How to shape eyebrows according to the type of face at home. Eyebrow shape selection for different face types

Brows- this is one of the most important elements that "create" the overall image. They give character to the face, being an expressive element of appearance, allow you to judge emotions and behavioral reactions. The eyes are the mirror of the soul, and the eyebrows are the baguette that frame this mirror.

When looking at your face, the eyebrows are the first thing that comes into view and attracts the attention of the interlocutor. That is why they must be in harmony with the rest of the elements of appearance. They will allow you to judge your character and should fit the shape of your face without creating an imbalance.

Choosing the right eyebrow shape directly correlates with your appearance type and face shape. Therefore, before you take up the tweezers, be sure to read all of the following. There is no need to rush in such a case. A couple of wrong movements will lead to the fact that all efforts will go to waste, and eyebrows will have to be grown again for at least a month.

Masters, for ease of perception of information by clients, decided to single out 5 main eyebrow shapes from a great variety of eyebrow shapes. This list included:

  • rounded;
  • curved;
  • Eyebrows with a soft transition angle;
  • Eyebrows with a sharp transition angle;
  • Straight eyebrows.

In turn, each of these forms is divided into certain subgroups, depending on the thickness and height of the eyebrows. It is possible to determine what exactly is right for you only after the shape of the face is determined.

Accurately determine the shape of the face

We take the following “measurements” as a basis: the frontal line, the line of the cheekbones, the jaws and the length of the face itself. Approach the mirror at a distance of about two meters, take your hair, relax all facial muscles.

  1. Oval shape. It is considered the most proportional. The frontal line is almost equal to, or slightly wider than, the jaw line. The face itself is smoothly rounded at the chin. The cheekbones are well marked.
  2. Round form. Almost the same length and width of the face. A slightly pronounced chin, a low forehead, and the widest part of the face in the cheeks.
  3. Long face. The elongated chin, the cheekbones are barely noticeable, the forehead is high.
  4. Square face shape. By the way, many models have just such a shape. Strongly expressed zone of a jaw. The height and width of the face are the same. The chin is flat, the forehead is low.
  5. Triangular shape (heart). Similar to an oval, but the chin is narrower. It is distinguished by a wide line of the forehead and cheekbones, but a narrow chin.

How to choose the shape of the eyebrows according to the type of face?

After you have determined the shape of the face, you can move on to the eyebrows themselves.

Eyebrow shape for round face

The goal is to visually lengthen the face, so eyebrows with a sharp transition angle will look good here. The rounder the shape of the eyebrows, the rounder the face itself will be. If you do not like a sharp angle, as an option, you can make it smoother, to a certain extent this will also help visually stretch the face.

Eyebrow shape for a square face

Eyebrows with a sharp angle will help to align the features, as well as with a soft one. The main rule is a high arch, a la Marilyn Monroe. As for the thickness, you should not overdo it, the thinner they are, the softer the rest of the facial features will be.

Eyebrow shape for an oval face

Owners of an oval face can afford to wear any shape, but it is still preferable to have eyebrows with a “house”, with a soft bend angle.

Eyebrows for a heart-shaped face

It is necessary to soften facial features, especially the chin. Rounded brows are perfect for this. This will give more softness and femininity. The height of the arch directly depends on the length of the face, the higher it is, the lower the arch.

How to choose the shape of the eyebrows according to the type of eyes?

With wide-set eyes, the beginning of the eyebrow should fall on the area closer to the bridge of the nose. If the eyes, on the contrary, are close, then the distance between the eyebrows should be increased.

Eyebrows with a sharp angle and a high arch will visually raise the corners of the eyes and create a lifting effect. The crescent shape of the eyebrows will visually enlarge small eyes, but if the face is round, then it is better to use a different method of enlargement. If you have small eyes, then you should completely forget about wide eyebrows. Otherwise, with dominant eyebrows, the eyes will appear very small.

To slightly “narrow” round eyes, move the break point closer to the temples. The exact opposite procedure can be done to round out "stretched" eyes.

Mistakes in the selection of the shape of the eyebrows. How to avoid them?

A lot depends on the chosen shape of the eyebrows. It can both soften and beautify the face, and, on the contrary, give an expression of rudeness and harshness. It often happens that girls, looking at their idol actresses, copy their appearance, first of all it concerns eyebrows.

Not thinking about the fact that it does not suit them at all. Thoughtlessly following fashion also does not lead to anything good. The wide shape of the eyebrows, as well as the thin one, is far from being for everyone, but nevertheless, for some reason, this fact is ignored. Remember, the ideal brow shape is the one that highlights your assets and hides your imperfections!

The correct and beautiful shape of the eyebrows according to the shape of the face

For representatives of a round face type, it is better to choose the shape of the eyebrows with a kink. Thanks to them, your face will become a little more expressive and lively.

Horizontal eyebrows will balance and soften an oval face shape. It is important not to make them too high.

The best option for owners of a square face shape is arched feminine eyebrow shapes. They are considered the most versatile and natural, the main thing is not to make them too thin. For those who are still “looking for themselves”, this is the most suitable initial version, which can be easily modified later.

For a diamond-shaped face, makeup artists and physiognomists advise splayed eyebrows. It is important to carefully shape the bend line so as not to give the face a sad expression. Categorically they will not fit a direct form.

Correcting the beautiful shape of the eyebrows

Eyebrows on the face look best in their natural form. They are also able to give the face individuality and zest, can become part of a special image or facial expression. For example, arched eyebrows create an image of a surprised face, straight and closely spaced ones give the face an expression of concentration, overly long brows age the face, thick and wide eyebrows emphasize the eyes.

If nature has endowed you with an eyebrow shape that is not what you would like, you can always resort to a little correction and create the desired length and thickness, color or curve. It is important to combine them with hair color. If the hair is dyed in a shade that contrasts with the natural color, the eyebrows should also be tinted so that the difference in tone is not too great. The shape is usually corrected with tweezers.

Rules for creating the correct shape of eyebrows

  • the eyebrow line begins from a point that conditionally lies on the line connecting the right wing of the nose with the inner corner of the right eye, as well as on the left side,
  • the eyebrow bend point is located on the line running from the middle of the upper lip to the pupil of the corresponding eye,
  • the eyebrow line ends conditionally at a point located on the line that connects the left corner of the lips with the right wing of the nose, and vice versa.

Perfect eyebrow shape at home

You can choose a suitable eyebrow shape and carry out a correction by contacting the services and advice of makeup artists, and this procedure is also possible at home. First you need to remove eye makeup, wash your hands with soap and treat the tweezers with an antiseptic.

You need to start plucking the hairs at their base on the bridge of the nose and move towards the temples. Excess hairs are mainly removed from the underside of the eyebrows. Eyebrows with a width of about 0.5 centimeters always look natural and fit almost any face. Too thin may not suit everyone, although the fashion for them returns periodically.

When plucking the eyebrows into a thin thread, it should be remembered that it is not always possible to return their former density, since the hair follicles tend to collapse forever. You can visually give splendor with the help of an eyebrow pencil or shadows. First, you need to draw hairs with a pencil, and then shade along the entire length.

It is very convenient to use eyebrow paints or give them the desired shape for a long time with the help of a tattoo. Coloring and tattoo services are now available in almost any beauty salon, in addition, at home you can color your eyebrows yourself.

Fashionable eyebrow shape

The desire to always be in trend makes you follow the fashion not only in the wardrobe, but also in makeup. Eyebrows are no exception. The fashionable shape of the eyebrows is, first of all, natural, natural contours, complemented by a healthy density and natural shine.

The fashion trend of the last few years is wide, thick eyebrows, with hairs neatly combed along the growth. They certainly add femininity and sensuality to the face.

To emphasize the natural density, you can use special tint shadows or a cosmetic pencil. A special styling gel or wax will help to beautifully style and fix the hairs.

  • Daily combing in different directions with a special comb.
  • Masks of olive, burdock or castor oil, which make each hair thicker and strengthen the bulbs. It is recommended to make such masks every other day or at least once a week.

If the density of the hairs is insufficient, this is not a reason to abandon the fashion trend. Today, there are many different ways to solve this problem.

  • Activate the growth of hairs will help modern tools that are widely used on the market. The mechanism of their action is to "awaken" dormant hair follicles.
  • An alternative method can be daily masks from alcohol tincture of red pepper. Apply it with a cotton swab directly to the skin. The layer must be very thin so that the liquid does not spread and does not get into the eyes. The tincture causes blood flow to the site of application. As a result, hair follicles receive additional nutrition from the inside. Using the tincture, you should be prepared for a burning sensation and slight redness.
  • You can also add thickness to your eyebrows with extensions. During this salon procedure, the hairs are glued directly to the skin or to existing thin hairs. The result lasts about two weeks.
  • A long-term and fast alternative is permanent makeup. Modern
    New techniques in the form of a hair or tint tattoo will help bring the result as close as possible to the natural look.

The main idea of ​​a fashionable eyebrow shape is smooth, soft lines with minimal bending. Brightly traced, "dense" eyebrows are a thing of the past. The contours should be smoky and delicate. This does not mean at all that you need to get rid of the tweezers. To prevent the eyebrows from becoming sloppy, you still need to adjust their shape.

The correct shape of the eyebrows for an oval face

No wonder such an oval face is called ideal. What eyebrow shape suits an oval face? Any! There can be only one limitation for an oval face: too wide, straight eyebrows. They can visually shorten the face and make the features rough and hard.

The following options will look good:

  1. The horizontal shape of the eyebrows slightly smoothes the elongation of the oval face and visually makes it rounder. So that the look does not seem gloomy, the inner part should not be located too low. Eyebrows should be strictly symmetrical. To make this shape, you should remove a few hairs at the bends.
  2. Curved lines can soften sharp features. It is necessary to carefully balance the ratio of length and thickness, as well as the height of the bend. Of course, if the arch is initially low, it cannot be made much higher.
  3. Lines with a break make the look romantic and feminine. When creating a kink, it is very important not to overdo it and make it soft. Too sharp an angle can make a very hard and even vicious out of an open look.

Shape correction begins with determining the correct length. This will require a long pencil. We apply one end to the wing of the nose, and the other to the inner corner of the eye. The intersection of the pencil with the eyebrow will indicate where it should start.

Eyebrow shape for round face

A lot of reasoning can be found on the topic of what shape of eyebrows suits a round face. The main task is to visually stretch the round face and bring it closer to the oval, so not too wide eyebrows of such shapes are suitable:

  1. Lines with a noticeable, pronounced break. To create them, you can pluck a few hairs from above the inner corner and above the tail. Thus, it will turn out to increase the bend, if it is small by nature. It is important to have a sense of proportion so as not to turn a bend into an acute angle.
  2. Ascending lines with a wide base, a sharp angle of inclination and a thin tail. If by nature the tail is significantly lowered, it should be plucked. At the same time, it is important to preserve the length so as not to get short fat commas. If necessary, the tail can be tinted with a pencil or henna.

Eyebrow shape for a square face

The hard lines of a square face should certainly be diluted with soft, arched lines.

The angle of the bend should be sharp, highly elevated. Ideally, if the break is closer to the outer corner of the eye or above its middle.

Lines should not be short. It is allowed that the ponytail is slightly longer than recommended for other types of faces.

The width should be medium and more. Too thin arcs are not allowed. Wide, straight lines can visually widen the face and make it look somewhat rectangular and rough. Therefore, it is better to refuse them too.

Eyebrow shape for a triangular face

The main task in the case of a triangular face is to make the upper part visually narrower, so it is better to refuse long lines.

S-shaped eyebrows will look perfect. To create them, you will need the appropriate initial data - a natural sufficient bend in the middle, a good density of hairs.

  1. First of all, we work out the fracture. To do this, remove the hairs in the inner part of the fracture with tweezers, creating a noticeable angle.
  2. We remove a few hairs above the inner part from above to create a light, graceful deflection.
  3. To slightly visually wrap the ponytail inward, remove the hairs above its tip. It is extremely important to do everything symmetrically, so you should first outline the point at which there will be a break, as well as the beginning and end of the arc.

The second option for a triangular face is not too long eyebrows with a natural curve. The optimal width will be one centimeter. To the tail, the thickness should gradually decrease.

Eyebrow shape for heart shaped face

Correct eyebrows for a heart-shaped face should visually balance the width of the forehead and chin. Ascending lines will help to cope with this task.

  • If by nature the eyebrows have a kink, you should make a smooth arc or bend upwards. It is strongly not recommended to lower the ponytails down: this will emphasize the too wide forehead and cheekbones.
  • For straight lines, a simple correction is required. To begin with, you should slightly lower the inside, removing a few hairs from above. The second stage is raising the tail. Starting from the middle of the arc, remove the hairs towards the outer edge. The tail should turn out thin and tending to the temples.

Owners of a heart-shaped face should not give excessive density to the eyebrows, as this will visually make the forehead heavier and emphasize imperfections.

Eyebrow shapes for long and trapezoidal faces

In addition to the main ones, they also distinguish an elongated and trapezoidal shape of the face. The eyes play a special role in the correction of the oval. In this case, the shape of the eyebrows should be chosen strictly according to the type of face.

  • For an elongated face, straight wide eyebrows are best suited. They should not be located close to each other. To maximize the face, you can remove the hairs at the bridge of the nose. The tail should not be made too thin.
  • Another option for such a face is ascending lines. To soften the look, you can add a slight bend. High kinks and arcs are not recommended. Read more:

For a trapezoid face, plump cheeks, a massive wide chin and jaw are characteristic. The main task in this case is to balance the upper and lower parts of the face:

  • Eyebrows with this type of face should be well dyed, have sufficient density and a clear shape. It is best to give preference to wide and long lines.
  • The kink depends on the features of your face: for soft ones, a noticeable bend is suitable, and for clearer ones, a slight, barely noticeable one. Thus, massive eyebrows visually make the upper part of the face wider.

To maintain a healthy appearance and shape of the eyebrows, you should treat them carefully and carefully. Correction should be trusted to professionals. Coloring should not be done more than once every three weeks. It is important to choose only high-quality dyes.

Video: what are the shapes of the eyebrows

An attractive image depends on the correct shape of the eyebrows. They hide the flaws of appearance and emphasize the beauty of the eyes.

You can choose the shape of the eyebrows according to the type of face. Learn the advice of experts on how to do it at home.

A round face has the same width and length. The purpose of the eyebrows is to visually lengthen it.

The correct shape of the eyebrows is raised high with a noticeable break, wide beginning and thin ending. They create a vertical point and provide the illusion of an oval face. Thanks to them, the cheekbones become more noticeable, and the eyes are larger. To emphasize the shape, makeup artists advise making them darker. Another trick to lengthen your face is to brush your eyebrows up.

Eyebrows that should not be done are round.

Eyebrows for an oval face

An oval face has a forehead wider than the chin and high cheekbones. The purpose of eyebrows is to balance facial features.

The correct shape of the eyebrows is any, except for the over-plucked ones from the 90s. According to makeup artists, the best option is horizontal eyebrows with a soft break and a small arc.

Eyebrows that should not be done are too wide. They give the face a stern look.

Eyebrows for a heart-shaped face

The face with a heart has a sharp chin and a wide forehead. The purpose of eyebrows is to soften the shape of the face.

The correct shape of the eyebrows is rounded or “take-off”. They should be of medium width. And always well-groomed. Soft rounded eyebrows smooth out the angularity of the face.

Eyebrows that should not be done are straight.

Eyebrows for a square face

A square face has cheekbones, chin and forehead of the same width. The purpose of the eyebrows is to take the emphasis away from the wide cheekbones and chin and onto the eyes.

The correct shape of the eyebrows is slightly arched. They visually soften the angular appearance. If you make them wider, they will become more noticeable.

Eyebrows that should not be done are sharp and thin.

Eyebrows for a diamond face

The diamond-shaped face has wide cheekbones with a narrow forehead and chin. The purpose of the eyebrows is to soften the angularity and give the wide part of the refinement.

The correct shape of the eyebrows is wide with a soft bend. They make the face round and short.

Eyebrows that should not be done are straight or with a clear bend.

Correctly draw eyebrows

  1. Comb your brows with a brush. You will see gaps that need to be drawn.
  2. Draw an outline of the shape of the eyebrows with a pencil. First, the upper one - on both eyebrows. Then the bottom one. So get symmetrical lines. Makeup artists do not recommend using an eyebrow pencil. Get an unnatural shade. For this case, choose eyebrow shadows.
  3. Use shadows to fill in gaps with short strokes.
  4. Finish off your brows with a tint or colorless gel. It will smooth the hairs and fix the shape.

The choice of the shape of the eyebrows is a whole science in our time. After all, the correct outlines of the eyebrows can correct facial features, make the look expressive and open, "emphasize" the character of a person.

Usually, the shape of the eyebrows is selected according to the type of face, but it is important to take into account other features of the appearance. For example, if a girl has thin lips, medium-width eyebrows will suit her. Eyebrow strings will look ridiculous if the lady has full lips.

Scheme for constructing the correct shape of the eyebrows

There is a scheme that cosmetologists actively use to determine the boundaries of the eyebrow. To do this, you can use the most ordinary pencil or brush.

  1. To determine the starting point of the eyebrow, place a brush on the wing of the nose so that it passes through the inner corner of the eye. With a cosmetic pencil, put a dot at the intersection of the pencil and the superciliary arch;
  2. The place of the highest point of the eyebrow is determined by applying the brush to the wing of the nose so that it passes through the pupil. A fashion trend for building a beautiful shape: choose the point of the highest eyebrow lift a couple of millimeters towards the temple from the intersection of the pencil and the pupil. Also put a mark in this place;
  3. The end of the eyebrow is determined by applying a pencil from the wing of the nose through the outer corner of the eye. Don't forget to mark this point;
  4. To schematically see the finished result, connect all three points with one line.

After building the correct shape, you can proceed to plucking excess hairs, coloring and makeup.

Choose the shape of the eyebrows according to the type of face

No wonder every face type needs its own frames. With inappropriate eyebrows, the face becomes expressionless and loses its individuality.

Eyebrows for an oval face

Oval face shape is considered ideal, therefore, it is natural that almost any eyebrows go to such a face (unless, of course, the arch, the beginning and the end of the eyebrow are correctly found).

It can be more gentle, curved, round and broken eyebrows. However, an oval face will look best with smooth-shaped eyebrows, the corners of which are gently rounded towards the temples.

round face shape

Task for a round face - slightly stretch its shape and make it more elegant.

This can be achieved by giving the eyebrows the shape of a high arch. Avoid too thin lines - instead of correcting and narrowing the shape, they will give the face extra roundness.

Also, a round face should not have rounded eyebrows. They only emphasize the roundness of the face, which is not at all appropriate here.

An elongated face is visually necessary make it more rounded and seductive, so for him we choose straight, fairly wide, horizontal eyebrows.

In this way, we try to slightly visually reduce the length of the face, making the eyebrows more gentle. If the arch of the eyebrow is high, then you should not raise its end too much. We try to bring it to one horizontal line with the beginning.

For a square face

Eyebrows on a square face should start with a gentle curve to soften the face and make it more harmonious.

If you want to emphasize the rigidity of the character, then make the top point of the arch more expressive and sharp. If you want to make the face softer and more feminine, round it, making its line smoother.

Straight eyebrows do not fit a square face. They visually "cut off" the face, making it shorter than it actually is.

For a heart shaped face

In this case, a soft break will suit you. In this case, you need to follow the tip of the eyebrow - the beginning and end should be approximately on the same line, otherwise we will visually expand the triangle of the face, making the upper part abnormally wide compared to the lower one.

In order not to look forever surprised, choose eyebrows in the form of a gently curved arch, which has the same thickness almost along its entire length.

For a diamond face

This face shape is quite rare and gives the face a certain charm and zest. Therefore, if your face has the shape of a diamond, it will look best on it. smooth eyebrows with a slight bend, which will already make the widest parts of this type of face - the forehead and cheekbones.

Ways to shape eyebrows

Are you in doubt what to choose - plucking, growing, coloring or just styling? Or maybe take it and get a tattoo so as not to mess around with makeup every day?

An excellent method, fast, but not durable - it lasts until makeup is removed. It is performed using a variety of waxes, gels and styling pomades after you have colored your eyebrows with shadows or a pencil.

The product must be applied to the hairs, then laid in the right direction and wait until the fixation occurs.


It is an unpleasant correction procedure. Executed after building the correct form. To reduce pain during the procedure, follow these tips:

  • Gently stretch the skin with your index finger as you pluck out excess hairs;
  • Before you start plucking, wipe the skin of your eyebrows with an ice cube for pain relief, you can also use a special anesthetic cream;
  • The feeling of pain is reduced if the skin is steamed in a water bath or in a sauna;
  • Try to grab 1 hair with tweezers, at the very base, then pull it out with a sharp movement;
  • After the procedure, wipe the injured area with an alcohol-containing composition;
  • Keep in mind that during menstruation, the skin becomes very sensitive, so it is not recommended to pluck your eyebrows during this period. In addition, cosmetologists advise correcting the shape with tweezers in the middle of the day, since at this time the body's sensitivity to pain is reduced.

What progress has come to - in the salon for a couple of hours you can build up your eyebrows, without resorting to a long exhausting growth of your own eyebrows for several weeks.

Everything that nature did not reward you with or that was lost in the teenage desire for experiments, you can get now. It happens in this way: extensions are applied to the skin or to one's own hairs with the help of glue.

Before building, the material must be selected by color. Eyebrow extensions look very natural. Since thick eyebrows are in fashion now, extensions are in great demand among girls.


You can paint your eyebrows every day with shadows and a pencil, or once every one or two weeks with the help of special paint or henna.

For everyday makeup, lightly tint the eyebrows with a pencil in a couple of strokes and set with a fixing gel. Thanks to coloring, light hairs become more visible, and the eyebrow becomes thicker and brighter.

A great way to correct the length, width and density of the eyebrows. The advantage of tattooing is that it has a long-term effect. There are 3 main types of tattooing - shading, hairline tattooing, and a mixed type (the so-called 3D or 6D tattooing).

The first way is easier. First, an eyebrow contour is drawn according to the scheme, after which the pigment is shaded inside the contour. This method takes less time, but the effect is less natural, especially up close.

If you get to an inept master, or eyebrows are created with low-quality pigment, the result will not please you. Correcting such errors is very difficult, and often it costs much more than the procedure itself.

Do not forget that any tattoo requires special care during the healing period, which lasts 1-2 weeks and does not look very presentable on the face. Thus, changing the shape of the eyebrows is a separate large section in the modern beauty industry, with dozens of methods, tools, as well as salon services.

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15 225 1 Hello, dear beauties of our site! In this article, we will talk about the shape of the eyebrows according to the type of face. And also we will tell you how to choose the right eyebrow shape.

Thanks to the correction of the eyebrow line, you can give the face expressiveness and a certain attractiveness. But often on your own, in pursuit of fashion trends, you can choose the wrong shape, and get an unsatisfactory result. Ignorance of the basic rules of correction leads to such results. Therefore, before plucking hairs, you need to prepare a little, and first of all find out what types of eyebrows are.

Eyebrow types

The eyebrow itself is sometimes conditionally divided into three components:

  • Head - originates directly from the bridge of the nose;
  • The body is the middle part;
  • Tail - the narrowest part tapers towards the temple.

The shape of the eyebrows is quite simple to determine, you need to position the ruler or pencil so that you connect the head and tail of the eyebrow with a straight line. It can be parallel to the floor (straight), ascending or descending.

  • Straight. The head and tail of the eyebrows are located on the same level. This shape is perfect for an elongated face shape. She will visually expand the narrow forehead and balance it with the chin;
  • Rising. The head is located higher than the tail of the eyebrow. This shape visually narrows and lengthens your face a little.

IMPORTANT: when choosing this form, the main thing is not to overdo it, as too ascending lines look defiant and theatrical.

  • Falling down.Base eyebrow is located lower than its end. This form is very specific and not suitable for everyone. Often she adds age, and gives a sad expression. It is desirable to correct such a form.

Also distinguish the following types of eyebrows:

  • Rounded. Perfect for those with a wide square face, they soften their often coarse features. This form is often found in oriental beauties;
  • Smooth arc. This form is perfect and always looks advantageous, it is suitable for almost any image. Eyebrows of this shape slightly open the eyelid and help to look younger;
  • Triangular ("house", the center of the eyebrow is slightly raised). This form gives the face a slightly surprised expression, but this is its special charm. By the way, this shape of the eyebrows is the most natural and common, but if you wish, you can create it yourself;
  • With a break. This shape will also make you visually younger, give the look expressiveness and playfulness. Such eyebrows look good on a round face, as they draw the eye to themselves, hiding disproportion and other flaws in the shape of the face.

Physiognomy specialists ( science that determines the character of a person by the features of his face) are very attentive to the shape of the eyebrows. According to their research, purposeful strong personalities have a straight and wide eyebrow shape, open, benevolent people have an arched shape, and adventurers have a broken or triangular shape.

How to choose eyebrows according to the type of face

Choosing the shape of the eyebrows according to the type of face is a simple procedure. The main thing is to accurately identify the type of your face. There are the following types:

  • Square or rectangular. A distinctive feature of this form: it does not have dots protruding in width, that is, the width is approximately the same along the entire length. In the case of a rectangular shape, it is slightly more elongated than a square one;
  • Round. The face has a square, heavy lower jaw and broad cheekbones. The length and width of the face are almost the same.
  • triangular. A face of this shape has a narrow chin and a fairly wide forehead;
  • oval. The chin and forehead are about the same width, but the cheekbones protrude strongly;
  • pear-shaped. Wide chin, narrow forehead, round cheeks;
  • Rhomboid. The main feature is high protruding cheekbones;

Ideal eyebrows for different face types will also vary. But it is best to opt for an eyebrow with a wide beginning, a slightly raised main part, smoothly turning into a narrow tail.

When choosing a form, you should pay attention to certain features:

  • straight eyebrows will help to visually make the face wider;
  • Close-set eyes can be visually expanded by increasing the gap between the eyebrows. The reverse is also true, the eyebrows should be as close as possible to each other in order to visually reduce the distance between the eyes. The main thing is not to overdo it and not to connect both eyebrows into one;
  • A rounded shape of the eyebrows will help to visually narrow the oval of the face, but it is a smooth curve that is needed to avoid a surprised or haughty facial expression. It is recommended to remove the hairs only along the lower line of the eyebrow so that it does not look too low, otherwise it will visually reduce the eyes.

Important! The gap between the eyebrows should not exceed the width of two fingers of your hand.

Round face

This form requires the abandonment of very sharp and thin lines, because a strong bend, on the contrary, will focus on the roundness of the face. For the same reason, an arched shape is also undesirable.

One of the options may be eyebrows with a small classic break or a triangular shape. They will emphasize your eyes and transform your face.

Important: Do not place your eyebrows too low or too high, otherwise your expression will be sad or surprised.

Oval face

It is believed that this face shape is the most correct. Eyebrows of almost any shape are suitable for her, but the best option is eyebrows with a slight break. With a very narrow oval of the face, it can be visually slightly expanded due to not too wide straight eyebrows, which should not be too low.

triangular face

Eyebrows that are too wide or too thin are not recommended, and straight shapes, they will only emphasize sharp features. It is also worth abandoning too long eyebrows, because they visually violate the proportions of the face even more.

To soften the sharp contrast between a wide forehead and a narrow chin, you can use a curved eyebrow with a slight rise, of medium length. The width of the eyebrow is the same along the entire length, or slightly narrowed towards the end.

pear face

The best choice for this face shape will be wide and fairly long eyebrows. You can also visually expand the upper part of the face by increasing the gap between the eyebrows.

Square or rectangular face

The main focus should be on drawing attention away from the square chin and softening the lower part of the face, this will be facilitated by a smooth brow lift at the beginning. On faces of such forms, eyebrows with a break shifted towards the temple will look good, while the tail should be narrower than the main part and directed towards the middle of the auricle.

How to make your own eyebrow shape

The following technique is often used to determine the shape of the eyebrow and its boundaries:

  • Point #1(beginning - head). Position the pencil near the wing of the nose so that it crosses the inner corner of the eye. Place a mark where the pencil crosses the brow bone.
  • Point #2(highest point). We position the pencil so that it touches the wing of the nose and crosses the pupil up. We mark a point on the superciliary arch.
  • Point #3(extreme point - tail). Place the pencil so that it connects the wing of the nose and the outer corner of the eye, mark the intersection point on the superciliary arch.

How to shape eyebrows with tweezers

One of the most famous eyebrow shaping tools is tweezers. It comes to the rescue when you have already chosen the shape of your eyebrows. To simplify the task, draw the selected shape with a pencil on your eyebrows. So you can clearly see those hairs that need to be removed.

To get perfect eyebrows, you should be guided by a number of rules:

  • Hairs should be removed in the direction of their growth, this helps to prevent their ingrowth into the skin, moreover, the procedure will not be so painful;
  • It is better to grab the hairs at the very base and pull them out with a quick sharp movement. Experts recommend removing hair under the eyebrow line;
  • Before the procedure, all cosmetics and impurities should be removed from the treated surface. It is necessary to disinfect the surface of the skin both before and after the procedure. When unwanted hairs are removed, the skin must be moisturized;
  • It is better to plan the procedure for the evening, so that by morning the irritation has already passed;
  • To keep the eyebrows beautiful, they should be combed daily with a special cosmetic brush.

How to shape eyebrows with thread

Threading is a way of shaping the eyebrows using a special thread. This is a fairly old method, it has been used in Eastern countries since ancient times. This method is a little tricky to use, especially in the beginning, but over time, with proper practice, it will become no more difficult to use than tweezers.

Threading Benefits:

  • Hair becomes thinner and softer over time;
  • You can remove several hairs at once;
  • Ingrown hairs practically do not appear;
  • Irritation is minimal and passes very quickly.

But today such a procedure is carried out at home. You will need a special thread (Arabic). It is cotton and quite durable. The length of the thread should be about 50 cm. The ends of the thread are tied and twisted to form two loops. In each of which you insert your thumb and forefinger. The process is somewhat similar to the work of scissors, the hairs are intertwined with threads and removed.

How to shape eyebrows with a pencil

A pencil is a very simple and effective way to adjust the shape of the eyebrows, and you can do this repeatedly if the previous option did not suit you. To get a good result, you should choose a hard pencil, and sharpen it well. And also take the choice of color seriously. Black pencil is considered a classic, but it is better for blondes to refuse it. For fair-haired girls, beige or gray shades are suitable, for brown-haired women and redheads - brown. Sometimes, to make the eyebrow more natural, two shades of pencil are used at once: darker at the beginning and lighter closer to the edge.

Steps for drawing an eyebrow with a pencil:

  1. Apply foundation;
  2. Mark the beginning and end of the eyebrow with a few strokes;
  3. Comb the hairs in the direction of their growth;
  4. Carefully paint over all eyebrows;
  5. Comb your brow.

Eyebrow shaping with a stencil

Often, having drawn one eyebrow of an ideal shape, it is impossible to repeat it on the other side. In this case, a special device, a stencil, can help. It is often sold in a kit with biotattoo paint.

Working with a stencil is quite simple. It should simply be applied to the eyebrow, and then use paint or pencil. It is only important to apply the stencil evenly on both sides, and you can enjoy an excellent result.

Eyebrow shaping in the salon

All of the above methods of giving the desired shape to the eyebrows can be done independently. And to achieve a good result, often enough. But there is not always time for yourself. Therefore, permanent makeup has come into fashion, which allows you to look good with almost no effort.

Eyebrow tattoo

Eyebrow tattooing is essentially a tattoo (the dye is injected under the skin), but its penetration depth is much less than 0.5 mm and, accordingly, over time (within several years), it will still wash out. Depending on the technique of applying paint, the following types of eyebrow tattoo are distinguished:

  • hairy. As the name implies, in this case, individual small hairs are drawn. They are placed between existing hairs in the direction of hair growth. This type of tattoo looks quite natural and, with good performance, is almost invisible;
  • Shot. A type of tattoo in which the traced contour of the eyebrow is evenly filled with color. The result looks too bright and artificial;
  • combination. Harmoniously combines the hair method and shading. This method is used by masters most often.


Unlike tattooing, microblading is performed manually, without special devices. The effect of it depends directly on the skills of the master.

The master draws individual hairs along the previously drawn contour with a special tool with a micro-thin needle. After that, the remnants of the coloring pigment are removed from the surface of the skin. The depth of pigment injection does not exceed 0.5 mm, so the visible effect will last for about a year, after which the procedure should be repeated. If the procedure is carried out qualitatively, it is almost impossible to see the drawn hairs, and the color of the eyebrow looks more natural.

To date, the following types of microblading:

  • European (dummy). The master draws hairs of the same length and thickness, with the same slope. With this technique, the eyebrows are thick and voluminous, but upon close examination, they do not look natural;
  • Oriental. The master draws the hairs as similar as possible to the client's natural eyebrows. The effect is as natural as possible.

How to choose the shape of PROBLEM eyebrows (scars, stiff eyebrows, over-plucked or sloppy eyebrows)

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