Cryomassage of the face with liquid nitrogen: the principle of action. Cryomassage with ice cubes. Video: how cryomassage is done in a specialized beauty salon

How to keep youth to the maximum long term”- this question is asked not only by women, but also by men. And the older a person becomes, the more attention has to be paid to caring for their appearance, and especially for the skin. Cryomassage of the face with liquid nitrogen combines two types beneficial effect: cold effect on body tissues and massage techniques.

It has long been known that cold preserves cells, preventing the aging process. And the most common facial treatment is massage. Procedures with liquid nitrogen for the face are very effective, they bring great benefits, and the result is noticeable from the first time.

The founder of the use of cold in massage was the Japanese scientist Toshimo Yamauchi. He studied in detail the therapeutic properties of cold treatment, and highlighted the benefits of "frost" procedures, applying them to patients with rheumatism. Thanks to him, liquid nitrogen began to be used in cosmetology. On this moment, almost all salons offer liquid nitrogen treatment in their list of services: regardless of the age and gender of the client.

The principle of massage using liquid nitrogen

It is well known that temperature changes have a positive effect on blood circulation in tissues. IN Soviet time to avoid the harmful effects environment face, constantly exposed to atmospheric influences. The procedure helped to stimulate the circulatory apparatus: the vessels narrowed and expanded alternately, allowing the tissue to skin take in oxygen.

The so-called general training or hardening effect of exposure is most effectively achieved by cryomassage, which uses liquid nitrogen for the face.

A liquid nitrogen- a colorless liquid, odorless, non-explosive and non-toxic. In the conditions of human activity it is absolutely safe, it is widely used in the beauty industry.
Before carrying out cryomassage with liquid nitrogen, diagnostics are necessary allergic reactions which all clients must pass.

Effect of cryotherapy:

  • Acceleration of metabolic processes in the cells of the skin (as a result, the skin becomes more elastic, healthier and fresher in appearance);
  • Treatment of allergic rashes;
  • Helps to get rid of acne and small wounds;
  • Treatment of rashes, papillomas, warts and inflammatory processes;
  • Normalization of the work of the skin glands (positively affects any type of skin, nourishes dry skin, dries oily skin);
  • Skin rejuvenation (elimination of sagging, smoothing wrinkles, brightening the complexion).

It is enough to carry out several procedures, and the most pronounced skin problems will be reduced to a minimum. Cryomassage for the face is completely painless, moreover, it quickly removes pain, and in medicine has multiple indications for use in various diseases.

Types of cryomassage:

Deep cryomassage is a strong freezing, as a result of which the tissue layer is destroyed and dies. This type of "cold" massage will help "get rid" of papillomas and other unwanted skin formations. When carried out, the applicator touches the problem area and acts locally on it for a slightly longer time, unlike conventional treatment.

Standard cryomassage is the same treatment with liquid nitrogen, but the applicator is in this case does not touch the surface of the skin, the device does not linger at one point, but is guided along the massage lines of the face pointwise.

For or against?

Cryomassage of facial skin with liquid nitrogen, like any procedure, has its pros and cons.

Of the pluses can be identified:

  • Validation and effectiveness of the method, proven benefits of many years of use;
  • Treatment a wide range diseases;
  • We answer the question of how often cryomassage can be done - a quick recovery period, as a result of which the procedure can be performed several times a week;
  • There is no skin injury, since liquid nitrogen does not directly contact the skin;
  • You can combine cryotherapy with other types of cosmetic procedures;
  • Cryotherapy of the face with liquid nitrogen does not cause skin pigmentation;
  • Low cost cryotherapy.

Of the minuses can be identified:

  • Redness and swelling of the skin in places of exposure for up to a day;
  • Skin tingling during the procedure, a feeling of cold (not everyone is pleased);

Attention! Contraindications

No matter how safe the procedure is, cryomassage still has contraindications.

With vessels close to the skin surface, prolonged therapy with a large number of sessions can lead to an expanded capillary network visible on the surface of the face.

If massage is contraindicated in principle, then the “cold” facial massage is also contraindicated.

Do not carry out the procedure in the winter, followed by going outside. Also, hypersensitivity to cold will be a sufficient reason for refusing this method. Before carrying out cryomassage, contraindications should be studied taking into account the characteristics of your skin type and the body as a whole.

Cryomassage of the face during pregnancy can be carried out, but it should be borne in mind that hormonal background is changing. Therefore, the procedure is not recommended.

Is cryomassage possible at home?

For one reason or another, it is not always possible to visit the salon, but you always want to look young. And in view of such an understandable desire, women are wondering how to do facial cryomassage at home? At home, sessions can be carried out with ordinary water or products for your skin type, which can be found in any pharmacy.

When using ordinary water, it is better to choose melted water, if there is none, then filtered or mineral water without gas. The liquid is poured into molds, frozen. It is better to remove the first crust of ice, it contains harmful substances. Cosmetic ice with additives should not be stored for more than 4-5 days. Supplements should be chosen based on your skin type.

When massaging the face, you need to hold ice cubes along the massage lines. Do not be afraid to get on the skin around the eyes, but do not leave ice in one place for more than 5 seconds. Rubbing is carried out until the cube is completely melted. In general, the session should last about 3-5 minutes. After wiping, do not wipe your face, but slightly get wet and spread with a regular cream. If the skin is dry, the best option would be to apply on the face and hold for about 30 minutes. Can be repeated twice a day.

Thus, we can conclude that cryomassage of the face at home is possible, albeit using more simple materials. But cryomassage of the face with liquid nitrogen can only be carried out by a specialist who knows all the subtleties proper conduct procedures. The main thing to remember is that timely and systematic self-care will help you stay young for a long time.

Hello dear blog readers! I think there is no such woman who would not want to remain forever young. Nowadays, cosmetologists offer us a lot of solutions for this. And it is not at all necessary to go under the surgeon's knife. I would like to tell you about a very effective method rejuvenation. This is cryomassage for the face. It can be done both at home and in the salon. Although the methods are different. So let's look at everything in order.

Cryomassage is an effect on the skin with cold. In salons, liquid nitrogen is used for the procedure. Ice can be used at home. Why is cryomassage so useful?

A short exposure to cold on the skin causes vasoconstriction. When the area of ​​the skin is no longer affected by cold, the vessels dilate sharply. This leads to improved blood circulation

  • increased blood flow speeds up metabolism;
  • The advantage of this procedure is the removal cosmetic flaws. It perfectly copes with acne, comedones, age spots;
  • well remove warts;
  • pores shrink, bruises become less noticeable;
  • edema passes;
  • liquid nitrogen copes well with demodicosis.

Under the influence of cold, dead skin cells are exfoliated. She begins to "breathe", so creams and masks penetrate it better. Thanks to this procedure, the epidermis is updated. Cryomassage prevents skin aging. Exposure to the face with cold will also be useful for those who want to tighten the oval. Also this procedure cope with the first wrinkles. If you have rosacea, liquid nitrogen will help with that too. And after cryomassage, the complexion improves.

How often to do and are there any contraindications

As for the frequency of procedures, 10-15 sessions are usually prescribed. The frequency of visits to the cosmetologist is 2-3 times a week. Be sure to take a break of 2-3 days between sessions.

It all depends on what the goal is. If it is a cosmetic procedure to improve skin color and rejuvenation, 10 sessions are enough. At acne, rosacea, will need more treatments. Dark spots withdraw faster.

In summer, cryomassage is not recommended. The sun's rays cause hyperpigmentation and excessive flaking of the skin. Winter is also best time for cryomassage. The skin is already exposed to cold temperatures. Most right time- autumn and spring.

Despite the harmlessness of this procedure, it has contraindications. Cryomassage should not be done if there are wounds or ulcers on the skin. I do not recommend in the stage of exacerbation of chronic diseases, SARS and other inflammatory diseases. The body at this time is weakened and is aimed at the only task - to quickly put you on your feet 🙂

During pregnancy, such a massage is also not recommended. On the one hand, there is no direct contraindication. But on the other hand, it is completely unknown how a pregnant woman will react to the effects of low temperatures. Especially in the first months of pregnancy.

But do not worry, cosmetologists are well aware of contraindications and first ask about the presence of herpes, rosacea, blood diseases. He will look at the condition of the vessels on the face and tell you whether you can do this procedure or not.

Reviews before and after, photos of those who tried

Before advising you dear ladies on cryomassage, I naturally read the reviews. In general, a lot of positive comments. If there are negative ones, but only because of individual features. Either a woman poor tolerance cold. Or the skin is prone to allergic reactions.

I did not find a single review that would say that the procedure was useless. Those. everyone who passed full course were pleased with the changes in their appearance. I suggest you read the opinions of those who have already tried.

Elena : I do cryomassage regularly. I visit a beauty salon, I go through the procedure in courses, twice a year. Very satisfied with the result.

Fairy : The procedure is very effective. I do in the salon after cleansing my face. The pores become less visible, the skin is smooth. Irritation passes. I advise everyone, you won't regret it.

Martha : I can say that the complexion becomes more even. My skin has become lighter, because the cold strengthens blood vessels. There were small scars resolved! The skin became smooth and even, the pores tightened. I'm very satisfied, so don't hesitate. There is an effect!

Barbara : I don’t know .. it didn’t suit me .. a course was prescribed to remove pigmentation. Five sessions of several minutes each, I thought I would die ... it was very painful, my skin was peeling off for a week after the course. Of course, the result was good, spots and acne disappeared. The face became smooth. But as I remember this horror ..

Olya: And I'm doing very well and repeat the procedure a couple of times a year. None discomfort during the session. The result then pleases for a long time.

Anechka : I have problem skin forever inflamed. The beautician prescribed cryomassage. I liked the procedure itself, it burns cold. Satisfied with the result.

Features of the procedure in the cabin

Now let's take a closer look at the procedure itself. Cryomassage is done on cleansed skin. Those. in the office, the cosmetologist cleans the surface of the skin from cosmetics. Immediately before the procedure, the face is treated with an antiseptic. To apply liquid nitrogen, use a long stick made of wood with cotton wool at the end. A cotton swab on a stick is quickly dipped in nitrogen and the face is treated. Periodically again dipping the applicator in nitrogen.

In some salons, special applicators made of nickel-titanium alloy, shaped like rollers, may be used. The tools are porous and they retain nitrogen very well. The first applications may not be very comfortable, because they are affected by a low temperature. But the skin quickly gets used to it.

The applicator is guided along the massage lines, due to which a lifting effect is achieved. Also, this procedure improves blood flow, improving lymphatic drainage functions. A massage session takes only 10 minutes. After cryomassage, there may be slight redness. It depends on the sensitivity of the skin and susceptibility to cold.

If the procedure is needed for rejuvenation, the beautician drives the applicator very quickly. If there are warts or pimples, then they are affected pointwise. Holding the applicator on the problem area for up to 30 seconds. After such contact, a rapid inflow and outflow of blood occurs in the problem area. In this place, a dense crust subsequently forms. After a few days, these crusts fall off. The skin under them remains pink, later it acquires a light shade.

The price of such a procedure starts from 500 rubles for 1 procedure. Since cryomassage is always prescribed as a course, I would advise you to take discounts. Find them easily online Biglion or groupon. If the cosmetologist offers you a subscription, do not refuse. You can also save.

On the first day after cryomassage, you can not wash your face, use creams. If you can put something on your face, it will be done by a beautician. They also do not do any additional procedures after it. If you have darsonval at home, you can not use it immediately after the cryotherapy.

Application at home

Facial massage in this case is done with ice cubes. The exposure temperature is of course incomparable with liquid nitrogen. That is, strong cosmetic defects ice cannot be removed.

And yet, this good alternative if you don't have time or are short of money. With regular sessions, you can achieve:

  • elimination of inflammatory processes on the face;
  • lifting effect;
  • removal of puffiness;
  • reduction of skin pigmentation;
  • normalization sebaceous glands;
  • elimination of shallow wrinkles;
  • improved nutrition of facial tissues and normalization of metabolism.

Ice cubes are prepared in advance. Such a cold massage will be more effective if you use herbal decoctions. As well as frozen fruits or vegetables (for example, cucumber). Decoctions of nettle, chamomile, horsetail are very useful for tone. The cooled broth is poured into molds and put in the freezer. Before the procedure, ice cubes should be allowed to lie down for a while. room temperature.

Wipe the face along the massage lines. Don't forget about the décolleté and neck. For oily skin very good to make ice from lemon. The juice of half a lemon is squeezed into a glass of water, diluted with the same amount of mineral water without gas and frozen. Parsley decoction is suitable for all skin types. He perfectly tones her. Be sure to read my article about facial ice for wrinkles. There I have collected recipes for all skin types.

Now you know how you can keep your youth. If you have experience using cryomassage, please share. Don't forget to subscribe for updates! And of course tell your friends on social networks. In the meantime, see you soon 🙂

Cryomassage - modern cosmetic procedure based on the application of cold. The applied liquid nitrogen relaxes the muscles well with the help of low temperatures. Using ice in medicinal purposes, immunity increases, complexion improves, foci of inflammation are removed, the work of the sebaceous glands is normalized. After sessions with the use of liquid nitrogen, the face looks fresh and glows with healthy beauty. Thanks to its high efficiency, safety during its implementation, the procedure is gaining more and more popularity.

Cryomassage for the face

Cryomassage - massage using cold. For these purposes, liquid nitrogen is used, the temperature of which reaches -196 degrees Celsius, providing anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.

Without direct contact nitrogen with the surface of the body is a painless effect, as a result of which the vessels instantly expand and narrow. Processes are started causing skin rejuvenation: blood flow normalizes, epidermal cells are renewed. After the end of the session, there is a surge of heat, there is a slight tingling that does not bring discomfort.

The history of the procedure

In ancient Egypt, 2.5 thousand years BC, the Egyptians widely used cold compresses to anesthetize fractures, bruises as an anesthetic and to relieve swelling. This was found evidence of history, captured in ancient papyrus physician Smith.

On the healing effect of cold on human body say numerous works of celebrities of those eras: Avicenna, Galen, Hippocrates. The German priest Sebastian Kneipp used the term “cryotherapy” in the 20th century, which means cold, frost in Greek. He successfully practiced the method of exposure to cold in the form of an independent direction in physiotherapy in the treatment of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.

Japanese professor Toshimo Yamauchi in 1984 developed a massage technique, which includes multiple methods of cryotherapy, proved positive influence low temperatures for the treatment of joints, therapy of benign skin tumors.

Features of the impact of massage

By acting on the skin of the face and head with cold in combination with massage techniques, a therapeutic and cosmetic effect is achieved. Under the influence of low temperatures, the vessels alternately narrow and expand, increasing blood flow to the skin of the face.

The positive aspects of this method are safety and environmental friendliness, a combination of therapeutic effects with other cosmetic procedures. Positive changes are noticeable after the first sessions of cryomassage.

The negative side of the impact: slight redness and slight swelling possible., which pass without a trace during the day. After finishing the procedure, it is necessary to avoid sun exposure. After each session, a special moisturizer is applied. Perhaps peeling of the skin, this is a natural reaction of the body to the cold.

In practice, several methods are used:

  • Cryomassage of the face with ice cubes - the procedure is successfully performed at home.
  • Cryomasszh - carried out in beauty salon professionally trained specialist. To do this, the cosmetologist uses an applicator - a wooden stick with a cotton swab fixed on it or a special apparatus that supplies liquid nitrogen under high pressure.

Before cryomassage the patient is carefully examined to identify concomitant diseases, allergic reactions and chronic diseases.

Deep cryomassage during freezing leads to destruction and death of tissues. Used in the removal of papillomas and different kind neoplasms. Liquid nitrogen applicator held for 30 seconds over the area being treated.

Under normal exposure, there is no contact between the applicator and the skin. Patients during cryotherapy feel discomfort in the form of a burning sensation when it does not cause much pain- This is fine. If it is very pronounced, then in order to avoid skin injuries, the procedure must be stopped.

Low temperatures, exerting effects on the nerve endings, improve biochemical interactions between the bloodstream and cells.

Indications and contraindications for

Professional cosmetologists highly appreciate such a procedure, which simultaneously includes safety, high efficiency and availability. After evaluating all its advantages, they offer this technique to their patients.

Numerous studies conducted by experts, confirm clinical efficacy such method of influence. But it should be noted that many patients have high expectations. Hoping that various skin defects will be eliminated from the first session. The use of nitrogen for the face is indeed effective in many cases, but the result can only be assessed after completing the full course.

The main indications for the appointment of cryomassage are:

  • Allergic skin rashes.
  • Oily or dry seborrhea: in these cases it is successfully used gas-liquid peeling heads.
  • Excessive pigmentation of the skin.
  • Inflammatory rashes and acne (inflammatory skin diseases caused by changes in hair follicles sebaceous glands).
  • Flabbiness of the skin, a decrease in its elasticity and a decrease in tone.
  • Puffiness.
  • Wrinkles will be well dealt with by RF - face lifting.
  • Enlarged pores.
  • Acne.
  • Uneven, unhealthy complexion, pallor.
  • Acne.
  • Benign neoplasms- papillomas, warts and others.

Along with everyone positive properties liquid nitrogen in cosmetology for the face has its contraindications:

  • Cardiovascular insufficiency.
  • Condition after a heart attack.
  • Condition after a stroke.
  • Hypertension.
  • Frequent migraines.
  • Allergy to cold - individual sensitivity to cold.
  • Elevated temperature body.
  • Herpes.
  • Inflammatory skin diseases - pustular lesions, rosacea.
  • Pregnancy is not a contraindication for liquid nitrogen massage. But given that when carrying a child, a woman's body undergoes a lot of changes, it is strongly recommended to consult with a antenatal clinic doctor before starting cryotherapy.

If your goal is to maintain an excellent appearance, then two courses of cryomassage per year are enough for this.

Having cosmetic problems(eg, rosacea, keratoma), the frequency of procedures increases. In one course the maximum number of sessions is 15, they can be carried out once every three days.

IN summer period cryomassage is not recommended. Excessive flaking and hyperpigmentation of the skin cause Sun rays. Not the best time for procedures and winter, because at this time of the year the skin is exposed to low temperatures. Spring and autumn are ideal.

The price of one cryomassage using an applicator is on average from 500 to 900 rubles, the cost of hardware cryomassage varies from 1500 to 5500 rubles. Choosing a clinic or salon is a responsible step that must be approached responsibly.

Cryomassage today is one of the most popular procedures. And this is not surprising, because with the help of a face massage with nitrogen, you can remove foci of inflammation in the skin tissues, normalize the work of the sebaceous glands and make your own appearance more attractive. Wherein this species exposure does not cause discomfort: slight tingling from the cold is replaced by a feeling of warmth and a surge of cheerfulness.

Even our ancestors knew that moderate cold helps to maintain healthy skin, protecting it from wrinkles and rashes. By regularly using ice for massage, women have achieved truly amazing results, keeping their skin fresh for long years. Modern technologies made it possible to improve the procedure with the use of cold - cryomassage appeared, in which ice cubes from water or decoctions medicinal plants replaced with liquid nitrogen.

In cosmetology centers, liquid nitrogen is used for hardware cryomassage, its temperature reaches -196 degrees Celsius.

Liquid nitrogen is a colorless, odorless liquid with a boiling point of -1960 ° C. Despite these characteristics, it is completely safe under atmospheric pressure, which makes liquid nitrogen massage a fairly popular and effective procedure.

The technique of cryotherapy is simple: the master rolls a special applicator with the substance along massage lines on the face. The degree of exposure of nitrogen to the skin depends on the type of procedure, which can be:

  1. Deep, aimed at freezing tissues and their subsequent death. It is used to remove neoplasms, papillomas, warts and other skin defects. The applicator is fixed on the desired area of ​​the face and held for at least 30 seconds.
  2. The usual one, in which there is no direct contact of liquid nitrogen with the skin. A thin air cushion remains between the applicator and the skin. Under the influence of cold, the capillaries of the skin open sharply, as a result of which blood flow increases, and metabolism increases.

The duration of cryotherapy depends on the condition of the skin and the direction of the procedure and can range from 10 to 30 minutes. But it should be noted that the effect of cryomassage will not be noticeable immediately: in order for the complexion to improve, and mimic wrinkles disappeared, it is necessary to go through an average of about 15 sessions.

Indications and contraindications for cryotherapy

Cryomassage is often used in combination with other cosmetic procedures aimed at rejuvenation: ultrasound, mechanical cleaning etc. Indications for its implementation are:

  • papillomas, warts, acne;
  • allergic rash, oily or dry seborrhea;
  • flabbiness and fatigue of the skin, wrinkles;
  • plastic surgery, laser peeling, photoepilation, dermabrasion (to consolidate the effect);
  • lack of blood circulation in the tissues of the skin.

Liquid nitrogen does not injure the skin, therefore it does not require a long recovery period. Given this, several sessions of cryotherapy can be performed within one week.

the only side effects the procedure should be considered a slight redness and swelling, manifested within a day after it. To the tingling of the skin and the feeling of cold that occur directly during the massage, each person is treated individually: one considers this the advantage of the procedure, while the other considers this effect unpleasant.

Like any medical or cosmetic procedure, cryotherapy has some limitations. So, you can’t treat your face with liquid nitrogen to people:

  • with an individual allergy to cold;
  • suffering from herpes or frequent migraines;
  • with an increase in body temperature;
  • with a history of cardiovascular insufficiency or hypertension;
  • after a stroke or myocardial infarction;
  • in the presence of pustular and inflammatory processes of the skin.

Methods of carrying out cryotherapy depending on the condition of the skin

As already noted, the methods of cryomassage differ depending on the indications. It is necessary to consider the basic techniques.

When exposed to liquid nitrogen, bacteria are destroyed and nerve impulses are blocked. This accelerates metabolic processes and improves blood circulation.

Cryomassage for acne. The purpose of exposure to the skin is to eliminate acne, reduce the rate of reproduction bacterial infection located in the pores of the skin and hair follicles, narrowing of pores, activation of local immune processes.

With a small amount of pustular acne and blackheads, the procedure is carried out along massage lines. The processing time of each section is no more than 15 seconds. If there are multiple rashes on the skin that are prone to healing, and scars after inflammation, then the massage is carried out by shading: the end of the cotton applicator is in close contact with the skin until its persistent blanching appears.

Good efficiency of cryomassage is noted in the treatment of demodicosis. It is known that to cope with this disease with the help of ointments and other medications quite difficult: demodexes begin to multiply again with any weakening immune systems s organism. Cryotherapy treatment not only inhibits the ability of ticks to reproduce, but also stimulates the endocrine, nervous and immune systems, which greatly enhances the body's defense against infection. As a rule, with demodicosis, cryomassage is used in combination with remedies for the disease.

Recently, cryotherapy has been successfully used to eliminate the effects of rosacea. But there are a number of limitations here. So, massage is carried out only when the patient has not noted a recurrence of the pathology for several years. Carrying out the procedure during the progressive course of rosacea may increase external manifestations diseases: dilate blood vessels, which will lead to the formation vascular network and redness.

Cryomassage is a modern, painless procedure that allows you to make your face healthier and fresher.

But in order for the effect of cold not to have negative consequences, before cryotherapy, you must obtain a doctor's permission.

Translated from Greek"cryo" means "cold". The rejuvenating property of ice has been known since ancient times.

This procedure is considered a kind of prototype of modern cryomassage. The founder of cryomassage was the Japanese scientist Toshimo Yamauchi. He was the first to use liquid nitrogen for medicinal purposes, and later his ideas began to be applied in cosmetology.

The essence of the procedure and its effect on the skin of the face

The essence of the procedure is reduced to the impact on human skin with liquid nitrogen. Due to its special properties, it is able to cure many skin diseases, get rid of and warts, as well as return a healthy and well-groomed appearance.

The impact is as follows. In contact with, liquid nitrogen at a sufficiently low temperature (-196 degrees Celsius) causes a narrowing blood vessels, which subsequently expand rapidly. It stimulates blood circulation and speeds up metabolism. The cryomassage method is effective due to a short temperature difference, which gives a tangible result: the oval of the face is tightened, the tone increases, mimic wrinkles decrease, and the color improves.

The main indications for carrying out

Indications for cryomassage are:

  • enlarged pores, reduced turgor and skin elasticity;
  • elimination of postoperative scars, swelling and bruising;
  • inflammatory processes and acne;
  • disturbances in the work of the sebaceous and sweat glands;
  • low immunity of the skin;
  • prevention of age-related changes.

Cryomassage is carried out before cosmetic procedures and operations to get rid of dead cells.


In a good clinic, an experienced cosmetologist is obliged to familiarize the patient with the procedure, as well as fully describe the process of preparing for it:

  • peeling is not recommended before cryomassage, so as not to cause irritation;
  • it is worth refraining from applying decorative cosmetics;
  • after cryomassage, it is recommended to apply on the face nutritious cream;
  • be sure to tell your doctor about the presence of an allergy and let him know about the medications you are taking.

The procedure itself goes like this:

  • the patient is seated in a chair and the skin is treated with a special lotion;
  • for convenience, the client's hair is fixed with a bandage or removed under a cap;
  • the beautician dips a wand with a cotton swab into a thermos, where liquid nitrogen is stored;
  • the doctor runs a swab over the face with quick and intermittent movements along the massage lines or over problem areas;
  • after the procedure, a moisturizing or nourishing cream is applied to the face.

The cosmetologist must act without delay. Liquid nitrogen at room temperature turns into steam, it will simply evaporate without having the proper effect.

The procedure itself takes a little time - about 8-12 minutes.

Cryomassage against acne

The duration of the procedure is 3-5 minutes. processed directly problem areas. Impact on each of them - no more than 15 seconds. With serious formations (for example, purulent rashes), the exposure time is increased, and the cotton swab is pressed tightly against the skin.

Cryomassage effectively fights pathogenic microbes on the surface of the skin, normalizes skin immunity and heals acne.

Removal of warts, keratomas and papillomas with liquid nitrogen

Cold exposure is effective method fight against benign skin neoplasms. In this case, the wart or papilloma freezes, destabilizing processes occur inside it. At the site of cauterization, a small bubble appears with a liquid inside, where a healthy layer of skin forms in a couple of days.

Cauterization occurs within 10-30 seconds.

If the affected area is large, then the session is repeated after a few days.

Cryomassage of the facial skin with demodicosis

Demodicosis is a lesion of the skin by the Demodex mite. The use of cryomassage in this case leads to remission of the disease.

The number of procedures for demodicosis varies from 10 to 15 sessions.

The affected areas are treated for 3-5 seconds. The session ends with persistent erythema (redness) of the skin.

This serious treatment, which, in addition to cryomassage, includes the reception medicines and following a special diet.

acne treatment

With acne, cryomassage is carried out either using a special apparatus or manually. When treating acne with a device, the doctor uses special equipment that sprays liquid nitrogen on the affected areas from a certain distance. manual method based on the well-known face treatment with a cotton swab.