Massage technique for colic in newborns. Effective techniques for massaging the abdomen of a baby with problems of the digestive tract: colic, constipation, bloating

, not every young mother knows.

Unfortunately, at first, the baby's body does not work quite the same way as an adult's, in connection with this, he experiences eternal discomfort.

It is because of this that parents are obliged to help their own child survive this moment of life by massaging the tummy.

The crying and crying of the baby, refusal to eat, regurgitation, etc. speak of colic.

This is due to the fact that the gastrointestinal tract is not quite accustomed to our world, because before that the child lived in his mother's stomach. The enzyme system in a small child is not initially developed to the end , That's why it needs time to fully develop , which leads to problems with the digestion of food. This leads to a fermentation process starts in the child's stomach, which causes gas . It is they who deliver discomfort to the baby, which is commonly called colic.

Parents should not worry if their child has colic It's a pretty common problem among kids. It usually lasts up to 3 months . To understand that a newborn has colic, it is worth watching him.

Signs that indicate abdominal pain:

  • screaming and groaning;
  • refusal to eat or shouting while eating;
  • regular regurgitation;
  • frequent belching;
  • vomiting and masses.

But do not immediately take pills if these symptoms are found in a child. For starters, do special exercises tummy of a baby who is experiencing colic. Doctors advise to start doing them as early as possible, but make sure that the umbilical wound has healed. All exercises must be done must be clockwise, it is absolutely impossible to do them counterclockwise.

So, how do you still massage a newborn with colic?

Let's go directly to the instructions.

Tummy massage for a newborn with colic: instructions on how to do it

This massage consists of exercises that are aimed at massaging the abdominals.

Now you know how to properly massage a newborn's tummy with colic. All the exercises that have been discussed in this article, it is advisable to do after a heating pad. But be careful not to burn the baby's delicate skin.

It is worth remembering that massage will not help if the child is malnourished. Therefore, if the exercises do not give the desired effect, think about whether the baby is feeding correctly. The best position for feeding is the upright position of the baby. In this situation, the air does not linger in the tummy and immediately leaves the stomach. After feeding, a very important part is that the baby should be put on the barrel.

By the way, many doctors advise putting the newborn on the tummy as much as possible, so the gaziki do not linger in the stomach and easily exit it.

As you can see, it is very important for new parents to know how to massage the tummy of a newborn with colic.

Learn this so that the baby always pleases you with a smile and a good mood!

How to help baby with colic

For the first two weeks of life, babies eat and sleep almost all the time. Mom gets used to this behavior of the child and calms down, adapts to his rhythm of life. But suddenly during this period the child changes dramatically. More recently, the baby was calm, and now he screams a lot and nothing can calm him down. Mom is scared and does not know how to calm the baby. You already know how to massage the tummy of a newborn with colic, and now let's talk about other beneficial actions that can save a child from colic.

Colic a child is a nightmare for his parents. They begin suddenly 10 to 20 days after birth and continue until 3 months of age , in rare cases it can be longer. There is still no exact answer why they occur. Here are a few reasons why colic may occur:

  • Non-compliance with the rules for attaching a child to the breast and as a result, air is swallowed.
  • Mom's poor diet. Eating foods that cause bloating (cabbage, grapes, black bread, corn, spicy seasonings, tomatoes, milk).
  • Overfeeding a child.
  • Mom's bad habits(smoking, alcohol).

So, colic is abdominal pain associated with increased gas formation, due to the imperfection of the digestive system.

Many newly-made mothers are also concerned about the issue of weight gain for babies by months. The table and all information on this topic can be found at the following link.

To avoid colic and constipation in a baby, a nursing mother should monitor her diet.


  • severe anxiety and crying of a child who cannot be calmed for hours;
  • the baby twists its legs or presses them to the stomach;
  • crying, in most cases, begins in the evening or at night;
  • the child pushes and releases gases;
  • he can refuse the breast, or take it, take a couple of sips and let it out of his mouth with a strong cry;
  • there may be constipation and gas retention.

Don't panic. Children very much feel the state of their mother, and therefore the baby's anxiety can only intensify. To start mother needs to calm down, analyze and assess the situation . Here are a few ways to eliminate colic:

  • child before feeding necessary lay on the stomach on a hard flat surface .
  • Follow the rules for attaching the baby to the breast. The position of the mother during feeding may be different, but the baby should be in the position of the stomach to the mother, and the face should be turned to the nipple . The child should take into his mouth not only the nipple, but also most of the halo, touch the chest with his chin. The nose does not overlap in any way.
  • If the child is bottle-fed, it is necessary to properly hold the bottle while feeding, at a 45 degree angle so that all the air accumulates at its bottom. Choosing the right mixture , if necessary, change it. And be sure to drink child boiled water .
  • Better to avoid overfeeding feed often but in small amounts . This will help to avoid spitting up and, as a result, swallowing air.
  • Hold baby upright , "column", after every feeding so that the air he swallowed can escape.

  • Heat helps relieve spasm and pain. Can be used warm heating pad, ironed diaper (but not hot!) or put the baby with his stomach on his stomach.
  • Need to massage the abdomen light, stroking circular movements clockwise . Fortunately, you already know the basic rules of how to massage the tummy of a newborn with colic.
  • You can drink the baby dill water or fennel tea(from 1 month of the baby's life) between feedings, but do not replace them with a full meal.
  • Infrequently can be used vent tube .
  • During an attack colic is necessary put the child on his back and lightly press his tummy with his palm .
It is necessary to massage the baby's abdomen on an empty stomach, before eating. Before the massage, it is better to warm his stomach. This can be done using a salt heating pad or a diaper folded in several layers and ironed. If you are using a heating pad, be sure to wrap it in a diaper. After that, you can proceed directly to the massage.

Warm up your own hands. It is unlikely that the baby will be pleased with the touch of your cold hands. The room should also not be cold so that the baby feels comfortable naked.

Proper massage technique

Remember that you always start the massage with light pressure, gradually strengthening them. After each pressure, it is necessary to do soothing light strokes. Thus, you are constantly alternating movements with pressure and light touches. The entire massage is best done within 5 minutes.

The baby's intestines are located in such a way that all massage movements must be carried out from left to right or clockwise. Do not press hard in the right hypochondrium of the child: the liver is located there. This organ is very delicate, so it is not necessary to massage it. But the area on the left lower abdomen of the baby can be massaged with quite a lot of effort: there is a large intestine, with pressure you will improve its work.

To begin with, fold your hand with a “house” (the inside of the palm should look at the baby) and stroke the baby’s stomach with it clockwise. Start circular movements around the navel area, gradually increasing the diameter and covering the entire surface of the abdomen. At first, the touches should be light, then with more and more pressure. Perform light strokes with the inside of the palm, and it is more convenient to do pressure with the edge of the palm. The more pressure is applied, the more relaxing effect it has on the muscles. Start and end circular massage movements with light touches.

The next movement is stroking from top to bottom. Start them with both hands from the ribs and lead your hands to the groin area. Then perform counter strokes: one hand moves down, the other up.

U-shaped massage movements are very useful. They consist in the fact that first you put your hand on the left side of the child's abdomen and stroke it from top to bottom, gradually increasing the pressure. Then lengthen the movement, starting from the right hypochondrium to the left, and then down. After that, you begin to “draw” the letter P with a massage movement: you start on the right lower abdomen, move your hand up, then to the right and then down.

After the massage

After the massage, the work of the intestines intensifies, respectively, it is easier to release gases. To help the child in this, you can press the child's knees to the stomach and hold them in this state for a while. After that, do the exercise "bike" with your feet, alternately pressing one knee or the other to his stomach. Alternate "bike" and exercise with pressed knees until you hear that the gases are moving away. If a child suffers from colic, his tummy is often distended. After massage and bending the legs, swelling is noticeably reduced, and the baby calms down.

Dress your child. Do not wrap it up too much so that it does not overheat. Then let him rest a little, for a few minutes on his stomach.

Birth and the transition from intrauterine development to independent nutrition is accompanied by a radical restructuring of all functions of the gastrointestinal tract. This is due not only to the production of digestive enzymes, but also to the increased colonization of the intestines with microorganisms that promote digestion. A side effect of symbiosis is gas formation - the main cause of colic in newborns. To enhance peristalsis, help get rid of accumulated gases, and also with constipation, massage the tummy of the newborn.

How does massage help with colic and constipation?

The body of a newborn is imperfect, many organs and systems continue to develop after birth, improving their functions. This also applies to the digestive tract. At the first stage of life, the child's body faces two tasks:

  1. build-up of smooth muscles of the intestine to ensure normal peristalsis - the movement of food from the small intestine to the large;
  2. colonization of the intestinal lumen with bacteria that help break down and assimilate food.

At the first stage, lactic acid bacteria enter the child's body from the mother during feeding. In the process of life, they form a rather large amount of carbon dioxide, which accumulates in the intestines of the baby, especially with constipation. Under its influence, the walls are stretched, which causes severe spastic pain - colic. In an adult, the problem is solved by taking adsorbents (activated carbon, Smecta, Almagel). It is difficult and unsafe to give these drugs to an infant.

The most ancient and effective way is mechanical assistance to the intestines in releasing excess gases or constipation - external massage of the tummy. It's easy to master them. Any mother can quickly and effectively help the baby cope with colic.

Rules for preparing for a massage

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The rules for preparing babies for massage are simple. The procedure must be timed to feed the child. This requirement is strictly observed, since not only the feeling of hunger is associated with the process of eating, but also the production of digestive enzymes that activate intestinal motility. The optimal time for massage is the period 10-15 minutes before feeding. Action algorithm:

Tummy massage technique for a newborn baby

The massage technique is simple. This is due to the small surface of the body of the newborn and the weakness of muscle structures that do not require significant effort. Usually massage is carried out with the fingertips. Nerve endings on the pads allow you to feel any seals in the cavity of the child's tummy - accumulated gas bubbles. It is necessary to act on the intestines gently, strictly dosing the effort so as not to hurt the child.

Massage always begins with stroking. This helps to relax the abdominal muscles and equalize the temperature of the baby's body and the massage therapist's hands.

The movements should be circular - clockwise. This is due to the anatomical features of the structure of the large intestine, in which the largest amount of gases accumulates. From the point of transition of the thin to the thick, from the caecum in an upward direction relative to the body, there is an ascending colon. At the level of the hypochondrium, it turns at an angle of 90 ° and then moves parallel to the ribs to the left - the transverse colon. Having reached the region of the left hypochondrium, it sharply, also at an angle of about 90 °, rushes down, forming the descending colon, which already in the pelvic region passes into the rectum.

Thus, the large intestine is a rectangle almost closed in contour, conditionally located along the perimeter of the projection of the abdominal wall. Food travels clockwise through the large intestine. Massage should help, not hinder her movement. All movements are circular. In the right side of the abdomen - from the bottom up, in the hypochondrium - from right to left, in the left - from top to bottom.

Massage is not the mechanical pushing of food in an infant's abdomen. No effort should be made to push or crush the accumulation of gases found in the intestines. All movements should be soft, gentle. The immersion of the fingers into the abdominal wall should not be deep.

The duration of the massage is 5-7 minutes. After that, it is necessary to let the child relax, so that intestinal motility, stimulated by massage, weakens before feeding. To do this, they simply stroke the tummy for 3-5 minutes, trying to observe circular movements, but already without any effort, without pressing the muscular abdominal wall. Stroking normalizes blood flow, soothes the baby, prepares him for feeding.

Gymnastics for colic and constipation in infants

Massage is a daily mandatory activity at home. It promotes muscle relaxation, partial mechanical assistance in the promotion of food in the intestines. However, it cannot replace physical exercises aimed at developing the infant's own muscular system, which must independently cope with the movement of food through the gastrointestinal tract. Correctly for this purpose, 1.5-2 hours after daily feeding, perform a set of exercises that strengthen the muscles of the abdominal wall. Usually children are happy to participate in such activities, perceiving them as a game.

A few simple exercises for babies up to 3 months:

Fitball exercises

An excellent sports equipment that allows you to deal with congestion in the tummy is a large rubber ball - a fitball. Exercises on it give pleasure to the baby with non-violence. Before starting classes, the ball must be washed with warm water. The rubber cools down quickly, so for the duration of the exercises it is recommended to cover it with a thick flannel diaper so that there is no contact between the baby’s body and the surface of the ball.

Various exercises are possible:

Contraindications and precautions

Not all whims of the baby in the first months of life can be caused by colic in the tummy. Not only increased gas formation causes pain and anxiety. Infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract may develop - enterocolitis, salmonellosis, dysentery - or there may be congenital anomalies in the development of the intestine, making it difficult to pass. In these cases, massage and exercise are strictly contraindicated!

Before you master the technique of massage and physical exercises with your baby, you need to make sure that he has no pathology from the internal organs. When massaging, you should not try to “push” anything inside the baby’s tummy! When doing physical exercises, one should not apply excessive efforts so as not to injure the hip and knee joints, not to dislocate the wrist joint, holding the baby by the hands. How to do massage and exercise is best learned by watching the video of the program led by E. Komarovsky.

simple manipulations with the baby's tummy, he will experience pain.

The appearance of colic in a child is accompanied by uncomfortable digestion.

The reasons for this can be varied:


Colic is manifested by pain in the abdomen, but it should be distinguished from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

The following symptoms indicate the presence of colic:

Why you need a massage for colic

Massage of the tummy with colic in a newborn is necessary to facilitate the removal of gases, as well as to calm the nervous system. The baby has not yet formed a full-fledged central nervous system. Because of this, he reacts to the slightest unpleasant stimuli.

A feeling of pressure or bloating in the abdomen makes the child hysterical. Massage allows you to:

  • Warm up the organs of the digestive system. This improves the functioning of the gallbladder and liver, so that gases are more quickly excreted.
  • Stimulate the child's appetite. With the manifestation of colic, the baby often begins to refuse food, unconsciously avoiding unpleasant consequences. Massage will awaken the desire to eat.
  • The calming effect on the nervous system will make the baby calmer during feeding. He will stop making unnecessary movements with his arms and legs, and will also suck the bottle or breast more vigorously, preventing air from entering.
  • Slow strokes on the tummy reduce the likelihood of cramps. This will prevent the occurrence of pain from colic.

Preparing for a massage

Before you start the massage, you need to perform a number of preparatory steps:

Massage step by step

Massage of the tummy with colic in a newborn is carried out in stages:

How to end a massage

To end the massage, you must follow the recommendations:

Acupressure for colic

Massage of the tummy with colic in a newborn can be done using the point method:


Massage is contraindicated in the following cases:

Gymnastics for colic and constipation in infants

Gymnastics allows the child not only to improve digestion, but also to develop the capabilities of the body. A feature of gymnastic techniques is the possibility of close contact with the mother and the expansion of horizons, as well as the development of the nervous system. Gymnastics contributes to the active growth of the child, and it can be done every morning even at the age of 1 month.

However, in the following cases, gymnastics should be abandoned:

Gymnastics should be performed when the baby is in a good mood. Exercises are performed on a hard surface, such as a changing table. Exercises are repeated 2-3 times, and their total duration should not exceed 10 minutes.

Exercise #1 Exercise #2 Exercise #3 Exercise number 4 Exercise number 5
The child should be placed on the stomach. It is required to clasp the child's feet with your hands, pressing on the soles. His response will be a leap forward.The child must be placed on his back. His left leg should be bent at the knee and brought behind the right. Then attach your legs to your stomach and back. Repeat the same with the right leg.The child should be placed on its back. It is necessary to hold it by the hands, pulling it up. In this case, the legs of the child should also be directed upwards.The child should be held vertically above the table by the chest. When lowering onto the table, he will make repulsive movements with his legs.The child must be placed on his back. With your right hand, you need to take his right hand, and then turn the baby from his back to his stomach.

Exercises for colic for newborns on a fitball

Classes on the fitball serve as a prevention of colic and a way to eliminate pain. A feature of this technique is a positive effect on the muscles. They are strengthened, while muscle hypertonicity is eliminated. The child receives a charge of positive emotions and energy.

This technique is contraindicated in certain conditions:

The duration of the gymnastics is about 10 minutes. You can carry out exercises daily, if the baby is not naughty and does not refuse to perform them. During the exercises of the child, you can not pull and apply force.

Massaging the tummy with colic is not the only way to deal with pain.

  • Teach your baby to use a pacifier.
  • Observe the norms and regimen of feeding.
  • Observe the temperature standards in the room where the baby is located.
  • Do not abuse medicines for gas formation in the intestines.
  • Nursing mothers should exclude caffeine and dairy products from the diet.
  • The problem can be solved by replacing the formula on artificial feeding.
  • In severe cases, a gas outlet tube should be used.

There is no universal remedy for colic in a newborn. However, massage of the tummy with the appearance of unpleasant symptoms serves as a prevention of pain and spasms.

Article formatting: Vladimir the Great

Video about tummy massage with colic

Massage for colic in children:

One of the urgent problems in the first months of a baby's life is intestinal colic. Even healthy children with good developmental indicators and normal appetite can suffer from them. Both for the newborn and for his parents, this becomes a real test. A lot of medications and folk remedies are aimed at alleviating the condition. An effective method to combat colic is a special massage. When performed correctly, it helps to release gases naturally and alleviate unpleasant symptoms.

What is intestinal colic

Intestinal colic in newborns is considered to be abdominal pain caused by spasms of the intestinal walls due to increased gas formation.

It is very simple to determine this state of the child:

  • the baby begins to suddenly burst into tears, knock his legs, tighten them;
  • the skin turns red due to excessive strain;
  • the tummy becomes swollen and hard to the touch, you can hear a strong “rumbling” inside in the intestinal area;
  • there is regular profuse regurgitation and belching.

According to medical statistics, more than 70% of all infants suffer from this disorder of the gastrointestinal tract. This is a fairly high figure.

Intestinal colic appears at about 3 weeks of age, lasts a total of 3 hours a day, disturbs up to 3 months

Experts have identified some trends in the occurrence of colic and combined them into the "rule of three":

  1. The problem makes itself felt at about 3 weeks of age. It is up to this point that the baby's body is under the favorable influence of maternal hormones, the action of which gradually weakens, making it possible to build up its own strength to digest food.
  2. Intestinal spasms last a total of about 3 hours a day.
  3. Colic continues to bother up to 3 months. Around this period, the digestive system fully adapts to a new type of extrauterine nutrition.

The disorder occurs in newborns regardless of developmental indicators, gender and other characteristics. Despite the high prevalence of the problem, the factors of its occurrence are not fully understood. The following are the most likely causes of colic in babies:

  1. First of all, this is the immaturity of the food digestion system. The imperfection of the absorption process in the intestine leads to an excessive accumulation of gases, that is, flatulence. As a result of such accumulations, pressure on the muscular wall of the organ increases, as a result of which intestinal spasm occurs.
  2. Not fully formed functionality of the department of the nervous system that regulates the performance of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Incomplete enzymatic composition in the intestine leads to a delay in the breakdown of milk protein. This reason is relevant when overfeeding.
  4. Constant constipation.
  5. Irrational nutrition of a nursing parent - inclusion in the menu of products that cause increased formation of gases.
  6. Aerophagia - swallowing air during feeding. It occurs due to improper grasping of the mother's nipple or an unsuitable bottle nipple, as well as if the baby sucks at a fast pace. Air can accumulate in the digestive tract of a child if he is not given the opportunity to burp after eating.
  7. The technology for preparing the mixture during artificial feeding is violated.
  8. Weak abdominal muscles.

Thus, a careful approach to nutrition in early life plays a big role in preventing the appearance of intestinal disorders in a newborn. Parents must follow all the rules for artificial feeding, and when the baby consumes breast milk, mom should follow a diet.

Dr. Komarovsky about colic in babies (video)

Massage against unpleasant symptoms

Massage of the abdomen helps in the formation of the proper functioning of the digestive tract. Experts recommend starting to do it long before the onset of such a problem as colic, for the purpose of prevention.

Be careful! You can start the massage only after the complete healing of the umbilical wound.

Massage from colic has several features:

  • has a relaxing effect. It intensifies if the mother does the massage, since direct contact with her is important for the newborn;
  • actively stimulates the efficiency of the intestinal system;
  • with the right technique, it contributes to the gentle discharge of accumulated gases. It is important both to relieve the symptoms of colic, and to prevent them.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account some nuances that directly affect the effectiveness of the event:

  • it is necessary to do massage in a certain order - the execution technique comes first;
  • the procedure should be performed before each feeding (up to 6 times per day), as well as on the eve of a night's sleep;
  • massage movements should be combined with affectionate words or songs.


Before performing a massage, you must familiarize yourself with the following rules:

  • before starting manipulations, the parent must treat with an antiseptic and warm their hands (for example, under running hot water);
  • in the room where the baby will be, it should be warm - at least 24 ° C;
  • a solid surface is ideal for the procedure, for example, a table covered with a thin blanket, or a hard sofa;
  • A great idea would be a massage in warm water. At the same time, be careful and do not pour a lot of water into the bath;
  • to achieve the best effect, massage is done on a naked body;
  • the child should be undressed and put on a clean diaper. It is important to consider that after the procedure, most likely, a bowel movement will occur. Therefore, the presence of a diaper is allowed;
  • in preparation, you can put a heated diaper on the baby's tummy. The heat helps to relax the muscles, which makes sense for colic. Keep it only a couple of minutes;
  • the use of any additional massage products (for example, oils) is not welcome, as they can cause an allergic reaction;
  • before the procedure, the child must be held in an upright position for some time to remove excess air from the stomach and prevent regurgitation during the massage.

Massage for colic lasts from 5 to 7 minutes, and this is quite enough.

Execution technique

The main massage techniques are stroking and pinching with light pressure. They are due to anatomical features.

Such movements provoke accumulations of excess gases to leave the intestines naturally, and also help the digestive process.

If the manipulations are performed in water, then stroking will become the main element, since it will be problematic to perform other techniques. The main thing that all parents need to remember is that all movements are performed strictly clockwise.

Massage technique used to relieve the symptoms of colic in newborn babies:

  1. You should start by stroking the tummy in a clockwise direction, going around the navel.

    Light strokes achieve relaxation and preparation for further actions.

  2. The next element is to draw the letter P in the abdomen and hypochondria.
  3. Lay the baby on your stomach, bend the baby's legs at the knees. Make light strokes, first from top to bottom, and then from the tummy to the back over the bones of the pelvis. This position creates a special pressure on the intestines and promotes defecation.

    The position on the stomach and slight pressure help to reduce unpleasant symptoms.

  4. Turn the child back on his back and perform the "house" element - put your palms behind the back, slightly lifting the baby, and make covering movements along the oblique muscles of the tummy. Finish by joining hands at the navel.

    Massaging the oblique muscles of the abdomen improves digestion

  5. The “mill” element consists in stroking across the abdomen with a slight pressure with the fingers on the middle of the sides. Can be replaced by pinching around the navel.

    "Mill" is an effective exercise that helps eliminate colic and is preventive for umbilical hernia

  6. The bicycle element helps to expel accumulated gases and strengthens the abdominal muscles. To perform, you need to alternately, and then bend at the knees together and press the legs to the chest.

    "Bicycle" accelerates the passage of gases and strengthens the abdominal muscles

  7. "Folding" - gently pull the legs towards the head. This puts pressure on the intestines, and the anal sphincter relaxes. Reception promotes the release of gases.

    "Folding" contributes to the final removal of gases from the intestines through the pressure exerted on it

  8. If there is a fitball, then you can put the baby on the ball with your stomach and, holding it, roll it for 2 minutes.

Fitball helps both relieve colic and strengthen the muscles of the abdomen and back

For older children (after 3 months), rubbing the abdomen is added to the above technique. The complex includes the following methods:

  • child in the supine position. The parent with the base of the brush begins to make circular rubbing movements around the perimeter;
  • rub the oblique muscles with the pads of your fingers in the direction of the navel.

It is important to know! Such manipulations are prohibited in the liver area, that is, in the right hypochondrium.

Each element is enough to perform 5-6 times so as not to cause additional discomfort to the child.

How to massage a newborn (video)

What preparations can be added to massage?

In the fight against colic, many methods are effective. Massage is often combined with medications to help cope with the problem. Here are the most popular ones:

  1. Plantex. Preparation based on fennel extract. It is an analogue of the well-known "dill water". It is produced in the form of a powder, after dilution of which a tea that is pleasant for the baby is obtained.
  2. BabyCalm. 100% natural product made from a blend of essential oils. Very convenient to use. It can be given for pain attacks. BabyCalm quickly soothes the intestines, helping to expel gas accumulations.
  3. Espumizan. A common drug based on Simection. Sold in the form of an emulsion. Once in the gastrointestinal tract, it destroys air bubbles, thereby reducing gas formation.
  4. Sub Simplex. Medicine based on the same simection. It has a pronounced carminative effect, that is, it destroys air accumulations in the intestines.

If massage gives a good effect, the use of drugs is simply useless.

Medicines for colic (gallery)

Sub Simplex Espumizan
Babykalm Plantex

Contraindications and possible replacement options

If the baby has the following symptoms, then refuse the massage:

  • general lethargy and pallor of the skin;
  • increased body temperature of the baby;
  • asymmetric bloating;
  • bloody discharge from the anus and / or the presence of blood elements in the stool;
  • lack of bowel movements for a long time (several days).

If the massage from colic was ineffective or the baby has contraindications, then use other remedies that save you from colic.

Massage is an effective, safe and affordable remedy that alleviates the condition and prevents colic in a newborn baby. Each adult can easily master the massaging technique and independently help his child cope with a disturbing illness. Health to you and your baby!