Lip makeup with an ombre effect: how to create a smooth color transition? How to make an ombre effect on the lips: a step by step tutorial

With the advent of the warm season, we can afford more and more experiments in makeup. Now there is no need to look closely at the faded tones and matte shades, which will not be conspicuous. Instead, we propose to pay attention to bright colors and lip gloss - this combination is perfect for spring and summer, and also allows you to create a beautiful and memorable look.

Ombre on the lips: who suits?

Two-tone lip makeup came into fashion about 4 years ago and is still very popular. He is especially famous among those women who are not afraid to attract the attention of others. If you're ready for some serious experimentation, we invite you to try the new technique of applying lipstick on yourself and see what the result will be.

To create on the lips smooth transition colors, you can use several ways. It can either darken the corners or darken the central part of the lips. In the first case, the lips will appear more voluminous and larger, and therefore this method of applying lipstick is ideal for those who want to increase them a little. In the second - the lips will be light with a dark middle, which will give them depth and special attractiveness. This method should be used to visually reduce full lips.

3 easy ways to apply two-tone lip makeup

  1. Ombre on a red background

To draw bright red lips with a slight darkening along the contour, you will need a dark pencil and matte red lipstick. First, the contours of the lips must be drawn with a dark pencil (emphasizing the corners), and then cover their surface with red lipstick. The color transition should be smooth. To do this, all shades of lipstick and pencil must be carefully shaded with a special brush:

  1. Ombre in natural makeup

Color transitions can be created not only with the help of contrasting shades and tones. Sometimes for this it is enough to use two lipsticks of monochrome shades, each of which differs from each other by one tone. Here's what it might look like in practice:

  1. Ombre in pink

Also, another popular solution for spring and summer is a two-tone lip makeup, made in hot pink. Video tutorial on how to create it:

For a change, you can apply lipstick different shades on the upper and lower lip, draw unusual color transitions with it, or place accents where you need them most.

Want to shine especially spectacular makeup? There are a lot of tools and tricks for this. Relatively recently, a technique has come into fashion that allows you to highlight the lips in a special way and make them bright accent the image as a whole.


Plays of colors, both within the same gamut and contrasting, have been used in the coloring of the objects around us for a very long time. In the matter of creating an attractive female image, this technique simply had to be reflected.

Do you know? The name of the technique - ombre - came from hairdressing. There are also other terms - degrade and gradient (they coincide in their meanings).

What is essentially the ombre technique on the lips? We are talking about tinting in several colors (usually two or three) with smooth, blurry transitions. Depending on the idea and skill of the makeup artist, you can achieve various effects. If desired, lipstick can look slightly worn out, and the mouth can be larger / smaller in size.

Daytime or evening?

Those for whom ombre lips are new often ask: is this type of makeup exclusively evening? Or to create everyday look does it fit too? The key principles of make-up are true here: everything is determined by the tones that are supposed to be used. Natural, discreet colors dominate everyday life, bright and juicy - for special occasions.

Of course, to make ombre lips, it takes a little more time than for more simple makeup. But one has only to practice properly, and make-up in such interesting technique will be given without much difficulty.

Ombre lips, when done correctly, look especially attractive. Makeup in this technique really attracts the eye and distinguishes the owner from those present.

Main types

Ombre lip makeup

The ombre effect on the lips is created using two key techniques - horizontal and vertical. Within them are subspecies.

horizontal gradient

The list below illustrates the possibilities of horizontal tone distribution:

  • The gradient runs from dark to light, top to bottom.
  • Lighter tone on upper lip, as well as on the bottom along the closure line. Closer to the contour - dark.
  • Dark tone on the line of closure with a transition to a lighter one towards the contour. Recommended for owners of unnecessarily full mouth(visually reduces) and flawlessly white, even teeth (emphasizes these advantages).
  • Light tone - in the center, dark - around. Gives effect visual magnification, and when using gloss, it adds swelling.

How to visually enlarge lips with makeup? Efficient technique and little tricks in our article on .

vertical gradient

When working in this technique, the tone changes from the center of the mouth to the corners. A lighter middle visually enlarges the mouth, a darker one makes it smaller.

A very exotic vertical ombre lip makeup is possible. It involves changing the tone of makeup from one corner of the mouth to another. However, this option is not suitable for every image, it is recommended more for a staged photo shoot than for any other event.


How to make up ombre lips to get the desired effect, and not the abyss of disappointment? This is where preparation is especially important. To start - light peeling any suitable remedy. If you have time, you can apply a large number of honey, gently massage and rinse. This measure will ideally cleanse the skin, as well as increase blood circulation.

After peeling comes the turn of a moisturizing balm, then foundation and a thin layer of powder. The area around the mouth must be carefully treated with concealer: this will make the ombre lip makeup even more spectacular.

Preparation is over. Step-by-step instruction below will give an idea of ​​the next steps.

  1. Circuit

It is done with a pencil, the direction of the stroke is from the corners to the center. When working in a horizontal technique, the color of the outline can completely match the nearest inner shade or be lighter / darker. It all depends on the direction of the gradient. If vertical degradation is expected, it is better to choose a neutral contour. The final manipulation is a thorough shading.

  1. dark tone

It is applied following the chosen technique and according to the desired pattern - in the center or along the edges.

  1. light tone

They fill the areas that have not yet been touched, completing the preliminary formation of the gradient.

  1. feathering

This is the most crucial moment. Using a small brush, you need to carefully blur the border between dark and light tones. When shading, the colors are partially mixed, this creates the same gradient.

  1. Finishing touch

Now it remains only to use the shine. It can be colorless or give an additional effect - reflective, wet. Lip makeup in the gradient technique is completed!

Using the instructions above, you can easily make up your lips with ombre. And when practical skills are accumulated, it will be possible to “play” with shades and shapes. It is possible that this type of makeup will become a favorite "highlight" of a particular image.

How to truly paint ombre lips? Makeup artists strongly recommend that beginners do not use more than two tones.

Applying more colors/shades requires:

  • fine taste;
  • significant knowledge in the field of color;
  • refined movements (after all, the surface of the lips is not so great);
  • true craftsmanship.

And even before you make an ombre on the lips, you need to think about other makeup. It should fully match the tone of the lips and be extremely thorough.

It is important! If you plan to paint your lips with an ombre, then you should not highlight your eyes at the same time, otherwise the image as a whole will turn out to be vulgar. Perfect option for the eyes - nude style.

Finally, it is advisable to use products from the same line/manufacturer. This avoids unexpected and unpleasant effects when performing makeup.

Lips with an ombre effect are a real find for those who like to stand out, to appear before others in a special guise. All that is needed is some training, as well as careful execution of makeup in general.

Do you want to surprise everyone with your elegant makeup? To do this, there are a huge number of different tricks that can help you with this.

A recent trend has been the use of a unique technique based on the visual highlighting of your beautiful lips.


Color variety of overflows when staining various items used by man has been used since ancient times. People believed that such colorful overflows should find their place in the creation of the beautiful appearance of the fair sex.

So what is an ombre on the lips? As a rule, this is lip tinting in two or three colors that smoothly transition into each other.

The effect of such lip makeup will depend on the experience and skills of the specialist. Using this method, you can make the lips visually larger or smaller in volume, and lipstick on the lips can acquire the effect of wear.

Ombre: daytime or evening?

Girls who first encountered this technique often wonder if ombre lip makeup is evening? Or can it be used as a daytime look?

Everything will depend solely on the colors of lipstick you choose. If you have chosen calm natural tones, then you will have an excellent daytime look, and if you prefer saturated bright shades, then it is better to use them for an evening out.

It is worth noting that this type of makeup requires much more patience and time than the usual one. However, after repeated practice, you will easily make such a make-up.

At correct technique With this effect, your lips will look irresistible. Such sponges literally attract the views of others and make their owner unique.


An ombre effect is made on the lips using a horizontal and vertical technique. Of these techniques, there are subspecies

gradient horizontal

  • gradient fill comes from dark color To light tone, top down.
  • most light shade should be on the top and lower lip along the line of their junction. It is worth distributing a dark shade along the contour.
  • dark color located at the closure of the lips and smoothly turns into light closer to the contour. This option is better for girls with full lips and perfectly white teeth - thus, the lips will visually decrease, and the beauty of the teeth will stand out.
  • a light shade is applied in the center, and a dark color is applied around the lips. With this performance, you can visually enlarge the lips, and if you still use gloss, you can achieve a seductive swelling of the lips.

gradient vertical

With it, the shade will change from the center of the lips to their corners. The light middle will increase the mouth, and the dark one, on the contrary, will reduce it.

It is worth considering that this method is not suitable for an everyday look. Most often it is used in professional staged photo shoots.

Execution instruction

How to perform this effect correctly so that the result does not disappoint, but pleases?

It is very important to prepare well for doing makeup. First of all, you need to use special means do soft peeling. To do this, you can apply honey to your lips, and then wash it off.

The skin will be cleansed and blood circulation will increase.

The next step is to apply a lip balm that will moisturize them. After that, apply a layer of foundation and powder.

Do not forget to treat the oral area with a concealer to increase the effectiveness of makeup.

The preparation phase has ended. Let's go straight to drawing. colors.

The contour of the lips is drawn with a pencil. We direct the stroke from the corners of the mouth to its center. After that, blend well.

We apply a dark color depending on the execution technique that you have chosen.

Then add a light shade. Apply it to the non-colored areas of the lips.

We shade. This stage must be approached responsibly. Using a small brush, blur the bordering dark and light colors. They will blend, which will create a gradient.

Final stage. Apply gloss over makeup for a wet effect. Ready!

This instruction will provide indispensable assistance in creating the effect, ombre for beginners and not only.

In the future, you can experiment with the color scheme of shades. Perhaps such makeup will become an indispensable addition to your image.

How is it really right to paint lips in such an unusual technique?

Experts advise beginners to use only two tones and no more, since a large number of colors require excellent taste, excellent knowledge of color, and the accuracy of the master's movements.

You also need to know that in order to create such an effect, you need to think over the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bmakeup in detail, which should be in accordance with the tone of your lips.

Also best solution there will be the use of cosmetics from one manufacturer, so that there is no negative consequences makeup.

You should also try the ombre lip tattoo. He is great solution for individuals who love to stand out from the crowd.

To achieve this effect, you need to practice a little and you will get a great result!

Photo ombre on the lips

To give the lips an incredible volume and make them more attractive is designed to new technology applying lipstick. Beauticians unanimously claim that ombre lips are new trend summer 2015.

Cosmetologist and founder of the mineral line of cosmetics Kate O'Brien is sure that to create a seductive summer look enough to throw light summer dress with floral print or an unusual ornament, wear sandals with a minimum of fasteners and make up your lips with bright lipstick.

If you have a little more time that you can spend on creating a memorable make-up, you can make up your lips using the ombre (degrade) technique. The term degrade (or, as it is also called, gradient) means a smooth transition from one color to another.
IN English language this technique is called Ombre lips.

Initially, ombre was called a method of dyeing hair with a contrasting transition from dark to light. Later in hairdressing the sombre technique replaced the ombre, and the ombre gradually migrated to nail salons(cm. Manicure "Ombre": Step by step instructions). Coating with a smooth transition from one color to another fell in love with many girls.

Today, makeup artists decided to try out ombre in applying shadows and lipsticks and glosses.

Why the ombre technique works with lip makeup

Why is this needed, and what useful functions can such makeup carry in itself:
1. Visually increase the lips and / or make them more “plump”. dark outline and a lighter middle of the lips creates an unusual effect - the lips instantly become plump. With the help of ombre, any, even the most thin lips become brighter and more voluminous.
2. You can also visually reduce the lips.
3. Focusing on right places, visually change the shape of the lips and thereby even slightly change the proportions of the face (visually).
4. Finally, this is another way to add variety to your makeup;)

Such makeup, as it turned out, can be very wearable in Everyday life. After all, each girl can choose the range and degree of "gradient" herself. You can use discreet colors or make the transition of colors very, very smooth, almost imperceptible - like a glare. And the image as a whole still turns out to be different.
You can come up with a lot of possibilities for distributing colors on the lips, if you have imagination;) Basically, of course, two colors are used - this is convenient, practical, and not energy intensive. You can try to use more colors, but then there is a risk that the result will look ridiculous, inept or too theatrical. Although, it all depends on the range of colors.

How to make ombre lips

To ensure that any gloss or lipstick lays evenly and well, lips can be pre-propyled and well moisturized.

Step 1 - Apply a concealer to your lips
When you apply a small amount of concealer on your lips, lipstick or lip gloss does not roll or run down. A smooth transition from one color to another will always look neat and bright. Can be used instead of concealer light tonal cream or a small amount of powder. After masking and leveling the color, draw on the outer edge of the lips with a white lip or eyeliner so that the lips become more voluminous and the lipstick does not spread.

Step 2 - draw the outline of the lips with a dark pencil
Using black eyeliner or dark red lip liner, outline the lips. The corners of the lips can be drawn a little fatter, and the middle can be painted over, barely touching. You should get a gradient effect.

Step 3 - Apply bright red lipstick or gloss to your lips
With help special brush for lipstick, apply bright red, cherry, scarlet or burgundy lipstick on the lips, starting from the middle of the lips. Evenly paint over the contour of the lips so that the black pencil is not visible. You can fix your lip makeup with a colorless lip gloss.

To give lips an extra color transition effect, apply a small amount of lipstick 1-2 shades lighter to the middle of the upper and lower lips.
Beautiful make-up ombre lips ready!

Ombre Lip Makeup

Ombre on the lips can be horizontal, vertical, on only one lip, made in a variety of color combinations and textures.

1. vertical way assumes a fairly smooth color transition from left to right.
2. Horizontal way suggests that the shade will change from bottom to top (sometimes the color changes from the lip contour inward).

The main methods for applying the gradient:

a) dark above, light below - emphasis on the upper lip
b) light on top, dark on the bottom - emphasis on the lower lip
decrease lips
d) light between two dark ones - creates an effect enlarged and/or more voluminous lips (some also call 3D)

a) light on the left - dark on the right (and vice versa). But this option is practically not used, since the view turns out to be too strange, more suitable for a photo shoot;)
b) light between two dark ones - creates an effect more voluminous lips
c) dark between two light ones - creates an effect decrease lips.
Of course, these are not all methods: you can use several completely different shades, you can arrange them in any order, you can even make a diagonal gradient; o) T
Just do not forget that such lip makeup will not be suitable for everyday life and not for important occasions, but rather for photo shoots or theme parties...

Here is an example of a horizontal gradient makeup application. And also this good example how differently such makeup can look on the same lips and how much it can visually change their shape, and with it - and general form faces.

Most unusual options makeup for your inspiration!

The fashion for ombre lips came to us from Korea, where this way of painting lips is considered the most seductive. Lately Korean beauty trends are coming to us more and more often. This is not surprising, because in addition to the fact that Korean cosmetics is in great demand in all countries, many makeup artists are inspired by the images of Korean women and create original versions of makeup.

Koreans paint over with persistent tints only inner surface lips, and the outer one is slightly tinted with concealer. The result is the effect of "kissed" or slightly bitten lips.

Korean beauty trend: gradient lip makeup

What you need:

  • pomade light pink color
  • transparent powder (can be replaced with a napkin)
  • hot pink lipstick
  • dark pink pencil, lipstick or tint

How to do:

1. Make up pre-moistened lips with light pink lipstick (preferably matte).

2. Apply a layer on the lips translucent powder or just blot them with a dry cloth.

3. Apply hot pink lipstick to the center of your lips.

4. With your finger or a lip brush, blend the edges of the hot pink lipstick to create a smooth transition of colors.

5. So that the most bright shade, apply a dark pink pencil, lipstick or tint to the very center of the lips (tint will look best, as it is more resistant).

6. Blend the edges a little to get that same ombre effect.

That's all. Gradient lip makeup Ombre in "Korean" is ready.

Ombre came to us in a more dramatic version. Typically, such makeup is used as a bright, noticeable accent on the lips. Let's also try fashionable look!

To reproduce this image you will need:
- concealer or foundation;
- lip liner in the color of lipstick;
- lipstick;
- lip liner 2-3 shades darker than lipstick;
- dense gloss or lipstick 2-3 tones darker than the main lipstick.

Step 1. Lightly tone your lips foundation or concealer to smooth out their color.

Step 2 Circle the contour of the lips with a pencil.

Step 3. Lightly blend the pencil inward so that the outline is invisible.

Step 4. Paint your lips with lipstick.

Step 5. Take a pencil 2-3 shades darker than lipstick and paint over the corners of the lips

Step 6 Paint the corners of the lips with a dense gloss or lipstick 2-3 shades darker over the pencil so that the color transition is smooth.

This lip makeup is best combined with "nude" eyes, so as not to shift the focus. Well, traditionally bright lips needed perfect tone skin.

Helpful Hints:

Tips for those who decide to experiment with ombre lip makeup:

It’s worth starting experiments with colors of the same gamut that differ only in tone (from light to dark) - this way it will be easier to learn how to blur the boundaries between colors, and you can even use not two, but three or four colors of the same gamut to make the transition smooth. Having adapted and stuffed your hand, you can move on to colors from different scales or make the transitions from light to dark more contrasting.
- it is better to start experiments with shades of the same color range, which differ from each other only in tone;
- then try to make the transitions from dark to light more contrast;
- be sure to take care of the durability of lipstick and contour pencil;
- in order not to look vulgar, stick to neutral makeup eye.

Trendy ombre lip makeup

Trendy ombre lips make-up suits absolutely all girls, makes lips more seductive and, of course, looks very original!
L’Oréal Paris official makeup artist Irina Starkova shows off her ombre look using the new Color Riche lipstick in three color combinations: berry, burgundy and pink.
Agree, do such makeup and get juicy plump lips very simple!

Cosmetics used in the video:
1. Color Rich Clear Liner
2. Lipstick Color Riche 135
3. Lipstick Color Riche 136
4. Lipstick Color Riche 335
5. Lipstick Color Riche 230
6. Lipstick Color Riche 228
7. Lipstick Color Riche 226

In my opinion, from such unusual makeup lips in addition to aesthetic pleasure, you will also get a magnificent seductive image.

Dare, try, experiment - and the result will pleasantly surprise you!

The term " ombre" means "shadow" in French. To date ombre (ambre) - this is one of the most popular and trendy techniques in manicure, makeup and hair coloring. In a word, monochromatic nails, hair, and now also lips - this is the last century. three dimensional ombre effect (ambre) is used to create plump and alluring female lips. ombre lips / ambre look really very expressive and catchy, riveting the views of passers-by.

Popular ombre/ombre lip colors

For creating lips ombre / ambre the most diverse color palette can be used. You can create additional visual volume of the lips with the help of a smooth transition of two or three shades of lipstick that are close in tone. Or you can act more boldly, take deliberately contrasting colors and create an image in the style of pop art, as if descended from an Andy Warhol painting. On photo demonstrated ombre lips / ambre made using various methods.

One of the most popular colors used to create lips ombre- violet. Yes, not crimson, not red, but bright purple! Purple lips are quite bold and peculiar, you say, but with the right one, they look quite stylish and beautiful.

A simple technique for making lips with an ombre / ombre effect

Main Rule lips ombre / ambre- moisturizing before applying the tone. To do this, you can use the usual balm. After it is absorbed, it is necessary to outline the contour, then apply lipstick or gloss (one tone on top of another, starting with a dark shade). At the end of the procedure, with a clean brush, you need to gently shade the shades until ombre effect / ambre.

Ombre (ombre) technique on the lips

Stylish ombre / ombre makeup, photo

A few examples photo lips with ombre effect / ambre. Gently combine the ombre technique and the rest of the make-up. There should only be one accent this case on your lips. Otherwise, you will look not stylish, but funny. A sense of proportion must be present in everything. win-win there will be a combination lips ombre / ambre with discreet eye makeup, made in pastel colors or just apply mascara on your lashes.