The easiest Halloween makeup ever. Halloween makeup at home. Halloween Makeup

All Saints Day is not just a fun holiday when any child or adult can go out dressed up as a Witch or a Vampire, a Zombie or a Skeleton, a mystical black Cat or Jason Voorhees from the scary Friday the 13th series. It's time to let your imagination run wild: sew your chosen character's costume, apply realistic, spooky Halloween makeup on your face and hands, have fun and fool around with your friends. On October 31, boys, girls and even adult men and women dress up in eccentric outfits, put on false beards, put artificial “wounds” and “scars” on the body. Together with their children, also pretending to be witches and monsters, they go from house to house, knocking on people's windows and asking them to treat them to something sweet. Yes, most Russians liked these unusual traditions that came to us from the West - we don’t have enough carnivals! If you too are planning to celebrate Halloween this year, our Halloween makeup ideas are sure to come to your rescue. You will learn how to make an excellent make-up with your own hands, in familiar home conditions. Study photos, videos, pictures, master class instructions, and you will succeed!

Makeup for girls on Halloween - Makeup for All Saints Day at home

When planning to celebrate Halloween, girls can choose any character from horror films, science fiction series, popular comics. However, even a well-made hero costume will not be enough - without the appropriate makeup for a realistic image. You are unlikely to find salons where professional makeup artists offer clients makeup for All Saints Day, so everything will have to be done at home. Believe me, with the correct execution of the makeup technique, you will achieve an amazing effect. See how you can apply your own Sugar Skull makeup.

How to make Halloween makeup at home - Scary Clown Makeup Workshop for Girls

No matter how funny clowns are, some children are afraid of them for some reason. If a similar fear lives in your soul, try to draw an ever-smiling mask on your face, go outside on Halloween in such makeup, and all worries will be dispelled!

To create makeup "Scary Clown" take:

  • White, black, red paint or face painting;
  • Several brushes of different sizes;
  • sponge.

Pull your hair away from your face in a ponytail and start working on your makeup.

Light makeup for Halloween at home - Makeup photo for October 31 for girls

Halloween is loved because on this day it is not forbidden to dress up in any characters and apply the most extreme makeup. However, some girls have irritation on their skin from paint and even face painting - allergic reactions. What should they do when they want to look as unusual and original as other young people? Light make-up made at home - just a few strokes on the face - will help create a cute image of a Cat, a good Witch, a Bride, a Sorceress, a Princess.

How to Apply Easy Makeup at Home - Easy Halloween Makeup for Girls

The choice of the character in which you should reincarnate on the last October night is the main thing for the subsequent creation of a successful make-up for your unique hero. Working on some images requires the use of special materials (liquid silicone, artificial blood, skin glue) and tools (brushes, cosmetic sponges, scissors, adhesive tape). You won’t have enough time to buy them for an hour or two before the holiday itself: prepare everything you need for makeup a week before Halloween.

If your skin is too sensitive, dress up as a character for Halloween that doesn't involve bright makeup. Reincarnate as a Sorceress, Queen, Vampire, Cat. To create their images at home, costumes are more important than makeup. You can also just apply one realistic looking scar to your face.

Makeup for Halloween at home - Master class with photos for men

In ordinary life, it is extremely difficult to find a man who uses cosmetics at home. That is why young people who are going to make up as their character on Halloween often face a problem - how to do such a special make-up? Our master class with photos will help them cope with such a difficult task.

How to do makeup for a man on Halloween at home - Master class on creating the image of a Goblin with a photo

Men who decide to do Halloween makeup themselves at home can use our ideas and tips. Follow the instructions of the master class on creating the image of the Goblin.

To transform into a Goblin, take:

  • Green face painting;
  • White face paint (or light powder);
  • Green and brown shadows and eyeliner;
  • Red nail polish.

Start applying makeup:

DIY scary Halloween makeup

How to Make Halloween Makeup - Video Tutorial

To create the “right” Halloween makeup, you need to follow a few rules:

  • Apply makeup only on a clean, soapy face;
  • Cover your face with makeup only after using a protective cream;
  • If possible, avoid watercolors: use face painting.

Halloween Makeup Tutorial - Bright Makeup Video

Using the previous rules and, try to repeat all the steps shown by the wizard in the video. Please note: lipstick is best applied with a brush. Never replace face paint or face paint with a marker or ink.

Grim Cats for children on Halloween

The cat is a favorite Halloween character for children. Making a costume for a mysterious mustachioed beast is easy: just find a black turtleneck and leggings. Makeup is also applied in 10-15 minutes.

How to Apply Baby Cat Makeup - Halloween Makeup Video

The Cat costume and matching makeup make it easier than other Halloween looks. The only thing you will need to prepare in advance is a black fabric for the outfit, cosmetics (shadows, pencil and lipstick) and a ready-made headband with ears (however, you can make it yourself). The main thing in the cat's makeup is to draw a mustache, a nose and sly eyes of a murka.

Simple Children's Witch Halloween Makeup

The witch is one of the most frequently chosen images for Halloween. Here you can use your imagination with might and main and create scary sorceresses, good fairy-tale sorceresses or a cheerful little Baba Yaga: it all depends on the desire of the child and the available makeup materials. For example, it is easiest for children to transform into sorceresses - you can simply draw a couple of butterflies and flowers on your face. The scary witch's makeup will already require work with silicone - it will be needed to "age" the face and create wrinkles. See what ideas come up with makeup artists working on different images of the Witches.

How to Apply Children's Halloween Witch Makeup - Video with Examples

Children's skin is extremely sensitive, so only hypoallergenic face painting should be used to apply Halloween makeup. In addition, to create images of good Witches, makeup is practically not needed - only pretty butterflies and beautiful patterns are depicted on the face.

Video master class on creating Witch makeup for Halloween for a girl or girl

For some reason, many people often think that a witch must be not only wrinkled, but also green! Following this generally accepted judgment, the make-up artists offered several options for creating an ominous make-up for the scariest, but very mysterious sorceress.

To create such a cool make-up, you will need to purchase face painting in green, yellow, gray, white, red and black colors, brushes and cosmetic sponges. However, you can buy a complete set of skin paints - they will be useful to you on the next All Saints Day or another carnival.

If you already have experience with professional makeup, try creating both the hooked nose of an evil sorceress (don't forget about the wart!), And the protruding long chin of Baba Yaga.

Halloween Makeup for Boys - Scary Jason Mask

Jason Voorhees, the Friday the 13th killer, is easily recognized by the hockey mask covering his disfigured face. Teenage boys often ask their parents to buy them a similar mask for Halloween, but packages with orders, unfortunately, do not always arrive on time. Instead of a ready-made character costume, we offer you to temporarily transform into a serial killer from a popular horror movie and make up your face “like Jason”..

Boys who decide to "become" Jason Voorhees for Halloween have two options to create this spooky look. The first one is to make a papier-mâché mask and paint it with watercolors. The second option is to disguise yourself as an anti-hero, using face painting.

Skeleton Makeup for Halloween Guys - How to Draw Skull on Face

On Halloween, the streets of the city are filled with all sorts of evil spirits, vampires, zombies, the walking dead. On the creation of outfits for such characters and makeup, sometimes you have to work for several hours. Skull makeup is one of the easiest makeup for Halloween. Nothing but black, white and red paints or face painting is required for this.

How to Make Skull Makeup for a Halloween Skeleton Look - Tutorial for Guys

The Halloween Skeleton look will remain incomplete without the appropriate make-up. It will not be difficult to draw a skull on the face if you consistently follow the steps of this master class.

So get ready:

  • White and black face paint;
  • sponge.

To create a similar makeup, you can use the tips given in this video.

Halloween Zombie Grim for Guys

If working on a Zombie costume for a guy does not require much effort - just put on old clothes stained with dirt, earth and red paint ("blood"), then you will have to work very thoroughly on the make-up of the Walking Dead. The main thing in creating a creepy makeup will not be the application of gray and black circles under the eyes and the creation of a special hairstyle with the effect of tousled hair. Skillful infliction on the body of realistic looking terrible "bleeding" and "rotting" wounds - this is the height of the skill of a skilled make-up artist.

How to Work on Zombie Makeup for Guys - Halloween Fake Wound Workshop

It will take a lot of work to create very realistic-looking bloody wounds on Halloween Zombies. However, you won't regret your time for a minute: as soon as the rest of the guys see your amazing creepy makeup, they won't be able to contain their delight!

So, first prepare all the materials necessary for work:

  • Liquid latex or special glue for leather;
  • Artificial blood or red-brown paint;
  • Concealer;
  • Cotton buds;
  • Sponge
  • Shadows from a cosmetic set;
  • Sharp knife.

Follow all the steps of the master class in sequence.

Beard Makeup for Guys - How to Choose a Halloween Look

As October 31st approaches, most of the guys start to puzzle over which character they'd like to transform into for Halloween. There are thousands of options for looks and makeup - many of them are available in YouTube videos and in workshops published on the pages of master classes. However, how to choose the most interesting of them? Should you put on the popular All Saints Day costumes, turning into a vampire or a zombie? How to come up with an original, unlike other make-up, makeup? Perhaps the idea of ​​creating the image of the Evil Robber, Jack Sparrow, Barmaley, Chernomor from Ruslan and Lyudmila, the Lumberjack from the 19980s horror movie of the same name will appeal to you.

How to choose a character with a beard for October 31 for a guy― Master class on creating male makeup for Halloween

Today on the Internet you can buy the so-called "creped", natural hair. They can be used when creating makeup with a beard. Of course, you need to take care of the purchase at least a month before October 31, or even earlier, taking into account the time it takes to deliver the package to your post office. These beards made from real hair look like real ones. They can be used to create images of the Wizard, Astrologer, Mage, Robber, Old Man Hottabych, General, etc.

So, having chosen your character for All Saints Day, prepare the following materials and tools:

  • Crepe hair;
  • Special glue Spirit Gum for gluing artificial beards and mustaches;
  • Hair spray;
  • Baby oil for subsequent beard removal.

It will be better if an assistant - a friend or girlfriend - will help you glue the beard.

Accurately matched to the costume and correctly applied to the face and hands, Halloween makeup will help create a believable image of characters from science fiction films and horror films, cartoons or books. Such makeup can be done with your own hands - at home, working is much calmer. Girls and girls on All Saints Day can choose the make-up of a terrible Witch or a mysterious black Cat, older guys and men will want to easily transform into a maniac Jason from Friday the 13th, a Skeleton or a Skull, a Zombie or a Villain with a beard. We hope that a selection of videos and photos, master classes on creating makeup for October 31 will definitely help you!

Halloween is coming, which means it's time to prepare an outfit for the holiday and come up with variant of the original.

In what image will you appear: a terrifying vampire or a cute witch? We share creative makeup options and talk about fashion trends this year.

An article for those who want to surprise everyone in a bright way and do not consider Halloween to be “not our” holiday.

Read about how to use a face corrector in ours.

Fashion trends

Traditional female images Halloween is:

  • parody: outfits and make-up depicting characters from famous comics and popular films;
  • magical: images of witches, witches;
  • frightening: ghosts, zombies;
  • sexual: nuns, nurses.

These options do not go out of fashion and always relevant. But this year it is worth paying special attention to the characters of popular comics: Marvel, DC.

Or turn into the main characters of new films: Alice Through the Looking Glass, Interstellar, X-Men. Or change and become a witch in a long, floor-length mantle with torn edges, a train and a corset.

Suits are in fashion maids, nurses with a make-up, in which the face turns into a deathly-pale mask. Actual images of sexual she-devils: a bright make-up, a headband with horns, a corset and a red-black dress, a false tail.

Or maybe you want to be charming for one night vampire with bright red lips, "animal" lenses and false fangs.

In any case, first choose a suitable suit, and then come up with a make-up that will suit it.

What is required at home?

Ideal if you manage to find and buy professional acting makeup: the palette will contain all the necessary paint colors.

If it doesn’t work out, it doesn’t matter, you can do makeup at home with the help of improvised means.

What materials will help“draw” drops and smudges of blood on the face:

  • syrup made from sugar: you will need to add red food coloring or beetroot juice to it;
  • a weak solution of gelatin (also colored);
  • bright scarlet matte lipstick;
  • thick starch jelly with the addition of red berries (you have to strain) or food coloring.

Experiment with color: to make the "blood" bright scarlet, you only need red dye. And imitation of gore blood will help to create a mixture of red-black color.

Deadly pale skin can be portrayed with white matte shadows, white corrector, or plain starch mixed with flour.

Prepare shadows of various shades: blue and purple draw bruises under the eyes, pink and white will help draw bloodshot eyes with a veil.

All in all, prepare the whole arsenal of decorative cosmetics:, contour pencils, lipsticks, shadows, foundation, light powder. It is advisable to buy acrylic paints or special make-up compositions. They are useful for creating images of comic book heroines.

To create a simple make-up with your own hands, this will be enough. But if you plan to paint your face without leaving a “living” place on it, completely, it is still better to use special paints. Still, the skin of the face is very delicate, and inappropriate products can do great harm.

Important advice from the editor

If you want to improve the condition of your skin, special attention should be paid to the creams you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of creams of famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, because of which all the troubles on the labels are referred to as methylparaben, propylparaben, ethylparaben, E214-E219. Parabens negatively affect the skin and can also cause hormonal imbalances. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to refrain from using products containing these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of natural creams, where the first place was taken by products from Mulsan Сosmetic, a leader in the production of all-natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

Master Class

Well, now - detailed master classes. Sharing ideas on how create original Halloween makeup for girls at home. Take note of our tips: these are basic makeup options that you can adjust along the way, bringing in something of your own.


First, prep your skin. Still, even a light, but festive make-up for her is a huge stress.

Therefore, wash yourself thoroughly (you can make a peeling scrub), apply the base: moisturizing or nourishing cream, serum.

After the cream is absorbed, start creating:

  1. Even out skin tone with foundation or powder.
  2. With the help of dark gray, brown shadows brightly shape the eyes: ideal if you get a smokey eye makeup.
  3. Do not spare mascara: thickly make up your eyelashes.
  4. Then, carefully, using a black soft pencil, "draw" slanting, cat's eyes with wide thick arrows.
  5. Additionally, you can put spots on the face, shoulders, arms and decollete that imitate prints of cat's paws.

The image of a cat woman almost completed. You can also draw a mustache and nose, make up your lips with dark brown lipstick. This makeup goes well with a black leather dress. Long fake nails and a fake cat tail will help complete the look.


If you doubt your talent as a makeup artist, try to depict the simplest makeup option on your face.

Classic: a deadly poor face, bright lips, eyes without eyelashes and eyebrows.

Just cover your face with light powder, white paint or even flour. Lips on a clear contour make up with scarlet lipstick. Hide eyelashes and eyebrows with the same powder. Additionally, you can draw bruises under the eyes with gray shadows.


Terrible make-up is dripping drops of blood, scars, imitation of wounds (see photo). The complexion can be made pale, alien blue or mermaid green. Wounds, scars, cuts can not be drawn, but stick imitation stickers, which are sold in shops of "terrible" goods.

The scope for creativity is huge: our examples are basic, on the basis of which you can come up with any kind of Halloween makeup. But there is also general rules that we recommend to follow:

  1. Be sure to prepare your skin well before applying makeup.
  2. A good nourishing cream will protect your face from the harmful effects of the paint and prevent it from ingraining into the skin, so it will be easier to wash off the festive make-up later.

  3. First, it is better to evenly paint the face in the desired tone. Always relevant shades: bluish-white, silver-blue, light green. On this basis, you can then depict anything.
  4. Wash off makeup immediately after the holiday, do not go to bed with it. It is already stressful for the skin to endure this amount of paint, so do not exacerbate the problem even more.
  5. It is advisable to steam the skin well the next day so that all the dirt and paint residues come out of the pores. And then make a nourishing or cleansing mask to avoid acne.

Experiment, try choose the most suitable option for you Festive makeup for Halloween. Do not forget that the make-up should be combined with a suit and accessories. Get ready to impress everyone with your incredible look!

You can learn how to create Halloween makeup at home from the video:

The celebration of Halloween in our country is getting bigger every year. Everyone wants to look spectacular at an All Saints' Day party. Therefore, it is important to choose an image, an appropriate outfit and make a frightening Halloween makeup.

DIY Scary Halloween Makeup

The original make-up for the scariest day of the year can be done on your own, using cosmetics or aqua make-up. Below are the options that will make the girl the star of any party.

Makeup "Corpse Bride"

The image of this bright character implies the presence of an old wedding dress (preferably torn, dirty), a blue wig, a flower wreath and a veil. In addition, you need to do the appropriate Halloween makeup at home.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. A pale face is made using various means. The first is a mixture of blue shadows with white powder, and the second is a pale blue make-up. Also, do not forget about the whole body, so that the image is complete.
  2. Next - circle the eyes with purple and blue (the area around the eyebrows and under the lower eyelid). With the same shade, highlight the line of the nose, temples, cheekbones. This is done in order to emphasize thinness. Fill the eyelids with a white pencil to form huge eyes.
  3. Outline the area filled with white with black. Draw eyelashes along the outer side, highlight the nostrils. Particular attention - eyebrows. They should be thin and rather original in shape. For their clarity, eyeliner is used. Plus, you need to draw the pupils in such a way that the bride's gaze is directed upwards.
  4. Make up your lips with bright pink lipstick and attach a rich blue wig.
  5. The final touch is a golden wreath. A bright image of the cartoon heroine is ready.

Harley Quinn from Suicide Squad

Following the success of the Suicide Squad movie, this character is one of the most requested characters at Halloween parties. Harley is the crazy, merciless and charismatic girlfriend of the Joker.

Step by step makeup can be done as follows:

  1. Apply a light base on the face. With the help of shadows or paints, make accents on the eyes pink and blue, like the character's. Blend thoroughly, as if the paint had spread on the cheeks.
  2. Apply a bright red lipstick to your lips. You can add glitter on top.
  3. Highlight in a darker tone the line of the nose, cheekbones and temples. Circle the face with black paint from the forehead to the neck under the chin. At the cheeks, the line should become oblique, passing through the lower part of the cheekbones.
  4. Highlight eyebrows. Outline the lips with black, making small strokes with a brush. The same careless stripes should run along the nose, on the drawn black line of the cheekbones, next to the eyebrows. On the lower lip and upper add white.
  5. It remains to put on a spectacular memorable wig and choose the right costume.

Veburg has long been preparing its readers for the most sinister holiday. Halloween is a great occasion to dress up as Ethel Darling to remember the scariest horror movies and the most beautiful witches in the series. And also to learn how to make a terrible and bleeding makeup.

In this material, Veburg will introduce you to Wendigo makeup, the technique of creating a burn, lightning or laceration on the face, and the secrets of drawing a “sewn mouth”. All these passion-faces will instruct you in detail on the topic of hairstyles and makeup for Halloween.

Lightning on the face

The idea of ​​such makeup is not fresh, but very effective. How do you like not just a cut face, but fastened with a regular zipper? And in this unbuttoned space - blood, meat, entrails and other amenities. We think it's very nice. There are a lot of video tutorials with a detailed description of “how to fasten your face” on the Internet, but we chose this one. Because everything here is in Russian, including a description of what you need, besides, the preparation of these ingredients is shown here. Well, because the main instructor here is a child, which implies not the most difficult technique for performing this make-up. In addition, the application mechanism and the ingredients themselves can be used for any Halloween makeup. Who has enough imagination for what, as they say.

Fingers out of my head

Bloodied fingers sticking out of your head look very cool. Probably, this is some kind of demon that settled in the body of the unfortunate victim. This video explains in more detail how to make fingers, how to attach them to the head, how to decorate this whole installation and make it creepy. Too difficult, in our opinion, to make fingers. Maybe you can borrow them from a mannequin or stuff a rubber glove with cotton. But how to fix them and decorate the rest of the surroundings, you should already see in this video.

Scary toothy grin

Again, a terrible tutorial in children's performance. This time, the cute girl creates a monstrous grin on her face. The video explains quite clearly how to draw a huge mouth with teeth on your face at home. All this, of course, sprinkled with blood. In our opinion, in this, as in many other videos, everything is too complicated. We need to find somewhere liquid latex, theatrical makeup, prepare a lot of cotton pads, napkins, false nails-teeth. But it's worth it. At the Halloween party, you will be the star, your creepy image will be dreamed of by ordinary witches and vampires for a long time to come. Perhaps you can somehow improve or make it easier to work on this bow. All details are shown here and all options are provided.


Where do without them. In fact, the image of a zombie is one of the best for Halloween. Creating a robe does not require large physical or material costs. Here you can even do without make-up, enough deathly pallor and a special zombie gait. But make-up is more fun. Therefore, if you have the time and desire, be sure to do some cool decoration of your face. More precisely, "intimidation." There are a lot of videos on the Internet about how to do zombie makeup, but we chose this one. He is the scariest. Most likely, such a person will have a person burned alive. This makeup is perfect for the image of Freddy Krueger.

Mouth, nailed

It looks very creepy - small carnations tightening the mouth. You will need, as always, foundation, theatrical makeup, carnations themselves, various brushes for applying paints and shadows, false eyelashes and wax, which must be applied in a thick layer on the lips. With this, in fact, the “suturing” of the mouth with nails begins. At the beginning of the video, the girl makes a breathtaking make-up of a dead bride or any other beauty from the other world. But we are more interested in the lips. Shadows, paint, liquid eyeliner are applied to the wax, everything thickens and mixes, creating a slightly “meaty” texture. And then they stick into this whole structure, or rather into wax, small carnations or needles. The description sounds as creepy as the tutorial itself.

severed finger

A severed finger looks scary. Especially if blood is still dripping from it. To create such a scary attribute of the Halloween party, more precisely, to create the absence of a finger ... or for the lack of creation ... in general, we again need wax, which, by the way, is not necessary to buy, foundation, a small spatula, a toothpick and special liquid artificial blood. Details are important here - carefully attach the wax part to your finger, make the color of real skin and the “stump” the same, draw wrinkles and bumps. Well, then somehow accidentally put a bleeding chopped off finger on the table during the Halloween festival.

gaping wound with « meat»

A wound that looks like a burn or a large abrasion is not so much creepy as it is realistic. To create it, we need our own whole and unharmed cheek, lip pencil, nail extension gel, small spatula, dishwashing sponge, powder, makeup, eye shadow, red liquid lipstick, foundation and makeup artist talent. In fact, in these video reviews, everything looks much more complicated than it actually is. That is, it is not necessary to stretch this latex professionally or use a whole set of tools for nail extension. From the video, you can simply get the idea of ​​​​the image or part of its implementation. The main thing is to start creating. And there everything will be drawn by itself.

Creepy bleeding eyes

A video with Russian subtitles tells in sufficient detail how to make scary eyes. In principle, having created such a creepy look, you don’t need to do anything else, just shoot at everyone with your eyes and giggle ominously at the reaction. It does not even require any special skills or talents of a makeup artist. Enough bottles of artificial blood.

« wired» wound on the cheek

Such a wound looks rather nauseating. Especially if you imagine how it could appear on the face. And we don't mean video. The funny thing is that even this wound, created with the help of liquid latex, will really have to be sewn up with real threads later. You can play a whole theatrical performance in the style of Halloween. Just imagine: you, allegedly running away from someone, burst into the room, pressing your hand to your cheek, from under which blood runs. Then you talk about a terrible monster that tried to kill you, and you start sewing up this lacerated wound right in front of your friends and acquaintances. The needle periodically touches your “meat” and you scream painfully. A lot of fun, in our opinion.


This burn is nothing like the Freddykruger one. But he is also quite scary, nasty and creepy. Good for a zombie look. The heroes of the series "The Walking Dead", in fact, any of the makeups we have proposed will do. Here again liquid latex is used. Apparently, you still can’t do without it if you want a “spectacular” face for Halloween. We also note that the author of this video uses ordinary red gouache, although experts advise in such cases to resort to food coloring. Everywhere you also need different shadows, sponges, creams. Therefore, if you are a man, ask your girlfriend for help in creating scary Halloween makeup. In this case, however, it is better not to look in the mirror while fear is being created on your face.

Head in a web and a spider

The spider's lair in the mouth looks very unusual and creative. The lip area is decorated with latex, rubber spider and liquid artificial blood. A pretty girl in the video makes a very pretty purulent pimple on her forehead and wraps her hair with a special decorative cobweb. On the shelves of shops you can also find liquid cobwebs in spray cans. Both of them look quite realistic. This white mesh on the head is also inhabited by rubber and plastic spiders. You can prepare a themed game "Flies and Spider" for a Halloween party. As a basis, take any children's catch-up, where you need to catch someone. Or put on the fairy tale "Fly-Tsokotuha".

Spirit-eater Wendigo from the game Until Dawn

This tutorial is worth watching even if you don't intend to celebrate Halloween at all. It's just very interesting to watch how a beautiful girl turns into a monster. The heroine of the video is working on makeup very carefully, professionally. For an apartment party with friends or for going to a club on Halloween, it is enough to draw only some ideas from this video. For example, a beige rubber hat on the head. The effect of a bald head is created, on which it is already possible to depict a hole, a terrible brain or worms eating away at the skull. Note also to take the creation of veins and pulsating veins with the help of ropes. Already in the middle of the video, it becomes scary to look at the girl, but she does not stop and continues to turn herself into a cannibal. Here, by the way, as in many other tutorials, different lenses are used to create a creepy image. Cool thing, you need to buy a couple of the most frightening. You can get by with them, in principle, on the holiday of orange pumpkins.

Poison ivy

From a very scary make-up, we move on to a very beautiful make-up. A very bright, but not at all scary image for Halloween - Poison Ivy. This red-haired comic book villainess is very beautiful and very dangerous. In a couple to her party, we invite Batman. To create the look, you need a fabulous, cartoonish make-up with false eyelashes, a red wig and a green dress. On the forehead, you can stick fiery lightning bolts pre-cut from paper. Quite simple in execution, but at the same time a recognizable image. Perfect for a superhero Halloween party. Here, the Poison Ivy costume will stand out among the black mass of catwomen.


Another not at all nauseating Halloween look. If you do not want to make bleeding wounds on your face or stick nails in your hands, turn into a jellyfish. The girl in the video tells in great detail and shows how to make a spectacular make-up, a pale face and a snake on her head. Instead of a wig, she wears hairspray, another useful all-purpose Halloween item to pair with lenses.

Frida Kahlo

We also decided to include the image of this Mexican artist in our list, because she is very bright and will perfectly dilute the company of zombies and ghouls at a Halloween party. The image of Frida is surprisingly easy to create. You will need a bright dress and makeup, a limp and a unibrow. And also a palette and a brush for those who have not yet understood. Hair should be decorated with a wreath of flowers, such a headband can now be bought at any Rospechat. In principle, even a man can become Frida for one Halloween evening.

Evil minion

The image of an evil minion is perfect not only for Halloween, but also for the New Year and Birthday. Can be used by both adults and children. The more minions at the party, the more fun. For the costume, you will need a jumpsuit and a yellow or lilac T-shirt. In the video, the girl also made minion slip-ons. Of course you need glasses. This is perhaps the main attribute of a banana baby. They are fairly easy to make and look pretty solid. To heighten the effect, all minions should inhale helium from balloons and sing funny songs. In the background, of course, you need to turn on the cartoon " Despicable me".

Manicure from the grave

Ugly scars, bruises, black circles under the eyes, pale skin ... - it seems that only professionals can do makeup for a Halloween party. However, if you wish, you can create it yourself at home. We share ideas and tips.

For a memorable and bright make-up for All Saints' Day, it is not necessary to complete professional makeup artist courses or sign up in a beauty salon in advance. It is enough to have basic drawing skills and suitable cosmetics (for example, face painting). Armed with inspiration, free time and patience, you can create the desired image yourself. A few practical tips to get you started:

  • When choosing a character, it is better to refuse technically complex, cinematic make-ups right away: to create them, you need certain experience, professional cosmetics and a lot of time. In addition, under too thick a layer of cosmetics throughout the holiday party, it will be difficult for the skin to breathe. Therefore, it is worth preferring technically simple, but spectacular and bright make-ups.
  • Before using special make-up cosmetics, it is worth checking it for allergic reactions by applying a little on the inside of the wrist. If after an hour the allergy does not appear, then cosmetics can be safely applied on the face. But before doing makeup, it's better to put on a suit, because then parts of the clothes can ruin the makeup, and you have to start all over again.
  • In order for cosmetics to last longer on the face, you can use a special spray to fix makeup. Instead, good old baby powder is also suitable, with which the face is slightly processed after the end of the make-up.
  • If you plan to attach additional details to the skin that emphasize the image (warts, false nose, scars, chin, etc.), then this must be done before applying the foundation. It is advisable to dry each of the layers of makeup thoroughly, for example, with cold air from a hair dryer or fan.
  • It would be useful to draw the intended image first on plain paper in order to clearly understand the order of applying lines and colors, and at the same time train your hand and remember the main stages of makeup. Let's analyze the most successful and simple ways of makeup for Halloween.

Perhaps this is one of the easiest makeup tricks that can be used to create various Halloween looks. A sewn mouth can easily become part of a skeleton make-up, a monster doll, a zombie, a ghost, or an independent thematic chip. The trick can be done in different ways. The easiest: on a white base, draw vertical seams across the lips with a black eyeliner.

For reliability, real threads are useful. But first, eyeliner marks points above the upper and below the lower lips. Eyelash glue is applied over these points, with the help of which pre-prepared small pieces (no more than 3 cm long) of the thread are fixed. To keep them better, they are fixed on top with liquid latex.

2. Animated doll

Everyone in their own way imagines the image of a scary doll. But the easiest way is to create makeup for him, focusing on the eyes and lips. Using a layer of white pencil increases the size of the eyes. Having abundantly outlined the resulting eye line with a black pencil, you need to glue large false eyelashes along it.

Natural eyebrows are hidden under a layer of makeup base and discolored with powder. Two bold black stripes are drawn over them. If desired, use black eyeliner to add tears, a sewn mouth, or streaks extending from the eyes or lips. Plentiful pink blush on the cheeks and bright lipstick complete the look.

3. Evil clown

Due to the increased popularity of bloodthirsty clowns in movies, these characters are increasingly appearing at Halloween masquerades. If you want to try it on yourself, then first you should draw a regular clown makeup on your face, and then correct some of its details, giving the image the necessary accents. Asymmetry works especially well: for example, one eye can be made large and irregular with the help of black shadows and eyeliner by adding a colored lens. Or smear one of the corners of the mouth with red lipstick, depicting a bruise.

A very simple option: richly emphasize the eyes with black shadows and stretch out the lips with bright red lipstick on a white background.

4. Vampire grin

One of the most sought-after and attractive characters in many masquerades is the vampire. It is chosen by representatives of both female and male. It is important to remember that the surface of the face in this makeup should be almost flawless, smooth and pale.

In addition to false fangs and deathly pale skin, it is necessary to emphasize the eyes and, of course, the mouth with the remnants of the blood of the vampire victim. Black eyeliner, lipstick and lip liner in bright red shades, the most light powder will go into action.

5. Bloodthirsty zombie

It is quite difficult to create a professional make-up of corpses that have risen from the graves. Layers of faux leather, blood, extra overlays and special cosmetics can hardly be dispensed with. But for a home make-up, the task can be simplified a little. To emphasize flaky, flabby skin, you need to apply light powder over a liquid makeup base, or, conversely, apply makeup paint over a powder or powder base. The effect of skin decomposition will help to show blurry transitions of shades of red, white, gray, black and green.

The easiest way to demonstrate the bloodthirsty nature of makeup is to use artificial blood. If it was not at hand, there is a simple homemade recipe: pour grated fresh beets with water, boil, adding a spoonful of sugar and vinegar for color saturation and density. With this mixture, you can safely decorate the costume and makeup. For example, draw a bloody wound on the forehead, smear the area of ​​​​the mouth and neck with artificial blood. Complete the look with black circles under the eyes and cloudy false lenses.

6. Prominent veins

They can complement the make-up of different images, but such veins look spectacular on their own. You need to stock up on black and white eyeliner, black eyeliner, black and silver shadows. To begin with, a wide layer of eyeliner and dark shadows is created around the eye line. Silver liquid shadows in the inner corner of the eyes and under the lower lash line will give the look a special expressiveness. Then up and down from the eyes with a black and white pencil, you need to carefully draw thin lines of the veins. Complete the look with black lipstick and eyebrows.

Veins can be drawn not only on the face, but also on the neck and other open areas of the body.

7 Pale Skeleton

The make-up of the skeleton suggests underlined geometry and strict lines. From the entire palette, two colors will be used: black and white. It is enough to highlight the black eye sockets, the tip of the nose and the corners of the mouth on a bright white base. Instead of carefully drawing the jaw, you can use the “wired mouth” technique. It is logical to continue the makeup in the neck area, emphasizing the line of the spine.

In a suit, it is original to use two T-shirts - white over black, or vice versa. But first, on the T-shirt, which will be on top, you need to cut lines imitating the human skeleton.

8. Mysterious Ghost

An intimidating girl from a well, a lonely keeper of an abandoned house, or the ghost of an old witch... - these images will also be appropriate on the feast of All Saints' Day. Unlike zombies, makeup is much simpler here. On a white or pale gray base, accents are made on the eyes, black eyebrows and lips. You can create the effect of bruises under the eyes by shading black eyeliner or eyeliner. The image will be complemented by colored lenses of blue, black or dull gray shades.

9. Unbuttoning face

This is a real trend among fans of scary makeup. Thanks to the neatly glued zipper to the face, the effect of unbuttoning skin is created, from under which bare muscles look out. To begin with, it is worth choosing a zipper that is suitable for the size of the face and determine which part of the face will be bloody and which is normal. Then, using a special glue made of mastic or liquid latex, you need to attach a zipper to your face and seal its fabric edges with napkins.

On the part of the face that will be bloody, red face painting is applied abundantly. To give texture, this is done with a sponge or napkin. On top of the paint, artificial blood is added dotted and some dark colors for greater persuasiveness. With the help of lightning, you can open only a small part of the face: for example, one eye or only the mouth.

10 Swamp Witch

Getting the image of a witch is quite easy - you just need to intensify the dark shades in the makeup of the eyes and mouth. But often at traditional Halloween masquerades there is an image of a swamp witch, which differs from the usual presence of green skin. To create such a make-up, you will need to use green aqua paint as a basis for the entire face and neck (and ideally, for all open areas of the body). On top of it, eyes, eyebrows and lips are outlined in black or purple. If desired, a wart can be added to the nose.

The “two-faced” makeup will look original when the face is divided exactly into two halves: the usual one and painted green. Combine both parts of the face can dark purple lips and eye shadow. On a solid background, it is better to use green shadows, and on green - purple.