CGN in the first junior group card file. Planning work on the formation of cultural and hygienic skills in the second junior group. Brief description of the project by stages

Education of cultural and hygienic skills 2 junior group

I quarter

II quarter

III quarter


Fix skill:

  • eat a second course with a fork,

  • Learn

  • fasten

Improve skill:

  • holding a spoon correctly

  • there is a second course, alternating meat with a side dish,

  • eat the food to the end.

  • hold the plug with the thumb and middle fingers of the right hand, holding it from above with the index finger,

  • eat meat, fish, cutlets.



Improve skills:

Pin skills :

Exercise in the ability to fasten zippers, Velcro.

fasten skills:

  • put on shoes, trousers,

  • hang clothes in closet.

  • a request for help to express verbally.

  • take off your dress or shirt, then your shoes,

  • remove pantyhose properly

  • hang clothes on a chair.
Learn turn things around.

Accustom observe the rules of conduct in the locker room:

- do not litter,

- help comrades,

- don't disturb others

- wipe your feet when entering the room.



Fix skill:




Strengthen skills:

  • rinse thoroughly,

  • hang up the towel

keep learning :

  • lather hands until foam is formed,

  • wash them in circular motions,

  • rinse soap thoroughly

  • squeeze out water.

  • wash your face with both hands in straight and circular motions;

  • be careful:
- to wet clothes,

Do not splash water.

Fix skill:

  • use your towel, unfolding it, first wipe your face, then your hands, hang it in place;

  • use a comb

  • use a handkerchief in a timely manner by unfolding it.

Fix skill:

  • do not splash water.
Accustom Learn comb your hair.


in order


and shoes

  • Learn to notice the disorder in clothes,

  • Continue to teach to notice the disorder in clothes and eliminate it with the help of adults or other children.

  • Cultivate neatness, respect for things.

Methodological techniques: a show with a detailed explanation of the actions, a detailed verbal explanation, a partial show, game techniques, didactic games (Let's tell the bear: 1. how to eat properly, 2. how to fold clothes, 3. how to wipe your hands, 4. how to rinse your mouth after eating , to eat with a fork, etc.), artwork; conversations “Why you need to rinse your mouth after eating”, “How and when we use a napkin”, “Children wash their faces” (with looking at pictures), board games “Lotto”.

^ Education of a culture of behavior and positive moral qualities. 2 junior group. I quarter





Culture of behavior

1. D.i.“Guests came to us”, 2. Di."Let's teach the bear to get acquainted", 3. Di.



^ 1. Viewing pictures from the series "Children play"

2.D.i. "



good moral character

1.Reading A. Barto "Ball",


3.D.i. How to console Nina doll

^ 1. Considering the illustrations


1.Reading M. Ivenson "Who will help?"

2.Reading N. Pavlova "In the car"

3. D.i.

4. D.i.

Education of a culture of behavior and positive moral qualities. 2 junior group. II quarter

To cultivate a culture of behavior and positive moral qualities, techniques are used daily (direct teaching, reminder, offer to help, regret, explanation). In addition, techniques are used for each specific case: conversations, assignments, didactic and role-playing games, reading fiction.





Culture of behavior

1.D.i. "Can-Impossible"

2.D.i. "Let's put the doll to sleep"

4. C / r game "Kindergarten"

2. Conversation "How we are friends"

3. Reading J. Taits "Train"

4. Reading J. Taits "Pencil"


good moral character

2. Teacher's story

2. Conversation "Who am I"

Education of a culture of behavior and positive moral qualities. 2 junior group. III quarter

To cultivate a culture of behavior and positive moral qualities, techniques are used daily (direct teaching, reminder, offer to help, regret, explanation). In addition, techniques are used for each specific case: conversations, assignments, didactic and role-playing games, reading fiction.





Culture of behavior

1. The teacher's story

4. С/р yoke "Family" (guests)

2. Conversation "Good and bad"


good moral character

Education of cultural and hygienic skills middle group

^ I quarter

II quarter

III quarter


Fix skill:

  • eat a second course with a fork,

  • eat a cutlet, a casserole, separating the pieces with a fork as they are eaten, do not crush in advance;

  • take pies, bread from a common plate, without touching other pieces with your hands;

  • chew food with a closed mouth;

  • use tissue paper as needed.

  • Learn rinse your mouth after eating.

  • fasten the ability to use a napkin as needed.

Teaches to eat different types of food without changing the position of the fork in the hand, but only slightly turning the brush



Improve skills:

  • quickly dress and undress in a certain sequence,

  • properly arrange your things in the closet,

  • neatly fold and hang clothes on a chair before going to bed.
Pin skills :

  • use all kinds of fasteners,

  • recognize their own things, not to be confused with the clothes of other children.

  • Learn dry clothes that are wet after a walk in a drying cabinet.

  • fasten the skills of politely asking for help, thanking for the help provided.


  • in dressing and undressing in a certain sequence,

  • in the ability to fasten buttons.
Learn collect knee socks, accordion socks, before putting them on, starting with a sock.

Fix skill:

  • neatly put things in the closet,

  • hang a dress or shirt on the back of a chair, put shorts, tights on the seat.
Learn organize your closet.

fasten the ability to politely ask for help from an adult.


Strengthen skills:

  • lather hands until foam is formed,

  • rinse thoroughly,

  • dry your face and hands with your towel,

  • hang up the towel

  • use an individual comb,

  • use a handkerchief in a timely manner.

form the ability to behave properly in the washroom:

  • keep quiet

  • don't push

  • do not splash water.

  • roll up sleeves before washing

  • wash hands after using the toilet

Fix skill:

  • roll up your sleeves yourself

  • do not wet clothes when washing,

  • wash hands and wrists, face,

  • do not splash water.
Accustom use your handkerchief by unfolding it. Learn comb your hair.


in order


and shoes


  • notice the disorder in the clothes,

  • seek help from adults.

  • Learn independently or with the help of an adult to tidy up the appearance:
- pull up tights and socks

Straighten your shirt, etc.

To teach to see the disorder in the clothes of a comrade, to offer him his help.

The process of formation of all skills is carried out constantly and almost simultaneously. But the greatest attention should be paid to the sequence of work planned in each quarter.

^ Methodological techniques : show with detailed explanation of actions, detailed verbal explanation, partial show, game techniques, didactic games How to rinse your mouth after eating”, 5. “How to eat with a fork”, etc.), works of art; conversations “Why you need to rinse your mouth after eating”, “How and when we use a napkin”, “Children wash their faces” (with looking at pictures), board games “Lotto”.

^ Education of a culture of behavior and positive moral qualities. Middle group. I quarter.

To cultivate a culture of behavior and positive moral qualities, techniques are used daily (direct teaching, reminder, offer to help, regret, explanation). In addition, techniques are used for each specific case: conversations, assignments, didactic and role-playing games, reading fiction.





Culture of behavior

Learn to say hello when you meet, say goodbye when you part.

1. D.i.“Guests came to us”, 2. Di."Let's teach a bear to get acquainted",

3.Di."Let's tell the bear how to say goodbye"

To consolidate the skills to greet and say goodbye, to politely make a request, calling adults by name and patronymic.

^ 1.Creating problematic situations

2.D.i.“We teach the bear to ask the teacher with a request”

Learn how to behave in a group: do not push, do not take away toys. Strengthen the ability to thank for food, help.

^ 1. Viewing pictures from the series "Children play"

2.D.i. " Let's teach the bear to share with his comrades "

3.D.i."Let's tell the bear how to play with comrades"


good moral character

Cultivate a desire to express sympathy, console, pity a comrade.

1.Reading A. Barto "Ball",


3.D.i. How to console Nina doll

Cultivate a friendly attitude towards comrades, the ability to share toys.

^ 1. Considering the illustrations about the games of children, the story of the educator.

2.D.i."How a bunny plays with comrades"

Learn to help each other and seek help from comrades.

1.Reading M. Ivenson "Who will help?"

2.Reading N. Pavlova "In the car"

3. D.i."Let's help the bear ask the bunny for help"

4. D.i."How to ask for help"

Education of a culture of behavior and positive moral qualities. Middle group. II quarter.

To cultivate a culture of behavior and positive moral qualities, techniques are used daily (direct teaching, reminder, offer to help, regret, explanation). In addition, techniques are used for each specific case: conversations, assignments, didactic and role-playing games, reading fiction.





Culture of behavior

To consolidate the ability to behave correctly in the bedroom, dressing room.

1.D.i. "Can-Impossible"

2.D.i. "Let's put the doll to sleep"

3. Let's tell the bear how we go to bed "

4. C / r game "Kindergarten"

To consolidate knowledge and behavioral skills in a group: do not offend children, do not take away toys, ask politely, play together.

1. Conversation "How educated children play"

2. Conversation "How we are friends"

3. Reading J. Taits "Train"

4. Reading J. Taits "Pencil"

5. Reading L. Tolstoy “Petya and Misha had a horse”

Di. "What should I do if I need to put the toys away"

Teach children to communicate calmly, without shouting.

1. Conversation "How we talk to each other"


good moral character

Cultivate a benevolent attitude towards each other, a desire to play together, regret, help; continue to teach not to take toys from each other.

1. Reading N. Kalinin "How the cock dragged Vasya's bread"

2. Reading “N. Kalinina “Is this how they play?”

3. Reading J. Taits "Cube to cube"

Di. “They brought a new toy to the group, everyone wants to play with it”

Continue to cultivate a benevolent attitude towards relatives and friends, comrades.

1. Considering paintings and illustrations

2. Teacher's story

3. Reading RNS "Cockerel and bean seed"

4. Reading the Eskimo tale "How the fox offended the bull"

5. Reading V. Berestov "Sick Doll"

6. Reading O. Vysotskaya "Cold"

7. Reading K. Ushinsky “Close together, but boring apart”

To form an image of I in children, to help them realize themselves.

1. Considering illustrations (parts of the body)

2. Conversation "Who am I"

3. Conversation "What for what" (parts of the body)

4. Reading G. Zaitsev "Lessons of Moidodyr"

5. Looking at yourself in the mirror.

Education of a culture of behavior and positive moral qualities. Middle group. III quarter.

To cultivate a culture of behavior and positive moral qualities, techniques are used daily (direct teaching, reminder, offer to help, regret, explanation). In addition, techniques are used for each specific case: conversations, assignments, didactic and role-playing games, reading fiction.





Culture of behavior

Teach children to meet guests, greet, invite to the group, offer to sit down.

1. The teacher's story

2. Creating problem situations

3. D.i. "Let's tell the bear how to greet guests"

4. С/р yoke "Family" (guests)

To consolidate the ability to evaluate actions, to show by example the negative sides of whims and stubbornness.

1. Conversation "How educated children behave"

2. Conversation "Good and bad"

3. Reading T. Karamarenko "Caprice"

To lead to the realization of some rules of the culture of behavior and moral qualities: it is good to be polite; they love polite, kind and attentive, it is good to play with them and be friends with them.

1. Conversation "Who do I like to play with and why"

2. Conversation "How good children act"

3. D.i. "Let's tell the bear how educated children play"

4. "Let's help the bear to be polite"


good moral character

Continue work on the formation of the image of I, tell the children some information about their past (I was small, ate from a bottle, could not draw, etc.).

1. Examination of photographs, drawings of children of the 1st junior group

2. Conversation "What we were, what we have become"

3. Conversation "How to help kids"

1. Explanatory note

Cultural and hygienic skills are a very important part of the culture of behavior. The need for neatness, keeping the face, body, hair, clothes, shoes clean, it is dictated not only by the requirements of hygiene, but also by the norms of human relations. Children should understand that if they regularly follow these rules, then they will show respect for others and the idea will arise that a sloppy person who does not know how to take care of himself, his appearance, and actions, as a rule, will not be approved by people around him.

In addition, educating children in personal and public hygiene skills plays an important role in protecting their health and promotes proper behavior in everyday life and in public places. In the process of daily work with children, it is necessary to strive to ensure that the implementation of personal hygiene rules becomes natural for them, and hygiene skills are constantly improved with age.

This program is designed to work with children of the second younger group (3-4 years old) and interact with parents on the formation of cultural and hygienic skills in children. Its content corresponds to modern trends in the renewal of Russian preschool education and federal state requirements.

Target: to form cultural and hygienic skills in children of primary preschool age (3-4 years) in everyday life in kindergarten and in the family.


  • to promote understanding by children and parents of the need to observe the rules of personal hygiene;
  • introduce the algorithm for performing cultural and hygienic skills;
  • teach children to take care of their appearance, continue to develop the ability to use soap correctly, wash their hands, face, ears carefully; dry yourself after washing, hang a towel in place, use a comb and a handkerchief;
  • to form the simplest skills of behavior at the table: correctly use a tablespoon and a teaspoon, a fork, a napkin; do not crumble bread, chew food with your mouth closed, do not talk with your mouth full.
  • create conditions for the development of skills in children to independently use the acquired skills in everyday life in kindergarten and at home;
  • to form the need for children to observe the skills of hygiene and neatness in everyday life in kindergarten and at home.

Pedagogical techniques that ensure the successful solution of the tasks:

  • direct teaching;
  • show;
  • exercises with the performance of actions in the process of didactic games;
  • a systematic reminder to children of the need to observe the rules of hygiene.

For a more successful formation and consolidation of hygiene skills during the period of preschool childhood, it is advisable to combine verbal and visual ways, using special sets of materials for hygienic education in kindergarten, a variety of plot pictures, symbols. In the process of hygienic education and training of children, the teacher gives them a variety of information: about the importance of hygiene skills for health, about the sequence of hygiene procedures in the daily routine, and forms in children an idea of ​​the benefits of physical education. Hygienic knowledge is also expedient in the classroom for physical culture, work, familiarization with the environment, with nature. For this, some didactic and role-playing games are used. Children are also interested in the literary plots “Moydodyr”, “Fedorino's grief”, etc. On their basis, you can play small scenes, distributing roles between children. All information on hygiene is instilled in children in the process of various activities and recreation, i.e. in each component of the regime, one can find a favorable moment for hygienic education.

For the effective hygienic education of preschoolers, the appearance of others and adults is of great importance. We must constantly remember that children at this age are very observant and prone to imitation, so the teacher should be a model for them.

To consolidate the knowledge and skills of personal hygiene, it is desirable to give children various assignments. Children's skills quickly become strong if they are constantly reinforced in different situations. The main thing is that the children should be interested and that they can see the results of their actions (someone has become much neater, etc.).

A prerequisite for the formation of hygienic skills in children, the development of the habit of a healthy lifestyle is a high sanitary culture of the staff of a preschool institution. Where the necessary conditions must be created to preserve the health of children, full physical and hygienic development.

The next condition necessary for successful hygienic education is the unity of requirements on the part of adults. The child acquires hygienic skills in communication with the teacher, health worker, nanny and, of course, in the family. The duty of parents is to constantly reinforce the hygiene skills brought up in a child in kindergarten. It is important that adults set an example for the child, they themselves always observe them.
The content of the program is represented by a cycle of gaming thematic lessons (9 lessons per academic year) - 1 lesson per month, classes are included in a series of cognitive ones, are held in the first half of the day. The work carried out in specially organized classes continues in the joint activities of adults and children, and in the independent activities of children, where the teacher creates and offers game problem situations, lives events together with children and, at the same time, solves his pedagogical tasks. In the calendar-thematic planning, a system of work with children and parents on the education of Ph.D. in children of the second younger group. The appendix contains examples of didactic games for the formation of hygiene skills, questions for questioning parents, a selection of nursery rhymes used in sensitive moments.

Calendar-thematic plan

Period Actually educational activity Joint activities of the educator with children Independent activity of children Working with parents
September cognitive development. Theme "Our group».

- introduce children to the group room (cloakroom, group, washroom); their purpose;
- to teach children to navigate in a group space;
- develop a sense of love and pride for your group;
- Encourage children to take good care of their clothes;
- introduce the schemes of action algorithms in the locker room, in the washroom.

Didactic games: "What can you say about them?" Purpose: to get acquainted with hygiene items and their use.
Game-exercise "Doll Tanya caught a cold." Purpose: To show the correct use of a handkerchief.
Celebration of birthdays in a group.
Game situations for the story game:
- doll Tanya is visiting us;
Situations for discussion:
- how the hat quarreled with the jacket in the closet.
Parent survey<Annex 1 >
October cognitive development. Theme "Good morning, hairbrush!"

Target: formation of skills in using a comb and caring for it.

Didactic games: "Mixed pictures". Purpose: to consolidate and test cultural and hygienic skills.
Celebrating birthdays in a group (regularly).
Role-playing game "Family Matters":
- introduction of a game situation (dolls Tanya and Masha are going to a holiday).
Consultations: “How to teach a baby to wash hands (dress), etc.?”; What should a child be able to do?
November cognitive development. Theme "How we feed Khryusha and Stepashka"


- to form the ability to set the table, the ability to act according to the algorithm;
- to cultivate a culture of behavior at the table.

Reading the fairy tale by K. Chukovsky "Fedorino's grief". View m / f "Fedorino grief".
Dramatization of the plot from the fairy tale "Fedorino's grief".
Role-playing game "Let's treat the doll." Parent meeting "Unity of requirements in the upbringing of children by adults."
December cognitive development. Theme "Washing every day"

Target: to consolidate the skills of children in washing, in knowledge of toilet items and their purpose;
- to cultivate cultural and hygienic skills, the desire to always be beautiful, clean, neat, respectful of your body.

Reading poems by K.I. Chukovsky "Moydodyr", A. Barto "Girl grimy", watching the film "Moydodyr", staging "How Moidodyr gave Vanya soap." Didactic game "Why do we need this?" (with toilet items). Role-playing game "Family Matters": - introduction of the game situation "Zamarashka came to us."
Fun games with water in the Water and Sand Center: bathing dolls, fish, ducks.
Making a corner "Advice to parents." Theme "Advice for little stubborn!"<Annex 3 >
January cognitive development. Theme "Everyone loves to swim"

Target: arouse interest in the performance of Ph.D., encourage children to constantly comply with them.

Discussion of the situation "Piggy got sick again." Consultation "How to captivate a child with daily dental hygiene?"<Annex 3 >
February cognitive development. Theme "Invite the doll for tea"

Target: to form the ability to set the table in an elementary way, the skills of behavior at the table.

Didactic game "Clean children". Purpose: to test children's knowledge of hygiene items and their purpose.<Annex 2 >. Role-playing games "Home" and "Family": - introduction of the game situation "We go to visit each other." Design of the photo exhibition “We are clean!”
March Cognitive development. Theme "Together with the doll for a walk"


- to fix the implementation of the algorithm for dressing clothes;
to form the need for neatness in the garden and on the street.

Didactic game "Let's teach the doll to dress / undress"; "Dress the doll"; with subject pictures on the theme "Clothes, shoes, hats." Examination of plot pictures "children on a walk" (at different times of the year). Collective practical activity of children "Let's help the doll Tanya put things in place." Master class for parents “Bayu-bashki-bayu ... (get acquainted with the Russian folk lulling nursery rhyme, song, sentences).<Appendix 4 >. Exchange of experience between parents "How I put my child to sleep."
April cognitive development. Theme "Bayu-bayushki-bayu, I'll put the doll to sleep ..."


develop the ability to freely use bedding items, use them for their intended purpose, name them correctly;
- to form the need to observe the rules of personal hygiene before going to bed (washing, neatly folding clothes).

Didactic game "What a doll needs!" Purpose: to exercise cultural and hygienic skills. Role-playing games "Home" and "Family": - introduction of a game situation "Katya's doll wants to sleep." Master class for parents "Making a folk doll that is put to the child in the crib so that he falls asleep better."
May cognitive development. The theme is "Vodichka, Vodichka ...".

Target: to consolidate the cultural and hygienic skills already existing in children.

Didactic game "Dress the doll for a walk." Role-playing games: "Family Matters" - introducing a game situation "Masha's doll is our guest" Joint holiday with parents "Visiting Moidodyr".

3. Planned results


When mastering the educational area "Health" in the section "Education of cultural and hygienic skills", a child of 3-4 years old should have cultural and hygienic skills according to his age:

- the child is able to independently perform age-appropriate hygiene procedures both in kindergarten and at home;
- independently or after a reminder from an adult, observes the elementary rules of behavior while eating, washing;
– has elementary ideas about the need to comply with hygiene rules in everyday life in kindergarten and at home;
- can notice the disorder in clothes and eliminate it with a little help from adults;
- a child with desire and interest takes part in games aimed at the formation of cultural and hygienic skills.


- parents are ready and able to actively interact with preschool teachers on the development of cultural and hygienic skills;
- take an active, lively part in the life of the group;
- show personal interest in harmonizing the requirements for the educational process; make recommendations, ideas to ensure the effectiveness of the educational process;
- show a keen interest in the results of the child's achievements in mastering cultural and hygienic skills;
- are aware of the features of the organization of the educational process and their influence on the development of the child's competencies, his personal qualities.

4. Methods and forms of evaluation of the result

Target: provide an integrated approach to assessing the intermediate and final results of mastering the work program to study the assessment of the dynamics of children's achievements in mastering the educational area "Health" (education of cultural and hygienic skills).

Monitoring object - personal qualities of children, achievements of children.

Performance Study Methods

  • Supervision of children.
  • Parent survey.
  • Conversations.

Methods for recording survey data

  • Observation protocols.

Methods for processing results

  • Summarizing the results in tables.

Monitoring frequency: 2 times a year (at the beginning and end of the year).

Table. Formation of cultural and hygienic skills in children.

Name, surname of the child Formation of hand washing skills (in points) Number of points Formation of the skill of neat eating
(in points)
Number of points Formation of the skill of taking off and putting on clothes in a certain order (in points)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


Handwashing and personal hygiene skills include the ability to:
1. Wash your face, ears, hands
2. Roll up sleeves;
3. Wet your hands;
4. Take soap, lather until foam appears;
5. Wash off the soap;
6. Wipe your hands dry, carefully fold the towel and hang it in your cell;
7. Use a comb.
Clean eating skills include skill:
1. Proper use of a tablespoon and teaspoon, fork, napkin;
2. Do not crumble bread;
3. Chew food with your mouth closed;
4. Do not talk with a full mouth;
5. Quietly leave the table at the end of the meal;
6. Give thanks;
7. Use only your device.
Skills for taking off and putting on clothes in a certain order include the ability to:
1. Unbutton the buttons;
2. Take off the dress (trousers);
3. Hang neatly;
4. Remove the shirt and carefully hang it on the trousers;
5. Take off your shoes;
6. Remove tights, hang on a shirt (dress);
7. Put on in reverse order.

Criteria for evaluation:

3 points - correctly performed action;
2 points - action performed with minor inaccuracies;
1 point - inability to perform the action.

Levels of formation of cultural and hygienic skills

High level (84-63 points) - all skills are firmly formed;
Medium level (62-40 points) - one or more skills are in the process of formation;
Below average (39-28 points) - one or more skills are not formed.

5. List of used literature

  1. Volchkova V.N., Stepanova N.V. Development and education of children of primary preschool age: A practical guide for kindergarten teachers. - Voronezh: TC "Teacher", 2001.
  2. Meremyanina O.R. Together with the doll I grow up: a methodological guide. - Barnaul: AKIPKRO, 2008.
  3. From birth to school. Approximate basic general educational program of preschool education / Ed. NOT. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva. – M.: MOSAIC-SYNTHESIS, 2010.
  4. Pashkevich T.D. Educational program of a preschool educational institution: guidelines. - Barnaul: AKIPKRO, 2010.
  5. Pashkevich T.D. Formation of interest in mathematics in preschool children: guidelines. - Barnaul: AKIPKRO, 2010.
  6. The program of education and training in kindergarten / Edited by M.A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbovoy, T.S. Komarova. - 6th ed., Rev. and additional – M.: MOSAIC-SYNTHESIS, 2011.

Alexandra Efimova
Planning work on the formation of cultural and hygienic skills in the second junior group

The professional duty of the kindergarten teacher is to educate the child. This training takes place both in specially organized classes, and during meals, hygiene procedures, in game situations. At the same time, the kindergarten teacher is guided by the tasks formed in programs.

So, according to the program of preschool education by T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva "From birth to school." in the direction of "Physical development" and the educational field "Health" in the section "Education cultural and hygienic skills"in written to the second junior group that, children should have perfection, formation of simple skills behavior during eating, washing.

Formation habits to look after one's external view: the ability to properly use soap, gently wash hands, face, ears, wipe dry after washing, hang a towel in place, use a comb and a handkerchief.

Formation of elementary table behavior skills: correctly use a tablespoon and teaspoon, fork, napkin, do not crumble bread, chew food with your mouth closed, do not talk with your mouth full.

In his work we were engaged in the selection of fiction that contributes to the development of children second junior group of kindergarten cultural and hygienic skills. Fiction has a number of features that make it an indispensable means of educating children. cultural and hygienic skills: firstly, it is close to the everyday experience of children, as it tells about the actions of literary heroes, which the child himself has repeatedly committed. In- second, a specific, figurative situation is recreated in the work, which brings it closer to children's thinking, which also has a concrete, visual-figurative character. Thirdly, the artistic word evokes in the child a vivid emotional response and a sense of belonging to what the poem is about. In addition, a work of art creates conditions for generalizations and, as a result, separation from a specific situation. Thus, the artistic word not only regulates the behavior of the child, but also provides the relationship between moral consciousness and moral behavior.

To do this, we made a selection of a set of classes, didactic games, fiction that contribute to the formation of cultural and hygienic skills in children.

For this reason, we have put tasks:

1. Drafting plan events using the artistic word the formation of cultural and hygienic skills in children of the second younger group;

2. Selection of appropriate fiction to achieve the goal.

In order to provide effective targeted and systematic education and the formation of cultural and hygienic skills in younger children preschoolers need this schedule work. Planning carried out in accordance with the age characteristics of children. Content, methods, techniques and forms children's life organizations are selected in accordance with the objectives of the program being implemented "Birth to School" edited by T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva.

Also in plan it is necessary to provide for a gradual complication of the content and methods, taking into account their achievements. Besides plan must be specific and realistic. Traditionally formation of cultural and hygienic skills in children is carried out in the process of the entire educational and educational work with children: in sensitive moments, in everyday communication, in games, in the classroom, etc. etc. The formation of cultural and hygienic skills requires for children to master these skills, respectively, requires them planning, because skills building- the process is very long, requiring repetition and sequence of performing any exercises, actions.

At planning we combined all activities with the use of fiction into 4 groups:

1. Classes to familiarize yourself with the outside world.


3. Reading fiction.

All regime moments, using the artistic word and the complexes of games, activities, nursery rhymes, poems, riddles matched to them are presented below.

Regime moments:

1. Washing:

1. Class to familiarize yourself with the environment the world: Lesson "How they taught Masha to wash"

Target: Form children the ability to wash properly.

Tasks: Form children have knowledge about consistent handwashing. develop hand washing skills. Cultivate cleanliness.

2. Didactic games and exercises with artistic works:

1 “In the morning the animals woke up, the pure animals washed themselves”

2 Mobile game "White bunny washes"

Target: Teach children to perform actions according to the test of poems. Develop the ability to wash, monitor appearance.

3. Reading fiction literature: Reading the story "How Masha and Misha learned to wash their hands." Reading a poem by A. Barto "Dirty Girl"

Riddles from the cycle "Bathroom"

4. The use of an artistic word during hygiene procedures. "Our baby loves to swim", “In the mornings and evenings I open the faucet in the bathroom”, "Oh okay, okay, okay", "Faucet, open! Nose, wash yourself!" and etc.

2. Dressing-undressing

"How Masha was taught to dress"


Tasks: Form children have knowledge about clothes. develop skills put on clothes correctly, fasten buttons. Cultivate accuracy.

2. Didactic games and exercises with artistic works:

1 "I'm already four years old."

2 "I know how to dress myself"

Target: Teach children to perform actions according to the test of poems. Develop the ability to dress. "Our Tanya is small", "One, two, three, four, five, let's go for a walk", "Here are the boots" and etc

3. food culture

1. Classes to familiarize yourself with the outside world. Lesson "Let's help Masha set the table"

Target: Form children have knowledge of table etiquette.

Tasks: Form children have knowledge about the purpose of dishes.

Develop the ability to properly use dishes, set the table.

Cultivate respect for dishes.

2. Didactic games and exercises with artistic works:

1E. Moshkovskaya "Masha and Kasha"

2 "I am a teapot, a grumbler, a troublemaker, a nutcase"

3 "A blue cup for Mitya"

Target: Teach children to perform actions according to the test of poems. develop table manners.

3. Reading fiction. Reading the story "How to behave at the table",


Blaginina E. "Lunch".Riddles from the cycle "Kitchen"

4. The use of an artistic word during hygienic procedures: "Porridge from buckwheat", “And we have a spoon, a little magical”.

4. Body care, clothes, shoes

1. Classes to familiarize yourself with the outside world. Class "Cleanliness is the key to health"

Target: Form children's idea of ​​cleanliness, compliance with the rules of self-care.

Tasks: Form children of the concept of cleanliness, neatness, diseases of dirty hands.

To develop in children the ability to monitor their appearance, wash their hands.

Raise cleanliness in children.

2. Didactic games and exercises with artistic works:

1 "Vova-confusion, Where is your shirt?"

2 “And today we have laundry. Together with my mother.”

Target: Teach children to perform actions according to the test of poems. Develop the ability to maintain cleanliness.

3. Reading fiction. Reading a fairy tale "Scarecrow"

Nerter's poem "Handkerchief" N. Pavlova "Whose shoes"

Guessing riddles from cycle: "Bathroom accessories".

4. The use of an artistic word during hygiene procedures. "Grow braid to the waist", "I'll braid my hair", "Under the window the fox sings", "Cockerel, cockerel, give me a comb", "There is no more beautiful than our Glasha."

This work we have planned for the period from September 2013 to May 2014 during second junior group No. 1 MBDOU No. 28"Forest fairy tale" city ​​of Elabuga, Republic of Tatarstan.

In his work we used the word of art, folklore (rhymes, jokes, stories, poems, to create positive emotions in children in the process of performing actions cultural and hygienic skills.

For formation of cultural and hygienic skills, we have developed outlines of the lesson on familiarization with the outside world, in which we reminded children of the importance cultural and hygienic skills. Such as, "How they taught Masha to wash", etc. During which children developed cultural and hygienic skills in a playful way, formed strong knowledge of hygiene procedures and their importance to health. In these classes, the children helped the heroes to master cultural and hygienic skills. They used riddles, poems, playing out actions in verse in order to increase the interest of children in the ability to monitor their appearance, to practice cultural and hygienic skills and develop the desire to fulfill skills right.

The use of fiction had a positive impact on children's learning cultural and hygienic skills. Children have increased their formation.

Parental example plays a fundamental role in the development of good habits. The child automatically learns the rules accepted in the family. It is in the family, at the common table, that the child develops (or does not develop) good manners. If dad does not wash his hands before eating, then you should not expect a different behavior from the child. Children quickly adopt the behavior of adults: if parents speak with their mouths full, sit, lounging, put their elbows on the table or eat with their hands, then it is hardly possible to demand a different behavior from the baby. At the table, absolutely everything matters: not only what we eat, but also how we do it. A child is a mirror image of adults.

When a baby reaches into a common dish with his hand, throws pieces, knocks with a spoon or loudly demands something, it seems to some parents that everyone around them should be touched by cute pranks just like they are. Everything is “written off” to childish spontaneity. They say that the child will grow up and come to his senses. However, the child grows up, and it turns out that time has been lost. tell him about "what is supposed to", then they risk hopelessly late.

Mastering cultural and hygienic skills

Very different kids come to our group. Some of them use the potty on their own, and some categorically refuse to be friends with him, some children eat with a spoon, while others are accustomed only to a bottle or with great pleasure delve into their plate with their hands. Why is this happening?

The child receives the very first ideas about cultural and hygienic skills in the family. Caring parents begin to accustom kids to accuracy and independence literally from the cradle.

One of the first skills is the skill of careful eating. The kid should immediately be taught to actively participate in the process of eating.

It is advisable to feed a child over one and a half years at the table. In our group, we make sure (parents do this at home) that the child, sitting on a chair, rests his feet on the floor, and the height of the table would be at the level of his bent elbows.

In addition, we educate and reinforce other skills in children (which are also laid down in the family): we make sure that they do not sit down at the table with dirty hands, do not leave the table with a piece of bread, use a handkerchief, napkin.

When dressing and undressing, we also give children the opportunity to act independently to some extent. We teach children to be neat in their clothes, we change them as soon as the dress is dirty, or the pants become wet.

The same requirements for hygiene rules and self-care skills in kindergarten and at home lead to better memorization and consolidation of good habits.

Education in children the skills of personal and public hygiene plays an important role in protecting their health, promotes proper behavior in everyday life, in public places.

secondary vocational education

Kaliningrad region

Industrial and Pedagogical College.


Specialty "Preschool education"

course group


Discipline: "Pedagogy"

Topic: "Education of cultural and hygienic skills in children of the younger group"


Presentation date:

Review date:

Chernyakhovsk, 2010.


1. Cultural and hygienic skills and their importance in human life ... ..4

* Replenish and update the health corner in the group.

* Make a selection of didactic games.

Methodical piggy bank:

* Draw up a long-term plan of work on education

cultural and hygienic skills and self-service.

* Develop lesson plans and conducting regime moments.

* Scenarios of entertainment and leisure.

Working with parents:


* How to properly dress your child for a walk

* "Formation of cultural and hygienic skills in children"

* "Cultural and hygienic skills and their importance in the development of the child"

* “Walking in winter is great”

parent meetings:

"Formation of cultural and hygienic skills in preschool children in the family and in a preschool institution"

5. Brief description of the project by stages

Project type: Group, creative.

Project duration: Annual.

Main stage:

Implementation of a detailed work plan for all types of activities with children; a large joint educational work with children, parents to solve the tasks; a selection of works of art, nursery rhymes, riddles, word games on this topic; block of classes on familiarization with the surrounding world.


Summing up the work on the project: a survey of children, presentation of the project.

6. Action plan for project implementation

Preparatory stage

Collection of literature on the topic.

Diagnosis of children on this topic.

Drawing up a work plan.

Development of the content of the project.

main stage

Visual information for parents on the topic:

How to teach a child to be careful

Block of cognitive activities "Cloth"

A selection of works of art,

nursery rhymes, riddles, word games on the topic.

Block of cognitive activities "Shoes"

Corner decoration (toilet room)

Visual material on the work K. Chukovsky "Moydodyr"

Artistic word, children's folklore in their free time from classes: nursery rhymes, jokes, riddles, fiction.

"How to take care of baby teeth"

Didactic exercises:"Let's dress the doll for a walk"

"Let's put the doll to sleep"

Setting up a duty area.

"Cultural-hygienic skills in young children".

Reading a Russian folk tale

"About naughty hands and feet."

Didactic exercise:

"Aibolit meets the guys"

Reading fiction:


Game situation:

"bathing doll"

"Let's feed the doll"

Visual information for parents on the topic:

"What should a child have at home from items for the development of cultural and hygienic skills."

Didactic games:

"Water, water"

"Wash your hands"

Reading the fairy tale by K. Chukovsky

"Fedorino grief"

Didactic games:


"Doing hair"

Lessons on the topic:

"Barbara beauty - a long braid"

memorizing nursery rhymes

"Grow a spit, to the floor"

(world around junior group)

Didactic exercise

Lessons on the topic:

"Vodichka, wash my face"

Learning the nursery rhyme "Vodichka, Vodichka"

Didactic exercise:

“Let's show the doll Katya how we can wash and wipe

hands with a towel.

Didactic exercise:

"Let's show the Katya doll how to do exercises after a daytime sleep."

Mouth rinse boiled water after each meal.

Observation conversation with children

Natalia Solovieva
Prospective work plan in the second junior group on the formation of cultural and hygienic skills


1 Week

Remember familiar songs, nursery rhymes about preparing for the table, the rules of personal

hygiene and table manners.

Continue to introduce children to personal hygiene items (soap).

2 weeks

Remember familiar songs, nursery rhymes about preparing for the table, the rules of personal hygiene and the rules of behavior at the table.

Purpose: To consolidate the skills to eat a second course and a side dish with a fork, eat a cutlet, a casserole, separating the pieces with a fork as they are eaten, do not crush in advance; take pies, bread from a common plate, without touching other pieces with your hands; chew food with a closed mouth; use a napkin as needed

3 week

Reading; S. Kaputikyan "Masha is having lunch"

(A reader for little ones. A manual for kindergarten teachers. / Compiled by L. N. Eliseeva - 5th edition. M., Enlightenment. 1997.) p. 57

Purpose: To consolidate the skills to eat a second course and a side dish with a fork, eat a cutlet, a casserole, separating the pieces with a fork as they are eaten, do not crush in advance; take pies, bread from a common plate, without touching other pieces with your hands; chew food with a closed mouth; use a napkin as needed

4 week

Showing the presentation "Culture of behavior at the table"

Purpose: to consolidate the culture of behavior at the table


1 Week

Reading: Folder: "Songs, nursery rhymes about preparing for the table, the rules of personal hygiene and the rules of behavior at the table."

2 weeks

Didactic games: “Wash the doll”, “Hygiene rules”

3 week

Dramatization based on the poem by A. Barto "The Dirty Girl"

Purpose: to consolidate the skills acquired in the younger group: lather your hands until foam forms, rinse thoroughly, wash yourself, dry your face and hands with your towel, hang it in place, use an individual comb, use a handkerchief in a timely manner

4 week

Golitsyna, Shumova "Educating the basics of a healthy lifestyle in children" p. 40)

Purpose: to consolidate the skills acquired in the younger group: lather your hands until foam forms, rinse thoroughly, wash yourself, dry your face and hands with your towel, hang it in place, use an individual comb, use a handkerchief in a timely manner


1 Week

Reading: I. Muraveyka "I myself" (from the book by S. Prokofiev "Machines of a fairy tale")

2 weeks

Reading: N. Pavlova “Whose shoes” (otksereno, S. Prokofiev “The Tale of Shoes.” (from S. Prokofiev’s book “Machines of a Fairy Tale”)

Purpose: To improve the ability to quickly dress and undress in a certain sequence, correctly place your things in the closet, neatly fold and hang clothes on a chair before going to bed. Strengthen the ability to use all types of fasteners, recognize your own things, not to be confused with the clothes of other children

3 week

Situational moments "Untied scarf" (Golitsyna, Shumova "Educating the basics of a healthy lifestyle in babies")

Purpose: To improve the ability to quickly dress and undress in a certain sequence, correctly place your things in the closet, neatly fold and hang clothes on a chair before going to bed. Strengthen the ability to use all types of fasteners, recognize your own things, not to be confused with the clothes of other children

4 week

Situational moments “Unleashed shoelaces”, “Unbuttoned jacket” (Golitsyna, Shumova “Educating the basics of a healthy lifestyle in babies”)

Purpose: To improve the ability to quickly dress and undress in a certain sequence, correctly place your things in the closet, neatly fold and hang clothes on a chair before going to bed. Strengthen the ability to use all types of fasteners, recognize your own things, not to be confused with the clothes of other children


1 Week

Reading: Folder: "Songs, nursery rhymes about preparing for the table, the rules of personal hygiene and the rules of behavior at the table."

Goal: Consolidate the skills acquired in the younger group: lather your hands until foam forms, rinse thoroughly, wash yourself, dry your face and hands with your towel, hang it in place, use an individual comb, use a handkerchief in a timely manner

2 weeks

Didactic game: "Wash the doll"

(Golitsyna, Shumova "Educating the basics of a healthy lifestyle in babies" p. 39-40)

Goal: Consolidate the skills acquired in the younger group: lather your hands until foam forms, rinse thoroughly, wash yourself, dry your face and hands with your towel, hang it in place, use an individual comb, use a handkerchief in a timely manner

3 week

Dramatization based on A. Barto's poem "The Dirty Girl" by Golitsyn, Shumov "Educating the Basics of a Healthy Lifestyle in Babies" p. 40)

Goal: Consolidate the skills acquired in the younger group: lather your hands until foam forms, rinse thoroughly, wash yourself, dry your face and hands with your towel, hang it in place, use an individual comb, use a handkerchief in a timely manner

4 week

Didactic game "Rules of hygiene"

(Golitsyna, Shumova "Educating the basics of a healthy lifestyle in babies" p. 39-40)

Goal: Consolidate the skills acquired in the younger group: lather your hands until foam forms, rinse thoroughly, wash yourself, dry your face and hands with your towel, hang it in place, use an individual comb, use a handkerchief in a timely manner


1 Week

Topic: Didactic game "Cups - spoons"

Purpose: to introduce children to serving items (spoon, cup, plate).

2 weeks

Topic: "Let's teach Cheburashka to set the table"

Purpose: To teach children how to properly set the table, recognize and name serving items.

Week 3 Topic: "Let's drink Katya with tea"

Purpose: To continue to introduce children to serving items, to sit correctly at the table.


1 Week

2 weeks

Demonstration of working methods, explanation, reminder of keeping clothes and shoes in order

Purpose: to teach to notice a disorder in clothes, to seek help from adults

3 week

Conversation: "To be healthy" (Golitsyna, Shumova "Educating the basics of a healthy lifestyle in babies" p. 36)

Purpose: to learn to rinse your mouth after eating.

4 week

Situational moment "How and when we use a napkin"

Purpose: to consolidate the ability to use a napkin as needed


1 Week

Conversation "Cleanliness and health". (Golitsyna, Shumova "Educating the basics of a healthy lifestyle in babies" p. 39)

2 weeks

L. Voronkova "Masha the Confused" (separate book)

Examining illustrations.

Purpose: to teach yourself or with the help of an adult to tidy up your appearance: pull up tights and socks, straighten your shirt, etc.

3 week

Situational moment “Whoever doesn’t roll up his sleeve, he won’t get some water”

Purpose: To form the ability to behave correctly in the washroom: do not make noise, do not push, do not splash water. Roll up sleeves before washing, wash hands after using the toilet

4 week

Reading: "Songs, nursery rhymes about preparing for the table, the rules of personal hygiene and the rules of behavior at the table."

Purpose: To form the ability to behave correctly in the washroom: do not make noise, do not push, do not splash water. Roll up sleeves before washing, wash hands after using the toilet


1 Week

Teacher's story "How we will dry clothes." Purpose: to teach how to dry clothes that are wet after a walk in a drying cabinet.

2 weeks

Game exercises that reinforce the ability to ask for help and thank for it (see Educational area "Socialization": Education of a culture of behavior and positive moral qualities)

Purpose: to consolidate the skills of politely asking for help, thanking for the help provided

3 week

Productive activity: putting things in order in the lockers

Purpose: to learn to notice a mess in clothes, monitor your appearance, keep your closet in order

4 week

The story of the educator from personal experience "What should we do when we cough and sneeze."

Purpose: to teach to turn away when coughing, sneezing or covering your mouth with a handkerchief


1 Week

The teacher's story from personal experience "On keeping clothes in order"

Purpose: To consolidate the skills of maintaining a neat appearance. Learn how to clean clothes with the help of an adult

2 weeks

The teacher's story from personal experience "How to use a handkerchief correctly."

Purpose: to teach how to use a handkerchief correctly: unfold, release the nose, alternately pinching one nostril, roll the handkerchief with the used part inside. To consolidate the skills acquired during the year, to teach to use only personal hygiene items, to show respect for them

3 week

productive activity. "Our beautiful and neat things"

Purpose: to improve the skills of neatness and tidiness, to consolidate the ability to put clothes in order

4 week

Game exercises with toy cutlery.

Role-playing game "Family"

Goal: to improve the skills acquired during the year