Crafts from paper clips. In order not to be bored at home, we are learning to make crafts from paper clips! Step by step description of the creative process

If it’s raining outside and it’s completely impossible to get out for a walk, then you should look for entertainment at home. But what if the apartment is in perfect order, dinner is ready, and the TV is tired? Perhaps you should get creative and make some crafts. By the way, you can involve the whole family in this interesting business and have fun.

You can craft from anything, for example, try to make crafts from paper clips, and if you don’t know how, then read the article, it will contain some interesting ideas.

Flower from paper clips

The simplest thing that can be made from paper clips is a bouquet that will not only please the eye, but also perform a practical function, be responsible for the safety of stationery.

To make beautiful flowers you will need the following items:

  • Colored paper clips (2-3 boxes), choose shades to your taste;
  • 2 sheets of A4 paper;
  • Glue, scissors, compasses.

If everything is ready, then you can start making crafts from colored paper clips:

  1. On one sheet of A4 format, draw 4 circles with a compass: 2 large ones of the same radius and 2 smaller diameters (with a difference of about 3 cm). If you are going to be creative with a small child, then instead of a compass for drawing circles, use cups of different diameters;
  2. Armed with scissors, cut out the drawn circles. By the way, if there is colored paper or cardboard at home, then blanks can be made from these materials;
  3. Now coat two large round blanks with glue and connect them together;
  4. From the remaining sheet of paper, fold the stem for the flower. It should turn out flat, and to keep it better, coat it with glue;
  5. Now, on the glued circles, place the stem, but not on the edge, but so that it lies along the entire diameter. This will make the flower more stable;
  6. You have a blank that looks like a tennis racket, but that's not all. On the big circle you need to stick a smaller circle. In this case, apply glue only to the center of the leaflet, and the edges should be in free flight. The smallest circle is attached in the same way;
  7. The paper flower is ready, now you need to use paper clips to make colored petals and a beautiful stem. To do this, multi-colored stationery is placed along the free edges of three paper circles, and green paper clips are attached to an impromptu stem.

After all the manipulations, the flower is ready, it will look very good in the organizer on the desktop, and so that the craft from paper clips does not fall, it is recommended to press it a little with a ruler.

In principle, if you make a flower not with 3, but with 2 circles of paper clips, then it will be more stable.

We make a garland

With the help of paper clips with your own hands, you can make a very attractive garland, which will certainly decorate the room for any holiday. To make such beauty, you will not need so many improvised materials: scissors, bright sheets of paper, magazines and any thick printed matter, glue and paper clips will do.

Now you can make a garland:

By the way, if desired, the decoration can be made in several rows. And using paper clips of different sizes, create a very interesting garland in general.

It is worth noting that assiduous women make curtains according to this principle, and children make funny bracelets for themselves and their friends.

We make Christmas decorations

With the help of paper clips, you can make cute Christmas toys in the form of ice skates for figure skating.

To implement the creative idea, you will need the following materials:

  1. Felt of different shades;
  2. Beads or sequins;
  3. Sheet of paper and pencil;
  4. Large staples;
  5. Thin tapes;
  6. Glue;
  7. Threads and needle.

On a piece of paper draw a skate, but without a blade, one shoe. Cut out the stencil, then transfer the image to the felt.

Before cutting out the image from the fabric, fold it in half so that you can then make a real skate. You don't need to cut in the middle. After cutting out, you should get two skates in a mirror image.

In the middle of the felt blank, distribute the paper clip, then sew the edges of the future toy. Do this with large stitches, using threads of a shade that harmonizes with the fabric.

On both sides of the sewn product, glue the beads or sequins with glue, they will serve as impromptu holes for the laces.

The last touch remains, sew a thin ribbon to the felt skate, and you will get a wonderful Christmas tree toy.

By the way, such decorations can be prepared for a child's birthday if the kid is fond of hockey. This will help make a themed holiday.

As you can see, do-it-yourself paper clip crafts can be varied. Everything is limited only by your imagination and desire. Do not be afraid to fantasize and create, you will succeed, good luck!

I woke up one morning with a new project idea in my head. I got into bed thinking about the presentation I was going to give to middle and high school teachers in a couple of weeks. I wanted to come up with simple and inexpensive projects that they could use to teach students some aspects of technology. I really hoped that my ideas would inspire them to their own creativity. All night I dreamed about how I made various devices from paper clips, and this project was born. Regarding the cost - a piece of wood and paper clips cost me about 15 rubles.

I was already working on a few projects at the time, so it took a couple of months of thinking until I actually sat down at the table with a bunch of paper clips and started my attempts to build something out of them. While I was busy with other projects, I thought about the design and manufacturing process of my car parts, as well as the way they were assembled. For this I needed very few tools and materials. I thought the process would be pretty simple. Paperclip mechanisms are very interesting to create, and it is also interesting to “play” with them later. It seems to me that the sculptural forms of these creatures are also a kind of art.

For educators, this project is a great way to teach children the physics of mechanical machines, including concepts such as leverage, knee, pivot point, circular and linear motion. Products from this project can be used as a miniature working model or as a prototype in the production of various designs. Also, similar mechanisms can be used for students studying energy. A similar project helped me a lot, in which groups of participants, as well as individual inventors, created separate mechanisms, and then connected them together to create a chain reaction. It seemed to me that something similar could be done with staple mechanisms. This will enable each student to create their own part of the overall mechanism, and then connect everything into a large chain, and also simulate a chain reaction.

This video shows how I built my paperclip mechanism:

Step 1: Such a versatile paperclip

As a lifelong Creator, I have always loved taking apart even the simplest appliances. At meetings, I constantly take apart and reassemble my pen. In cafes, I constantly play with my straw and the wrapper in which it was brought. One of my favorite things to do is play with paperclips. I have always been fascinated by their original but simple form, as well as their working principle. I know it's just a piece of wire bent in a certain way and nothing more. My cursory internet search reveals that I'm not the only paperclip aficionado. My fellow community members have already published a ton of paper clip projects. These are toy helicopters, and, and even chandeliers, of various geometric shapes. I've seen picks, catapults, and trebuchets. So my post will be just another item on the list of what can be created from paper clips.

Step 2: What you need.

From this we will create today:
- A box of large paper clips (mine were made from wire with a diameter of 1 mm).
- Two small pieces of wood. I bought two samples of flooring from a local hardware store. Each cost me no more than 10 rubles.
- A pair of wire cutters and a pair of long-nosed pliers. I recommend the ones pictured above. If you have pliers with long, round tongs and a cutting edge, those will work too.
- A couple of drills for 0.8, 1.0 and 1.2 mm.
- Bulgarian with a cutting wheel to cut off one of the drills.
- Drill to drill holes in wood. Hand or electric drill - it doesn't matter.
- A small ruler and pencil for measuring and marking holes.

NOTE: You can use staples of other sizes. Smaller paper clips are easier to bend, but the design will be smaller due to the shorter wire length of each element. You will also need different drill bits for staples of a different size.

Step 3: Make a staple bender.

From the unsharpened end of a 1.2 mm drill, we cut off two pieces with a grinder. One piece should be approximately 10 mm, and the second - 20 mm. Grind the edges to make them smoother with a grinder.

Drill a 1.0mm hole in one of the pieces of wood. The depth of the hole should be 8mm so that the 10mm piece of drill protrudes 2.0mm over the wood. The metal should fit tightly into the wood.

Make a second 1.0mm hole of the same depth approximately 1mm from the first. The paper clip should fit snugly between the two metal posts. Stick a 20mm piece firmly into the wood.

Step 4: Practice twisting the coils.

Almost all the parts that we have to do will have one or more turns, so it's better to practice and learn how to do them well.
- Using pliers, completely align the paperclip.
- Place a paperclip between the two bits of your bender's drill we made in the previous step.
- Gently wrap the paperclip around the longer post, while the short one will just hold the wire in place.
- Keep turning the paperclip around the long piece of the drill until you have 4 turns of the wire around it.
- Carefully remove the twisted paper clip from the bending “machine” and check the coils. They should fit snugly against each other. If the turns do not turn out even and dense, practice more.

Here's how to do it:

Step 5: Making different details.

Here is a complete set of staples I made for this design. There is a connecting rod, bipedal and quadrupedal supports, connectors and levers of various shapes and sizes. There can be an infinite number of other details and modifications. Only your imagination limits the choice.
The second photo below shows each part with its name.

Step 6: Make a base for the machine.

I used one piece of wood for the bender and another for the assembly of my invention. I first tested the assembly on the back side, and when I got everything set up and measured, I started drilling holes on the front side. The beautiful texture of the finish looks very advantageous for the base of the car.

I used a 0.8mm drill bit to make 10mm deep holes in the wood for each of the supports. A little effort with pliers, and the legs of the supports are in place. I think you can make a lot of holes in a grid pattern, like on electronic circuit boards. So it will be easy to change the positions of the supports in the assembly, testing and debugging the design. I decided to drill holes only where necessary, so it looked better to me.

Step 7: Putting it together on the go

If it’s raining outside and it’s completely impossible to get out for a walk, then you should look for entertainment at home. But what if the apartment is in perfect order, dinner is ready, and the TV is tired? Perhaps you should get creative and make some crafts. By the way, you can involve the whole family in this interesting business and have fun.

You can craft from anything, for example, try to make crafts from paper clips, and if you don’t know how, then read the article, it will contain some interesting ideas.

Flower from paper clips

The simplest thing that can be made from paper clips is a bouquet that will not only please the eye, but also perform a practical function, be responsible for the safety of stationery.

To make beautiful flowers you will need the following items:

  • Colored paper clips (2-3 boxes), choose shades to your taste;
  • 2 sheets of A4 paper;
  • Glue, scissors, compasses.

If everything is ready, then you can start making crafts from colored paper clips:

  1. On one sheet of A4 format, draw 4 circles with a compass: 2 large ones of the same radius and 2 smaller diameters (with a difference of about 3 cm). If you are going to be creative with a small child, then instead of a compass for drawing circles, use cups of different diameters;
  2. Armed with scissors, cut out the drawn circles. By the way, if there is colored paper or cardboard at home, then blanks can be made from these materials;
  3. Now coat two large round blanks with glue and connect them together;
  4. From the remaining sheet of paper, fold the stem for the flower. It should turn out flat, and to keep it better, coat it with glue;
  5. Now, on the glued circles, place the stem, but not on the edge, but so that it lies along the entire diameter. This will make the flower more stable;
  6. You have a blank that looks like a tennis racket, but that's not all. On the big circle you need to stick a smaller circle. In this case, apply glue only to the center of the leaflet, and the edges should be in free flight. The smallest circle is attached in the same way;
  7. The paper flower is ready, now you need to use paper clips to make colored petals and a beautiful stem. To do this, multi-colored stationery is placed along the free edges of three paper circles, and green paper clips are attached to an impromptu stem.

After all the manipulations, the flower is ready, it will look very good in the organizer on the desktop, and so that the craft from paper clips does not fall, it is recommended to press it a little with a ruler.

In principle, if you make a flower not with 3, but with 2 circles of paper clips, then it will be more stable.

We make a garland

With the help of paper clips with your own hands, you can make a very attractive garland, which will certainly decorate the room for any holiday. To make such beauty, you will not need so many improvised materials: scissors, bright sheets of paper, magazines and any thick printed matter, glue and paper clips will do.

Now you can make a garland:

By the way, if desired, the decoration can be made in several rows. And using paper clips of different sizes, create a very interesting garland in general.

It is worth noting that assiduous women make curtains according to this principle, and children make funny bracelets for themselves and their friends.

We make Christmas decorations

With the help of paper clips, you can make cute Christmas toys in the form of ice skates for figure skating.

To implement the creative idea, you will need the following materials:

  1. Felt of different shades;
  2. Beads or sequins;
  3. Sheet of paper and pencil;
  4. Large staples;
  5. Thin tapes;
  6. Glue;
  7. Threads and needle.

On a piece of paper draw a skate, but without a blade, one shoe. Cut out the stencil, then transfer the image to the felt.

Before cutting out the image from the fabric, fold it in half so that you can then make a real skate. You don't need to cut in the middle. After cutting out, you should get two skates in a mirror image.

In the middle of the felt blank, distribute the paper clip, then sew the edges of the future toy. Do this with large stitches, using threads of a shade that harmonizes with the fabric.

On both sides of the sewn product, glue the beads or sequins with glue, they will serve as impromptu holes for the laces.

The last touch remains, sew a thin ribbon to the felt skate, and you will get a wonderful Christmas tree toy.

By the way, such decorations can be prepared for a child's birthday if the kid is fond of hockey. This will help make a themed holiday.

As you can see, do-it-yourself paper clip crafts can be varied. Everything is limited only by your imagination and desire. Do not be afraid to fantasize and create, you will succeed, good luck!

You don't have to be a professional designer to create fun and cute things. And if you do not know what can be done with a regular paper clip, others will tell you. And apart from your own hands, you do not need anything! Only staples.

We don't often talk about handmade, and this topic is extremely important. Everything that a person creates with his own hands is worthy of praise and encouragement, even if it is only one movement of the hand. The main thing here is the manifestation of their creative abilities, which are given to each of us. It's funny, but this is not the first time we are talking about such a trifle as paper clips. With the help of them, you can teach, express, and now also confess your love. Moreover, the idea is so simple in execution that you don’t even have to try and work hard. Although Valentine's Day has already passed, this does not mean that hearts have ceased to be interesting. After all, where is it more pleasant to fasten documents with heart-shaped paper clips than ordinary ones? If the pink color bothers you, then you can take absolutely any, even black ones. As the author says, you just need to fold the paper clip in such a way that it acquires such a triangular shape.

When we attach it to paper, it becomes like a heart! It would seem that the simplest step, but you still need to think about it. It hasn't occurred to me yet, but I'm sure there are other ways to "fold" paperclips into something pretty. I think friends and colleagues will be surprised to see important documents, a report or a whole pile of papers fastened in this way ... Try it! 45 ways to use a paper clip!

We use a paper clip as jewelry or jewelry details:

1.Decorative curtains. Each of the paper clips is decorated with colored stripes cut from postcards or magazines and interlocked in vertical rows. At one time, such curtains were very popular and only the lazy did not make them.

2. Using the same principle, you can make beads, bracelets, brooches and earrings - you get a whole hand-made set, made in the same style, and also absolutely unique.

3. Curly paper clips can make unique jewelry baubles for a mobile phone.

4. With a smaller paper clip, you can remove bangs from your forehead and generally use paper clips as hairpins.

5. The paperclip can be used as a tie holder.

6. A paperclip can replace a broken clasp on beads, a necklace or a bracelet.

7. You can hang Christmas decorations on the paper clips on the Christmas tree or anywhere.

8. You can make a heart decoration out of a paper clip by bending it in half.

9. An unfolded paper clip can be used instead of a needle for applying varnish on a manicure.

We use a paper clip in minor repairs and fixing things:

10. A paperclip can be attached to the slider of the zipper instead of the fallen off "tongue".

11. A chain of paper clips can be used to make a rope-switch for a wall lamp, floor lamp or sconce.

12. You can hang a picture on a chain of paper clips.

13. You can hang curtains on a cornice-string on clips unbent in the form of the letter “S”.

14. You can hang a carpet on the wall with paper clips, and on New Year's Eve it is very convenient to attach a garland or New Year's decorations to the same paper clips on top of such a carpet.

15. With a paper clip, you can attach an umbrella spoke that has come out.

16. With a paper clip, you can fix the cage door with a parrot, a hamster or a rat.

17. A paperclip can be used as an improvised screwdriver to quickly twist something.

18. Having straightened, the paper clip can be used as a simple master key, of course, not for criminal purposes, but, for example, to open a slammed door with a simple lock.

19. A straightened and heated paper clip can burn holes in plastic.

20. A temporary pin in the loop of the eyeglasses or the lid of the box is also a paper clip.

Using a paperclip in the office:

21. The tip of the paper clip can be used to press small recessed buttons on disk drives, PDAs or mobile phones (for example, on the iPhone, you can pull out the SIM card tray with such a paper clip).

22. Use the tip of a paperclip to pry the batteries when replacing them.

23. A paper clip can be used to attach badges to clothing.

24. Paper clips make wonderful bookmarks.

25. A paperclip can be used as a staple remover to pull out staples.

26. Paper clips make excellent U-shaped staples for fastening papers, documents, etc.

27. You can make a key ring out of a paper clip.

28. To each key, you can attach a tag indicating the office with a paper clip.

29. You can make a hook for a pen or pencil from a paper clip so that they can be hung in a convenient place, then they will always be at your fingertips.

30. All office workers have long used the trick of plugging a bottle of glue with a paper clip so that the glue does not dry out.

31. A paperclip can be used as a price tag holder - a price tag is inserted into the paperclip, and the bent end is inserted into the product.

32. You can use a paperclip to clean your keyboard or mouse.

33. A paper clip can be stuck to the end of the adhesive tape so that you don’t have to look for it later.