Harmony in relationships. Harmonious relations between a man and a woman: understanding and characterization of relationships, important points, nuances, features of communication and the manifestation of sincere love, care and respect

It is unlikely that anyone has the right, and is able from the outside to “decipher” those “patterns” of relationships created by a specific man and woman, which are like a man-made carpet woven by them from thousands of fragments of their unique experience.

But even in such a mosaic, there are patterns that may not be fully realized, and often completely deprived of due attention, and, accordingly, understanding of “suddenly” difficulties and ups and downs of relationships.

The author's course proposed by Sergei Kolesha helps to look at the nature of a man and a woman through the awareness of their personal imperfections, which, nevertheless, may not burden each other's life, but bring in individual diversity leading to a proper and desired mutual understanding. AND YES -


But first things first.

Almost every woman wants to see a strong, caring and loving man next to her.

Yes, and we, men, need a benevolent, gentle, sensual and respectful woman.

As they say, it's up to the little things - to find, captivate, recognize or see that one or that unique familiar stranger.

And if this has already happened, then do not lose that initial ardor-heat, but turn it into an even flame of love.

For even when pheromones interfere in the game of life, and the invisible arrow of Cupid strikes the chosen ones and the chosen ones with an arrow of mutual attraction, a happy ending not guaranteed at all. For the god Eros has his own layouts.

The paradox of life? Not at all. Just games of preference and battles of desire are often played out on the canvas of expectations, the colors of which are washed away by the rain of experience, inexperienced by the vicissitudes of relationships.

Conflicts, quarrels, misunderstandings are falling more and more powerful every day, breaking the bonds of intimacy and inflaming passions.

Natural result? Yes and no. It is natural when there is no understanding of the Laws of Proximity, which are referred to as

It is no secret that the most important law that exists in the universe is the law of Love, because GOD IS LOVE, which means that Everything is Love.

A woman keeps Love, expressing it through Beauty. A man is attracted to beauty, giving Love an impulse of dynamics and creativity, and filling it with Light.

All human suffering is nothing but ignoring love or inability/unwillingness to claim it with all one's heart.

But once realizing the full power of love, a miracle happens. And Love easily, like a house of cards, destroys your old life in an instant, in order to recreate a new one later.


  • Law of the Good
  • Law of No Harm
  • Law of Free Will/Choice

How realistic is it to follow these laws?

Building relationships on a harmonious basis, bringing love through life is a real and feasible task for each of us. The main thing is to understand what is the basis for laying a stable foundation for relations, and then to architecturally model a life together, based precisely on these laws of the universe.

These laws are not as obvious as the law gravity. But they are also irreversible. A heartache from breaking them is much stronger than physical pain.

Moreover, it is completely unprincipled what the format of relations between Men and Women is: partnership or family, civil or independent.

Customer Feedback

It turns out that there are complex and, at the same time, simple truths in our life, with the help of which being in this world becomes qualitative and creative. It is only important to know and remember who we really are, to observe the three Basic Laws of the Universe and consciously, with gratitude, go through our life lessons. It seems to me that the complexity of this knowledge is only in the fact that it is not introduced into our lives from the very beginning. early childhood. And, unfortunately, we are often brought up on completely different examples, which subsequently form complexes and stereotypes in relationships.

The simplicity of truths lies in the fact that their depth lies in each of us. That's just often an independent way to this
understanding roundabout and thorny.
Therefore, a real success can be considered a meeting with a true professional, bright and wise man, which is Sergey.

His help opens the veil through which you now clearly see your true destiny, your evolutionary coming to the earthly world.
And, most importantly, now this awareness and inner harmony invariably present in your life, transforming it beyond recognition.

Many things that yesterday were incomprehensible, frightening and disappointing, today are simply laid out "on the shelves", because you see the real reasons for what is happening.
Accordingly, resentment, anger and intransigence go away.
And each such victory over one's imperfections inspires and inspires, because the transformation is simply amazing.

There is only the main condition - a steady desire to change your life for the better.

– Zoya, Zhytomyr

What is building harmonious relationships?

Building harmonious relationships between spouses is hard work. And he is joyful when you have knowledge of your nature and are able to listen, hear and learn to understand your partner.

This knowledge, like intuitive insights and sensations, is nothing but(feelings that you understand and do not doubt at all). Moreover, they are potentially in each of you, and you can own them. All you need is a little patience, perseverance and a desire to be happy.

In order to create a solid and high-quality building of a family and harmonious relationships, it is necessary to lay the main bonding ingredients in its foundation. The author identified 7 such qualities-ingredients:

  • CARE


The aim of the course is to help participants:

  • Recognize the origins of mutual understanding and emerging difficulties between a man and a woman
  • Master practical skills that lead to harmony and harmony
  • Learn systemic knowledge that reveals subtleties and sheds light on the true nature of men and women
  • To master the keys that open all the doors of mutual interest, respect and love

Course objectives:

  • To give a holistic view of the psychophysical and spiritual nature of men and women, their similarities and differences
  • Develop a sense of self-sufficiency, confidence and self-worth
  • Form a reasonable, respectful and loving attitude to yourself and your partner
  • Teach proper emotional response
  • Indicate the origins of conflicts, misunderstandings, rupture of relations
  • To teach understanding and awareness of the root, the nature of aggression
  • Dispel illusions of idealism and social stereotypes
  • Get rid of the dominance of parent programs
  • Form a harmonious model of relationships

Customer Reviews

Sergey, thank you for the training! They give strength and wisdom, help you find an inexhaustible source of love and harmony in yourself, hear your soul and find your body again! You are a truly giving, giving light and love.
Sincerely thank you! Thanks for being you!

– Elena, Brest

Sergey, thank you for the unforgettable training... I gained invaluable experience, confidence in how you and your partner should feel. I felt how to measure and direct my energy and build relationships on mutual agreement. There I paid a lot of attention to my feelings and sensations and was in harmony with myself.
I look forward to your new trainings.

– Roman, Moscow

Who is it for?


What is par for the course?

His the price of everything 25$ or 20 EUR or equivalent in rubles or hryvnia on moment of order.

Do you still doubt whether this course will help you?

We'll tell you about the results.

You will learn how:

  • Correctly perceive and understand each other
  • Accept and respect the position, opinion and choice of a partner
  • Distinguish between infatuation and love, habit and affection
  • Resolve conflicts appropriately
  • Define sexuality and psychological compatibility with a partner

You can:

  • Realize the multifaceted nature of conditional and unconditional love
  • Reveal the origins of sexuality and ways to preserve and increase it
  • Fully realize
  • Understand true motives behavior of your chosen one (chosen one)
  • Resolve issues of interest to you in the intimate-personal sphere of relationships
  • Recognize the origins of current or future difficulties life together
  • Get rid of stereotypes, patterns and misperceptions of the opposite sex
  • Understand the causes of betrayal, misunderstanding and the nature of aggression
  • Learn to build relationships on a trusting and respectful basis.

Feedback from our client

Sergey, many thanks for the amazing course!
It would seem that some of what we heard on the course has already been heard and seen by me, but it's all somewhere and as if not for me. On this course, you begin to understand that all knowledge can be used by me personally, that all this is already incorporated by nature into our capabilities and nothing is impossible. I cannot immediately react to the information received here, because now I am absorbing everything like a sponge. External manifestation emotions seems small in comparison with the significance and volume of knowledge received, and my heart is only learning to generate the ENERGY of love and gratitude.
I don’t know if such a comparison is appropriate here, but your work on the course is similar to the work of an ancient plowman who manually opens the layers of petrified and neglected land for years - this is a field for the growth of our soul and knowledge.
Thanks again for interesting course. And - I wish you good luck!

- Natalia, Chelyabinsk.


If you have any questions regarding the topics covered in the course, the author will give you a one-time half-hour consultation via skype. This is done simply.

What do you get?

You are getting practical guide By:

  • mutual understanding
  • mutual agreement
  • mutual respect
  • Mutual love

In addition, as a bonus you will receive practical advice because:

  • How to develop a sense of self-sufficiency, confidence and self-worth
  • How to uncover the origins of sexuality and how to increase it
  • How to correctly interpret and use

Feedback from our client

Love, happiness, harmony in the soul ... If someone had told me a couple of months ago that I could feel with my whole soul and body the feeling of absolute love, joy and happiness, and even in such a short period - I would have considered such a person crazy. I'll explain why. Yes, because before, for every feeling, I was looking for some explanation, tried to analyze, looked for evidence ... To all the questions “Are you happy?”, I answered - “Of course, yes!”. But to be honest, who am I lying to? To yourself first. And now just imagine… Event after event, step by step, moment by moment, my soul was preparing me for the main thing – for the feeling of Love. Yes, I still can not find an explanation, what is it? Yes, and why ... I'm just in it, I feel my soul here and now. I went to this for a long time, I lied to myself, to others ... and even now I feel that this is only a small part of everything that really exists. What changed me? What events caused it? This state, of course, was preceded by a whole chain of events. But what happened to me in a few sessions that changed my sense of life and love is simply beyond words. Feelings and only feelings can explain this state ... a state of bliss, harmony, happiness ... I am happy ... here it is absolute happiness and Love, which do not need explanations and arguments! They just live in me, as in each of us. Once you wake up and feel Love in yourself, you will not exchange this feeling for any riches of the world...

– Tatiana, Kyiv


Course payment methods“Man and Woman = harmony of relationships”

For residents of Ukraine:

An instant way to pay for the service in dollars or euros for residents of near and far abroad (except Russia) through bank transfer systems:

Western Union, MoneyGram, PrivatMoney, RIA

on full name:Kolesha Sergei Vladimirovich . Ukraine, Zhitomir +380975083112

Kolesha Sergey Zhitomir, Ukraine

Hello dear readers of the blog Samprosvetbulletin!

“Harmony in relationships is important to me. I do not like swearing, talking in raised tones. When difficulties arise, I always try to understand, to yield, to meet halfway. But this is not always appreciated by a man. They are quickly spoiled and sit on my neck. Or do I just want too much from men? — writes Elvira.

“I find it difficult to maintain harmony in relationships. Often we have and I balance on the brink of conflict. Probably if I didn’t show and kept quiet at certain moments, we would have parted a long time ago. I am sometimes told that I have excessive demands on men, that it is easier to treat everyone. And it’s easier, I don’t want to infringe on myself either, ”- writes Zinaida .

Harmony in relationships

Love depends on many values, norms and criteria. The longer the emotional connection lasts, the more expectations, hopes, patterns of behavior and assessments accumulate.

In a relationship, it is important to treat your loved one adequately and not demand the impossible from him. Read more about an adequate attitude towards a man →.

There is no common model of relationships for all, but there are many points of view and ways of behaving.

For example:

  • how a man reacts to the personal interests of his beloved outside of the relationship;
  • what are the rituals of eating, going to bed;
  • How is free time spent?
  • whether tenderness is shown to each other;
  • how one's own feelings, desires, goals and dreams are discussed;
  • to what extent and how conflicts are openly discussed;
  • how criticism is expressed, in constructive discussion or in silent reproaches; and so on.

N. Pezeshkian, the founder of positive psychotherapy, believes that in any relationship it is important to find a balance between:

  • adaptation and self-affirmation;
  • courtesy and honesty;
  • justice;
  • attachment and distance.

Balance between adaptation and self-affirmation

In relationships and marriage, it is important to find a happy medium between accommodation and self-affirmation.

Think about how you most often behave in a relationship: do you adapt or assert yourself?
What do you think, how justified is an authoritarian attitude towards a partner?
How do you yourself react to the authoritarian attitude of your man towards you?
How does a man react to your authoritarian behavior?

Eastern wisdom says: "He who treats himself well treats others well."

If we only adapt to the needs and desires of a man, we experience dissatisfaction, we lose ourselves, and in time we lose the respect of a man.

It is normal to make fair demands on your chosen one. But if non-performance or inability to do something happens in a relationship, you need to be able to distinguish between these failures and the partner himself.

Balance between politeness and honesty

If you suppress your emotions, then over time they will find an outlet in somatic symptoms and anxiety. On the other hand, if you are just venting your emotions on loved one, not taking into account his internal state and feelings, you can hurt him with your inattention, provoke aggression and alienation.

In a relationship where partners put politeness in the first place, lies, insincerity, and isolation may begin to prevail. If, in a relationship, politeness is neglected, considering that directness and honesty are more important, partners may suffer from tactlessness and arrogance, and quarrels can easily break out.

To create a harmonious relationship, you need to learn to determine when honesty and openness are appropriate, and when it is more useful to show tact and politeness.

For example, if your man tells you about his problem, it is more appropriate to be polite, avoid criticism, evaluations, offensive remarks. It’s better to just listen carefully, ask questions, try to understand what happened means for your partner.

Or, for example, if you need to express your opinion, be sincere, honestly express how you feel about the issue, how important the problem under discussion is for you, what solution you can offer. Don't forget to ask your man's opinion. If he doesn't agree with you, don't rush to judge him and give him time to digest everything you've said.

Ask yourself questions:

Do you often suppress your emotions?

What do you prioritize in a relationship - courtesy or honesty?

IN conflict situations are you more likely to suppress your emotions and be polite, or openly express your emotions without regard for the possible consequences?

Balance between love and justice

The principle of justice in relations is expressed by the following attitudes:

“as you are to me, so I am to you”;

“I will do housework if you provide for me”;

“you bought me something today, for that I will be affectionate with you”;
“If you don’t have time for me now, then I won’t have time for you later.”

Following justice, we compare the results of actions. Usually, people who are oriented in relationships to the principle of justice give priority to achievements.

Relations where the principle of justice prevails fall into a vicious circle. Partners see only the results of their activities, they weigh on the scales who did what and who should do what. Not taken into account here individual characteristics of a person, there is no faith in his abilities, and since everyone sees justice in his own way, such an approach, on the contrary, leads to a series of injustices and insults.

The principle of love is expressed in relationships by the following attitudes:

“remember that you can always count on me”;

“I have complete confidence in you and I hope in you”;

“I am ready to give you everything I have”;

“I am ready to wait for you and give in to you in everything.”

If in a relationship you follow the principle of love, then you become blind to the shortcomings of a man. Without seeing the flaws, you cannot choose how to respond and build your behavior in a relationship.

The balance between love and justice is achieved when each partner sees the shortcomings of his chosen one, but accepts him for who he is, when both have a willingness to learn from their mistakes.

Balance between attachment and distance

Attachment is the desire for solidarity with a partner, the desire to be together.

Distance from your partner is the desire to oppose attachment with your independence, the desire to have your own interests apart from your chosen one, to concentrate more on the realization of your own abilities.

If your relationship is dominated by the need for affection, then you focus too much on your loved one, live only within the framework of the relationship, stop developing as a person and can degrade. On the other hand, if the relationship is dominated by the need for distance, the partners begin to live more outside the relationship, the emotional connection is lost between them, and gradually they become strangers to each other.

Relationships take time and care, but it's also important to have your own interests and life outside of the relationship.

The imbalance between these 4 pairs of principles: accommodation/self-affirmation, courtesy/honesty, justice/love, attachment/withdrawal leads to 4 forms of reactions in relationships.

Where does the harmony of relationships begin and what is this concept? Someone puts love and family here, someone cooperation, and someone their whole reality. How to characterize harmonious relationships and what should be present in them in order to be good for you and your environment? Let's try to figure it out.

Relationship harmony starts with you.

What should you pay attention to if you are striving to create comfortable, harmonious relationships with people? First of all, on themselves.

Our perception is often dictated by past experience or social stereotypes. Many have forgotten how to filter their true thoughts from those imposed by society, chasing only fashion or following the advice of complete strangers. A harmonious person, living in harmony with himself and his desires, is able to establish relationships with others, not allowing the substitution of motives.

Another aspect worth paying attention to is that what surrounds you fully reflects your relationship with the world. If your reality is getting better today than yesterday, you are on the right track and the world is helping you. If everything around is absolutely not what you want, pay attention to yourself. Perhaps you radiate negativity that attracts the right people and the right things.

Harmony in the relations of people is impossible if they have different goals, are divided and live in different realities. Decide for yourself how important these people are to you, maybe you are just not on the way. Creating the right environment is a big step towards achieving balance within yourself and throughout your reality.

  • Think about the other person, not just yourself. Healthy selfishness is good, but we do not always notice that we are slipping into complete selfishness. It's always good to look at yourself from the outside;
  • Talk out loud about your problems. Omissions and unspoken emotions can accumulate, overgrow with speculation. It is better to tell a loved one at the very beginning about what you would like to change. No one should guess;
  • Trust. Constant jealousy, checks and questions only increase distrust. This applies to parents who constantly suspect their child, concerns jealous husbands and wives. Look at yourself, are you going too far?
  • Know how to forgive. No one is immune from mistakes. You yourself define a number of acceptable and unacceptable errors. But if a person stumbled, perhaps right now he needs your help;
  • Have a common goal. This is important in any relationship: family, business, friendship. Having a common goal unites. It can be global, then such people look in one direction all their lives and do not pay attention to difficulties. Also, the goal can be short-term, reaching which people disperse or set a new one.

Household issues are of great importance. The ability to establish a life is a great art, where you often need to compromise and help another person.

Often harmony family relations seems unattainable - relatives point blank do not want to understand each other, quarrel and pull the blanket over themselves. In this situation, either you need to be wiser, or step back, or go to a psychologist. Learn to radiate what you want to see around you, over time you will notice that when you appear and in general, people will become more accommodating and friendly.

If you want to improve the situation or solve real problem relationship, start by changing yourself, don't be shy about it. Just reach out to those who can help you better understand your inner world. Knowing your own motives and desires, the ability to set your own goals and understand the goals of others is a value that few people possess. I offer to help you open your inner world together with a group in a training or in the form of a consultation. We touch on many aspects and always get unexpected and pleasant answers to our own questions. Get acquainted with the training options or sign up for a consultation, I'm sure you can find a way to a solution.

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  • Love is the basis of happiness. Psychics and esoteric experts consider this feeling to be the most important, because love teaches us creation.

    It doesn’t matter what the essence of the relationship is love, friendship, kinship. The main thing in any relationship is the absence of selfishness. You can and even should think about yourself, but you must not forget that all parties need benefits. You should always strive for harmony in relationships, because the game of tug of war will surely end in a break in friendship or love.

    What is a harmonious relationship

    From the point of view of bioenergetics, harmonious relationships are perfect combination two auras. Just like the colors in the palette, not all auras of people can be combined normally. It doesn’t matter if your marriage or friendship is contrasting, or if you are very similar. What matters is how much you complement each other.

    Psychics claim that real friendship and love is possible in most cases. There is a pretty small chance that you will not get along with a person. It's simple, because, as they say, whoever seeks will always find.

    Psychics and bioenergy experts say that normally flowing relationships are possible only with high level mutual trust. You can argue with each other, you can swear at each other, but your confidence in a friend or loved one must be unshakable. It is the foundation, the foundation of everything.

    It all starts, of course, with your confidence, with your inner attitude. If you doubt something, then this is the first step to failure. Psychics call it the magic of thought, because thoughts are really material.

    How to achieve harmony in love and friendship

    Step one: mark your personal territory. This is very important to do from the very beginning, because then it will be painful for a person to rebuild from one condition to another. Of course, you can not give any restrictions to a person at all. There are many couples in which there are no restraining moments. Everyone has access to social networks each other. Each can invade another's space without any problems. This is a very good and wise move for those who are jealous. People who have different views to this, do not come together quickly and successfully.

    Step two: don't compare your soulmate to anyone. Your man may not be as rich as someone else. Your woman may not have something that other ladies have. It doesn't matter because you chose this person. The essence of man is that we are all always looking for something new. This is more typical for men, however, ladies can also get tired of the same thing. You need to spend some time looking for new joint emotions. You need to tell yourself that any person can get bored with you over time, this is inevitable. What now, constantly change the soul mate? No, you have to be wise. In friendship, this is not so obvious, but it also has a place to be.

    Step three: understand and accept the fact that friendship without love is the norm, but love without friendship is nonsense. You can't love someone you can't do anything with. Psychics say that the basis of love is camaraderie. You must remember about market relations, about barter. By exchanging positivity, you strengthen relationships. The negative also needs to be shared. You are one, you no longer exist separately. Never forget about it.

    Step four: find common talismans. You should have things that give positive energy to both of you. This is about love, not friendship. Living side by side, there is a need for emergency assistance. There are such talismans that help both parties to be saturated with positive energy. It is possible that you already have such a talisman, you just do not notice it yet. For some, these are children, for some - a common cause, and for some - physical objects such as rings, chains, precious stones.

    Step five. Never let anyone into friendships or love relationships. You must make decisions together. If you want to ask advice, ask this person. You just need to keep the isolation. Otherwise, hypocrisy, rumors, deceit may appear. All this destroys relationships, and in the most direct way.

    These five tips will help you maintain harmony in your relationship. Do not try to create the wheel from the beginning - everything is already created before you. Use these tips so that love lives as long as possible, and friendship gives you only positive.

    The laws of the universe work. They help you walk the right way to understand the essence of everything that is happening. Live as if there are no other rules for you. Love needs diplomacy, as does friendship. Good luck to you, and do not forget to press the buttons and

    01.11.2017 04:54

    There are many ways to get rid of problems and find harmony. Many turn to conspiracies, rituals, meditations...

    The relationship of two is a combination of a huge number of different aspects of their interaction and the nuances of a particular couple. Only they themselves can achieve harmony between a man and a woman through long way rubbing, getting to know each other, filled with mutual respect and maximum trust.

    Very often people fight among themselves, trying to prove something, to show themselves somehow, to designate their “I”, trying to manipulate a partner and convincing him that he is wrong, crushing his own opinion. This manifests itself destructive force human selfishness. Unfortunately, about fifty percent of modern families. It is much more difficult and difficult to achieve harmonious relations between a man and a woman, in which each of them will respect the opinions of each other.

    Pledge of harmony in relationships

    Every man wants to be the main thing in everything: in work, in friendship, in the family. It is important for a result-oriented careerist to succeed and hold a high position in the company where he carries out his work. labor activity. It is important for the adventure lover and the soul of the company to maintain leadership among his friends. And an exemplary family man just needs to be the head and support of the family. As well as women: not everyone is ready to humbly submit to the will of the opponent.

    Modern society loves and is accustomed to seeing purposeful and strong-willed, strong-willed ladies. It is precisely on the basis of such a desire for superiority, the desire to be better and stronger than others, attempts to surpass not only their rival, but also their neighbor, that people come to total absence harmony in relations between men and women.

    When everyone pulls the blanket over themselves, when no one in a couple is able to sacrifice their principles. Then it is impossible to talk about established contact and a favorable microclimate in relations between the two. Only mutual efforts to achieve a common denominator can lead to coherence and positive dynamics in rubbing young people together. The key to harmonious relations between a man and a woman is their understanding of the weight and significance of not only their own "I", but also the role of a partner in their lives.

    Characteristics of harmonious relationships

    Talk about individual units of society and their interpersonal relationships can be a lot. After all, each couple has its own moments and nuances: someone welcomes freedom in relationships, the opportunity to have sexual intercourse with other partners on the side, but does not accept lies and insincerity in their couple. For some, even flirting a partner with someone else is a fierce taboo, but respect and respect for each other come first. For someone priority side financial position the family has a common budget, while someone prefers to have a separate treasury and spend their money at their own discretion. In a word, each couple has its own characteristics in communicating and building a communication process with each other. But there is a certain general average set of factors that are the connecting links in the chain called "harmony happy relationship". What can be attributed to the list of these same factors?

    • Mutual understanding - as a primary factor mutual consent and harmonious coexistence.
    • Love - as the beginning of the sensual and emotional microclimate in the family.
    • Trust is the basis of a strong partnership.
    • Loyalty - as a guarantee of a worthy life together.
    • Respect is like a strong argument in a relationship of a strong couple.
    • Caring - as the ability to appreciate each other and cherish their relationship.
    • Compromise - as a lever for managing discussions.
    • Conflict-free - as the ability to yield to each other and not provoke scandalous situations.

    Here it is - a short list of those aspects that characterize harmony in relations between a man and a woman, and are also the foundation of a healthy and strong family. This is the set of priority areas that every couple needs to work on in order to achieve happiness in a life together.


    The first thing that drives people who want to reunite their lives into a single whole is, of course, love. An important role in mutual attraction and further joint pastime is played by the sensual aspect of relations, mental and sexual attraction. Sexual connection not listed separately as the most important factor harmonious relationship between a man and a woman is not accidental. Undoubtedly, this is a fairly significant moment in the development of any couple, and much depends on how the intimate life two partners. If passion dies away, if erogenous perception and attraction disappear, the relationship begins to lose that fire and that zest that binds them at the physiological level. A lot of notes and articles by qualified sexologists have been written about how to return sexual harmony to relationships.

    Visiting a psychologist together, using a woman's new erotic lingerie, or purchasing sexual paraphernalia from an appropriate thrill store - all of these methods are effective, and they are not new to anyone. But is sex alone able to become a deterrent to a collapsing relationship? Not at all. Only that union, which is based on emotional and sensual attraction, passionate perception of each other by a couple, can really determine harmonious contact between people. And the basis is love, not sex.


    But even strong affection and the feeling of love are not able in their unity to provide the most calm and balanced climate in the relationship of two opposites. You can love passionately and wholeheartedly, passionately and selflessly, but at the same time it is difficult to achieve constancy and coherence if there is no mutual understanding.

    Harmonious Relations between a man and a woman take place only when each of them is able to participate in each other's life, understand and accept the actions and actions of a partner, and reach consensus. Very often, men look for in a woman not good looks or sexual attraction. Data feminine qualities they consider it only as an occasion for a relationship for one or more nights.

    In search of a girlfriend in life, the powerful of this world are often guided by a sense of self-preservation, the need for a sense of comfort and the presence of such a partner nearby who could listen, support, help with advice in a given situation. Just like a woman seeks to find in her husband such a person who would be able to understand her nature and reveal the whole range of components of her femininity. This is what mutual understanding is. Behind him is the answer to the question of how to achieve harmony in relationships.


    How often do people commit All the time. Especially if we are talking O love relationships. Couples regularly quarrel, quarrel, conflict, and sometimes these conflicts are completely groundless. And everything depends on the fact that there is no trust between people in such situations. What kind of harmony between a man and a woman can we talk about if they stubbornly do not trust each other, control, suspect adultery, are jealous? If a person lives with the subconscious thought that deception awaits him at every step, it will be difficult for him to achieve calmness and balance in relations with his other half.

    The ability to trust is, to some extent, a gift. Not everyone is able to be imbued with the sincerity of their partner, having once been someone who was already devoted. But trust can and should be learned, because without it it is quite difficult to build any relationship at all, be it love, friendship or even a career.


    How many people - so many opinions. How many couples - so many varieties of relationships with all their nuances and specific moments. There are irrational personalities who prefer sharpness in sensations and passionate impulses. They love to diversify sexual life various extraordinary elements of behavior in bed, as well as frequent change partners, even having a permanent, or swinging. But in any case, such people are a minority. Most of the representatives of an adequate society lead an average lifestyle, while they have standard human values, among which one of critical roles playing loyalty.

    Many women do not imagine harmony in relations with their husband, with constant reasons for jealousy, which the husband gives by his behavior. As well as men: they often have an extremely negative attitude towards the communication of their ladies with the opposite sex. And again, it is important to reach a consensus here: it is one thing when there is a reason, and quite another when jealousy is far-fetched. If you regularly break the vow of fidelity to your partner, even light flirting with someone on the side, if you constantly introduce your other half into confusion, and sometimes even into a rage, then how to find harmony in a relationship? Only in a pair, the points of contact in which are reflected in mutual respect and mutual fidelity, can we talk about any trust and harmonious coexistence.


    Speaking about mutual respect between a man and a woman, it should be noted that this is no less a weighty argument that affects the development of a couple's relationship. Surprisingly, even love, which eventually faded away and grew into some kind of affection, cannot keep a fading relationship afloat like mutual respect between people.

    When a person sacrifices himself, his principles, and acts according to the will of his partner, if the situation really requires it, then this certainly deserves praise. When he goes against his beliefs, realizing how important it is for his loved one, this also says a lot.

    The invisible thread of respect is the most powerful link between a young man and his chosen one, since those relationships that are built on the respect of one of them for the other can carry such a union through the years. And no matter what stage their slightly cooled feelings are at or how regular their sex life. What matters is their own respect for each other's principles. Such relationships can be called truly strong, strong.


    It is important not to forget about the attention that should be present in any interpersonal communications in a couple. After all, how to maintain harmony in relationships in which people are indifferent to each other? In which the wife does not care about appearance her husband and sends him to work in dirty, not ironed clothes, not fed? In which the young man does not hide warm blanket his frozen lady on a cold winter evening and does not rush to the pharmacy for medicines when she sees that she has been overcome by a cold? Manifestation sincere love, and with it - comprehensive care and immense tenderness - makes the relationship incredibly strong and warm. This is the fundamental basis that identifies the warmth and comfort of the family hearth. In a house where attention reigns and care for each other is welcomed, it is unlikely that the apocalypse will ever come in the form of a divorce. And all because a reverent attitude towards each other and courteous caring help young people learn the truth about how to create harmony in relationships.

    Compromise coexistence

    People should take a closer look at the animal world: these silent creatures never make scandalous scenes or long brawls with each other, being in a biological childbearing couple. With the exception, of course, of praying mantises, where the female, after the act of procreation, literally eliminates her partner. In fact, a compromise is that island of land in the endless ocean of everyday troubles, worries and civil strife, which brings people out of a scandalous situation like a lifeline.

    If a discussion is brewing between young people in a couple, a compromise is miraculously able to stop the brewing showdown due to existing disagreements. It will be possible to comprehend the harmony of human relations only if the husband and wife in their active disputes come to a common denominator, without leading to discord or a serious scandal. This skill - to find a consensus - is able to prevent any impending thunderstorm.


    Synonymous with compromise is non-conflict. How to learn to build relationships in such a way as not to succumb to the tricks of life and sticks inserted by karma into the wheels of a young nascent family? The lessons of fate are presented to mankind in any form, sometimes it is a test of relationships for strength. In such difficult situations, it is important to withstand the pressure of a combination of circumstances, which provokes an overdue conflict to explode at the climax with a storm of emotions and a subsequent loud scandal.

    Non-conflict is significant condition, which is able to nip in the bud demagogy and any disputes that may arise in the life of two. This is a fairly valuable quality that all young people who are starting to build their relationships should ideally have. Knowing how to stop the flow of his emotional speeches, thoughtlessly thrown in a fit of argument hurtful words, many people could avoid divorce. But, unfortunately, the generation of chaotic youth and extraordinary personalities with a arrogant, arrogant character overwhelmingly dooms themselves to a constant showdown, proof of their innocence and an endless desire to establish their dominance in a couple.