Sad love stories. Mean male tears or the lost love of a ladies' man. Sad love story

Phone call. 2am.

- Hello. I love you.

- Hi (smiles).

- How are you without me? Sorry it's so late...

- Never mind. Leshka, I missed you so much, when will you arrive?

- The sun, there is just a little bit left, just a couple of hours and I'm at home. Let's talk, otherwise I've been driving for 10 hours, I'm tired, I have no strength, and your voice invigorates me and gives me strength.

- Of course, let's talk. Come on, tell me how your business trip ended? Cheated on me, probably (smiles)?

- Lyubanya, how can you joke like that, I love you so much that I don’t even look at anyone. And at work I managed to do a lot, a lot. I am sure that after all this I will at least raise my salary. Here. And how do you feel? Is our baby pushing?

- Pushing ... this is not enough to say, I don’t understand what I did to him. And, you know, usually, when I hear your voice, it is calmness itself, but now something, on the contrary, has dispersed. Why did you decide to go into the night? I would have rested, but I was driving, otherwise ... Tell me how you left.

- Well, how, how: after the last negotiations, I got into the car, drove to the hotel for things and moved towards the house. Somewhere in the second half of the journey, an hour and a half ago, don't worry, I switched off, but just for a couple of seconds. Everything is fine, thank God, but feeling tired again, I decided to call you so as not to fall asleep again.

“So how can I not worry? Wait a second, the city is calling. At a time like this, who could it be? Wait a second.

- Sotnikova Love?

- Yes. Who is this?

- Senior Sergeant Klimov. Sorry it's so late, we found a car that was in an accident. According to the documents, the person inside is Aleksey Valeryevich Sotnikov. Is this your husband?

- Yes. But that can't be, I'm just talking to him on my cell phone right now.

- Hello, Lyosha. Lyosha, answer! They tell me that you've crashed. Hello! In response, only a slightly audible hiss of the speaker.

- Ale. I'm sorry, but I actually just talked to him.

“Sorry, but that's not possible. The medical expert stated that death occurred about an hour and a half ago. I'm really sorry. Excuse me, we need you to come for identification. How much you need to love and want to return home in order not to notice death ...

Every April 15, she and her son visit him at the cemetery. Alyoshka is an exact copy of his father. And he often says: "Hi, I love you" - this was his dad's favorite expression. He knows that his parents loved each other very much, he knows that his parents were looking forward to his appearance, he loves them very much. And also, every time he comes to the cemetery with his mother, he approaches the stove, hugs it as much as he can and says: “Hi, dad” and starts telling how he is doing, how he built a house out of cubes, how he drew a cat, how he scored his the first goal, as he loves and helps his mother. Luba constantly, looking at her son, smiles and tears run down her cheek ... A young handsome guy smiles from a gray gravestone, as before. He will always be 23 years old. Thanks to the master, who even conveyed the expression of his beloved eyes. From below, she asked to make an inscription: “You left forever, but not from my heart ...” His cell phone was never found at the scene of the accident and she expects that someday he will definitely call her again ..


We broke up. So it happened.
What can we say, when it can be equated with death.
The person has left your life. And there will be no more, no longer wants ... imagine he finds a new love,
and you sit and understand that you made plans, that you loved to the ends of your hair.
And comes..

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Vegans, don't climb mountains!

Two climbers from the Netherlands and Australia have summited the world's highest Mount Everest and died on the descent due to altitude sickness, reports the Associated Press.

Both climbers were in the same group. 35 year old Eric A..

He hated his wife

A strong love story that will not leave you indifferent...

He hated his wife. Hated! They lived together for 20 years. For the whole 20 years of his life, he saw her every day in the morning, but only the last year her habits began to irritate him wildly. Especially one of them: stretch out your arms and, while still in bed, say: “Hello to ..

Very sad story

A girl (15 years old) was bought a horse. She loved her, looked after her, fed her. The horse was trained to jump up to 150 cm.
Once they went to training with their horse. The girl put an obstacle And went to him ...
The horse jumped perfectly with a huge margin .....

Doctors don't always help...

Mom, without stopping, wrapped him in bandages while the baby screamed in agony. Seeing the boy a year later, the world refused to believe.

A year ago, thirty-five-year-old Stephanie Smith had a son, Isaiah. When the baby was born, her whole life was filled with love. For days on end, mother and son spent together, rejoicing at each other. Od..

You never got married

I heard about a man who avoided marriage all his life, and when he was dying at the age of ninety, someone asked him:
You never married, but you never said why. Now, standing on the threshold of death, satisfy our curiosity. If there is some secret, at least now reveal it - after all, you are dying, leaving this world. Even..

I want to tell the sad story of my love. My story includes all sorts of details, so if you are too lazy to read, then don’t read it ... I just want to speak out, not to my girlfriend, to anyone .. but here, now .. just write about it. So…

Once upon a time, almost 4 years ago, I met a guy ... We fell in love with each other very much. We were just crazy in love. We could not live without each other even a day, he loved me like no one else did. I loved him the way no one loved him. We breathed this love, we lived it. We were happy.. we were very happy! There were no halves.. We were one! Soon we began to live together. We were always there ... I liked him to cook and even he liked to cook for me.

I never thought that it happens like this .. that it can all be so alive, so real. He was the closest, dearest, only, beloved. Eh ... for a long time you can describe everything that I felt, everything that he felt, that we felt together. But you know how it happens ... we were together 24 hours a day, 7 days a week ... every day and we missed each other, despite such closeness, we constantly missed us. Over time, you begin to realize that something bright is missing in your life.

You know, when this period passes, euphoria and you are already so used to a person that it seems to you that he will not go anywhere, here he is next to you ... it should be so, but how else .. he is with you for almost 4 years, you became attached to him, very much, too much .. and he simply cannot help but be around. And he--he feels the same, he thinks the same. And then you start to hate him... hate him for all sorts of stupid reasons.

Because he sits at the computer, because he watches TV, because he doesn’t give you flowers, because he doesn’t want to go for a walk ... and I’m generally afraid to remember money issues. And he--he also hated me. You can not imagine the most terrible this love that turned into hatred! And now being alone in this apartment in which we lived for 4 years, only now I understand how stupid it is, it's just ridiculous, what have we done, what have we turned us into and where is this happiness?

We broke up a little over 2 months ago. It happened when it all became unbearable. When not seeing each other for a whole day, we already started to quarrel from the doorway. Just because of some little things that were worth nothing in this life. In the last month of our relationship, it was clear to both of us that this would all be over soon. When we sat in the evenings in different corners, each doing his own thing, on his own wave, but we had one atmosphere.

The atmosphere of negativity that filled us, that was already flowing through our veins. Then I signed up for dancing in order to somehow distract myself, diversify my life, and indeed I wanted to for a long time and thought that it was just the right time. And somehow I got very involved in them, that I didn’t really care what was happening between us, that our relationship was dying.

I had a new environment, all our mutual friends became of little interest to me. I was all about dancing. I'm just a fan. And this happens to everyone ... you understand that there is no longer any sense when you do not even try to fix something, when you see that he does not do anything for this either. That he doesn't care, that he doesn't care either.

Before, we tried to sort things out. And then they were simply blown away, and probably both he and I had already lost strength ... we no longer had the strength or desire to change anything. This moment has come ... the last straw, his last cry, and it was like I was hit in the head .. so sharply.

I told him that we need to talk. It was my initiative .. I said that I don’t want anything else, that I want to leave ... he said that he had been thinking about it for a week now. A long conversation, tears, lump, sediment ... and nothing more, the next day he moved out. It's hard... yes it was hard. And of course you understand. We broke up, but we still had common problems that we needed to solve. We continued to swear, all because of these problems, which are now worth nothing.

Then we started talking, I just don’t know how, you can’t call friends, acquaintances either. He just sometimes came, drank tea, talked about everything. About work, about dancing, about everything but not about us. We just talked. I found a new job, I have new friends, dancing, I only came home to sleep. I was fine and so was he. I no longer suffered and did not want to return to him. He also reconciled. This is how 2 months passed.

And then a situation occurs that killed me, killed me and everything that was left alive in me. His brother calls me and offers to meet and discuss something. I didn’t have a second thought, because I communicated normally with his brother and didn’t even pay attention that he had recently begun to write to me on VKontakte very often.

We meet and he starts ... - You see, I treat you very well, I don’t like everything that happens, I’m afraid that everything will go too far and therefore I want to tell you everything .. He found another. He found her 10 days after you broke up.

“I know you don’t like to hear all this now, but I decided that you should know everything.” And he really likes her, her photo is on his desktop, he takes care of her like that .. they constantly see each other. And as soon as he said to me, the first two words - he has a different one, it was like a bomb exploded in my chest. I can't adequately describe how much it hurt. This is very painful. It's cruel. And I broke... I was killed, I was destroyed. For two nights I sobbed in bed without getting up.

Two days was killed at work. How bad it was. How this com pressed me. Just destroyed. I realized that I still love him, that I can’t live, breathe without this person, that I need him ... that he is my everything. And at the same time, I hated him now because he forgot me so quickly and found a replacement. It's hard to write about this..

And a few days later my girlfriend calls me, she is our mutual girlfriend .. and after talking with her. I felt like I was down to earth. A stone fell from my soul, although I did not fully believe this whole story. She told me that she had a heart-to-heart talk with him. And that this brother of his, invented everything ... there is nothing of this. That he appreciates me and what was between us. That he really loved me, that he was happy with me and now remembers only good things. Well.. it always is..

And with his brother, they quarreled very strongly and I don’t know for what purpose, somehow to annoy him, he decided to come up with just such a story. I don’t know where the truth really is ... but I don’t think that a guy could fall in love with another like this in a week and forget everything that happened between us.

He loved me very much ... and was ready for anything for me. He once saved my life .. but I will not talk about that. I don't know.. really... yes, I felt better after talking with my girlfriend, a little easier.. but from that moment, after his brother's call, everything in my life went downhill. He seemed to destroy my peace, or ... I don’t know what to call it .. but I really felt good. I even got used to it already without him ... it was easy for me. And he broke everything.

And every day after that, just killed me. I lost my job, I lost people who were close to me ... Everyone around was cruel to me, everyone accused me of something .. every day they just finished me off. And you know ... the biggest loss happened quite recently, I lost him for the second time, I lost him forever! He will never come back to me...

It was raining, I was going to the dance.. broken, completely killed, destroyed, crushed.. I was going to the dance. I didn’t want to do anything, not to dance, not to see the people I wanted to see all the time .. but I knew that now I simply have to go there, through force, through myself ... I simply have to go, not to think about anything, about anyone , just dance .. dance and nothing more. And I was able ... I suppressed everything, all weakness, I was able ... I danced, yes ... but for the first time it was so disgusting for me, I wanted to kill everyone who was there, I was sick of everyone, I wanted to run away from there! How so ... after all, I can’t live without it anymore ... dancing is my everything, but I was sick of everything.

And in the locker room, I just couldn’t stand this pressure in my chest, I broke down completely .. I called him, why .. how could I .. I called him and offered to see him ... I really needed to talk to him! After all, he is the person to whom I could tell everything, absolutely ... I really needed to talk to him.

I wasn't going to return it.. I just wanted to talk. It continued to rain ... no, it was a terrible downpour .. I sat at the bus stop and waited for him. I was waiting for him ... and he came, he sat next to me, lit a cigarette and was silent, and I did not say anything ... and we just sat and were silent for several minutes. I tried to say something, but as if I had taken water in my mouth .. I didn’t know where to start.

Then he said - so we will be silent? And I immediately felt cruelty ... cruelty in his voice, in words, cruelty inside him ... cruelty and composure. He continued to say something, and in his every word there was dryness and indifference. He said that it was easier for him to live that way, that it was necessary, and that he advised me the same. Some kind of horror.

Then I spoke .. I talked for a long time and cried about what was happening in my life .. I could no longer hold on ... I was as if defeated, I cried all the time, it was raining and it was getting dark, I did not take off my sunglasses ... it was already dark and I did not take them off ... there was a terrible pain under them. But he remained cruel and said that tears were not needed.

And I just started to choke, my head hurt ... my whole face was swollen, I probably looked very sorry ... but I didn’t care. And at some point he could no longer hold on and hugged me. So tightly and hugged, pressed to himself - well, what are you ... everything will be fine, stop it. He hugged me and stroked my hair, and then there was some clouding of reason. I didn't want to say it... it wasn't me anymore. I just couldn't be stopped!

- “I love you, we can fix everything, we did stupid things ... I need you, I need you, I know .. you feel bad too, come back to me, we can fix everything, we wanted a wedding, a family, children ... You told me that I'm for life! Let's just forgive each other for everything now .. and start from a new leaf, change, do everything to save us!

When he began to speak, I did not believe a single word of his - “I’m sorry, yes ... I felt bad, I had depression, I didn’t know how to live ... but I suppressed all my feelings, I don’t love you anymore, there’s nothing to save, I do not love you!" I didn't want to believe it.. I didn't believe it.. I didn't believe that in 2 months you can forget 4 years of relationship! But he continued to say: “I treat you well, I appreciate you as a little man, I loved you and was happy with you! And I thank you for this time!”

I could not calm down, he hugged me and said these words .. words that destroyed me from the inside, that killed me in me. Who devoured me and left nothing in me! It doesn’t happen like that ... it doesn’t happen like that ... he loved me, he loved me very much, he was ready for anything for me ... And now he says: “I don’t feel anything now, I’m sorry, but I’m sincere with you.”

And then there was nothing left in me .. I got up and went .. I don’t know where, why, but he followed me and said something else. I remember that he said that he offended me very much, and that I probably would not communicate with him again. I remember that he would like to be my friend or not communicate at all, but not be enemies ...

And the downpour continued to go, and I didn’t see anything, I walked through the mud through the puddles, and he followed me ... I stopped somewhere, he asked me to go home, let me go, and I just stood there and slowly died ... It was death, the real one .. I was no more. Then I turned around and told him for the last time how much I needed him ... and he said "I'm sorry" and left.

He left... just left, leaving me alone in this state, at night, in the rain on the street... alone. How could he? Once he was afraid to let me out two meters into the store at night, he was very afraid for me .. and now he left me there and left ... leaving nothing behind. I don't know how long I stood there.. what I felt was death... really... death... I was killed, I'm no longer alive.

For a week I couldn’t move away, didn’t eat, didn’t sleep, scored on everything ... then I was fired from work ... I don’t have the strength to dance ... I’m not just energetically squeezed out, I’m no longer alive. How can I come to terms with this and move on, I have no idea. I do not want anything…

I could not understand how he could leave me there alone ... after he saved my life once. I couldn't believe it. And I got it into my head ... that such is not forgiven, that I hate him for it, although in reality ... everything is not so. And yesterday I found out that he followed me to the very entrance, until he was convinced that I had gone home. A friend told me about it, he asked me not to talk about it, but you know .. this is a girlfriend .. and I got even worse, I was drawn to him even more .. but nothing more will happen .. I died ..

post is death...

Death. . .

Today I saw "death"... It was real... the most cruel and cold-blooded. The death of something real, something alive.. it was a murder... Someone was killed.. maybe it was me.. I don't know... maybe now I'm gone. It's probably not me now. It happens… it happens all of a sudden, when you don’t expect a blow at all, when you stand firmly on your feet and feel confident, confident in yourself and your strengths! And then just bang ... And you no longer feel anything .. only a sharp pain, muffled by a state of shock and the smell of death.

And then loss of consciousness, clouding of mind ... and you try to restore fragments, words, faces ... But there is fog in your head, you need to remember something important, but there is fog everywhere ... and then it happens that all this rigmarole in your head is no longer makes no sense..

Everything has already been decided for you! We decided that you need to forget everything .. at that very place, at that very moment, just forget and come to terms with some truth that you don’t even remember. Remain the same as you were left in that very place .. at that very moment! And there .. just standing there .. you understand that everything has passed, that everything has really passed .. that now no one cares about your safety. And you continue to stand there and kill in yourself all the weakness, all the fears, all the pain and all the insults ...

You kill all the feelings in yourself, all this fucking anomaly ... You kill yourself in yourself .. Probably, this is how we become cruel. But what then, excuse me, is the price of these feelings, which are suppressed by the desire to be cold-blooded?

It was very difficult to tell ... as if I experienced it all over again ...

1. “My husband sometimes talks in his sleep.
Late one evening I am reading a book in bed, my husband is already asleep, and then I hear that he is having a funny dialogue with someone: “I love her very much. Everyone would like a wife like mine. Only you, fucking, don’t even look in her direction!
However, I successfully married))

2. “I am a year older than my husband. When we met, we were teenagers and this difference seemed big, so we were just friends. We realized that we were made for each other when we saved each other's lives within a week. First, in the recreation area, the boys, not knowing that he could not swim, pushed him into the pool. He began to sink, and I jumped after him and pulled him out. Barely pumped out. Five days later we were on the bus, I was sitting, he was standing. A truck crashed into us, and he managed to pull me out of place. Broke his arm, but saved his life."

3. “I am a tetradophile: I love paper stationery in all its manifestations, but I have the greatest passion for notebooks in a cage with a paper clip and always 48 sheets. There must be a perfect design inside and out. Every time I choose a new favorite for myself, I count the sheets in it, because I'm afraid that she is not "virgin". My girlfriend found me doing this lesson, who had to explain everything, to which she calmly replied that she loves pencils. As a result, we stuck in the bookstore for an hour and a half. Love her. And notebooks.

4. “There lived in our yard one guy who had cerebral palsy. He could walk, but his movements were chaotic, which made a terrible impression on me then. I've always been a little afraid of him. Once, in high school, returning home, I saw how he hobbled towards his wife with the same illness, who met him every day at the entrance. I will never forget the smiles of these people at the moment when they hugged. They found each other and were really happy together."

5. “We have four children, accidentally went two times two. And the wife has a secret place where she sometimes hides from the outside world with the cat - in the closet. I specifically bought her a huge sliding wardrobe, where she arranged a nook for herself with a lamp, pillows and a coffee stand. Now my beloved was admitted to the hospital for all sorts of procedures, and with grief I laid the children in half, I sit in her closet with the cat, inhale my favorite smell and miss me like a kid.

6. “My beloved man is a surgeon. And it just so happened that he did the operation on me. After this action, he comes to me, barely lying on a bed, in the ward, sits down next to me and says: “Darling, you even have cute intestines.” I almost died from emotion there. ”

7. “We are not rich. Enough to pay rent and food. Well, we get dressed barely making ends meet, we save. On this NG I decided to give my husband a gift that he had long dreamed of. It's quite a large amount for us, more than my monthly salary. I saved up for three months - walked, denied myself something. When he took out the box from under the tree, his hands trembled. After a pause, he asked: Credit? Me: No, I hoarded. The first time I saw him shed tears. For the sake of such moments, it is worth living and loving.”

8. “In our city during the warm season, on Sundays, dances are held in the park of culture. Old grandparents go there, my neighbor is a frequenter of the "dance". She is 78, her husband died 15 years ago. I recently received a wedding invitation from her. It turned out that she met her 84-year-old love at the dance. First they danced, and then he called to marry. She says that the strongest love in her life. We think over the tasks for the “bride price” with the whole house and are extremely happy for the neighbor.”

9. “I work in an Italian lingerie store. A guy and a girl came, both about 25 years old. The guy held her hand all the time and talked to me himself - he described the model of panties that he wants for his girlfriend, and made an emphasis on exactly how they should feel to the touch. Soft, lace. And only when I brought different models, I realized that the girl was BLIND. He let her feel the linen, described the color, shape ... all the time affectionately holding her shoulders. In the end, they chose a few models and left. He led the girl by the hand, and she confidently walked beside him, although just five minutes ago she was afraid to move in the store when he briefly let go of her hand. A tall, handsome guy and a blind girl."

10. “By nature, the owner of a mop of jet-black hair and very pale skin, if I brightly paint my eyes, then I look like a real witch. Once I was on the subway to work, an old lady comes in, looks at me and begins to cross herself. I decided to have fun, I started pretending to conjure and loud enough to be heard, speak like Latin and make magical movements with my hands. The guy sitting next to me crossed the chip and began to shake and roll his eyes, saying that he felt that something was moving into him, the grandmother was in shock, I could hardly contain my laughter, people in the car were choking with laughter ... At my station, the boy ran out after me . We have been married for 5 years, at the wedding the first toast was for a superstitious grandmother in the subway!”

11. “Grandfather and grandmother are already about 70. I talked with my grandfather about his youth. Suddenly my grandmother came in and he told me: “Here is my universe!”
My grandpa compliments my grandma better than my boyfriend does me.

12. “I was walking my dog ​​in the courtyard of high-rise buildings, and I saw how one elderly man walked and asked everyone about one woman. He knew about her last name, place of work, about her dog. Everyone brushed aside, and no one wanted to remember this certain woman, but he went and asked, asked. It turned out that this was his first love, he came many years later to his hometown and the first thing he went to find out if she lives in the house in which he first saw her and fell in love. In the end, a couple of guys about 14 years old called this woman. You should have seen their eyes when they met! Love doesn't just disappear!

Touching stories touch to the core, and even the most callous person can be touched by a couple. Sometimes in life there are not enough small, kind experiences from which you can be moved to tears. Our touching stories are selected for this. Stories are taken from the Internet, and only the best ones are published.

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"I stood in line at the store, behind a little grandmother, whose hands were shaking, a lost look, she tightly pressed a small purse to her chest, they saw for sure, so knitted, I saw this several times and she did not have enough 7 rubles to buy, then what she took, bread, milk, cereals, a tiny piece of liverwurst, and the seller spoke very rudely to her, and she stood so lost, I felt so sorry for her, I made a remark to the seller and put 10 rubles on the cash register, but my heart is so quickly began to beat, I took this grandmother by the hand, she looked into my eyes, she didn’t seem to understand why I did it, and I took it and led me to the trading floor, along the way picking up products for her in the basket, everything was just the most necessary, meat, bones for soup, eggs, all sorts of cereals, and she walked silently behind me and everyone looked at us. We got to the fruit and I asked what she likes, my grandmother silently looked at me and batted her eyes. I took a little bit of everything, but I think she will take a long time We went to the checkout, people parted and let us out of the queue, then I realized that I didn’t have much money with me and barely enough for her basket, I left mine in the hall, paid, all this time holding this grandmother by the hand and we left outside. At that moment, I noticed that a tear flowed down my grandmother’s cheek, I asked where she could take her, put her in the car, and she offered to come in for tea. We went to her house, I have never seen anything like this, everything is like a scoop, but it’s cozy, while she was heating tea and putting pies with onions on the table, I looked around and realized how our old people live. After all I got into the car and then I was covered. I cried for 10 minutes...

14.10.2016 2 3929

One day, a father scolded his four-year-old daughter for wasting, as it seemed to him, a large amount of golden wrapping paper, pasting over an empty box in order to put it under the New Year tree.
There was hardly any money.
And because of this, the father was even more nervous.
The next morning, the girl brought her father a box pasted over by her and said:
- Dad, this is for you!
The father was incredibly embarrassed and repented of his intemperance the day before.
However, repentance gave way to a new fit of irritation when, upon opening the box, he saw that it was empty.
"Don't you know that when you give someone a present, there must be something inside?" he shouted to his daughter.
The little girl raised her large, tearful eyes and said:
- It's not empty, daddy. I put my kisses in there. All of them are for you.
From the feelings that flooded over him, his father could not speak.
He only hugged his little girl and begged for forgiveness.
My father told me later that he kept this gold-lined box for many years near his bed.
When difficult moments came in his life, he simply opened it, and then all those kisses that his daughter put there flew out, touching his cheeks, forehead, eyes and hands.

23.08.2016 0 4257

I never thought that I would find myself in a situation from which I could not get out myself. Briefly about myself: I am 28 years old, my husband is 27, we are raising a wonderful son of three years. I grew up in a Ukrainian village, my parents are in good standing there, however, they have been going to work in Russia for five years now. I have been married for four years, but this is not marriage, but hell! When we met, everything was like in a fairy tale: every day flowers, soft toys, kisses until the morning! Then, as always with young people, they fly. But my dear was not afraid and said: give birth. My husband goes on flights, he is a sailor, he makes good money. And now it's time to get acquainted with his unfortunate parents. They didn’t like me right away, they say, a provincial. His parents have been divorced for twenty years, but they communicate with each other. His father never loved his children and was shy: they lived poorly and poorly after the divorce, but his son did well: he got a gigolo with a young rich girl. My parents paid for the wedding, they also rented an apartment for six months, and his parents only shouted all over the town that they arranged a gorgeous wedding for us. My husband had a vacation, he had to return to the sea, and he did not want to leave me alone for a long time in a rented apartment. I moved it to my father-in-law, and then I knew all the torments of hell: she hid food from me, closed the washing machine in the pantry so that I could wash it by hand, turned on the music at full volume, pushed and so on. It's time to give birth, I went at night myself, without waking anyone, and in the morning, lying with the baby in the ward, I listened on the phone, how bad I am, that I didn’t close the vestibule (I don’t have the keys to it). She spent three days in the hospital, no one came. My mother could not get there, because it was January and the roads were very snowy. True, a godfather came to the discharge with flowers and took me away. We returned home, and there the holiday was in full swing! Drunk people I don't know rushed to bathe my son. And we have experienced this too. The husband returned six months later, the baby was three months old. At that time, we were just living in the village with my mother: she came on vacation and took us away. I returned with my husband again to that hell from which I had just escaped. Difficulties have already begun in our relations. True, he helped a lot with the baby: he washed diapers and warmed porridge, they didn’t know any problems with money, since he made good money. And then the pressure from the mother-in-law began to give her $ 200 a month for utilities. My mother-in-law lived in a three-room apartment, I was with a child, my husband and his older brother, who, at the age of 30, did not work anywhere and sat at a computer for days. The husband correctly said that we would all pay equally, so she got furious and kicked us out with the baby on the street, we had to rent an apartment. Two years did not communicate with her at all, and then she called and said that she was in the hospital. We immediately broke down and went. She had a breast tumor, but nothing happened. We paid for the operation and the postoperative period, she was discharged, the husband began to visit his mother often. And then I noticed that, as soon as he stayed with her, he arrived drunk, aggressive. He began to reproach me that it was I who brought his mother to the operation (I wonder how?). Before that, he drank very rarely - he valued his career, and now for a long time he has been turning into a drunk, an aggressive tyrant, raising his hand at me, shouting that I am a kept woman and a beggar (these are the words of his mother). Yesterday a drunk came again, now I'm sitting all in gold, like a Christmas tree, and with a black eye.

02.06.2016 0 1982

When this old man died in a nursing home in a small Australian town, everyone believed that he passed away without leaving any valuable trace in it. Later, when the nurses were sorting through his meager belongings, they discovered this poem. Its meaning and content impressed the staff so much that copies of the poem were quickly distributed to all hospital workers. A nurse took a copy to Melbourne... The old man's only will has since appeared in Christmas magazines all over the country, as well as in psychology magazines. And this old man, who died a beggar in a godforsaken town in Australia, struck people all over the world with the depth of his soul.
Coming in to wake me up in the morning
Who do you see, nurse?
The old man is capricious, out of habit
Still living somehow
Half blind, half fool
"Living" is just right to put in quotation marks.
He does not hear - it is necessary to overstrain,
Wasting food.
He mumbles all the time - there is no way with him.
Well, as much as possible, shut up!
Dropped the plate on the floor.
Where are the shoes? Where is the second sock?
The last fucking hero.
Get off the bed! For you to die...
Sister! Look into my eyes!
Be able to see what...
Behind this weakness and pain,
For the life lived, big.
Behind a moth-eaten jacket
Behind flabby skin, "behind the soul".
Beyond the present day
Try to see me...
... I'm a boy! fidget dear,
Cheerful, slightly mischievous.
I'm scared. I'm five years old at most,
And the carousel is so high!
But father and mother are near,
I glare at them.
And though my fear is indestructible,
I know exactly what we love...
... Here I am sixteen, I'm on fire!
I soar in the clouds with my soul!
I dream, I rejoice, I grieve,
I'm young, I'm looking for love...
... And here it is, my happy moment!
I'm twenty eight. I am the groom!
I go with love to the altar,
And again I burn, I burn, I burn ...
... I'm thirty-five, my family is growing,
We already have sons
Your home, farm. And wife
My daughter is about to give birth...
... And life flies, flies forward!
I'm forty-five - a cycle!
And the children grow by the day.
Toys, school, institute...
All! Flew from the nest
And scattered in all directions!
The run of celestial bodies is slowed down,
Our cozy home is empty...
... But we are together with our beloved!
We lay down together and get up.
She won't let me be sad.
And life flies forward again ...
... Now I'm sixty.
Once again, the children in the house are crying!
Grandchildren have a cheerful round dance.
Oh how happy we are! But here...
... Faded suddenly. Sun light.
My love is no more!
Happiness also has a side...
I went gray in a week
Hungry, soul drooped
And I felt that I was an old man ...
... Now I live without fantasies,
I live for my grandchildren and children.
My world is with me, but every day
Less and less light in it ...
Throwing the cross of old age on your shoulders,
Brad is tired of going nowhere.
The heart was covered with a crust of ice.
And time does not heal my pain.
Oh Lord, how long life is
When she's not happy...
... But this should be reconciled.
Nothing is eternal under the Moon.
And you, leaning over me,
Open your eyes, sister.
I'm not a capricious old man, no!
Beloved husband, father and grandfather...
... and the boy is small, hitherto
In the radiance of a sunny day
Flying into the distance on a carousel...
Try to see me...
And maybe, grieving for me, you will find YOURSELF!
Think of this poem the next time you meet an old
man! And think that sooner or later you too will be like him or her! The best and most beautiful things in this world cannot be
see or touch. They must be felt in the heart!

29.05.2016 0 1799

I had a successful hunt the other day, I easily found the lair of wolves. I immediately shot the she-wolf with a shot, my dog ​​killed two of her puppies. He was already boasting to his wife about his prey, as a wolf howl was heard in the distance, but this time it was somehow unusual. He was saturated with grief and longing.
And in the morning of the next day, although I sleep quite soundly, a roar at the house woke me up, I ran out of the door in what I was. A wild picture appeared before my eyes: at my house, there was a huge wolf. The dog was on a chain, and the chain did not reach, and probably he could not help. And next to him, my daughter stood and merrily played with his tail.
There was nothing I could do to help at that moment, and she did not understand what was in danger. We met the wolf's eyes. "The head of the family of that one" - I immediately understood. And he only whispered with his lips: "Do not touch your daughter, kill me better."
My eyes filled with tears, and my daughter asked: “Dad, what’s wrong with you?” Leaving the wolf's tail, she immediately ran up. He pressed her against him with one hand. And the wolf left, leaving us alone. And did not harm either my daughter or me, For the pain and grief I caused him, for the death of his she-wolf and children.
He took revenge. But he took revenge without bloodshed. He showed that he is stronger than people. He conveyed his feelings of pain to me. And he made it clear that I killed the children ...

09.05.2016 0 1474

This letter from father to son was written by Livingston Larned almost 100 years ago, but it still touches people's hearts to this day. It became popular after Dale Carnegie published it in his book.
“Listen, son. I say these words when you sleep your small hand is under your cheek, and curly blond hair is matted on a damp forehead. I snuck into your room alone. A few minutes ago, as I was sitting in the library reading the newspaper, a heavy wave of remorse washed over me. I came to your bed with the consciousness of my guilt.
That's what I was thinking, son: I took my bad temper out on you. I scolded you when you were getting dressed to go to school because you only touched your face with a wet towel. I chastised you for not cleaning your shoes. I yelled at you angrily when you threw some of your clothes on the floor.
At breakfast, I picked on you too. You spilled your tea. You greedily swallowed food. You put your elbows on the table. You buttered the bread too thickly. And then when you went out to play and I was in a hurry to get on the train, you turned around, waved at me and shouted: "Goodbye, dad!" - I frowned and answered: "Straighten your shoulders!"
Then, at the end of the day, it all started again. On my way home, I noticed you playing marbles on your knees. There were holes in your stockings. I humiliated you in front of your comrades, forcing you to walk home ahead of me. Stockings are expensive - and if you had to buy them with your own money, you would be more careful! Just imagine, son, what your father said!
Do you remember how you then entered the library where I was reading - timidly, with pain in your eyes? When I glanced at you over the top of the paper, irritated at being disturbed, you hesitated at the door. "What do you need?" I asked sharply.
You did not answer, but impetuously rushed to me, hugged my neck and kissed me. Your hands squeezed me with the love that God put in your heart and which even my dismissive attitude could not wither. And then you walked away, treading your feet, up the stairs.
Well, son, soon after that the newspaper slipped out of my hands and a terrible, sickening fear took possession of me. What has habit done to me? The habit of finding fault, scolding - such was my reward to you for being a little boy. You can’t say that I didn’t love you, the whole point is that I expected too much from my youth and measured you by the yardstick of my own years.
And in your character there is so much healthy, beautiful and sincere. Your little heart is as big as the dawn over the distant hills. It manifested itself in your elemental impulse when you rushed to me to kiss me before going to bed. Nothing else matters today, son.
I came to your bed in the dark and, ashamed, I knelt before you! This is a weak atonement. I know you wouldn't understand these things if I told you all this when you woke up. But tomorrow I'll be a real father! I will be your friend, suffer when you suffer and laugh when you laugh. I will bite my tongue when an angry word is about to come out. I will constantly repeat like a spell: "He's only a boy, a little boy!"
I'm afraid I saw you as a grown man in my mind. However, now, when I see you, son, wearily huddled in the crib, I understand that you are still a child. Yesterday you were in your mother's arms and your head lay on her shoulder. I demanded too much, too much."