Online how to put on and wear stockings. We make the right choice! Stockings under a short dress

Mind-blowing, seductive, silky-smooth to the touch ... stockings. Delight for the male gaze and the subject of violent fantasies. In some Muslim countries, there is still a strict ban on the import of this corrupting (according to the adherents of Islam) details of women's attire.

However, a woman wants and can be seductive. This is her nature. And as you know, you can’t argue with nature!)) So let’s take a closer look at the exciting stocking theme, which causes a languid aspiration and a deafening beating of men’s hearts. Let's talk about how to choose and wear stockings correctly.

How to choose the right stockings

There is a certain set of rules in such an intimate matter. After all, “bursting” and acquiring goods of poor quality or not suitable in size will not be a joy at all.

How to choose stockings by their cost

Let's talk about price.

In such a subtle and super-delicate matter which stockings to choose not worth stingy. A really high quality product deserves its high price. But cheap products at the most crucial moment can fail.

To begin with, carefully consider the seam, slightly stretching it on the arm. There are two types of stocking seam: one of them is round, the other is flat. Inexpensive brands mainly use a round suture, which, frankly, looks unpresentable and strives to rub the skin - which is not very pleasant.
Flat seams are almost imperceptible and invisible under any, even the tightest clothing.

How to choose stockings for the quality and composition of stockings

On the density of hosiery.

It depends on the same notorious amount of DEN, varying variably from thin - starting from 15 den, to dense - from 40 den and more. Based on the density of the stockings, the rest of the clothes are selected. But we'll talk about this a little later.

On the composition of hosiery.

The basis of modern hosiery is undoubtedly lycra, which gives the necessary elasticity and fit to the skin.

And now an unexpected nuance!

Have you heard about the fragrance of luxury? Well, of course! So, high-quality stockings of famous Italian manufacturers really have their own rather persistent aroma. This is one of the requirements for the quality of the product.

How to choose stockings by size

Of course, stockings are very elastic, but one should not neglect the size and severely test them for strength. Too small size can tear - usually this happens in the heel area. You shouldn’t take it for growth either.)) An oversized pair of stockings will respond with inappropriate folds on the knees and ankles, which will not make the stronger sex tremble.)) Therefore, pay attention to the size chart, which is necessarily present on the packaging of each brand that respects itself and the buyer. Usually these are ratios of height and weight.

Everything is very simple:

Petite babes will fit XS, curvy ladies should choose XL (with the addition of Xs as splendor is added)). And the rest of the beauties choose their own between these two extremes, respectively - S, M or L.

There is another option - the choice of height (or length) of the product. Here the letters are the same, but they mean somewhat different: S - just above the knee; M - almost to the middle of the thigh; L - from the middle of the thigh and above.
And, of course, do not forget about the size of the foot, if the stockings are with a heel. This parameter can correspond to the American scheme: from 8 to 13.

Here we come to the most pleasant:

It may seem that wisdom is not great.

Yes, not too big, but not too small either.

Something if it is dear to the heart, legs, and wallet - it will be a pity to break it!

To avoid such an incident, we dare:
First: the skin of your legs should be soft and smooth, and your fingers and nails should be well-groomed. I hint, men are delighted with such legs! Therefore, we give all sorts of burrs and cracks a fight not for life, but for death.

Before the ritual of putting on stockings, about an hour, you can pamper your feet with a moisturizer. It will absorb and soften the skin further.

We also give due attention to the hands:

Manicure must be perfect. No chipping or peeling lacquer! Do not forget to take off the rings with pebbles - there are no options! Otherwise, you can say goodbye to your update. For significant problems with the smoothness of the hands, you can use fabric gloves.

However, let's get to work!

Carefully remove our pair of stockings from the package. Slowly, with both hands we collect one of the stockings into an accordion. Then we carefully insert our toes to the toe and begin, slightly stretching, straightening along the leg. If the product has a heel, then do not forget about it - we attach our heel aiming exactly to the hosiery. If there is a vertical seam, worries are added. Remember the footage from the movie "Only Girls in Jazz"? So, we make sure that the seam is even “like an arrow”!)) Having successfully finished with the first stocking, we do the same with its pair.))

Again, a nuance: when something went wrong, it’s better not to take risks and change the stocking than to correct the situation right on the leg.

Yes! About garters! There are such fancy accessories. They are always put on first, and only then the stockings themselves. But this attribute is now rare. Basically, modern models have silicone lace elastic.

How and with what to wear stockings

And there are rules here:

We wear it elegantly and delicately. A delicate topic!)) A self-respecting lady needs to remain a mystery. This means that translucence and rough bulging of the stocking gum through clothes, or its careless peeking out from under the skirt, are unacceptable. Therefore, we will leave tight and ultra-short dresses for tights.

Tight stockings look impeccable with classic knee-length skirts. But for the "maxi" they are not suitable, because they visually shorten the length of the legs. Thin transparent models will be appropriate here.

We select the color:

Almost everything is suitable for transparent flesh-colored stockings, even sandals of various shades. Stockings look perfect if they are the same color as the hem of your robe. For example, black implies formality, and, accordingly, black shoes and a skirt.

Now let's touch on another interesting stocking topic ...

How To Wear Stockings With a Belt and Garters

You will say "fu-fu ..."! Anachronism! But many men will not agree with you.)) After all, this is truly sexy! And how it excites the imagination and kindles passion!))

Let's look at this option.


the belt should focus on the intimate charms of the female body. So, choose the right size. Otherwise, when the girdle is too small, all aesthetics disappear at the sight of excessive fatty overhangs or folds.


in color, stockings and a belt should completely match, or slightly differ in shade. The same applies to the color of underwear. But the style of panties is better to choose a more open - thong or tanga.

There is no doubt that the garter belt is a very effective and passionate piece of women's wardrobe, but it needs even more careful selection of outfits that are appropriate for it. This beauty is for a SPECIAL occasion! For everyday wear, there are more modest options for stockings.

That, perhaps, is all ...

Women's stockings can drive any man crazy if they are worn correctly and in accordance with all the rules of morality.

Among the women's wardrobe, stockings are considered the most intriguing item. Women's stockings look especially beautiful along with a belt, of which there are a great many.

The very concept of "stocking" came to us from the Tatars and in translation means "footcloths". But indeed the stockings fit the leg, but are not connected into a single product.


In the modern world, every girl at least once put on stockings and felt irresistible. Production took a step forward, and well-known companies began to produce not only, but also women's stockings.

Types of women's stockings:

  • classic;
  • women's stockings with a seam;
  • with Cuban heel;
  • transparent (nylon);
  • black;
  • mesh;
  • wedding.

Classic are those stockings that go without seams and end at the hips.

Stockings with a seam can visually lengthen your legs and make them more attractive.

Stockings with a Cuban heel have a heel in a contrasting bright color.

Stockings are mainly worn with a belt, so it is convenient and you do not have to constantly be in a state of discomfort and pull them up.

Belts also come in several types:

  • European;
  • American;
  • English.

European belts for women's stockings have 4 elastic bands. They are the most common because they are comfortable and easy to wear.

American belts come with 6 elastic bands. They are not as comfortable as European ones, but they are very popular.

The English belt is considered difficult, as it has 8 - 10 elastic bands.

Belts are mainly made of lace, satin and stretch.

How to put on women's stockings with a belt

First you need to put on a belt. Wrap it gently around your waist and fasten. Roll up the stockings with both hands and put them on the toe. Make sure it lines up exactly with your fingers.

Slowly and smoothly spread the stocking along the length of the leg and straighten the elastic.

To put on stockings, make sure you have nails on or just put on gloves.

Lower the belt and adjust the garters and straighten the women's stockings from the bottom up with your palms.

How to wear stockings correctly

Many women believe that women's stockings are good in any way, but they are very mistaken. After all, bad taste is a problem for many women who, in order to seem more attractive, overdo it and appear before men in a vulgar and ridiculous way.

Golden rules for wearing women's stockings:

  • If you are in stockings, then only you should know about it! You should not wear stockings under a satin or silk skirt, and a miniskirt will not suit you either.
  • The color of the stockings should be lighter than the clothes or plain. In no case should you wear stockings darker than a dress or skirt. It's okay if the color of the stockings matches the color, it will only lengthen your legs.
  • Stockings are not worn under sportswear (we don’t even discuss why).
  • Under the stockings they wear only shoes with high or medium heels, but not ballet flats, sandals or sneakers.
  • Lush legs are better not to wear stockings with fishnet inserts or patterns, it is also not recommended to wear women's fishnet stockings. It is worth giving preference to gray tones, you can buy stockings with vertical stripes or lines.
  • Stockings that have a tan effect should not be darker than your skin - it looks ridiculous.
  • Tight stockings are worn only with boots and batillions that do not create color contrast.

There are also rules for wearing women's stockings with belts. Everything is much simpler here, the main thing is that the set of stockings and belts are combined with the whole outfit. Panties should pick up tango or thong.

How to wear black stockings

Black stockings are worn only with dark shoes. A skirt or dress should not contrast with women's stockings.

Famous stylists claim that black stockings create an image of a conservative and classic girl. In order not to seem like a share girl, small tricks have been invented, which we advise you to use too.

If you want to be not a classic simpleton, but a mean girl, then it is better to take black stockings with small seams. Such a subtle fetish is perceived by men on a non-subconscious level and brings a certain retro style.

For a more relaxed girl who knows everything, you can wear black stockings with red panties. A special classic of seduction will help to conquer any man.

How to wear white stockings

Snow-white stockings are considered durable, despite the fact that they look very light. White fishnet stockings, which consist of several threads, have special strength.

White stockings are considered classics and mostly manufacturers make them without drawings, but with a neat finish.

Wedding white stockings are playful and mysterious. If you want to wear white women's stockings, then you should pay attention. Everyone knows that white color can make you fat, therefore it is intended only for slender legs.

Also pay attention to depilation and cuts that should not be.

The style and color of clothing is very important in wearing white stockings. For a wedding, it is recommended to wear nylon white stockings without a pattern, with pebbles or a pattern.

White shoes and stockings will be in harmony with each other.

Modern brides want brightness and unusual look, so there are red and white stockings especially for such girls. Red and white color will be combined with a white and red belt or other elements.

Under a black and white dress, white tight women's stockings are perfect.

Stockings of snow-white flowers will look original with dresses of beige, gray and milky shades.

How to wear colored stockings

At any time of the year, you want to be bright and unique, so girls dream of colored women's stockings, but, unfortunately, they think about how and with what to wear them at all?!

The main thing here is not to overdo it. Remember - either the bottom or the top should be bright. In our case, a bright bottom is obtained, so the outfits should be selected in gray, black and all dark colors. For a full-fledged image, add women's stockings to match the color, you get a pleasant harmony and good style.

Under bright yellow, pink, mustard or turquoise stockings with a variety of geometric shapes, clothes with the same pattern will do.

An excellent solution would be to wear colored stockings with a skirt or dress above the knees. An image of a playful and radiant beauty will be created.

How to wear printed women's stockings

Women's stockings with a print are very popular. You can wear them with almost everything, but of course, following the golden rules.

Stockings in a cage or peas will lengthen the legs and successfully merge with clothes and shoes of the same colors.

Women's stockings with animal print, letters, flowers or ornaments are suitable for plain and neutral dresses.

Beautiful embroidery, lines and three-dimensional pattern look harmoniously with the dark and pastel colors of the wardrobe.

Such stockings will give volume to thin legs, but it is better for ladies aged to refrain from such experiments.

Women's wardrobe involves the presence of many diverse and unequal things in terms of functions. But stockings are rightfully recognized as his sexiest subject. They are capable of any woman, make her the most attractive and help a man like her. But many ladies are skeptical about stockings. But this is not at all because they really do not like such clothes. Some women just don't know how to wear stockings properly, which is why they tell everyone that they don't need such vulgar things.

In fact, the question of how to wear stockings is solved quite simply. Using the tips outlined in this article, every woman will be able to diversify her wardrobe with such a useful acquisition. First of all, do not forget that the perfect stockings should fit in size. But for many women, this seems like an impossible task. They will be happy to learn how to choose. This is done based on height and weight, as is the case with ordinary tights. On each package you will see a table where these data are indicated in the table horizontally and vertically. You just have to choose your parameters and see what size is at the intersection of the two lines you are looking for. In addition, the size of the foot is of great importance. In any case, when you come to the store, you should not forget about the individual characteristics of your own body: the fullness of the legs, their length, and others. Choosing the right size is very important, as tight stockings will cause inconvenience, and loose stockings will constantly slide down the leg.

If you are interested in the answer to the question of how to wear stockings correctly, then you need to clearly understand why you choose them. After all, women who in everyday life prefer short dresses, skirts or tight-fitting clothes, according to stylists, should still give preference to tights. Otherwise, you really run the risk of earning a reputation as a lady who is free in her behavior.

As Be sure to match them with the color scheme of the shoes. In order not to get into a mess, you should prefer transparent stockings, they fit everything. It is recommended to wear them with open sandals. For serious events, it is quite possible to choose classic black stockings. And for fashionable parties and stylish parties, stockings with sparkles or patterns are now being produced.

Pay attention to the whole ensemble of clothes. It should not be lighter than stockings. Ideal if they match tone on tone. If the skirt is below the knees, then transparent stockings are needed, and if higher, opaque ones. As you can see, there are plenty of nuances, so you have to work hard to look really stylish.

How to wear stockings? It is important to remember that they are not just another accessory, they should bring a truly special feeling. You should prefer high quality to low cost. After all, stockings that have a small price are likely to quickly tear, they form hooks or holes. It is better to pay the normal amount once, and then enjoy a successful purchase for a long time. They keep the commodity if they are not often worn under boots, because zippers and fasteners leave ugly marks on them.

How to wear stockings? You need to adequately evaluate your own appearance. If you have full legs, then you should not buy mesh or fishnet stockings. After all, you don't want your lower limbs to look like they're tied with a thread. The maximum that is considered acceptable for you: stockings without a pattern or those that show a strict geometric pattern.

A woman should always treat herself with love. And stockings are the highest manifestation of respect for their beauty and attractiveness.

At present, our usual practical tights, one might say, have completely ousted such a sensual item of women's clothing as stockings from the wardrobes of ladies. How to wear stockings? After all, by dressing them, a woman emphasizes her sexuality, tenderness, femininity, moderately defenseless. A man who sees a woman in such a stunning outfit has an instant attraction. You should not refuse such an effective “tool of seduction”, which can easily attract attention and pleasantly surprise, but at the same time, you must definitely know how to wear stockings correctly.

First, you need to decide on the density and color.

Secondly, you should decide on the fastening of the stockings.

Thirdly, it is very important to choose the size of your ideal pair.

Trying on hosiery that belongs to the underwear section is prohibited, as well as their exchange and return, so you need to carefully consider the choice.

Stockings of a small size will be short-lived, will pass the thigh and be visible under clothes, stockings of a large size will simply slide off your legs or will gather in folds under your knees.

Now, manufacturers indicate a dimensional grid on the packaging, but also, before going to the store, it will not be superfluous to measure the circumference of your thigh with a centimeter tape.

Everyone should understand that stockings - which carries a special intimacy and mystery, therefore, they must be worn first of all so that the elastic bands of the stockings are not noticeable to others. Therefore, when putting on stockings, you need to pay attention to the length of your skirt or dress. No need to wear this sophisticated piece of clothing with mini skirts or shorts. Stockings are a great alternative to tights for the office during the warmer months.

Stockings are a special piece of clothing that is not included in the list of everyday outfits. Putting on stockings, a woman feels irresistible, sexy, confident, given that they are not visible to others. And for a special evening with your beloved man, they simply must be in your wardrobe.

It is possible that someone considers the topic of this article stupid and useless. Well, just think, put on stockings, put on trousers... However, this is not at all the same thing, because you just need to pull on the trousers, without fixing them with suspenders or elastic bands and without aligning the seams on them. Stockings or tights are a completely different matter; their improper putting on causes kinks, constrictions and, as a result, damage to thin tissue.

Here are some tips on how to properly put on stockings.

  1. First. If you need a belt with suspenders, then put it on first.
  2. Second. Make sure your feet are well hydrated (i.e. moisturized), check for burrs on your toes, and check that your nails are well trimmed and polished.
  3. Third. Do the same with your hands while not forgetting that there should be no jewelry on the fingers.
  4. Fourth. If, nevertheless, the skin on the hands is rough enough and can damage the fabric of the stockings, use knitted gloves, they will protect your stockings from your hands.
  5. Fifth. Take the stocking with both hands by the open edge and slowly gather it in your palms until you reach the “nose” of the stocking.
  6. Sixth. When the stocking is fully assembled in your hands and only the “nose” remains, place your toes in it.
  7. Seventh. Make sure that the toes sit exactly in the "nose" and that the "nose" is not crooked. If the stocking has a reinforced heel, then also make sure that it sits in the right place. And if the stocking has a seam, then make sure that it “lies” exactly in the middle of the heel.
  8. Eighth. Slowly lift (slightly pulling and straightening) the stocking along the leg.
  9. Ninth. If the stocking has a seam or some other vertical image, it is better to wear the stocking in front of a mirror, so it will be easier for you to check the "correct" fit of the seam or pattern. If the seam or pattern is bent, don't try to straighten it straight on the leg. "Roll" the stocking down to the fingers or heel and start dressing again, now correctly.
  10. Tenth. After making sure that the stockings (tights) are dressed correctly, walk in front of the mirror, see how the seam and pattern move, you may decide that it is worth taking off and then putting on the stockings again.

If you are wearing pantyhose, then you can say that “the job is done”, and if you are wearing stockings, then it’s time to fasten them to your garter belt.


  • - Never buy more than one pair of stockings unless you are sure they will fit you.
  • - If you are sure that the stockings are your size and exactly the ones you dreamed of - buy several pairs at once (of the same color, of course), then in case of damage to one stocking, the second one can always be postponed until one stocking is torn on the other pair. After that, it is very rational to pair individual stockings.
  • - Never buy cheap stockings, usually it is very expensive.
  • - It is always better to have several types of stockings of different colors and quality, and it will be just wonderful if each type also consists of several pairs
  • - Some stockings are very thin, others are thick and warm. So, when making a purchase, make sure that this is exactly what you need.
  • - Do not forget that the quality of the stockings can be judged by the seams, if they are flat, then the stockings are of high quality. Round seams mean poor quality stockings. By the way, round seams leave traces on the body, which does not look very nice.
  • - Another way to find out about the quality of stockings is to smell them. Firms that produce high quality stockings flavor their products.
  • - Stockings should be washed by hand, only using liquid soap or even shampoo. Dry outdoors, not on radiators or near stoves. In this case, the stockings will last longer. Which is especially true if you laid out a lot of money for them.