DIY Halloween crafts: good spiders, witches, cobwebs. Do-it-yourself Halloween decorations from paper, napkins and other simple materials



Very soon, a fun and a little creepy autumn holiday Halloween. And if you decide to have a party at home, to please friends or kids, then at home you definitely need to create an atmosphere appropriate for the holiday. Decorating your home can be easier than you might think. Various improvised materials will be used - from paper to New Year's garlands, as well as seasonal vegetables and fruits.

Pumpkin Home Decor

Pumpkin is the main character of Halloween. You can make anything out of it: lanterns or candlesticks, draw frightening faces on pumpkins, paint a pumpkin with paints or make dishes for a Halloween table out of it. Below I propose to see a few photos of decor ideas with pumpkins.

Lanterns and candlesticks

If you don’t have pumpkins in your arsenal, but you want to make a traditional Halloween lantern with a creepy face, then use oranges. From them, you must first remove the pulp, and then cut the face with a knife or scissors. A small candle is placed inside and the flashlight is ready.

In addition, candlesticks can be made from glass glasses or jars by drawing the necessary drawings on them with paints or by gluing silhouettes cut out of paper.

Lanterns can be easily made from any plastic jars or containers by drawing scary faces or other images on them and putting New Year's garlands inside.

Spider web and bats

These are the must-have attributes of Halloween, so add them to the interior as soon as possible. Both cobwebs and bats can be easily made from paper or thick cardboard and hung throughout the apartment: on the ceiling, doors, windows.

flying ghosts

What is a holiday without them? You can make small ghosts out of pieces of gauze, bandage, or white balloons and hang them from the ceiling, you can make bigger ghosts out of your own white T-shirts, or limit yourself to paper ghosts in home decor.

Halloween table decor

Themed food and decor of dishes are a must-have addition to a real mystical party. Actively use pumpkin dishes, but do not limit yourself to them. The whole trick of Halloween baking is to turn ordinary dishes into something special with the help of decor. For example, ordinary chocolate muffins are easy to turn into spiders using chocolate sticks, and bake chocolate cookies loved by your friends or household in the form of bats. Pancakes should be baked in the shape of a web, and pizza should be given a frightening look with the help of olives. How to do this, see the photo below.

In recent decades, we have increasingly celebrated the ancient Celtic holiday Halloween. Usually the celebration takes place in the form of a themed party, with appropriate costumes and room decoration.
To think about decorating a house for Halloween, you need to remember the symbols of this holiday: pumpkin lanterns, ghosts, witches, a skeleton, a spider with a web, a broom, a mortar, a mummy, a black cat, etc.

Pumpkin decorations

In addition to traditional lanterns, you can come up with other pumpkin decor options. For example, you can place small white, orange, colorful and green pumpkins individually and in groups in each room and decorate them with ribbons, beads, flowers and appliqués. Or make vases for asters, twigs of mountain ash, physalis, multi-colored leaves from pumpkins. Read:

Very small pumpkins can be used as candlesticks. In order for the design to acquire some kind of man-made, you can do vegetable carving - carving. The front door will be very decorated with a wreath with decorative pumpkins. Here is a small master class on crafts from a pumpkin:

Ghosts, spider webs and other ideas

If pumpkins could not be found, you can sew them from scraps of fabric or make them from balls of thread.

Paper pumpkins - simple, stylish, durable

From gauze or a white sheet, you can create a ghost. To do this, the fabric should be well moistened with a solution of PVA glue, inflate a balloon and fix the fabric on it in the form of a ghost until it dries completely. Then blow off the balloon, and draw eyes and mouth on the fabric with a black marker. Such figures can be hung on windows, chandeliers, doors, hangers.

From white woolen threads or nylon mesh you get an almost real web that can be thrown over a chandelier, cornice or furniture.

Ghosts and cobwebs - gloomy home decor

Chairs, vases, lampshades, mirrors and other interior items can be wrapped in a black veil and secured with red or orange ribbons.

You can also use ghosts in Halloween street decor:

Ghost dance - decorate the garden for Halloween

Paper decor for Halloween

Many decor items that are offered in stores can be made independently. So, from black cardboard, you can cut out the silhouettes of crows, cats, bats, spiders, witches and attach them with pieces of adhesive tape to walls, lampshades, windows, or arrange them on chests of drawers, shelves, tables and chairs. And on plain paper, draw eyes, cut them out and stick them on vases, walls or furniture. This will give the impression that you and the guests are being watched. You can also cut out a skeleton from paper and attach it to a refrigerator or door. An essential attribute of Halloween is the witch's hat. It is not difficult to make it out of cardboard or paper.

For table setting, gossamer coasters made of black cardboard with a pattern applied with white paint are perfect. They can be made both large - for plates, and small - for glasses. Read also:

Branches, snags and fallen leaves

From branches and snags found in a garden, forest or park, you can create a gloomy forest. To do this, the finds must be dried well and covered with black paint. After that, make compositions from them in vases or jars. It is advisable to wrap the vessels for compositions with black cloth, this will enhance the effect. Such "trees" can be wrapped with threads (cobwebs) and artificial spiders can be planted on them. Or hang small pumpkins, orange Christmas balls on branches and tie black ribbon bows.

Dry leaves are widely used to decorate a house for Halloween. They can be scattered on shelves, tables and window sills, attached to curtains or filled with a transparent vase. And from dry leaves strung on a thread, you get a garland.

Other interesting ideas

Black ankle boots are very easy to turn into witch's shoes. To do this, put bunches of twigs and dried grass in them and tie the stems with a black ribbon. This composition is best placed in the hallway. A very easy way to decorate a room is to use orange balloons with scary or funny faces painted on them.

Decoration of the facade, entrance and garden for Halloween

You can decorate the outside of the house and the garden in the same way as the apartment. The ideas are the same - we use pumpkins, from which you can create huge compositions in the garden. Reading for this holiday.

Thus, to decorate a house for Halloween, it does not take a lot of time and money, the main thing is imagination!

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There is one day in the year when the evening streets are filled with witches and ghosts, pumpkin heads mysteriously twinkle with empty eye sockets in the windows of houses, and a vampire can knock on your door. The mysterious and creepy Halloween holiday, widely celebrated in the United States, is gaining more and more popularity in Europe, and now in our country, children and adults are looking forward to the arrival of the most mystical date of the year. For Russians, All Saints Day has not become the main holiday, but it is a great occasion to get together with family or friends and decorate the house for Halloween with your own hands.

The rise of Halloween

Its roots go back thousands of years, and oddly enough, this celebration combines pagan traditions of honoring otherworldly forces and the worship of Christian saints. Hundreds of centuries ago, the Celts lived on the territory of Northern France and Great Britain, who considered October 31 the beginning of the winter season, and at the same time the last day of the year. On the night of November 1, which the Celts called Samhain (Samhain), the gates to the other world opened, and its inhabitants burst into our reality.

Fires were extinguished in houses and animal skins and scary masks were put on to scare away the spirits. Although they could try to appease them with treats, which also had to be ready. All the inhabitants gathered around huge bonfires, where the druids sacrificed animals, and then each carried a piece of sacred fire placed inside a pumpkin to his home. Later, with the advent of Christianity, November 1 began to celebrate the Catholic Day of All Saints - All Hallows Even, the abbreviated name of which later became known to all of us as Halloween.

Since then, pumpkins and fire have become an indispensable attribute of the holiday, skins and masks have turned into masquerade costumes, and it is customary to treat children with sweets, who go from house to house and collect tribute to the cries of “Treat or regret!”.

Preparation for the holiday and decorating the house for All Saints' Day are no less interesting than the event itself, besides, there is room for imagination to unfold. It is necessary to have time to prepare costumes and masks, stock up on sweets, decorate not only your house, but also the site.

The choice of mystical and terrifying "things" for the home is very extensive. An apartment or a house can be decorated in the style of an abandoned castle or vampire lair, the main thing is to use your imagination. So, what can you take into account when decorating your home for Halloween?

Figures and figurines

This category is one of the most impressive. If your guests are greeted at the entrance by a glowing ghost or a hanging figure of a dead bride, then the right mood will be created even before the party starts. Mummies and shrouded corpses, ominous ghosts and monsters with pumpkin heads, zombies and vampires that have risen, ghoul and werewolf mannequins - all this decorative evil spirits perfectly cope with the task of decorating a house for Halloween.

Flora and fauna

If you don’t like too sinister characters, you can get by with more “cute” decorations. For example, wrap the walls of the room with black furry vines, scatter rusty chains on the floor, and decorate the tables with bouquets of black gothic roses. Spiders of various sizes and types on the ceiling, rats in the corners, black crows and vicious bats on the ceiling will complement the Halloween decorations and temporarily turn your cozy home into a sorcerer's dwelling.

Wall decorations for Halloween

Glowing skulls, terrifying masks, giant cobwebs and bloody curtains will drape the floral wallpaper and add gloom to the holiday. There are decorations for glass too - using 3D printing, you can now create amazingly realistic prints of bloody palms or drips on a window.

Arms, legs and other anatomical elements

Fans of "horror movies" know that not a single feast of evil spirits is complete without dismembered bodies. Disdainful people can be offered replicas of hands, feet, brains, eyes and other similar things as home decorations for Halloween, which, of course, frighten, but still, upon closer examination, turn out to be far from the original.

Table decoration for All Saints Day

If your party plan includes a feast, then you will need decorations for the table. These can be candlesticks and skulls, luminous pumpkins and fortune teller balls. If the guests are not squeamish, you can picturesquely scatter cockroaches and mice, spiders and worms on the tablecloth. Original candlesticks will also look very impressive - for example, in the form of a skeleton hand.

window decorations

Stencils for window decoration can be purchased in the online store, or you can make it yourself. They can be in the form of bats, black cats, the walking dead and other frightening characters. You can hang a window with plastic cobwebs or garlands of small paper pumpkins.

Halloween decorations for the yard or summer cottage

Decorating a private house for Halloween is especially nice, because the scope for imagination increases. Outside, the house can be decorated with the same vines and luminous branches, decorative moss and toadstool garlands can be hung. An indispensable attribute is pumpkin lamps, but they can be completely replaced by ghosts flickering from phosphorus, joyfully grinning backlit skulls or swollen black candles. In the middle of your lawn, you can set up a magical portal or a glowing tombstone. No less picturesque will decorate your house for the feast of All Saints and hands crawled out of the ground (by the way, you can install signs with inscriptions in them) or skeletons.

DIY Halloween decorations

If you want to enjoy the holiday properly and show creative imagination when decorating your house for Halloween, then you can make interesting decorations with your own hands. Moreover, there are many options for such crafts and many of them do not require special costs of materials and time.

How to make your own pumpkin for Halloween

The main attribute of the holiday of All Saints' Day is, of course, Jack's lantern, made from a pumpkin. Making such a lantern yourself is not at all difficult, you just need to build a few simple steps:

  • sharpen a long and narrow knife with which you will cut the "face" of our terrible lantern, the knife must be very sharp and not very long, otherwise it will be difficult to handle it,
  • wash and dry the prepared pumpkin. It is not at all necessary to take exactly a round orange pumpkin, a pear-shaped pumpkin or a green pumpkin will look very stylish,
  • cut off the very top of the pumpkin and remove the seeds, do this very carefully - this way your lantern will last longer and not deteriorate,
  • take a dark marker and draw a contour, on which then you will cut out the "face" of the pumpkin lantern. It can be evil or kind, surprised or upset - let your imagination fly!
  • If you have a very large pumpkin and several small ones, you can make a whole composition out of them to decorate your home.

How to carve a pumpkin for Halloween - video

paper halloween pumpkin

If you didn’t have a pumpkin on hand, and the holiday is about to begin, don’t be discouraged - the main symbol of Halloween can be made out of paper! To make a paper pumpkin, we need a sheet of orange and green thick and double-sided paper from a children's craft kit, a pen, stationery tape or a glue gun, and scissors. Here are just two of the many ways:

Method number one

  • cut out strips of orange paper from 2 to 5 cm wide, depending on the size of the paper pumpkin,
  • fold the strips crosswise in 4-5 pieces and fasten at the intersection,
  • we fasten 2 such "crosses" again in the middle,
  • we fasten 1 strip with adhesive tape at the top so that an oval forms, then we fasten all the other strips in the same way,
  • we curl a strip of green paper about 2 cm wide with the help of scissors,
  • cut out leaves from green paper for our paper pumpkin,
  • we fix the curl and the leaves at the top of our pumpkin, closing the bonding point, the paper pumpkin is ready!

Method number two

  • cut out circles of the desired size from orange paper, six pieces for each paper pumpkin,
  • we fold each circle into hits and glue the halves with the other circle so that we get a three-dimensional circle,
  • scissors give the resulting sphere the shape of a pumpkin,
  • we make a tail from green paper or from wrapping paper, after twisting it into a flagellum. Our pumpkin is ready!

It is not possible to mark a candle inside a paper pumpkin, but such pumpkins will be a wonderful table decoration or can be assembled into a garland.

How to make a paper pumpkin - video

Halloween home decoration ideas - photo

There are very few holidays for which you can decorate your home thematically. But luckily Halloween is one of those. Today it is very popular all over the world, so the market offers a wide range of different jewelry. But it is much more interesting to start the holiday even before its onset, i.e. to do the preparation of decorations for the house with their own hands.

Below are detailed MK of 10 types of decor, which are quite enough to make a real castle of sinister power out of your house.

bright flashlights

As you probably know, pumpkin is the main attribute of Halloween. In the article "How to make a festive pumpkin for Halloween" we already talked about how to make a Jack-o'-lantern yourself. If you read this material, you should have noticed that this process is quite laborious. Therefore, today we offer you an alternative - paper lanterns that resemble jack-o'-lanterns.

You will need:

  • orange and black paper;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • stationery knife;
  • simple pencil;
  • ruler;
  • transparent glass;
  • candle.

To begin with, we will make that flashlight, which is larger. From the orange paper, cut out a 20 x 15 cm rectangle. Now, using a knife, make strips along the length of the flashlight (= 15 cm), leaving 1.5 cm at the top and bottom. The width of the strip is 1 cm. From black paper, cut strips 3 mm wide. Now decorate the top and bottom of the lantern with three black stripes using the weaving method. Making a decoration for the middle will be a little more difficult. Take black stripes that are two to three times longer than the length of the flashlight. When you bind, then simultaneously push the orange stripes. So you can make the flashlight convex as in the photo.

Now it's time for the little lights. First you need to measure the diameter and height of the cup. Cut out a rectangle from orange paper: the width should be equal to the height, and the length should be equal to the diameter of the cup. On the reverse side, draw funny faces with a simple pencil and cut them out with a clerical knife. Glue the cylinder.

Now you can insert transparent glasses with candles into the blanks and enjoy your work. These lanterns will fill your home with a good mood.

Fairy lights

Garlands are one of the most popular Halloween decorations: firstly, because of the ease of execution, and secondly, they look very impressive.

You will need:

  • paper of black, orange, white, gray, coffee colors;
  • a thread;
  • needle;
  • scissors or stationery knife;
  • glue;
  • templates.

If you know how and love to draw, then creating such a decoration for your home will be a mere trifle for you. If you are unlucky and you do not have this skill, it does not matter - templates that can be easily found on the Internet will come to the rescue. They should depict various Halloween symbols: pumpkins, bats, witches, black cats, ghosts, ravens. You can also make a garland of ordinary isosceles triangles in the colors of the holiday. When the templates are prepared, it's time to start making decor.

Fold the paper of the desired color with an accordion and transfer the image onto it with a regular pencil. Now cut out the shapes along the outline. If necessary, draw eyes or mouths on the characters with pens or felt-tip pens.

*Helpful advice: If you cut out complex figures, for example, a Jack-o'-lantern, then cut the pumpkins themselves from the accordion, and already make the muzzles with a clerical knife separately on each copy.

After that, thread the needle and thread the cut out figures on it. Evenly distribute the clippings on the thread.

If you will make a garland consisting of triangles, then you need to cut out double figures, i.e. the two triangles must be connected to each other. Take one pair and put a thread between them, then glue the triangles together.

This is such a cute decoration that you can make in just a few minutes.

"Mouse" staircase decor and more

If you have a staircase in your house, then you can decorate it in a very original and unusual way.

You will need:

  • black paper;
  • scissors;
  • pencil;
  • Double-sided tape.

One of the most popular types of staircase decor is mice. To make such a decoration, you need to find on the Internet or draw your own patterns of mice in different poses. You can also make mink. Fold the paper like an accordion and circle the template with a pencil. Then cut out the shapes. Using double-sided tape, glue the mice on the steps, you can decorate the baseboards in the same way.

Another variant of a similar decor is the shadow of a woman or a man. Cut out a figure on black paper and divide it into pieces, the length of which is equal to the height of the steps. As in the previous case, glue the image with double-sided tape.

Additionally, you can decorate the stairs black curtains by tying them to the railing. So the decor will look even darker.

What is Halloween without bats? These small creatures are one of the main symbols of the holiday. And today we will decorate our house with these small animals made of pumpkin.

You will need:

  • real or artificial small pumpkin;
  • matte black acrylic paint;
  • a lush brush or sponge for paint;
  • glue;
  • black and white cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • hole puncher (optional).

Wash and dry the pumpkin well. After that, apply paint with a brush or sponge. Try to paint over so that the natural color of the vegetable does not shine through. If you didn’t manage to do it right the first time, then wait until the paint dries well, and then apply another layer. While the pumpkin dries, make the rest of the elements. Find on the Internet or make your own template for the wings. Their length should be about 15 cm. Cut out two identical wings from black cardboard, leaving 0.5-1 cm for the fold for fastening. Cut out ears from the same cardboard, and eyes from white. The pupils should not be cut out separately - just pierce with a hole punch or cut holes with sharp thin scissors - these will be the pupils. Now it remains to put all the details together. To do this, use a good glue.

These pumpkin bats make great Halloween decorations. For example, you can plant it in a flower pot or draw the moon and plant our mice against the background of this poster.


Making a mummy is very simple, so even children can be involved in the process.

You will need:

  • aluminum wire;
  • bandage or white cloth.

Cut the fabric or bandage into strips 1-1.5 cm wide. Make the frame of our future mummy from the wire. Now start wrapping it tightly around the “skeleton”. Try not to leave empty spaces - the wire should not be visible. When the strip is finished, tie it tightly to the wire to secure the end. Fasten the bandage in the same way at the beginning. Do this in several layers and tie off the end tightly.

Made mummies can be put in various poses or create entire compositions.


Black spiders are an essential attribute of Halloween. Therefore, today we will make such beauty.

You will need:

  • foam ball;
  • black acrylic paint;
  • brush or sponge for paint;
  • glue;
  • decorative black wire;
  • eyes for toys;
  • half a toothpick (optional)
  • thread (optional)
  • scissors.

Apply paint to the ball and let it dry well. Now cut eight pieces of wire of the same size, bend them into the shape of spider legs. Pierce the ball with wire and put the legs in place. Glue on the eyes.

Such a toy can also be made in the form of a pendant. To do this, fold the thread in half and tie it tightly from the side of the blunt end of the toothpick. With the other side, pierce the ball from above.

*Helpful tip: For more believability, choose light-colored threads.

aerial web

Spider webs will decorate any home for Halloween. Such a beautiful and unusual decor is not difficult to make. But there are certain tricks that we will tell you about today.

You will need:

  • woolen threads, as similar as possible to a cobweb;
  • skillful hands.

The whole secret is to stretch the thread as realistically as possible. One layer should go along, and the second, as it were, cross the previous one. But try to give the web a natural look.

Chandeliers, tables, lamps, etc. can be decorated with such a creative accessory. If you do everything right, your guests will not be able to distinguish the artificial web from the real one.


A large spectacular ghost will decorate any interior and create an unforgettable holiday atmosphere.

You will need:

  • large gauze;
  • balloon;
  • PVA glue or starch;
  • wire;
  • circles of paper, fabric or marker.

Inflate the balloon to the size you want to see the head of the future ghost. Place the balloon on the bottle. Attach the "hands" of the ghost to the latter, using wire for this.

Place a dry towel over the bottle to absorb excess liquid. Make a solution of water and starch or glue. After that, soak gauze in it. Now hang the workpiece on the previously prepared frame. The ghost should dry well, after which you need to pull out the ball and bottle with wire. Glue, sew or simply draw eyes with a marker. That's all, our decoration is ready. Thanks to this decor, you can make very beautiful compositions.

scary wreath

A spooky wreath would make a great Halloween door decoration. This decor is very easy to do with your own hands.

You will need:

  • thin branches of willow or other tree (they must be flexible enough);
  • spray black paint;
  • Halloween accessories (spiders, cobwebs, yellow leaves, clippings, etc.);
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • Double-sided tape.

Take one fairly dense branch and roll it into a ring, wrap the rest of the branches around it, forming a circle. When you make the base of the required size, the extra branches must be cut off. Spray the paint evenly over the branches and leave for 2-3 hours until completely dry.

Now it remains to decorate the wreath with accessories using glue or double-sided tape. We leave the finished decoration for a couple of hours so that all the elements stick well (if glue is used). All is ready! Hang on the door and admire the result. Believe me, such a wreath will scare away even the most evil forces.

Witch Potion

What could be more thematic and interesting than decorating your "shelter" with real bottles of a wonderful potion. Anyone can make such a decoration, and we will prove it to you today.

You will need:

  • glass containers of various types;
  • spray matte black paint;
  • wine corks;
  • kraft bag or kraft paper;
  • glue stick;
  • black or brown pen or felt-tip pen;
  • a spoonful of ground or instant coffee or a bag of black tea;
  • scissors.

Various bottles are suitable as glass containers: from wine, oil, vinegar, syrups, etc. Remove labels, wash in water and detergent. Dry well and treat with rubbing alcohol to keep the bottle clean and free of grease. Apply paint over the entire surface and leave for a couple of hours until completely dry.

While the bottles are drying, let's prepare the labels. Make a strong brew of tea or coffee. Cut out a large rectangular piece of paper or plastic bag and make a small ball out of it. Now dip the ball into the solution and leave for 1-2 minutes. After that, take out the paper and straighten the sheet. Leave it for a while to dry. Write the names of the potions, for example, "Vampire's Blood", "Witch's Saliva", "Eyeballs", "Grave Dust", "Tears of Virgins", etc. Peel off each label very carefully, trying to make it look as natural as possible. Use a glue stick to stick the names on the bottles and cork them.

Now you can make a whole composition using the prepared potion bottles and the artificial web that we talked about above.

We wish you interesting preparations and a happy Halloween 🙂

Halloween is not a scary holiday at all. This is a fun and mystical masquerade, a lot of sweets and various scarecrows that children love so much. And you can also do some Halloween crafts with your children, decorate a house, class or office so that it immediately becomes clear - they will definitely scare you here!

Pumpkins for Halloween are an indispensable attribute of a horror holiday!

Pumpkin is perhaps the brightest and coolest attribute of the Halloween holiday. Real pumpkins are cut out and made into lanterns or simply beautifully painted and used as room decor.

Recently, it has become very fashionable to carve sculptures from pumpkins. The pulp of these vegetables is quite dense and the figures are simply charming.

Making a pumpkin lantern or decoration with your own hands is very simple. Turn on your imagination and you will get a great decoration.

You can even fold a pumpkin out of origami paper.

Web and spiders with their own hands

A large web with a fat fluffy spider is a very effective decoration for Halloween. With such funny crafts, you can decorate a room or a cafe where a party is coming. Guests will be very surprised and scared! And figurines of furry insects will create an indescribable atmosphere of darkness and horror))

The web can be made both from threads and from film or paper. It all depends on the size of this creation. To fix the web on the wall, you can use pushpins (in the color of the material) or adhesive tape.

Spider nests suspended from the ceiling also look good. All they need is white nylon stockings or tights, filler - cotton wool or synthetic winterizer and spider figurines. This decoration will amaze the most demanding guests.

Spiders are also easy to make. Black chenille wire, shaggy yarn, plastic eyes of different sizes - that's the collection of spiders!

Spiders for Halloween can be purchased ready-made, especially if you need a lot of figures. A string of spiders running along a wall or door looks very nice.

As gifts and surprises for children, lollipops and lollipops can be turned into spiders for Halloween. Children can also have a master class on making a spider out of Styrofoam balls and black chenille as an entertainment.

Black cats for Halloween

Like the pumpkin, the black cat is the protagonist of the holiday. On Halloween, these black ponytails can be seen everywhere. Cats are easy to make with your own hands. The easiest way is from cardboard - as a decoration for windows or from felt.

Some Halloween craftsmen make cats out of pumpkins. It turns out pretty nice.

The bats

Charming and cute vampire bats will perfectly decorate your holiday. There are many options for creating this craft. From simple carving mouse silhouettes out of cardboard to complex origami figures. Bats from pumpkins, from cylinders from toilet paper, felt, fabric and any other materials.

Bats can be wrapped for sweet gifts,

wall decoration,

door or a scary mobile under the ceiling.

To create your own unique image for a masquerade, you can make a hoop with bats or spiders.

Candlesticks and flying candles for Halloween

Crafts in the form of candlesticks, lanterns and candles will become an original decoration for a Halloween room. It's quite easy to make them.

Color glass jars with black paint so that the glass remains clean in the form of figures of a witch, cat or bats. Place a candle inside and light it - in a dark room they will make a splash. Boou!

The same lanterns can be made from cardboard or black paper. Cut out the desired figures according to the templates, fold and place a glass with a candle inside. The effect will be amazing!

Long cardboard tubes from paper towels are easy to convert into flying candles. Make wax streaks out of hot glue, paint the bushings with paint and hang them on a fishing line from the ceiling.

Children can be invited to make mummy lanterns. Ordinary jars need to be wrapped with gauze and glued eyes on them. Even toddlers will do great!

Halloween garlands

There are a lot of options to create a garland for a horror holiday. Paper ghosts, spider dances, skeletons, yarn pumpkins, wire ghosts and many other equally scary decorations.

Wreaths on the door

In Russia, not like in the West, decorations in the form of wreaths on the door are popular. But this tradition comes to us. Terrible wreaths of branches, cobwebs, spiders will be a terrifying prelude to your holiday.

As a basis for a wreath, you can use a circle made of cardboard or foam. Additional details from threads, tulle, ready-made figurines of bats, pumpkins, etc. are fixed on this basis.

A wreath can also be made from flexible willow branches, cones, feathers. The simplest wreath will be cardboard wrapped in gauze and decorated with spiders or plastic eyes. This craft will not leave anyone indifferent!

Ghosts and Ghosts

Excellent ghosts are obtained from ordinary balloons and gauze. You can also make ghosts from foam balls with tulle.

Great ghosts for the street are made from fine wire mesh, which is easy to paint with white paint.

Whatever Halloween craft you choose, the main thing is to approach the creative process with imagination, and then you will get great decorations!