How to make heels smooth and soft at home: the secrets of the procedure. Proper heel care - tips and remedies

Hello dear readers. How to make your heels soft and smooth at home? I will not be mistaken if I say that every woman dreams of such smooth, soft heels. How beautiful they look in summer open sandals! Therefore, watch the post until the end - there will be 6 ways to get rid of rough skin on the heels.

Baths are the best remedy for soft heels

When the skin of the heels becomes rough, ugly, you should not wait for more serious changes. It is necessary to correct the situation.

What can cause cracked heels? First of all, it is:

  • dry indoor air,
  • lack of care
  • hormonal disbalance,
  • poor circulation,
  • lack of vitamins, especially A and E.
  • fungus attack,
  • high blood sugar, thyroid disease.

If you do not have serious diseases, then they will help to quickly correct the situation. soda baths. Pour 1 tbsp into a basin with warm water (1l.). spoon of soda, pour 3-4 drops of essential oil, lower the feet for 15 minutes. After softening the stratum corneum, we treat the legs with pumice stone, lubricate with cream.

Bath with milk. In 2 liters of water, add 1 tbsp. milk, 3 tbsp. salt, a little shampoo. We keep our feet in this solution for about 20 minutes. Then we treat the feet with a brush or pumice stone, wipe it dry, grease it with a fat cream.

Bath with glycerin. Pour warm water into a bowl, add 1 tsp. l. glycerin, lower the feet for 15 minutes, rub the skin on the heels with a brush, grease with a fat cream. All baths can be done daily 1 time. The course is a week.

Masks for feet and smooth heels

At home, you can make excellent healing masks. For a rough cover, a real elixir will be a mask with yolk.

Recipe: Take 1 tbsp. l. starch and lemon juice, egg yolk, mix well, grease the steamed heels, hold for 15 minutes, then rinse with water, wipe them with a towel, grease with cream.

Honey mask. We take 1 tbsp. l. honey and olive oil, mix, apply on the heels, hold for 30 minutes, rinse with warm water.

To make your heels smooth, try doing herbal compresses. Brew a mixture of herbs: chamomile, string, sage, calendula. Two st. l. herbs, brew 200 ml of boiling water. Insist 30 minutes. Soak gauze in the infusion, apply to the heels, fix with cellophane, put on socks.

Treatment of cracks in the skin

Skin on the heels without cracks, is it possible? Of course available! Use simple recipes, and you will forget about such an unpleasant phenomenon as.

Spend treatment with peroxide. Pour 4 liters of hot water into the basin, enter 4 tbsp. l. peroxides. Lower your legs, the main thing is that they are covered with water, hold for 10 minutes.

Soon you will see that the skin has steamed out as if you had been steaming it for an hour.

We clean off the stratum corneum, cover the heels with a composition (1: 1), which includes glycerin and vinegar (table). We do baths with peroxide 1 time in 7 days, but the mixture can be lubricated every day.

Homemade cream for treating cracked heels can be prepared in a few minutes. Take baby cream, add peppermint oil.

And here is a more complex composition. This cream includes:

  • ghee - 50 grams;
  • glycerin oil - half a teaspoon;
  • any vegetable oil - 4 teaspoons;
  • camphor alcohol - 30 grams;
  • egg yolks - 2 pcs.;
  • chamomile infusion - 1 tbsp. spoon.

First, prepare a decoction of chamomile: 1 tbsp. l. flowers, brew 100 ml of boiling water, infuse for 2 hours. Excess liquid can be frozen and then used as a cosmetic.

Then we mix all the ingredients, apply on the heels, wrap in polyethylene, put on socks, hold for several hours.

Homemade heel cream - better than a pharmacy product

There is another way to treat heels, which is better than many ready-made cosmetic preparations. This is a cream that you can prepare in just a few minutes.

For this you will need vitamin A and calendula ointment in a tube.

Take a glass jar, mix vitamin A with ointment well: 20 ml vial of vitamin and a tube of ointment (20g). Store the resulting mixture in the refrigerator.

Daily, at night, lubricate the heels with this magical remedy, then put on socks. Course-week.

After a weekly course, you can continue to lubricate the skin, but already 2 times a week. This cream has an amazing quality: to permanently rid the feet of cracks.

Do not forget to lubricate the nails and the entire foot. Even older people with a neglected state of the dermis acquire soft, smooth heels.

Foot cream with urea

Great for cracked heels compounds with urea, which instantly penetrates the skin, promotes loosening and removal of the upper, stratum corneum, for example,.

In addition, the cream with urea performs protective functions, and also maintains the necessary amount of moisture in the tissues, promotes the penetration into the depth of the epidermis of the beneficial substances that make up this product.

Cream with urea helps to treat such diseases of the epidermis of the feet as eczema, fungus, psoriasis, ichthyosis.

What is this substance - urea? This is a very important component that is found in the cells of the human epidermis. If there are no diseases of the skin of the legs, then it contains up to 1 percent of urea.

Its main purpose is to moisturize the skin, which means preventing dryness and the appearance of cracks.

Folk recipes for the treatment of heels

Folk remedies are endowed with an excellent healing effect.

Mask with celandine: chop fresh celandine leaves, put on the heels, secure with a bandage, wrap with foil on top, put on socks. Stay like this for the night. Wash off the herb with warm water in the morning. Rub the exfoliated epidermis with a brush, grease your feet with cream.

Effective folk remedy: boil a few potato tubers in their skins, drain some of the water, and mash the potatoes in the remaining water. Pour into a basin, add water to cover the feet, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of soda.

Put your feet in the solution, hold for 5-8 minutes, rub your feet with a pumice stone, rinse with water, wipe dry with a towel, lubricate with cream, put on your socks.

An equally effective remedy is oatmeal boiled in water. Pour a good portion into the porridge, put the mixture in 2 bags, put them on your feet, insulate for 2 hours, then rinse with warm water. A few such procedures are enough to make the heels soft and smooth.

How can we not remember about? If you are not allergic to it, then prepare a simple tortilla of 2 tbsp. spoons of flour and 1 tbsp. honey.

Divide it into 2 parts. Before going to bed, steam your feet, wipe dry, attach the cakes to your heels, fix them, put on your socks. In the morning, roll up the cakes to use them again. The course is 10 days.

Another proven recipe. Scroll 2 large onions in a meat grinder, arrange them in 2 bags. Before going to bed, put them on your feet, warm them up, put on socks, 3-5 procedures will be enough. This tool will also save you from.

Use lemon for heel care.

  1. The procedure is best done at night. Cut in half and squeeze out the juice. It can be used for cooking, simply added to tea or frozen for later.
  2. Place the squeezed lemon halves on both heels and put on a sock over the top to hold the peel in place. Now just go to sleep.
  3. In the morning you will notice how much softer your heels have become. The ideal result is achieved if the procedure is repeated every 2-3 days. The same lemon halves can be used several times until they dry out.

Vitamins for smooth heel skin

What vitamins are lacking in the body so that the heels are soft, like a child's? First of all, vitamin A.

Any woman wants to remain tender and feminine at any time of the year. However, unpleasant to the touch, rough heels can spoil all the contentment with yourself! And many women strive by any means to make the legs smooth and tender. In our article, we will consider the most effective ways.

To keep the skin on the heels soft.

  1. Use a pumice stone or a foot file (it's sold almost everywhere and costs a little) regularly after a hot shower.
  2. Remember to rub a moisturizing oily cream into the skin of your heels before going to bed. You can make such creams yourself, on a natural basis.
  3. Before going to bed, do not be lazy to spend 10 minutes on a pleasant leg care procedure.

There are several types of procedures that make the skin of the heels tender - these are foot baths and masks. You can easily find the ingredients for them at home.

Baths for the skin of the heels

After a hard day at work, our legs need a soothing bath that will relieve fatigue and soften the skin. Below are the most effective masks.

Attention! The water temperature for baths should vary from 30 to 40 degrees.

Soap and soda. Grind half a glass of soap on a grater to shavings and mix with the same amount of baking soda and 3 liters of hot water. Solid soap can be replaced with liquid soap.

Dairy whey. The procedure also whitens the skin. Serum must be heated and poured into a bowl. Soak the legs in water for 20 minutes, and then lubricate with a mixture of castor oil and glycerin. Put socks on top.

Hydrogen peroxide and salt. Add these ingredients to water in a 2:1 ratio. After 10 minutes, rinse your feet with warm water and apply the cream on your feet.

Herbal bath. Great for helping with pimples. You need to pour 200 g of marshmallow root or linden flowers with boiling water, leave for half an hour and mix with water.

White wine. Boil 300 ml of wine and throw in some linden flowers, boiling them in wine for several minutes.

Take half a glass of baby soap and warm cow's milk. Do a bath until the liquid has completely cooled.

Attention! If during the bath you roll small balls of hard material with your feet - this will also be a wonderful acupressure, which will enhance the effect.

Mix 2 tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice with 50 g of salt (you can use sea salt) and stir in water.

Foot masks

Masks are made from natural ingredients - fruits, vegetables and other products that have cosmetic properties. For the mask to work, apply the mixture on the heels, fix with polyethylene and warm with socks. Lack of air exchange allows nutrients to be completely absorbed into the skin. After the mask, the legs are recommended to be lubricated with cream.

Apricot. Grind apricot pulp, mix with olive oil and heat slightly.

Corn oil. Lubricate your heels with oil, put on your socks, and in the morning take a bath and clean your feet with a pumice stone.

Olive oil. Applying it according to the above technique several times a week (you can ignore the item with the morning bath), you will get an excellent result.

Salo and honey. Mix in a ratio of 2: 1, heat with a water bath.

Blue clay. Dilute blue or white clay in warm water and apply the gruel on your feet.

Apple. Finely chop the apple along with the seeds. It can be mixed with vegetable oil or rye flour.

Banana and honey. Crush one banana with a fork, mix with honey. Honey is generally considered a universal ingredient. Based on it, they do the same

Egg yolk. The yolk in combination with vegetable oil is an excellent nutrient.

Give heels softness - an emergency option

If you urgently need to correct a distressed situation, use the following recipe.

Use a depilatory cream - applications from it are aged for 15 minutes, and then the keratinized layer of cells is removed with a pumice stone.

wax cream recipe

Put a water bath and heat 100 ml of oil on it (it is better to take olive oil) to a temperature of about 40 degrees. Dip 15 g of solid beeswax into the oil, and after a few minutes add a spoonful of glycerin and sea buckthorn oil. This ointment can be stored in the refrigerator for 6 months.

Application with vinegar essence

Buy a bottle of glycerin at the pharmacy and combine it with vinegar essence, adding the latter in such an amount that the bottle of glycerin is full. Shake the product and every night lubricate the heels with an ear stick. Warm your heels with cellophane and socks. The procedure lasts half an hour. As well as your legs, you should also take care of your hands. And so we offer you an interesting article on the topic.

Every self-respecting lady is obliged to maintain the beauty and softness of her legs. Thinking about how to quickly make your heels soft and smooth, it is worth considering effective methods at home.

How to Get Soft Heels Fast in 10 Minutes

1. To start the procedure, the heels must be dry and clean. You don't need to steam them first. Treat problem skin with baby cream. Don't spare money. The cream should be well absorbed.

2. Next, you will need a non-rough brush or a directional file. Soak it in plain water. Gently and at the same time with intense movements, begin to rub the skin. As a result, you will see how the keratinized particles fall off.

3. Thanks to such a simple procedure, the heels will become like those of a baby. Keep rubbing your feet, wet the file regularly. At home, you can quickly achieve the desired result.

4. When you complete the procedure, you should wash your feet and treat with a nourishing cream. Further, it is recommended to wear socks made of organic cotton. The legs should rest for a while. It is better to perform the manipulation before going to bed.

Baths for softening heels

Recipe number 1. Milk

Use a coarse grater and grate a piece of baby soap on it. Pour into a bowl 600 ml. warm milk and enter 40 gr. finished chips. Dilute the mixture with 500 ml. water at 40 degrees. Dip your feet into the composition and wait for it to cool completely.

Recipe number 2. Medicinal fee

Take 30 gr. dry collection of chamomile, oak bark, calendula and celandine. Pour raw materials 800 ml. steep boil. Such a remedy must be insisted all day. Before going to bed, strain the infusion and pour it into a basin of hot water. Stretch your legs and lie down to rest.

Recipe number 3. Soda

When deciding how to make your heels soft and smooth, you should use a mixture of soap and soda at home. Pour into the basin 100 gr. grated soap and 110 gr. soda. Pour in 2-3 liters. hot water. Mix the ingredients and soak the legs in the product for about 10-12 minutes. The procedure can be repeated 3 times a week. As a result, you will quickly achieve the desired effect.

Recipe number 4. citruses

In advance of the procedure, citrus fruit zest should be brewed in boiling water. After that, such a tool must be poured into a basin of hot water. It is also recommended to introduce a few drops of orange ether. Further, the procedure is carried out according to classical technology. If necessary, the heels are treated with pumice.

Recipe number 5. Nettle

Pour into the basin 3 liters. hot water. Dilute the liquid with a decoction based on nettle (you need to take 1 liter of boiling water and 50 g of the leaves of the dried plant). Do it regularly to keep your feet soft.

Recipe number 6. Oils

It is easy to understand how to quickly make your heels soft and smooth with the help of natural oils at home. To do this, you need to prepare a bath. In 1.8 l. hot water enter 0.1 l. any oil (sea buckthorn, sunflower, corn). Also add 10 drops of orange or rosemary ether.

Recipe number 7. Glycerol

Dissolve in 1 l. hot water 90 ml. apple cider vinegar and 25 ml. glycerin. Stir the composition and place the legs in it. Wait a third of an hour, then rub the hard skin with a special file or brush.

Recipe number 8. Starch

Dissolve 60 gr. natural starch in 1 liter. cold water. Mix to the components 40 gr. white clay. Dilute this product with 2 liters. hot water. Soak the legs in the liquid for about 30 minutes. Moisturize your skin with a targeted moisturizer.

Recipe number 9. Salt

Mix in a basin of 300 ml. warm milk and 90 gr. sea ​​salt of medium grinding. Pour in 2 liters. hot water. Feet in such a bath must be kept for 30-40 minutes. Then the usual foot peeling is carried out with a pumice stone or a file.

Heel softening masks

When deciding how to quickly make your heels soft and smooth, you should also pay attention to homemade masks at home.

Recipe number 1. Lemon with egg

Combine raw egg yolk with 15 ml. lemon fresh and 10 gr. starch. Mix thoroughly. Spread over the feet and wait for complete drying. Wash your feet in warm water and moisturize your skin with a special cream.

Recipe number 2. Olive oil with honey

Take the presented components in equal proportions. Apply a nourishing product to rough skin and wait half an hour. Remove with warm water. Systematically repeat the procedure 3-4 times a week.

Recipe number 3. Zucchini with sour cream

Skip the young medium-sized zucchini on a fine grater. Mix to the gruel 4 gr. fat sour cream (rustic). Wrap the product in gauze and apply to problem skin as a compress. Wait 30-40 minutes. Wash your feet and apply a nourishing cream.

Recipe number 4. Banana with honey

Pass the banana through a blender and add the same amount of honey to the pulp. Spread evenly over rough areas. Wrap your legs in cellophane, wait half an hour. Wash your feet.

Recipe number 5. Aloe

It is easy to understand how to quickly make your heels soft and smooth with aloe at home. Mush the stem of an adult plant. Apply the finished product to rough heels, wrap your legs with cling film. The procedure is recommended to be carried out before going to bed. In the morning, the result will please you.

Recipe number 6. Aspirin

This tool is recommended for use in advanced cases. Turn 10 tablets into powder. Mix medical alcohol with acetyl to make a slurry. Enter 4 drops of iodine. Rub the product into rough skin and wait 10 minutes. Rinse, moisturize the epidermis with foot lotion.

Recipe number 7. Vegetable oils

Heat the sunflower and corn oils in a steam bath to 40 degrees. Raw materials must be taken in equal quantities. Soak cotton sponges with the finished composition. Attach to rough skin and fix in any way possible. As a result, the epidermis is fully moisturized and becomes softer.

Recipe number 8. Honey

Warm up in a water bath 120 gr. flower honey. Enter oatmeal to get a fairly thick gruel. Spread the mask over your legs and wait 40 minutes. Wash your feet with cool water.

Recipe number 9. Flax oil

Combine in a cup 90 ml. linseed oil and egg yolk. Such a tool will have a bactericidal effect and fill the skin with valuable enzymes. The mask is applied in the classical way. Wait about 30-40 minutes, then remove.

Recipe number 10. Celandine

To understand how to quickly make your heels soft and smooth, you should resort to using tea tree oil and celandine at home. Grind 40 gr. fresh celandine through a blender. Enter 7 drops of the presented ether into the gruel. Apply to skin and wash off after 30 minutes.

Recipe number 11. Onion

Chop the onion into pieces and sprinkle with lemon juice. Sprinkle with salt. Apply to rough skin and fix. Go to bed. Together, these components have a strong antimicrobial and softening effect. In the morning you will be surprised by the result.

Recipe number 12. Starch

Combine starch, a small amount of lemon juice and egg yolk. You should end up with a thick paste. Adjust the components to your liking. Spread the product and wrap the feet with parchment. Put on your socks and lie down to rest. Wash your feet in the morning and apply cream.

Heel scrubs

This tool should be used 2 times a week. It is easy to guess how to quickly make your heels soft and smooth with a homemade scrub. Always steam your skin before applying. The product is rubbed with massaging movements for 10-12 minutes.

Recipe number 1. clay with salt

Use a convenient container and mix 55 gr. sea ​​salt medium grinding, 25 ml. shower gel, 30 gr. white clay. The raw material must have a uniform structure.

Recipe number 2. Lemon with mint ester

Wash the citrus fruit and grind it together with the zest using a blender. Enter into the gruel 3 drops of mint ether and 25 gr. granulated sugar. Mix the scrub and apply as directed

Recipe number 3. Manka with cinnamon

Take 15 gr. freshly ground cinnamon, 45 gr. semolina, 25 ml. shower gel. Turn the components into a homogeneous substance. Follow the instructions.

Recipe number 4. Coconut oil coffee

To prepare an effective scrub, you need 25 ml. coconut oil, 55 gr. coffee grounds and 20 ml. shower gel. Turn the ingredients into a mass with a homogeneous composition.

Recipe number 5. Jojoba oil and shower gel

Mix 20 ml. gel, 15 ml. jojoba oil and 45 gr. chopped walnut shells. The finished product has an excellent exfoliating and moisturizing effect.

Systematic foot care procedures make it clear how to quickly make the heels soft and smooth. Use various means at home to solve an urgent problem. Systematic manipulations will help maintain the skin of the feet at the highest level.

Many people face such a problem as dry heels. Not only does this phenomenon cause a lot of uncomfortable sensations, but also the appearance of the legs becomes unattractive. If you want to show off soft and pink heels, then you need to provide them with gentle care.

Dry heels: the cause

Girls love to show off their beautiful legs. On the street, on the beach, in the office, at home - anywhere. Nevertheless, dry heels can significantly spoil the mood and force the beauties to wear closed shoes. The following factors can serve as the reasons for this unpleasant phenomenon:

  • wearing uncomfortable shoes with high heels;
  • lack of vitamins A and E, which affect the condition of the skin;
  • fungal infections (in this case, in addition to dryness and cracks, there may be a change in skin color);
  • improper foot care and neglect of personal hygiene;
  • disturbances in the work of the endocrine system.

Is it worth it to see a doctor

Dry heels are a fairly common problem. What to do if the problem persists for a long period of time? Of course, see a doctor. The fact is that if the problem of rough skin cannot be solved with the help of cosmetic procedures, then most likely the reason lies in health problems:

  • lack of vitamins in the body (both seasonal and chronic);
  • fungal diseases;
  • problems with the thyroid gland;
  • fungus or herpes;
  • eczema;
  • diabetes mellitus of any type.

If you have any of the above problems, then no cosmetic procedures can cure dry heels and cracks. You will have to undergo complex medical treatment.

Mitigating procedures

Dry heels are a serious problem, but quite solvable. Constant and gentle skin care is important. The main thing is that at the first signs of dryness, you need to start intensive therapy, which may include the following procedures:

  • Pamper your feet regularly with herbal baths. A combination of chamomile, calendula, string and sage helps to cope with dryness and cracks. It is worth noting that such a procedure has not only a softening, but also an anti-inflammatory effect, which will be an additional prevention of the fungus.
  • Sea or ordinary table salt is an effective remedy for cracked and cracked heels. It is necessary to lower the legs in a warm concentrated solution for a quarter of an hour. If dryness has reached a critical level or there are deep cracks, then add milk to the bath.
  • Red wine has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. It will not only soften your heels, but also relieve fatigue. For two liters of water you need to take 2 glasses of wine (you can replace it with grape juice). In 20 minutes you won't recognize your heels.

In order for the effect to be noticeable and stable, you need to correctly complete the procedures. Feet should be wiped dry and lubricated with moisturizing creams or nourishing oils. Also wear cotton socks.

Compresses for dry heels

Due to the fact that the load on the feet and heels is large enough, they quickly lose moisture. As a result, the skin cracks and becomes rough. To reanimate dry heels, you need to regularly do nourishing compresses. The following recipes work best:

  • onions will help you remove the top roughened layer of skin. It must be grated on a fine grater, then mixed with a small amount of honey and milk. Apply the resulting slurry to a bandage or gauze, attach to the heel and wrap with polyethylene. Put on thick socks on top and leave the compress overnight. To eliminate the unpleasant onion smell in the morning, wash your feet well with laundry soap and be sure to apply cream.
  • Honey is a real salvation for dry skin. They need to lubricate problem areas, cover with polyethylene and put on. It is better if it stays all night. After you wash your feet in the morning, be sure to apply cream.
  • If the skin is not too rough, then a green apple will help you solve the problem. Rub it in mashed potatoes, wrap it in a piece of bandage or gauze and apply it to the heels. You need to fix the compress with plastic bags and socks. Better to leave overnight.
  • Perhaps the simplest and most effective can be considered a cabbage compress. You just need to knead in your hands or beat off a clean sheet with a rolling pin and attach it to the heel. Fix the compress with a bandage, and in the morning remove and lubricate the feet with cream.
  • Celandine is a healing plant that helps to cope with many problems. If you have dry heels, you can make a healing compress at home. Grind a fresh sheet (you can beat it off with a rolling pin) and attach to the problem area. As in previous cases, you need to wrap your legs with polyethylene, put on socks and leave the product overnight.

pumice stone

Many people face such a problem as cracked or dry heels. What to do? Of course, treat them with pumice. Despite the fact that this is the most popular method, many people make mistakes. So, for example, it is wrong to treat the heels while taking a shower, or immediately after, while they are very steamed. It is better to do this about half an hour before swimming. The effect will be more pronounced if you lubricate the heels with a nourishing cream before pumice treatment.

Dry heels - treatment with pharmaceutical products

In the pharmacy you can find many products that are aimed at solving not only medical, but also cosmetic problems. So, if the heel is dry and cracking, then try using the following drugs:

  • "Five days" is a nourishing cream with a rich composition, thanks to which your legs will simply change. It has not only nutritional, but also disinfectant properties. Thus, in addition to healing cracks, there will also be
  • "Sea Wolf" is an effective budget tool that fights a lot of problems (from the aggressive effects of water, sun or cold to a lack of vitamins and nutrients). The components of the cream contribute to the speedy regeneration, and therefore your heels will change in the shortest possible time.
  • "Bepanthen" is a popular remedy that helps to cope with skin problems. Thanks to such a component as lanolin, the epidermis softens, and the cracks heal quickly.

Proven "grandmother's" remedy

Dry five and cracked legs are an age-old problem. At the moment, in pharmacies and cosmetic stores, you can find a lot of tools and devices that help to cope with it. And what did women do in those days when only ineffective pumice stone was available? There is one effective recipe.

Buy a vial of glycerin, as well as vinegar essence. This is all you need to prepare the remedy. The glycerin container will be incomplete. It is necessary to add vinegar essence to the neck, close tightly, then shake vigorously.

Wash your feet well with laundry soap, steam them in a bath (you can use herbal or salt) and rub thoroughly with a pedicure brush to remove the top layer of rough skin. Now you need to dry the skin with a towel.

Shake the vial of glycerin and vinegar essence well, soak a cotton swab in the liquid and treat all the roughness that is on the feet, paying special attention to the heels. Next, you need to put on your feet cellophane bags and tight socks. It is best to do the procedure at night. But if you decide to spend it during the day, then be sure that the composition will be absorbed into the skin in about 40 minutes. After the procedure, you can lightly rub your heels with a pumice stone, but this is not necessary. Wash your feet with soap and lubricate them with cream.

If your heels are in a neglected state, then at first the procedure will have to be carried out daily until the skin returns to normal. After that, once a week will be enough to maintain the effect.

Preventive measures

Dry heels and cracks can give ladies not only physical, but also aesthetic discomfort. Naturally, it is much easier to prevent a problem than to deal with it later. Preventive measures include the following:

  • try to wear comfortable shoes, and also use special gel insoles;
  • do not neglect the rules of personal hygiene - wash your feet daily using antibacterial agents;
  • regularly use a pumice stone, as well as scrubs (store or homemade);
  • before going to bed, lubricate clean feet with moisturizing creams or nourishing oils;
  • periodically drink a course of vitamins A and E, and also include foods containing them in your diet (carrots, apples, grapes, and so on).


Dry skin on the heels, cracks - all this does not add beauty to your legs. Unfortunately, many women do not pay enough attention to this problem, which can lead to quite serious consequences. If you want to be at your best in any situation, if you like to wear open shoes, and if you want to become the queen of the beach, then your feet need regular and high-quality care. Do not neglect the rules of personal hygiene, take care of your health and nutrition, and regularly pamper your feet with herbal baths and natural peels.

It is necessary to take care of all parts of the body all year round. The face and hands are in plain sight, so women take care of them every day. But the heels often go unnoticed. Heel care also needs to be done every day. This is necessary so that they are always smooth and beautiful.

Causes of rough heels

Very often the heels become rough. There are several explanations for this:

  • dry skin of the feet;
  • prolonged stay on the legs;
  • bad uncomfortable shoes;
  • insufficient heel care;
  • constant stay of feet in socks.

Also, the heels become rough due to a lack of vitamins and minerals. To keep your feet beautiful, it is worth carrying out daily skin care for your heels. It is not necessary to spend money on expensive funds, since the people will come to the rescue here. But if they do not help, then you should consult a doctor to study the nature of cracked or rough heels.

Proper heel care

There are several important rules:

  1. In hot weather, before going outside, it is necessary to lubricate the skin of the feet with a nourishing cream.
  2. What to do if special massages with a moisturizing cream are needed in the heel area. You can also buy special care products or make them yourself at home.
  3. Do regular foot baths and cleansing masks.
  4. To make the heels look like those of a baby, you can use a regular pumice stone.
  5. Do not use any sharp instruments to remove rough skin from the heels.


Now we will tell you what should be the care of the heels at home.

A variety of foot baths will help to achieve soft heels. When preparing them, it is worth considering the characteristics of the skin, and based on this, select the right products.

Now consider a few useful baths for the heels.

  1. Herbal. Take chamomile, sage and St. John's wort. Pour this mixture with boiling water and wait until it is infused for 10 minutes. After that, pass through a strainer to make a decoction. Pour into a container and lower your legs, keep for half an hour.
  2. Bath of white wine. Heat the wine until bubbles appear, add lime blossom to it, close the lid and boil. Then you should cool a little and lower your legs into the resulting infusion. Hold them for ten minutes, and then gently rub them with a washcloth and place them back in the solution. This bath should be carried out monthly.
  3. With milk. First you need to boil water and add milk, salt and soapy water to it. After the salt is completely dissolved, lower your legs into the bath and hold for 30 minutes. As the water cools, you need to add boiled hot water.
  4. With vinegar. First you need to heat the water and add a few drops of 9% vinegar. Lower your legs and support for 15 minutes (no more). For rough skin, use a pumice stone. After this bath, the feet should be rinsed with cool water and greased with a fat cream.
  5. With soda. In warm water, add a couple of tablespoons of soda and a spoonful of soapy water. Keep your feet in the bath for 10 minutes, rub them with a pumice stone and smear with cream.

Such baths should be used regularly, and then the legs will be beautiful and smooth.


What is included in home heel care? In addition to baths, you can use various masks. Roughness and roughness of the heels can be corrected with the following remedies:

  • Mask with celandine. Using a blender or meat grinder, prepare puree from fresh stems and leaves of celandine. Apply this mask on the heels and leave on all night. Wash off in the morning with cool water.
  • Lemon mask. Rub the heels with lemon juice and keep for 10 minutes, then rinse with water.

You can also apply fresh cabbage leaves to the heels. They should be kept for 20 minutes.

You can remove corns and corns with a potato mask.


What else should be included in a complete heel care? Scrubs can be used at home. The main condition for such funds is that they must be freshly prepared. Here are a few of them.

  1. Scrub of orange peels. The zest must be dried and powdered from it. Add olive oil to the resulting mass and apply on the skin of the heels. Then massage for 5-10 minutes.
  2. Oatmeal scrub. Mix the flakes with honey and sour cream and massage the heels. This scrub will help relieve tension from the heels.
  3. Onion scrub. Pour boiling water over the onion. Then cut into two pieces. They need to rub rough skin. After that, attach the bow to the heel, attach with a plastic bag and leave overnight. Remove in the morning and rub with a pumice stone.


If you are thinking about what kind of heel care should be, then you can not help but mention the pedicure. If at home there is everything necessary for the procedure, then you can proceed with the implementation. Before starting a pedicure, you should thoroughly steam the legs. You can use plain water with the addition of aromatic oil or soda. Keep for 15-20 minutes. All necessary tools should be treated with alcohol so as not to bring infections. We begin to process the heels with a special device or a simple razor. But here you need to be extremely careful. Next, we process the heels with pumice. At the end of the procedure, they can be massaged with a scrub. If you can’t do a pedicure on your own, then you can contact the master.

With peroxide

What else do you need to take care of your heels? You can use hydrogen peroxide for home treatments. This is the most proven and reliable foot care product. It will help get rid of cracks. Here is a step by step guide to using peroxide:

  1. You need to wash your feet thoroughly.
  2. Prepare a solution: 1.5 liters of hot water + 4 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide.
  3. Place your feet in the solution and cover with a towel to keep warm.
  4. Keep for 10-30 minutes depending on the roughness.

Another popular way with peroxide:

  1. First, wash your feet thoroughly.
  2. Prepare a solution: 4 liters of water + 2 tablespoons of salt.
  3. Then you need to lower your feet into the solution for 7 minutes and add two tablets of hydrogen peroxide.
  4. Hold for another 7 minutes.
  5. Remove whitened skin with a pumice stone or brush.
  6. Lubricate the heels with cream or ointment.

Glycerin + Vinegar

You can also use glycerin for heel care. It will need one bottle, in which you should add a couple of drops of vinegar and mix. Take a cotton swab, soak in the solution and apply to all cracks. Fasten and put on socks. If such a tool is used during the day, then you should leave it for 40 minutes, or you can all night. Then be sure to treat the heels with a pumice stone.

Big problems with heels. What to do?

If the case is neglected, then simple care will, of course, not be enough. First you need to put your heels in order, and only then start caring for them. Here are some tips on how to do it.

  1. The most common and easy way is to visit a specialist in a beauty salon.
  2. Now in the store there are a variety of means for cleansing the heels. Recently, special socks have gained immense popularity, which allow you to remove all the roughness on the skin of the feet.
  3. Heel cleaning with daily use of the baths, which have already been mentioned above.
  4. There are many different creams that will quickly help to bring the skin in order.

With the help of these simple measures, you can quickly put your legs in order, it is better if everything is done in a complex.

And in the end, I would like to give some valuable advice.

  1. Get rid of all tight and narrow shoes, especially if they are heels. Shoes must be comfortable.
  2. It is advisable to avoid exposure to UV rays.
  3. Drink vitamins.
  4. Stay on your feet less.
  5. Do therapeutic baths, masks and scrubs every day. It is advisable to do this before and after work, if time permits.
  6. Eliminate synthetic socks, use only natural materials.
  7. Drink plenty of water.

Heel care: reviews from foot treatments

People who have used this procedure say that the heels have become much softer and cleaner.

  1. First you need to apply a nourishing cream, it is better if it is special for the heels.
  2. After five minutes, moisten the pumice stone with water and gently remove the rough skin in circular motions.
  3. Then massage for a few seconds with a soft brush. Then walk again with a pumice stone.
  4. With a special tool for grinding heels, wetting it with water, we carry out each heel in the same places for about three minutes.
  5. Then you need to grease with the same cream and hide the legs in

To obtain the ideal result, the procedure should be carried out within a week.

Girls who use Vitek every day say that the result after it is excellent.

Also, many women claim that scrubs are very effective in caring for the heels, and a very good way to get rid of cracks is a remedy consisting of vinegar and glycerin. This mixture should be lubricated on the heels every day after taking a shower. Although the smell is not very pleasant, but the remedy is effective.


To be proud of your feet, you need to provide them with complete heel care and care. Our recommendations will help you in this matter.