Valeria - characteristics, horoscope, compatibility. The female name Valeria - which means: a description of the name. The name of the girl Valeria: mystery, the meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, national

Valeria means "strong", "healthy" and is a paired name for the male name Valery. Valeria is energetic, active, and loves sports. Already in childhood, she begins to get involved in various sports, especially team sports. Valeria has a negative attitude towards alcohol and smoking, prefers to lead a healthy lifestyle. She knows how to get along with different people, thanks to her sociability and friendly disposition. She is interested in getting acquainted, sharing her views and thoughts with her new acquaintances. But Valeria sometimes trusts those who do not deserve it too much. This leads to her becoming disillusioned with the man she thought was her friend. But Valeria knows how to forgive, and this helps her a lot.

Valery name compatibility in love

Valeria is a romantic person, she loves male attention, loves flirting, but does not strive for short-term relationships. She dreams of meeting her true love - the person with whom she will be together all her life. Valeria gives consent to marry only to a person whom she sincerely loves, to whom she manages to become attached in the process of premarital communication. She really wants her chosen one to be happy, she is ready for anything for this. Valeria completely gives herself to her other half, expecting the same attitude towards herself. Unfortunately, the feelings of her beloved Valeria are not always as strong, which becomes a big disappointment for her, which she cannot forget about for a long time.

Having married, Valeria does not require much from her husband. She is able to become an excellent hostess, she will strive to please her beloved husband in everything. At the same time, Valeria demands fidelity from her other half, painfully reacts to the slightest attention that her husband gives to other women. She tries not to nag him, to respect his interests and hobbies. And even when hard times come in life together, Valeria tries to save her family. She is convinced that if relationships can be saved, they must be saved. Valeria treats children with care and understanding. She loves them very much, tries not to indulge, but she does not always succeed. Valeria and her children develop trusting, friendly relations, the same as she has with her mother.

Valeria Compatibility with Male Names

Valeria is most likely to have a strong relationship with names People: Anatoly, Anton, Boris, Valery, Vasily, Victor,

A name is given to a person once and for life. In conjunction with the patronymic and surname, it allows you to feel spiritually rich and distinctive from others. The meaning of the name Lera will allow you to fully recognize the character of the girl and determine what fate awaits her.

Name origin

Lera is a name derived from Valery. It is of Latin origin and is translated as "healthy", "strong", "strong". The fate of the name is quite interesting, because its roots stretch into the deep past. The name came from the ancient genus Valerius, which, in turn, was formed from valeo. According to some versions, the meaning of the name Lera must be considered, taking as a basis the male name Valerian, which means "to be healthy", and the female Larisa - "pleasant", "sweet".

Valeria's childhood

Little Lera is a real devil who needs an eye and an eye. She is cheerful, sociable, mobile. Parents should pay attention to the hyperactivity of the girl and educate her in severity. Otherwise, the baby, despite her young age, will begin to push them around, imposing her own desires and views. Moreover, to achieve her goal, little Lera, whose full name is Valeria, uses all means: exhortations, whims, tears, affection and even jealousy.

The nature of the name Lera can make the girl self-centered, so parents should definitely teach her how to communicate with other children so that the baby understands that the world revolves not only around her. The girl is not too neat, but she has a wit and a good memory, which covers her other shortcomings.

Valeria's health

The meaning of the name Lera left its mark here as well. Lera's health, in principle, is not bad, but there are problems with weight. This happens, as a rule, during puberty due to hormonal changes in the body. To avoid this, a girl from childhood should be taught to eat right and play sports. Most often, since childhood, Valeria has a craving for dancing and aerobics, however, other sports will be useful.

Lera's school years

The girl studies mediocrely, but if she wants, she can achieve good results in all disciplines. The secret of the name Lera is that she always tries to prove her superiority, so if parents can find a teacher who will introduce a competitive and speed element into the classes, then the girl will gladly accept the rules and learn everything perfectly. Valeria does not want to study just like that, but if this allows her to become the best in the class, she will be active and win the championship.

Characteristics and fate of the name Lera

The complex nature of Valeria will not become easier even as the years go by. The meaning of the name Lera is always present in her life. The girl is overly emotional, so most of her character traits are visible at a glance. She is sensitive, vulnerable. To protect herself from insults, a girl will rarely let an unfamiliar person close. At the first meeting, Lera, whose full name is Valeria, fully justifies her "male" meaning - she is very careful and will study a new personality for a long time and only when she is convinced of her decency will she allow herself to relax. Despite this, Valeria cannot be called a "scared sheep" or too touchy. This character trait, most likely, should be defined as waywardness. Sometimes dissatisfaction with an unfamiliar person so covers a girl that she becomes overly sarcastic, even rude. In some cases, the reason for her behavior for others remains a mystery that only she understands.

By and large, matured Valeria is not much different from the past eccentric baby. She is also energetic, impulsive, inquisitive and fickle in her intentions. A girl can zealously take on several things at once, but in the end, none of them can be completed. This is quite typical for her, however, after a while Lera is ashamed of her behavior and still finishes what she started, but without fanaticism.

Valeria loves risk, preferring it to a measured and monotonous life. The girl likes to feel free, so she often manifests herself as an ardent feminist. Valeria is convinced that life is beautiful, and it is simply unacceptable to waste it on boredom, so she always finds herself some new occupation.

The inconstancy of character over time tires Leroux herself. The girl begins to reach out to more balanced people who could also rein her in a little.


In any team, thanks to a non-trivial approach to business, Valery is considered a valuable employee. The ideas given out by a girl almost always amaze with their simplicity and conciseness. In addition, Lera has a very developed intuition, which allows her to quickly and accurately make decisions. Therefore, even some shortcomings in character do not prevent her from rapidly climbing the career ladder. Most often, Valeria chooses work related to children or in sales. This allows her to be in the circle of people and at the same time slightly distance herself from them due to her position.


Valeria loves to be in the center of attention and like men. Therefore, she carefully looks after her appearance, follows the latest fashion, dresses beautifully and can present herself. Relations with the opposite sex are quite complex and unpredictable, and Valeria herself is always the culprit. Her attitude towards a partner can change in a matter of minutes, while the guy himself can rarely understand the reason for the change. Valeria's behavior with a man can be very different. With one, she can have an intimate relationship within a couple of hours after they met, but she won’t let the other in for several months.

Valeria is always looking for new sensations, this is also manifested in relationships with men. Therefore, if the partner becomes monotonous, she begins to look for diversity on the side, which often leads to a break in established relationships. Having cheated on a guy, Valeria rarely feels guilty, she also does not pay attention to the gossip of others, believing that life is short enough, and you should have time to take everything from her. Despite her own inconstancy, Valeria is quite jealous and can make a scene for her partner even because of a fleeting glance at another woman.


The family in Valeria's life comes first. She is caring, economic, and will always help her husband with practical advice. Pays special attention to comfort and relaxed atmosphere in the house. She loves to receive guests, is hospitable and cheerful. Valeria loves her children very much, and they answer her the same.

Lera name compatibility

Valeria will have a good alliance with Andrey, Oleg, Anatoly, Matvey, Sergey.

Less successful relationships will be with Mark, Albert, Vladislav, Peter, Cyril.


HISTORY AND SIGNIFICANCE OF THE NAME VALERY- Valery (colloquial Valera) - the generic name Valerius. It comes from the Roman word "valere" and the Latin "vale" (to be healthy, be healthy) and "valeo" - to be strong, healthy. The Indo-European root "shaft" (to have power, to own) is common for the names Valery, Valentin, Valdemar, Vladimir. The name is associated with the old Roman patrician family name Valerius and is found in ancient Roman legends about emperors.

The name Valery means: strong, healthy, vigorous, strong.

A big, good and even majestic name. Its sound is like a surge of a wave and a flow of electrical energy, which captures with its influence. It is filled with the energy of love of life and carries a positive attitude and faith in victory. Calls to strive for the chosen goal (VAL-) and, according to the secret laws of musical harmony (-LEP-), instills in a person confidence (-RIY) in achieving these goals. The energy of fire comes in waves.

Valery is often referred to as an abbreviated name, for a long time, already being quite an adult, he remains Valera. The popularity of this name is not great, but it is gradually growing, especially in the countryside.

Name days and patron saints of Valery

Valery Mvlitinsky, martyr, November 20 (7). Among the thirty-three martyrs, he was beheaded for the faith of Christ in 298 in the city of Melitino.
Valery of Sebaste, martyr, March 22 (9). In 320, among the forty martyrs for the faith of Christ, after torments, he was put naked on a frosty night in Lake Sebaste (Armenia), after which he died.



COLOR NAMED VALERY- Blue, red, yellow, green, blue, a combination of brick scarlet with lemon. The abbreviated name has only red and green. The most favorable colors: black, dark steel - can help focus.



TALISMAN STONE VALERY- Malachite, agate, labradorite.

PLANT VALERIA- Nettle, chestnut, peony.

ANIMAL VALERIA- Horse, scarab beetle.

MAIN FEATURES OF VALERY'S CHARACTER- Mobility, wit, curiosity, optimism, liveliness, sincerity, receptivity.

TYPE VALERY- Valery is active, in other words, a male arrow. By nature, brave, even desperate. He is not always easy to communicate, because his totem plant is nettle.

CHARACTER OF THE NAME OF VALERY- Valery is persistent and fearless. With all his vanity and sensitivity to female taunts, he is very attached to his family and never cheats on his wife ... only if crazy love does not turn his whole stable world upside down! Courage never leaves him. However, he does not feel a tendency to confrontation. But he can stand up for himself if necessary, because pride is not an empty phrase for him. The optimistic warehouse of character makes his mind very mobile. As a child, Valera often becomes the initiator of pranks, the ringleader in games. It can turn out to be good

Organizer. With age, Valery softens somewhat, becomes less active and strong, but remains a welcome guest in any home.

FATE OF VALERY- Since childhood, Valera gives parents a lot of excitement. He loves outdoor games, runs with pleasure, climbs trees. He reads books that correspond to his restless nature - adventure, fantasy. Mother's instructions are not always followed. Much in his fate depends on education and self-education. His sharp tongue can provoke a lot of conflict situations.

PSYCHE OF VALERY- Strong. He is not complex, easy to get acquainted with. Refers to male riders. Such men feel good "in the saddle", actively participate in life. They intervene in everything, give advice. Otherwise, they feel useless and even unhappy. They strive to please everyone, to be recognized by everyone. The temperament is choleric. Some recklessness is characteristic. Valery is easily excitable and slowly cools down. He is more suitable for activities with a quick change in the situation.

INTUITION VALERY- Excessive. Valery is hypersensitive. Possessing such qualities and well versed in female psychology, he seeks to protect himself from a wrong step in relations with the fair sex.

The meaning of the name Valeria.

Valeria (Lera)- a bright and charismatic personality, whose internal energy is always in full swing. As a rule, the owners of this name are very sociable, energetic, smart and beautiful.

They always know what they want and try to achieve what they want in any way. As practice shows, Valeria's vitality is enough to make better not only her life, but all those around her.

What does the name Valery mean according to the church calendar?

Valery's name according to the church calendar

The name Valeria originated from the Latin word valeo, which is translated into Russian as force or strong. And, probably, that is why most Valerias have such an assertive character, helping them to achieve their goals as quickly as possible.

But still, this translation is more suitable for the male variation of this name. If you look at later sources, then you can find a female transcript there, which is most often found in modern church calendars. In them, Valeria stands for Strong, Strong or Healthy.

Saint patron named Valery

The patrons of Ler in heaven are two Holy women at once - Queen Valeria and Martyr Valeria of Caesarea. The fate of these two women was very difficult, but they still did not break down and continued to believe in God. Queen Valeria was the wife of an emperor who fiercely hated all Christians. And since she sympathized with them, he decided to get rid of her, simply sending her into exile.

When he died, an even more evil and terrible person took his place. He first pardoned Queen Valeria, and when she returned to her hometown, he took her into custody and executed her. Valeria of Caesarea also sympathized with Christians, being a pagan from birth. Moreover, having matured, she was baptized and began to pray to God every day.

For this, all her relatives abandoned her, and the ruler of Caesarea ordered her to be put in prison and tortured every day. But no matter how hard he tried, the courageous woman did not give up and prayed to God even more strongly. She spent the rest of her life in prison, never going out into the world. For such self-sacrifice for the sake of the Almighty, people canonized her among the Saints.

The secret of the name Valery

The secret of the name Valery

Valeria, like fireworks, is as bright, beautiful, sublime, mysterious and fast. You will say that so many different qualities cannot be combined in one person. But believe me, in the case of this girl, there are even few of them. Valerias are so changeable that sometimes they don’t even understand why their mood has changed.

They can sit, be sad, and literally in a minute some thought will come into their head, and they will already think over their future plans with might and main. As a child, Lera is a very mobile child who has a lot of friends. She loves to invite them to visit and surprise them with something. Little Valeria can be called a real hostess, because literally from the age of 4-5 she tries to help her mother wash, wash and clean.

Unfortunately, when the owner of this name grows up, she becomes too romantic and absent-minded, which leads to the fact that she dreams more than she does something. Adult Lera becomes a beautiful, purposeful and ambitious woman who does not tolerate lies and betrayal.

What nationality is the name Valeria?

Nationality named after Valery

As mentioned at the very beginning of our article, the name Valeria is a form of the Latin word valeo. That is why a large number of available historical sources refer it to the ancient generic Roman names. In those days, people did not separate names into male and female and, as a rule, named their children (regardless of gender) by the name of their father or older brother.

Therefore, initially the girls bearing this name were called Valery, and only in the 18th century it was transformed into a more familiar Valery. It was considered royal as our ancestors translated it as Powerful or Influential. That is why most often it was worn by the daughters of wealthy parents or persons of royal blood.

The name Valeria (Lera): meaning and popularity

For a long time, this name was unpopular. Most people considered him too similar to a man, so they tried to call their daughters with more feminine names.

But this does not frighten modern parents at all, moreover, they try to choose the most unique name for their child. For this reason, more and more people have recently called their daughters Lera.

Meaning of the name:

  • IN- Responsible for communication skills and promotes harmonious communication with people
  • A- helps a person cope with difficulties
  • L- develops intellectual abilities
  • E- teaches you how to express yourself
  • R- Responsible for determination and performance
  • AND- has a calming effect
  • I- makes a person more ambitious

Name Valeria in English, Latin, different languages

Name Valeria in different languages

I would immediately like to say that the name Valery refers to the type of words that sound almost unchanged in all languages. The only exceptions are the abbreviated forms of this word.


  • Latin- Valeo
  • English- Valerie, Val
  • Polish- Valeria
  • Russian- Valeria, Lera
  • Spanish- Valeria, Valerita
  • Portuguese- Lerinha, Leria
  • Romanian- Valerika, Vali
  • Hungarian- Valeria, Valerka

How is Valery's name spelled in the passport?

The international passport refers to the type of documents that must be issued without errors. That is why a person planning a trip abroad should take the spelling of his name seriously.

Since the Latin transcription and the Cyrillic alphabet that we are used to have some differences, it would be better if you double-check whether everything is written correctly at home. The name Valery in the passport must be written as VALERIA.

Valeria: what is an abbreviated short name, diminutive?

Valeria: abbreviated short name

One should not think that the girl or girl who bears this name can only be called Valeria. This name, like all others, has its pet and abbreviated forms.

Abbreviated forms:

  • Valeo
  • Valera

Affectionate forms:

  • Valeryushka
  • Lerochka
  • Lerunya
  • Lerunchik
  • Lerusya
  • Leronka

Valeria: the meaning of the name character and fate

All Valeria, without exception, are very emotional. They react violently to all situations, for this reason, in most cases, people around them always see their real emotions. The most annoying thing is that sometimes such behavior is not very appropriate and this leads to the fact that the people around them begin to perceive them not quite correctly.

But as practice shows, even such situations do not unsettle Ler. They almost never pay attention to the opinions of strangers. If they understand that the person who is near them treats them aggressively, then they simply distance themselves from him and try not to communicate at all. The only people Valeria cherishes are their parents. The owners of this name love both mom and dad equally all their lives.

Therefore, if the parents quarrel, then the Lera try with all their might to reconcile them. A positive feature of girls bearing this name is their kindness and openness. They always easily make acquaintances and easily fit into any team. Such a position in life helps the Lerams to settle well in life and, as a rule, growing up, they get a good well-paid job.

Name Valeria: sexuality, marriage

As mentioned a little higher, Valeria are very romantic natures, so in their youth they often fall in love and, what is most unpleasant, they always idealize their chosen one. Due to the fact that they do not see any flaws in their soulmate, they almost always obey their partner in a relationship.

But this happens only until Lera meets her real man. Most often, the owners of this name marry after 20 years and, as a rule, for older and more mature men. For Valeria, in general, it is very important that her chosen one has solid ground under her feet and can provide everything that she may need. For marriage, she chooses handsome, thin men who love to play sports.

As for the sexuality of girls with this name, we can definitely say that they know how to fascinate and attract the opposite sex. But still, they enter into intimate contact with guys only if they really fall in love with them. And when these ladies get married, they generally try not to flirt and remain faithful to their husband.

Name Angelina: health and psyche

At preschool age, Valeria is a very sickly child who requires maximum attention. Parents have to protect their child from everything that can cause the development of the disease. But when the owner of this name grows up, her body copes with all the problems and she begins to lead the same lifestyle as all other children. Studying at school, Lerochka practically does not get sick.

Her only problem at this age is her stomach. Having matured even more, Valeria, in general, forgets what illnesses are and enjoys life with might and main. Separately, I would like to say about the psyche of girls bearing this name. For the most part, they are very vulnerable, but by virtue of their nature they try to keep everything inside themselves.

Because of their behavior, the nervous system suffers greatly and, as a result, they periodically become depressed. In view of this, relatives should carefully monitor the emotional state of Ler and, if possible, do everything so that they quickly become cheerful.

What middle name suits the girl to the name Valeria?

Patronymic to the name Valeria

The energy named after Valery in itself is not very calm. Therefore, if she wears a patronymic with similar energy, then we can definitely say that all explosive features will manifest themselves to the maximum in her character.

In view of this, if Lera has a patronymic, for example, Vasilievna, then it will more intensively push her towards rudeness, impulsiveness and irritability. As a rule, girls who bear this patronymic are very demanding of others, but at the same time they believe that they themselves can allow some weaknesses.

In the event that Valeria bears the patronymic Arsenovna, then good nature, compassion, truthfulness and purposefulness will be revealed as well as possible in her character. Most often, the owners of this patronymic grow up as a real support for their relatives.

Patronymic names suitable for Valeria:

  • Maksimovna
  • Timurovna
  • Eduardovna
  • Alekseevna
  • Valentinovna
  • Vitalievna

When is the name day, Angel Valeria's Day according to the Orthodox calendar?

At the beginning of our article, we already mentioned that Valery has two patron saints at once - Queen Valeria and Valeria of Caesarea. Therefore, the Day of the Angel of the owners of this name is celebrated precisely on the days of honoring these two women. These Saints are venerated on May 6 and June 20.

Congratulations on Angel Day for Valeria: short in verse and prose

Congratulations #1

Congratulations #2
  • My beloved Lerochka! I congratulate you on Angel Day and wish your life to always be happy, calm and comfortable. Let only good people meet you on your life path, and fate sends you exceptionally pleasant moments.
  • Valeria, on your name day, I want to wish you only one thing. Great happiness, good health and great and most importantly, mutual love. Let your eyes always shine with happiness, and the smile does not leave your face. I love you very much my dear man!

Songs with the name Valeria

Tattoo with the name Valeria: photo

Tattoo with the name Valeria

Pendant with the name of Valeria made of gold: photo

Pendant #1

Pendant #2

Pendant #3

Name Valery: intuition, intelligence, morality

Since Valeria is very able-bodied, her intellectual abilities are at a very high level. The owners of this name are able to think logically and analyze the information received very well.

At school and institute, little Lera does not have to sit for hours with books to learn some important lesson. As practice shows, it is enough for such girls to simply listen carefully to what the teacher says, and all the information will immediately remain in their head. In adulthood, such intellectual abilities help these women to perform the most difficult work and receive good pay for it.

As for behavior in society, we can definitely say that Lera knows all the subtleties of etiquette, just because of her character, sometimes she cannot restrain herself and does rash acts.

Valery's name: hobbies, activities, business

Valeria: hobbies, activities, business

Most often, the owners of this name become financiers or simple bank employees. They like to work with money and make big deals. Also, very often Valeria choose professions related to communication with people.

It can be trade, food or any other service sector. But this does not mean that Lera will work as ordinary workers. As a rule, having got a job, they begin to take the initiative as much as possible and do everything so that they can be promoted as quickly as possible up the career ladder.

Angelina: compatibility with male names

Valeria is an extraordinary person, therefore she loves the same guys. If she builds a relationship with a very calm man, then after some time she will definitely be disappointed in him. For this reason, the same extraordinary personalities are suitable for her, like herself. Such a union will give her the necessary emotions, and she will try with all her might to keep her chosen one near her.

Valeria fit:

  • Rodion
  • Tikhon
  • Stepan
  • Vladimir
  • Dmitriy

What zodiac sign does the name Valeria fit?

Zodiac signs for Valeria

The most optimal zodiac sign for Valery is the constellation Capricorn. If the owner of this name is born during this period, then her life will develop very easily.

As practice shows, Lera-Capricorns always have what they dream about and quite easily implement the most complex ideas. Another suitable sign for women bearing this name is the constellation Virgo. It will make them more calm, pliable and kind.

Stone talisman to the name of Valeria

The talisman stone of all Ler is considered to be a very beautiful pomegranate. This stone is multifaceted, like Valeria herself. If it has a green color, it will attract good luck and money to the girl. If you carry a red pomegranate with you, then the fair sex will be loved and adored. A yellow pomegranate will take on the negative and help get rid of diseases.

Flower, plant, tree-talisman for the name Valery

Protector Geranium

Valery's talisman flower is a geranium. In view of this, if the owner of this name wants all troubles to bypass her, then she should have 2 or 3 of these plants in her house. Cherry is Valery's talisman tree. She is able to clean the energy of a person well and help him get rid of unnecessary thoughts.

Totem animal named after Valery

The totem animal of the owners of this name is the scarab beetle. Since it symbolizes rebirth, this positive energy gives Leram the strength to fight for their future.

Numerology Of The Name Valery

Numerology Of The Name Valery

The most important number for women and girls bearing this name is three. It helps them to always stay on top, thereby making them even more confident in themselves.

Alias ​​for the name Valeria

  • Lerka-sweetie
  • beautiful hottie
  • chrysalis
  • Butterfly
  • red fox
  • Cute kitten

Famous people, celebrities named Valeria: photo

Russian singer Valeria

Lera Kudryavtseva

Valeria Lanskaya

Video: The meaning of the name Valery

The female name Valeria, like the male name - Valery (derived from the Roman generic name Valerius) is of Latin origin and means "hardy", "healthy", "strong from birth". It has wide popularity among newborn babies in Russia.

Valeria is a bright and quite authoritative woman, whom people around her often look up to. In her character there is discipline and at the same time flexibility to various life situations. Valeria positions herself as a person confident in her convictions with "Napoleonic" plans in relation to everything that happens.

Characteristics of the name Valery

Corresponding zodiac sign: Pisces ♓.

patron planet: Uranus ♅.

The dominant element of Feng Shui: Metal 金.

Talisman-stone, mineral, metal: Malachite.

Talisman-color: Yellow.

Mascot Tree: Fig 🍁.

Mascot Plant: Peony.

Animal Mascot: Scarab beetle.

most successful day: Saturday ♄.

happy season: Spring 🌱.

Character features: Energy, Independence, Inconstancy, Enthusiasm, Originality.

Spring Valeria- capricious, spoiled woman. She is used to everyone around doing as she wishes (but few people want to communicate and be friends with such a person, so most often spring Valeria is very lonely). However, she is very popular with men, which makes her a self-confident woman who knows exactly how to set the next fan in her own way.

Summer Valeria cunning, somewhat mercantile and cautious. She always achieves her goals and objectives, especially if these very goals promise her benefits or moral pleasure. The only downside is that she can achieve her desires by "walking over corpses." The principles of summer Valeria do not always correspond to moral standards.

Autumn Valeria represents a balanced, calm and always restrained nature. It is difficult to "piss her off", because you can always hear a reasonable, reasoned answer from her to any question, subtly hinting that any dispute with her is doomed to failure. Autumn Valeria often hides her emotions, which entails problematic relationships with men.

Winter Valeria too excitable and prone to nervous breakdowns. Her perception of even small problems often develops into an unthinkable tragedy, so it is often difficult for her to find a common language with others. She is a principled and proud woman, which gives her inner strength and beauty.

The nature of the name Valeria

Names that have a male and female pronunciation are endowed with a difficult character and contradictions. So, the name Valery carries a lot of energy, strength, discipline, tends to order. Such a woman strives for power, has a bright personality, and is able to fight. Most often it has a sharp, quarrelsome character. She does not know how to play in a team, she is too freedom-loving, she always strives to be the first and do the work on her own. Valeria is an excellent tactician, but a weak strategist. She achieves success through willpower and fortitude. Impulsive, it combines cheerfulness and sentimentality, lyricism and aggressiveness, short-sightedness and practicality. More often she is dissatisfied with herself and the environment than vice versa. Self-confident, prone to idealization, seeks to subjugate everything that surrounds her. Educated, observant.

The secret of the name is that behind the unpredictability and conflict Valeria hides a vulnerable and sensitive nature. She is able to react very violently to a disliked look or a carelessly spoken word. prone to tantrums. The real problems appear when there is a complex, acute and deep conflict. This girl does not know how to concede, apologize, forgive. She despises diplomacy and considers it a weakness of character. The owner of the name Valeria is a wonderful hostess, order and discipline reign in her house. People who like her acquire a reliable friend and helper in such a woman.

Positive traits of the name Valeria: Cheerfulness, confidence in achieving the goal are combined with impulsiveness. Often this leads to unpredictable actions of Valeria, which she herself cannot explain. This excitability makes Valeria a very sensitive and at the same time mysterious person: cheerfulness is combined in her with sentimentality, wit with melancholy, practicality with short-sightedness. Valeria is proud, but not touchy. She is happy to make contact, she has many friends.

Negative traits of the name Valeria: Some eccentricity and irascibility make Valeria's character capricious and unpredictable. Sometimes Valeria herself does not know where dissatisfaction with someone's behavior can take her - perhaps she will become overly caustic, and perhaps she will be overcome by anger. It is difficult to find any universal key to her, since Valeria herself does not know what she will be happy or sad in a minute.

Interests and hobbies

Valeria's favorite hobbies are reading and cooking (she loves to cook and is constantly improving her culinary art). She is not a fan of sports, but she likes to play a little tennis or swim in the pool. Lera is actively interested in interesting ideas and projects, but rarely brings things to the end. She likes classes that give instant results. Valeria is able to create a business for the sake of a hobby. She is interested in photography, extreme sports, organizing weddings, parties, public speaking as a toastmaster, entertainer.

Profession and business

Interest in her inner world, and not in work, prevails with Valeria. She shows herself in the best way, being the mistress of her business, although she can cope with any position if the business is loved. And all thanks to such qualities of character as responsibility, perseverance and diligence. High resistance to stressful situations and education allows Valeria to become a good leader. The profession of a journalist, insurance agent, sales manager, designer, reporter, TV presenter, actress can bring good luck.

Valeria is predisposed to running her own business. In addition, she skillfully conducts business, thanks to which profitable sales and bold financial transactions appear. In everything related to business, Valeria adheres to the rule: "who does not take risks, he does not drink champagne." However, Valeria's ability to make risky decisions should not be confused with recklessness: businesswoman Lera tries not to invest in deliberately failed cases and always weighs all the pros and cons before concluding a deal. Also, Valeria is quite easy to communicate with partners, which is important for establishing new business relationships.

Psyche and health

Women with the name Valeria are most often melancholic. Valeria has a restless lifestyle and an unstable, unbalanced psyche. To impress others, she can demonstrate her anger. Valeria is overconfident and does a lot of rash things. For example, in a conversation she likes to talk more than listen, which is why she often becomes an undesirable interlocutor. It is important for her to be in the center of attention, otherwise she begins to feel insecure.

Valeria is generally in good health, but there is a tendency to be overweight. The girl is well aware of the problems of her character and the impact of negative emotions on overall health. Its weak points can be called the gallbladder and liver. The need to get rid of excess energy leads to diseases of hypertension, fatigue, memory loss. A girl with this name should take care of proper sleep and rest, seek unity with nature. Valeria needs to lead an active and healthy lifestyle, which includes regular physical activity.

Love and sex

Leroux is attracted to calm, non-conflicting men who know how to listen. But her prudent nature interferes with trust and rapprochement. It is difficult for men to conquer Valeria with her complex character. But, of course, it is possible, you just need to be patient. In general, Valeria likes strong and assertive men who are ready to fight for their happiness. All courtship to such a man will pay off with interest, because if Valeria falls in love, then forever. He is a faithful companion and assistant to his chosen one.

Unpredictability in everything for Valeria is the norm. Even in intimate relationships, you can expect anything from her: she can be a passionate and insatiable lioness, or she can put on a mask of a cold and impregnable lady. But in any case, sex for Valeria plays an important role in relationships, so it is common for her (especially in her youth) to often change sexual partners, which helps to experience the whole gamut of feelings. And if her ardent passion fades away, that novelty that so attracts her disappears, then she returns to new searches.

Family and marriage

Valeria agrees to marry only a man who sincerely loves her and to whom she herself is very attached. At the same time, she requires fidelity and mutual understanding from her beloved. She attaches the greatest importance to feelings when choosing a spouse and chooses only with her heart. For Valeria, a marriage of convenience is unacceptable (as well as the appearance of children without love).

Valeria becomes a good housewife with easy ease and seeks to please her husband as much as possible. If she has already made her choice, then she demands complete submission from the second half. For this, she agrees to pay her husband with devotion, fidelity, attention and “fiery” sex. She never refuses to help and unconditionally takes family worries on her shoulders. Living with her is not easy because of her quick-tempered and jealous nature. However, many men are ready to endure her shortcomings, because she is a wonderful mother, an excellent housewife, a brave and confident life partner.

Horoscope named after Valery

Valeria-Aries ♈- a cheerful and cheerful girl who approaches any business extremely scrupulously, should always be in the center of events. Valeria-Aries likes to lead, not to execute. Valeria-Aries has a charming appearance and always presents herself with effect, thereby manipulating men. This is a temperamental and devoted woman who will not forgive the betrayal of her chosen one.

Valeria-Taurus ♉- this is a calm and scrupulous woman who does not like change. For Valeria-Taurus, stability is important, and this applies to all areas of her life. She will perfectly cope with monotonous and routine work, but creative and creative activity is not her forte. Everything that Valeria undertakes, she brings to perfection, so she is appreciated both at home and at work. She cannot boast of a large number of fans, because she is closed and shy, but for her husband she will be a devoted wife (albeit a big owner).

Valeria-Gemini ♊- this is a flirtatious and restless nature, loving laughter and fun. She goes through life with humor and endless optimism. She even manages to joke at work, flirt with colleagues and at the same time do her job. The main disadvantage of Valeria-Gemini is inconstancy and indecision, which can prevent her from moving up the career ladder. In relationships with men, she is not very selective, so she is often disappointed in relationships.

Valeria-Rak ♋- an elegant and well-mannered lady is Valeria-Rak, whose refined and delicate manners will captivate men. At the same time, Valeria-Rak is a real homebody, for whom the family comes to the fore. She strives for stability, although sometimes she is not averse to changing the situation and going on a trip. She is strict and demanding of men: so, her ideal man should be intelligent and polite.

Valeria Leo ♌ She is a self-contained and envious woman. Nobody knows about her dreams, but they come down to power, universal attention and adoration. Although Valeria-Lev tries to suppress envy in herself, the successes of her friends fall on her shoulders as a heavy burden. In her work, she constantly lacks patience, perseverance and responsibility. The sincerity of Valeria-Leo is also alien, because she likes to embellish what is happening in her favor. She has many admirers, but in her familiar men she wants to see only a non-existent ideal.

Valeria-Virgo ♍- balanced and gallant Valeria-Virgo always diligently, thoroughly, and, most importantly, creatively approaches her work. She easily achieves respect in society, and her ability to establish the necessary contacts contributes to rapid career growth. She knows how to inspire and impose her opinion on the interlocutor, and she does it so skillfully that he does not even suspect it. This also applies to the family - Valeria-Virgo claims to be the head of the family.

Valeria-Libra ♎- a charming, sociable and pleasant woman - this is Valeria-Libra, who takes on any business with enthusiasm and enthusiasm, but her carelessness does not allow everything to be brought to its logical conclusion. She considers herself very intelligent and cannot stand familiarity. Valeria-Libra is very popular with men, but she requires everyone's attention, and she herself often cannot even listen to her interlocutor.

Valeria-Scorpio ♏- this is a rather irritable nature, who loves to make remarks to everyone around, although the slightest negative statement addressed to her makes her nervous. She is overly emotional, so it is not surprising that her life is filled with adventure and bright colors, without which she simply cannot live. It will be difficult for her man to accept constant and often far-fetched quarrels, which are quite common for Valeria-Scorpio.

Valeria-Sagittarius ♐- She can be described as an ardent, hot and energetic woman. Valeria-Sagittarius can flare up badly if something goes wrong as she planned. And if she starts a fit of anger, it will be difficult to stop a woman who behaves tactlessly and does not think about the consequences. It is very difficult for Valeria-Sagittarius to admit his mistakes. The main requirements for a man are: gallantry, intelligence and material security.

Valeria-Capricorn ♑- this is a suspicious woman with a skeptical attitude towards life and distrust of people. Many things do not suit her in life and in the people around her, she is looking for a catch everywhere and in everything, which makes life difficult for herself and for people who are not indifferent to her. She can take any remark as an incredible insult. It is very difficult to surprise her with anything, and even more so to please her, so Valeria-Capricorn cannot boast of a large number of friends. The same applies to her fans, who are afraid of the strong and powerful Valeria-Capricorn.

Valeria-Aquarius ♒- the freedom-loving and savvy Valeria-Aquarius completely surrenders to her beloved work, which earns respect from colleagues and superiors (it is not in her style to stop halfway). It completely eliminates the possibility of other people interfering in your life, especially in personal relationships. Valeria-Aquarius does not perceive too intrusive and tedious fans, from whom she quickly gets tired. She will not be with a man who will try to impose his will on her.

Valeria-Pisces ♓- this is a very talented, elegant and pleasant woman, whose hard work, combined with determination, leads to inevitable success. Valeria-Pisces is an unusual and original person who will be interested only in an outstanding man. The main valuable qualities of the future spouse of Valeria-Pisces are a sense of humor and willpower: she will not only be faithful to such a man, but will also devote her life to him.

Valery name compatibility with male names

Valeria and Alexander- between Valeria and Alexander there is a lot in common: both of them are quite independent individuals with common interests, and therefore there are no serious disagreements between them. However, common interests are not always the basis of marriage, especially if there is no stability in it, without which it is impossible to create a strong family. If Valeria and Alexander can overcome the barrier of disagreement, then they will not be bored together.

Valeria and Dmitry- although feelings arise between them at first sight, but often these feelings fade away just as quickly. Valeria and Dmitry are freedom-loving and strong personalities, while the representative of the weaker sex, as a rule, is not able to appreciate all the charm of family relationships. And a man in such an alliance, on the contrary, is set for a long and serious relationship that requires fidelity and constancy from the other half. Under such conditions, emotional showdowns are inevitable.

Valeria and Sergey- although initially this couple is not set up for a strong relationship, nevertheless, Valeria and Sergey are able to live together for many years. Both of them are distinguished by indifference to money, therefore there are practically no quarrels on material grounds in their relationship. They are more interested in spending time together, because they see the meaning of life only in each other and in their family. As a rule, such an alliance is not a model of stability and order, and they don’t need it: much more important is that Valeria and Sergey understand each other and are truly happy together.

Valeria and Andrey- Their relationship often becomes passionate and vibrant. Valeria and Andrey are very passionate, passionate and independent people who are perfect for each other in bed. But serious and stable relationships in this couple are extremely rare, since the leadership qualities of both do not allow them to come to a common denominator, which is why quarrels often occur. There is only one way out of the situation: learn to listen to your soulmate and make compromises.

Valeria and Eugene- in such a union, feelings and sexual compatibility are above all. However, if the eccentric Valeria and the practical Eugene fail to find other positive aspects in each other and in their union, then the relationship may come to naught. In a joint family life, it will be difficult for a representative of the stronger sex to come to terms with the bad attitude of his woman to household affairs. However, in return, the spouse will receive a cheerful, charming life partner.

Valeria and Maxim- such a couple is not initially set up for far-reaching plans, but surprisingly they are able to live a happy life together. Valeria in such a union is indifferent to social status, because the main thing for her is the love of her chosen one. And Maxim is ready to support his beloved in every possible way in all her endeavors. It is unlikely that Valeria and Maxim will have an ideal family life, but this will not prevent them from enjoying life together.

Valeria and Vladimir- this is a very cheerful and pleasant couple that converges quickly on the basis of mutual love. Valeria and Vladimir are always together: they love to have fun together, travel and just go for walks. But when it comes time to tie oneself to family ties, things can change drastically for the worse. Valeria and Vladimir are not able to live together and take life seriously, so quarrels often occur between them. To avoid conflicts, they need to respect each other's opinions.

Valeria and Artem- such relationships develop gradually and measuredly. Valeria and Artem meet for a long time, recognizing all aspects of each other's character. It may even seem that they will never cross the line between love and friendship, but in fact, both partners take love and family relationships seriously. Everything falls into place when Valeria and Artem nevertheless begin to feel like a couple and a single whole. Behind such a slow development of events is a strong and reliable family.

Valeria and Anton- this couple is connected, first of all, by a sense of novelty. Valeria and Anton are interested in being together, having fun, and also indulging in love pleasures - because they are perfect for each other sexually. However, often they are not able to create a full-fledged family because of their ambitions and love of freedom. Valeria and Anton are completely unable to transcend their principles and pride, so frequent quarrels between them are inevitable.

Valeria and Igor- this is an ideal couple, if we talk about common interests, intimate compatibility, the pursuit of material wealth, as well as self-development. And this, in turn, is a good guarantee of a strong relationship. In addition, Valeria and Igor have a lot in common on a psychological level. There is no doubt that a happy future is destined for such a union, full of colorful impressions and fulfilled hopes in reality.

Valeria and Ilya- this is a very temperamental and passionate couple. Although they are endowed with excessive pride, their affection, which gradually develops into a beautiful feeling, destroys all barriers. As a rule, Valeria and Ilya create a good family in which the representative of the stronger sex plays the main role. Ilya brings up a good housewife in Valeria, and he himself is a breadwinner. The representative of the weaker sex is quite satisfied with this state of affairs, and she gives him all her feminine affection.

Valeria and Vladislav- the owners of these names do not like to keep in themselves what they think about, even when surrounded by strangers, so the showdown between them turns into a loud extravaganza. Valeria and Vladislav both start up quickly and cool down so quickly, because they cannot do otherwise. In their intimate life, everything happens according to the same scheme - they are ruled by simply phenomenal passion, from which the couple gets real pleasure. In general, the whole married life of Valeria and Vladislav will be built on the principle of a volcano.

Valeria and Vadim- the owners of these names are connected, first of all, by emotionality and sincerity. In the company of other people, Valeria and Vadim look like a very pleasant and sensual couple. They never quarrel, and communication in raised tones is simply unacceptable and alien to them. As a rule, they are successfully engaged in some common business. But Valery is often not satisfied with his passive position in relation to life in Vadim, so a man in this union should take great initiative to create a harmonious family.

Valeria and Oleg- this is a couple that does not expect any offerings from fate, prefers to achieve everything on its own. Valeria and Oleg are not dreamers, but realists who set themselves exceptionally feasible plans. They are slowly, but at the same time confidently moving towards their goal, together overcoming any obstacles that stand in their way. Their priority is personal relationships, which they build on complete trust and love.

Valeria and Yuri- this union is rarely strong and lasting, since both partners in it are quite selfish and arrogant. Neither Valeria nor Yuri want to limit their freedom. In addition, in this tandem, everyone lives on his own and for himself, which negatively affects family life. They do not have clear plans for the future, they live for today, which abhors the very concept of "family". Lera and Yuri will be together until they get bored with each other.

Valeria and Nikita- this is a promising couple in all respects, which works for the benefit of their family. Nikita and Valeria do not have a soul in each other, there are no secrets and misunderstandings between them. This tandem, without exaggeration, can be called exemplary, because it is built on love, mutual assistance, honesty, openness and devotion.

Valeria and Alexey- the relationship between Valeria and Alexei can hardly be called strong and stable, but despite this, this couple can live together for decades. In Valeria, Aleksey is attracted by calmness, which is surprisingly combined with eccentricity of thinking. Valeria sees in her companion a reliable and faithful partner, to whom she is ready to forgive his shortcomings. In general, understanding reigns in their family.

Valeria and Nikolay- in this union there is no place for monotony, because Valeria and Nikolai think in a similar way and prefer to actively spend their leisure time, which only strengthens their relationship. They perfectly understand each other, so they can become not only ideal spouses, but also excellent partners. Their joint business will flourish, bringing prosperity and prosperity to the house. They can be both adventurers and philosophers at the same time, which brings diversity and interest to their union.

Valeria and Ivan- This pair of workaholics is distinguished by purposefulness and energy. For Valeria and Ivan, family traditions are very important, which they try to honor and observe. Peace reigns in their union, while they try to avoid Italian passions. They find their happiness in children and the creation of a full-fledged friendly family.

Valeria and Mikhail- optimistic and cheerful Valeria is a perfect match for the mobile and inquisitive Mikhail. Together they have a fun and productive time, but at the same time they should remember that everything should be in moderation, otherwise the union will not stand the test of material and domestic difficulties that sooner or later will stand in their way. In general, this is a fairly strong alliance that can overcome many obstacles.

Valeria and Roman- a solid Roman, who is serious about building a family, is not ready to put up with the unpredictability of Valeria, who often takes life too lightly. At first, the gaiety of the chosen one captivates the man, but over time, Roman realizes that living together with Leroy will only bring misunderstanding, which is fraught with frequent scandals. If he is ready to put up with the eccentricity of his girlfriend, then their couple may well take place.

Valeria and Anatoly- in this tandem, feelings and sexual compatibility are at the top of the pedestal. Initially, Valeria and Anatoly do not take their relationship seriously, but over time, their passion develops into a deep feeling that can become the basis of a strong family. The main thing is that both partners have enough strength and patience to help put up with each other's shortcomings. Otherwise, a break in relations cannot be avoided.

Valeria and Vitaly- this man and woman are full of mutual understanding, they are very well suited to each other. In addition, often their couple is an example for others. Also, their intimate life only contributes to the rapprochement and strengthening of such an alliance. Well, after the birth of a child in their marriage, Valeria and Vitaly are unlikely to exchange a happy family life for dubious freedom outside of marriage.