“Making a game in such a famous universe is like walking through a minefield,” an interview with the community manager of Middle-earth: Shadows of War. Middle-earth Shadow of War: game plot and ending Middle-earth shadow of war story walkthrough

A game Middle-Earth: Shadow of War based on the universe of Tolkien's novels. Events unfold before the main story "Lord of the Rings", but are directly related to it.

The game has book continuity, but the main inspiration comes from Peter Jackson's films, especially in regards to the look. It's an understandable creative choice, given that many people love movie adaptations. Nevertheless, Middle-Earth: Shadow of War in some places violates the canon, familiar to fans from the books "The Silmarillion" or "Lord of the Rings".

Below will be considered the main points that do not fit into the overall plot. Of course, there are spoilers.


The story of Shadows of War centers on the fall of Minas Ithil, the last Gondorian stronghold near Mordor. After the fall of the Downfall of Numenor, co-founder of the kingdom of Gondor along with his brother Anarion. He created a bastion of a new kingdom on a mountaintop adjacent to Mordor. After the fall of Númenor, Sauron returned to Mordor to recuperate, before eventually carrying out his invasion of Minas Ithil in WE 3429 (2nd century). Gondor lost the battle, and Sauron renamed the fortress Minas Morgul. The city was captured by the forces of Sauron thousands of years before the events. "The Hobbit" and The Lord of the Rings, as well as "Shadows of War", for that matter. The game radically alters the main timeline about Tolkien's near lands by thousands of years, and effectively reduces the importance of one of Gondor's defining moments.


IN "Silmarillin" Tolkien explains that Sauron himself forged the "One Ring" and taught its methods to the elves of Eregion, who created the Seven (for dwarves) and Nine rings (for mortals). Celebrimbor, who was one of the elves of Eregion, created the three rings (for the elves) on his own, without the guidance of Sauron. So, the Rings were never corrupted by the Dark Lord, which meant that Sauron could not control the elves without corrupting their Rings. However, the three were still bound by the fate of the One Ring, just like all the other Rings of Power. When Frodo destroyed the One Ring in The Return of the King, the power of the Three Rings also diminished.

The story of the "Ring of Power" is vital to Tolkien's stories, and the trilogy in particular. "Lord of the Rings", but the game breaks the point by changing the creator to Celebrimbor. In the game, Celebrimbor created the "One Ring" which allowed the Dark Lord and all other rings to be dominated and thus questioned several aspects related to the Ring. If Sauron did not create the One Ring, is his soul still bound to him? Also, it is illogical to believe that Talion and Celebrimbora could create another Ring of Power that would be invulnerable to Sauron.


The nine rings worn by humans connected them to the One Ring and therefore to Sauron. They succumbed to the power of the Ring and were eventually enslaved by Sauron as his servants of the Nazgûl. The Nazgûl consisted of nine Great Lords of Men, one of which was Khamul Easterling and the other was the Witch-king of Angmar. Three more were people from Numenor, although their names were never revealed. It has never been stated who else was among the Nazgûl in the books and films, and this is exactly what is used "Shadows of War".

The game rewrites history and claims that Isildur (Aragorn's ancestor and Arnor's second king) was saved from death - after being shot with an arrow and plunged into a river - and given one of Sauron's Nine Rings. The ring saved his life, but instantly turned him into one of the Nazgûl. It didn't happen in the books or the movies. Moreover, the game also erroneously assumes that Helm Hammerhand (the former king of Rohan) and Suladan (the Haradrim mentioned in "Return of the King") were two more Nazgul. Talion became the fourth Nazgul at the end of the story.

We looked at 15 big differences between the game and the books.

Fans of John R.R. Tolkien began to rejoice last night, when box-arts of the upcoming announcement leaked to the network, but it didn’t take long, and today we have at our disposal a very impressive cinematic trailer for Middle-earth: Shadows of War.

The plot of Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor centered on Talion, a Ranger of Gondor who was killed by the Black Hand of Sauron and whose spirit merged with the ghost of the elf Celebrimbor. Set in the time period between The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, Talion and Celebrimbor will return and this time they will have a new ring capable of subduing the power of Sauron himself.

Here's the official synopsis: Middle-earth: Shadow of War is the sequel to the critically acclaimed action role-playing game Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor, which has won over fifty different awards, including Game of the Year by the Game Developers Choice Awards, Outstanding Achievement in Development by D.I.C.E. Awards, as well as the BAFTA Game Design Award. The new game from Monolith Productions Middle-earth: Shadow of War will continue the story of Talion and Celebrimbor, who must infiltrate behind enemy lines and turn the forces of Mordor against the Dark Lord Sauron himself.

The first gameplay of the game will be shown on March 8, and the release is scheduled for October 10, 2017 for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

The game is on sale Middle-Earth: Shadow of War, which is based on the universe of John Tolkien.

"Middle-earth: Shadows of Mordor" great use of mechanics Assassin's Creed and brought the Nemesis system. In addition, the project interestingly adapted the world "Lord of the Rings" in video game format. The plot of the original ends with Tilon and Celebrimbor deciding to create a new ring that was strong enough to challenge Sauron.

But how different is the story of the sequel from canon?

  • In the world "Lord of the Rings" there are twenty magical rings: three for elves, seven for dwarves, nine for humans, the last belongs to Sauron. The power of the One Ring gives him dominion over all other magical rings, with the exception of those made after him. Celebrimbor's plan involves the creation of a new ring, which slightly ruins the history of the novels.
  • It turns out that Isildur is one of the nine Nazgûl. Talion discovers that he was not killed when he was hit by an arrow. It is revealed that Sauron's men found Isildur and brought him to Mordor, where he was forced to wear one of the nine rings of men. In the books, his fate is left in doubt.

  • Introduction "Shadows of War" takes place in the city of Minas Itil. It is the last bastion of Gondor in Mordor, and its destruction would be a great loss to the kingdom. In the game, it seems that the siege of the city has just begun, as the soldiers have just begun to take out the treasure. In the books, the siege of the city actually lasted two years before it finally fell and was renamed Minas Morgul.
  • Celebrimbor is not equal to Sauron in terms of power and magic, although he is undead. Sauron has no equal in books.
  • Sauron creates nine Nazugols in 2251, but in Shadow of War two new members appear much later than this event.

  • The destruction of the One Ring meant that Sauron could not restore his body in the films. Sauron was able to restore his physical body in the books, but it took him many centuries to take on a new form. IN Shadow of War he shows up in a new body, which makes one wonder why he didn't do it sooner.
  • IN Shadow of War Helm Hammerhand is revealed to be one of the Nazgûl. The problem is that in the books, Helm died in battle and his body was found and buried by his relatives.
  • One of Sauron's most interesting aspects "Lord of the Rings" is that we never see him and he never talks. The game has it.

  • Balrog is one of the most amazing things in The Lord of the Rings. This is a giant fiery demon that pulls the mighty Gandalf behind him. The problem is that Durin's Bane is considered the last of its kind, but in Shadow of War we learn that Sauron has a Balrog who is one of the generals.
  • Shelob's image "Shadows of War" is the exact opposite of her description in the books. In The Lord of the Rings, Shelob was an ancient spider that predates Sauron and never made contact with him. IN Shadow of War Shelob she takes the form of a sexy woman who helps Talion in the fight against Sauron.