How to decorate a crib for newborns with your own hands: interesting techniques (60 photos). How to give an ordinary baby crib a designer look

Expecting the birth of a baby, most parents dream of giving him all the best, surround him with the most interesting toys, and make the room and bed for the newborn beautiful and cozy. If everything is more or less clear with the interior design for the nursery, then come up with original jewelry for the crib, not all parents can. No matter how you do it, the main thing in this process is to invest your love and care in the future bed of the baby, charging him with positive energy. However, there are some rules and features that you need to know to safely decorate the crib, because later kid will play in it. In our article you will read how to properly and beautifully decorate the crib of a newborn.

How beautiful to decorate a crib

A beautifully decorated bed for a newborn is perfect combination colors and textures of fabrics, accessories and jewelry. It is important to remember that in addition to beauty, a baby crib should also be safe, cozy, comfortable, and toys should be useful and develop the baby. To create just such a beautiful and cozy bed for your beloved crumbs, some items were invented:


To decorate the crib of a newborn, parents often buy a canopy. The canopy, decorated on top with a large bow of the corresponding color, looks especially beautiful. This bed decoration not only looks very elegant, but also performs a number of useful functions. The canopy protects the baby from drafts, insects, and also perfectly scatters light. The canopy must be chosen from light transparent fabrics, so that air can freely flow through it. However, when the baby grows up a little, namely by 4-5 months, the canopy must be removed, as they can be dangerous.

At this age, babies grab everything with their hands and pull towards themselves, not realizing the danger of this action. Grasping the tip of the canopy, infant quite capable of bringing down the entire structure supporting the canopy. In addition, the canopy settles a large number of dust, so it is very important to wash it regularly, because dust can cause an allergic reaction in the baby.


It is a favorite toy for babies up to 6 months old, and a perfect beautiful and useful decoration for a baby crib. Newborns just love to watch slowly rotating above them. colorful toys, especially if it is also accompanied by quiet children's music. This sight fascinates them so much that the kids can lie quietly in the crib for up to 30 minutes, during which the mother will have time to do at least some of her business.

After two months of life, the child will already actively try to reach them with his hands, which will additionally develop him muscle tone and motility. However, the use of the mobile also has a limitation - it must be removed after 6 months of the baby's life, because it is at this age that babies stand on their feet in the crib, and, accordingly, they will be able to reach the mobile. So the baby can break it or tear off some small part that can be dangerous.

hanging toys

When your baby is 1 month old, hang hanging toys on the bed. These can be multi-colored rattles strung on a strong elastic band that is attached to two sides of the bed. Babies love to touch these multi-colored rattles with their hands. Also good decoration, and at the same time, development for the baby will be various toys or pendants attached to one side. The kid will first consider such a toy, and then touch it with his hands. It is very important to periodically move such toys to another side so that the child turns his head not only in one direction. Otherwise, the baby may develop torticollis.

Bed sheets

Having bought a beautiful bed sheets for a newborn's crib, you will create the main accent in its decoration. Modern manufacturers make such underwear from natural fabrics, and also use natural filling. Diversity colors children's beds, as well as prints are simply amazing! Children like to look at different patterns on bedding, especially if they are fairy-tale characters or funny animals. Scientists have long established the influence of different colors on the human psyche, so it is recommended to choose calm, light shades for the bed of a newborn.

Colors such as rich red, fiery yellow, orange, deep blue, dark beige are not suitable for decorating a baby's crib, since surrounded by such colors, the baby is unlikely to be able to sleep peacefully. Perfect option beds for a newborn girl - pale pink, light yellow or light beige. For little boys, beds in light shades of blue or light green are preferable. White color bed - absolutely universal for both boys and girls. However, the white bed itself does not arouse interest, so you can embroider beautiful patterns on it by hand or apply a pattern using special paints.

Stickers and paint

If you decide to decorate the baby's bed a little, decorating it with interesting patterns or drawings, use special non-toxic paints for this. Check with the salesperson at the paint store which paints are suitable for use in the children's room. Such paints are usually hypoallergenic, non-toxic and odorless. You can decorate the newborn's bed with special beautiful stickers. These stickers for furniture are sold in abundance in every furniture store. Stickers must be located out of the reach of the child and be made of non-toxic materials.

How to decorate a crib with your own hands

Buying decorations for your baby's crib is great, but the most the best option it will be if you also make jewelry with your own hands. So you will be completely sure of their quality and safety. By creating decorations for a newborn's bed with your own hands, you put your love and tenderness for the baby in them, which he will feel in full force, playing with them. Also, creating decorations yourself, you will be sure that they are absolutely original and none of your acquaintances and friends have such a crib for a baby. There are several ways to beautifully decorate a baby's crib:

  • Draw a pattern on the newborn's bedding. To do this, buy ready-made bed linen for the baby's crib. This underwear must be white or solid color suitable light shade. Wash the laundry thoroughly to remove the remaining starch and residue chemical substances. Buy special non-toxic fabric paints or use food colorings. The latter can quickly burn out or wash out. Then apply paint to the fabric in the form beautiful patterns, animals, birds, flowers or draw your favorite cartoon character. It is more convenient to pre-make a stencil with the contours of the desired pattern. Then you just need to attach such a stencil to the fabric, after which the stencil is treated with a foam sponge dipped in paint. After drawing the picture, the paint must be allowed to dry thoroughly. If the instructions for the paint indicate other actions, follow them. After that, bedding must be washed thoroughly with a special baby powder, the label of which indicates that it can be used from the first days of a baby's life. Before you cover your newborn's bed with a piece of your art, don't forget to iron the bed on maximum temperature in two directions.
  • Create your own mobile. This is very easy to do, and in the end you will get a beautiful and original toy for your child. You will need a mobile holder and its mechanical part (which spins and plays music) from conventional mechanical or electronic mobiles. Your task is to make toys with your own hands that will hang over the baby. We recommend that you make such toys soft, from natural, bright, multi-colored fabrics. It can be different animals, suns, stars, flowers, ladybugs, fish, etc. Flight of fancy in this case should not have boundaries. Don't forget to add some bright or glitter accents to attract baby's attention. It is important to remember that when creating a mobile with your own hands, in no case should its toys contain small parts that the baby can tear off and choke on them.
  • Decorate the bed with interesting patterns. To do this, you will need non-toxic paints suitable for use in a children's room. Remember that in a few months your child will be licking and chewing on everything he sees, including his bed, so the paint must be safe. If the headboard is solid, you can apply a picture of funny animals or cartoon characters on it, about which you later tell fairy tales to the baby before going to bed. Decorating a bed for a newborn girl, parents usually apply drawings of fairy princesses or floral ornament. But how to decorate a crib for a boy? To do this, for example, draw a funny car from the cartoon "Cars" or some funny animals. Also in our country, drawings from Soviet cartoons are very popular, for example, "Winnie the Pooh" or "Well, you wait!".
  • Create soft toys with your own hands. Sew small soft toys from natural soft fabrics different sizes and forms. Fill these toys with natural hypoallergenic fillers. Doctors recommend making small bags of fabric into which to pour different cereals. By touching such a bag, the baby will explore the world with the help of tactile sensations and develop motor skills. Such toys and bags should be placed on the side walls of the crib so that the baby can look at them and touch them.

No matter how you decorate the crib, it is important that it is safe for the baby, and also brings him pleasure. Being in a crib, lovingly decorated by caring parents, the baby will subconsciously feel the warmth and tenderness emanating from it. In such a bed, the baby in the game will not only be very interesting to spend most of his time, but also the baby’s sleep will be calm and strong.

A newborn spends most of his time in the crib, and the desire of the mother to make this place not only comfortable and safe, but also beautiful is quite natural.

In specialized departments of children's goods stores, you can choose interesting and practical sets consisting of a mattress, blanket, pillow, bumpers and a canopy, but it is much more pleasant and cheaper to sew everything you need yourself. With the help of the recommendations and tips listed below, it is easy to decorate a crib with your own hands, make it comfortable, cozy and safe.

Bed dress

To create bedding for a child, it is best to use natural fabrics:

  • flannel - soft, highly absorbent and easy to care for, it is most often used for children's clothes;
  • chintz;
  • fleece;
  • calico.

Mattress cover

In order to protect the mattress of a crib, it is usually covered with a waterproof mattress cover, and it is not at all necessary to buy the latter - it is easy to make it yourself.
To do this, use a design, the bottom of which is often an oilcloth, and the top is a knitted, flannel or chintz fabric. Elastic bands are fixed at the corners of the product so that the mattress cover does not slip off.

The mattress pad will protect the children's mattress from moisture


An undoubted plus of any hand-sewn product is the ability to choose the size of the item, composition, color of the fabric and filler.
An interesting solution is a patchwork quilt. His unusual drawing will attract attention and delight the baby, and the manufacture of such a product will take a young mother very little time. You can sew a blanket for decorating a crib with your own hands from patches of any shape (squares, triangles, stripes or hexagons) and colors.

Bright patchwork quilt for the decor of a baby bed

Made in patchwork technique the blanket can be made voluminous. For this, each separate element stuffed with any filler (synthetic winterizer, cotton wool, sintepuh or other).

Volumetric children's patchwork quilt

Another successful technique is a quilted product. To do this, a roll filler is laid between two cloths of fabric, then the entire structure is sewn around the perimeter, after which the surface is marked and a decorative stitch is laid using a sewing machine.

Baby cot quilt


When making a pillow for a baby, remember that the product should not be too voluminous. In infants, the formation of the cervical region continues, and a high pillow can interfere with this process.

The best option is a pillow in the shape of a butterfly. Such products have recesses in the center, thanks to which the baby's head is securely fixed, and the natural curve of the neck is not changed. To decorate a crib with such a pillow, it is not necessary to buy it - you can sew it with your own hands from cotton wool, latex, buckwheat husk or synthetic winterizer.

You can sew a butterfly pillow for a child with your own hands

When using buckwheat, it is important to make sure that its smell and peculiarity (rustling) will not cause concern to the child.

Pattern of a children's pillow in the shape of a butterfly

Bed sheets

To make it pleasant for the baby to be in the crib, you should use linen sewn by yourself from natural fabrics to decorate it. For both babies and older children, kits with the image of their favorite cartoon characters are suitable - colorful drawings will stimulate the development of visual perception.

Colorful bedding to decorate a baby crib

When choosing the color of bedding for a baby, it is worth remembering that excessively bright or saturated tones (red, orange, fuchsia) will excite nervous system child, prevent him from falling asleep. It is better to choose sets designed in soothing colors.

For babies, choose underwear in neutral tones.

In order to decorate bed linen, it is best to use embroidery - modern technologies allow you to decorate textiles and paints, however, after several washes, the pattern will lose its brightness, begin to peel off.

With the help of embroidery on the corners of a sheet, pillowcase or duvet cover, you can not only decorate linen - according to popular beliefs, such decor serves as a talisman for the baby. As a pattern, you can choose a simple pattern or perform complex detailed embroidery.
The most important thing in this case is to ensure that the decoration does not cause discomfort to the child. Therefore, it is not recommended to use beads - volumetric elements can harm the baby.

Baby bedding can be decorated with embroidery

Decorating with your own hands the frame of a crib


The sides are not only decorative, they also protect the baby from drafts and protect him from bruises when he begins to try to crawl and stand up on his own.

Finished products offered by stores are most often decorated with colorful drawings, but self-sewn bumpers can be made in the form of a developing panel. Making them is pretty easy.

An example of developing bumpers for a baby

The only thing to remember is that every detail must be securely fixed so as not to harm the child.

With the help of a pattern, you can sew the sides yourself

Fabric applications

The soft sides of the crib are decorated with hand-made appliqués made of felt or cotton fabric. It is important that each element is large enough and firmly sewn to the base - in early age children learn the world, trying to feel and even taste all the surrounding objects. They can tear off loosely sewn appliqués and injure themselves.

Fabric applications on children's bumpers


You can also decorate the sides with the help of special stickers, you can find them in the household or furniture departments. Such products are easy to remove if necessary, they do not leave sticky marks on the surface of the furniture.

Ready-made applications

In the store you can buy special applications on an adhesive basis. The choice of such products is huge: from simple patterns before fairy tale characters. They can be glued to any furniture, they will hold firmly.

To decorate the crib, you can use ready-made fabric applications.

To decorate the baby's crib, do not use products decorated with rhinestones and other easily detachable elements.


You can decorate a crib by drawing a pattern on the frame with your own hands: an ornament, a floral pattern or images of cartoon characters.

Decorate the crib with paint


The canopy, designed to protect the baby from drafts, insects and light, also provides great opportunities for decoration. bed child. A bed with a canopy installed above it looks cozier and more elegant.

Canopy bed

You can also buy a finished product for every taste in the store, but a do-it-yourself canopy is much better. A few recommendations for making a canopy:

To work, you will need a holder (you can buy it separately) and a cloth. It is best to use natural materials (cotton, linen).

Scheme for making a canopy for a crib

The amount of fabric that will be needed to create the canopy depends on the level at which the finished product is planned to be placed. It is worth buying a cut a little longer than necessary so that the material is exactly enough.

The finished product can be decorated with frills, fabric stickers and other elements.

According to child psychologists, the environment in which a child grows up has a strong influence on his personal qualities and therefore it is especially important to create a comfortable and friendly atmosphere for your child.


“Stores offer ready-made frames for canopies for every taste, but if you want to decorate a crib with such a design, it’s easy to do it yourself”

Installing a canopy is another way to protect the baby from insects, dust and light during daytime sleep. The only drawback of this piece of furniture is the need to wash it regularly (and often enough), as dust quickly accumulates on the fabric.

Decorating a crib with a canopy

For the manufacture of a canopy for a crib, it is recommended to use only natural fabrics:

  • chiffon;
  • muslin;
  • cotton or silk veil;
  • silk organza.

You can choose the frame of the product based on your own preferences: it can be installed around the entire perimeter of the baby’s bed or at the head, attached to the wall or ceiling, fixed on the back of the crib, or represent an independent structure and be placed on the floor.

Options for attaching a canopy for a crib

Shops offer ready-made frames for canopies for every taste, but if you wish, decorating a crib with such a design is easy with your own hands. The base will require wooden slats, profile cornices, metal frames or other materials.

To decorate the canopy, you can use decorations in the form of butterflies made of light fabrics, stick thermal applications or trim the product with lace or ruffles.

Bed canopy decor


Young mothers often use the free space under the crib to place the little things necessary for caring for the baby: diapers, favorite toys, baby skin care products and other things that may be urgently needed. So that an impromptu warehouse under the child's bed does not violate the interior of the nursery, it is best to decorate the legs of the crib with a valance.

Valance will mask things that are under the crib

Valance - a decorative element, made in the form of a skirt, framing the base of the crib. Made of bright fabric, decorated with frills, it can become an interesting detail in the design of the room.

Making a crib valance

Decorating a crib with a do-it-yourself valance is quite simple. This will require:

  • about 6 m of fabric 110 cm wide;
  • sewing machine;
  • threads to match the fabric;
  • ruler;
  • tailor's chalk;
  • pins;
  • scissors;
  • ironing board with iron.

The basis of the valance is made up of 2 parts - a canvas placed under the mattress, and a decorative part decorated with frills.

Base canvas for valance

First, the base fabric is cut out of the fabric. The length and width of this part should be equal to the dimensions of the base of the crib; when cutting, 5 cm are added to each side.

Most of the prepared piece of fabric will be put on frills. To determine the size of these parts, a simple formula is used: the width of the base of the crib is doubled, and then 5 cm is added to it. Next, the distance from the bottom of the crib to the floor level is measured, 10 cm is added to the value obtained. Cut out 2 parts with these dimensions.

Future frills need to be ironed. Do it with wrong side, the fabric is folded along the entire length at a distance of 12.5 cm from the edge. The edges of the frills are hemmed, laying a straight line. When everything is ready, sew the frills to the base.

Sewing frills to the base

The product is ready. If desired, it can be decorated, but even without additional decorations, the valance will give the bed an elegant look and help hide things folded under the bed from prying eyes.

hanging toys

After the first month of a baby's life, it is already possible to delight with hanging toys: for this, strung on solid foundation the child's favorite little things (bright rattles, for example) are attached to the sides of the bed on both sides.

Baby crib decor with hanging toys

Instead of a garland of toys, you can use single items, securely fastening them to the side of the crib. The baby lying in the crib will be able to touch interesting and sound-producing objects, and in addition to the decorative function, such a design will bring joy and benefit to the child. The main thing at the same time is to periodically move the rattle from one side to another so that the child does not lie, all the time looking only in one direction.

Stuffed Toys

Soft toys sewn by mom's hands can become baby's favorite items. It is best to make them from natural fabrics, and fill them with hypoallergenic fillers of natural origin.

DIY soft toys for the crib

Pediatricians consider small tissue bags filled with cereals to be useful for the development of a child. A child, touching such a little thing, will be able to develop fine motor skills hands and explore the world with the help of tactile sensations. They should be fixed on the sides of the crib, in a place where the baby could freely reach them.

Bags with cereals for the development of fine motor skills

Music mobile

"For decorating a baby crib, you can use small toys in the form of snowflakes, animals, cartoon characters and others made by hand"

It is not easy to make a structure located above the head of a crib with your own hands, but nothing prevents you from creatively designing an already finished product brought from the store.

The music mobile attaches to the bed frame

To decorate a crib, you can use small toys in the form of snowflakes, animals, cartoon characters and others made by yourself.

In order for the product to be safe, it is advisable to use only natural fabric High Quality:

  • mahr;
  • cotton (chintz, fleece, satin or calico);
  • felt;
  • flannel.

As a filler, it is best to use:

  • cotton wool;
  • synthetic winterizer or synthetic winterizer;
  • fabric scraps.

DIY crib mobile

Some useful tips from experienced needlewomen with extensive experience in decorating a baby's crib:

  • The canopy on the crib is not just an accessory, it helps to protect the baby from drafts, light, and insects. However, after a few months it should be removed - the baby can grab the fabric with his hands, pull and even drop the entire suspension structure on himself. It is very important to wash the canopy regularly and often, because dust collects on the fabric, which can lead to the development of allergies in the baby.

The canopy will protect the crib from dust

  • To decorate the back, you can use ready-made or do-it-yourself applications, and if you have the appropriate skills, it is easy to decorate the frame with colorful drawings. Paint for any children's things should be on water based, since it is non-toxic, does not exude strong odors and dries very quickly. When the child grows up a little, the images on the back can be used for the child's leisure - to tell him fairy tales about the characters drawn on the crib.

Decor of a crib with drawings

  • So that the baby can entertain himself during periods of wakefulness, it is worth fixing toys and rattles on the sides of the crib.
  • A child's sleeping place cannot be cozy and comfortable without high-quality and sewn from beautiful fabric bed linen. Young parents should remember that pillows and blankets made of natural fluff can cause allergies in babies.


With your imagination and based on the recommendations above, you can easily decorate your baby's crib with your own hands. The efforts invested in this process will pay off instantly - the child will have a comfortable, safe and cozy bed, where he will spend time with great pleasure.

Decor elements created independently will cost much cheaper than finished products, in addition, you can choose the color of the fabric that suits the interior of the nursery and be sure of the quality and naturalness of the materials used.

Photo gallery - decorating a crib

Bed for a girl - parameters and characteristics, as well as design ideas with a photo

strong and healthy sleep- the key to success and strength for the next day.Needless to say, how important sleep is for a child? Comfortable sleep provides the overall atmosphere of the room, mom's fairy tale before bedtime and, of course, a comfortable and soft bed. No matter what they say, a bed will not replace either a sofa or a folding chair. An anatomically correct mattress, combined with a cozy and soft set of bedding - and your child will fall asleep quickly and with pleasure.

The design of the bedroom of a boy and a girl is different, and significant differences show up in the little things. So, the bed for the girl should be chosen taking into account the interests of the young princess.

So, what should be a bed for a girl and what should you pay attention to when buying a bed for a child?

Characteristics of general parameters

So, we present to your attention the parameters that must first be considered when buying a bed for a child.

Firstly, design. Here you should pay attention to the design of the bed itself, as well as directly to the reliability of its frame. It is undesirable that the bed frame has sharp corners or unnecessary ledges that could cause the child to fall, stumble, or injure separately consider mattress slats, they must be strong.Think for yourself, what kind of child refuses to jump on his own bed? Do not save on quality, because otherwise jumping on the bed can result in broken rails. In addition, the design of the bed for babies must be with sides. Modern models allow you to remove the bumpers when the baby grows up.

Secondly- material.Of course, it is better to give preference to models made of wood. wood like natural material breathes and does not exude harmful substances, unlike plastic. Birch, alder or pine - it is from these woods that bedroom furniture is most often made.

Third- options. Of course, a bed for a child is not eternal, it is rather a "temporary shelter".Since the purchase of a new bed will incur costs again. Many parents try to buy a bed for growth. There is nothing wrong with this, but the main thing is to know the measure. Understand that a child on a large bed, for example, for teenagers, will feel uncomfortable, it will seem to him that he is sleeping in someone else's place, and not in his place. So, try to choose beds that match your baby's growth rate.

And the last- functionality. Agree, it’s not bad when there are drawers or shelves in the bed, you can put toys on them or you can put bed linen in the drawers. In addition, your fidgets will surely appreciate such secret boxes, because this is another play space.

Girls Bed Design

Girls love everything elegant, colorful, something reminiscent of beautiful fairy tale, magical, light and weightless. Why not make the girl's bed magical too. If you think that a bed is just an ordinary rectangular box with a mattress in the center and a soft blanket, then your ideas are outdated by at least 10 years. Although, a bed of ordinary design can be decorated with colorful pillows, put a lot of toys on it, hang it from the ceiling above the bed light fabric and LED strip.

Canopy beds are very popular these days. Canopy can be as pure decorative element, and functional, for example,in summer, the canopy will protect the princess from annoying mosquitoes, and canopies made of dense fabricsprotect dormouse from early morning light.

Beds can be of different shapes.And if the boys love car beds, then the girl certainly will not refuse the carriage bed. The view from such a bed will be fabulously beautiful.Such a bed will be comfortable for sleeping at night, and during the day you can play in it.

Beds for girls - 45 photos

In addition to the competent arrangement of the children's room, taking into account right choice everything that is necessary for the baby and mother, one must not forget about decorating her space. After all, it should be not only safe and comfortable, but also aesthetic. Moreover, all aesthetics must be directed so that any decoration contributes to harmonious development a little man who is beginning to know huge world images, sensations, sounds.

Influence of decor

Everything that surrounds the baby affects him psychological condition. Too bright environment with large aggressive accents will annoy him, increase nervous excitability, interfere with calm down. Therefore, from the first days of a girl's or boy's life, they should be surrounded by calm tones with slight color spots that will arouse interest and positive emotions.

Each child is talented from birth, but it is rather difficult to develop their abilities on their own. You can help the baby different ways, including properly decorating the newborn's room.

with wall painting

Quality and minimalism in design

Most important requirement to all materials used for decoration, arrangement, production of furniture or accessories for the nursery - their environmental friendliness. Everything that is present in this room must either be natural or have an appropriate certificate. The body of newborns is sensitive to the effects of chemicals, irritants, allergens, so you should purchase only good quality products.

When choosing textiles, you need to abandon heavy fabrics that accumulate dust and block air access. For a newborn's room, it is better to use transparent tulle - it does not interfere with the movement of air, creates a feeling of cleanliness, lightness. From it you can sew curtains on the windows, a canopy or curtains on the bed.

Wall mural with fairy tale characters decorate any nursery

If a daughter was born

Often girls' rooms are decorated. But it should be borne in mind that a newborn may develop allergic reaction on pollen, so flowering varieties should be avoided.

Do not overload the nursery with dolls or soft toys. It is better to gradually add new ones, taking into account age change baby taste. Enough for the first time soft toys-pillows in the crib and the same number for decorating the room.

For little son

When decorating a newborn’s room, neutral or “boyish” colors are used - all shades of blue, green, yellow. Since they are sharper, it is recommended to choose lighter tones.

For boys, a minimalist interior is best suited, in which only the essentials are present. A few small soft toys, a ball, will be enough. Just like a girl, a growing boy's tastes and needs will change, so don't buy too many toys at once.

Ideas and principles for decorating space

Decorating a newborn's room is not difficult to do on your own. For this, they are used as finished goods or accessories, and handmade.

The beginning of the beginning - the decor of the crib

By and large, the first room of the child should be called a crib. Indeed, immediately after the birth, the baby spends several weeks almost constantly in it (with the exception of feeding, communication, walking). Therefore, it is the decoration of the bed that needs to be given maximum attention. If you decide on your own, then the chosen color and pattern will provide it with an original and beautiful decoration.

The most important accessory is a mobile, which you can purchase or make a design with your own hands. It is attached from above to the crib, and since the newborn lies on his back most of the time, he is constantly in his field of vision. Multi-colored elements, collected in a colorful three-dimensional composition, arouse the interest of the crumbs, contribute to its development, and also perfectly decorate the interior.

Another functional accessory is a crib curtain. It should be borne in mind that these are not just decorations, but protection for the baby from bright light, dust or extraneous movement that interferes with sleep. They can also be used as a full-fledged element of the interior, giving the entire room an original style.

interior decoration

To saturate the newborn's room with color and decor, additional decoration of walls and furniture is performed. For this are used:

  • - when choosing them, preference should be given to simple images that will be clearly visible from the crib. At first, you can stick only black and white, and then gradually add colors, because newborns in the first months recognize only black and white;
  • - this work is easy to do on your own, using special stencils.

Similarly, you can decorate any piece of furniture.

To decorate a newborn's room, you need to use not only tips and tricks, but also your imagination. You should also understand the sense of proportion, since harmony, tenderness, lightness are important for the first room of the baby.

photo:, iriana88w, 3dimentii,, gorvik,,, poligonchik, vav163