moment you decide to stay at home. We really want you not to be bored, but to develop and learn something new, for example, a computer. Happy birthday, my beloved grandmother! Be happy, healthy and loved! And we will always be there and support!

Our beloved grandmother, we congratulate you on your birthday. This holiday is special for everyone, because behind your back you have lived years, some of which you dedicated to us, warming us with your love and care. And we want to wish you health, many long and happy years of life, and most importantly, know that for us you will always be the most beautiful grandmother in the world, the youngest and most beautiful.

Every day of your life is like a story from a book. Every day spent with you is happiness. My dear grandmother, I want to wish you to remain a cheerful woman who does not pay attention to all the difficulties that the state forces us to face. I wish you to grow the most delicious vegetables in your beds and admire the garden that you created with your own hands. You are an excellent person, about whom everyone speaks only positively. Stay always cheerful and sweet. We love you with our whole family, and I don’t have a soul in you, dear granny. So let luck always live in your house, and luck will always walk on your heels.

Beloved, kind, sweet grandmother, I congratulate you on your birthday. I want to say “thank you” for your tenderness, affection and understanding and wish you many more years of life, full of good health, care and love of your relatives, warm weather outside the window and a light breeze. Granny, I wish you to be less sad and smile more often, may your soft heart and open soul make this world a better place, and people kinder.

On the birthday of the most beautiful grandmother on this Earth, and maybe in the entire Galaxy, the grandson wishes a warm attitude towards himself, adoration of colleagues and neighbors, respect from the boss, respect for himself from close and dear people! Let all the bells ring in your honor now, let the flowers bloom for you, let the children be named after you! Happy holiday!

Your advice, beloved and only grandmother, is the most appropriate and unobtrusive, the cooking is the most delicious and sincere, the smiles are the most dear and warm, your hands can make unrealistically beautiful things from all kinds of available materials. Stay such a positive person with the kindest soul forever.

Grandma, congratulations! With gentle, but selfish love, I come to you to drink tea with hot pies, to receive a portion of affection, to feed on endless kindness. The charge of your love is enough not to become limp in adversity, failures, to take a hit. Your house smells like childhood. Let your face shine with a soft smile, let your hands remain dexterous, light steps and keen eyes.

Happy birthday, Grandma! I love you very much and wish you happiness! After all, this is the most important thing in our life! If you feel sad, let it pass immediately! No need to be sad, just enjoy everything that happens in our life, because nothing happens just like that.

My dear and dear, the most beloved grandmother in the world, grandmother! I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday and wish that you could be congratulated for many, many more years! Live, dear, up to a hundred years in good health and excellent mood! May you always have a sweet and pleasant smile on your face, and your eyes quietly shine with happiness! Prosperity and cheerfulness, faith and hope, beauty and inspiration! May God bless you every minute and give joy to your kind heart!

Congratulate your grandmother on her birthday in your own words

Today is the birthday of my beloved grandmother. She became very old, her head was adorned with noble gray hair, but her love and care for her grandchildren will never run out and never go out! Dear grandmother! On this bright holiday, I wish you to live another hundred years and always remain cheerful and cheerful, enjoy every minute of a prosperous, quiet old age surrounded by people who love you!

So the morning has come, the birds are especially singing today, and the sun is shining brighter than usual, what kind of day has come? Birthday of the most wonderful, loving and understanding grandmother in the world! Always be as kind, sweet, do not be discouraged, do not let illness into the house, wait for great-great-grandchildren and smile as often as possible!

Dear grandma, you are our birthday today! Congratulations on your birthday! I wish you peace, patience for all of us, joy and long, long years of life! Remember that there is no one wiser than you for your granddaughter. May all your hopes and desires come true!

Happiness, prosperity, long life, joy, love, good mood, cheerfulness, more smiles and less sadness, do not cry, do not get sick, always be in shape, all the very best and the best!))

I do not know what to tell you. Where can I find words that haven't been spoken yet? Of course, I want you not to get sick, not to feel lonely. I want you to have many bright holidays ahead and as little sadness as possible. I will not be able to protect you from problems, but I will always help you cope with them. You just call, do not take care of me. I have not been a child for a long time. You can safely consider me your best friend. I love you, grandma!

It is important not only what to say to your dear, dear and beloved grandmother on her birthday, but also how to say it - use a congratulatory template or congratulate in your own words. Happy birthday greetings to grandmother in your own words are recommended to be made ahead of time. After all, I want all good feelings and intentions to be reflected in the wishes for the granny. The congratulation of his own composition bears a bright pronounced imprint of individuality. At the celebration of an elderly birthday girl, this can be a good reason for her to communicate with her grandchildren, whom the grandmother, quite possibly, sees quite rarely. And attention and communication are the best of gifts. It is also significant that when inventing the text on their own, relatives remember their relative. What she is now, what she was, what she liked, and likes. Indeed, in the daily turmoil, we often forget our elders. A couple of ideas for preparation can be thrown by our specialized section.

Dear my grandmother, congratulating you on the day of your appearance in this world, I want to express my love and recognition to you. You give me care and attention, you love me more than life and you are ready to give me all your wealth. Your care keeps me warm day and night. You teach me everything you know yourself. You share your wisdom with me. Only with age do you begin to appreciate all these qualities. Grandma, I want to wish you to remain a cheerful and energetic woman. May the years not age you. Let communication with me help you keep yourself in good shape. I also want to wish you to always follow your dream forward. Let no obstacles stand in the way of happiness. Of course, I want to wish you more rest and enjoy life. I wish you to have as many meetings with your close friends as possible. May the years of friendship give you warmth. Grandma, I love you and wish you only a beautiful and carefree life.

My dear grandmother, I can safely call you a second mother. You taught me lessons, you took me to school and art circles. Cheered me up when I first fell in love. You taught me to believe in myself and try to become stronger and wiser. Thanks to you, I can be proud of my life and my achievements. You always believed in me even when I myself lost faith. My dear grandmother, today on your day of appearance in this world, I express my gratitude to you for the years that you have dedicated to me. I want to thank you for all your efforts and care. You did not sleep at night and worried about my exams and getting a job, you supported me in all endeavors. Granny, now I want to support and thank you for all the love. May you be able to feel the depth of my feelings for you. If you need something, remember that I will always be by your side. I wish you health, longevity, a peaceful sky above your head and a happy life!

I love coming to visit you, my dear grandmother. You always treat with delicious soup and feed dumplings and pies. You will always greet me with a smile. I like to listen to your stories about life and about your youth. I like walking with you. Today, my grandmother, I want to wish you a happy birthday and wish you to remain so hospitable, smiling, kind and gentle. May your hands never get tired of work. May all worries be pleasant. I wish you never to quarrel with your relatives, be friends with your neighbors and not lose your friends. I wish you to enjoy every day and come to visit us more often. Let the weather never affect your mood and at any time of the year you manage to stay healthy and cheerful in spirit. I love you my grandma!

Every day of your life is like a story from a book. Every day spent with you is happiness. My dear grandmother, I want to wish you to remain a cheerful woman who does not pay attention to all the difficulties that the state forces us to face. I wish you to grow the most delicious vegetables in your beds and admire the garden that you created with your own hands. You are an excellent person, about whom everyone speaks only positively. Stay always cheerful and sweet. We love you with our whole family, and I don’t have a soul in you, dear granny. So let luck always live in your house, and luck will always walk on your heels.

Grandma and I embroider
We sew dresses together for the doll.
She will teach me everything
It's good for us both.
And today is my birthday
I'll bake her a cake.
I will write on it: “Granny, you
my best friend in the world"

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Happy birthday wishes for grandma

Grandma has a birthday
I haven't slept since morning.
I'm a grandmother from plasticine,
I'm making a vase of flowers.
Grandma will be happy
Everyone will praise me.
Grandma and I, without each other,
We cannot live the day apart.
I congratulate my dear
And whisper in her ear
"More cartoons, sweets,
I love you grandma!"

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birthday wishes for grandma

Our dear, dear, glorious grandmother! Today we have gathered together to congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts! To say how much we love you, how grateful we are for the wise instructions, warmth and affection that you so generously give to us, your grandchildren. Be always healthy, happy and cheerful, our grandmother!

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Happy birthday wishes for grandma

Our beloved grandmother! We are so happy that we can come to visit you, talk to you, take care of you. We wish you long years, good health and always a wonderful mood!

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Wishes for a newborn grandmother and future grandmother

Time flies fast and now there is an addition to a happy family, and you have become a grandmother. On such a happy day, I want to wish you good health and a lot of joy from communicating with your descendant. Although she became a grandmother, she is still beautiful and beautiful, so let it always be so! And always remain the same cheerful and friendly.

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Grandma wishes

Dear, dear, beloved by all. We look into your beautiful eyes, listen to your wise advice, enjoy your delicious pies and understand that we are happy because we have you. We wish you long life!

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Grandma wishes

Dear grandmother, we are all your children and grandchildren, we love you very much! After all, you give warmth to three generations of our family. And on this joyful day, we really want to wish you all the best and good health! And please us for many, many more times with your smile, cheerfulness and health!

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birthday wishes for grandma

Our beloved grandmother, on this joyful day, on your birthday, I really want to wish you all the very best, the very best: the best grandchildren to please you, the best children to love you. And, of course, many, many more years of life, and strength, so that you continue to smile and be amazed at this world!

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Poem congratulations and wishes to grandmother

Even though the snow is tangled in your hair
Though the rays near the eyes
You are the very best
And we have a young one.
Though life is a harsh school
Always been for you
And you are a cheerful optimist
Remained. Years are not in power
Not a drop above you
Let them be. And we again
Health and only health
We want to wish on this day.
We will buy everything else.
Give, you just do not get sick
With you our life is fuller
Lighter, warmer, more fun!

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Birthday Wishes for Grandma

What a pleasure to visit you.
Leisurely listening to speeches.
We want to live longer.
Let the candles not fit on the cake.
How does the handkerchief suit you?
How we love your jam
And how glad that grandmother is waiting,
We are always looking forward to visiting.

Grandma, happy birthday to you! I wish you long life, good health and great happiness. Stay young at heart, never be sad, have fun more often and smile from the bottom of your heart. I love you very much. Happy holiday!

Happy birthday to my beloved grandmother! I wish you good health, long, long years of life, strength, energy, happiness, peace, goodness. May you always be warmed by the warmth and care of loved ones. Thank you so much for your love, support and wise advice.

Favorite grandma! Happy birthday to you, dear! May your kind heart never hurt, may your golden hands never get tired, may every day be joyful and sunny! Forgive us if we have ever upset you. And thank you so much with the lowest bow for everything that we had, are and will be! We all love you very much!

Today is the birthday of the best grandmother in the world! Yes, yes, that's exactly it. You devoted your whole life, first to your husband, then to raising children, and then to us, your grandchildren. You never leave time for yourself because you think that your time has passed, but this is a deep delusion. You are so young and energetic. I wish you to multiply this energy and spend it on yourself: go to exhibitions, museums, theaters. You always dream of getting out somewhere, but at the last moment you decide to stay at home. We really want you not to be bored, but to develop and learn something new, for example, a computer. Happy birthday, my beloved grandmother! Be happy, healthy and loved! And we will always be there and support!

Today is the birthday of a person who understands modern technologies no worse than young people. Our grandmother is well versed in the computer, knows how to use the Internet, tablet and smartphone. Grandma, I wish you a happy birthday! I love you immensely and consider you a very close person who devoted all his time to me when I was little. You taught me so many things, for which I am very grateful to you. I wish you good spirits, inexhaustible energy, good health, long life and boundless happiness. We all promise to work harder to make our family reunions much more frequent. We know that you miss us very much, as we miss you. But we promise to solve this issue. Happy holiday, dear!

Grandma, you are our guardian angel! Since childhood, you have been protecting us, warming us with your warmth, giving us peace and comfort. On this festive day, we sincerely congratulate you and wish you health, longevity, so that you are always with us. Happy birthday!

On this special day, I wish you a happy birthday, grandmother, and wish you from the bottom of my heart in your old age ... no! - in your best future years to be very happy! Let your eyes see vigilantly, your back does not hurt, and your good mood shines like the sun! And so that your happiness is complete, I solemnly promise that I will always take care of you, love and not forget a single moment that passed next to you in peace and comfort!

With the light of a smile you lit up the whole world, with the warmth of your eyes you melted the coldest hearts. Your help, care and attention have always been and remain indispensable. On this anniversary, we wish you long life, health and more grandchildren, you have something to pass on to them!

Your advice, beloved and only grandmother, is the most appropriate and unobtrusive, the cooking is the most delicious and sincere, the smiles are the most dear and warm, your hands can make unrealistically beautiful things from all kinds of available materials. Stay such a positive person with the kindest soul forever.

Let your excellent health, my dear granny, please me all the time, let your vital energy charge everyone around you for many years, your optimism and ability to see only positive qualities in people touches and makes you believe that the world around is friendly, warm and smiling.

Well, let it add wrinkles every year, my dear grandmother, accept my sincere congratulations on your birthday. You are the main one in our family. The foundation on which the well-being of our entire family rests. In some incomprehensible way, you have time and a kind word for each of us. Stay always the same wise, positive and energetic. I love you!

Dear grandma, I congratulate you on your birthday! On this day, I thank you for all the sleepless nights that you spent by my bed, for all the fairy tales that you told me, for all the sweet pies that you always treated! Thank you for the love and warmth that you still give to all of us!

Grandma, my dear, you should not worry about the years and the passing time, because in your heart you are still a beautiful, young and self-confident woman! Let your health never let you down, your body does not know fatigue, your mood will always be wonderful, and your soul sings with joy! I congratulate you and wish you more happy moments shared with your grandchildren, respect for others and many more years!

Dear granny, I congratulate you on your birthday and from the bottom of my heart I wish you to remain a woman with a sensitive heart and a sympathetic soul, to be a good person and the most wonderful granny. May new ideas, bright feelings and feelings of happiness appear in your life every day. My dear, I wish you good health, wonderful mood and frequent holidays in the circle of your beloved and dear people.

Grandma, happy birthday to you. I wish you a continuous melody of happiness in your soul, ringing birdsong in the neighborhood, a cheerful mood in your heart, good health and due attention from loved ones, generous gifts from life and wonderful ideas on how to make any day a holiday and fill it with bright emotions and smiles of dear people.

On the birthday of our dear grandmother, we, her granddaughters and grandchildren, wanted to convey these congratulations to her in prose. In one book that you once gave us as a child (I think it's called "Crane and Lightning"), it said: "Old age does not happen if a person does not want it." This is our main wish - keep youth in your soul. Wrinkles and gray hair can be on the face, but they do not always penetrate into the soul and not necessarily. To do this, you need to remember your own youth more often. Like the turtle Tortilla performed by Rina Zelenaya.

Our dear and kind grandmother! We sincerely congratulate you on your holiday - your birthday! We rejoice when you smile - we wish you to always be in high spirits! Take care of yourself - let your well-being always be excellent, so that you have enough strength for all your affairs and ideas. Well, we are your grandchildren, we will try to please you and support you in everything!

The best grandmother in the world, we wish you a happy birthday and thank you for our wonderful parents, for your kind smile and constant support, for your good advice and sincere prayers. May the warmth of your heart always warm our lives, and your pies and jam will be tasted by your great-grandchildren along with their children.

Our precious grandmother! It is very difficult to describe our warm feelings and admiration for you. Congratulations on your birthday! Remain the same cheerful, kind and sensitive, giving everyone your optimism and be with us as often as possible. May your health be strong like a diamond, and your smile shine like the sun!

Happy birthday, dear grandmother! You are the most important in the family, because with great wisdom you keep peace and order in our family, multiply our achievements and nullify all the little things that could grow into conflicts. We wish you indestructible health and we want you to always remain on the captain's bridge of our family ship.