Male stereotypes. Examples of thinking stereotypes. The man must. Common stereotypes about men

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A real man doesn't owe anyone anything... And only naive women believe otherwise….

The whole truth about male stereotypes told practical psychologist, sexologist Ilya Shabshin.

About sex: always wants, must and can

A man always wants and is ready for sex - this is perhaps the most important stereotype. In fact, this is far from being the case. Firstly, each of us has a different sexual constitution, which is the basis of activity in the sexual sphere laid down from birth. Some are powerful, some are not.

Men with a strong sexual constitution begin to be interested in the opposite sex earlier, they have their first sex quite early, they need more often, usually they have more partners during their life, and sexual activity persists until old age. For men with a weak sexual constitution, everything is different - they show much less interest in sex, so their debut happens later, they have fewer opportunities, as well as needs in this area. To put it simply: someone needs four times a night, and someone once every three days is enough.

Secondly, the sexual sphere is a rather delicate matter, and a one-time misfire can happen to any man. There are a million reasons for this: fatigue, stress, just not tuned in, nervous for some reason, and so on.

Thirdly, health problems can also affect a man's sexual abilities. In addition, there are drugs that are directly related to intimate sphere do not have, but lead to a decrease in potency.

A man should know all this, accept it, and in the event of a “misfire” not make any negative conclusions. From a partner at such moments, understanding and tact are also needed. Especially in situations where she took the initiative, and he could not catch her. Otherwise, it can lead to quarrel, irritation and psychological problems.

About success: no lower than a top manager!

Many unmarried women over the age of 35 worry if they are not married and have no children. A man of the same age, first of all, suffers if he fails to succeed in the business he is engaged in. And society here gives out a lot of parameters that must be met in order to be considered successful.

You work for yourself or “for an uncle”, you are an employee of a large (perhaps even international) company, or your work is gathering dust in the company “Horns and Hooves”. Are you a manager who has subordinates, do you make responsible decisions or do you just transfer documents?

And how many markers of success related to money: brand of car, branded clothing, places of rest.

All this is also important because even close people often evaluate men according to the same parameters. What did you do? What has been achieved?

However, these are all stereotypes. It must be understood that the stereotype does not care about the unique originality of each individual man. A stereotype is a generalized vision that does not take into account what a man really is, what are his resources, opportunities, personal projects.

I know cases when men stopped moving up the career ladder, realizing that this is not how they live their lives. Eventually they started new life. And they did the right thing, because it made them happier.

About emotions: men don't cry!

From childhood, boys are brought up differently from girls. If a girl can be offended and burst into tears when her doll was taken away from her or she broke her knee, then a boy in a similar situation will be told: “You are a man and must endure, men do not cry.”

This gives rise to a wrong attitude towards emotions, that is, that they must be clamped in oneself. Then this position is actively supported in the school. “Why are you crying like a girl,” they will say to any teenager who has shed a tear, shaming his sincere feelings.

It turns out that women have socially-approved channels through which they can give out their feelings. Men are not allowed to do this.

So emotions sit inside men (after all, they cannot not experience them). In the end, all this affects health. In the worst case, a man is waiting for a heart attack or stroke, at best - an explosion of anger.

About the attitude towards women: yes, you are a cracker!

WITH male emotions altogether a paradox. On the one hand, society does not encourage when men show their feelings, but at the same time, women accuse men of insensitivity. After all, if she broke her nail, and he did not show sympathy, then he would certainly be called a "rusk". This is such a cruel contradiction.

But not only are men used to suppressing their feelings, but they also have a more active approach to various situations: one must not worry, but solve the problem.

About life: you are a man - you must!

Often women (most often young) say: “You are a man - you must ...”, and then the list follows. At the same time, a man “should” literally from the doorstep! So, many women are sure that a man has no right to come to the first meeting without flowers. It does not matter that they have not yet communicated, it does not matter that there is no talk of any sympathy yet. "Must" and that's it. Where is the logic here?

All men are different, and therefore it is not necessary to apply the same patterns to them, putting such hackneyed stereotypes at the forefront. Let's pay attention to their individuality and features.

1. Men don't like shopping.

One hundred pounds! Well, what pack animal likes shopping? What camel can stand to be led around salons for three hours, asking every now and then: “Am I not fat in this dress?”. But if shopping includes the purchase of a new blanket, saddle and wineskins, it will be pleasant for every camel.

2. Men drive cars better than women.

Rather, not better, but cooler (reckless!). For men, driving a car is not just about getting from point A to point B. The car is the muscles of modern Adam. And on the road, or rather on the trail in these stone jungle, a man feels strong and fast, like a jaguar (if he is in a sports car) or big and powerful, like a rhinoceros (if he is in a jeep). Men on the roadway assert themselves, sneezing at the rules, but for women it's just a ride. Careful driving. Although they are increasingly drawn to someone to overtake and cut.

3. Machos don't cry

In terms of? What about a scratch on your favorite car? Do you think this is rubbish? And the victory of the Russian team over the Dutch? And a long-forgotten and hungover found stash? How to resist here? And in general, every macho knows what has come to his eyes while watching " soap opera"buying like a salary, male tear strikes women on the spot. And it's a sin not to use it.

4. The way to a man's heart is through his stomach.

Complete nonsense! It's like saying that best wife- cookbook. And in this case, the oligarchs should run after the cooks with wedding rings and with trembling hands. The phrase about the stomach is simple beautiful phrase for all its physiology. And a man's heart can be reached much faster. Any surgeon will tell you that.

5. Gentlemen Prefer Blondes

Cinema stamp! According to brunettes, it is, and the thing is that blondes are stupid, like a laxative in the fight against cellulite. Against the background of blondes, brown-haired women believe, men naturally think they are smart, like Fedor Dvinyatin. That's why they choose fair-haired dummies, redheads conclude. And the men happily rub their hands - they have to console everyone - brunettes, brown-haired women, redheads, and blondes offended by their comrades! What a bright future!

6. Men are the stronger sex

Well, how to look at it... In ancient Sparta, weak and ugly boys were politically incorrectly thrown into the abyss. Centuries passed, and weak boys took revenge. Now, in order to get a “mammoth”, you don’t even need to get up from your chair, and you can deal with the enemy by simply pressing a button. Progress forms jelly-like creatures. Muscles more and more began to perform a decorative function, and to come to naught. And if somewhere has departed, then somewhere it will definitely arrive. Women began to arrive because they decided to try - and what is it like to lift a barbell weighing 150 kg and knock down an opponent with a sudden uppercut? And they fucking loved it!

7. Men don't gossip.

It's all about the terminology... If over a glass of vodka a man tells you that his best friend is stealing insoles at a party, and the boss is sleeping with a secretary, an accountant and a watchman, this is considered to be a friendly conversation. And if a girl tells her friend on the phone that her ex-husband steals insoles, and the boss sleeps with the accountant and the watchman - this is what is called gossip in all explanatory dictionaries Russian language.

Stereotype: women are better at multi-tasking
In fact: not true

Let's start with female multitasking - the ability to do several things at once. We are often told that women can paint their lips while driving, look after their baby and cook at the same time, talk on the phone and search for something in their purse along the way - all thanks to the special structure of the brain. In popular literature, female multitasking is explained big size corpus callosum, a collection of nerve fibers that connects the two hemispheres. It is assumed that better connections between the hemispheres make it easier to do several things at once, albeit at the expense of the quality of performing each specific task.

If we turn to scientific articles, little remains of these statements. First, in a number of tests on multitasking, women showed the same or worse results than men: when it was required to simultaneously drive a car, solve arithmetic examples and call previously heard words from memory, both sexes coped equally (the car, of course, for the purpose of security was virtual).

Secondly, more accurate and accurate measurements of the volume of the corpus callosum did not reveal a significant difference. Scientists used magnetic resonance imaging, examined the brain at autopsy and came to the conclusion that, although the male brain is larger than the female, the relative sizes of the corpus callosums in them are the same.

IN real life pilots and air traffic controllers are an example of how men can do a lot of things at the same time: with rare exceptions, these are male professions (although here the reasons for this bias are most likely historical). Both the pilot and the air traffic controller must simultaneously monitor instruments, negotiate and keep in mind the location of many aircraft.

Stereotype: men have better spatial thinking
In fact: true, but there is a caveat

This statement has been included in most textbooks: women do worse on assignments.
"mentally flip the figure." And according to scientific research, this statement is true. Although with two caveats.

First, in 1971, anthropologists were studying the spatial abilities of the Inuit, the original inhabitants of Greenland and northern Canada. It turned out that among this people, men and women cope with tests equally, perhaps because they are equally engaged in hunting, which perfectly develops spatial thinking.

Second, it has been proven that the results of such tests are determined, among other things, by the context in which they were conducted. If participants are given a story with stereotypically masculine or stereotypically feminine characters to read before the test, the difference in
results for men and women.

Another example is tests that were given to students under the guise of "one of the tasks for selecting military engineers" or "a test used to select fashion designers." Despite exactly the same tasks, in the first case, the boys noticeably overtook the girls.

Stereotype: women are worse off exact sciences due to the special structure of the brain
In fact: not true

Usually this statement is supported by the absence in the history of mankind a large number female engineers, mathematicians or physicists. However, such an argument is hardly correct: until the 20th century, in most countries, women simply did not have access to higher education. Emmy Noether, the greatest female mathematician and author of Noether's theorem, was unable to get the position of Privatdozent at the University of Göttingen in 1916, and before that, from 1900 to 1904, she was forced to attend lectures as a volunteer - the university did not accept female students .

The gender gap between men and women in science and engineering has since narrowed considerably, but has not disappeared. On March 8, 2014 one of the most cited scientific journals, Nature, released a special issue on gender discrimination. Its authors referred to experiments in which laboratories received signed male or female names false resumes and were much more likely to be turned down by women than men.

In favor of the fact that the lack of female scientists is not to blame for their brains, but for discrimination, says a comparison of the abilities of schoolchildren. Regular testing of students different countries showed that the difference between boys and girls is not everywhere, and in a number of countries girls do even better in mathematics. Cognitive differences between the sexes have been studied many times, but in the field of mathematical ability have not been able to identify them.

Speaking of stereotypes

In the middle of the 20th century, it is typical women's profession was programming. Even Cosmopolitan magazine wrote about the naturalness of programming for women, and experts - for example, Grace Hopper, the developer of the first compiler - strongly supported this point of view. Moreover, the program to control the Apollo lunar landers was written by a team led by Margaret Hamilton; in those years, it was believed that "typical scrupulousness and attentiveness for women" were key qualities for programming.

Stereotype: women are better at detecting lies because their brains are programmed for social interaction
In fact: not true

At a minimum, this is not true in the part about "innate propensity". A series of experiments involving subjects of both sexes different ages rather suggests that women learn to recognize lies better with age; this can be explained not by the structure of the brain, but by the way of life - for example, women communicate with their children more time.

Stereotype: women are better at smelling because they are programmed to better distinguish between pheromones in order to find a better partner
In fact: half-truth

This statement is especially interesting because pheromones have not yet been found in humans: no matter what perfume manufacturers say, it has not yet been possible to isolate these substances. The only more or less intelligible candidate is the secret of the paranasal glands, but it does not attract the opposite sex, but infants. No less strange is the opinion that it is women who must distinguish between pheromones in order to choose the best sexual partner: for the most part human history It was the men who chose their partners for reproduction.

Here is to determine the characteristics by smell immune system people (and of any gender) really know how to make a potential partner: we tend to choose those who have a major histocompatibility complex different from our own - the offspring from such a relationship will have stronger immunity.

At the same time, most studies confirm that women do smell better. Whether this matters outside of the lab is debatable, since there are again many men among the tasters and perfumers.

Stereotype: women see colors better
In fact: almost true

The genes responsible for color perception are located on the X chromosome, which means that men are more likely to suffer from their mutations (women have two X chromosomes, so there will almost certainly be a “spare copy” for the “broken” gene). Most colorblind people are men; in addition, women are more likely to get four different light-sensitive pigments instead of three, and thereby distinguish more shades.

There is also evidence (for more details, see the Attic material) that men have a different visual cortex and sex hormones are to blame for this, so that people of different sexes really look at the world differently.

What does not prevent men from being artists, designers, paint specialists and photographers. And until the 19th century, there were practically no great artists, because on the way to the heights of art, women faced many obstacles; they, in particular, were forbidden to study because of the obligation for future artists to draw nudes.

Stereotype: women are better at noticing details like rearranged books on a shelf, men are better at stirring in the bushes
In fact: Truth

This observation is confirmed by at least some research: in a virtual maze, women noticed more details on the sides. In addition, men fix small movements faster, and a number of researchers attribute this feature to evolution: if we assume that men hunted more often, then the ability to notice the movement of prey was an important factor natural selection. This version is seriously discussed on the pages of scientific journals, but it is too early to recognize it as the only explanation: in a number of cultures, for example, among the same Inuit, hunting is not exclusively a male matter, and some of our ancestors even hunted by eating up the prey of larger predators. Here key role could play not sharp eyesight, but the coherence of actions in the course of protecting the carcass from giant hyenas.


Most of the statements that the male brain is different from the female and therefore men must do this and women must do this, in best case half-truth. Even where there are differences, their magnitude may be too small for any practical conclusions. Or, which is also quite common, these differences can be very specific and appear only in the conditions of a carefully planned psychological experiment. To say that girls can't do well in math, or that men can't discern the emotions of interlocutors, is a sin against the truth.

There are many stereotypes in the world. Probably, it’s more convenient to bring everything and everyone under a common line: bespectacled people are smart, Germans are punctual, women don’t know how to park, and Minsk is the cleanest city in the world. On the one hand, such a vision of the world simplifies life, but on the other hand, it is so boring. One of the most common is gender stereotypes. "Women are stupid, they have no sense of humor, they only talk about outfits and don't know how to make friends, etc. etc. We have heard such statements more than once. I propose to expand the framework in which humanity (for the most part, its strong half) has driven itself into the last hundred years. I suppose that someone will say: "The examples given once again prove that exceptions only confirm the rules, which means that stereotypes are true!" Well, everyone has the right to decide whether there are boundaries in his head or not.So, 5 of the most well-established stereotypes about women.

Women are dumber than men

This is the favorite stereotype of men about women of all times and peoples. Under it, scientists from all countries are constantly trying to bring some kind of scientific base: either women understand with the wrong hemisphere, or the volume and weight of the brain is less.

As a rule, the main indicator of the mind is considered to be the intelligence quotient - IQ, which is determined using special tests. The average value is 100 points.

From 1986 to 1989 American writer, playwright and journalist Marilyn Vos Savant was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the owner of the highest IQ in the world. By various tests her IQ was between 167 and 230.

For comparison, Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking have this figure of 160.

Sharon Stone is recognized as the smartest Hollywood actress, this blonde has an IQ of 154 points. Here's to you direct evidence that not all blondes are equally stupid. At one year, Sharon began to speak, at 4 she already knew how to read, at 5 she went to school, and, like a true child prodigy, immediately into the second grade, and at 15 she entered the university, where she studied literature and art, and at the same time worked as a model.

Reese Witherspoon has a high intelligence, the IQ of this "legally blonde" is 145 points. Another actress, Natalie Portman, graduated from high school with honors, at the age of 17 she became interested in studying chemistry, at 18 she entered the specialty "Psychology" at Harvard University and combined all this with filming a movie. Portman is fluent in six languages: Hebrew, English, French, Japanese, German and Spanish. Her IQ is 150 units.

British model Laura Shields is too smart to react to stupid jokes about narrow-minded pretty girls participating in various competitions beauty. She has no reason to doubt her own mental capacity: she graduated with honors chemical faculty city ​​of Leeds, and her IQ is 158 points.

By the way: Russian President Vladimir Putin has an IQ of 134 points, George W. Bush - 125, Barack Obama - 120, Brad Pitt - 95, and Sylvester Stallone only 54 points.

Women are tech-savvy

What do men talk about in the bath and at parties? That's right, about computers and machines (of course, after the discussion of women and yesterday's football match). It is generally accepted that high technology and cars are purely male theme. He feels "like a pilot on an airplane" in this topic, while more than half of the women try to avoid it in conversation. This is our female stereotype about male stereotypes.

But here's what's nice: the first programmer was still a woman - an Englishwoman Ada Byron (the only legitimate daughter of the romantic poet George Gordon Byron).

When in 1975 the US Department of Defense decided to start developing a universal programming language, the then minister approved the name for the future language - "Ada" without hesitation.

Another "pioneer" of programming - Grace Hopper - created a program for the Harvard Mark I computer. She developed the first compiler for a computer programming language, developed the concept of machine-independent programming languages, which led to the creation of COBOL, one of the first high-level programming languages.

And what would humanity do without the invention of the Austrian and later American actress Hedy Lamar? At the peak of her acting career, this amazing woman patented the idea of ​​"frequency scanning". Her invention formed the basis of modern cell phones, wireless broadband and telecommunications.

President of one of the world's largest manufacturers and suppliers of hardware and software- IBM - is 56-year-old Virginia Rometty; the head of the Internet service YouTube - 45-year-old mother of four children Susan Wojcicki; The president of one of the most technologically advanced companies in the world, Hewlett-Packard, is also a woman, 57-year-old Meg Whitman.

And by the way, about cars. 52-year-old Mary Barra was appointed President of the American automobile corporation General Motors in January of this year.

She entered the position at the most difficult time for the company, GM began to lose the trust of customers due to a series of fatal malfunctions in some brands of cars. On her initiative, 13.6 million vehicles were recalled.

Women have no place in politics

Many men and even some representatives of the beautiful half of humanity think that it is better for women to cook borscht. However, in recent decades, women have increasingly taken a leading position in the rankings of the most powerful people on the planet, they are elected presidents and appointed to leading positions in public administration.

Angela Merkel is one of the most powerful politicians in the world. She has been German Chancellor since 2005 and is now in her third four-year term. Dalia Grybauskaite was also elected President of Lithuania for a second term.

Michel Bachelet has been elected president of Chile for two terms, and Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner is in charge of Argentina, the country with the highest inflation. Dilma Rousseff - President of Brazil, Laura Chinchilla Miranda - Costa Rica, Park Geun-hye - Republic of Korea), Joyce Banda - Malawi, Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf - Liberia, Camilla Persad-Bissessar - Prime Minister of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago (before that she was the country's Attorney General), Erna Solberg - Prime Minister of Norway.

All these women, to one degree or another, brought their own, "feminine" style of leadership.

Destroying stereotypes that women do not know how to properly manage money and spend everything on outfits, let me remind you that the Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund is Christine Lagarde, and chairman of the US Federal Reserve - Janet Yellen. The former controls the finances of 188 IMF member countries, the latter heads the most influential central bank in the world (the size of the balance sheet is $4 trillion).

But the ladies did not stop there: they swung at such brutal areas of activity as defense and security. And this is quite logical: a woman can resolve the conflict peacefully, because she tends to create, not destroy. In addition, she knows the price very well. human life and will do everything to avoid hostilities.

The topic of appointing the head of the Pentagon is now being actively discussed (former US Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel has resigned). The No. 1 candidate on the list of White House contenders for the vacant ministerial seat is called Michel Flournoy. Between 2009 and 2012, Michelle was Undersecretary for Political Affairs and a virtual third-in-command in the ministry.

Today power structures women are in charge in Germany (Ursula Von der Leyen), Norway (Ina Marie Eriksen Soreide), Sweden (Karin Enstrem), Holland (Janine Henis-Plasschert), Lithuania (Rasa Juknevicienė).

All of them are young, full of strength, successful women. Moreover, for example, Ursula von der Leyen has seven children. Availability big family, however, did not stop the ambitious mother of many children from becoming, after Chancellor Angela Merkel, the second most famous and popular woman in Germany from the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and a successful head of two different federal ministries.

Best Chef - Male

This well-established stereotype is confirmed by numerous stellar male names in the world of haute cuisine. Until the middle of the last century, male chauvinism against female chefs literally flourished in the West. The famous "kitchen couturiers" treated their colleagues in skirts with a fair amount of skepticism and argued that women had no place among world-class chefs. "The best professional chefs are men, and let the woman cook at home," they argued.

In fairness, it must be admitted that the stereotype did not appear on empty place. A cook is, first of all, very hard work. Come on, stay for a few hours near the stove, from which the heat is 300-350 degrees, drag boilers, pans. But for Lately almost space technology came to the aid of the cooks, women's "hands were untied" and they began to push the strong half of humanity out of this field.

More and more female chefs are getting top honors(Michelin stars) and take prestigious places in popular chef ratings. For several years now, the famous rating of the best restaurants in the world The World's 50 Best Restaurants has included an Italian in its list Nadia Santini, which works in the restaurant "Dal Pescatore" in the town of Runate.

A few years ago, the most famous British chef Gordon Ramsay said: "A woman cannot cook even under the threat of death", and today the kitchen of his main restaurant in London is run by a woman, Claire Smith. Until recently, Angela Hartnett was the head chef of his Verre restaurant in Dubai. After moving to London, she took over one of the most famous hotel restaurants in London, the Connaught Grill Room, for which she received her first Michelin star. Ramsey himself now wants to create a restaurant where only women would work in the kitchen.

Rachel Ray started her career at the age of 20, managing the purchases of vegetables and fruits in one of the supermarkets in New York. On her own initiative, she began to conduct master classes right on the trading floor, offering customers her own options for preparing these most exquisite products. The friendly and smiling Rachel was quickly noticed and invited to TV. Today, Cooking in 30 Minutes is the most popular show in America. Rachel earns millions every month: she writes cookbooks and publishes her own magazine, a popular website, she has multimillion-dollar income from advertising contracts, worldwide fame.

Another one famous woman cook - Julia Child, whose life story formed the basis of the film "Julia and Julia: Cooking Happiness with a Recipe" starring Meryl Streep. "The grandmother of American cuisine" (as Julia is called in America) was absolutely not interested in cooking until the age of 33, until her husband (an American intelligence agent) was transferred to serve in France. She studied French on cookbooks and went to the courses of chefs "Cordon Bleu" - the most expensive in France, where she finally fell in love with French cuisine. In 1951, Julia, together with two companions, opened her own “School of Three Gourmets”. Then there was the famous book "Mastering the Art french cuisine"and no less popular culinary show" French Chef ". Julia Child's books are still in the TOP ratings of culinary bestsellers.

Queen of South American Cuisine Paula Dean with Georgian - a godsend for the Oprah Winfrey show, with classical American history success: after her divorce from her husband, Paula gathered all her will into a fist and created a catering company with the last $ 200, to be more precise - a tiny company delivering homemade sandwiches. Now she hosts a popular cooking show on the Food Network channel, many courses and workshops.

She publishes books, her own magazine with a circulation of 1 million and already owns her own restaurant "The Lady and Sons", very popular with those who like to enjoy gourmet South American cuisine. She recently launched a line of high quality products own production.

A couple more facts in favor of women culinary specialists: the chef of the White House long years was Filipina Kristeta Comerford, and Rosalyn McBride has been hosting the kitchen of the Presidential Palace of Ireland for 33 years.

Many women are deeply convinced that men are an open book for them. Having once created some ideas about male psychology, women persist in them and wishful thinking, trying to fit the real state of affairs to their stereotypes.

For example, for some reason, there is an opinion that men strive for personal freedom for life, although in fact, any normal man has a moment when he really wants to start a family, find his other half, “plant a tree, build a house and give birth to a child.”

But the desire for freedom from women's claims, quiet or loud tantrums and instructions on how he should live remains almost constant in all men. By accepting this state of affairs, and providing a man with the right to personal space, a woman acts sensibly and, thereby, contributes to a calm and happy atmosphere in the family.

Perhaps the strongest female delusion is the opinion that sex is necessary for men as a purely physiological act, and spiritual intimacy is important only for women. A man just wants to be loved, understood, appreciated, just like a woman.

It is also very important for men to feel accepted. So there is something to think about here. And in general, everything is very individual in sex. There are a lot of cases when men truly fell in love with a woman after physical intimacy. There are also those who cannot sleep with those they really love, because they are afraid of ruining everything, and do not like those with whom they sleep. It remains only to understand which of the men you are dealing with.

It is generally accepted that women are more emotional. This is true when it comes to expressing emotions. But who decided that men are insensitive and unemotional? It's just that men are more restrained in the manifestation of feelings and most often hide them inside themselves.

Once having heard the maxim that the way to a man's heart lies through the stomach, women have adopted it so much that they do not doubt the correctness of such a statement. How about really? Men are not so primitive, I swear! Of course, he must be full, but all the polls conducted on the topic of what men like most in women show that the ability to cook is one of the last places. So it is worth drawing the appropriate conclusions.

Trying to lure a man, women are sometimes guided in their behavior by the stereotype that men love virgins and are touchy. Men themselves formulate it a little differently - they appreciate inaccessibility. The more inaccessible a woman is, the stronger the instinct of a hunter is in a man, and, therefore, his interest in her.

But even here a measure is needed, because a man cannot hunt indefinitely - he will simply get tired. Interestingly, with all his hunting instinct, nevertheless, men like it when a woman takes the first step towards a relationship - this is very flattering to their pride.

Probably, there are still many such stereotypes in the perception of men by women. Some of them life confirms, some destroys to the ground, such as the opinion that a man can be "tied" by a child. Having made such a mistake, many women have already lost their happiness. In fact, only the woman herself can “tie” a man to a woman, if we use this term. So if you want peace in the family and loving man nearby - no need to use unverified "truths". It is better to look for a remedy in yourself.

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