What is she - a wise wife? Sayings of great people about life with meaning What the wise say

Secrets of King Solomon. How to become rich, successful and happy Scott Stephen

How to learn to speak wisely and make your speech persuasive

In his parables, King Solomon emphasizes the importance of learning to speak wisely and persuasively. The question is how to do it. For 30 years, I have successfully used three tactics to connect with people. Through these tactics, I convinced millions of viewers to buy the products advertised in the commercials I created. In this way, I helped my company make a billion-dollar profit. Due to certain space limitations in this chapter, I cannot now detail the tactics I have mentioned. Therefore, I advise you to refer to the two relevant sections in my book Trained by a Millionaire.

On the way to wisdom

Many people judge us by how we communicate. However, despite this, we rarely pay due attention to our words and manner of communication. At the end of each day, take the time to review everything you said that day and reflect on what you did right and where you made a mistake. Do this for one week. Then write down the takeaways that you think will help you avoid critical moments in your conversation and make you a more pleasant conversationalist.

My daily list of self-reflection questions


Use positive energy and kind words to neutralize someone's aggression and irritation?

Reply to someone with rudeness for rudeness?

Use kind words of encouragement to encourage someone?

To say the right words at the right time and thereby express your sympathy and alleviate the suffering of others?

Give wise advice?

In a word, and not by force, to convince others of the correctness of your point of view?

Listen to the person to the end without interrupting him?

Consistent and unhurried in conversation, or expressed his thoughts confusedly and hastily?

Honest and sincere, did you mislead others?

From the book Body Language [How to read the thoughts of others by their gestures] author Piz Alan

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From the book How to Learn to Compliment the author Tamberg Yuri

HOW TO LEARN TO SAY COMPLIMENTS I dedicate to my wife Victoria Let's exclaim, admire each other High-sounding words should not be feared. Let's say compliments to each other, After all, these are all happy moments of love. B.

From the book Mind's Eye author Lazarus Arnold

HOW TO LEARN TO SAY COMPLIMENTS? You do not need to have any special qualities in order to easily and freely compliment, it is available to everyone. Perhaps the following qualities should be somewhat above average: resourcefulness, courage, quickness of thought, understanding

From the book How to Know and Change Your Destiny author Litvak Mikhail Efimovich

How to learn to say “no” to unreasonable and inappropriate requests Two popular books are devoted to discussing one problem: many people say “yes” when they want to say “no”, but if they decide to answer “no”, then they are tormented by guilt . inability

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How to learn to speak with a biocomputer? If we formalize our desire, directed to the subconscious, only in the form of a command: "Hey, subconscious! Do this and that!", then the probability of this command being executed by the subconscious will be low. It will have to translate itself

From the book Enea-Typological Structures of Personality: Introspection for the Seeker. author Naranjo Claudio

To become independent, you must learn to say "No!" How important it is for the development of one's personality to be open: "No!" The child learns to get what he wants, but it doesn't come easily. He cannot give away his toys without any conditions. He may also reject

From the book How to Give Your Life More Love and Meaning author de Angelis Barbara

Persuasiveness One can think of ennea-type VII as a person in whom the search for love has become a search for pleasure, and who, to the necessary degree of rebelliousness to which this leads, intends to satisfy his desires by resorting to the ability to explain and rationalize everything.

From the book Charisma. The art of successful communication author Piz Alan

How to Learn to Dance with Your Pain I once heard this saying: "You can't stop the waves, but you can learn to surf." Surfing means surfing the waves, moving in the direction that the current takes you. And I realized that the best way

From the book I want to speak beautifully! Speech techniques. Communication Techniques the author Rom Natalia

17 17 most useless phrases to eliminate from your speech Below is a list of the most useless and even harmful words and expressions that, unfortunately, are used too often in speech. It seems to you that the phrases are quite innocent, but in reality they betray your

From the book How to Awaken Self-Confidence. 50 simple rules author Sergeeva Oksana Mikhailovna

I want to speak well! Speech techniques. Part 1 Introduction A well-trained voice, clear and correct speech is the key to your successful communication. Because your voice has a very strong influence not only on the mind, but also on the feelings of the interlocutor. Mastery of the art of speech

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From the book How to capture the audience from the interlocutor to the audience. Super Tips author Polito Reinaldo

Rule #21 To learn how to speak, you need to speak Often we stop doing what we are bad at, believing that if it is not given, it is not given. So, many children who do not show a propensity for their native language often grow up with problems in communication. At school they

From the book Flipnoz [The Art of Instant Persuasion] author Dutton Kevin

31. Set the rhythm of your speech Boo-boo-boo, boo-boo-boo, boo-boo-boo. Monotonously and at a constant speed. No matter how interesting the subject of the speech is, there is hardly a single living soul who can withstand a monotonously mumbling speaker for a long time. This is the best

From the book Persuasion [Confident Speaking in Any Situation] by Tracey Brian

Sheer persuasiveness I'm sitting in a cafe in South London waiting for a man who, just a few years ago, would never have appeared in a place like this. There are, however, a lot of other establishments where he would not go at all either. So what's wrong with this place? Principles

There are two categories of women in the world: wise women and not wise women. Wise women know their feminine power and all their power to influence a man. They inspire their men, fill them with new strength and new energy for accomplishments. Men are drawn to such women, surround them with attention, give gifts and money. Why not? It is no coincidence that they say that behind any Great man there is always a Great (more correctly, a wise) woman. And unwise women do the opposite. They suppress their men, take out the brains of them and themselves, turning life together into a dull existence in the same living space.

How to become a wise woman? After all, being a wise woman is a whole art that is not given to everyone. The girl learns feminine wisdom from her mother. Haven't you been taught? Nothing wrong with that. According to my observations, such daughters are in the majority. Then let's learn now.

Women's wisdom from mother to daughter

When Scheherazade was 14 years old and she realized that she had become a girl, her mother called her to a chamber where there were no other people's ears and said to her these words: “Allah is great and merciful and may he help you understand once and for all 4 rules that you must follow a woman if she wants to enjoy her wife's happiness and well-being.

Rule One, my daughter: play by the rules that a man offers you. Otherwise, he will enter into anger and bring down his strength on you. Remember, when a hard force, like a ruthless knife, approaches you, become softer than butter so that it does not cause you any harm. Soft hard can not hurt. When a man offers you his game, offer him your game in such a way that he believes that this is his game. What do you remember, my girl? - Accept the game that a man offers me and be soft in this game so that I myself start my game with him.

"My Smartie. Now remember Rule Two: Always encourage a man to continue playing. Remember, as long as the game is on, he will need you and will think he loves you. Tell me, how did you understand this rule? - I realized my mother that while I play with a man, he is interested in me, and he will love me. “Verily Allah is over you, my daughter. Your wisdom makes me calm for your fate.

Now, Third Rule which you need to remember: no matter how cruel and angry your man comes to you, shine on him so that he melts and relaxes under the rays of the sun in your heart, like a lion after a hearty meal. Men seek resistance in order to feel stronger. Do not let your man see strength in you, otherwise his mind will cloud and he will think that you are a man. And then there will be a fight. The sun in your heart and the softness of your soul will defeat your lion faster than all the armies he is ready to fight. What do you understand, my wise girl?” - I realized that when a man comes to me, you need to love him with all your heart and accept his mood so that peace returns to his heart and his mind calms down. “How smart you are, Scheherazade. May the mercy of Allah be with you,” said Scheherazade’s mother and continued.

"And the last Fourth Rule, my girl: When your man is about to go about his business, let him go with such faith in yourself, as if you were letting him into the next room. Never tremble that he will find better than you. Remember: there are so few people in the world who know how to play with men that the fingers of one hand are enough to count them. Women do not believe in themselves, because they believe that men are only interested in the female body, which only ages and becomes covered with folds and wrinkles. And every young woman is able to attract her husband with her body. Maybe Scheherazade, young and able to attract a man, but not be able to keep. For it is only the riddle game that keeps men. When you let a man go, self-confident and mysterious, then all day long, while he is in business, he asks himself the question, what else do I not know about her? Why is she so confident? I have to understand and solve it! So how do you understand the Fourth Rule, Scheherazade?” - I let my man go to do his business, believing in myself so much that I make him run to me and unravel my secret. “Oh, now I am sure, daughter, that nothing in the world can harm you. Allah protects you!”

Did you like the advice of the wise mother Scheherazade? Me too, but... The fourth rule must be put first. Only a woman who is self-confident and self-loving is able to complete the first three without humiliating herself or sacrificing herself. After all, there is a very thin line here. Not all relationships need to be preserved, even if they have been married three times. Sometimes women's wisdom is to quickly jump out of exhausting relationships, and not keep them further, posing as Scheherazade and Mother Teresa in one body. Is it so? Your healthy self-esteem along with female intuition will prompt. If self-esteem is not healthy, then look

Aphorisms are the guides of the individual along the path of life. Children understand them superficially, adults discover the deep meaning. Why read the sayings of great people about life?

Thoughts of the wise

Wise individuals realize what a powerful effect a word spoken at the right time can have. Famous artists, writers, entrepreneurs, sages left behind a lot of useful information that serves as a guide to action for decades, hundreds of years.

There are many collections of quotes from the great sages. Statements about the meaning of life and love, the search for oneself - there is an exact phrase for everyone. Determine in which areas of your life you need to change

Wisdom has been passed down through the ages

Quotes about love

The sayings of great people about love are able to resurrect past memories. Reading, you are convinced that many experience similar feelings. Quotes provide an opportunity to characterize your favorite artist or writer as a cynic, romantic, conceited owner.

"The Little Prince" by Antoine de Saint-Exupery is a work loved by children and adults. The book has collected many beautiful statements about being, its values. The story is about a little prince and a rose. The writer took the image of a rose from his wife Consuelo. Consuelo is quick-tempered, capricious, like a rose. The writer tenderly, reverently loved her, like a little prince.

“It is pointless to listen to what the flowers say. You just need to look at them, inhaling their aroma.

Quotes About Being

Wise statements about the meaning of life can be found for every individual. For some, the words of Aristotle "... the meaning of life ... to serve people and do good" is an accurate reflection of the state of mind. Some take the position of Euclid that "our life is a struggle."

Statements about modern life are slightly different. Reflects the Priorities of Some Modern Individuals—In ancient times one studied in order to perfect oneself. Now they study in order to surprise others "

Current quote: "Those who read books control those who watch TV." Books contain more of the wisdom of our ancestors than TV shows.

sayings about money

Life quotes with meaning talk more about. Dave Ramsey says: "Either you control money, or lack of money controls you." Cicero said: "Moderation is already wealth."

The modern consumer society reflects the saying of Will Rogers: "Many people spend the money they earn on things that are of no interest to them in order to impress individuals they do not like."

Positive aphorisms

Wise men sometimes call for distraction from serious forcing thoughts by humorously approaching the situation. Positive quotes help to “switch”.

There is a well-known, long-used phrase - "find a needle in a haystack." Is it impossible? Keep it simple, "to find a needle in a haystack, just burn the hay by moving a magnet over the ashes"

Baba Ram Dass pokes fun at Buddhists: "If you think you've already achieved enlightenment, try spending time with your family."


Wise parables about being make you think deeply after reading. Narratives are useful to read to children and adults. Children understand in a slightly different way, therefore, it is useful to reread the parables heard earlier about the meaning of life.

paternal insight

Father's insight is a story about life with meaning, which was retold by Abul Faraj.

The bell rang. The man opened the door, watching his daughter's threshold. The girl entered, her eyes full of tears.

“It’s hard for me,” the girl spoke, “It seems like I’m constantly climbing a high mountain, in the morning I find myself down again. Tell me, father, how to live on?

Father went to the stove, placing three pans filled with water on it. The man distributed carrots, an egg, coffee into pots. After waiting a few minutes, the father poured coffee for his daughter, put an egg, carrots. The girl brought a fragrant drink, taking the first sip.

How have products changed? the father asked.

The carrots have become soft, the coffee has completely dissolved. The egg is boiled.

- Appreciated the primary moments. What if you look deeper? Tough carrots have become softened. Externally, the egg has retained its shape, the internal environment has become much harder. The coffee gave up immediately, dissolving without residue, creating a unique aroma. Also, strong personalities break under the yoke of gravity, but fragile ones can gather together, remaining solid forever.

— What about coffee? the girl asked.

— Coffee is the brightest representative of mankind. He accepts the complex realities of life, and dissolves into the situation. But the personality gives problems its unique taste, aroma. Overcoming life's difficulties, gaining new experience, endowing the world with unsurpassed beauty.

Why are parables needed?

The father could have taken a simpler path - say a couple of encouraging phrases or reproach his daughter. Would he help?

Now we are greatly simplifying everything, neglecting sincere, long conversations. Share age-old wisdom!

The beauty of words

A blind wanderer near the church begged for alms. The inscription next to it read "Please help the blind." The blind man's earnings are meager - there were a few coins. The young kind girl decided to help the poor old man by writing a few words. The girl left, the stranger said nothing.

Coins have increased significantly. After some time, the wanderer recognized light steps.

- Good girl, what is written there? Is my income fair?

— I wrote the truth. “Nature is amazingly beautiful in spring, but I can’t see it,” your sign says.

Great happiness - to see spring


A mighty wind fell in love with a beautiful flower. Beautiful petals gently swayed in the breath, responding with aroma. The wind thought that it did not express love enough. Started blowing harder. Unable to withstand the impulse, the rose broke. The wind tried to resurrect the flower, but it was impossible.

- Why did it happen? - the wind shouted, - I gave all the power of love, and you just broke down!

Rose silently lived out the last minutes, seeing off the wind with aroma.

The soul needs food, just like the stomach. Beautiful quotes of great people about the meaning of life, wise aphorisms, parables, poems are companions of our being.

Wise men's advice

  1. Never throw dirt: you may miss the target, but your hands will remain dirty.

    Theodore Parker

  2. It is dangerous to deceive people because in the end you begin to deceive yourself.

    E. Duse

  3. We make rules for others, exceptions for ourselves.

    Sh. Lemel

  4. We are fair when we are not interested.


  5. All anger comes from impotence.


  6. Violence feeds on obedience, like straw on fire.

    V. G. Korolenko

  7. By scolding only one third is achieved, by love and concessions - everything.

    Jean Paul

  8. He who cannot take caress, he will not take and severity.

    A. P. Chekhov

  9. Man's pride and aggression come from a false sense of superiority.

    D. Thurber

  10. Don't start anything in anger! It is foolish who boards a ship during a storm.

    I. Gaug

  11. The only truly serious belief is that there is nothing in the world that should be taken seriously.

    Samuel Butler

  12. Increased accuracy is a property of ordinary natures.

    S. Dovlatov

  13. What matters is not the place we occupy, but the direction in which we are moving.


  14. I would not talk so much about myself if there was another person in the world whom I would know as well.

    G. Toro

  15. Rationality is also impossible without emotionality. You can't learn to think if nothing can move you.

    G. Bel

  16. Our emotions are inversely proportional to our knowledge: the less we know, the more we inflame.

    B. Russell

  17. Emotions usually pass after a while. But what they did remains.

    W. Schwebel

  18. Emotions help to master the problem, and the mind helps to cope with it.

    W. Schwebel

  19. See no malice in what can be explained by stupidity.

    Danny Diderot

  20. Forgive your enemies. You may still have to work together.

    folk wisdom

  21. It's nice to be remembered, but it's often cheaper to be forgotten.

    Frank Hubbard

  22. You can't make a friend out of an enemy with a joke, but you can make an enemy out of a friend.

    B. Franklin

  23. People first act, then think, and at their leisure they regret their actions.

    Ann McCaffrey

  24. Each person must think in his own way, because, going his own way, he finds a helper in life - the truth, or at least a semblance of truth. But he does not have the right to give himself free rein and must check himself: it is not fitting for a person to live by naked instinct.

    I. Goethe

  25. Each is arranged in its own way, and there is no person who would be a complete villain. There is no one who combines all the virtues: beauty, restraint, intelligence, taste and fidelity. Everyone is good in their own way, and it's hard to say who is really better.

    M. Sikabu

  26. The whims of children never come from nature, but only from bad upbringing.

    J.-J. Rousseau

  27. Love is not when they bring you a bouquet of roses and you sniff them all day, but when they tell you all day about 93-mark gasoline and you listen.

    Jewish proverb

  28. A person laughing well means a good person.

    F. Dostoevsky

  29. No one will laugh at those who laugh at themselves.


  30. We would care less about what people think of us if we knew how little they think of us.

    Ann Landers

  31. There are two remedies for bodily and mental ailments: either use counteraction, or do not think about them.

    ancient Indian saying

  32. Nothing that the house burned down, but the bugs died.

    Korean proverb

  33. When they do not know distant thoughts, they will not avoid close afflictions.


  34. True words are not pleasant. Nice words are never true.

    Lao Tzu

  35. A madman complains that people do not know him, a wise man complains that he does not know people.


  36. Intolerance in small things destroys the great plan.


  37. There is no greater misfortune than ignorance of the limits of one's passion, and there is no greater danger than the desire to acquire wealth.

    Lao Tzu

  38. What people usually call fate is, in essence, only the totality of the stupidities committed by them.

    A. Schopenhauer

  39. Never ask a person why he loves you: as soon as he thinks about it, it may turn out that there is nothing to love you for.

    K. Melikhan

  40. The roles of jesters are best done by former kings.

    L. Cumor

  41. Most people are keenly interested in everything in the world, except for what really needs to be known.

    O. Wild

  42. A woman cannot be disarmed with a compliment, a man can always be.

    O. Wild

  43. When you are praised, think carefully about whether you deserve praise: if you do not deserve it, then you have been ridiculed.

    F. Chesterfield

  44. One or two friendly words can make a person happy, you have to be a scoundrel to refuse him this.

    T. Peng

  45. Women are undeniably smarter than men. There is hardly a woman who would be crazy about a man just because of his beautiful legs.

    Marlene Dietrich

  46. He who does not know how to be silent, then he is not able to speak.


  47. Nothing is so reluctantly forgiven as differences of opinion.

    R. Emerson

  48. Imagine how quiet it would be if people only spoke what they knew.

    K. Capek

  49. Rudeness is the wit of fools, the habit of challenging everything is their refinement.

    A. Morua

  50. Life is what happens to us while we make plans for the future

    T. La Manse


Wise people's advice.

Mankind, in the course of its development, has accumulated many useful truths. It is desirable for any of us to sometimes recall this experience. Do not be indignant that the truth is old, because, like wine, it only gets stronger with time. And do not be surprised that it turns out to be consonant with your own thoughts, for that it is the truth.

To be angry means to take revenge on oneself for the mistakes of others.
Indeed, how often do we admit our own mistakes, alas! We are most annoyed by the mistakes of others. We get angry and angry, thereby harming our health, and the one we are angry with does not know about it, and does not blow in the mustache. So who are we hurting?

A person who never gets angry is simply a fool. A person who can force himself not to get angry over trifles is a sage.
Wise men say: “Lord, give me the strength to change what I can change. Give me the patience to accept what I can't change. Give me wisdom to distinguish one from the other.

Life is too short to be upset about every little thing.
Of course, there are much more little things in our life than significant things. And unpleasant little things, more than pleasant ones. But, start getting upset about every occasion and there will be no end to this! Get distracted, switch your attention, go headlong into work and look, tomorrow the cause of your excitement has become smaller. No wonder they say - the morning is wiser than the evening!

We rarely think about what we have, but always think about what we lack.
Think what a legless man would give to get back on his feet, or a blind man to see the light. And how often do we rejoice in what we have and do we appreciate it? A person rarely appreciates the main wealth that he has - it's youth, health and freedom! If you have all of this, or a part, you are the happiest person, and everything else is trifles!

The great Socrates said, "There are so many things in the world that I don't need."
Sometimes we need to think about what we need and what we don't. Jacqueline Kennedy had more than 20,000 dresses and a bunch of diamonds, more gold and power than Napoleon, who also rarely had. But in his declining years, Napoleon wrote that in his entire life he was not happy even for six days. Bitter confession. So joy is not in things and not in money!

“Work saves us from three great evils: boredom, vice and need,” Voltaire said.
Work, work to the point of fatigue, especially for people of mental labor, is a real medicine. Invigorates the body, improves immunity. A healthy and sound sleep will complete the treatment. It is good when mental activity and physical labor are, so to speak, in mutual balance.

Humor, this is the talent to arbitrarily come into a cheerful mood!
Excessive seriousness hurts, suspicion turns us against everyone, and grouchiness and biliousness sets everyone against us, arrogance forms a void around! The ability to look at yourself with a share of irony saves you from neuroses. The ability to joke, face trouble with humor, a smile attracts others to you
We advise you to remember these old truths more often, and maybe life will become a little better!