How to keep the youthfulness of the skin of the face throughout life and to old age. What to do to keep your face youthful

The magnificent appearance of Japanese women, their beauty makes men all over the world admire them, and women from different regions of the planet envy them. With their beauty and smooth matte skin, they will captivate everyone. The fair sex of Japan loves and knows how to take care of themselves. Their written rules for caring for their bodies have become a daily tradition and ritual for them, and the art of decorating oneself is strongly expressed in appearance.

Since ancient times, the peoples of the world have been fond of various oils and incense. Over time, the art of decorating yourself has grown into a different direction. Mankind began to be interested in methods hygiene care behind him, began to resort to the elimination of defects. Thus, the whole science of cosmetology arose. An important place in the development of this industry is occupied by the Japanese. More than three dozen books on cosmetology were issued by Chizu Saeki, already known not only in Japan, but throughout the world. Her book "Revolutionary Japanese Skin Care - How to make skin beautiful at any age", published in English, has become a reference book for many women.

She gives a message on how to save on long years my natural beauty, at any age to be attractive, look good. A Japanese celebrity organized her own cosmetology salon, which served as a good example for cosmetologists in other countries. Her name has become a brand on cosmetics that are made in her company. In her work, she uses the world famous brands Dior and Guerlain. Chizu founded a beauty school and teaches there. She is a frequent guest of specialized programs, trainings on television different countries. Her mastery lessons on the Internet have spread all over the world.

The golden thread in the publications of a cosmetologist with more than forty years of experience is naturalness in female image. She gives the installation that a woman should not be afraid and ashamed of the aging process. With a small budget, self-love and the desire to look good, at any age a woman can save natural beauty. In her publications, she lays out the theory of how to do this, and by the example of her appearance against the background of the past years (she was born in 1943), she proves in practice the effectiveness of the painted methods. The Japanese celebrity in the field of cosmetology in old age is slim, toned, her face skin does not know any tightening, but looks lively, velvety, without wrinkles. fresh face shines with health and a smile. She conveys the secrets of her beauty success, the experience gained over the years on the pages of her books.

A lot of different factors can affect the skin, its appearance and tone. Perfect daily routine balanced diet, normal sleep, rest on fresh air, sports, along with cosmetic procedures, bring a noticeable effect to the body, and especially to the skin of the face.

The procedure for caring for your face should be daily and correct. Based on the experience and traditions of Japanese women, Chizu Saeki has developed rules for caring for her face. Of these, she chose the top ten:

As a teenager, Chizu was very fond of the British actress, bright Star Hollywood Audrey Hepburn. Imitating her appearance, the girl came to the idea of ​​becoming a cosmetologist, being beautiful and doing beautiful people. She succeeded in all this, and she has been sharing her experience for many years.

A Japanese woman, like no other, knows how to look attractive, beautiful and charming at any age. Her appearance does not correspond to the years she has lived. She always looks much younger. The natural gift of beauty, plus attention to your facial skin, posture make it possible for her to look like that. Helping herself to be more beautiful, a woman will love herself, become more confident. Her beauty will be noticed by others.

2. Get to know your body and skin

Chizu recommends that after looking in the mirror, compare yourself in the present tense, the past and the future. Raising the chin a little, we will see ourselves ten years old, and lowering it - ten years older. A reflection of a face that you don’t like very much will make you become friends with the mirror and begin to carefully study the changes. Everything about your face needs to be studied: good and undesirable. The specialist advises daily examination of his face in the mirror. She confirms that there is no symmetry in the aging of the face, one part ages faster than the other. To identify this side, which is more likely to fade, you need to smile with raised corners of the lips of a closed mouth. The side with more wrinkles will age more. To strengthen this part of the face, the beautician recommends sleeping on it, chewing food with the teeth of this side.

The appearance of wrinkles with age, according to Chizu, is an inevitable process. They should not be afraid or ashamed. But if premature wrinkles appear on a woman's face, you need to find out the cause and eliminate it. They can appear from excessive facial expressions, the habit of squinting, wrinkling the forehead. An invigorated look, a lively smile, a well-groomed natural face make a woman more beautiful and younger, despite her age.

3. Determine your personal skincare routine

Determining the needs of your skin and methods of caring for it, you first need the help of a specialist. In the future, every day you need to monitor whether this method of paying attention to the skin is suitable, it does not need any changes.

Hands pressed to the face thumbs lie behind the earlobes), the moisture content of the skin of the face is measured. If it is normal, then the palms stick a little to the surface of the face, otherwise it needs to be moistened.

The density of the skin is checked by placing hands on the cheeks. Hands slightly stretch the skin in the direction of the ears. With a positive density around the eyes, vertical convolutions are not added, and those that were, do not deepen.

Elasticity is checked with a pinch on the cheek. The skin should quickly return to its original position. Every morning, you need to monitor your skin, finding unwanted changes, a woman must take appropriate measures. Something to change in care should be based on their own observations, not succumbing to advertising, and sometimes resorting to the help of specialists.

4. Your beauty is in your hands

Japanese women are very sensitive to the care of their face. This is something they have been developing since childhood. They know all the age-old secrets, adhere to them. Knowing many secrets helps Japanese women to keep their beauty until old age. Taking care of your beauty, starting cosmetic procedures, your palms should be warm. No wonder they say: “God has no other hands than yours”, our hands are the main tool for self-care. They heat up the product for application to the skin. After relaxing, with pleasure and good mood, enjoying the aroma, we apply the cream. This procedure is done with light movements of the fingertips, believing in the healing properties.

5. The skin must be perfectly cleansed

The main keys in Japanese facial care are thorough cleansing and good hydration skin. Every evening undeniable rule make-up must be removed. Beautician Saeki gives step-by-step recommendations for facial cleansing.

Cleaning in Japanese style done with massage. Massage only then strengthens the muscles on the face when it is done correctly. Improper massaging of the face leads to the appearance of new wrinkles and does not eliminate old ones. Incorrectly done massage causes muscle fatigue, stretching of the skin.

The basic skin cleansing procedure is done slowly and with love:

  • Step 1: Warmed in the hands, the product is applied with five points: on both cheeks, forehead, nose, chin.
  • Step 2: With the fingertips of both hands, the cleaner is distributed on the surface of the face from the chin towards the ears.
  • Step 3: Starting from the nose, the product evenly spreads over the cheeks to the ears, from the eyes, near the nose - to the temples.
  • Step 4: With the pads of the fingers, the liquid is distributed from the end of the nose to the bridge of the nose, then the palms smear the cleanser lying in the middle of the forehead to the right and to the left over the entire forehead.
  • Step 5: With the following movements of the fingers, the liquid is distributed from the bridge of the nose to the end of the nose, around the nostrils.
  • Step 6: Next, fingers go down to the mouth, the mixture is applied around it and from the corners of the lips we raise our fingers to the ears to apply the remedy outside auricles. Hand movements should always be smooth, soft, light and gliding.

All these manipulations, except for applying the cream, it is desirable to repeat 3 times.

Deep facial cleansing.

A Japanese cosmetologist advises to do a deep cleansing procedure for the face after washing. Terry towel moistened with hot water, applied to the face and the face is steamed. This stimulates the opening of the pores on the skin. Another way to do this is by leaning over the steam. To facilitate the penetration of nutrients deeper into the layers of the skin, peeling is done. It was known to the peoples of Asia in the Middle Ages. Everyone chooses it individually. After peeling, the face is covered with a cotton napkin with an opening for breathing and after 10 minutes it is washed off with warm water.

Contrasting compresses.

Good gymnastics for blood vessels is the use of contrast compresses. The face is covered until cool with a towel moistened with warm water. It changes to a towel moistened with cool water. Water should not be cold, as it causes vasoconstriction, impairs skin nutrition. Even constant washing cold water, threatens the skin with sagging, dryness, pallor. Strongly hot water at frequent use, on the contrary, dilates the vessels and weakens their tone. Moderately warm and cool water helps blood circulation. For a good effect, this contrast procedure is recommended 2 or 3 times in a row.

Water face massage.

natural, beautiful skin can be kept longer when using water massage. It ensures the normal functioning of the facial muscles, maintains the tone of blood circulation, accompanies the elasticity and elasticity of the skin. With massage lines, the face is massaged with thin jets of water. For this, a plastic bottle is used, which, when squeezed, releases a stream of water from a small hole in the cork, or with a special tube.

6. Great attention to the regular use of lotion masks

Always friendly and cheerful, slender Japanese women use cosmetics very little, and if they do, then only high-quality ones. Cosmetics in Japan are produced only from fresh natural products. As in the food industry, they discourage the use of frozen ingredients. Creams are not in great demand. They burden the skin, tire it.

The use of lotion-masks, initiated by Chizu Saeki in theoretical publications and in work, has become an indispensable everyday procedure for the Japanese. They are available to all women. You can make them at minimal cost without leaving your home. Their striking effect, comparable to expensive beauty salon procedures. Lotion is a toilet liquid, which the Japanese call cosmetic water. It disinfects, cleanses, well removes sweat, sebum, dirt, refreshes the face. Japanese lotions, for their ingredients, moisturize, nourish the skin, but do not contain thickeners - they are silicone, emulsifier, do not contain wax and oils.

Japanese women cosmetic procedures use cotton rectangular or round napkins. They come in several balls and are very convenient to use. Having soaked in the solution, the napkin splits easily into several and they are enough to put the whole face at once. They give the advantage to cotton because of natural origin and the ability to uniformly absorb and distribute liquid. According to the method of a well-known cosmetologist of Japan, wrung out after wetting in water, cotton or cotton napkin, seeps in lotion and lays on the cheeks. Such a compress is appropriate from three to fifteen minutes. There is also a ritual of ordering napkins. The first napkin falls on the nose, near the lips, then the sequence goes: forehead, cheeks, chin. It is also appropriate to grab the “other” chin with a napkin. To enhance the effect on the face, you can wear a shower cap. The beautician advises doing this procedure when taking a bath. Before this procedure, it is necessary to make a test for an allergic reaction of the body in the elbow bend area. The lotion, wiping the skin, may not show a bad reaction, and in the mask it may manifest itself negatively.

7. Cosmetic serums and creams after 30

In Japanese cosmetology, young women are not recommended to use any cosmetics, except for cleansing and moisturizing, protection against natural phenomena. Serums, various creams are used by the beautiful half of Japanese society after 30 years. Serums, unlike creams, are fast acting. But, their active effect on the skin needs to be strengthened with a cream. Saturated with useful elements, the skin must be protected. The cream will protect it from pollution in the air all day long, keep the water balance, preventing the removal of moisture. It is a makeup base. The beneficial components of the cream penetrate the skin throughout the day, nourishing it.

8. Protection of the face from ultraviolet radiation in all seasons

White, porcelain-like, pearly skin of Japanese women has always been protected from the effects of the sun and wind. They had a centuries-old tradition of using rice flour with water or milk. With the development of cosmetology, Chizu Saeki advises to protect yourself from ultraviolet rays at any time of the year with lotions, serums, creams, which contain components that balance melanin and do not allow traces of natural factors on a woman's face.

9. Rest for the skin

One day of each week, the skin of the face needs a break from cosmetics. On this day, it is acceptable for the skin to do only cleaning. After that, you need to take a good look at your face. The examination is carried out in order not to miss the opportunity to help the skin with minor changes, to check the correctness of facial care. In case of undesirable changes, if possible, it is possible to change inappropriate procedures for others that are more suitable.

10. A balanced diet, vitamins and drinking water every day is the key to success in self-care

The authoritative Chizu Saeki in her book emphasizes proper nutrition. Japanese cuisine has deep meaning. An ordinary meal may consist of many dishes on small plates and in very small portions. They follow the measure in nutrition, do not overeat. The main food products of the Japanese are vegetables, soybeans and, of course, rice. Special place in Japanese cuisine occupied by fish dishes and seafood. The main drink is green tea, containing vitamins C and E, and the tea ceremony is equated with them to a sacred action. Japanese women, in comparison with European and American women, consume very little animal fats, they replace rice with bread.

The flora and fauna of Japan is different from other countries, including ours, so the food is also different. We have our own cuisine, our own tastes, but, nevertheless, nutrition must be monitored. Fruits and vegetables, cereal dishes should be replaced, to some extent, sweets, flour confectionery. Vegetable oil, fish, in particular, will be replaced by smoked meat and animal fats. Much attention in the book is given to the water balance of the body. To support it, you need to drink approximately 1.5 liters of water every day. It is not superfluous for the skin of the face to take vitamins, which will be determined by a specialist. Prolong the skin youth will help calm, good sleep. If a woman is constantly sleep deprived, it will be reflected on her face. Watching the measured life of Japanese women, their traditions, one gets the impression that they are never in a hurry, they have time for work, family and decent personal care. Their life activity is competently organized and efficient.

Cosmetology in Japan is a powerful industry, which is practiced by both women and men. After all Japanese ways keep yourself young and beautiful longer fit both one and the other. Cosmetic processes in a woman take a serious part of the time. Taking care of themselves has become a ritual and tradition for them, which is equated with the respected act of drinking tea.

Most of the methods of caring for your face from the beautician Saeki are familiar to us. But they have interesting new touches that should be heeded. They inspire confidence that every woman, with a little effort, can achieve success in caring for herself. The Japanese book on cosmetology gives very detailed instructions on how to monitor the condition of the skin of the face, teaches how to properly perform procedures, saturate the skin with vitamins, and apply makeup that is not harmful to the skin. After all improper care behind the skin can further affect the occurrence of wrinkles, accelerate wilting, dryness. The book contains preventive advice. In order to prevent age-related skin changes on the face, Japanese women further study the reserves of their body, follow the advice of high-tech specialists in cosmetology, but naturalness and environmental friendliness accompanies them in everything.

japanese women, preserving the natural beauty of the face, they prefer folk remedies donated by nature. Rice congee with addition natural oils, rice flour serve as a handy tool for grinding the skin. Rice inhibits the production of melanin and the skin does not acquire a yellowish color. It becomes tender, porcelain-white, soft. The Japanese make unfiltered oil from rice bran by cold pressing and use it in cosmetic procedures. Algae masks nourish the skin, they tighten and rejuvenate it. Natural cosmetics are present in their life. Algae extracts, plant components are its basis. Japanese women are far from using mechanical scrubs. An interesting fact is that they try to use soap as little as possible, in order to avoid chemicals getting into the skin. When washing, use napkins made of natural undyed fabrics with an uneven texture, which, like a scrub, clean the skin surface from fallen cells. To save healthy face, its good color, Japanese women do not resort to plastic surgery and injections. The basis of facial care is its cleaning and moisturizing, which are used for hygienic and medicinal purposes. Easily performed and affordable procedures help the blood and lymphatic vessels that form the subcutaneous networks to perform the functions of nutrition and skin sensitivity.

Perfect well-groomed woman, regardless of nature, is always attractive and beautiful. To achieve this goal, you need to find a little time, make a little work and follow the advice of Chizu Saeki. Many women in the world have already appreciated the Japanese method described above for rejuvenation and maintaining the beauty of any face. age category. This technique has many fans and followers. Based on this technique, new directions in cosmetology science and practice are being developed.

I would like to end with the words of Chizu Saeki. Once she was asked what care products should be in the arsenal of any woman, she replied: "Your desire and your hands."

With age, the structure of the skin of the face undergoes complex processes, and its appearance changes, alas, not in better side. The older a woman gets, the more she wants to keep a beautiful smooth skin and stay young and attractive. But, as a rule, they begin to think about preserving the youthfulness of facial skin only when they notice the first signs of its aging: wrinkles, a tired look, and. Indeed, already after 30 years, the skin of the face begins to gradually fade and fade, mimic wrinkles appear,. In this article, we will understand what skin aging depends on, how to counter this process and how to keep the skin of the face young for as long as possible.

Causes of skin aging

For each woman, facial skin aging occurs individually and depends on many factors. Only 20% of this process is regulated by a hereditary factor. The remaining 80% include the factors listed below.

Aggressive impact environment. First of all, it is solar activity. UV rays are the number one enemy for our skin. Ultraviolet causes irreversible processes in cells, pigmentation, thickening of the stratum corneum. Under the influence of ultraviolet rays, oxidants or free radicals are formed in the skin, which attack the cells and destroy the elastic fibers of the skin. Long term exposure sun rays on the skin at any age causes accelerated skin aging - photoaging. Clinically, photoaging is characterized by hyperpigmentation, a decrease in the ability of cells to produce collagen, deep wrinkles, the appearance of vascular network, dryness and roughness of the skin, the occurrence of benign and malignant tumors. In addition to sunlight, cold and wind, the skin of the face is exposed to polluted environment. These are emissions into the atmosphere of industrial waste, various chemical compounds, exhaust gases.

Prolonged and intense stress with which our life is so filled. Stress is the second main reason negative impact on the beauty and youth of the skin of the face, accelerated premature aging of the whole organism. During stress, the hormones cortisol and adrenaline are released. Cortisol causes an increase in blood sugar, the excess of which leads to the destruction of collagen. Decreases natural production which is a natural skin moisturizer. As a result, the properties of the skin change, it becomes stiff and wrinkled. In addition, excess cortisol stimulates fat synthesis, which leads to the accumulation of fat in the body and increased production of sebum. Under the action of adrenaline, a spasm of capillaries occurs, as a result, blood flow decreases. Lack of oxygen and essential nutrients lead to an unhealthy complexion, the protective properties of the skin are sharply reduced.

Improper nutrition in which the skin does not receive the necessary nutrients. Sandwiches, chocolates, chips, waffles and various semi-finished products from the store negatively affect the youthfulness of the skin. Constant "sitting" on diets also does not add beauty to the skin of the face. Sharp thinning of the subcutaneous fat layer of fiber, dehydrate the skin, which leads to the appearance of premature wrinkles.

Bad habits. Everyone knows that alcohol abuse catastrophically age the skin of the face. But there are still many undesirable habits that can lead to premature wrinkles and fading of the skin of the face. Let's name two of the most common. The first habit, oddly enough, is the habit of constantly chewing gum. As a result of chewing, the tone of the muscles of the lower part of the face weakens, the elasticity of the skin around the mouth decreases, and this leads to the formation of wrinkles. The second is the reluctance to remove makeup before going to bed. It will lead to dehydration, dullness and flabbiness of the skin. In addition, dermatitis may appear, allergic reactions And .

Wrong image life often causes a loss of beauty and youthfulness of the skin of the face. Everyone must have heard that a dream - the best medicine. The body needs a full sleep of at least 8 hours a day. Sleep gives strength, relieves fatigue, tones, improves mood. If you don't get enough sleep, your body starts to experience stress. Blood microcirculation slows down, the skin does not receive proper nutrition and is depleted. As a result - circles under the eyes, dull complexion, tired look, skin rashes. Workaholics run the risk of getting old before others ugly skin faces. Permanent nervous tension, lack of rest and normal nutrition - as a result, lifeless skin without a healthy tone.

Diseases of the internal organs body also negatively affect the condition of the skin.

It is possible to list all the factors leading to facial skin aging for a long time. We will try to figure out how to preserve the youthfulness of the skin for longer in these conditions, because you really want to remain beautiful, no matter what.

Facial skin care after 25 and 30 years

You should not wait for a certain age to intensively start caring for your skin. The beauty of the skin of the face must be protected from a young age. Up to 25 years, the skin usually needs a simple foam and light moisturizing with a cosmetic product.

To maintain youthful facial skin after 25 years, you will be helped by products with good moisturizers and nutritional properties. It is necessary to use creams and masks taking into account age and. One of the regular procedures should be cleansing the skin in the morning and evening. Do not use soap for this purpose, it dries the skin very much. It is better to use a non-foaming foam for washing. Do not wash your face with hot water, it helps to expand the pores, increases the oiliness of the skin. Homemade cleansing masks are also useful, which can be done at home. Use high-quality decorative cosmetics.

Note! Girls over 25 should not sunbathe for too long and only before 12 noon and after 4 pm. Be sure to wear sunscreen. Use in hot weather thermal water for application to the skin.

If possible, lead a healthy lifestyle: get enough sleep, give up bad habits play sports, walk outdoors.

Often, excessive facial activity causes wrinkles on the forehead even at this age. Try to watch your facial expressions. It will not be superfluous to use the services of a professional cosmetologist several times a year.

Care and preservation of youthful skin up to 30 years is not so difficult, the main thing is to pay enough attention to the skin of the face and follow the recommendations.

More thorough care will help maintain youthful facial skin after 30 years. At this age, the skin becomes thinner, moisture evaporates faster, so, first of all, the skin needs to be moisturized. Use moisturizers that promote collagen production. Such creams well even out the texture of the skin, improve complexion. Drink at least two liters of pure drinking water in a day. In addition to water, green tea is very useful, it is able to remove free radicals from the body.

Use nourishing creams with vitamins C, A, E, F. It is not recommended to use cleansers and peels containing surfactants. After 30 years, the delicate skin around the eyes becomes thinner, the first age wrinkles. Buy special means for skin care around the eyes, do not use face cream for this purpose. Apply them in a circular motion, being careful not to stretch the skin. At home, masks and compresses that you can prepare yourself will help from wrinkles around the eyes. In addition, at home, you can do a facial massage once a week after a nourishing mask; In the morning, wipe your face with a piece of ice from a decoction of herbs.

If you have the time and money to visit a beautician, use his services, take a course of lymphatic drainage facial massage. Such a massage improves blood circulation, fine wrinkles disappear, the skin becomes smoother and more elastic. Ideally, this procedure should be done twice a year.

Note! To reduce harmful effects ultraviolet radiation on the skin, use products with SPF protection 20 or more. Don't go outside in summer without sunscreen, even on cloudy days.

Do not forget about your health, if something is not going well in the body, it will have a bad effect on the beauty of the skin of the face. It is useful to take vitamins, drugs to increase immunity: tinctures of ginseng, echinacea, Schisandra chinensis. Watch your diet. Useful unrefined vegetable oils, fatty fish, eggs, veal and lamb liver, nuts, seeds. Eat fresh vegetables, fruits and berries, drink natural juices. Sesame seeds are very useful for facial skin beauty, linseed oil, parsley, celery, wheat bran. It's best to cut it out of your diet altogether. White bread, replacing it with bread products with bran.

And, of course, don't forget to go to bed early to get a good night's sleep. Try to sleep on your back so that there are no creases in the skin on the face and wrinkles.

Facial care after 40 and 50 years

If before the age of 40 you could still afford to neglect facial skin care measures, then 40 years is the time to think about its rejuvenation and nutrition. Regular and proper facial care at this age is the key to maintaining beauty and attractiveness. Nature has programmed the onset of skin aging after 40 years and there is no getting away from it, but it is in our power to slow down age-related changes. After 40, the ability to regenerate skin cells decreases, as the content of the female sex hormone estrogen decreases in the body. In addition, the skin of the vast majority of women after 40 years of age becomes dry and loses elasticity. As a result, age wrinkles, bags under the eyes, sagging skin and pigmentation appear.

Note! After 40 years, it is necessary to avoid the influence of factors that can disrupt the lipid layer and reduce cell regeneration. These factors include: chlorinated tap water, soap, scrubs with large particles, alcohol-containing products, low-quality cosmetics, ultraviolet radiation, stress, unbalanced diet, smoking, sedentary lifestyle.

When caring for the skin of the face, the main thing is to observe regularity and consistency. Decoctions of chamomile, sage, linden serve excellent means for washing. It is useful to wipe the skin with a piece of ice. You need to cleanse the skin with milk. Buying daily cream, pay attention to whether protective filters are present in it.

Be sure to use sunscreen with SPF 30 or more when you go outside. Protect your eyes with UV-blocking glasses. Use lip gloss and lipstick with SPF filters and moisturizing effect. On sunny days, if possible, wear a wide-brimmed hat to keep your face in the shade. Do not sunbathe in the solarium.

At the time of buying anti-aging cream pay attention to its composition. It is desirable that it includes antioxidants: vitamin E, selenium, retinol. To exfoliate the keratinized layer of the skin, the composition should include fruit acids: grape, citric, glycolic and others. Useful for aging skin hyaluronic acid in low molecular weight form. Each of its molecules is capable of holding a huge number of water molecules and delivering them to where it is most needed. This unique defender skin from fading, as it moisturizes even the driest skin from the inside.

At home, you can prepare nightly nourishing creams. They are made from vegetable oils or beeswax with the addition of essential oils, herbal ingredients, fat-soluble vitamins. Do not forget about masks perfectly rejuvenating the skin of the face from the pulp of berries, fruits, honey, oatmeal, fermented milk products.

If you have enough funds to care for mature skin face, you can include placental cosmetics, hardware lifting procedures, photorejuvenation, hyaluronic acid injections and much more, cosmetologists will help you choose the necessary and safe for you.

This is especially true for women over 50. Withering of the skin at this age accelerates significantly, facial muscles weaken, and the oval of the face “floats”. The main reason for negative changes in the condition of the skin is hormonal disbalance taking place in female body, that is, a consequence of the onset of menopause. To preserve the beauty and youthfulness of facial skin after 50 years, an integrated approach and maximum efforts are needed. A woman after 50 should use funds and carry out procedures according to her age. Use only products based on natural substances. Be wary of intensive repair creams that contain hormones, as they can cause facial hair growth.

Note! In the composition of creams after 50 years, hyaluronic acid, vitamins A, C, B, retinoids, collagen, elastin, amino acids or polysaccharides should be present. Serums with a lifting effect will help reduce wrinkles around the eyes. Massage will help to noticeably tighten the oval of the face, sagging cheeks and chin.

An important point in the care and rejuvenation of facial skin at this age is regularity and constancy. In addition, skin care should be carried out in combination with the treatment of menopausal manifestations, that is, monitor the hormonal background.

The market for skin care products today is larger and more diverse than ever. But the result of applying all these anti-wrinkle creams, scrubs and tonics, decorative cosmetics and drugs based medicinal herbs can never be compared with what a healthy lifestyle gives a person. It allows you to keep the skin smooth and healthy for a long time.

For many people, the first small wrinkles appear around the eyes after 40. Deep wrinkles form closer to 50 and, according to plastic surgeons, are largely due to exposure to sunlight, smoking, or both. A funny and at the same time dramatic confirmation of this fact can be obtained by comparing the skin of the face or hands with the much smoother skin on the buttocks, without spots and pimples.

To a lesser extent, extreme diets, wind and overly animated facial expressions also contribute to premature skin aging.

In addition to His Majesty of Time, the only factor of skin aging that is not subject to human control is heredity. If your grandmother or mother looked younger than her years, then you and your children are more likely to look younger in middle age as well. Especially if you use sunscreens, wear wide-brimmed hats on sunny days, avoid tobacco, secondhand smoke, extreme diets and other risk factors mentioned above.

Types of wrinkles

Dermatologists and plastic surgeons distinguish two types of wrinkles on the face: static and dynamic. Static wrinkles are always visible, even when the facial muscles are at rest. These wrinkles appear as a result of thinning and stretching of the skin caused by its natural or premature aging.

Dynamic wrinkles occur at any age, even in young children. Dynamic wrinkles are associated with a contraction of the facial muscles, which causes the layers of skin that cover it to fold like an accordion. Dynamic wrinkles are only visible when you smile, raise your eyebrows, or give your face a certain expression.

Sun exposure

Remember the golden years of youth. Perhaps in the summer, like many teenagers, you put on a bathing suit and rushed along the beach or lay on the mat, waiting for a beautiful, golden tan.

Little did you know that decades later, your skin would pay the price of those sunbathing with dryness, wrinkles, liver spots, or even cancer. According to some estimates, half of the ultraviolet radiation that a person receives during a lifetime occurs before the age of 18. A study conducted in Australia showed that many young people had signs of aging of the skin of the face and hands by the age of 25 - these parts of the body are constantly exposed and exposed to ultraviolet rays. It turned out that almost 90% of skin changes that begin between the ages of 30 and 50 are the result of exposure to sunlight.

Simplifying somewhat, we can say that ultraviolet rays (sunlight or solarium) damage the DNA of skin cells. Worse still, the destruction of the Earth's protective ozone layer is thought to amplify ultraviolet radiation near the planet's surface. Accumulating over time, microscopic damage leads to the formation of wrinkles and other noticeable changes in the skin. To prevent harmful effects ultraviolet rays, you need to use creams with a sun protection factor (SPF) of 15 or more. Even if you didn't do it in your youth, you can prevent further damage to your skin if you start using sunscreen. all year round, including when you ride skiing.

Being outdoors - when you tend the garden, play sport games, walking, jogging, or, even more so, going to the beach - use a special cream that protects the skin from both types of ultraviolet rays (UVA and UVB). It is best to apply sunscreen generously to all exposed areas of the body approximately 30 minutes before going outside and reapply every few hours or after swimming or sweating heavily. Don't forget about back side hands, as well as the fact that in cloudy weather, ultraviolet radiation penetrates clouds and can also damage unprotected skin. A baseball cap or a wide-brimmed hat will be a good addition to the cream.

Impact of smoking

Smoking is known to accelerate the aging of the human body from within, causing lung cancer, emphysema, heart disease, and a host of other health problems. But not many people realize that smoking also ages the appearance. Chemical substances inhaled with tobacco smoke, constrict capillaries and thus reduce the supply of oxygen and nutrients to sensitive skin faces. The blood vessel continues to be in a constricted state for at least an hour after you have extinguished the cigarette butt. Years of smoking lead to the fact that the lack of oxygen and nutrients causes premature wrinkles, the skin loses its elasticity, becomes pale and takes on a grayish tint.

In addition, by regularly squeezing a cigarette with your lips, you accelerate the formation vertical wrinkles around the mouth, and squinting when the smoke gets into the eyes - the appearance of premature wrinkles on the eyelids and around the eyes.

Diet and skin aging

Regularly losing and gaining pounds, you stretch the skin. It sags, becomes less elastic, which means that wrinkles appear on it faster. Try to maintain your ideal weight plus or minus 2-4 kg and avoid strict diets.

Facial expression and skin aging

In a sense, the skin has memory. If folds regularly form on it due to muscle contraction, eventually static wrinkles appear. Think of sailors who constantly squint to protect their eyes from bright sunlight and wind. The same deep wrinkles are formed when a person constantly smiles or constantly frowns. In sunny weather, it is best to wear dark glasses to avoid squinting. Another good reception- consciously relax the muscles of the face if you feel that they develop into an involuntary grimace.

To look young and healthy, you need to follow the same rules healthy lifestyle lives that allow a person to remain healthy from the inside, i.e. do not smoke and maintain normal weight. Here are a few more rules that will help your skin look young:

  • Avoid sun exposure between 10:00 and 16:00, when UV radiation is strongest.
  • Use sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15. Apply sunscreen to all exposed skin 30 minutes before going outside.
  • Reapply sunscreen if you have been swimming or sweating a lot.
  • Don't sunbathe.
  • On the beach, stay under an umbrella. In any case, use sunscreen, as sunlight reflecting off sand and water can damage unprotected skin.
  • On sunny days, wear wide-brimmed hats, long sleeves and trousers.
  • Use cosmetics (foundation and lipstick) with an SPF of at least 15.
  • Avoid tanning beds.
  • Quit smoking.
  • Wear sunglasses on sunny days.
  • Avoid overdrying the skin, use moisturizing creams.
  • Use moisturizing soap.
  • In winter, when the air in the room is dry, use humidifiers.
  • If your skin is already damaged by sun exposure, ask your dermatologist about tretinoin emollient creams. These preparations slow down, and sometimes completely stop further aging of the skin under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.
  • Also, ask your dermatologist about alpha hydroxy acid, which can also reduce some of the visible signs of skin aging caused by sun exposure.

All women think about the question: “How to stay young and beautiful longer?”, And “How to keep the skin of the face young?”.

The sooner we start to think and not only think, but also properly care for the skin, the longer we can stay younger, more attractive.

Why do women need especially careful skin care?

Women are less fortunate with skin. In men, due to its dominant hormone, the skin is dense and the collagen index is much higher.

The skin of girls retains moisture worse and reacts less to external stimuli. Women's skin vulnerable and react differently to changes in temperature.

Testosterone contributes to slow skin aging. The skin of men stays in optimal condition longer, but if they start to have wrinkles, it is more noticeable and immediately catches the eye.

It is not so easy for the stronger sex to hide wrinkles, even if they took up special corrections. After 40, the process of testosterone production decreases, which of course is displayed on the skin.

It becomes thinner, drier and changes its color. The reason for the more significant vulnerability of the skin is the increased acid-base balance in women.

Men often shave their facial hair, and this is known stressful situation for their skin. Due to this effect, the level of skin protection is reduced and without special aids aimed at moisturizing, the skin of men will have, to put it mildly, a rotten appearance.

And just think, in the course of sociological surveys, it was found that men spend on average, throughout their lives, a total of more than 150 days to shave their face.

I wonder how much time on average girls spend shaving?

What men are lucky about is that they have practically no manifestation of cellulite. But one way or another, men and women, in order to look good, go to many experiments.

But the features of their skin should be known, since not all methods of skin rejuvenation are suitable for the first and second. But let's start to understand in order.

What questions concern women who have crossed the 30-year milestone:

  • what contributes to skin aging
  • how to keep skin youthful after 30
  • how to take care of your skin

WITH age-related changes, which occur in all women, this process occurs at different times for many reasons (genetics, skin care, lifestyle and nutrition).

Who begins to notice the first signs already at the age of 25, and someone else does not see serious changes until the age of 40. Over the years, our skin changes and of course not for the better, but still this process is simply inevitable.

At this age, the recovery process in cells is noticeably reduced, the skin loses moisture, elasticity, and also slows down. metabolic processes, the production of collagen and elastin is significantly reduced and all this leads to the fact that the skin of the face looks tired, the complexion deteriorates, and mimic wrinkles begin to appear.

Even if you still do not notice any special changes, but The biological clock started their work and is no longer in your favor. And more and more we are concerned about the question “How to keep the skin youthful after 30?”

In women after 30 years, nasolabial folds are already becoming noticeable (this triangle hated by many women from nose to mouth), also the wrinkle of concentration between the eyebrows becomes more and more noticeable when you start laughing, you can notice more wrinkles around the eyes.

All this comes from the fact that the tone of the facial muscles decreases. Changes are also affected by hormonal processes in the body, which are very active at this age limit.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to stop all this, but it is possible to significantly slow down the aging process of the skin of the face.

Also a big role in skin aging are banal reasons, which we don’t even always guess:

  • not (lack of fiber, vitamins, but more carbohydrates and sugar consumed, as well as snacks on the run), also unbalanced nutrition (so down with the diet, they are the enemies of youthful facial skin)
  • not the correct mode of the day, namely lack of sleep, not correct posture during sleep (lying on your stomach, bury your face in a pillow)
  • bad habits, namely alcohol and smoking, leave an imprint on your face
  • not protecting the skin from external factors (sun, frost)
  • Not correct use decorative cosmetics (more quantity, poor quality)

All this leads to the fact that the skin of the face loses its youth. These changes take us mostly by surprise and spoil the mood. But we can delay this time if we give Special attention facial skin and lifestyle.

It is necessary to take care of the skin of the face at this age in a completely different way, not like at a younger age. Now, in addition to moisturizing, the skin needs protection and restoration.

Keeping the skin young will help not only expensive salon procedures, but also homemade recipes proven over the years, as well as a proper balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. All this can in the fight against skin aging.

Grooming should be a constant, balanced and very thorough daily process. It is necessary to devote time to yourself in the morning and in the evening, 10-15 minutes is enough, but there will be a noticeable result that will not take long.

You can divide the variety into salon and home care. All this, especially in tandem, gives an excellent result.

After 30 years, it is no longer a shame to seek the help of professionals who will help you choose the right complex of facial skin care, and also prescribe procedures that are right for you.

Regular salon care helps a woman look much younger.

What can be done in the salon to preserve youthful facial skin after 30?

  • facial cleansing (manual or hardware) has a tightening effect
  • masotherapy (administration of a small amount of active substances under the skin with a needle)
  • facial peeling (required to get rid of dead cells)
  • face massage

These are the most basic salon skin care trends that will help your skin look younger after 30 years.

Also, do not forget home care, which also works wonders, if you are not lazy and choose the right procedures, as well as caring cosmetics, then the result will be on the face, or rather on the face.

Care includes:

  • proper nutrition rich in vitamins
  • be sure to wash off all makeup from the face at the end of the day
  • quality decorative cosmetics
  • face massage
  • wipe your face with ice cubes (it is better to use decoctions of medicinal herbs)
  • home soft peeling(you can use oatmeal, honey)
  • homemade face masks (existing a large number of)

Proper nutrition is the key to health, so do not litter your body with fatty, sugary foods. Your skin won't thank you for it.

You also need to consume plenty of clean drinking water daily. Water is the drink of beauty and we should not forget about it.

At this age, it is better to wash off cosmetics cosmetic milk or tonic, which, in addition to removing impurities, also nourish and moisturize the skin of the face. Makeup must be washed off!

As for cosmetics, then you need to choose very carefully, in this case you should not save.

To preserve the youthfulness of facial skin after 30, you need to choose the right caring cosmetics, namely creams, tonics, serums. Women over 30 should already pay attention to creams that contain moisturizing and nourishing ingredients, essential oils.

In summer, it is better to use lighter moisturizers, but be sure to include a sunscreen in your day cream. And in winter, give preference to more fatty and nourishing creams that will fill the skin of the face with all useful substances and protect from bad weather.

Anti-aging home procedures also play an important role in maintaining youthful facial skin after 30, namely wiping the skin with ice cubes. At home, this ice is very easy to make.

This morning refreshing massage instead of washing will give the skin a pleasant feeling and slow down the aging process. Ice cubes with medicinal herbs (chamomile, St. John's wort, calendula, mint) are considered more effective.

You need to wipe your face very carefully, without pressing on the skin of the face, so as not to injure it. The procedure should last no more than 2 minutes, otherwise you can harm yourself. It is advisable to do this daily.

An excellent helper with facial skin aging is watermelon juice, especially frozen. Also, skin care after 30 years will not do without peeling and cleansing with a scrub. Just do not abuse these procedures.

Women with dry skin should do this procedure no more than once a week, and women with oily and normal skin can do it twice a week, but not more often.

The simplest and very effective recipe scrub can be prepared at home without difficulty. Take a handful of dry oatmeal, namely cereal, moisten them in warm water or milk and massage your face with this gruel for about 3 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Masks are also a must if you want to keep your skin looking youthful. You need to do them regularly at least 2 times a week, and not from case to case.

Before applying the mask on the face, you must first prepare the skin for this, namely to make steam bath on herbs, in order to open the pores, get rid of coarsened cells.

After that, you can make a light scrub, but only very gentle, so as not to injure the steamed skin. Goes great with oatmeal. In addition to the skin of the face, one should not forget the neck, it also ages quickly and betrays the age of a woman.

Therefore, it is necessary to take care of this area no less than the face. face mask recipes big choice, each will find for itself those that you like and suit your skin type:

egg mask

Beat the yolk of one egg with cream, add a little flour for density. Apply for 15-20 minutes, rinse with warm water. The mask perfectly rejuvenates the skin.

banana mask

Grind the pulp of a banana with 1 teaspoon of cream and ½ tablespoon of starch. Apply to face, wash off after 15-20 minutes.

Anti-wrinkle carrot mask

Grind a small fresh carrot, mix with 1 tsp. potato starch and 1 egg white. Apply the mixture on your face. Wash off with warm water after 30 minutes.

Parsley mask

finely chop the parsley, add 1 tsp. oatmeal or potato starch, apply on the face for 20 minutes, rinse with warm water

Mask with cottage cheese and sour cream

Mix a teaspoon of cottage cheese with two teaspoons of sour cream and add a pinch of salt. Apply the mass on the face and leave for 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water, apply cream. The mask perfectly moisturizes and evens out skin tone.

Potato mask

Apply warm mashed potatoes to your face (you can add a little olive oil) and leave for 20 minutes, rinse with cool water. This mask will help not only get rid of fine wrinkles, but also smooth out dry skin.

apple mask

Make applesauce and add sour cream to it. Apply the mask for 15-29 minutes. Perfectly refreshes the face and improves complexion.

Cucumber-potato mask

Grate raw potatoes and fresh cucumber, all mix in equal quantities. Apply to face for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Great rejuvenating mask.

Well, in conclusion, I would like to note that in order to keep the skin of the face young, you must first of all love yourself and take care of yourself. In order to be young and beautiful for a long time, you need to make a lot of effort.

All this is a lot of daily work.. At this age, it is still possible to deceive time, though not by much, but it is possible. You just need to give up bad habits, not proper nutrition, daily routine.

And also make it a rule to take care and care for your facial skin, protect it from external harmful factors, visit a beautician at least once every 2 months, drink plenty of clean drinking water, and do not use low-quality cosmetics.

At this age, a woman is beautiful and young, so help yourself to be the same for some more time. Everything is in our hands, namely yours!

Simple and accessible to every woman, folk remedies for prolonging the youthfulness of the skin of the face will allow you to replace expensive procedures beauty salons. Regular massage, proper diet and positive emotions will rejuvenate the skin of the face without surgery.

Each age has its own charm, but not a single self-respecting lady wants to lose the freshness of her face, turning into an old woman in advance. A woman who has already “knocked” 30 years old begins to observe minor changes in her appearance. Along with the acquisition of smooth movements and special sophistication, slightly noticeable wrinkles inexorably appear on the face, which eventually become deep grooves.

Why does facial skin age?

The skin is a kind of indicator that reflects the harmony of the external and inner peace women. Any imbalance of these indicators immediately appear on her face.

The main enemy of any woman is negative emotions. No wonder the people draw Baba Yaga as an evil, wrinkled old woman with in gray faces and papillomas. Feelings of dissatisfaction, guilt and envy, dissatisfaction with one's appearance, quality of life or relationships - destroy from the inside.

All these experiences are reflected in the condition of the skin and overall well-being. Therefore, before proceeding with the rejuvenation of the face and the whole body, get rid of the negativity and love yourself.

Folk remedies for facial skin rejuvenation for a long time

Cosmetics, in terms of quality and their action, are in many ways inferior to natural products for skin care. This is due to the composition of cosmetics, which includes ingredients that contribute to its long-term storage. Of course, using ready-made products mass-produced by specialized beauty companies is easy and convenient, but even their long-term use rarely gives the expected results.

Natural ingredients in inexpensive cosmetics are often replaced by synthetic ones, which injure the skin, clog pores, causing a greenhouse effect and, most importantly, accumulate in the body. Even expensive cosmetics will not surpass ordinary ones in quality. home mask, cream or scrub from natural products.

Women who have managed to find the right cosmetics for the face will find it useful to give their skin a "vitamin boom" in the form of homemade face masks. natural ingredients. Young ladies who are still in search of magical cosmetic preparations, can discover the world of folk remedies to prolong the youthfulness of the skin.

A few tips for choosing ingredients and making homemade cosmetics:

  • The invariable principle of facial skin care (cleansing, toning, moisturizing and nourishing) should be present in home procedures
  • For the manufacture of any means, only purified (thawed or mineral non-carbonated) is used, in extreme cases - boiled water
  • All home remedy ingredients should be fresh, organic. In the absence of any of the components, it is advisable to purchase it at the bazaar - from grandmothers who sell their own grown vegetables and fruits. Overseas products should be chosen carefully, better from trusted sellers
  • Girls prone to allergies should check the reaction on the skin of any component present in the folk remedy
  • Do not prepare face care mixtures in aluminum containers

Complex procedure for skin rejuvenation cryo ice cubes

Facial rejuvenation procedure with cryo-cubes includes the phased application of three types of frozen mixtures. It is advisable to use the rejuvenation system before going to bed.

ice cubes for skin

RECIPE 1. Ice cubes for cleansing, toning the skin

  • cranberry juice 100 ml
  • water 100 ml
  • aloe juice - 2 tsp

RECIPE2. Nourishing and moisturizing skin cryo-cubes

  • Linden infusion 100 ml
  • myrrh oil - 3 drops
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil - 1 tsp

RECIPE 3. Nourishing cubes that smooth fine wrinkles around the eyes

  • green tea infusion 100 ml
  • milk (preferably not skimmed) - 100 ml
  • olive oil - 3 drops.

Mix the ingredients indicated in each recipe thoroughly and separately fill the ice molds.

All mixtures in frozen form are applied to cleansed skin of the face and décolleté. First, you should apply cranberry ice to your face, bypassing the area around the eyes, until the ice cube melts. The next ice from sea buckthorn oil is applied immediately after applying the previous one. Cubes prepared according to the third recipe are applied to the area around the eyes in the form of a figure eight.

The system of rejuvenation with cryo-cubes lasts 5 days in a row with a break of 2-3 days, in 3-4 sets.

Cryo-cubes are stored in the freezer for no more than a week.

Video: Rejuvenating ice cubes. Rejuvenation in a month

Face mask with Botox effect

A mask based on potato starch allows you to actively smooth out small, mimic wrinkles. Carrot juice present in the mask perfectly tones, smoothes the skin, gives elasticity.


  • potato starch- 1 tbsp.
  • warm water (boiled) - 250 ml
  • 1 carrot or 5 tbsp. freshly squeezed carrot juice
  • fat sour cream - 1 tbsp.

The sequence of preparation of the mask:

  1. Dissolve potato starch in warm water (100-120 ml)
  2. Put the solution on a water bath or stove, add the remaining amount of warm water
  3. Keep the mixture on the stove for about 10-15 minutes - until the mass thickens to a jelly state
  4. Pour 5 tbsp. tablespoons of the resulting paste in another container, let cool
  5. Add 5 tablespoons to the cooled mass. fresh carrot juice and 1 tbsp. sour cream, mix until smooth

A smoothing mask with the effect of Botox can be smeared not only on the face, but also on the “forbidden zones” - the area around the eyes and nasolabial folds. You can apply a natural substitute for Botox in several layers. After 20-40 minutes after application, wash off the mixture with warm water, apply a nourishing cream or almond oil. The mask should be applied every other day, 5-10 times.

The finished mixture is stored in the refrigerator, no more than 3 days.

Video: Replace Botox with a natural mask

Mask for increasing facial skin tone

The product is prepared on the basis of ginger, which gives the skin elasticity. To make a face care mixture, it is preferable to use fresh ginger root, grated in advance and placed in a glass container. Shabby mixture can be stored in the refrigerator for about two weeks.

Lifting mask ingredients:

  • apple
  • banana
  • olive oil - 1 tsp (you can replace it with wheat germ oil (for fair skin) or avocado oil

The sequence of preparation of a mask with a lifting effect:

  1. Grate half an apple on a fine grater
  2. Crush a third of the banana and combine with the grated apple
    Add 1 tsp. olive oil
  3. Combine the resulting mixture with 1 tsp. fresh ginger juice, stir

The finished puree is applied for 20 minutes on the face, neck and second chin area, without touching the eye area and nasolabial area. Lifting mask use no more than once a week and a course of no more than a month. The remaining mixture is perfect for holding - just apply it to your hair before washing your hair.

Video: Ginger lifting mask

Sea buckthorn anti-wrinkle night cream

A daily remedy that allows you to fight swelling, wrinkles and small rashes, despite a weighty list of ingredients, is prepared quite quickly.


  • fresh sea buckthorn - 3-4 tbsp.
  • shea butter - ½ coffee spoon
  • oil grape seeds- 8 drops
  • calendula oil - 5 drops
  • wheat germ oil - 10 drops
  • glycerin - 7 drops
  • vaseline - 1 tbsp.
  • baby cream - 75 ml.
  • vitamin E - 2-3 drops
  • essential oil grapefruit - 4-5 drops
  • tea rose essential oil - 3-4 drops

Cream preparation sequence:

  1. Crush sea buckthorn in a mortar
  2. Melt on steam bath Shea Butter
  3. Add grape seed oil, calendula oil, wheat germ oil
  4. Pour glycerin and petroleum jelly into the melted mass, and when it cools down, add vitamin E
  5. Place the baby cream in a separate container, combine with previously crushed sea buckthorn and melted butter and mix thoroughly
  6. Add grapefruit and tea rose essential oil to the resulting mixture.

Video: 100% anti-wrinkle cream

Rejuvenating facial massage. Face lift without surgery

Along with home skin care treatments, it helps fight the signs of aging and aging of the dermis. Systematic implementation facial massage allows you to remove puffiness, strengthen muscle tissue, fight skin problems (acne, capillary "network").

If there is inflammation, herpes, large moles or open wounds on the skin of the face, it is not recommended to massage yourself.

Before the actual massage procedure:

  • wash makeup off your face
  • wash your hands
  • apply a massage cosmetic to the skin

The sequence of facial massage along the massage lines:

  • from the top of the nose, along the chin to the ears and down the neck
  • from the center of the chin to the bottom of the ears
  • from the wings of the nose to the middle part of the auricle
  • from the top of the nose to the top of the ear
  • with gentle movements of the fingertips, "draw a figure eight" in the area around the eyes
  • from the center of the junction of the eyebrows, up the forehead to the scalp

All movements should be soft and smooth. Fingers should slide over the skin without squeezing it.

Video: Facial massage for wrinkles