Do not get attached to pleasant emotions and. I want to be loved or how not to be strongly attached. What is attachment

Determine why you think you have attachment issues. Perhaps you used to have a clear belief or belief that you abandoned? Do you still want to reconnect with the person who abandoned you or stopped caring about you? Are there things in your life that you allow to define you? Or have you experienced a great personal loss or tragedy?

Don't create unhealthy attachments. It's always best to cultivate new beliefs and build friendships gradually. Don't waste all your energy dedicating absolutely all your emotions to a new person or belief; take it slow to avoid disappointment.

Learn to deal with certain attachment problems. Such problems can interfere with your life progress. They need to be dealt with in order to let renewal into your life and continue to grow. Below you can read about the most common attachments that get in the way of people's lives:

  • Change of beliefs. Perhaps at one time you understood the reason or considered yourself an adherent of something that you now remember with hostility or disgust. The beliefs you once had are just the beliefs you once had, nothing more. You should focus on making sure your current beliefs are morally sound, instead of wasting your energy worrying about your past thoughts. If your previous beliefs were especially evil, you should try to cleanse yourself by helping those you offended.
  • Relationships with indifferent or problematic people. You need to get rid of them. Realize that all the feelings of mutual friendship or love that you experienced for this person had rather shaky foundations. This doesn't mean that you didn't have a good time with that person, but it does mean that you should put this whole situation aside until the other person realizes what they were doing wrong. (Important: This does not apply to domestic violence or abusive relationships. Seek protection, psychological counseling and legal assistance in such situations.)
  • attachment to things. Many people let possessions define us, and ultimately what we own can hold us back. If you can't move away from the clutter, can't change your lifestyle for fear of not being able to accommodate all the treasures you've amassed, it's time to change. Letting go of attachment to things frees you up for a life of purpose rather than returning you to the imagined comforts of your possessions.
  • Personal tragedy or loss. You may have had a tragic experience in life and you may cling to the past and blame yourself. Grief is a natural part of life, but it's not something you should stay in for long. Remember that there is only one tense - the present. By clinging to the past, you are letting the present flow away and shutting out your future. If you're not careful, it's very easy to start blaming yourself and refuse to move on. There are many other people who need your encouragement and love, and just because it was too late to change your situation, you should not deprive yourself of the joy of helping others in a similar situation.
  • Stop being afraid of loss. Attachment to work, certain people, possessions, or beliefs can draw us into the fear of losing these anchor points in our lives. When things go wrong, as they inevitably do from time to time, our grief can hinder growth and encourage stagnation. Take the moment as it is and trust that what you have now is enough. At the same time, take care not to become a person meekly awaiting your fate. If things aren't going quite right in the current situation, make plans to change your role in the situation, such as sending out job applications, creating a new image or changing the nature of your training, and so on.

    Be kind to yourself. Your self-esteem should come from within, not come or go because of what others think of you. Attachment to others becomes unhealthy when you continue to be around people who are “harmful” to you, simply because you are afraid of being alone or being rejected. By being your own friend, you will no longer be afraid of the time when you are alone with yourself, and you will also be open to interacting with a wider group of people, instead of developing attachment to just a few people. And try to develop healthy relationships with the people you interact with on a daily basis, giving each other personal space and not expecting too much from each other.

  • Stop living in an illusion. While it is important to strive for a better self, for a better future, accepting what is happening now is vital to living in the present moment to avoid the illusion that your happiness and completion depend on accidents that have not yet come to pass. Don't get attached to hopes and dreams in a way that justifies not paying attention to what isn't working in your life right now. Accept things as they are now and work on what you want to improve with peace of mind and self-confidence.

    • Obsession with the future is an attachment in the same way as obsession with the past. If you are already partially in the future, you miss the present and the feeling of how good you are now, which determines your future achievements.
  • To understand that you are tied to a satellite, practical recommendations will help.

    1. A girl who is dependent on a man (attached to him) constantly wants to be close to her partner. She is tormented by obsessive thoughts about where and with whom he is.
    2. Eccentric natures are "led" to the appearance of a man. They are fascinated only by his inflated torso, white-toothed smile, dimples on his cheeks, and not by the spiritual component. This aspect characterizes affection, not love.
    3. It is easy to distinguish the two feelings by observing the general state. If you notice that at first you begin to be interested in a man, and the next moment you practically forget about him - this is attachment.
    4. Many girls who are in a relationship experience a lack of love and tenderness all the time. If you truly love, feelings literally begin to warm from the inside. Such couples can overcome everything.
    5. To understand that you have become attached to a man, brief observations will help. If you have abandoned hobbies, work, and other stages of personal growth, feelings are not love. You plunged (attached) not to your own "I", but to the gentleman.
    6. Attachment is also characterized by a sharp decrease in the number of people with whom close contacts were maintained yesterday. Often a girl cannot experience positive emotions in communicating with friends and colleagues, because she is completely passionate about her betrothed.
    7. As mentioned earlier, love helps to overcome all obstacles without developing depression. Attachment, in turn, causes excessively negative emotions during separation. Many girls experience tremendous stress when a partner is not around for 2-3 hours.
    8. A sober look at behavior in a quarrel will help to distinguish affection from love. If you only want to quarrel, and not find a compromise, the relationship is doomed to failure. Balanced couples always have constructive dialogues.
    9. If you and your boyfriend do not sit in cozy evenings with a bottle of wine, discussing plans for the future, we can assume that there is no love. Strong ties mean constant discussions and desires, common dreams.
    10. Symbiotic attachment is characterized by a complete dissatisfaction with one's own needs, even the most elementary ones. At this time, the needs of the vampire partner are fully realized.

    Important! It should be emphasized that the actions a la “I love you!”, Performed at the beginning of a relationship, are the norm. In this case, people are still getting used to each other, so attachment is not considered painful, dependent. The main difference is that a lover finds a place in his life for connection, while an attached partner replaces his own being with new relationships.

    Attachment has a detrimental effect on the human essence. When a girl experiences violent feelings towards a man, she forgets about herself. This is where problems with personal growth (spiritual and material) begin, apathy and uncertainty appear.

    Method number 1. Find a passion

    1. A hobby is a powerful tool that allows you to find peace of mind in a short time. Go to nature, sit down and think about what you have dreamed of for many years? Have you wanted to go to the gym for a long time, but did not have enough money? Take the savings set aside for the next present to your partner, go in for sports.
    2. Haven't been on vacation in over a year? Get together with your friends, go to Europe for a week. Set goals for yourself, don't stop there. Start attending a Spanish or English course, these languages ​​are the world's leading spoken and written languages.
    3. An excellent option for distraction and complete concentration on yourself is the choice of an active hobby. This includes absolutely everything: snowboarding, skiing, skating, cycling, karting, climbing, swimming. If you consider yourself to be brave, jump with a parachute or a rope.
    4. Live in your pleasure, take care of your own well-being, learn to invest in the future. Sign up for popular courses, it can be manicure and pedicure, cutting and sewing, photography and woodcarving courses.
    5. At this stage, your main task is to think about yourself and fill the day to the maximum. If you get very tired, thoughts about a man will begin to fade into the background.
    6. Gather with friends more often, visit cinemas, bowling, water park. Make it a habit to regularly go for walks, go out of town for barbecues, go on excursions.

    Method number 2. Get a pet

    1. As mentioned earlier, attachment is driven by the fear of being alone. The girl directs all her love, tenderness and care to the man, forgetting about her own needs. To avoid a disastrous outcome of events, get a pet.
    2. The choice depends on individual preferences. A dog takes time, care and patience. A cat can be at home alone, she also needs affection and constant care. If we talk about parrots, they are cheerful, talkative and unpretentious.
    3. A new companion will save you from loneliness, especially at first, which is what you want to achieve. It is important to direct feelings to those who need it. In this case, you will not lose yourself, gaining peace of mind.

    Method number 3. Travel more

    1. Ask your boss for a vacation. Spend it not with a young man, but with friends or colleagues. You can also go abroad in splendid isolation.
    2. Consider beach resorts if you haven't swum in the sea for a long time. Lovers of sights and small streets are advised to purchase sightseeing tours.
    3. You don’t need to invest all your money on vacation, just choose a last-minute ticket on the Internet, pack your suitcase 3 hours before departure and hit the road.
    4. Many girls do not have a foreign passport. In this case, go on a mini-tour of the cities of your country. Visit distant relatives, visit friends in a neighboring city.
    5. Take a camera, take a lot of pictures, print them out when you arrive and decorate the walls. At this stage, the main task is to search for new experiences and inspiration.

    Method number 4. Analyze thoughts

    1. Take up meditation. Take a hot herbal bath, turn on soothing music, close your eyes and relax. Think about what exactly you want to receive from a partner? Many people cannot interpret their own thoughts, which is considered a serious omission.
    2. If you are in harmony with the mind, the answer will not be long in coming. A girl attached to a man fills the spiritual emptiness with the current relationship. She is looking for any ways of dependence, sending herself into chains voluntarily.
    3. Such an attitude towards a man does not characterize love. Try to fill in the gaps in the other available ways described above. Fight apathy, do not go on about uncertainty and boredom.
    4. Many girls want to break up with a man, but cannot do it. In such situations, addiction requires the intervention of a qualified specialist.

    Method number 5. take care of yourself

    1. It's time to take care of your appearance. Go to the mirror, evaluate the figure, hairstyle, makeup, smile and posture. Are you satisfied with everything? Maybe you don’t like the lack of proper hair and nail care? Or do you not like the condition of the skin, extra folds at the waist? It's time to fix the situation!
    2. Sign up for a gym or a sports school. Consider interesting sections (again, as a hobby). Latin American dances, breathing exercises, stretching, martial arts, swimming pool, yoga are considered effective areas.
    3. Review your wardrobe. Throw in the trash or give friends those things that do not sit well. Get rid of old shoes, bags, cosmetics. Choose a beautiful outfit, sexy lingerie, high heels. Such small purchases will inspire you and make you feel like a woman.
    4. Pay attention to the perfume you use. It should not be repulsive and harsh. Give preference to light, barely perceptible aromas. Tidy up your hair, recolor your hair, change the image.
    5. It is important to understand that investing in your appearance will remind you of the old days when you lived only for yourself. You should always have a bit of selfishness so as not to infringe on your own interests. Make the most of your time by shopping every month.

    It is quite difficult to get rid of attachment to a person if it is caused by a number of psychological aspects. To begin with, analyze your own thoughts, learn to say goodbye to people. Invest in your spiritual component, watch your appearance. Develop financially, get a pet, travel more.

    Video: how to overcome attachment to another person

    The feeling of affection brings a lot of positive emotions into a person's life. But it can also become a source of psychological problems and internal discomfort. This is especially true in cases where the object of affection is already far away and he does not care about the feelings of his former half. Psychology claims that the causes of this condition are the lack of self-sufficiency and satisfaction with one's own life, as well as the unwillingness to make independent decisions.

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    What is the reason for attachment?

    It is generally accepted that the person who is strongly attached to a partner demonstrates his love and sincere feelings. But often there are situations when he sees in the chosen one a source of satisfaction of his own desires and needs. A person experiences material and spiritual dependence and therefore feels uncomfortable without his soul mate. The reasons for attachment in men and women can be different:

    • A girl can become very attached to her young man only because she feels protected with him, is grateful for his care, and is just used to shifting her problems onto his shoulders. Therefore, when a guy decides to break off relations, a woman experiences this situation very painfully and does not want to come to terms with changes in her life.
    • Men also have ulterior motives for expressing such feelings. They are comfortable when they do not need to take care of cooking, cleaning the apartment and other household trifles. In this case, the concept of “love” is replaced by the concept of “comfort”.

    And even if the feeling of attachment in no way affects the material sphere, but is really a pure manifestation of love for a partner, it should be controlled. Otherwise, you can completely dissolve in your soul mate and lose your own "I". It is especially difficult to deal with this feeling when the relationship ends and there is no prospect of resuming it ahead.

    How to get rid of addiction?

    There are several universal ways by which you can get rid of painful attachment to a person.

    Women are very emotionally going through a breakup. However, it is new feelings and sensations that will help you quickly get rid of attachment to a person and build new relationships with the opposite sex.

    This painful feeling spoils the life of the representatives of the stronger sex. Quite often, behind external calmness and equanimity, very deep feelings of affection for a woman are hidden, which interfere with a full life and leave an imprint on the entire existence of a young man.

    Advice How to act
    pursue a careerTo quickly overcome the oppressive feeling, you need to immerse yourself in building a career. You can start your own business, organize a business and devote all your free time to its development. The less time the young man will have, the faster he will be able to get rid of the feeling of attachment to the girl. All energy and strength will be directed to work, and feelings will fade away by themselves.
    Dedicate time to physical labor and sportsMost often, feelings are aggravated when a person is left alone with himself. Not knowing what to do without a loved one, the guy relives the moment of parting again and again, and this only gets worse. Psychologists recommend not to sit in the evenings in an empty apartment, but to go to the gym and put your body in order. In this way, two goals are achieved. On the one hand, a young man is so tired after training that the only desire is to get to bed and fall asleep, on the other hand, physical fitness and health improve. The same goes for physical labor.
    Engage in self-improvementIt is worth finding negative qualities in yourself and addressing them. You can sign up for courses or trainings to improve your communication skills or work on bad habits. If the guy smokes, then set a goal to quit the bad habit and get rid of nicotine addiction every day, step by step.
    meditateSelf-hypnosis techniques will help you put your thoughts and feelings in order and tune in a positive way. This method is more suitable for men, as it is much more difficult for them to throw out emotions. They all experience inside. Meditation can help you relax and release feelings of attachment.

    In especially severe cases, a person cannot independently cope with an all-consuming feeling and return to a normal state. In order not to aggravate the situation, it is recommended to sign up for a consultation with a psychotherapist, he will help direct thoughts in the right direction and get rid of painful attachment.

    Getting used to a person happens quickly, and weaning is a long and painful process. Attachment, also known as emotional dependence, disrupts the perception of reality and deprives one of will. This feeling attracts, binds and holds a person, depriving him of independence. It is necessary to get rid of it, especially if it is an unhealthy addiction, characterized by painful feelings during separation, temporary separation and is accompanied by a fear of loss.

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    emotional attachment

    Attachment is healthy and unhealthy. The first is characterized by a light emotional connection, which is easy to interrupt if it is no longer needed. Unhealthy attachment is dangerous with painful experiences, when a person experiences longing and self-doubt during separation. Dependence deprives individuality, and his world revolves around only one. Often, without approval, he cannot make any choice, and he needs the advice of a loved one. It affects the weakness of the will and emotional dependence.

    Attachment to the person you love is like nirvana - a feeling that gives pleasure. It is just as hard to part with him as it is with a loved one. Being close to the person you love, there is not only a feeling of security, but also dependence on the beloved and the feeling itself. After parting with him, there is a feeling of losing a part of yourself and the pain of loss. We must stop being attached and try to become a self-sufficient person.

    How to love yourself

    How to deal with attachment

    In order to protect yourself and maintain your individuality under any circumstances, you need to get rid of addiction. This will help you gain confidence and relieve your fears. By acting in a certain way, a person can overcome feelings of attachment and prevent depression caused by the end of a relationship. To do this, you only need:

    1. 1. Communicate more with other people. Concentration on a loved one always leads to strong addiction. When communicating with different people, thoughts and feelings are not fixated on one person, but are divided among everyone with whom a person spends time. New people mean new emotions and different opinions. Communication will broaden your horizons and help you look at many things from the outside.
    2. 2. Learn to rejoice. The cause of addiction is a lack of positive emotions. A person becomes attached to those people with whom he feels good, fun and reliable. You need to find joyful feelings inside yourself, and more often let them out. Learn to enjoy the little things and just good weather.
    3. 3. Become more cheerful. Let life itself seem beautiful, filled with miracles and happy moments. We need to laugh more and entertain ourselves. Over time, a person will get used to smiling more often and feel happier, even when he is alone.
    4. 4. Find a hobby. A hobby to which you can devote all your free time, and engage in it for pleasure, will bring satisfaction, fill the space and take not only your hands, but also your head. Receiving joy from sports, needlework, cooking, collecting items and other interesting things, he will gradually weaken his attachment.

    If attachment to a loved one develops into a painful addiction, you need to seek help from a psychologist. A qualified specialist will explain to the addict that having coped with this feeling, he will find himself and not lose his beloved. If the patient is experiencing a loss or separation, he will help him survive the trauma and regain a taste for life.

    Anyone who is predisposed to become attached to people does not feel strength and independence in himself. To stop being addicted, you need to:

    • see yourself as a person
    • be able to entertain yourself;
    • learn not to be bored alone;
    • develop;
    • to be in society more often.

    Having rediscovered himself, a person will learn not to become attached to people and become a self-sufficient and interesting person.

    How to get rid of addiction to a guy or a girl

    Attachment to a loved one or loved one forms a special kind. A warm feeling is mixed with a certain amount of fear, and a person tries to spend more time with his beloved. When the love has passed and the relationship is over, people disperse, but the habit of seeing him around remains for some time. To get rid of attachment to a person who has now become a stranger, several steps are necessary, which are recommended by the psychology of relationships:

    1. 1. Close the door to the past. No matter how hard it is, but we must recognize the fact that the past cannot be returned. We must let him go and cross out the past, accept the breakup as a given. Over time, you will even like the feeling of freedom and independence.
    2. 2. Start dating others. Feelings for a guy or girl that you broke up with quite recently are still fresh, and it is unlikely that someone else will quickly replace him. But the void that has formed inside will surely fill and give confidence in their feminine charms or masculine charm.
    3. 3. Learn to meditate. By acquiring such skills and learning to relax, you will be able to feed yourself with energy and strength on your own. Then you don't have to look for people who will share their energy, communicating and spending time together.
    4. 4. Tune in a positive way. Look to the future with hope for the best and be prepared for different developments. Do not be afraid of difficulties and failures. Each victory over circumstances is a new experience that makes you stronger and smarter.
    5. 5. Discover something new and unknown in yourself. Develop talents and try extreme sports. This will make you bolder, more purposeful and more confident.
    6. 6. Become a volunteer or do charity work. There are a lot of people and animals around, which is even more difficult. Help will help you feel needed, and protecting the weak will help you feel strong.

    You can get a puppy or a stray kitten. Caring for them will distract from sad thoughts, give joy and a new friend.

    Attachment to a person is a feeling that arises from strong sympathy or love and devotion to a certain person, and is accompanied by the presence of closeness and the desire to maintain it. However, this state of affairs is not always positive, because. strong attachment to a person can replace love or arise even without it, and then this stickiness acts as a painful dependence and pathology of personality development.

    What is attachment

    The mechanism of attachment development initially determines the survival of a person, since without the help of adults, a human cub is not capable of survival. In order to maintain these relationships and ensure appropriate living conditions, an attachment to parental figures is formed that ensures physical survival, emotional development, and knowledge of this world. Further, more and more immersed in society, attachments are formed to educators (if he attends a kindergarten), and then to other adults, then children. The formation of such attachments to the closest environment can be safe when there is an emotional connection, the parent listens to the child and an environment is formed that promotes confidence and adaptability in the formation of personality).

    But there are not so pleasant developmental options, one of which is avoidant, and occurs if there is emotional neglect on the part of the parent to the needs of the child, and the behavior and availability of the parent turns out to be unpredictable, then the child grows up intrusive, focused on external evaluation and devalues ​​close relationships. The most destructive form of primary attachment is disruptive, when the child is constantly suppressed or intimidated, which leads to either inactivity or great difficulties in establishing contacts.

    It was revealed that people who had difficulty in forming attachment are no longer able to establish open relationships, they do not form a cordial attachment, which indicates violations and can lead to antisocial behavior.

    A feeling of attachment accompanies every person, expressed to places, objects, food and people, a certain course of events and specific relationships - everything that a person gets used to and that brings him joy can be called attachment, but it is different from need. You can live without attachments, but it’s more comfortable, happier, not so scary with them (depending on what attachment is for and on the basis of which it was formed, such sensations complement), without needs it’s either impossible to live at all, or it’s difficult and affects health and general well-being.

    Attachment to people can be in all types of relationships - love, friendship, parental, and in any of the options, the basis is the desire for intimacy with the object of one's own. Some of these bindings have a rather strong influence on the further formation of personality. So, depending on how attachment with the mother is formed, relations with the whole society will be formed, basic trust will be present or absent, and certain ones are laid. How the first heart attachment is formed affects all further intersexual relationships, scenarios played out by a person, the ability to open up and trust. If traumatization occurs at these two levels, then the consequences are reflected in the entire personality, and it often becomes possible only with the help of a psychotherapist to avoid a destructive influence on the future course of life not only of the person himself, but of the people he meets.

    Strong attachment to a person, acquiring pathological characteristics, is called addiction and usually occurs when there are already existing violations in the sphere of attachment formation, or in the presence of facts of emotional or physical abuse.

    A healthy attachment is characterized by flexibility, the absence of any benefit, and the absence of painful and negative sensations in the absence of an object of attachment. Those. a person is able to calmly experience separation, endure the uncertainty of the location and occupation of the one to whom he is attached, and the option of ending this connection causes sadness, but not a critical level, pain and a sense of the meaninglessness of life.

    With healthy attachment, there is a flexible adaptation of the personality, which allows both participants in communication to breathe freely, giving resources to rely on and notice other areas of their lives. With painful addiction, such flexibility is lost, and the world narrows to one person, the variability of behavior disappears, it becomes extremely important to constantly be near or control the object of sympathy, while other areas of life suffer significantly, and both partners. An important marker of a painful connection is a feeling of pain, fear and a manic desire to prevent separation by any means, even if the connection does not bring happiness, even if the partner wants to leave.

    Attachment does not arise at once, it takes time to form, therefore, the more you communicate with a person, and the more emotional interaction and events significant for spiritual life occur in this communication, the more likely the emergence of attachment. Superstrong attachment is characterized by the intensity of passions, often making it similar to love, but the differences are that painful attachment binds, while love liberates. Precisely in order not to lose their freedom, many try to avoid attachments and close relationships, thereby falling into a counter-dependent position, where there is also no freedom, since there is only one choice - not to become attached.

    Is attachment to a person good or bad?

    Attachment affects simultaneously several spheres of human manifestation - feelings, thoughts, actions, self-perception. For such a multifaceted concept, there cannot be one answer in its assessment from the side of good and evil. Without attachment to another person, it is not possible to form social communication, adaptability in society and provide oneself with spiritual comfort. If there is no attachment to parents, then the whole course of personality development is disrupted, just as if there are violations of the formation of attachment at other important stages. Being a social being, the ability to maintain contacts, the desire for rapprochement are indicators of a person's mental safety.

    Attachment to another gives a sense of support and security, so you can get the necessary support if internal resources are not enough. People become attached to those from whom they can get approval and help, invaluable acceptance, satisfaction of existing needs. And providing a good relationship with the environment, which is important for successful survival in the world, attachment reflects a somewhat childish model of interaction with the world. If you look at all expectations from the object of attachment, then they are addressed to the parent figure, on which the child is somehow dependent. In adulthood, any binding has a certain degree of dependence, and only the level of maturity of a person can regulate the negative consequences of this. If autonomous mental regulation is not formed, then any attachment will quickly develop into addiction, and instead of receiving support, the need for control will flare up, instead of cravings to spend time together mentally and well, with benefit and emotional resource for both, fear of loss and a desire to chain another will appear. near.

    The theme of dependence about the loss of flexibility in attachment, the imprisonment of both the person himself and the one to whom he is attached is similar to drug addiction. The analogy with drug addiction is the most successful, because with a long absence of another person (a subjectively long absence may seem like a day), when it is not possible to find out the location of the object and get a dose of attention from it (for example, when the entire network of the mobile operator is turned off), a state begins that reflects drug addiction. breaking. The emotional pain from the loss or the possibility of losing an object is felt physically and does not allow one to fully exist.

    If one manages not to slide into an infantile position of dependence, then attachment acquires an adult and mature form of its existence, manifesting itself as love, where there is a full-fledged observation of all aspects of one’s life, there is no tearing pain when the object is moved away, and the object of attachment itself is used not only for the purpose getting something emotionally valuable for yourself, but more for energy exchange and caring for others. Thus, everything depends on the maturity of the individual and the degree of flexibility of this feeling.

    How to get rid of attachment to a person

    Usually attachment is formed when you receive your need from another, most often it is inner strength, calmness or cheerfulness. So it is worth learning to develop these states on your own, becoming an autonomous station of emotions for yourself. Great help, sports, yoga, various spiritual practices and psychological groups. Create sources of happiness for yourself everywhere, because expecting joy only from the presence of one person, you yourself form a toxic attachment, drive yourself into a dead end. Sitting in the four walls in the blues, waiting for your soul mate to be released, and only then allow yourself happiness is a sure road to addiction and the destruction of your relationship.

    It makes sense to get rid of attachment when it begins to destroy your life and it is worth starting with the return of the lost. Usually, the first thing that fades into the background, giving way to a person, is your favorite things and activities, so remember what brought you joy or, better, look for new activities that you could do while immersing yourself in the process. In addition to interesting activities, start expanding your social circle - call old friends you forgot about while immersing yourself in your attachment, go to an event and meet new people. Expand your social circle, then you can receive emotional benefits that you receive only in those relationships from everywhere, and, most likely, more easily and positively.

    Attachment to a person remains a psychological problem, so when you feel drawn to your object, think about what is missing right now (other loved ones can give you a sense of security, you can get a feeling of beauty in stores from sellers, you can even get warmth). Usually, with such an analysis, some kind of emptiness emerges, only you can fill it, whether it be boredom or, because, no matter how much you plug your own holes with others, they do not disappear from this.