Cold treatment or cryomassage of the face with liquid nitrogen. Areas of application of cryomassage. How often to do and are there any contraindications

The face is business card man, so all women try to do everything so that it has a healthy and beautiful view. Nitrogen face cleansing is popular procedure. But don't make it at home. Remember that only a real specialist can cleanse the skin of the face so that the procedure does not negatively affect your health.

Nitrogen facial cleansing or cryotherapy - unique cosmetic procedure, which has no analogues in terms of the level of the achieved effect. It is carried out with liquid nitrogen. Cryotherapy is completely painless and safe. Despite the fact that the time of exposure to nitrogen on the skin is quite short, you can see the result after the first procedure. This is due to the fact that the cold instantly acts on the skin, causing the vessels in its upper layers to narrow, and then expand sharply. As a result, blood circulation improves metabolic processes, oxygen enters the cells better, which activates the removal of toxins from them.

Due to the rapid renewal of skin cells, a peeling effect appears: the upper layer of the epidermis is exfoliated. But, in comparison with, for example, chemical peeling, this procedure is considered more gentle and soft. Depending on the duration of contact of nitrogen with the skin, cryotherapy has a different degree of action. If there are scars on the skin, acne or other defects, the exposure cannot last more than 30 seconds. Thanks to liquid nitrogen, pathological cells will die, and healthy skin will regenerate faster. For a general increase in tone, exposure to nitrogen should be minimal.


Indications for the use of nitrogen cleansing of the face are the following skin problems:

  1. Strongly pronounced signs aging (the skin lost its former elasticity, became lethargic and flabby, the first wrinkles appeared).
  2. There are warts or papillomas on the face that you want to get rid of.
  3. The face became edematous (in particular, after plastic surgery).
  4. Enlarged pores, increased sebum secretion.
  5. Acne or acne.
  6. The complexion is too sickly (gray or sallow).
  7. The presence of scars or scars.
  8. Rosacea.
  9. The circulation in the skin of the face is too poor.
  10. Pigmentation.
  11. Demodicosis.


The procedure of cryotherapy (or cleansing the skin with nitrogen) does not need any specific preparation. All you need to do is cleanse your face. decorative cosmetics and carefully treat it with any antiseptic.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Nitrogen Facial Cleansing

Any cosmetic procedure has its pros and cons, and nitrogen cleansing is no exception. Key Benefits this method can be called:

  1. Liquid nitrogen helps heal damaged skin cells. It has an excellent anti-inflammatory effect, so this procedure is often used after manual cleaning faces. Thanks to its therapeutic properties, liquid nitrogen is able to dissolve any problematic rashes on the face.
  2. This procedure considered a kind special massage for the skin, which favorably affects its condition.
  3. Cryotherapy is completely safe and harmless. It can be done while breastfeeding.
  4. It helps to get rid of many skin problems.

The disadvantages of the procedure are:

  1. Sometimes during such a cleaning, the patient may feel an unpleasant tingling or burning sensation. Although they are not overly pronounced, some people cannot bear them.
  2. Due to its anti-inflammatory effect, liquid nitrogen leaves redness on the skin that may not go away. long time. Therefore, it is recommended to carry out the procedure in the afternoon or in the evening, so that you can give the skin a rest during sleep.


If cryotherapy is used to remove warts, scars, scars or acne, then it is necessary to use a special applicator, with which all problem areas will be carefully processed. After nitrogen has acted on the skin, a fairly rapid inflow and outflow of blood begins. Because of this, a dense crust appears on the problem area. After a few days, it will fall off, and the skin will become pink and tender. Gradually pink color will disappear.

If the patient just wants to improve the condition of the skin, then the applicator that is put on the device is a small wooden stick. At its end, a cotton swab is carefully attached. Sometimes an applicator is used in the form of a tube with a special reservoir for liquid nitrogen. There is a tip at the end of the applicator to ensure that the nitrogen is in contact with the face.

The procedure for cleaning the face with nitrogen to give the skin smoothness and tenderness does not take much time (usually up to 15 seconds). This is quite enough to get rid of acne, papillomas and other minor defects. The doctor first lowers the applicator into a container with liquid nitrogen, and then spends on problem skin.


Like any other cosmetic procedure, nitrogen cleansing has its own contraindications. It should not be given to people with:

  1. Diseases of the arteries and the cardiovascular system.
  2. epilepsy.
  3. Acute infectious diseases.
  4. elevated temperature body.
  5. Couperose.
  6. Migraine.
  7. Individual intolerance to exposure to low temperatures on the skin.

In addition, it is worth noting that this procedure is not recommended for summer, as the skin exposed to liquid nitrogen becomes more sensitive to sunlight. During the treatment of the skin with this method, it is necessary to use various sunscreens.

Pregnancy is not a direct contraindication to facial cleansing with nitrogen. But doctors can't always predict how female body will react to the procedure, so it is better to wait with her.


Cleansing the face with nitrogen allows you to get a number of positive effects.

Cryomassage is a procedure that combines beneficial features cryotherapy and massage, that is, a mechanical effect on tissues and the effect of low temperatures.

The essence of the method

The principle of cryomassage is based on the hardening effect low temperatures. Cold exposure is short, it causes a spasm of superficial capillaries, which is soon replaced by their compensatory expansion. To a large extent, the mechanical effect on the tissues as a result of massage also contributes to this.
The result is the following types tissue effects:
  • painkiller;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • decongestant;
  • muscle relaxant;
  • trophic-regenerative;
  • immunomodulatory;
  • lymphatic drainage.
Increased blood flow helps to increase metabolism and more rapid removal of decay products, which leads to an increase in skin tone and elasticity.

Indications for cryomassage

Cryomassage is often recommended to be included in the rehabilitation program after injuries, including bruises, sprains. It will help with diseases of the musculoskeletal system, especially joints. Used frequently this technique in cosmetology - it allows you to restore skin elasticity, normalizes activity sebaceous glands, helps to reduce swelling after various traumatic manipulations.

Types of cryomassage

Moderately low temperatures (usually ice) and extremely low temperatures (below -20°C) can be used for the procedure. Ice is used in the form of wraps, cube massage, applications, baths. Not only ordinary water is frozen, but also mineral, vitamin compositions, herbal decoctions. Lower temperatures are achieved in the cryochamber. Sometimes the body is not completely cooled, but the reflex points are massaged with an applicator with liquid nitrogen.

Cryomassage with ice

Ice is applied to the area to be massaged and slowly moved along the skin along the massage lines. This part of the procedure lasts no more than 3 minutes. An exception may be a condition after an injury - the ice is left for 10-15 minutes to relieve pain. In other cases, after cold exposure, the patient is warmed or recommended physical exercise(with cryomassage of the body).

Cryomassage with liquid nitrogen

It is carried out using a cotton applicator, with which liquid nitrogen is quickly applied to the surface of the skin of the face, sometimes to reflex points thin layer. It destroys surface cells, evaporates when heated. After the procedure remains clean skin delicate pink color.

Cryomassage of the face is a method of local cryotherapy that combines elements of massage and short-term exposure to cold on the skin of the face. Cryomassage of the face is usually performed with liquid nitrogen, sometimes with ice. Due to the physical and reflex effects on the skin, nerve endings, blood vessels, secretory apparatus, muscles, facial cryomassage has a healing and rejuvenating effect, causes exfoliation and renewal of the epidermis, improves tone, brightens highly pigmented skin.

The therapeutic and cosmetic effect of facial cryomassage is based on the analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antihypoxic effect of low temperatures, their ability to enhance blood and lymph microcirculation, stimulate the functional and immune activity of dermal cells. When the skin is exposed to cold, a sharp spasm of small blood vessels, then their expansion and temperature increase in the treated area. Due to the activation of metabolic processes in the skin, its nutrition and healing improves, inflammation, redness and swelling are stopped, the work of the sebaceous glands is normalized.

Carrying out the procedure

In the liquid state (at t –196 °C), nitrogen is a colorless volatile liquid. Cryomassage of the face with liquid nitrogen is performed by the method of short-term applications. A facial cryomassage session is carried out with a special applicator - a “reed” (a wooden stick with a cotton swab at the end), which is dipped into a thermos with liquid nitrogen, then rolled over with intermittent rotational movements. massage lines faces. To prevent liquid nitrogen from evaporating ahead of time, the movements must be accurate and fast until a slight whitening of the skin, which should immediately disappear.

The procedure is accompanied by a slight tingling and tingling of the skin. A slight redness remains at the treatment site and a surge of warmth is felt. Cryomassage around the eyes and lips is carried out with extreme care and accuracy. The scheme of facial cryomassage is individual and depends on the type of skin, its condition, and the specific problem, but the cold effect is always minimal, its duration is 5-7 minutes.

When cryomassage of the face with ice and frozen fruits, a cellophane bag with ice, cubes pure ice or with the addition of fruit and vegetable juices to their composition, as well as medicinal herbs. Ice is applied to the skin of the face and moved along the massage lines with light in a circular motion. The total duration of face cryomassage with ice is 3-5 minutes.

Usually, the course of cryomassage of the face includes 10-15 sessions, held 2-3 times a week. To maintain facial skin in good tone, 2 courses per year are enough, with more serious problems it is carried out more often in combination with other medical procedures.

After the facial cryomassage procedure, the skin reacts sharply to Sun rays, so in the summer it is not carried out because of the probability severe peeling skin and hyperpigmentation. Non-compliance with the technique of cryomassage of the face can cause a cold burn and scarring.

At the end of the course of cryomassage of the face, the skin becomes even, smooth and acquires a natural shade, fine wrinkles are smoothed out, inflammation and black spots disappear, sebum secretion is regulated, and the oval of the face is tightened.

How to keep youth to the maximum long term”- this question is asked not only by women, but also by men. And the older a person gets, the more attention you have to pay to caring for your appearance, and especially behind the skin. Cryomassage of the face with liquid nitrogen combines two types beneficial effect: cold effect on body tissues and massage techniques.

It has long been known that cold preserves cells, preventing the aging process. And the most common facial treatment is massage. Procedures with liquid nitrogen for the face are very effective, they bring great benefits, and the result is noticeable from the first time.

The founder of the use of cold in massage was the Japanese scientist Toshimo Yamauchi. He studied in detail the therapeutic properties of cold treatment, and highlighted the benefits of "frost" procedures, applying them to patients with rheumatism. Thanks to him, liquid nitrogen began to be used in cosmetology. On this moment, almost all salons offer liquid nitrogen treatment in their list of services: regardless of the age and gender of the client.

The principle of massage using liquid nitrogen

It is well known that temperature changes have a positive effect on blood circulation in tissues. IN Soviet time to avoid the harmful effects environment face, constantly exposed to atmospheric influences. The procedure helped to stimulate the circulatory apparatus: the vessels narrowed and expanded alternately, allowing the tissue to skin take in oxygen.

The so-called general training or hardening effect of exposure is most effectively achieved by cryomassage, which uses liquid nitrogen for the face.

Liquid nitrogen is a colorless, odorless liquid, non-explosive and non-toxic. In the conditions of human activity it is absolutely safe, it is widely used in the beauty industry.
Before carrying out cryomassage with liquid nitrogen, diagnostics are necessary allergic reactions which all clients must pass.

Effect of cryotherapy:

  • Acceleration of metabolic processes in the cells of the skin (as a result, the skin becomes more elastic, healthier and fresher in appearance);
  • Treatment of allergic rashes;
  • Helps to get rid of acne and small wounds;
  • Treatment of rashes, papillomas, warts and inflammatory processes;
  • Normalization of the work of the skin glands (positively affects any type of skin, nourishes dry skin, dries oily skin);
  • Skin rejuvenation (elimination of sagging, smoothing wrinkles, brightening the complexion).

It is enough to carry out several procedures, and the most pronounced skin problems will be reduced to a minimum. Cryomassage for the face is completely painless, moreover, it quickly removes pain, and in medicine has multiple indications for use in various diseases.

Types of cryomassage:

Deep cryomassage is a strong freezing, as a result of which the tissue layer is destroyed and dies. This type of "cold" massage will help "get rid" of papillomas and other unwanted skin formations. When carried out, the applicator touches the problem area and acts locally on it for a slightly longer time, unlike conventional treatment.

Standard cryomassage is the same treatment with liquid nitrogen, but the applicator is in this case does not touch the surface of the skin, the device does not linger at one point, but is guided along the massage lines of the face pointwise.

For or against?

Cryomassage of facial skin with liquid nitrogen, like any procedure, has its pros and cons.

Of the pluses can be identified:

  • Validation and effectiveness of the method, proven benefits of many years of use;
  • Treatment a wide range diseases;
  • We answer the question of how often cryomassage can be done - a quick recovery period, as a result of which the procedure can be performed several times a week;
  • There is no skin injury, since liquid nitrogen does not directly contact the skin;
  • You can combine cryotherapy with other types of cosmetic procedures;
  • Cryotherapy of the face with liquid nitrogen does not cause skin pigmentation;
  • Low cost cryotherapy.

Of the minuses can be identified:

  • Redness and swelling of the skin in places of exposure for up to a day;
  • Skin tingling during the procedure, a feeling of cold (not everyone is pleased);

Attention! Contraindications

No matter how safe the procedure is, cryomassage still has contraindications.

With vessels close to the skin surface, prolonged therapy with a large number of sessions can lead to an expanded capillary network visible on the surface of the face.

If massage is contraindicated in principle, then the “cold” facial massage is also contraindicated.

Do not carry out the procedure in the winter, followed by going outside. Also, hypersensitivity to cold will be a sufficient reason for refusing this method. Before carrying out cryomassage, contraindications should be studied taking into account the characteristics of your skin type and the body as a whole.

Cryomassage of the face during pregnancy can be carried out, but it should be borne in mind that hormonal background is changing. Therefore, the procedure is not recommended.

Is cryomassage possible at home?

For one reason or another, it is not always possible to visit the salon, but you always want to look young. And in view of such an understandable desire, women are wondering how to do facial cryomassage at home? At home, sessions can be carried out with ordinary water or products for your skin type, which can be found at any pharmacy.

When using ordinary water, it is better to choose melted water, if there is none, then filtered or mineral water without gas. The liquid is poured into molds, frozen. It is better to remove the first crust of ice, it contains harmful substances. Cosmetic ice with additives should not be stored for more than 4-5 days. Supplements should be chosen based on your skin type.

When massaging the face, you need to hold ice cubes along the massage lines. Do not be afraid to get on the skin around the eyes, but do not leave ice in one place for more than 5 seconds. Rubbing is carried out until the cube is completely melted. In general, the session should last about 3-5 minutes. After wiping, do not wipe your face, but slightly get wet and spread with a regular cream. If the skin is dry, the best option would be to apply on the face and hold for about 30 minutes. Can be repeated twice a day.

Thus, we can conclude that cryomassage of the face at home is possible, albeit using more simple materials. But cryomassage of the face with liquid nitrogen can only be carried out by a specialist who knows all the subtleties proper conduct procedures. The main thing to remember is that timely and systematic self-care will help you stay young for a long time.

The beauty industry annually offers new ways to preserve the beauty and health of the skin. One of the most popular methods today is cryomassage.

He came to cosmetology from other areas of medicine, after the Japanese doctor T. Yamauchi proved the benefits of artificial cold massage for diseased joints.

Since the end of the twentieth century, the cryomassage method has become popular and accessible way for supporting natural beauty facial skin without the use of plastic surgery.

Operating principle

The massage procedure is carried out using liquid nitrogen. With a special applicator, nitrogen in a frozen state is gently applied to the skin of the face.

When exposed to gas, a certain part of the body is cooled. As a result, the capillaries begin to narrow, all processes in the tissues of the dermis slow down.

After the end of the session, the capillaries expand again. Blood flows to the face. This accelerates the processes occurring in the layers of the skin, oxygen is better supplied to them and nutrients, resulting in tissues regenerate faster.

The process of skin rejuvenation takes place. The effect becomes noticeable immediately after the first session.


Cryomassage of the face has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and is indicated in such cases:

  1. Eruptions on the skin in the form of blackheads and acne.
  2. Warts and papillomas.
  3. Oily skin with enlarged pores.
  4. Loose skin.
  5. First wrinkles.
  6. Pigmented spots on the skin.
  7. Double chin.
  8. Demodicosis.


Despite the benefits of cryotherapy, there are a number of contraindications:

  1. Allergic reaction to cold.
  2. Blood clotting disorders.
  3. Oncological and cardiovascular diseases.
  4. Injured skin at the site of alleged exposure to cold.
  5. Acute viral infections.
  6. Elevated temperature.
  7. Tuberculosis.
  8. Herpes in the acute stage.
  9. Epilepsy.
  10. Pregnancy and lactation.

To provide maximum effect from massage with frozen nitrogen, cosmetologists recommend 10-14 sessions (with a time interval of 3 days between them), each of which lasts 5-10 minutes.

Salon cryomassage procedure is carried out in several stages and does not require special preparation from the patient:

  1. In the beauty parlor, the client is placed on a special couch, the body is covered with a sheet. Hair is removed under a special cap.
  2. Cosmetics are carefully removed from the face.
  3. A special wooden applicator with a cotton tip is placed by the beautician in a thermos, where liquid nitrogen is stored at a temperature of 196⁰C. It is in this state that the gas turns into a liquid state.
  4. The massage lines are quickly carried out with an applicator. At this time, the client may feel a slight tingling sensation from the cold, which quickly passes.
  5. After the end of the procedure, apply on the face nutritious cream. After 30 minutes you can go outside, but for several days you need to avoid direct sunlight.

Depending on cosmetic problems, cryomassage in different situations may differ.

Application for acne

Blackheads and acne appear on the skin as a result of the vital activity of microorganisms - bacteria. With cold exposure to acne, the pathogenic flora also dies.

In a few days the crust covering the defect comes off with the pimple, leaving no traces.

The massage lasts 5-7 minutes. In order to completely get rid of problems with acne and blackheads, you need to do 6-7 sessions.

With demodicosis

They live in hair follicles human, eat sebum and human hormones, lead an active lifestyle in dark time days.

The presence of these mites in the body can be guessed by inflammation in the forehead, nose and chin.

If anti-acne cosmetics do not bring results, and the skin on the face becomes earthy, it is necessary to take an analysis for the presence of demodex.

A good way to temporarily get rid of unpleasant symptoms massage with liquid nitrogen helps.

The beautician dips the applicator into liquid nitrogen and rotates it parallel to the rashes. Reduced by cold pruritus and remove redness.

Rosacea treatment

Consequence hypersensitivity skin vessels is rosacea.

This is a chronic disease in which the skin reddens and thickens, pustules and spider veins appear on it.

Massage with liquid nitrogen is a guaranteed method of getting rid of altered blood vessels on the face.

After several procedures redness is significantly reduced, itching is reduced, the skin acquires a healthy shade.

Massage for rosacea is practically no different from massage for demodicosis.

The only difference is that freezing occurs without pressure, in a more gentle way: only the main vascular nodules are additionally frozen for 10 seconds.

More details about the method of treatment with cryotherapy and how. how the procedure is carried out in the salon, find out from the video.

Possible Complications

Liquid nitrogen sessions are usually well tolerated by patients, but in some cases backfire.

It should be noted that redness of the skin, slight swelling on the face, and a feeling of tingling are not a complication.

This normal reaction body to low temperatures. Typically, the data symptoms disappear on their own the next day after the massage.

In other cases, when safety precautions are violated, the following complications arise:

  1. Allergy to cold. It appears in patients prone to allergic manifestations, if the effect of frozen nitrogen was not checked before the start of the session on an inconspicuous area of ​​​​the skin. After the massage, she begins to itch, hurt, swell and even blister.
  2. The appearance of scars. This becomes possible after prolonged exposure to low temperatures on the same area of ​​the skin.
  3. Burns of the mucous membranes of the eyes and mouth. Liquid nitrogen, when it comes into contact with the mucous membrane, adheres tightly to it, causing burns and blisters. They cannot be removed on their own, but it is worth making sure that no infection gets into the blister.

    To do this, they should be sealed with a plaster. After a few days, the blister deflates, only in rare cases leaving small scars.

Combination with other methods

Cryomassage is used and how independent method, and in combination with other methods of rejuvenation.

Most often it is used with ultrasonic and mechanical cleaning face, in which cold helps to reduce discomfort after exposure to the dermis.

Massage with liquid nitrogen also prepares the skin for deeper effects. cosmetic procedures And enhances the effect enzyme peeling and mesotherapy.

It doubles the benefits of injections. Cold exposure also helps to minimize unpleasant consequences after epilation procedures.


Prices for cryomassage of the face depend on the region, the degree of equipment of clinics or beauty parlors, the qualifications of the beautician, as well as the type of procedure (manual, i.e. using an applicator, or hardware).

In Moscow and the Moscow region, the cost of one manual facial cryomassage procedure ranges from 500 to 700 rubles. for one session, and hardware - from 2000 to 5500 rubles.

In addition, the cost of one procedure will depend on how many sessions the doctor has prescribed. The more, the cheaper one procedure will cost, and vice versa.

Application at home

Cryomassage can be done not only in the salon, but also at home. However, liquid nitrogen can only be used and stored under special conditions..

Therefore, home cryomassage is carried out using ice. Unlike procedures with nitrogen, which have enough contraindications, ice massage is not recommended only for inflammatory diseases of the sinuses and at high temperature.

To prepare ice cubes, you will need boiled, distilled, micellar water, fruit juices or herbal decoctions.

They are poured into small molds and left for several hours in the freezer. Once the ice hardens, it can be used for cosmetic purposes.

In this case, you need to use no more than 2 cubes per session. You can not keep them for a long time on one area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin to prevent frostbite.

The ingredients that are added to the cubes will depend on the type of skin. There are many recipes:

  1. Chamomile. 2 tbsp dry chamomile pour one glass of boiling water, insist in a sealed container, cool, strain, pour into molds and send to the freezer. Chamomile Cubes help to tone and sanitize oily skin.
  2. Parsley. To restore the tone of withered skin and slightly whiten it under the force of cubes with parsley. To do this, cut and chop the leaves from a bunch of fresh parsley, pour 0.5 l of them cold water, hold on low heat for 20 minutes. Then cool the resulting broth, pour into molds and put in the freezer.
  3. Juices. Cubes from natural juices of fruits, berries and vegetables well tone up and restore skin elasticity. They are also frozen individually or in combination.

The video provides information on how to make and use ice cubes.


Cryomassage, regardless of technique and location, is good for the skin.

This procedure is very popular because does not require serious financial costs, long preparation.

The result is noticeable after the first session, which is very reassuring for clients.

The result of the salon procedure

It is worth starting to apply the technique after 30 years, when it becomes necessary to remove the first wrinkles, restore skin radiance, narrow pores.

After a course of procedures in the salon, you can expect the following results:

  • improvement of blood circulation;
  • slowing down the aging process;
  • the disappearance of such skin defects as bags under the eyes, dark spots, rashes, oily sheen.

Expectations from the home procedure

Regular use of ice cubes based on juices, decoctions of herbs or dairy products can transform the face.

Under the influence of low temperatures, the skin experiences stress, blood circulation improves in its layers, metabolic processes pass faster, as a result of which:

  • complexion improves;
  • the skin becomes elastic;
  • the epidermis is well hydrated;
  • oily sheen disappears;
  • pores shrink.


Cryomassage is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures.

Liquid nitrogen and ice help restore skin healthy look without surgical intervention.

If you are familiar with this technique, you can leave your feedback in the comments to the article.