Sensory games for the development of tactile sensations. Sensory games for kids What are sensory games for kids

In addition to their sight and hearing, young children, exploring the world around them, also use tactile sensations. Because they like to sculpt from plasticine, rustle with candy wrappers, splash in water, draw a pencil on paper or the walls of the room. The task of parents is to direct the sensory absorption of the flow of information in the right direction through games, thereby opening up wider opportunities for learning in front of their crumbs. Games for tactile sensations develop children's perception of all kinds of objects through touch. The child learns to recognize them, to compare, to determine the differences between them.

Examples of tactile games.

You can put buttons of different textures and sizes, figurines, rings, etc. into a “magic bag”. Invite the child to hold the button. Then, draw his attention to the fact that the button jumped into the bag and hid. Let the baby find it by touch among other gizmos located there. Create a tactile album book that will store samples of all kinds of scraps of fabric: silk, wool, burlap, sandpaper, bag, velvet and others. Scroll through, look at the album with your child, invite him to tactilely determine the properties of a particular material: soft, hard, rough or smooth, prickly or fluffy. Closing his eyes, the child will try to guess what you put in his palm. It can be a chestnut, a cone, a ball, vegetables, fruits, etc. Hide a toy in cereals, such as buckwheat. The kid will make every effort to find your surprise.

Poems for tactile games with the baby.

Nose meets nose

The nose butted up.

And then he said "hello"

Nose kissed all over!

Legs, legs, stompers!

Jumpers, runaways.

Legs grow strong

They'll be running fast soon!

Handles, handles, all grippers

Hugs mom tightly

We'll pull the handles up

We will grow to everyone soon!

Heels, pink heels,

Let's play hide and seek with mom!

Mom hid: peek-a-boo!

I can find her!

That soft belly

Gave us a hippo!

If you kiss the belly

The kid will laugh.

The hedgehog has bristles

Our smooth back!

Here comes the centipede -

This is my mother's hand.

Spout, spout, snout -

hole on the right, hole on the left

And at the end of the bell

He calls when he wants to.

Cheeks, sweet cheeks

Delicate like petals.

Cheek - one and cheek - two!

It's time to kiss!

Everyone's ears can hear perfectly,

Our ears are naughty!

When the eyes are fast asleep

Mother's ears protect.

An angel came to us

Sat on our right toe

Rocked and took off -

Sat down on the head.

Titmouse flew to us

Sat (name) on cilia

She closed her eyes with her wings,

To dream of (name) fairy tales.

Poems for games in the bathroom.

Rain, rain, more fun! (we spray on the baby from the spray bottle)

Drip, drip, don't be sorry!

Just don't get us wet!

Don't knock on the window in vain -

Spray into the field more:

The grass will get thicker!

That's how the rain drips!

Rain, rain, let it go, (we pour the crumbs from the watering can)

We will run for the bushes

Let's stand under the aspen

Let's cover the basket!

Look how the rain is pouring.

Rain, rain, harder - (we pour crumbs from the bucket)

The grass will be greener

Flowers will grow

On our lawn.

Rain, rain, more

Grow, grass, thicker.

What a heavy rain it has been.

Rain, rain, full of pouring,

Wet little kids!

"Rails-rails". Put the baby on the tummy. Stroke him on the back with a variety of movements, saying a rhyme:

Rails-rails, (with the index finger we stroke the child along the back)

Sleepers-sleepers, (we stroke the child across the back)

The train was running late. (we draw a hand bent into a fist along the back of the child with light pressure)

From the last wagon

Suddenly peas fell. (lightly and quickly tap the baby on the back with fingertips)

Hens came - they pecked, (with the index finger we “dot” on the back with jerky movements)

Ducks came - pinched, (lightly pinch the baby's skin)

An elephant came - trampled, (put “footprints” on the back with the palm of your hand)

The janitor came and cleaned everything. (stroke with fingertips on the back - “sweep”).

With the help of such a simple massage game, the child learns to distinguish between different forces of influence on the skin, to associate the strength and nature of touch with the actions of the characters in the poem. Massage movements develop skin sensitivity, stimulate skin receptors, which contributes to the development of tactile sensations.

As we promised, we will devote this review to various sensory games and toys that are easy to make at home.

Sensory development is perception through the senses: sight, hearing, touch, smell.
Sensory development occurs by recognizing the shape, size, color, smell of an object. To understand what an object is, the child must definitely touch it and make sure it is rough or smooth. In the case of fruits or vegetables, bitter or sweet, etc.
Games for sensory development are associated with the determination of the properties of various objects. In the game Magic bag, the child learns to recognize objects by touch. Also, with your eyes closed, you can guess vegetables and fruits by taste or smell. You can also guess by touch what is made of what - a glass cup, a fork, a wooden handle, etc.
We will not talk in detail about games for the study of shapes, sizes and colors - a lot has been written about them, but we will dwell on tactile games in more detail.

Remember the feeling
You need to touch the child’s hand with different objects, naming the properties of the object and the sensations of touch: a feather, a toy, a mitten, a washcloth, etc. And then repeat the touches, but only with your eyes closed. The task of the child is to remember the sensation and name the object that caused it.

Recognize the figure
Geometric figures are laid out on the table, the same as those that lie in the bag. The teacher shows any figure and asks the child to get the same one out of the bag.

Find a couple
The game is easy to make yourself. The main thing is to collect as many pairs of samples as possible that are different to the touch - pieces of fabric, a sponge, the back of a sponge, etc. There are several ways to play. For example, you can ask a child (with open eyes) to find a prickly or velvety object (a piece of cloth), you can play like this with your eyes closed. And you can take one item, and then look for the same by touch.
And, when the game begins to gradually get bored, it can be made more difficult by adding more additional search features, for example, a large round button or a small square one, etc.

Here is how it might look like

Here is our list of what can be used for this game (feel different materials)

1. fabrics
- velveteen (large and small)
- velvet
- skin
- smooth lining
- fleece
- velor
- upholstery fabric
- some kind of "prickly" fabric
- fabric with sewn sequins
- silk
- different fur
- there is fabric with pimples
- fabric for a coat (like a lamb)

2. Buttons of different shapes
3. Velcro - both sides
4. Velvet paper
5. Pieces of cotton
6. You can use different threads or yarn
7. A piece of oilcloth
8. A piece of plastic bag
9. Small rhinestones (or type of rhinestones) are sold on a ribbon. For the smallest, the sensation for the fingers is a little “prickly” or “sharp” (they cannot hurt, of course)
10. A piece of rubber mat
11. Sponge washcloth
12. Sponge

And you can make a rug or a panel on the wall


When my son was little, he was very fond of pouring different cereals from bowl to bowl (with his hands, with a spoon) and looking for toys in a container with cereals.

You can guess the grains by touch


But the best material is, of course, sand. True, not every parent dares to arrange a sandbox at home. And it's not really necessary when it's much more interesting to arrange a box of real treasures - a sensory box!
Sensory boxes are containers (or you can make or buy a ready-made table) with high sides that are filled with a variety of "tactile" materials.

Such boxes can be made colored and at the same time play the game "find the object"




And you can make them thematic - according to the seasons or by appointment - forest, construction, etc. Thus, we create a real decoration for the game!





For kids, it is better to choose larger items, and with older children it will be fun to create such a box together, or rather entrust the entire creative part to the child, and an adult will only help to collect the necessary material.

Here is a short list of what you can put in such a box:

1. plain rice or dyed with food coloring
2. beans, red and green lentils
3. peas
4. pasta (large tubular, curlicues, shells, butterflies, etc.)
5. semolina
6. buckwheat
7. millet
8. salt (fine or coarse sea salt, or it can be colored for the bath)
9. shaving foam
11. dry or fresh leaves
7. sand
12. pebbles or ordinary small pebbles
13. glass hemispheres that are sold for aquariums
14. shells
15. cotton balls
16. pom-poms
17. cut paper
18. ice
19. soldering
20. buttons
21. chestnuts
22. acorns
23. artificial feathers

And another advantage of such a toy is that the content is easy to change at any time and it will never get bored. And one more thing - it is interesting and useful not only for children, try yourself after a busy day to put your hands down, for example, in beans or peas - you will feel how all the nervous tension goes away. Try it and send us photos of your sensory boxes!

The sensory development of a child is the development of his perception and the formation of ideas about the external properties of objects: their shape, color, size, position in space, as well as smell, taste, etc.
The importance of sensory development in early and preschool childhood cannot be overestimated. It is this age that is most favorable for improving the activity of the sense organs, accumulating ideas about the world around us.

A child's readiness for schooling largely depends on his sensory development. Studies conducted by child psychologists have shown that a significant part of the difficulties that children face in the course of primary education (especially in the 1st grade) are associated with insufficient accuracy and flexibility of perception.

There are five sensory systems through which a person cognizes the world: sight, hearing, touch, smell, taste.

In the development of sensory abilities, an important role is played by the development of sensory standards - generally accepted samples of the properties of objects. For example, 7 colors of the rainbow and their shades, geometric shapes, metric system of measures, etc.

To develop sensory abilities, there are various games and exercises. In this article, we will sequentially consider games for the development of each of the five sensory systems.

Games for the development of touch (tactile perception)

Touch refers to tactile (surface) sensitivity (sensation of touch, pressure, pain, heat, cold, etc.).

To develop the child's tactile perception, play with a variety of natural materials and objects that differ in surface structure. Give your baby different toys: plastic, rubber, wooden, soft, fluffy.

While bathing, you can use washcloths and sponges of different hardness. Lubricate the body of the child with cream, do various types of massage. Let the baby play with a brush, a pompom from a knitted hat, a ribbed ball from a pet store. Colored washcloths for dishes are also of great interest! You can make an interesting tactile album yourself from scraps of fabric of different textures: burlap, wool, silk, fur. You can also add a sheet of polyethylene, wrapping paper from flowers, mosquito nets, velvet, corrugated and sandpaper and much more.

The child is interested in games with false. You can first crumple it, making a ball out of it, then smooth it again.

Play with cones, prickly chestnuts, ribbed walnuts and smooth acorns. It is also useful to play with various cereals: dip the handles into the box and look for a hidden small toy. It can be advised to play with pebbles, dry and wet sand, with clay, potions, plasticine, flour and salt dough.

Pay attention to cold snow or juice from the refrigerator and hot tea, hot batteries, fire on the stove. When bathing, draw the attention of the baby to the temperature of the water in the tap and bath; you can pour warm water into one basin, cool water into another and alternately lower the arms or legs.

Since the general sensitivity of the skin is reduced, it is useful for the child to receive interesting sensations with the whole body. It is good to wrap it entirely in a woolen blanket; you can wrap the baby in a terry towel, put a fur coat directly on panties and a T-shirt, tie a knitted scarf on your back and stomach.

The sensations of gouache paint on the handles, stomach, and back will be very interesting for the child. It is especially great if the bathroom has a mirror, and you can look at yourself from all sides.

Sensitivity should be developed not only for small hands, but also for legs. Let children run barefoot on grass, sand, wet clay, river or sea pebbles as often as possible in the summer. At home, you can walk on peas, beans, roll rubber ribbed balls with your legs.

Useful self-massage and mutual massage of the arms, legs, back with the help of massage brushes, terry gloves, wheel massager, massage roller for legs, etc.

Additional educational games:

"Catch the Pussy"

The teacher touches different parts of the child's body with a soft toy (pussy), and the child, with his eyes closed, determines where the pussy is. By analogy, other objects can be used to touch: a wet fish, a prickly hedgehog, etc.

"Wonderful bag"

Objects of various shapes, sizes, textures (toys, geometric shapes and bodies, plastic letters and numbers, etc.) are placed in an opaque bag. The child is offered to touch, without looking into the bag, to find the desired item.

"Handkerchief for a doll" (determining objects by the texture of the material, in this case, determining the type of fabric)

Children are offered three dolls in different scarves (silk, woolen, knitted). Children take turns examining and feeling all the handkerchiefs. Then the handkerchiefs are removed and put in a bag. Children by touch look for the right handkerchief for each doll in the bag.

"Guess by touch what this object is made of"

The child is offered to determine by touch what various objects are made of: a glass cup, a wooden block, an iron spatula, a plastic bottle, a fluffy toy, leather gloves, a rubber ball, a clay vase, etc.

By analogy, you can use objects and materials of various textures and determine what they are: viscous, sticky, rough, velvety, smooth, fluffy, etc.

"Recognize the Shape"

Geometric figures are laid out on the table, the same as those that lie in the bag. The teacher shows any figure and asks the child to get the same one out of the bag.

"Recognize the object by the contour"

The child is blindfolded and given a figure cut out of cardboard (it can be a bunny, a Christmas tree, a pyramid, a house, a fish, a bird). They ask what it is. They remove the figure, untie their eyes and ask them to draw it from memory, compare the drawing with the outline, circle the figure.

"Guess what the item is"

Various voluminous toys or small objects (a rattle, a ball, a cube, a comb, a toothbrush, etc.) are laid out on the table, which are covered on top with a thin, but dense and opaque napkin. The child is offered to identify objects by touch through a napkin and name them.

"Find a Pair"

Material: plates pasted over with velvet, sandpaper, foil, velveteen, flannel.
The child is offered blindfolded to the touch to find pairs of identical plates.

"What is inside?"

The child is offered balloons containing various fillers inside: water, sand, flour with water, peas, beans, various cereals: semolina, rice, buckwheat, etc. You can use a funnel to fill the balloons. Balls with each filler must be paired. The child must feel by touch to find pairs with the same fillers.

Additionally, you can place a small amount of each filler in plates. In this case, it will also be necessary to correlate each pair with the corresponding filler, i.e. determine what is inside the balls.

"Guess the number" (letter)

On the back of the child, the back of the pencil (or finger) writes a number (letter). The child must determine what the symbol is.
Also very useful for preschoolers and elementary school students (especially first grade) are games with letters made of rough (velvet, sandpaper, etc.) paper: "Detect by touch", "Find the desired letter", "Show the letter". The child repeatedly runs his hand over the letter, feels it and calls it. At the same time, not only the form is remembered, but also the way of writing this letter, which are associated with its name. Children who wish to immediately write this letter should be given the opportunity.
Games of this type are recommended to be carried out with gradual complication: from learning groping actions under the guidance of an adult to independently completing the task by the student, moreover, with his eyes closed. By analogy, different numbers can be used.

"What is this?"

The child closes his eyes. He is offered to touch the object with five fingers, but not to move them. By texture, you need to determine the material (you can use cotton wool, fur, fabric, paper, leather, wood, plastic, metal).

"Collect the Matryoshka"

Two players approach the table. They close their eyes. In front of them are two disassembled nesting dolls. On command, both begin to collect their nesting dolls - who is faster.


Children (2-5 people) sit at the table. They are blindfolded. Before each pile of seeds (peas, seeds, etc.). For a limited time, the seeds should be disassembled into piles.

"Guess What's Inside"

Two are playing. Each playing child has an opaque bag filled with small objects: checkers, pen caps, buttons, erasers, coins, nuts, etc. The teacher calls the object, the players must quickly find it by touch and get it with one hand, and hold the bag with the other. Who will do it faster?

The concept of sensory education implies the formation of the correct perception of everything that surrounds the baby, as well as an understanding of the properties of phenomena and objects.

sensory parenting is a way of getting to know and exploring reality through the senses.
The level of sensory development is closely related to the level of mental and intellectual abilities. Therefore, this type of education is often used in the process of teaching children with developmental delays.

What does the child's sensory system include?:

The sensory of a normally developed child consists of 5 aspects:

1. Touch;
2. Sense of smell;
3. Vision;
4. Hearing;
5. Taste sensations.

Sensory standards:

There are so-called sensory standards - samples of the properties of various phenomena and objects:

Forms. Includes all geometric shapes;
Size. Includes various measures;
Color. Includes seven primary colors of the spectrum;

The development of sensory means the creation in the child of ideas about the listed characteristics of objects.
In the process of their development, kids learn to use existing standards.

What are the goals of sensory education?:

1. The study of the basic concepts of sensory - shapes, sizes and sizes, colors, taste characteristics, smells and sounds;

2. Formation of flexibility in the perception of external objects and phenomena, the speed of their analysis, attention and logical thinking;

3. The formation of those character traits and abilities that are essential for the baby for his self-realization.

When to start sensory development?:

It is important to start as early as possible. Preschoolers are very good at perceiving and processing information about everything that surrounds them. Sensory education of young children has a positive effect on their level of intelligence, as well as the degree and quality of mental development.

Toddlers are very curious. They prefer to feel, examine, turn, throw everything. It is important that such activities are carried out in an entertaining way.

The role of sensory development for the baby:

Helps to streamline all the information received about the world;
Allows the child to become observant;
Gives the baby the opportunity to improve in the intellectual and aesthetic direction;
Develops imagination and significantly expands vocabulary;
Develops cognitive processes;
Improves various types of memory;
Gives you the opportunity to prepare well for school.

Parents should be aware that the development of the senses (sensors) is an important method of preparing a child for a successful life.

Features of sensory development in preschoolers:

In the process of sensory development, it is very important to take into account the age characteristics of children:

1. From 1 to 3 years old, it is important to teach the baby to recognize and distinguish between the various characteristics of objects. The child must master the description of objects in shape, color, size. It is important that the baby be sure to call them;

2. At the age of 4-5, children develop concepts of sensory standards. Kids can already confidently characterize the colors and shapes of objects, compare them in size, analyze and group different objects;

3. At 5-6 years old, it is important to devote a lot of time to the formation of phonemic hearing.

Games that develop the sensory skills of babies from 1 to 3 years old:

Young children are able to distinguish color, size, shape, give the simplest descriptions (solid, large, many, few) of concepts. The game at this age lasts no longer than 15 minutes. After some time, play another game, changing its theme.

Game "Pyramids and Cubes"

To study colors, pick up objects of the same shade, and to study the shape, separate the balls from the cubes. To study the size, fold the pyramid from smaller to larger parts and vice versa. Be sure to talk about everything you do.

Game "Imitation"

Smile at the child and comment on this with the words “cheerful”, “kind”, “joyful”. Furrow your brows, accompany this action with the words "angry", "dissatisfied". Invite the baby to repeat the grimaces shown.

Game "Guess the fruits"

Put in a bag several fruits known to the child: potatoes, carrots, cucumbers, apples, oranges. The kid pulls out one at a time and determines whether it is a vegetable or a fruit, describes its taste characteristics (an apple is round, red, sweet, etc.).

Game "Find the patch"

Invite the child to choose a geometric shape and arrange it so that it fits the shape.

Game "Pick a figure"

Show your child a picture of an object. Using geometric shapes, you need to lay out the same pattern. Or use shapes to create your own picture.

Game "Find a Pair"

Offer your baby toys that make different sounds. The task of the child is to find a toy with the same sounds or pick up an object that makes the same sound as an adult.

The game "Fragrant joy"

Invite your child to sniff a jar of some scent. Then the baby sniffs other jars and selects exactly the same aroma.

The game "Cat and dog"

Offer the baby paper-cut animals - a cat and a dog. He needs to attach clothespins instead of their paws.

Games that develop the sensory skills of babies 3 - 6 years old:

By the age of four, the baby is already able to distinguish shades, correlate objects and their quality, describe objects and phenomena. By the age of five, children learn to reason, draw conclusions, discuss what they see, and express their opinion.
At this age, activities with parents and other children play an important role. At the age of six, the task of adults is to supplement the information and correct the knowledge already gained.

Game "Funny balls"

Pour fillings such as buckwheat, peas, beans, flour into balloons. Each type needs to be made on 2 samples. The kid must feel and guess the filler, as well as find a pair for each ball-bag.

Game "Name a letter or number"

On the back of the child, write a letter or number with your finger. The kid must guess what you write.

Game "Coincidence"

Offer the baby a bag with different items. He must, with his eyes closed, grope for objects one at a time, describe it and guess. Then you need to name and describe objects with the same characteristics.

Smart games

Make two identical triangles of 5 sticks. Make 4 identical triangles from 9 sticks.

The game "Whose tail?"

Invite the baby to "return" the tails that the animals "mixed up". You need to find the tail, answer whose it is and describe it.

During games of this nature, the baby is in close contact with his parents, which contributes to the formation of warm and trusting family relationships, trains discipline, develops attention, intellectual and mental abilities and cultivates perseverance.

As Sukhomlinsky said, "A child's mind is at his fingertips." Tactile sensations are one of the most important ways a child learns about the world around him.

How to help this cognition through the development and stimulation of tactile sensations is described in useful publications in this section. On its pages you will find abstracts of special classes, projects, work programs on this topic. Tips for creating tactile teaching aids for all ages; master classes on making original games, books, albums, rugs for the development of tactile sensations.

Various ways of developing tactile perception.

Contained in sections:

Showing publications 1-10 of 329 .
All sections | Tactile development of children. Games and manuals

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