Natural aphrodisiacs to attract men. Aphrodisiac essential oils for women and men: selection rules and recipes. Rules for the use of aromatherapy in the intimate area

Often, sexual coldness in men is caused by fatigue at work, stress and other emotional disorders. Miraculous aphrodisiac oils will help to cope with the problem.

Aphrodite is the Greek goddess of love passion and female race. Therefore, aphrodisiacs are called substances that enhance the energy of feelings and promote sexual activity. Of the products, they include bananas, chocolate, in some eastern countries - even insects. Essential oils are also able to excite men - thanks to their unique properties, they are the most effective tool for creating a romantic evening.

Properties of essential oils - aphrodisiacs

What smells attract men?

Aroma oils, acting on receptors, stimulate the release of endorphins - “happiness hormones”, thereby favorably affecting the human psyche. Esters have a beneficial effect on the body, relieve emotional stress and promote relaxation.

In addition, they:

  • remove toxins from the body;
  • refresh the skin and have a rejuvenating effect;
  • increase vitality;
  • regulate the work of the endocrine system;
  • improve hormonal levels;
  • have an antioxidant effect;
  • restore potency;
  • get rid of frigidity;
  • pain relief, and much more.

How to choose the right oil?

The right choice of aphrodisiac is the key to success, the wrong choice is a headache

Choosing an aphrodisiac essential oil is an exciting creative process. You need to find out from your lover what flavors he prefers? And also know what type of aromas phyto essences belong to.

Groups of aromatic oils of aphrodisiacs and their combination

Floral scents include oils of geranium, rose, rosewood, jasmine.

They are in perfect harmony with the following esters:

  • tart-spicy fragrance of cinnamon, ginger;
  • smoky-woody chord of cedar, eucalyptus, juniper;
  • refreshing citrus notes of orange, lemon, bergamot.

Try to create an aroma composition yourself, relying solely on your taste.

Advice! When choosing an aphrodisiac ether, choose the one that will excite your passion and evoke sweet erotic fantasies!

Characteristics of odors

Below is a list of essential oils that will help make your sex life brighter and more harmonious:

  • Cypress - an aphrodisiac oil for men, helps to tune in to a love mood, perfectly increases potency;
  • Orange - promotes relaxation, intoxicates with passion;
  • Bergamot - a light smell, refreshes, invigorates, gives a feeling of joy, causes sexual desire, excites the imagination;
  • Carnation - awakens desire, enhances susceptibility;
  • Geranium - stimulates, improves mood, brings novelty to routine relationships;
  • Jasmine is an exclusively feminine fragrance that allows you to enjoy intimacy;
  • Ylang-ylang - reveals sexuality, makes a woman receptive to caresses, and gives her partner strength, restores an erection;
  • Cedar - makes sex piquant, allows you to get the joy of intimacy;
  • Cinnamon - creates a truly romantic mood, increases self-confidence, encourages the opposite sex to act;
  • Juniper - helps to innovate in sexual relations, goes well with other essential oil crops;
  • Nutmeg - liberates, fills partners with passionate desire;
  • Neroli - tunes in to a wave of love, makes erogenous zones more sensitive;
  • Patchouli - a warm fragrance that awakens the senses, improves the potency of men, relaxes, allows you to enjoy the atmosphere of a magical oriental fairy tale;
  • Rose - feminine aroma oil, strongly excites and gives tenderness;
  • Sandalwood - slightly intoxicating, warms up an ardent desire;
  • Pine - adds confidence, creates comfort, enhances erogenous susceptibility.

Please note! A fragrant "love" remedy should not have intrusive, repulsive and sugary-sharp shades.

The romantic mixture should be light, barely perceptible. Use aromatic oils in love magic that excite a man and will please him. And an excess of esters can lead to a headache.

Recipes for the use of oils that stimulate men

The right scent can do wonders!

There are several ways to use essential oils to turn men on. They are added to cosmetic preparations, shampoos,

perfumes, aroma lamps, aroma pendants are used for taking baths or performing erotic massage. Consider these recipes in more detail.

Hair care products

Shampoo and hair conditioner, enriched with odorous ether, will improve the condition of the hair, enveloping them with a light, stimulating aroma.

Aromatization of the room

The exquisite smell in the room is a powerful seductive tool that sets you in an intimate mood. To create a romantic atmosphere in the bedroom, fill it with ethereal fragrance. Light an aroma lamp with 3 drops (per 20 m² of room) of sandalwood ether. Your night of love will be passionate and unforgettable.


Aroma pendants are mostly worn by women. If you fill the accessory with an ethereal aphrodisiac, then a corresponding reaction from the opposite sex will follow. The inviting amazing smell emanating from the pendant will set both partners on a romantic wave.

  • Recipe for an exciting mixture for aromamedallion: 2 drops of rose, ylang-ylang, bergamot, 1 drop of cloves, patchouli.


Take a warm bath with five drops of peppermint oil before meeting your lover. Your body will become velvety and acquire a delicious aroma. For a bath (200 liters), one of the compositions is perfect:

  • 4 drops of ylang-ylang, 2 drops of cloves and geraniums, 1 drop of lemon;
  • 5 drops of rose, 3 - geranium, 2 - any citrus extract;
  • 3 drops of patchouli and ginger, 2 drops of geranium and orange.


Massage is the most effective aphrodisiac, the perfect prelude to intimacy. The successful combination of aphrodisiac oil with the smell of a clean body gives an amazing aroma. With languid, unhurried movements, knead and stroke your partner's body using one of the above aroma oils.

You will be happy with the result!

If you want to make your intimate life brighter - find that fragrant ensemble that will excite you both.


Add a “dewdrop” of fragrant oil to your perfume to attract men - an alluring smell will envelop you with a magical plume and will surely attract a representative of the opposite sex.


When using any phytoessence, it must be remembered that this is a rather aggressive bioactive substance. Some oils can damage upholstery or clothing, leaving stains on them.

Tips for using aromatic compounds:

  • First you need to check with your partner if he has allergies. Otherwise, an idyllic evening may end in the hospital.
  • It is not recommended to mix 6 or more different oils, as well as apply pure esters to the body (should be added to base oils or cosmetic preparations).
  • Do not increase the dosage. More doesn't mean better!
  • After three weeks of use, it is recommended to take a ten-day break.
  • Do not use undiluted aphrodisiac oil, as it can burn the mucous membrane, cause dizziness, nausea, and a rash.
  • Esters should be added to base oils.
  • Keep oils out of the reach of children.

Using high-quality oils from trusted manufacturers, you will get incomparable pleasure and amazing effect. Thus, with the right choice and use of aphrodisiacs, your love relationship will become more vibrant and harmonious.

Be desirable, sexy and happy!

Various substances that stimulate sexual desire are aphrodisiacs. They have such an effect due to the special ratio of constituent components, minerals, vitamins or aromas. In addition to products that stimulate sexual desire, there are aphrodisiac oils. When certain odors are inhaled, receptors in the cerebral cortex are activated. They begin to produce hormones and substances that provoke certain feelings. So, aphrodisiac essential oils cause arousal, sexual desire and emancipation in men.

Properties of essential oils - aphrodisiacs

If you decide to choose aphrodisiac oils to attract men, then you need to take into account the properties of a particular remedy. There are men's and women's fragrances. But this does not mean that only the smells of the same accessory should be used in an aromatic composition for the opposite sex. Thus, the use of droplets with male notes in a female composition will both attract a man and give him confidence in his abilities.

When choosing aphrodisiac oils, the list of which is presented below, it is worth considering their properties:

  1. The most powerful aphrodisiac is ylang-ylang. It is suitable for attracting both genders. He will give confidence to the stronger sex, increase potency, and allow a woman to be liberated and become feminine.
  2. No less strongly to attract the opposite sex can be with the help of bergamot. It excites the imagination, relaxes and gives confidence at the same time. The aroma pushes for decisive action.
  3. Many aromatic aphrodisiacs for men contain vetiver. It adds decisiveness, confidence and promotes emancipation.
  4. Carnation should be added to this list, because it enhances tactile sensuality.
  5. Patchouli excites and stimulates the activity of the nervous system.
  6. By inhalation ginger oil sexual desire increases, mood rises, blood circulation improves. This oil is recommended to be used as an aphrodisiac in Kamastura.
  7. Cinnamon will help the stronger sex get rid of erectile dysfunction and increase libido.
  8. Although rose oil is considered a feminine fragrance, it should be classified as a product for men, because these aphrodisiac aromatic oils increase sensuality.

Essential oils of aphrozodiac affect the psyche in different ways, therefore, when choosing an aromatic composition, it is worth considering the features of their impact:

  • rose, ginger, clove, geranium and cinnamon stimulate;
  • patchouli and ylang-ylang give relaxation;
  • geranium, rose, carnation and bergamot give strength;
  • to improve mood, it is useful to inhale the aromas of ylang-ylang, bergamot and geranium;
  • enhance sexual desire vetiver, bergamot, ginger, ylang-ylang, patchouli;
  • cinnamon and ylang-ylang will give you confidence.

Recipes for the use of oils that stimulate men

If you decide to use an aphrodisiac essential oil, what aromas to use to increase sexual desire in men, we have described above. Now let's talk about the use of aromatic aphrodisiacs. There are several ways to use them:

  • while taking a bath;
  • in aroma lamp;
  • for massage;
  • in aromakulon;
  • can be added to shower gels and other cosmetics.

For use in an aroma lamp, prepare one of the following oil blends:

  1. For mutual attraction and passionate tenderness, you will need two drops of patchouli, ylang-ylang and orange, as well as one drop of sandalwood.
  2. To enhance desire, 2 drops of jasmine and geranium, 3 of rose, 4 of ylang-ylang (maybe a little more) are dripped into the aroma lamp.
  3. A mixture of two drops of rosewood and sensual ylang, one drop of lemon and three drops of patchouli will help you tune in to sex.

Advice! Use purified oils that are sold in pharmacies. Six drops of aromatic mixture are enough for 20 m².

To take an aroma bath with aphrodisiacs, the oily mixture is dripped onto sea salt, which is then dissolved in a warm bath (water not hotter than 40 ° C). In order for the composition to be well absorbed into the salt, it is kept before use for at least three days, shaking from time to time. For the bath, the following products are suitable:

  • juniper;
  • neroli;
  • cedar;
  • jasmine;
  • geranium;
  • sandalwood;
  • nutmeg;
  • myrrh;
  • rose;
  • ylang.

To prepare massage oil, aroma oils are added drop by drop to the usual base composition (preferably odorless). You can choose only two types and add a couple of drops or use a complex mixture. The prepared product is stored in a dark glass bottle. You can use the following aphrodisiac scents to attract men and heighten sensuality:

  1. For 20 milliliters of the base composition, two drops of patchouli, lemon, ylang and cedar are added.
  2. For the same amount of base, take 1 to ylang and four drops of orange.


Aphrodisiacs and oils for men should be used with caution, adhering to the following rules:

  • undiluted product sometimes causes burns;
  • any aromatic agent is a strong allergen, therefore, an allergy test is carried out before its use;
  • do not exceed the recommended dosage (if necessary, you can extend the time of use);
  • with regular use for more than three weeks, it is recommended to take weekly breaks;
  • Do not mix more than five fragrances in one composition.

Certain products have their own contraindications, which should also be considered:

  1. Ylang-ylang increases blood pressure, so hypertensive patients should not use it.
  2. If the composition with bergamot was applied to the skin, then sunbathing is allowed only after two hours.
  3. Clove product is contraindicated for diabetics.
  4. With gastric pathologies, you should not inhale the aromas of patchouli. Also, you can not use this tool for massage.
  5. Ginger is not recommended for use in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, hypertension and fever.

If, after using any aromatic aphrodisiac, discomfort, headache, dizziness, insomnia or drowsiness appear, then its use should be abandoned. It is better to use one-component products or compositions of two oils. So it will be easier for you to identify the product that provokes the deterioration.

How to conquer a man? Why sometimes unremarkable women so easily attract the attention of men and have many admirers?

In a relationship with a man, smells are of great importance. Biochemical studies have shown that the skin and genitals secrete volatile substances - pheromones that awaken sexual desire. At the level of consciousness, we do not perceive pheromones as a certain smell, but we feel sexual arousal.

Love begins with the nose! Closer to the tip of the nose is the "vomeronasal organ". This organ is able to capture pheromones that are inaccessible to our sense of smell. When we communicate with the opposite sex, the smell coming through the “vomeronasal organ” is converted into nerve impulses in the hypothalamus, which leads to changes in the biochemical processes in the body. In men, the amount of testosterone increases, and in women, estrogen. There is a feeling of falling in love, we feel attraction or what we call “chemistry”.

Smell is a powerful weapon, it works on an unconscious level. Each person has their own unique smell, depending on the state of the immune and hormonal systems. Sometimes a man cannot understand why this particular woman attracts him so much. Next to her, he feels active as never before, full of desires! He is simply captivated by her! He can go crazy from the smell of a woman, constantly returning thoughts to her against his will. It has been established that men react stronger and faster than women to the smell of pheromones.

Human pheromones are not stable and their molecules are volatile. Biochemistry is not yet able to recreate them artificially. In perfumery, pheromones of animal origin, artificial chemical compounds and natural plant aphrodisiacs are mainly used.

A woman should take care of her smell as carefully as her appearance. To do this, you need to know about aphrodisiacs. Aphrodisiacs are fragrances of love, named after the Greek goddess of love, Aphrodite. According to legend, Aphrodite wore a belt that exuded a love scent that drove mortals and gods crazy. To seduce Zeus, Hera used the wonderful girdle of Aphrodite.

Since ancient times, it has been known that some essential oils have aphrodisiac properties. Modern research has established that some components of essential oils have a hormone-like structure. They contain pheromones that can affect the pituitary gland, causing the production of endorphins - hormones of pleasure. Endorphins exacerbate sexual desires and have an analgesic effect.

Natural aphrodisiacs, in addition to stimulating the senses, have a positive effect on the nervous and endocrine systems, relieve psycho-emotional stress, replenish our vital energy and improve metabolism.

There is a set of essential oils recognized as aphrodisiacs:

jasmine - feminine fragrance, enhances sensuality, attraction, is widely used in women's perfumes;
geranium - restores sexual strength, improves mood;
neroli oil (bitter orange flowers) - relieves emotional and nervous tension, in combination with rose and jasmine enhances sensuality;
rose is the queen of smells, soothes, helps to awaken the senses and the formation of the hormone of pleasure, endorphin;
ylang-ylang - relieves emotional stress, enhances attraction, increases potency;
bitter almonds - has a tonic effect, improves mood;
bergamot - also improves mood, gives sharpness to sensations, is used for erotic massage;
juniper - enhances sexual activity, is used in a mixture with other oils for erotic massage;
patchouli oil - relieves tension, enhances sensuality, potency;
rosemary - relieves muscle tension, enhances and prolongs sensual emotions;>
lavender - promotes sexual desire, is used for erotic massage;
cypress - relieves stress, enhances the sensuality and potency of men;
thyme (oregano) - tones, promotes emancipation, enhances sexuality;
cedar - enhances the sharpness of sensations, also contributes to liberation;
cinnamon is a strong stimulant, restores the potency of men, enhances sensuality in women;
sandalwood - makes men attractive and desirable for women, a note of many men's fragrances, enhances sensuality in women;
nutmeg - has a stimulating effect, enhances attraction.

For each person, an aphrodisiac will be a specific set of aromas.

Aphrodisiacs enter the body through the breath and skin. For dates, women can use perfumes, which include natural aphrodisiac fragrances, for example: jasmine, rose, sandalwood. For a romantic evening, an aroma lamp is suitable. A few drops of suitable oil in the lamp will create a special atmosphere, and this evening will remain in your memory for a long time. Lovers can include a massage with aphrodisiac oils in their courtship rituals. The most important thing here is to determine which flavor has the strongest effect on the partner.

Sexologists state that a man stays with the woman to whom he feels a strong, lasting attraction. Knowing about the properties of aphrodisiacs, it would be wise to take them into service.

Good luck and see you soon on the pages!

Aphrodisiacs are substances that enhance sexual desire and promote sexual activity. The word "aphrodisiac" itself comes from the Greek "aphrodisia" - "sexual desire". And the term "aphrodisia", according to legend, is formed on behalf of the Greek goddess of love and beauty, Aphrodite. Since ancient times, people have been looking for means that could enhance erotic arousal and make sex life brighter.Smell is an easy way to create a romantic mood, and can be used as a perfume or spread around the room.

Considered aphrodisiacs, aromatic oils are substances that can help you relax and gain physical, psychological, or emotional satisfaction. Aromatic oils - aphrodisiacs can help to cope with physical ailment, reduce stress, find peace, get rid of anxiety, energize the body and mind, cheer up, get rid of depression. Attracting the opposite sex with the help of smells is inherent in nature, and man has developed and strengthened love aromas.The traditions of all peoples of the world include various love spells and love potions. In marriage rituals, various aromatic plants have always been used to help lovers overcome stiffness, excitement, enhance intuition and erotic fantasies.Over time, people learned to isolate odorous substances from plants - aphrodisiacs, called essential oils or aroma oils. And it became possible to use the smells of plants that we may never have seen, we just know about their properties ...

Bergamot- beckons and relaxes, excites and awakens the fantasy.

Carnation- makes the body sensitive, capable of a bright and prolonged orgasm.

Geranium- predominantly female oil, for an adult and experienced woman, tired of routine relationships.

- a magnificent female oil that allows a woman to feel her attractiveness and experience the pleasure of intimacy.

- traditional erotic oil, makes it possible to guess and fulfill the most intimate desires of a partner; increases the potency of a man and the susceptibility of a woman.

Ginger- male oil that enhances potency, warms, excites, gives determination and self-confidence.

Cedar- gives freshness to relationships, prolongs the time of a love game.

Cypress- tonic oil for older men, gives a feeling of endurance, enhances sensitivity.

Cinnamon- a wonderful erotic oil, many times increases the supply of energy, warms, brings fantasy into relationships, allows you to feel the magic of touch, and also increases potency.

Marjoram- male oil, which helps a man to be tactful and skillful, feeling his partner, increases the flexibility of the spine and the sensitivity of erogenous zones.

Myrrh- female oil that helps a woman get rid of selfishness and be able to bring herself as a gift, which is so appreciated by men.

Muscat- enhances the desires and feelings of people, helps to feel each other better.

Juniper- makes relationships natural, strengthens male power, allows for multiple sexual contacts.

- passionate oil, enhances potency and sensuality, allows you to experience long-term pleasure.

- the oldest erotic oil, enhances potency and sensitivity, makes it possible to enjoy every minute, promotes rejuvenation and disclosure in a love game.

Fir- tones up, helps a woman to feel protection in the hands of a man, and a man to gain confidence in his abilities.

- oil for the young and inexperienced, gives a reverent attitude towards a partner, it can be the oil of the first night, which will be remembered for a lifetime.

Rosemary- tones, enhances susceptibility, attracts and promotes the repetition of erotic contacts.

- a male oil that increases potency, from which women go crazy, increases sensitivity, makes a man irresistible, and a woman the most desirable.

Too heavy or sweet smell of erotic oils (ylang-ylang, patchouli, nutmeg, ginger) can be softened with essential oils with a fresher scent - lemon, mandarin, lavender.

Compared to pure essential oils, aroma essences from a mixture of oils have even more pronounced properties that help enhance sensuality and potency, extend the time of love play and body contact, and make sensations unique.

Several recipes for aromatic mixtures that will enhance the sensations, enrich the love game.

The amount of essential oils is given based on 30 ml of base oil (almond, apricot, avocado oil). Apply to the skin in the same places where perfume is usually applied about half an hour before an appointment.

During this time, the aroma of essential oils will open, mix with the skin's own unique smell, and will sound most harmonious.

A mixture that enhances the desire of a man:

6 drops
4 drops of cedar,
2 drops
2 drops.

Mixture that increases the sensitivity of a woman:

4 drops
4 drops
2 drops
2 drops of bergamot

Aphrodite Blend:

3 drops
3 drops of rose
2 drops
2 drops of muscat.

Winner Blend:

3 drops of ginger
3 drops
3 drops of bergamot
2 drops of cinnamon.

Tonic Blend:

3 drops juniper
2 drops of cedar
2 drops marjoram.

A mixture of tender feelings:

4 drops
3 drops
2 drops of bergamot
2 drops mint.

To increase sexual desire. As a base, use a mixture of natural vegetable oils Avocado and Pistachio in equal proportions (1: 1)

Take these essential oils erotic action:

Essential oil of rosewood - 15 drops;

Essential oil - 15 drops;
Essential oil - 15 drops;
Essential oil - 15 drops.

Dissolve essential oils in 100 ml of the base and use the mixture for erotic massage, apply the resulting mixture after a shower on a wet body and rub until completely absorbed (1 tablespoon) or take a bath - 20 minutes (after dissolving 1 tablespoon of the mixture in the emulsifier: cream, honey or salt).

To increase female sexuality and attractiveness. As a base, use a mixture of natural vegetable oils Jojoba and Wheat Germ in equal proportions (1:1).

Geranium essential oil - 15 drops;
Essential oil - 15 drops;
Essential oil - 10 drops;
Verbena essential oil - 15 drops.

To enhance female sensuality. As a base, use a mixture of natural vegetable oils Pistachio and Wheat Germ in equal proportions (1:1).

Take these essential oils of erotic action:

Essential oil - 15 drops;
Essential oil of clary sage - 15 drops;
Essential oil - 15 drops.

Dissolve the mixture of essential oils in 100 ml of the base and use the mixture for erotic massage, apply the resulting mixture after a shower on a wet body and rub until completely absorbed (1 tablespoon) or take a bath - 20 minutes (after dissolving 1 tablespoon of the mixture in the emulsifier : cream, honey or salt).

Aphrodisiac oils can be divided into three groups:
1. Soothing and softening. They remove tension from relationships, relieve anxiety, anxiety about various problems, and help to relax. For example, rose, clary sage, lavender.
2. Stimulants. These oils must be used very carefully. These include black pepper, cardamom, cedar, cinnamon.
3. Oils that have a hormonal effect. These include , .

How you can use essential oils to create a romantic and sensual atmosphere:

1. To fill the air with aroma, you can light an aroma lamp. If you want to light candles, then wait until the wax melts and, without touching the wick, apply 1-2 drops of essential oil to it. Do not overdo it, the smell should not be sharp, otherwise you can get the opposite effect to the expected one.
2. To scent bed linen, you can simply spray the sheets from a spray bottle with water and a few drops of essential oil. You can also add a bowl of water with 4 drops of essential oil before the last spin when washing in a machine. In a simple machine, essential oil can be added before the final rinse.
3. Put 5-6 drops of oil on a cotton ball and put it in a small plastic bag with tiny holes and hang this bag in the closet. Your clothes will also be saturated with this fragrance.
4. In order for your skin to exude a sensual fragrance, you can take an aroma bath or massage with selected oils.

A woman should always be the most beloved and attractive to her man. And it is not discussed. An aphrodisiac to attract men will help a lady become the first beauty in the world.

One of the most powerful aphrodisiacs is fragrance. Suffice it to recall how sometimes we have to pay attention to the pleasant smell emanating from a woman in public transport.

Aphrodisiac to Attract Men: Effective Aromatherapy

And all because the smell affects the subconscious and men completely lose their heads. Aromatherapy, that is, the effect of smells on the body, dates back to ancient times. Back in the 1st century BC, the ancient Egyptian queen Cleopatra forced the ship of the Roman commander Anthony to turn for her.

And the secret was that Cleopatra's ship emitted a mind-numbing smell: it was a mixture of cardamom, cinnamon and rose. So the legend goes, but every legend has some truth to it.

Several scents can be used as aromatherapy products. Cinnamon in its chemical composition is close to our pheromones. The spice can also be added to food.

Frankincense and myrrh are ecclesiastical fragrances. They awaken our desire for sex. Vanilla is added to food and drinks, it primarily attracts mature men.

The smell of lavender creates a romantic atmosphere, calms the nervous system and tunes in to intimacy. In addition to aromatherapy, special baths with the addition of essential oils will help attract a man.

Relaxing baths

Essential oils for a long time they will retain their intoxicating smell, which will beckon a man after a woman. These drugs include anise, sandalwood, fennel, rosemary, jasmine, ylang-ylang, rose, lavender, carnation.

Baths with essential oils can be taken both by yourself and with a man. The amount of oil should not be large, because otherwise a heavy and stuffy smell appears.

Enough for a whole bath 15-20 drops any essential oil. But you can also mix them. These substances are quickly absorbed by the skin and penetrate the lymphatic system. Then they are distributed throughout the body.

How to increase the effectiveness of such an aphrodisiac?

By themselves, essential oils do not dissolve in water, because they are volatile substances. To dissolve, you need to use a diluent, the most affordable of which is bath foam. After taking a bath, your body will exude a pleasant smell of essential oil, driving men crazy.

A man must be fed

Another good aphrodisiac to attract men is food. As the saying goes, the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. Make your loved one a delicious aphrodisiac food dinner.

The most exciting are seafood - oysters, mussels, squid, shrimp and others. They have a lot of zinc, and this trace element is one of the foundations of sexual desire.

Other foods for sex include fruits and vegetables, chocolate, garlic, onions, dairy products, ginger. But you don’t need to immediately feed your betrothed with all these food pathogens, because you will not get a night of passion, but torment with digestion.

Love is the best aphrodisiac for everyone

As you can see, you can choose a different aphrodisiac to attract a man. Perhaps the most effective will be a truly loving woman, to whom any man will always strive.