How to dye your hair brown from dark hair. How to dye your hair from dark to light. Methods for repainting in a light tone

Women are fickle natures, especially when it comes to appearance: having barely finished the difficult struggle for light strands, the ladies may suddenly want to return their natural dark blond again and dye their hair from light to dark.

It would seem that nothing could be simpler: I bought paint a few tones darker - you are a brunette again.

But practice proves the opposite: it is not so easy to qualitatively repaint light curls in a dark color.

You will learn about all the tricks and nuances associated with recoloring blondes from this article.

Let's start with a word of caution: Before dyeing your blonde hair dark, think thrice if you really need it.

No, the procedure is not complicated, it can be carried out even at home. But the problem is that after staining it will be very difficult to achieve a light tone again.

Moreover, it can cost the health of the hair, because the brighteners that you have to use dry the strands a lot.

In addition, before repainting the curls in a dark color, ask others, and even better a professional stylist, if such a transformation will suit you.

So, you can dream about a hairstyle for a long time, as in the photo of your favorite actress, not realizing that in reality the color, as in this photo, does not suit you. If you recklessly darken your hair, then you can regret it for a long time.

For fair-haired girls who want to change their image, stylists advise not to dye all the curls at once, because you can change the color gradually.

So, today there are various coloring options (bronding, balayage, ombre) that will help with this.

If you still firmly stand your ground and are determined to get a solid dark color, here are some tips for you.

If you are blonde or your hair is light blond, and at the same time your color type is "Summer" or "Autumn", try to choose a paint that will definitely have the same warm tones or gold.

In this case, the color of the strands will be in harmony with the color of your skin.

If you are a winter girl, even dark tones should be "with a touch of ash." For girls with the “Spring” color type, both the first and second options may suit, but you need to pay attention to the color of the eyes.

Also, when choosing a dark color(s) for coloring, think about how this color will be combined with the length of your hairstyle.

If the haircut is short, it is better to use one hair color, but if the curls are long and the hairstyle is graduated, the image can be made even more interesting by dyeing the hair in several colors (pay attention to the photo of light curls with coloring).

Stages of the procedure - recolor blond hair

At first glance, it seems that making light strands darker is very easy. However, this is not quite true. The procedure for changing color requires careful preparation.

You can, of course, rely on intuition and luck. However, Lady Luck can change.

When you have already made a clear decision to recolor the curls and have chosen a specific color, you can begin to prepare.

You need to find:

  • quality wash,
  • a pack of paint of the color you intend to receive;
  • intermediate color paint (something between what is now and the desired color);
  • brush, container for diluting paint;
  • a towel or unwanted clothing to cover your shoulders;
  • cosmetic oil and cotton pads to treat the skin under the hairline.

So that the new color does not turn out to be “spotty” and does not bring unexpected surprises, even blond hair before a cardinal repainting, stylists advise, should be treated with a wash - this will remove all unnecessary shades and be safe from disappointment with the future color.

For example, if you want to go from a platinum blonde to a burning brunette, you can dye your hair blonde or chestnut after treating your hair with a wash.

To do this, you can use ammonia-free paint. Coloring may not turn out to be monophonic or give a greenish tint, but even in this case you should not be upset, because after a while you will be able to even out the color.

And finally, the most crucial moment - we dye our hair black. It is best to have someone help you at this stage (the ideal option is to invite a professional hairdresser or go to a salon).

As practice shows, it is almost impossible to color the curls from behind on your own, especially when it comes to a cardinal change in color.

If you still decide to act on your own, carefully read the instructions for use, which is attached to each paint.

For example, some paints should be applied to wet hair, while others should be applied to dry. The retention time of different paints is also different: from half an hour to 50 minutes.

It is necessary to strictly follow the instructions - these are fundamental points.

After staining, you should definitely use a conditioner balm or a nourishing mask, because even the most gentle paints dry out curls.

By the way, balms and hair masks should be used in the future. In this case, it is advisable to buy special care products specifically for dyed hair.

What other points are worth considering?

It is not necessary to wash your hair immediately before dyeing it. It is desirable that the interval between shampooing and changing the color of the curls is at least a day.

However, if there are a large number of different styling products on the hair (all kinds of gels, mousses, foams), they, of course, must be washed.

You should not use a balm or a greasy mask before painting.

After the time specified in the instructions, the paint should be washed off with ordinary running water without shampoo, because hair washing products, especially sulfate-containing ones, strongly wash out the coloring pigment.

There is no definite answer to the question of how long the paint will last and how long the deep color will last.

It depends on the quality of the paint itself (from the manufacturer, the content of ammonia in the paint, etc.), as well as the frequency of hair washing.

Accordingly, the more often you wash your hair, the sooner the color will change. The color will become paler in the case of regular visits to the pool, swimming in the sea and being in the sun.

In order not to stain the skin on the forehead and behind the ears during the dyeing of the strands, before dyeing, these places must be treated with any cosmetic oil or greasy cream.

It is necessary to work with gloves so as not to stain the skin of the hands. It is also better to cover the shoulders and neck during the procedure with something so as not to stain the clothes.

It is advisable to pamper the curls after recoloring the hair for a month or two. First of all, give them a break from the harmful chemical effects: do not use any paint, and also minimize the use of styling products.

It is also not advisable to dry the dyed strands with a hot hairdryer, use curling irons and hair irons - under the influence of high temperatures, the already weakened curls dry out very quickly and begin to break.

And, of course, it is worth doing good masks to nourish the strands. So, you can use purchased products (for example, masks and serums from Loreal, Schwarzkopf) or folk.

Homemade masks, which include cosmetic oils, honey, fermented milk products, have a very good effect on hair.

An indispensable tool in restoring the beauty of curls are decoctions of herbs.

For dry, weakened hair after dyeing, herbs such as: nettle, sage, yarrow, chamomile, hop cones are best suited.

You can even dye your hair from light to dark at home.

In order for the final result to please, you need to try: firstly, to choose the right tone, and secondly, take your time and work in several stages.

It is also important to carefully treat and properly care for dyed hair - then your hairstyle will be on top.

The decision to change the image is often accompanied by a radical change in hairstyle, and now yesterday's brunette becomes a blonde. However, in order for this step to bring only positive moments to life, and not become an unexpected problem, dyeing dark hair in a light color must be taken seriously.

What is the danger of cardinal lightening of black hair

There are many ways in which you can get a light color on dark hair. However, the incorrect, thoughtless use of dyes greatly harms the hair and scalp: the hair becomes dull and lifeless, brittle tips appear, strands resemble bundles of straw. To avoid such disastrous consequences, select a dye based on the condition of the hair, their type and structure, and also follow the lightening procedure.

There are quite aggressive brightening products on sale that can turn a brunette into a blonde in one application and solve the problem of a radical change in the image. But having decided on such a dramatic transformation, you should know that in the end you can get not only blond hair, but also completely burned strands. You can try to use this option with caution when you want to lighten the very ends of dark hair. In this case, they can always be cut off.

How to lighten hair at home

In the presence of dark hair not of a natural color, but obtained as a result of coloring, it is optimal to use a wash to achieve a light shade. The wash works on dark colored hair and will do less damage to the hair than bleaching, especially when performed by a professional hairdresser.

At home, the dark color from the hair can be washed off with a special tool or use improvised options: kefir, beer. Use an industrial wash from the store strictly according to the instructions, the wash quickly gives the maximum effect in removing dark paint, but its active ingredients are not safe for hair. Folk remedies will have to be used longer to remove the dark color, but the hair becomes strong, their structure improves. Rinse your curls with kefir or beer 1-2 hours before washing your hair. Depending on the type of dye on the hair, the dark color disappears in 1-1.5 months.

As a wash, you can use the so-called grandmother's recipe. Take 150 grams of chamomile, pour a glass of boiling water, strain after 2 hours and dilute the decoction with 60 grams of glycerin. Apply the resulting composition to the hair and keep under the film for 2 hours, then rinse and rinse the hair thoroughly. After washing off the dark paint, if the natural shade does not suit you and you want even lighter curls, proceed to dye your hair blond.

Gentle hair lightening option

If necessary, to get a hair color 1-2 tones lighter than a natural strand, you can immediately dye it with paint without prior bleaching. This option is safer for hair. Painting is performed repeatedly, 1 time in 3 weeks. In this case, the hair is dyed with paint a couple of tones lighter. Please note that the paint is the same palette as the desired color. The result of coloring will be visible after 3 or 4 times, so the desired shade can be obtained after 3 or 4 months.

If you have highlights on dark hair, then you can become lighter using folk remedies. To do this, after each hair wash, rinse them with a decoction of chamomile officinalis. Repeat this procedure regularly for 1-2 months. To achieve the result faster, mix chamomile and nettle in equal proportions and prepare a decoction for rinsing. Using this method, dark hair does not brighten much and not quickly, but the curls do not deteriorate, but rather strengthen, look healthy and shiny. Not only highlighted, but also light blond strands brighten very well.

How to safely bleach black hair

If you want to lighten your hair by more than 1-2 tones, you will have to remove your natural pigment by bleaching your hair. Therefore, it will be necessary to radically repaint dark hair white in two stages: first, the hair is bleached, and then it is dyed in the desired shade. It is also advisable to entrust this difficult procedure to professionals so as not to get completely spoiled curls or an unwanted shade of hair.

If it is impossible to visit a hairdresser, you can turn from a brunette into a blonde on your own. Purchase paint of the desired color and brightener. Study the instructions for both products and strictly follow them during the repainting process. Protect your hands with rubber gloves, and lubricate the skin of the face at the border of the hair with petroleum jelly.

Apply the clarifier prepared according to the instructions on the hair so that there are no unpainted areas left. Treat the roots first, then the ends. It would be nice if someone could help you. Keep the remedy for the allotted time.

Don't try to keep the highlighter longer for more effect, even if it seems like it would be better. You risk burning your hair. Similarly, you should not use too aggressive preparations that brighten 8 tones at once, the result will be unpredictable. For safe coloring, products that make curls 3-4 tones lighter are suitable. If such clarification is not enough, you will have to do this procedure again in 1-2 weeks.

After obtaining a sufficiently light background, it is the turn of applying paint. But before the next exposure to active chemicals, the hair and scalp need to rest again. Wait about 2 weeks for the scalp and hair structure to recover a bit. During this period, treat your head every day with special nourishing balms and masks.

Prepare the coloring composition strictly according to the instructions and apply it on the head using a brush and a rare wooden comb. Treat hair from the tips, moving to the roots, as evenly as possible. Soak the product for the prescribed time and wash your hair with a restorative shampoo. Blot your hair with a towel and dry it without a hair dryer. Bleached hair requires extra care. Nourish them regularly with masks, oils and balms, do without hair dryers, curling irons and other negatively affecting devices.

Comment on the article "How to dye dark hair blonde"

How to dye dark hair blonde. Girls, with my hair coloring is it worth it. Coloring - dyeing the entire mass of hair with strands of different colors. Balayazh - lightening or changing the color of only the ends of the hair.

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Do you remember that hair grows? In two weeks, black roots will break through. Because no matter what the color is, when the hair is bleached, it will discolor the skin and look Thank you, but depilation is not needed, the hair is already thin and sparse. It needs lighting.

Section: Hair care (lightened hair splits). Overdried hair after bleaching and split ends. Split and dried hair can be cut with "hot scissors". How to restore lifeless hair at home.

Black hair care. Recently, for the first time in my life, I dyed my hair, became a brunette. What color do brunettes dye their hair? How to dye dark hair blonde. ++ What to do with gray hair brunette.

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I've been wanting to dye my hair light brown for a long time. Without lightening with my hair, this is impossible. At the hairdresser’s for me now. And it’s impatient right now :) Therefore, I’m interested in the experienced ones, what paint-clarifier can this be done at home?

Fine sparse hair. Hair care. Fashion and beauty. And with your hair, you can experiment with paint. But for the author with henna-based paints, the main thing is not to paint in contrasting skin colors, black / dark chocolate, they emphasize sparse hair.

I want to change my hair color.... Hair care. Fashion and beauty. You need a banal decapage to wash off the paint and a restorative hair mask. Re-coloring is best done a little later, so that the hair is not completely killed.

How to dye dark hair blonde. If you have highlights on dark hair, then you can become lighter using folk remedies. for several years I have been dyeing my hair in a lighter color, my usual light brown, thin Colored And at home to her ...

Do not wash your child's hair more than once a week. The sun's rays dry your hair, so do not forget about panama, how to care for dry hair. How to dye dark hair blonde. pumkin. How to lighten hair at home.

Lighten your son's hair? :). - get-togethers. Child from 3 to 7. Education, nutrition, daily routine, attending a kindergarten and relationships with caregivers, illnesses and physical development of a child from 3 to 7 years.

How to revive hair? I have been bleaching my hair for 15 years already. I am naturally dark (not a burning brunette, but dark hair). I really don’t want dark, I would like some kind of highlighting, but not complete discoloration / lightening to blond.

How to dye your own hair at home. How to dye growing roots to p. Hair care. At home, it is difficult to do this yourself. And in salons, when dyeing in a light color, a dark color is applied to the roots, but lighter than their own ...

I dyed it with henna, but my hair is probably too light, so it turned out to be a very red color. Probably the texture is also similar. The hair is thick but rather thin. In registration, the hair is dyed chemically. paint one tone darker than your own color.

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After lightening, there are few pigments left in the hair, so before applying the desired color, the hair should: 1. wash your hair and apply a large amount of treatment, after that the hair can be dyed with Elumen Goldwell paint, but this is only in the salon.

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Black hair color is bright, adds contrast to the appearance. But constantly wearing it is boring and tiring. Lighter shades have the ability to constantly change the direction of the color: golden, pearl, etc., but with a dark color you can’t really clear up. A very dark, blue-black color is so dense that it is impossible to get even some color shades on them without.

Another common situation when staining with household dyes (for example, Palette, Garnier, Syoss, etc.) in chocolate, chestnut tones, the color gradually becomes almost black along the length and tips. This is because when dyeing the roots, the dye is applied to the roots and stretched along the length, or simply applied to the entire head. Therefore, the pigment of the paint falls on the tips and length more often, each time it is rammed into the hair and accumulates, making the hair darker and darker.

In addition, household dyes are made universal so that they suit any buyer, so they contain a lot of pigment. And because of the strong pigmentation, household dyes are very difficult to remove from the hair.

Professional dyes contain less pigment, as it is assumed that the master creates an individual mixture of dyes for each client.

Getting out of black is always a laborious, step-by-step and long process, often stretching for several months.

Without harm to the hair, it will not work to remove the black color, the quality of the hair will definitely suffer. You can only minimize the harm by proper procedures and further care.


In order to get out of black hair, there are 2 ways: acid wash and bleaching.

Black wash

Mechanism of action of acid wash

An acid wash does not lighten the hair, but only breaks the bonds in the cosmetic color molecule into small components, which are washed out with a highly alkaline deep cleaning shampoo and plenty of hot water. This procedure can be carried out up to 5-7 times, depending on the brand of wash.

The wash works with a color molecule formed during permanent staining, therefore it is not intended for tinting dyes, direct action, vegetable (henna, basma), although sometimes it gives results.

Washing black is a very long procedure, so you need to be patient. With a very dense color "clogged" with a dark pigment, the procedure may not lead to the desired result. The pigment will become smaller, but not enough for the result to become visible.

Very important! The wash mixture cannot be applied to the scalp, so it is advisable to wait until 1 cm of your hair grows back.

How to carry out the procedure

Some nuances in terms of time and quantity may differ for different manufacturers (be sure to read the instructions!), But the principle and steps are the same for everyone.

The procedure is carried out in 2 stages: washing out the pigment and neutralization.

Step 1. Washing out the pigment:

  1. Mix emulsions 1 (reducing agent) and 2 (catalyst) in a non-metallic container in a ratio of 1 to 1.
  2. Apply the mixture, retreating 1 cm from the scalp. Wear a plastic cap and warm with a towel. Keeping it for 20 minutes does not make sense anymore, because. the pigment is no longer destroyed, and the mixture injures the hair.
  3. Rinse hair for 5 minutes with hot water, then apply deep cleansing shampoo and rinse well with hot water and so on 5 times. Thus, small parts of the color molecule are washed out, the bonds in which the composition of the emulsions destroyed.
  4. Pat dry with a towel.

It is rare that one such procedure is enough for black color, usually the color only slightly brightened from one time. We repeat this procedure a few more times.

It happens that the color returns to the original dark. This is because not enough pigment has washed out and the remaining parts can still form a color molecule.

You can check how much the pigment has washed out by applying a neutralizer to a couple of test strands. If they are very dark, then you need to do step 1 again.

Step 2. Neutralization

This step is necessary in order to:

  1. bring the remaining parts of the dye into an inactive form;
  2. completely deactivate the wash substances.

Deactivation is especially important if further staining is planned after washing, because. the reducing agent will destroy the color molecules of the new staining.

If it was not possible to achieve an exit from black for all the possible number of washes, then it is necessary to repeat all the procedures again after 2-4 weeks. In the meantime, tone your hair in a neutral shade and be sure to do hair restoration procedures (masks, body wraps).

Staining after washing black

After neutralization, you can proceed to staining. For different manufacturers of the wash, the time after which the next staining can be carried out is different, for example, you can paint after Estel's "Color off" wash after 40 minutes.

An important rule for staining after washing: you need to take the dye 1 level higher (lighter) than the selected tone and increase the percentage of oxide (6% instead of 3%, 9% instead of 6%, etc.).


Advantages and disadvantages:

Wash Benefits:

  • Less damage to hair than bleaching;
  • The liquid consistency of the mixture is better applied to the hair, makes less stains than the bleaching procedure.


  • Terrible smell of rotten eggs;
  • It takes a huge amount of time to wash off the black color (3-6 hours at a time);
  • After all that has been experienced for washes, the result may not be noticeable, or the color may return to close to the original.

Black discoloration

Hair bleaching differs from washing in that, due to the high alkali content in the mixture of powder and oxide, artificial and natural pigment is removed from the hair. This is a more traumatic, but effective option to get away from black.

There are several bleaching schemes, we will consider 1 of them: a simple one that can be applied at home, and a more complex one that requires professionalism and quick application of the product.

What you need:

  • Powder for bleaching (blonde, powder, supra - these are all names of bleaching products)
  • Oxide - 6% for an easy scheme and 3%, 6% and 9% for a complex one.
  • non-metallic container
  • tassel
  • Disposable wipes or towels
  • Gloves
  • Shampoo (preferably deep cleaning)
  • Balm or hair conditioner.


We divide the head into 4 parts with a central parting and from ear to ear. If the black color is evenly colored, then you need to start from the zones on the back of the head, rising with thin strands from the bottom up. But it often happens with home staining, the areas near the face are better painted over, and the back of the head is less dark. Then you need to start with the darkest strands.

Powder application:

With any scheme for bleaching dark hair, you must follow the rules for applying the mixture:

  • The strands should be covered with the bleaching mixture evenly and abundantly, should be "bathed" in the powder. Because where there was less or no powder, there will be a dark spot.
  • For uniform application, it is necessary to take small strands of 1-2.5 cm, depending on the thickness of the hair. The thicker the hair, the smaller the strands.
  • Try to apply quickly so that the exposure time is the same. If it does not work, then rinse off in parts.
  • Dilute small portions of the powder (30-40 g), because. it oxidizes quickly in a bowl.

Universal scheme:

  • Stir the powder with 6% oxide in a ratio of 1 to 2m;
  • We retreat 1 cm from the roots, apply liberally and evenly on the strands;
  • After applying to the strands, wait 5-10 minutes and apply to the roots. They lighten well, so the contact time of the mixture with the scalp should be minimal.
  • The exposure time is 30-40 minutes, maximum 50. If the application time of the zones varies greatly, wash off the first ones first.
  • Rinse well with shampoo several times, apply balm.

If the hair is dense, of good quality, then after drying, you can repeat 1 more time for the darkest areas or for the entire length.

But if the hair is badly damaged, then the exit from black should be divided into several stages with an interval of 3-4 weeks, during which you need to actively do restorative masks and care.

Scheme 2:

Separation of hair, as in the first version.

  • Stir the powder with 3% oxide in a ratio of 1 to 2.
  • We retreat 1 cm from the scalp and apply to the strands.
  • After 20 minutes, with soaking (rather than tightening) movements, remove the mixture from the hair with a towel.
  • Dilute a new mixture with 6% oxide in the same proportion and apply from roots to ends.
  • After 20 minutes, remove the mixture from the hair and roots with a towel if they are already well lightened. If the roots are still dark, then leave the mixture there.
  • Dilute a new mixture with 9% oxide and apply to the length for 20 minutes. A mixture with such a large percentage of oxide cannot be applied to the roots.
  • Rinse well 2 times with shampoo, apply balm and dry.

You can repeat this procedure only after 3-4 weeks.

Coloring after bleaching

With constant staining in black, the pigment accumulates more at the ends.

The result after removing black with bleach powder is usually lighter at the roots and darker towards the ends.

Staining after bleaching is mandatory, because. due to the removal of pigment from the hair, they become empty after the procedure, because of this they are porous and lifeless.

To obtain a uniform color along the entire length, it is necessary to focus on the darkest color on the hair after bleaching when dyeing. For example, if everything is from the roots to the middle, and then red-brown, then it is necessary to dye brown.

Further care

After washing or bleaching blacks:

  1. Mandatory use of balm or conditioner after washing. After the procedures, the hair will be more porous, and the acidic environment of the balm will smooth the cuticle and make the hair smooth, thus they will be less damaged when combing.
  2. Use of regenerating, nourishing hair masks 1-2 times a week. Wash your hair, blot moisture with a towel, apply a mask, put on a cap and warm it up with a hairdryer or put on a warm towel for 10-15 minutes. Under heat, the mask will penetrate deeper into the hair.
  3. Use leave-in care: fluids, sprays, serums.

Getting out of black at home

Of course, it is better to do such a complex procedure in the salon, the master will do it faster and better due to experience and speed. But if there is no such possibility or you want to experiment yourself, then it is better to stop at an acid wash, because. in application, this procedure is easier. When washing and bleaching a black house, it's best to have someone help you apply the mixture, at least to the back of your head.

Folk remedies against black

It is impossible to wash off the black dyed hair color with folk remedies (kefir, soda, henna).

If you are a burning brunette, but you are planning to change your image, do not rush. Repainting from such a dark color is a difficult and usually lengthy process. And yet, changing the image is quite realistic if you use proven methods.

What color to repaint?

First, decide what color you want to end up with. There are several options:

  • Repainting in is the most common and easy to do option. This color will not require numerous and aggressive procedures, as it is enough to lighten black by 2-3 tones. And the yellowish tint, which many are so afraid of, is quite appropriate on the chocolate color, so no additional manipulations are needed to remove it. In addition, the tone suits almost everyone, regardless of the type of appearance.
  • . If black is your natural color, then becoming a redhead is a dream come true, since there are reddish notes in natural pigments, and this is only to your advantage. The color can vary from copper to bright red, and if you want to get an interesting and rich tone, you will have to try and contact a specialist.
  • Graphite is an original color that you should be careful with. It resembles wet asphalt or a simple pencil lead, it can be quite light or close to black. But, firstly, with an incorrectly selected shade, there is a risk of adding several years to the real age and looking old-fashioned. Secondly, getting a truly beautiful graphite is not easy.
  • Fair-haired. As a rule, an organic-looking light brown is a natural color, and its feature is the almost complete absence of yellow pigments. But it is extremely difficult for dark-haired girls to switch to such a tone, and sometimes it is simply unrealistic. Even if you manage to make your hair lighter, redness will be visible in them. You can remove it by tinting, but its effect does not last long.
  • - radical changes, but the brave women decide on them, although stylists and hairdressers strongly do not recommend doing this, and there are several reasons. The first is a very aggressive effect on curls. They will have to be lightened by 7-9 tones, and this can greatly damage the hair structure. The second reason: it is not always possible to achieve the desired tone, often it turns out to be yellow. Platinum or ash - almost a pipe dream. The third reason: a girl who has been a brunette all her life may feel uncomfortable in the image of a blonde.


So, how can you dye your hair from black to lighter? It should be noted right away that it will not be possible to get the desired result quickly, especially if the dark shade is not natural, obtained after staining with pigmented black dyes.

In any case, the hair will be lightened, and how much depends on the desired tone. So, to get chocolate or chestnut, black changes by 1-3 tones, for red - by 3-4, for light brown - by 5-6, and for blond - by 6-9. The main methods of repainting are discussed below.


Washing or pickling is a relatively gentle method of lightening, which allows, due to a not very concentrated oxidizing agent with a small percentage of acid, to slightly open the scales of the hair shafts and partially neutralize the pigments. But natural pigment substances are not completely removed: the structure becomes more rarefied and susceptible to staining, which contributes to the change in tone and its retention.

A wash is preferred for unnatural blacks. It is desirable that the procedure be carried out by an experienced master, although there are kits and tools for home decapitation on sale. Washing usually includes several stages:

  1. Washing with a specialized cleansing shampoo that removes impurities and slightly opens keratin scales.
  2. Drying hair. But they remain slightly damp.
  3. The combination of the reducing agent and the catalyst in the required proportions (prescribed in the instructions).
  4. Application of the composition and aging for the time specified in the instructions.
  5. water.


The only way to bring out the natural black color is by bleaching. There are many bleaching agents, and professionals usually use powders: they quickly destroy pigments and penetrate into the structure, speeding up the process up to 20-30 minutes. But powders are not easy to use: only a specialist can get a uniform and attractive tone.

At home, cream paints are used. The action is more gentle, it is realistic to use the funds at home due to the convenient and even distribution. Professional creams lighten curls up to 7-8 tones, but it is recommended to break the process into two stages and lighten hair with gentle formulations with a break of two weeks.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies safely lighten dark hair, but the color will change by no more than 1-2 tones. But the curls will remain healthy and, perhaps, acquire an interesting shade.

  • . You can mix it with sea salt and apply to curls for half an hour twice a day until the desired shade is obtained.
  • Lemon juice. It is aged on the hair for an hour, used for rinsing after shampooing. Procedures are carried out daily.
  • Soda. Dissolve 10 tablespoons of the powder in a glass of warm water, apply the mass to your hair, wait an hour and wash your hair.

Coloring and toning

Toning or dyeing is the final stage, that is, in any case, the hair will first have to be bleached, since the paint will not take it or it will not fall at all as we would like.

When the base is prepared, you should proceed to the choice of coloring agent. The least aggressive give shades - shampoos or tonics. But the effect of their use does not last long and disappears after 3-5 head washing procedures.

Paints are more resistant, but it is advisable to choose sparing and ammonia-free ones, since your hair is probably not in the best condition after the preparation. And another important point is the right color. It is better to choose a product 1-2 tones lighter, since the pigments in bleached or washed hair penetrate deeper, and the final shade is usually richer and darker.

The main question is how long should it take after preparation in the form of a wash or bleaching? The curls need to be given time to recover so that the scales stick together, the structure returns to its normal state. The minimum period before staining is five or seven days.

Get rid of black color gradually and competently so that your hair remains attractive and healthy!

At certain periods of life, any girl and woman wants to change. And they almost always begin with a global change in hair color. But it's one thing when a blonde wants to get a brown or chocolate shade of hair, and quite another when a brunette suddenly decides to become light brown. Getting out of black is never an easy task. And above all, the health and integrity of the hair structure is at stake.

And what, exactly, is the difficulty?

Light brown shade is especially capricious. When it needs to be achieved artificially, all the most subtle tricks of color are used. Otherwise, wanting to become a fair-haired nymph, a woman risks acquiring an ugly green tint on her curls. It is almost impossible to change your hair from brunette to blonde on your own.

Such experiments at home are fraught with complete collapse, and even significant damage to the curls themselves. Wanting to find a certain hair color, some ladies simply "burn" them with aggressive industrial dyes, jeopardizing their continued existence.

It is not uncommon for curls to simply fall off after such staining. So how do you go from black to blond, and is it even possible? Do you really have to grow your native color for a long and painful time in order to at least get closer to the blond and acquire it with minimal losses?

This is not entirely true. But it is extremely important to choose a competent and experienced specialist who can help you in your quest for radical change.

Ways of reincarnation

Any modern hairdresser will offer you several options for coloring from black to light brown. A good master knows exactly how to help you repaint from black. But here's the problem - there are very few really talented hairdressers now, and not everyone wants to evaluate individual problems before starting work. The result is an action according to a template and a fiasco as a result.

The fact is that the structure of our curls is unique, and in order to minimize its wounding, it is important to diagnose the initial condition of the hair. Even the notorious wash may not suit every woman, let alone aggressive chemical bleaching.

In addition, a good master must check with you for how long you dyed your curls in dark colors and what specific products you used at the same time. The colorist will immediately identify all the risks that await you on the path to success, and will select in advance a worthy restorative care that can help you revive your hair after the actions taken.

Let's look at the three easiest ways to go from black to blonde, and detail what risks and nuances each of them is.


Carrying out a wash is relevant only when the client is looking for an answer to the question - how to repaint in brown from black. Naturally, from one, and even two washes, you will not become a fair-haired beauty. What is a wash? This is the application of a certain composition to the hair, washing out the artificial pigment from the cortex. As a result, you are guaranteed to get a red tone, and its intensity depends on the causticity of the pigment and the duration of staining in dark colors.

This is due to the fact that the paint is washed off, but there is enough red pigment left in the hair.

Washing is always the first step on the way to lightening, but cannot replace it. If you want to become a bright brown-haired woman, you may only need her.

If you are looking for purer and lighter tones, subsequent bleaching as a final etching of dark pigment is a must.

Contrary to common misconceptions, the wash does not spoil or destroy the hair, but it can noticeably dry the ends. One way or another, it is not she who delivers the main blow to them, but the subsequent clarification.


Some hairdressers, answering the question of how to dye from black to chocolate, recommend the so-called "gradual toning".

Literally - you regularly go to the salon and paint a certain color over your own. In this case, flushing may not be carried out, but it is still better to refer to at least one procedure.

Applying a new color is not lightening, but adding additional pigment. Therefore, if you are offered coloring without lightening, know that the maximum that you will achieve is a rich coffee, chocolate or chestnut tone.

Lightening paint can slightly (by several tones) discolor only the native light brown color. And that is insignificant.

But if the paint is ammonia-free at the same time, you can really take advantage of such an offer and get out of black gradually, but without losing the quality of the curls.


This solution is the only correct one out of all three. Bleaching involves the complete etching of natural and artificial pigment from the cortex. However, along with its effectiveness, this procedure is also quite aggressive. It is traditionally and universally carried out after washing, and often immediately.

If the hairdresser has diagnosed the condition of your hair as unsatisfactory, he will recommend that you avoid washing and prepare your hair in advance for the subsequent chemical exposure. Bleaching is also relevant when you are looking for an answer to the question - how to dye your hair from black to red.

In this case, you will not have any problems at all - it will be enough to apply a neutral powder with a low-concentrated oxidizer once, and then tint the hair in any chosen shade so that it becomes uniform.

If you stubbornly strive for light shades, you will have to perform 2-3 procedures with a certain time interval. And you should prepare yourself in advance for the fact that for several months you will have to flaunt in people with a completely unsightly hair color. As a rule, to go from brunette to blonde, it takes two or three bleachings in a row to completely eliminate the pigment from the hair.

Only when your hair becomes a clean pale canvas without extraneous yellowness and redness, you can start tinting in the desired color. But even if everything turned out perfect, colorists add a special corrector to the paint - a mixton, which “extinguishes” unnecessary shades. For example, for those whose hair gives off red, a purple mixton is used. And for those who want to become an ash blonde, having a slightly rusty yellowness, a blue corrector is added to the paint.

The appearance of a green tint is almost universal for those who decide to go from reddish to blond. To "extinguish" the greenery, cherry or scarlet can be added to the tinting paint. In this case, the final shade becomes truly unique and irreproachably beautiful.

Preparation steps for washing or bleaching

Even if the master for some reason did not give you a detailed guide to action, we will help you carefully prepare for the subsequent procedure for the transition from black to light brown.

Wash your hair with deep cleansing shampoo for a week. It removes not only dust, sebum and styling residues, but also well washes out the pigment, thereby neutralizing the subsequent aggressive impact. If you don’t have the opportunity to purchase a professional product, use a regular anti-dandruff shampoo - it also does a good job.