Often men at first sight choose wives. Financial position and career. What are the selection criteria

What primarily interests a man in a woman? We will tell you why wives look so much like mothers, where blondes come from and how important the golden ratio is in a woman.


"Younger or older?" - each age has its own answer to this question. As David Buss, a professor at the University of California, David Buss, writes in his work “Evolutionary Psychology”, men at 23-27 years old prefer women a year or two younger, 30-year-old women 5-10 years younger, and 40-50 years old looking for a life mate between the ages of 20 and 40.

As for teenagers and young people under 23, they are more likely to be interested in older girls. David Bass explains such age preferences, first of all, by the reproductive nature of a woman. Men are looking for a woman with higher fertility than their peers.


Doctor of Psychology Michael Kenningham argues that men prefer girlfriends with signs of "neoteny" - a phenomenon in which adults retain physiological childhood traits. If you imagine such a woman, then she will resemble the famous "batty bop" - the fictional heroine of the Warner Brothers studio: a large head, round, wide-set eyes and small nose. In general, everything is like an 11-14-year-old child.
According to Kenningham,

"Neotenic Venuses" are especially popular in the countries of Southern Europe and Asia.

In Japan, for example, children's beauty is in fashion, and the features of a mature woman are perceived as senile and ugly. It's the same with Italy, where, according to the researcher, almost all beauty pageant winners have neotenic features.
By the way, human neoteny is a natural anomaly. In addition to us, it is inherent in plants, amphibians and arthropods, but it is absent in animals. According to anthropologist Douglas Jones (Cornwell University), this ability has developed due to the “age sampling” mentioned above. Men give more preference to young ladies, which means mature women, still capable of childbearing, need their trump cards in unequal competition.

golden ratio

The figure of a woman, in the representation of a man, should not be thin or full. It must correspond to the "golden section".
IN this case, we are talking about the ratio of waist to hips. It is calculated by dividing the first indicator by the last. The waist, say, 25 cm, is divided by the volume of the hips - 38 cm. It turns out, approximately, 0.65. For the owner of the golden section, this indicator will be equal to 0.7. According to researchers at the University of North Carolina, women with a score of up to 0.7 and above 0.8 will not particularly stand out in figure from others. But those who are lucky enough to fit the “golden mean” may not worry about their attractiveness.
It's not just about beauty. According to scientists, women with a score of 0.7 to 0.8 have better health.

The owner of the figure of the "golden section" elevated level estrogen and reduced the risk of such serious illnesses like diabetes, cardiovascular disease, ovarian cancer.

In addition, the “waist-hips” indicator reflects the reproductive abilities of a woman. According to statistics, a woman with a ratio of 0.7-0.8 is much easier to get pregnant than with any other indicator.


The owners of blond hair, according to some scientists, appeared as a result of the struggle for male attention. Darwin began to develop this hypothesis in 1859 in The Origin of Species, but having not found evidence, he abandoned the study.
Today in science there are many versions about the origin light color hair.

Most researchers agree that the blond first appeared in the north.

First, there is no need for such strong protection from ultraviolet rays, as in the south, which means that skin and hair do not need as much pigment. Secondly, competition. According to anthropologists, in the north, where meat was the main diet, the need for hunting increases. But not everyone returned from it. As a result, men were in the minority, and women among numerous rivals. Given the choice, preference was given to persons with a distinguished appearance. By the way, this theory is supported by the fact that blond hair is more common in women than in men.


Appearance and figure for a man are priority criteria in choosing his second half. But not the only ones. According to Dr. Marcel Zentner of the University of York, in the West, where gender rights are equalized, men prefer smart women and appearance fades into the background.
The reason, according to the researcher, is the change in social and gender roles. In many Western European countries, women work equally with men. This is considered not only the norm, but also a duty. In a society where both a man and a woman are the breadwinners of the family, representatives of both sexes will look for an intelligent and promising partner.

Similarity to mother

The statement that men prefer women who look like mothers is just as true as the fact that a person needs oxygen to breathe. The reason for this choice is still not clear. According to one version, this is due to the fact that the mother is the first woman in a man’s life, the most reliable and most loving herself, regardless of his qualities, bad character and bad habits. According to another opinion, men choose a woman who looks like a mother for the same reason why women look for traits of a father in a young man: people are unconsciously drawn to the familiar and familiar. Regardless of what the relationship was in the family, these were the first relationships that the child experiences, which means, a priori, comfortable. Therefore, an attempt to find a companion or life partner similar to one of the parents is just an attempt to return to that comfortable, familiar state.

social conformity

Although the problem is different social status gone with the emergence of a broad middle class, social compatibility still plays a role important role when choosing a partner. Only the point is now not in a noble pedigree and a rich dowry, but in the ability to integrate into a social circle.
Man is a biosocial being. He is always surrounded by a certain community of people: family, colleagues, friends. Each has its own rules, its own hierarchy, its own customs. And since modern society not matrilocal (the husband after the conclusion of the union lives on the territory of his wife), it is the woman who has to integrate into the environment of her partner. According to psychologist Dr. Seth Mayrs, the idea is simple: "To live happily ever after with a man, a woman must match his surroundings."

Women long trying to understand male psychology, because it can be considered a separate science that requires statistical data and scientific facts. The fair sex spend a lot of time trying to get to the bottom of male thinking and find mutual language. If everything is clear with political views, favorite hobbies and addictions, then it is sometimes quite difficult to understand how he chooses his life partner.

If you want to understand this issue, then you need to determine the main points, and start from them in construction own image . In this article you will find the answer to a frequently asked question: how does he choose a woman for himself? What can I do to get his attention? So, if you want to get one step closer to understanding men, then this article is for you.

What do men think about when choosing women?

1. They prefer women, which have wonderful feeling. Surely you have noticed that men try to conquer a woman with jokes, so they always look at her reaction. The fair sex, who knows how to sincerely laugh and joke, will always attract the attention of men and become the soul of the company. Polls among men showed that cheerful happy women are the sexiest, and mind you, it's not at all about a thin waist or long legs. In no case should you joke vulgarly and use vulgar words, otherwise you will simply cause a lot of misunderstanding and discontent. When he jokes, a woman who sincerely laughs and approves of his humor will always attract attention and arouse interest.

2. Men appreciate grooming. Women spend a lot of time and money in order to achieve the look of their dreams: they visit beauty salons, do home care procedures and ask a friend to tint their hair roots or apply anti-cellulite cream. And many people think about whether it is really so important for men? Do they pay attention to this, and does grooming play a role in his choice of a life partner? He plays, he is actually very attentive to this and immediately notices a girl who loves herself and the one who has not spent extra hour to do beautiful manicure. You do not need to apply a lot of fixing varnish on yourself, foundation or half a bottle toilet water, however, about clean hair, neat manicure and velvet skin should not be forgotten.

3. Men prefer that girl who has few or no male friends. No matter how much the fair sex loves with men, sometimes it is worth limiting yourself if you want to find a life partner. A man is possessive by nature, so he will be repelled by others like him. At that moment, when you are just talking nicely with your friend, the potential gentleman thinks that you are flirting, so he chooses another one for himself, so as not to be jealous and spoil his nerves once again.

4. They choose confident women who are not clamped by complexes or excessive shyness. In fact, these character traits do not decorate a woman at all, but only make it difficult to communicate. Stop being pretentiously modest and making yourself hard-to-reach, because men don't like it. Of course, you should not throw yourself on the neck with declarations of love, the riddle should still remain, but leave your hesitations for another time.

5. They often choose who looks like his beloved mother. Even just a little bit, at least one minor feature. Everything has been laid down here since childhood - subconsciously it will always be drawn to those representatives of the fair sex who are at least somewhat similar to their mother. Sometimes it can be height, hairstyle, communication style or life attitudes, but without realizing it, he becomes happy next to the one that will constantly remind him of his mother.

6. Yes, they choose pretty women. How not to twist here, but inner world not immediately visible. That is why you must be an attractive lady with whom it is interesting to spend time. Your education, creativity and creativity will be appreciated in any case, but it is important for a man to have beautiful woman because it is a certain status. Few people will be proud of a unkempt, ugly companion who reads Pushkin from memory and quickly calculates roots from multi-digit numbers. He will brag about the one that can attract attention and arouse admiration, so be sure to take time for yourself and try to skillfully hide flaws and emphasize dignity.

7. They choose the unavailable. Here the hunter's instinct kicks in: the tastier is the game that is difficult to catch. B must understand that it is very important for him to fight for you and spend a certain amount of time, effort and money in order to achieve his goal. Men quickly accept the challenge, so it is so easy to provoke them to such a game. Try to give him a hint that you are interested in him, but do not immediately let him get close to you too quickly.

Available woman quickly ceases to be interesting, because almost everyone can achieve it. A woman must prove to a man that he is exceptional and that it was to him that she opened her heart, because there are no others like her. But even in the case when you become available to a certain representative of the stronger sex, do not forget about a touch of mystery, do not reveal all the cards at once, men love the unknown, so play.

Video lesson how to fall in love with a man and what do they pay attention to?

Today we talk about how a man chooses a wife
The video tells about 12 simple points by which a man chooses his wife. these items, the secret to building a relationship with a man. It is these points that decide whether you will create a family with a man, become his mistress or remain friends.

When parting or falling in a relationship, many women ask themselves questions: “what is wrong with me?”, “How is she better than me?”, “What else is he missing?”. All answers to these questions are in these rules. Checked: there are no other reasons for men to leave! Every man is looking for his one and only. One for life. To take on all her problems and worries, so that she is in reliable strong hands, relaxed, calm and happy. But men, unlike women, evaluate the whole world through their experience and understand that you can’t fall in love just with appearance! What a beautiful wrapper can hide a bad character or a girl’s unwillingness to be a good wife and mother. He does not compare you as a person, but only your external actions and manifestations. It is genetically important for him to choose best wife And best mother to my children. What if she doesn't know how to cook? What if she doesn't feed our children? What if she is weak in sex and I have to look for someone else? What if she doesn’t bring comfort and when I “leave to get a mammoth, will our children be in the mud? What if there is nothing to talk about with her and I have to have a second wife or mistress? What if we have different plans for life in general? These are purely logical prerequisites for a man, who internally tell him that you are with him forever or your paths will part and this is all temporary. And it is important for him to live life with you, not to look for a replacement for you and not to leave his children during a divorce. Therefore, there are NO INCAPABLE THINGS in a man's choice of a woman! Everything is strict and on the shelves. There is no “divine spark” or some “pink crap” that girls use to explain love. There is only logic! To choose one, because she is definitely the best. It is you who live by feelings, and comparison is the main factor for a man in the search and selection of his one and only woman! I guarantee that these 12 items represent ALL the needs of a man in a relationship. There are simply no others! These rules and criteria were suffered through the real blood of breakups and partings, hundreds of familiar couples, on the examples of which I was convinced of the correctness of my theory and honed it with thousands of hours of individual consultations. All possible reasons, according to which a man can leave a relationship or leave are described here and are included in one of these points! No others. HOW TO USE THESE 12 RULES These principles work like buttons or hooks that hold the two halves of one piece of clothing, your pair. If they are all buttoned up, then everything is held tight. But if one or more are unbuttoned, then it is held only temporarily. Until there is that “half-woman” who will first use the unbuttoned buttons, and then, in general, completely hook all 12 on herself and become the only one for Him. The implementation of these rules gives several different forms Relationships: Only wife. If a man consciously or unconsciously discovers all 12 of these criteria in a girl, then only then does he perceive her as his wife. During the subsequent life, it is necessary to monitor the development of all these qualities, if they begin to disappear, then the man will leave. But with their full presence, a man becomes monogamous, all other girls simply fade against the background of a single chosen one, and a man stops constantly comparing his woman with others, accepts her for who she is. Temporary relationship. If these 12 qualities were at the beginning of their life together, but were incomplete or later “vanished”, then the man continues to constantly compare and evaluate the surrounding women and look for the best and only one. Perverted forms of relationships. If some of these 12 rules are observed, while others are completely not, then this gives ugly forms. relation̆. For example: a girl is attractive (item 1), her temperament suits her (item 5) and she likes the same things in sex (item 6), but she is not interesting at all (no common goals, no mutual understanding, etc.) - a kind of “mistress” relationship arises (only sex and even
I don't want to invite her anywhere. Another example: “a female friend” - when a girl is not at all attractive in appearance (I don’t even want to have sex with her!), But she has excellent mutual understanding (p. 3) and she is interesting as a person (p. 2). Or the form of relationship: “alphonse”, when money or a career is critically important for a man (paragraph 11), and this compensates for the unattractive appearance of the girl and the absence of other qualities. Or the couple is just breaking up. These 12 principles are important not just for reading, but for the constant analysis, control and diagnosis of relationships. Believe me, you need it more than him! These things work! Tested and confirmed by hundreds of men. Yes, everything here is masculine, clear, on the shelves and without water. It works with us! If you want a man to be yours and not walk - embody, work on yourself! If you want to leave or cheat - continue to believe in feng shui, horoscopes, eat cakes with yogurt at night and blame all men that they are goats on!

A huge number of men live in the world and each of them has his own opinion about what a woman should be like so that all men without exception would like her. Of course, this is not possible in principle, but each of these men living in the world believes that only his opinion is correct and is not subject to any discussion.

When a man chooses a girl for himself, with whom he plans to spend, if not all his life, but some segment of it, he goes through the stages of real analysis and reflection.

In general, is it possible to highlight certain female traits that all men will definitely like? Most likely no. But there are physical traits, behavior patterns and ways of thinking that really attract men.


Naturally, one of the qualities that attract men is appearance girls or women. It's no secret that men love with their eyes and, of course, first of all evaluate the appearance of a woman. And this is not even about some facial features ( plump lips and long blonde hair- stereotype). After all, as everyone knows, and men in particular, there are no ugly women.

Sense of style and harmony

Everyone loves neat people, men are no exception. The neatness of a woman is very important to them. Just like the combination of certain elements of clothing. And this does not mean at all that a woman's clothes must be bright or expensive. No, it just has to suit her. Men are very fond of women who have taste and style.

Here, most likely, there is nothing to say. After all, we also choose men whose fragrance we like.

For men, the scent of a woman is very great importance. The strong floor strongly irritates the smell of sweat, but they also do not like the aroma of perfume, which is felt even a few meters away. It is very important that the aroma of your perfume is pleasant and not too harsh.

Self-satisfaction and self-sufficiency

If a woman wants to please men, she just has to radiate an aura of satisfaction with her career and work. Any member of the stronger sex will avoid a woman who constantly complains about her life, financial condition... What do you want to cause pity in the man you like? This is the last feeling that he should experience after meeting you.

A positive attitude is very attractive (and not only men), and if a charming smile is added to such an attitude .. Consider that the man is already yours.

This is a constant subject of controversy: someone claims that men love only thin women, someone stubbornly believes that they like women "in the body." Do you know how men choose a woman for themselves? The answer is simple: they don't like women who are both overweight and underweight.

The female figure should be harmonious and well-groomed. Men are very pleased when he sees that a woman really cares about her figure.

Hair color

The stereotype that all men are crazy about long-haired blondes is slightly exaggerated. Hair color is far from the most important factor that helps you like it. certain man. Believe me, your other qualities play a much more important role than any hair color.


This is very important point. What is it about you that makes you different from any other woman? But in each of us it is simply obliged to be, albeit barely perceptible, but a zest.

Personal qualities

They are very important for a man. Neither of them likes angry, envious women who are just waiting for the moment to discuss the other person. You know what else annoys men? Loud and harsh voice.

Many representatives of the stronger sex simply cannot stand it when their girlfriend uses obscene words.

If you want to please men, you must be intelligent, friendly and good-natured. In addition, the ability to maintain a conversation is also required. Still believe that men love stupid people? Absolute lie!


No man likes when girls go overboard with makeup. But they still believe that at least a small amount of it should be.

Men love it when their women are tolerant and understand their hobbies: sports, cars, who knows what else. Representatives of the stronger sex love caring, tender women who will support Hard time. But egoism, indifference, and vice versa, their obsession is very annoying.

Each of us should have a sense of dignity and a certain inaccessibility. So we will remain interesting and desirable for men for a long time.

This list can be continued indefinitely, because there are a huge number of qualities that are important for every man. It’s not easy to be perfect, but you still need to strive for this and become better every hour and day.

We are even slightly confused and find it difficult to understand why such a question could interest you. If you are a man, then you are probably very young and strive at all costs to avoid mistakes in the field of personal relationships. And if you are a woman, then your interest is more or less explainable. But we will have to disappoint you a little at the very beginning. Men, although they often behave quite typically, are still very different. And their goals for finding a woman can also be very different, not to mention personal experience and taste. Therefore, for our part, of course, we will try to satisfy your need for information as fully as possible. But, before you start reading tips and recommendations, try to narrow the scope of your search a little, and mentally “trying on” our tips for a particular man, make allowances for his character traits, life circumstances and unique personality.

Most women know or pretend to know about their strengths in the eyes of men. But they would be very surprised if they knew how the representatives of the stronger sex actually look at them, and what they think at the same time. Probably, every girl would give a lot for the opportunity to read the thoughts of the person she is interested in. young man. Unfortunately, modern science has not yet reached the level of development that would allow it to do so. But here we will help you to draw certain conclusions based on observations of the behavior of the opposite sex without special technical devices, guided only by common sense. So call on him for help - and go ahead, for invaluable knowledge about how a man chooses a woman for himself, and what needs to be done so that the choice falls on you.

How does a man choose his mistress?
At the first meeting and even on the first date in private, most of us, both men and women, cannot yet know for sure how relations with a new, unfamiliar person will develop. And only over time, character traits, interests, coincidences in them and the place that you can potentially take in each other's lives become known. But, no matter how insulting it may be for most of the fair sex, few of the men are initially set to serious relationship. Most often, they willingly make contact in order to get to know each other better, have a good time and satisfy the need for communication.

In fairness, we note that many girls do not pretend to be more, and they themselves are not against easy, easy relationships with a man. Whether it's good or bad - each and every one decides for himself. But this form of communication is quite common, and if you want to get close to a new acquaintance without long and serious plans, then take into account such parameters female appearance and character that will surely interest him and encourage him to invite him for a cup of coffee / a glass of wine:

  1. Face. Expressive, open, the features of which are skillfully emphasized by make-up, will not go unnoticed by a man. Many women seek to enhance this effect by resorting to cosmetic procedures: increase eyelashes, enlarge lips and pluck eyebrows. But they should know that most of these tricks cause only an ironic smirk in men and rarely really adorn their owner. Therefore, try to Everyday life when at any moment you can come face to face with interesting man Don't go overboard with makeup. You will still have the opportunity to date night, Where bright lips And smoky eyes will be more appropriate.
  2. Figure, of course, is considered the main tool of seduction. The legendary "90/60/90" always work, but still other options for bodily proportions are quite acceptable and are no less successful for men. Some like thin women, others like more curvaceous ladies. But the main thing is that your body is well-groomed, your skin is smooth, and your posture is even. A thin waist, long legs and a rounded butt will not leave indifferent any man. As for the size of the breasts and the press cubes, these are rather pleasant, but not mandatory bonuses to an attractive appearance. Every man will be happy with them, but at the same time he is aware that not every girl has such outstanding virtues. But if you are one of the few "close" to the image of Barbie, then you can be sure that all his male friends are already jealous of him.
  3. Dressing style should fit the situation and your goals. Girl in a miniskirt or bodycon short dress, in high-heeled shoes and a blouse with a defiant neckline, will receive several invitations to a dance and offers to take her home. This is one of the easiest non-verbal signals used by women and perceived by men. With it, you can vary the impression of your own availability / impregnability, readiness / unwillingness to get acquainted. Don't neglect it if you want a man to choose you. But don't be surprised if he shows too much persistence, because it is inversely proportional to the length of your hem.
  4. Age women for men is important, as a rule, only to the extent that it is reflected in her external attractiveness. And many women know how to present themselves in such a way and take care of themselves that they look younger years specified in the passport. If you are one of them, then the age difference is unlikely to become an obstacle between you and a man. In addition, many of them, especially very young ones, willingly make contact with women older than themselves, not unreasonably considering them more experienced and liberated in communication. This is confirmed by many celebrity couples. So, female years not so often affect the choice of a man. Although he himself, with age, is increasingly paying attention to girls much younger than himself.
  5. Behavior women allows a man to get an idea about her even before they met, while observing from the side. He will pay attention to her surroundings, demeanor, voice and reactions. And he will make his own plan of how to behave with her. Therefore, do not forget that a potential fan can be watching you at any time. Behave the way you want to be in his eyes. A little flirtatiousness does not hurt, but in general, try to be yourself: a cheerful, smiling, sociable and friendly girl. These are the ones most often chosen by men.
  6. Health is the main value for each person and his relatives. As long as you are only superficially familiar, you are unlikely to touch on such topics in a conversation. Of course, a man chooses a woman who is healthy in appearance, without visible flaws. The same applies to the health of the skin, teeth, hair. In the transition to a more intimate relationship, it does not hurt to honestly discuss the presence of certain pathologies. This is in the interests of both parties: both men and women.
  7. - this is what a man chooses a woman for dating, and this should be taken for granted. A man chooses the woman to whom he is attracted, who attracts him and takes possession of his thoughts and desires. And this requires a certain amount of mystery, and grace, and softness, and an easy challenge. In the end, the man will choose the woman who will let him know that she is also not against meeting him. Especially when it comes to first impressions and new acquaintances.
  8. Erudition and ingenuity- this is something that already manifests itself in a conversation, but to a large extent affects the choice of a man and his desire to communicate with a woman in the future. Beautiful doll may be of interest when viewed from the outside, but this impression should not be spoiled by her speech and statements. Even on the first date, you need to talk about something, and in general it doesn’t hurt to get to know the person with whom you plan to spend some time alone with. Therefore, choosing between two women who are equally attractive in appearance, a man is more likely to choose the one with whom he will have something to talk about. But in any case, not the one that is clever, incessantly demonstrates its knowledge and intellectual superiority.
  9. housekeeping skills do not appear at the first meeting, except that the woman herself does not immediately report that she loves to bake cakes and grow violets. But a girl, on the first morning spent together with a man, who prepared delicious pancakes for breakfast, will definitely “earn” a few points in her favor. Although there are men who willingly wake up early and serve coffee / juice / breakfast in bed. It is important for them how the girl will perceive this gesture and how she will behave in response.
  10. Intimacy is a set of some almost imperceptible qualities that make people comfortable next to each other. They are not always amenable to objective evaluation and therefore it is difficult to calculate them in advance. For example, a woman who formally meets all of the above selection parameters may still not hook a man. It's just that the soul does not lie to her and does not pull, there is no sense of community and ordinary human sympathy. And without them, it makes no sense to choose the one that cannot give it all.
How does a man choose his wife?
The way steamboats are seen off is not at all the same as trains. How a man chooses a life partner is not at all like a girlfriend for a couple of evenings. Every woman who is aware of why she needs to attract male attention should understand this. And, if you are serious about finding a partner for a long-term relationship, then many of the tips from the previous section should be reviewed and adjusted to suit the specifics of the relationship. For many women, this process occurs naturally when, with age, they rethink themselves and their relationships with men, become softer and calmer. For everyone else, we dare to advise you to turn to these tips:
  1. Face many men imagine their future wife in advance, even before meeting her. Often this is associated with childhood memories of the mother, but in most cases, a man chooses to marry a woman with regular and sweet, slightly rounded features that are associated with softness. As for cosmetics, false eyelashes, tattooing and lip augmentation, all this is more likely to repel a man who is interested in family relationships. Make-up should be natural and discreet, eyelashes should be naturally fluffy, and eyes should be open. On the lips - a gentle smile and a light lip balm.
  2. Figure women change with age and lifestyle changes. AND loving man understands it. First, he chooses a slender girl, with slim waist and long legs, but ready for the fact that with the birth of a child, the contours of her body will become a little (just a little!) different. Besides, too thin woman may cause doubts about their ability to give birth healthy child. And overprotective of her own harmony may even refuse to spoil the figure with pregnancy. Therefore, in order to male choice fell on you, be fit, but do not bruise the man with protruding bones.
  3. Dressing style very important for a girl with whom a man plans long term relationship. She must combine alluring attractiveness and modest chastity. Say it's impossible? But, if you want to become his companion, you have to get out. Alone with a man, you can afford more: short skirts, neckline, stockings. But in the presence of other men, remain graceful, but inaccessible. The rule will help with this: with the top open, the legs should be hidden, and vice versa. This will help maintain a balance between attractiveness and restraint.
  4. Age future wife is important for a man. Small differences of one or two years are not critical, but in married couples a woman is much less likely to be older than a man. As a rule, a man chooses a life partner at least a little younger than he is. Peers complement each other well. But perfect difference the age of the spouses is considered to be the one at which the man is older by 3-5 years. This is an unwritten rule, and many men feel it subconsciously, choosing women that fit this age category.
  5. Behavior future wife should not make a man blush in front of others. If you plan to become the mother of his children, then behave accordingly: dignified, modest, moderately friendly with strangers and friendly with his friends. When choosing a life partner for a man, it is very important what kind of relationship she will have with his family. There are many cases when a confrontation with a potential mother-in-law ruined all the plans of a woman for happy life with a lover. Therefore, a man is more likely to choose as his wife that woman who gets along with his parents, brothers, sisters and a dog.
  6. Health- the primary factor for a man when choosing a future wife. After all, she must live long, be cheerful, give birth and raise his children. A man chooses a woman who is healthy both externally and internally. And this applies not only to physiology, but also to the psyche. And do not try to hide any health problems from your future husband. loving people can overcome such problems together, but some men are not able to forgive lies.
  7. Femininity and seductiveness future wife should be on top and, preferably, not decrease over the years. It's just that over time, they transform into slightly different forms, and instead of a seductive dance, a man will wait in the evenings for a massage of the cervical-collar zone, which is tired during the day at work. For the rest attract, retain and make happy man only that woman who remains feminine under any circumstances, especially alone with him, is capable.
  8. Erudition and ingenuity necessary for a person with whom he will live his whole life. Intellectually developed woman will be able to raise children well, entertain guests, it will not be boring with her on winter evenings and in long trips. “Beloved, you are also an interlocutor!” - this is not just a funny one-liner, but also the sincere joy of any smart man about mental capacity his women. Moreover, most men will not only never marry, but generally do not consider silly women as serious candidates for a relationship.
  9. housekeeping skills: the ability to create comfort in the house, keep clean, cook Tasty food, take care of things ... Is it still necessary to continue this list of feminine virtues, which every man counts on. He chooses a woman who will enter his life and fill it with domestic comfort, cleanliness and delicious aromas from the kitchen. And although the outdated truth about laying the path to male heart already ridiculed by feminists and hipsters many times through the stomach, no man will refuse to have his woman be an excellent hostess.
  10. Intimacy is an indispensable resource that brings people together, keeps them close to each other and provides psychological comfort in a couple. If temporary girlfriends can be limited to a bright appearance and defiant outfits, while a man is experimenting in relationships, then a life partner should be an internally close, intuitive and cordially dear person. If there is this feeling between you, then almost certainly the man will choose (yes, he has already chosen!) It is you.
Blindly following even the most wise advice can play tricks on you. Firstly, because not a single man, and indeed not a single person, will be happy that he is combed with the same brush as the rest. Especially if he is a bright and original personality, and is rightfully proud of it. Secondly, all men are really different. And with a utilitarian approach, you first of all deprive yourself of the opportunity to enjoy and receive bonuses from life related to the personal qualities of your chosen one. Therefore, love yourself, appreciate your own and his individuality, and let events unfold in their own way. After all, only a voluntary choice can make people truly happy together.