Consultation for educators: “Health-improving work with preschoolers in the summer.” Consultation for educators “Physical education of preschool children during the summer health period”

"Organization of work in summer period»

Summer is the favorite time of all children, because in warm weather you can spend almost the whole day outside.

One of critical issues The work of a preschool institution in the summer includes organizing children's leisure time. On the one hand, good weather and the opportunity to spend enough time outdoors largely alleviate the severity of this problem. However, children quickly get bored with their usual games, and if their activity is not used, they strive to fill their time with the most different forms activities and in the absence of leadership can cause harm to both themselves and others.

And it is very important to organize the lives of preschoolers in such a way that every day brings them something new, is filled with interesting content so that memories of summer time, games, walks, holidays and entertainment, interesting episodes from their lives will delight children for a long time.

Summer success health work with preschoolers is largely determined by how competently and timely the entire staff of the preschool institution prepared for it

Summer is the most fruitful time for strengthening the health of children, forming the habit of healthy image life, as well as skills for safe behavior in nature.

· creating conditions that ensure the protection of life and strengthening the health of children, preventing morbidity and injury;

· implementation of a system of measures aimed at improving the health and physical education of children, developing independence, initiative, curiosity and cognitive activity of preschoolers;

· implementation of pedagogical and health education of parents on issues of education and health improvement of children in the summer.

According to SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, content and organization of work in preschool organizations,” approved. By decree of the Chief Physician of the Russian Federation dated July 22, 2013 No. 91, it is not recommended to carry out direct educational activities. More attention should be paid to sports and outdoor games, sports festivals, and excursions. In summer, walking time increases. To achieve a healing effect, the daily regimen provides for the maximum possible stay of children on outdoors age-appropriate duration of sleep and other types of rest.

Taking into account these requirements, when planning work with students during the summer period, the teacher should take into account the Federal State Educational Standard preschool education. Thus, in accordance with this document, it is necessary to create conditions for organizing independent activities of pupils and joint activities of adults and children in the group, as well as on the site kindergarten.

It is important for a teacher to find a balance between children’s independent activity and pedagogically organized leisure, so that events and holidays do not become an end in themselves, but are organically woven into the life of a preschool institution.

The optimal form of organizing children's leisure time in summer time There may be an event that does not require significant preparation on the part of children, has developmental and educational functions, and is carried out in an emotionally attractive form. In addition, it is important that this activity does not also require cumbersome preparation on the part of teachers. This type of activity is a game.

Teachers’ plans during the day should include all types of children’s activities: motor, productive, communicative, labor, cognitive and research, musical and artistic, reading. fiction, gaming.

Before taking the students out for a walk, the teacher must carefully inspect the area. Teachers should know poisonous plants and shrubs that grow on territory of preschool educational institution, tell children about them.

The area should be clearly visible, sufficiently shaded, safe, equipped with small play forms, a sandbox (with watered and loosened sand, a set of shovels, molds for each child). The teacher must monitor compliance with the drinking regime and children’s clothing in accordance with the weather.

In the summer, pupils spend almost all their time on the territory of the preschool educational institution.

Sports and playgrounds provide:

· Consolidation and improvement of various types of movements in children (walking, running, jumping, climbing, throwing, catching and throwing);

· Development physical qualities(dexterity, speed, endurance);

· Nurturing positive moral and volitional personality traits (activity, independence).

The main means of education and development of movements in preschoolers in the summer are: outdoor play, game exercises, sports games, “ball school”, “skipping rope school”, relay race games, sports events and entertainment.

Summer - favorable period for the implementation of program tasks on life safety and the formation of cultural and hygienic skills among pupils. Yes, for working with children younger age You can use didactic games, songs, nursery rhymes, poems, stories, fairy tales, pictures of relevant content.

Older children can be given a variety of information about personal hygiene and how to provide first aid in emergencies:

· “How to take care of your health in summer?”;

· “How to prevent a cold?”;

· “Why walk a lot and do physical exercise every day?”;

· “How should one behave near water, in the forest?” etc.

You can have conversations looking at pictures “In the world of dangerous objects and devices,” etc.

In the summer, you can organize productive educational activities with children outside (drawing, appliqué, origami, isothread, paper-plastic, macrame, etc.)

You can practice doing collective works using various drawing techniques, as well as holding drawing competitions on asphalt, children's design, crafts from waste material. The topic of productive activity can be varied.

Getting to know the surrounding reality, observing nature in the summer, organizing joint activities between adults and children create favorable conditions for the development of communicative skills in preschoolers. Educators should include in their work with children situational conversations, conversations, repetition of songs, nursery rhymes, tongue twisters, organize literary leisure, quizzes, shows puppet theater. Particular attention should be paid to reading fiction, telling fairy tales, organizing games - dramatizations.

We must not forget about labor activity: strengthening self-care skills in children of primary preschool age, organizing work assignments, duty duties. Older children can be involved in cleaning the flower garden and vegetable garden, helping younger students, and doing household chores.

Particular attention in the summer should be paid to educational - research activities: observing phenomena of living and inanimate nature while walking, building relationships, interdependence of objects and natural phenomena, experimenting (with water and sand), solving problem situations.

Beneficial effect on emotional condition Children are provided with musical and didactic games, organization of listening, singing, creation of conditions for children's creative improvisation.

In the summer, much attention is paid to all kinds of targeted walks environmental content outside the territory of a kindergarten with children of senior preschool age. These could be walks:

· In the park

The purpose of such walks is to promote the mental, moral, aesthetic and physical education of preschoolers based on the natural environment, to develop curiosity and the ability to be surprised. With the help of an adult, children learn to establish simple patterns and understand relationships natural phenomena. On each walk, the teacher teaches to notice, observe interesting natural phenomena, perceiving the world with all the senses, instills in children the ability to admire the green grass, blue sky, white clouds, enjoy the singing of birds, and the buzzing of insects. Anticipation of the upcoming walk and the walk itself create a joyful mood in the child. During the walk, it is useful to use a variety of didactic games, for example: “Guess the flower by description”, “Recognize the tree by the leaf”, “Pathfinders”. Observations can be accompanied by songs, riddles, reading short stories, poems.

Thus, systematic and consistent planning of work during the summer will help to use this time for the benefit of children, broaden their horizons, develop curiosity, and educate careful attitude to nature.

Approximate topics:

Variability of morning exercises for this period

Organization of outdoor games

Celebrations and leisure activities

Games for a hike or a walk in the forest

Water games

2. Natural world

Calendar of seasonal observations, phenomena (insects, fish, plants, birds, etc.)

The nature of the region in which we live

Organization of work in the flower garden and vegetable garden

Secrets of nature, medicinal and poisonous plants

Requirements for conducting excursions

Preventive work to prevent poisoning by poisonous plants

3. Game

Requirements for content and placement gaming equipment on summer grounds

Organization of different types of games in the summer

Unconventional techniques in visual arts

Development of children's creativity

5. Summer holidays and leisure activities

Introducing children to Russians folk holidays

Basic requirements for organizing a holiday

Themes and selection of material for holidays and leisure activities active rest in summer


We study fire safety rules

Organization of work “Attention Road”

7. Local history

Conducting excursions to memorable places

Topics of children's creativity competitions

What topics for group conversations and consultations for parents can be recommended?

What forms can be used with parents in the summer (days open doors, meetings with townspeople, interesting people living nearby, joint work activities)

Thus, the work done on the topic, and this disclosure of theoretical and practical approaches, will assist all kindergarten teachers in their diverse work.

In the summer, systematic and authoritative work continues on sections of the programs. All activities are transferred to the air. Each type is given a place and time in the daily routine.

Are classes needed for children in the summer? Won't this interfere with their proper rest? It must be borne in mind that organizing a summer holiday for children does not mean providing them with complete freedom in selection, they must be combined to group activities, otherwise they get tired and overexcited. The types of classes can be determined at the pedagogical Council of the preschool educational institution “Organization of summer recreational work”, which you will have now. The team of teachers has been given the right to choose to determine the list of classes.

Approximate plan for preparing a preschool educational institution for the summer season

1. Administrative and economic issues

Name of activities Duration Responsible

1. Carrying out different types repairs (specify what exactly)

2. Conduct an audit of existing inventory, equipment, sets of games for a summer walk

3. Prepare a corner of nature, a small vegetable garden, a flower garden

4. Study the occupancy of groups in the summer months to combine groups

5. Conduct instruction for teachers and technical personnel on the issues of protecting the life and health of children during the organization summer holidays, games, hikes

6. Organize a cleanup day to improve the territory of the preschool educational institution with the involvement of parents

2. Methodical work Name of activities Duration Responsible

1. Conduct a seminar for educators on preparing and conducting work with children in the summer

2. Organize creative groups summer preparation teachers

4. Equip the teaching room necessary material to help teachers:

1) Develop routes for walks and excursions, taking into account the location of the preschool institution, recommendations for them on how to conduct them, information about plants growing along the routes

2) Compile a card index of mobile, construction, didactic games preschoolers on the physical education ground, on excursions, on a hike with brief description each of them

3) Prepare a calendar of Russian nature

4) Prepare a calendar of summer folk holidays and entertainment

5) Select literature about plants and animals, about agriculture

3. Working with parents

Conduct group meetings to prepare for the summer, at which to introduce parents to the health status of their children, inform them about summer program kindergarten

Organize consultations for children on medical and pedagogical topics for those who travel with children out of town on vacation and those who remain in the city

Prepare an information and reference section for parents, both in the teaching room, as well as mobile folders in groups, and remote stands on the street.

Evenings of entertainment for children “Lesovichok”, “Favorite fairy tale heroes”

Consultations for educators “Organization of children’s work in the vegetable garden and flower garden”

Workshop for teachers “Equipment for playing with wind, water, sand”

Conducting summer work readiness competitions, organizing research and experimental work in the garden

Preparation and holding of the holiday “Red Summer”

Evenings of entertainment for children “Sun, air and water are our best friends”, “Puppet theater”

Consultations for educators “Environmental education of preschoolers in the summer”

Contest children's drawing"Save nature"

Sports entertainment “We are strong, agile, resilient”

Evenings of entertainment for children “I love the Russian birch tree”

Organizing mutual visits to exchange experiences between teachers (topics are optional)

Production meeting “Results of summer health work”



Summer is the favorite time of all children, because in warm weather you can spend almost the whole day outside.

One of the most important issues in the work of a preschool institution in the summer is the organization of children's leisure time. On the one hand, good weather and the opportunity to spend enough time outdoors largely alleviate the severity of this problem. However, children quickly get bored with their usual games, and if their activity is not used, they strive to fill their time with a variety of forms of activity and, in the absence of guidance, are capable of causing harm to both themselves and others.

And it is very important to organize the life of preschoolers in such a way that every day brings them something new, is filled with interesting content, so that memories of summer time, games, walks, holidays and entertainment, interesting episodes from their lives will delight children for a long time.

Staying preschoolers in the fresh air in the summer strengthens and hardens children's body, renders positive influence for their comprehensive development.
The success of summer health work with preschoolers is largely determined by how competently and timely the entire team of the preschool institution prepared for it

Summer is the most fruitful time for strengthening children's health, developing healthy lifestyle habits, as well as skills for safe behavior in nature.

Main tasks preschool work in summer:

  • creating conditions that ensure the protection of life and strengthening the health of children, preventing morbidity and injury;
  • implementation of a system of measures aimed at improving the health and physical education of children, developing independence, initiative, curiosity and cognitive activity of preschoolers;
  • implementation of pedagogical and health education of parents on issues of education and health improvement of children in the summer.

According to SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, content and organization of work in preschool organizations,” approved. By decree of the Chief Physician of the Russian Federation dated July 22, 2013 No. 91, it is not recommended to conduct direct educational activities on vacation days and in the summer. More attention should be paid to sports and outdoor games, sports festivals, and excursions. In summer, walking time increases. To achieve a healing effect, the daily routine provides for the maximum possible stay of children in the open air, an age-appropriate duration of sleep and other types of rest.

Taking into account these requirements, when planning work with students during the summer period, the teacher should take into account the Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education. Thus, in accordance with this document, it is necessary to create conditions for organizing independent activities of pupils and joint activities of adults and children in a group, as well as in the kindergarten area.

It is important for a teacher to find a balance between children’s independent activity and pedagogically organized leisure, so that events and holidays do not become an end in themselves, but are organically woven into the life of a preschool institution.

The optimal form of organizing children's leisure in the summer may be an event that does not require significant preparation on the part of children, has developmental and educational functions, and is carried out in an emotionally attractive form. In addition, it is important that this activity does not also require cumbersome preparation on the part of teachers. This type of activity is a game.

Teachers’ plans during the day should include all types of children’s activities: motor, productive, communicative, labor, cognitive and research, musical and artistic, reading fiction, games.

Before taking the students out for a walk, the teacher must carefully inspect the area. Teachers should know the poisonous plants and shrubs growing on the territory of the preschool educational institution and tell children about them.

The area should be clearly visible, sufficiently shaded, safe, equipped with small play forms, a sandbox (with watered and loosened sand, a set of shovels, molds for each child). The teacher must monitor compliance with the drinking regime and children’s clothing in accordance with the weather.

In the summer, pupils spend almost all their time on the territory of the preschool educational institution.

Sports and playgrounds provide:

  • Consolidation and improvement of various types of movements in children (walking, running, jumping, climbing, throwing, catching and throwing);
  • Development of physical qualities (dexterity, speed, endurance);
  • Nurturing positive moral and volitional personality traits (activity, independence).

The main means of education and development of movements in preschoolers in the summer are: outdoor play, play exercises, sports games, “ball school”, “jump rope school”, games - relay races, sports events and entertainment.

Summer is a favorable period for the implementation of program tasks on life safety and the formation of cultural and hygienic skills in students. Thus, to work with young children, you can use didactic games, songs, nursery rhymes, poems, stories, fairy tales, and pictures of appropriate content.

Older children can be given a variety of information about personal hygiene and how to provide first aid in emergencies:

  • “How to take care of your health in summer?”;
  • “How to prevent a cold?”;
  • “Why walk a lot and do physical exercise every day?”;
  • “How should you behave near water, in the forest?” etc.

You can have conversations looking at pictures “In the world of dangerous objects and devices,” etc.

In the summer, you can organize productive educational activities with children outside (drawing, appliqué, origami, isothread, paper-plastic, macrame, etc.)

You can practice performing group work using various drawing techniques, as well as holding competitions for drawing on asphalt, children's design, and crafts from waste materials. The topic of productive activity can be varied.

Getting to know the surrounding reality, observing nature in the summer, organizing joint activities between adults and children create favorable conditions for the development of communicative skills in preschoolers. Educators should include in their work with children situational conversations, conversations, repetition of songs, nursery rhymes, tongue twisters, organize literary leisure, quizzes, and puppet theater shows. Particular attention should be paid to reading fiction, telling fairy tales, organizing games - dramatizations.

We must not forget about work activity: consolidating self-service skills in children of primary preschool age, organizing work assignments, and duty duties. Older children can be involved in cleaning the flower garden and vegetable garden, helping younger students, and doing household chores.

In the summer, special attention should be paid to cognitive and research activities: observing phenomena of living and inanimate nature while walking, building relationships, interdependence of objects and natural phenomena, experimenting (with water and sand), solving problem situations.

Musical and didactic games, organizing listening, singing, and creating conditions for children's creative improvisation have a beneficial effect on the emotional state of children.

In the summer, much attention is paid to all kinds of targeted walks of environmental content outside the territory of the kindergarten with children of senior preschool age. These could be walks:

  • To the meadow
  • To the river
  • To the park

The purpose of such walks is to promote the mental, moral, aesthetic and physical education of preschoolers based on the natural environment, to develop curiosity and the ability to be surprised. With the help of an adult, children learn to establish simple patterns and understand the interconnections of natural phenomena. On each walk, the teacher teaches to notice, observe interesting natural phenomena, perceiving the world around them with all the senses, and develops in children the ability to admire the green grass, blue sky, white clouds, enjoy the singing of birds, and the buzzing of insects. Anticipation of the upcoming walk and the walk itself create a joyful mood in the child. During the walk, it is useful to use a variety of didactic games, for example: “Guess the flower by description”, “Recognize the tree by the leaf”, “Pathfinders”. Observations can be accompanied by songs, riddles, reading short stories and poems.

Thus, systematic and consistent planning of work during the summer will help to use this time for the benefit of children, broaden their horizons, develop curiosity, and cultivate a caring attitude towards nature.

Approximate topics:

1. Organization of physical education and health activities with children

Variability of morning exercises for this period

Organization of outdoor games

Celebrations and leisure activities

Games for a hike or a walk in the forest

Water games

2. Natural world

Calendar of seasonal observations, phenomena (insects, fish, plants, birds, etc.)

The nature of the region in which we live

Organization of work in the flower garden and vegetable garden

Secrets of nature, medicinal and poisonous plants

Requirements for conducting excursions

Preventive work to prevent poisoning by poisonous plants

3. Game

Requirements for the maintenance and placement of play equipment on summer playgrounds

Organization of different types of games in the summer

4. Artistic and visual activities

Unconventional techniques in visual arts

Development of children's creativity

5. Summer holidays and leisure activities

Introducing children to Russian folk holidays

Basic requirements for organizing a holiday

Themes and selection of material for holidays and leisure activities for active recreation in the summer

6. Basics of child safety


We study fire safety rules

Organization of work “Attention Road”

7. Local history

Conducting excursions to memorable places

Topics of children's creativity competitions

8. Organization of work with parents

What topics for group conversations and consultations for parents can be recommended?

What forms can be used with parents in the summer (open days, meetings with townspeople, interesting people living nearby, joint work activities)

Thus, the work done on the topic, and this disclosure of theoretical and practical approaches, will assist all kindergarten teachers in their diverse work.

In the summer, systematic and authoritative work continues on sections of the programs. All activities are transferred to the air. Each type is given a place and time in the daily routine.

Are classes needed for children in the summer? Won't this interfere with their proper rest? It must be borne in mind that organizing a summer vacation for children does not mean giving them complete freedom of choice; they must be united for collective activities, otherwise they will get tired and overexcited. The types of classes can be determined at the pedagogical Council of the preschool educational institution “Organization of summer recreational work”, which you will have now. The team of teachers has been given the right to choose to determine the list of classes.

Approximate plan for preparing a preschool educational institution for the summer season

  1. Administrative and economic issues

Name of activities Duration Responsible

1. Carrying out various types of repairs (specify what exactly)

2. Conduct an audit of existing inventory, equipment, sets of games for a summer walk

3. Prepare a corner of nature, a small vegetable garden, a flower garden

4. Study the occupancy of groups in the summer months to combine groups

5. Conduct instruction for teachers and technical staff on the issues of protecting the life and health of children when organizing summer holidays, games, and hikes

6. Organize a cleanup day to improve the territory of the preschool educational institution with the involvement of parents

2. Methodological work Name of activities Duration Responsible

1. Conduct a seminar for educators on preparing and conducting work with children in the summer

2. Organize creative groups of educators to prepare for summer

4. Equip the teaching room with the necessary material to help educators:

  1. Develop routes for walks and excursions taking into account the location of the preschool institution, recommendations for their implementation, information about plants growing along the routes
  2. Compile a card index of outdoor, construction, and didactic games for preschoolers on the physical education playground, on an excursion, on a hike with a brief description of each of them
  3. Prepare a calendar of Russian nature
  4. Prepare a calendar of summer folk holidays and entertainment
  5. Select literature about plants and animals, about agriculture

3. Working with parents

Conduct group meetings to prepare for the summer, at which to introduce parents to the health status of their children and inform them about the kindergarten’s summer program

Organize consultations for children on medical and pedagogical topics for those who travel with children out of town on vacation and those who remain in the city

Prepare an information and reference section for parents, both in the teaching room, as well as mobile folders in groups, and remote stands on the street.


Evenings of entertainment for children “Lesovichok”, “Favorite fairy tale heroes”

Consultations for educators “Organization of children’s work in the vegetable garden and flower garden”

Workshop for teachers “Equipment for playing with wind, water, sand”

Conducting summer work readiness competitions, organizing research and experimental work in the garden


Preparation and holding of the holiday “Red Summer”

Evenings of entertainment for children “Sun, air and water are our best friends”, “Puppet theater”

Consultations for educators “Environmental education of preschoolers in the summer”

Children's drawing competition "Save Nature"


Sports entertainment “We are strong, agile, resilient”

Evenings of entertainment for children “I love the Russian birch tree”

Organizing mutual visits to exchange experiences between teachers (topics are optional)

Production meeting “Results of summer health work”

Consultation for educators

« Health-improving work with preschoolers

in the summer."

The main goals of health work are to preserve and strengthen the health of children (emotional, physical, mental). At the same time, the work must take into account the individual characteristics of each child. Physical education and health work in preschool educational institutions according to the Federal State Educational Standard is the main goal of protecting, strengthening the physical health and mental well-being of the child.

1.Implementation of a system of measures aimed at improving health and physical development children.

2. Creating conditions for play activity children.

3. Implementation of pedagogical and medical education of parents on the issues of raising and improving the health of children in the summer.

4.Creating conditions to prevent child injuries through the implementation various forms activities.

5. Development of physical qualities, accumulation and enrichment of children’s motor experience.

6.Formation in pupils of the need for physical activity and physical improvement.

Principles of health work.

1.Systematic use of physical education, health and hardening technologies.

2.Accounting individual characteristics children.

3.Positive emotional mood children.

4. Availability of the technologies used.

Specifics of work in the summer:

Morning exercises, like all types of physical exercises, are carried out in the fresh air.

Physical activity should include running exercises, exercises to prevent posture and foot disorders, and exercises to improve external respiration functions.

When walking on days when physical education and music classes are not held, it is recommended to include high-intensity outdoor games, relay games, sports games, competition games or running at an increasing pace (dosage depending on age).

In summer, you need to devote time to organizing walking tours and excursions. When organizing walks, you must comply with the requirements for clothing and footwear, and comply with drinking regime.

Independent motor activity is mainly carried out in the second half of the day. To achieve this, it is necessary to make more widespread use of sports ground equipment and equipment in group areas.

morning exercises in the fresh air increases vitality body, creates favorable

conditions for further activity, has a beneficial effect on the development of organization, discipline, and endurance.

Physical development in kindergarten provides for the protection and promotion of health, development and timely formation of motor skills and abilities in preschoolers.

Outdoor games not only have an impact on the emotional and physical release of a growing organism, but also play an educational and developmental role in the activities of a preschooler, and influence the development of attention, coordination, imagination and memory of children.

Game exercises are carried out daily for the purpose of training and consolidating motor skills. With their help, health, educational and educational tasks are successfully solved during a walk. Game exercises are aimed at directly teaching children basic movements.

Sports holidays and entertainment;

Various types of gymnastics:

Awakening gymnastics provides smooth transition from sleep to wakefulness, prepares for active work, helps lift your mood, muscle tone, and also provides prevention of postural disorders and flat feet.

Breathing exercises contributes to the development and strengthening chest, increases overall vitality, resistance and resistance of the body to colds, as well as endurance during physical activity.

Gymnastics for the eyes strengthens the eye muscles; prevents eye fatigue; relieves tension; is the prevention of visual impairment.

Intense exposure to the fingertips stimulates a rush of blood to the hands, which promotes psycho-emotional stability, increases the functional activity of the brain, and tones the entire body.

Massage has a beneficial effect not only on the formation of the child’s legs and musculoskeletal system, but also on the central nervous system, and through it - to the entire organism as a whole.

Daytime nap with access to fresh air.


Walks in the open air;

Walking barefoot along massage paths Walking barefoot not only hardens, but also has a beneficial effect on blood vessels, heart and other organs. This procedure has an active effect on the points of the foot responsible for many organs: kidneys, stomach, eyes, heart, brain.

Washing with cold water;

Pouring feet;

Extensive dousing;

The main purpose of water hardening is the improvement and prevention of colds and infectious diseases.

Games with water. This is an effective way of self-therapy. Water has psychotherapeutic properties, promotes relaxation, relaxation, creates favorable soil for development emotional sphere, serves as a means of understanding the world around us. Games with water contribute to the development of coordination of movements in the eye-hand system, the formation sensory representation and techniques logical thinking. Games with water allow you to develop the ability to observe, develop skills in research behavior, make simple conclusions, judgements, compare, generalize, and establish patterns.

Playing with sand has a positive effect on the development of the child’s psyche and the establishment of psychological comfort.

When interacting with sand, the emotional state stabilizes, fine motor skills develop and tactile sensitivity, this affects the development of the speech center, the formation of voluntary attention and memory;

Games with air allow you to expand the functionality of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, strengthen the respiratory system, and allow you to learn how to breathe while walking and running quickly.

Solar, light-air baths, and air baths are used to accustom children to direct contact of the body surface with air. Air baths help improve thermoregulation (heat generation and heat transfer), increase muscle tone and cardiovascular endurance vascular system, an increase in the content of hemoglobin and red blood cells in the blood and many other favorable changes in the body.

Ventilation of premises;


Vitamin therapy – juice, fruits and vegetables in children’s daily diet.

Vitamin therapy is the use of various kinds of vitamins for the prevention and treatment of certain diseases, as well as to replenish

the body lacks them.

Working with parents.

The possibilities of the summer period for improving the health of children are great, so it is important to organize every day of the life of preschoolers in kindergarten in an interesting and effective way.

Planning work with children

For the summer period.

Summer is the most favorable period for a child to communicate with nature; these are dozens of the most various games outdoor activities are great opportunities for preschoolers to get acquainted with the world around them.

Every day, every minute must be used for learning, developing, raising children, enriching their knowledge and ideas, trying to make fullest use of the summer conditions in various activities that allow children to consolidate and apply the knowledge acquired during the year.

Such work largely depends on planning and well-thought-out organization of the pedagogical process.

When making a plan for the summer, it is better to use thematic planning. Each week has its own theme. This will allow you to diversify the activities of children, not to miss the safety issues of preschoolers, and to display work with parents in accordance with the topic.

Upbringing healthy child– priority, the most important task preschool pedagogy, especially in modern conditions. Summer holidays for children have a significant impact on strengthening the body, resisting diseases, and creating positive emotions. In the summer, great opportunities are provided for hardening, improving defensive reactions child, sun-air baths and water hardening procedures are widely used. In summer, all activities are transferred to the air. Each type is given a place and time in the daily routine.

The priority areas of the preschool institution during the summer health period are:

- physical education and health work;
- environmental education;
- gaming, musical, theatrical, and visual activities for children.

Goals :

Protection and strengthening of the psychophysical health of pupils;

Hardening children using natural factors;

Organization of recreation, emotional well-being of children;

Development cognitive interest to the environment.

Tasks :

1. Create conditions that ensure the protection of the life and health of children, the prevention of morbidity and injury.

2. Increasing motor activity by creating an optimal motor mode.

3. Implement a system of measures aimed at improving the health and physical development of children, their moral education, developing curiosity and cognitive activation, formation of cultural, hygienic and labor skills.

4. Formation in children of physical well-being, motor motivation, interest in themselves and their health. Prevention of childhood injuries through strengthening knowledge about life safety.

5. Carry out pedagogical and health education of parents on the issues of raising and improving the health of children in the summer.

6. Organization of individual pedagogical work to consolidate knowledge and skills, taking into account the zone of proximal development of children:

Speech development;

Enriching knowledge about the environment, summer natural phenomena.

7. Involvement of parents in the orbit activities of preschool educational institutions in the summer.

8. Carrying out work to prepare for the start of the school year.

Health work with children in the summer is integral part systems of treatment, preventive and educational measures in preschool institutions. The summer wellness period requires careful preparation both from the departments of education and health care, and from each preschool institution. During the preparatory period, issues of organizational and methodological work are discussed with all employees of the preschool institution. Instructions are studied: on protecting the life and health of children in preschool institutions, on labor protection, on preventing children from being poisoned by poisonous plants and mushrooms, and fire safety rules.

On the eve of the summer health period, general group groups are held parent meetings. The doctor and nurse introduce parents to the health status of their children, the organization of health improvement and hardening. Parents are provided with consultations on organizing joint recreation for adult family members and children on weekends and during vacations.

In order to effectively prepare for the health period and its effective implementation, an order is issued for the preschool institution to create working group on preparation and planning of summer recreational work with children. Each preschool institution has the right to its own approaches to organizing the lives of children in the summer and independently builds and implements a model of various activities. Mandatory structural components of the plan should be:

  • preparatory work (resource support for the healing process);
  • organization of summer health improvement (catering, medical and preventive work, system of physical education and health work, hardening system)4
  • organization of the daily routine and educational process in the summer;
  • interaction with family.

At the end of the summer health period, the doctor of the preschool institution, together with the nurse and teachers, based on the individual characteristics of the child’s health status, evaluates the effectiveness summer holiday separately for each child, each group and the entire team as a whole.

The results of summer work are discussed in preschool institutions at teacher councils and general meetings. Based on the analysis and analytical assessment of the work, an action plan for the next summer season is outlined.

Summer is the most fertile time of the year. It's warm outside and you can walk and play as much as you want. Of course, for a child this is a happy time of activity and movement. Space and fresh air are essential for health and harmonious development child.

During the summer health period, the main attention should be given to physical education and health work, in which all kindergarten students are involved.

Morning exercises and reception of children in the summer are carried out on the site, since it is in warm time Over the years, conditions for the development of children's movements have improved significantly. In addition, physical education classes are also held in the fresh air, on the sports ground. The sports ground must be equipped with the necessary aids for the development of basic movements: a pit with sand for long jumps; balance beam; obstacle course; touch track. This allows children to willingly use them both in class and independently. motor activity in order to consolidate skills in basic types of movements and develop dexterity.

For general development physical training was systematic in nature, you can develop a plan based on the days of the week:

- Monday - different kinds throwing, jumping, crawling, climbing, balance exercises;

– Tuesday – lesson on the development of motor physical qualities;

– environment – ​​games with balls, “Ball School”, elements of sports games;

- Thursday - summer fun(playing with rolling pins, playing hopscotch);

– Friday – various entertainments.

This plan is adjusted taking into account the children’s motor experience, their interests, and material resources; include sports exercises on bicycles, scooters, folk games, etc.

Equipping areas with portable non-traditional sports equipment and sports equipment increases children's interest in independent motor activity.

Sports exercises: exercises in throwing, throwing and catching a ball help prepare children for sports games(basketball, volleyball). Having a football field, volleyball and basketball court on the territory of the kindergarten in the summer, you can teach children these sports games. The end result of which could be the holding of football matches.

It’s good if the kindergarten area is equipped with special paths for riding bicycles and scooters and there is necessary equipment. Children can be offered tasks with gradual complication: driving in a straight line, in a circle, one after another, along a winding path, along a path with different soil, etc. They are particularly interested in fun games: “Don’t hit me,” “Snake,” “Eight,” “Slow ride in pairs,” relay races and bicycle races.

A special place in physical culture and health work should be given to such forms of active recreation as physical education holidays and leisure. Such events are always filled with fun, entertaining exercises, meeting your favorite characters, unexpected surprises. Staying in the fresh air, playing with water, and various physical activities help improve health, strengthen the body, and enrich children’s motor experience, which helps increase children’s interest in movements. When organizing summer holidays, it is necessary to acquaint children with Russian folk holidays and the peculiarities of their implementation. And of course, parents who can take an active part in the “Fun Starts” and the “Summer Olympic Games” should not be left without attention.

Fun games are essentially physical exercises in a playful way with musical accompaniment or without.

We offer a list of some summer fun games:

  1. Ball games (ball relay races, free ball games, “goat”, elements of game basketball, volleyball).
  2. Competitions - duels (relay races of various types, capture of a fortress, pushing out of a circle).
  3. Pinwheel games (fun games).
  4. Games on the asphalt (hopscotch, tag).
  5. Games with sand and water (with bells, with paper kite, with soap bubbles.).
  6. Games with musical accompaniment (round dances, singing, dancing).
  7. Russian folk games (magic wand, lapta, traps, grandmothers, blind man's buff, etc.).
  8. Arrow throwing (hit the hoop, discus throwing, throwing rings, who's next, flying saucers, etc.).
  9. “Ball school” (playing with a small ball, football against the wall, aim better, etc.).
  10. Fun rope (jumping rope, elusive rope, jumping rope, etc.).
  11. Jumping (gum jump, jumping jacks, leapfrog, long jump from a run, from a height, from hoop to hoop, etc.).
  12. Games and balance exercises (stubborn goat, walking on a bench, a log, a foot rocker, who can stand on one leg longer.).
  13. Sports exercises (biking, scootering, bathing, swimming.).


In the summer, during the day it is necessary to use a balanced alternation of all types of children's activities, among which play is predominant. During the warm season, many outdoor games and various options. Children are especially interested in games with longer runs, races, competition elements, and relay games.

The game is huge bright window, through which a life-giving stream of ideas and concepts about the surrounding world flows into the child’s spiritual world

(V.A. Sukhomlinsky)

While walking on section of the preschool educational institution The teacher can organize various outdoor games. The teacher conducts an outdoor game with the entire group of children and can be repeated 3-5 times. When organizing famous games, the teacher can give the children the opportunity to remember and tell the contents of the game and the rules themselves. When learning a new outdoor game, a clear explanation of its content is necessary. Individual elements you can show it and even play it. After the explanation, the teacher immediately moves on to the game and, as the game progresses, clarify what the children did not remember well enough. In outdoor games, the leading roles are played by the children themselves.

Of great educational importance is summing up, assessing the results, actions of children, and their behavior in play activities. It is advisable to involve the children themselves in discussing the results of the game; they must be taught to evaluate their own behavior and the actions of their comrades. This will further contribute to more conscious fulfillment of tasks and rules of the game, as well as the establishment of relationships in the process of joint actions. During the walk, outdoor games and play exercises of varying degrees of intensity should be planned.

Within a month, 3-4 new games can be learned, including several folk ones. A significant role in the organization of the educational process is given to folk culture. Communication with folk culture ennobles, makes a person soft, sensitive, kind, wise. The knowledge of ethnic characteristics by preschoolers through the leading activity - play - allows us to hope that the younger generation will know their roots, and will not grow up to be “Ivans who do not remember their kinship.”


For classes physical culture and personal self-improvement of preschoolers requires special sport equipment, but it is usually expensive and not available to everyone. Therefore, there is a need to use equipment made independently from improvised materials for sports and recreational activities. The materials for its manufacture are old rubber balls of various sizes, plastic bottles, and multi-colored corks. Anyone can make such equipment. We offer several outdoor games that can be organized with its help in the group’s sports corner, during a physical education class, or during a walk during the summer recreational period.

Games using sports equipment made from balls.

Outdoor game "Funny Balls"

Goals: to develop children’s attention, memory, coordination of movements; develop interest in physical education.

For the game, medium-sized rubber balls cut in half are used.

  1. Children walk along a gymnastics bench, stepping over the hemispheres laid out on it.
  2. Children with eyes closed step over hemispheres lying on the floor.
  3. The teacher lays out hemispheres on the floor, which are 1.5-2 times larger than the number of children. There is a “surprise” hidden under one of the hemispheres. Each child in turn is given an attempt to find the hidden “treasure”, while he needs to remember which hemispheres have already been opened before him.
  4. For throwing, you can hang them on a tree. Option "Basketball".

Outdoor game "Balls"

Goal: to develop dexterity, intuition, coordination of movements.

One end of the rope is inserted into the slot of the rubber ball and secured (similar to Christmas ball), the other is put on a carabiner with a loop and attached to the monkey bars. The number of balls is arbitrary.

  1. Children first run like a snake under a monkey bars with hanging stationary balls, and then under swinging ones, trying not to touch them.
  2. Children walk along a gymnastics bench standing above the monkey bars. It is necessary to walk in such a way as not to hit the suspended swinging balls.
  3. Children try to hit the object placed in front of them with suspended balls.

Games using equipment made from plastic bottles

Outdoor game "Flower - seven flowers"

Goal: to develop eye and accuracy.

Equipment: eight cups cut from plastic bottles, fastened in the shape of a flower paper clips(one cup in the center, seven around it), eight tennis balls or plastic cases from Kinder Surprises.

Children throw balls at the target (flower - seven-colored) and score points: hitting the center of the flower - 5 points, hitting the petals - 2 points. You can also shape the target into a triangle, square, line, etc.

Outdoor game “Bottle rope”

Goal: develop agility, coordination, endurance

Equipment: a rope made from 15 bottles placed on a 5 meter long rope.

  1. Children jump over a rope lying on the floor.
  2. Participants in the game jump over a swinging rope, like a skipping rope.

It is possible for several children to perform this exercise at the same time.

  1. Children throw the ball over a suspended rope (like over a net). They play in pairs or teams.
  2. The rope is used in a fun relay race. The players crawl under the rope or jump over it (depending on the height of the location).
  3. Children walk in a column, holding a rope with their hand, and perform tasks: snake walking, squats, etc. The rope is used as a tie.

Bottles can be used as skittles (make them heavier by pouring sand, millet, small stones, beans into them). Use them in throwing, as a target and in relay games.

Outdoor game "Funnels"

Goal: to develop dexterity, eye, coordination of movements, observation.

Equipment: funnels - tops cut off from plastic bottles (according to the number of children).

  1. During the relay race, children move a tennis ball from funnel to funnel while standing in a line.
  2. During the running relay race, each child in a designated place places his funnel on another (we build a tower).
  3. In pairs, children throw tennis balls or Kinder Surprise cases to each other from funnel to funnel.
  4. "The most dexterous." Attach cords to the funnels, at the ends of which there is a Kinder Surprise case. Try to catch a “kinder surprise” with a funnel.

Games with colorful plastic bottle caps

Game "Dry Aquarium"

Purpose: Relieve tension, fatigue, relax the muscles of the back and shoulder girdle. Develop perception, attention, memory, thinking, imagination, fine motor skills hands

Option 1.

Bathing hands - hands, arms up to the elbows, rustling lids.

Option 2.

Complete tasks:

  • what color are the lids?
  • What color caps are there more?
  • arrange the lids by color.
  • Who will collect lids of one color or another into a basin faster?

Option 3.

“Whose beads are longer”, “Locomotive with carriages”, “Paths”, “Bridges”,


Option 4.

We build pyramids and towers.

Option 5.

“We study time intervals.”

Morning - yellow lid,

The day is red,

Evening – blue

The night is black

“Week” – seven days – seven different colors caps

Game "Find your house"

The children are given colorful bottle caps and there are also caps on the floor different color.

Children, when given a signal, must find a lid of a similar color (their house) and run up to it.

Game "Find a Pair"

Covers are available in different colors. Children run around and, when given a signal, find a pair based on the color of the lid.

Soft squares made of foam rubber 20x20 cm.

Goal: formation of correct posture, development of dexterity and eye.

1.Who gets there faster without dropping the square from his head?

2. “Kangaroo” - jumping with a square clamped between the knees.

3. “Sharp on target” - hang it on a rope or tree.

4. Relay races with different tasks:

  • jumping on one leg through squares;
  • on two legs;
  • right and left side;
  • a snake between them;
  • running across the squares.


made from Kinder Surprise capsules and bottle caps, strung

alternately on the fishing line, and on the sides of the handle mount - caps from felt-tip pens

(used for massage of legs, arms, back, neck, chest and for outdoor switchgear).

Toys from Kinder Surprises are used to prevent flat feet (we collect toys with our toes)

Fluffs on a string (fluffs can be made from padding polyester)

Goal: Development of the respiratory system.

Game "Count"

Circles made of plywood or lids from mayonnaise buckets with digital symbols are laid out in a circle. Children run in a circle and listen to tasks - 1+2=. They must count and run to the circle with the number 3.

Tennis rocket(cut from plywood)

Purpose: Serve to coordinate movement.

1.Who can hit the tennis ball the most without dropping it?

2.To teach the elements of playing tennis. For this purpose, hanging balls on a string are used. Strikes are performed from the right, from the left.

3.For throwing at a target, they are suspended at different heights and attached rigidly or on a rope.

General developmental exercises.

To perform outdoor switchgear, you can also use items made from waste material:

  • rattle bottles will serve as dumbbells;
  • fans made from cardboard colored sketchbook covers;
  • mayonnaise buckets decorated with tinsel or colored film;
  • homemade expanders made from a wide elastic band and small pieces of hoop are used in outdoor gear to develop the muscles of the arms and legs.

Children spend most of their time outdoors. Group teachers can organize individual work according to physical examination. You can work on basic movements with children: throwing, climbing, crawling, jumping, exercises to prevent flat feet and correct posture, etc. All health-improving activities should be organized taking into account the health status of the pupils and their individual characteristics.

One of the important elements in the daily routine is the independent motor activity of children, which is mainly realized in the second half of the day. To ensure sufficient physical activity of children, more widespread use should be made of sports ground equipment, physical education aids in group areas, bicycles, scooters, roller skates, etc.; have benefits that are brought to the playground depending on the content of children’s activities; They should be provided with motor toys, games such as serso, skittles, ring throw, bilboke, towns, balls, jump ropes, hoops, etc.

It should be taken into account that with independent motor activity, children largely regulate their own physical activity, replacing more intense movements with less intense ones and making pauses. However, the teacher must closely monitor the condition of the children, providing individual guidance to their activities. He offers some children to rest, preventing them from overheating and fatigue; encourages those who are sedentary to move. Children with low level physical fitness, the teacher helps in mastering more complex movements, instills in them confidence in their work, rejoices at the success of each child, and, if necessary, helps at a difficult moment for him.


Natural forces of nature(sun, air, ox) are important means strengthening health, as well as increasing efficiency: water cleanses the skin of pollution; the sun's rays kill various microbes, promote the deposition of vitamin D under the skin and protect a person from diseases; the air under the shade of trees, containing special substances (phytoncides), helps destroy microbes and enriches the blood with oxygen.

Using the natural forces of nature in combination with physical exercise most favorable for child's body.

Sun, air, water are used and how independent means hardening of the human body. They develop the body’s adaptability to high and low air and water temperatures, and to sudden and rapid changes in meteorological factors. For versatile hardening, all natural forces of nature should be used, combining them in the most appropriate way.

Hardening also has another meaning: it contributes to the development of strong-willed qualities (courage, endurance, etc.).

Air hardening– most accessible remedy hardening at any time of the year. Systematic exposure of the child to the air contributes to a faster adaptation of the body to the change temperature conditions. The positive effects of air baths increase if combined with physical exercise.

An effective means of hardening is walking barefoot in the summer on well-cleaned soil (grass, gravel, sand). You should start walking barefoot on hot, sunny days, gradually increasing the walking time from 2-3 minutes to 10-12 minutes or more. The minimum air temperature at which children are allowed to walk barefoot is 20–22 Cº.

Then the children were taught to walk barefoot indoors: for example, before napping, they were allowed to walk barefoot to the crib along the carpet. With children 5–7 years old we do morning exercises and physical education classes in socks, and then without them. We use the healing effects of air when organizing daytime sleep and walks.

Air is the most accessible hardening factor.

The correct air conditions in the room must be maintained by regular ventilation. The most effective is through ventilation, which is carried out in the absence of children. In the presence of children, it is recommended to aerate the premises by opening windows on one side. In sunny weather, light winds and outside temperatures above 18° C, all windows should be kept open at all times; when the outside air temperature is below 18 °C or there is strong wind - one window opening; at outside temperatures below 16 °C and rainy weather, all transoms must be constantly open.

The air temperature in the room should be 18 – 21° for children of senior preschool age and 19 – 22° for younger preschoolers, which ensures a state of thermal comfort. At these indoor temperatures, children's clothing should consist of two layers in the torso area (cotton underwear and a light cotton dress), socks and sandals on the feet. When the room temperature is below 18 °C for older children and below 19 °C for younger children, children’s clothing is insulated by replacing light cotton clothing with warmer ones, flannelette or wool blend, and socks with knee socks. With a further decrease in the air temperature in the room to 15 - 16 ° C, additionally put on a knitted woolen jacket and instead of golf, tights. When the air temperature in the room is above 21 - 22 ° C, children's clothing is lightened to shorts and T-shirts.

Clothing during a walk should vary depending on weather conditions(see table 1 – 2), as well as time of day, type of activity and individual characteristics of children. For the first two to three weeks (adaptation period) in suburban conditions, children should dress warmer. As you get used to these conditions, in order to consolidate and maintain the effect of special hardening procedures, clothing should become lighter.

Children get great joy from the sun hardening procedure, which is carried out during a walk in the summer. Teachers begin the hardening process with light-air baths in the shade of trees, then move on to local sunbathing, for which the children expose their arms and legs (they should have a light cap on their head). To carry out sunbathing, children's games are organized under direct rays of the sun (5-6 minutes), and then again taken into the shade. As tanning occurs, sunbathing becomes common, i.e. children are stripped down to their shorts and T-shirt, and then left in their shorts. Continuous stay of children under direct sun rays At first it is 5 minutes, gradually it is increased to 10 minutes. During the day, the total duration of sunbathing can reach 40 -50 minutes.