The development of fine motor skills in children with developmental problems. What is gross and fine motor skills

Many mothers have repeatedly heard that it is very useful for a baby to regularly perform exercises that contribute to the development of fine motor skills of the hands. But few of them know what fine motor skills hands and why it needs to be developed. And also, what kind of exercises and games should be carried out with the baby to develop his motor skills.

What is fine motor skills

Fine motor skills of the hands - the ability to perform precise, coordinated movements with the hands and fingers. In order for a child to be able to complete an exercise for the development of fine motor skills, his muscular, bone and nervous systems must work synchronously. Teachers and psychologists have long established a direct relationship between the level mental development baby and the level of development of his fine motor skills of hands. Therefore, they recommend young parents to start spending with babies. elementary lessons, as soon as he shows interest in the objects around him, and begins to try to grab them and pull them towards him. At this stage, the mother can massage the hands and fingers of the baby. And when he grows up a little and can sit on his own, it will already be possible to develop his fine motor skills with the help of games and special toys.

It is impossible to overestimate the importance of the timely development of fine motor skills of the hands. In children with developed motor skills the nervous system, attention, memory, perception, perseverance and speech function better. You ask, where does it come from? What is the relationship between the ability to speak coherently and perform manipulations with small objects? It turns out that speech and motor centers are located side by side in the brain. And when the part of the brain responsible for fine motor skills is activated, the speech center is stimulated. It has long been noted that earlier kid begins to regularly play games for the development of fine motor skills, the earlier he begins to speak, his speech quickly becomes intelligible and varied. And the development of fine motor skills improves the child's manual dexterity and the speed of his reaction, which in the future will positively affect the ability to write quickly and beautifully.

When school teachers and psychologists decide whether a child is ready for learning, they evaluate him according to the following criteria:

  • ability to speak coherently, concentrate, think and reason logically;
  • the degree of development of attention, memory, imagination;
  • preparing a child's hand for learning to write.

It is the fine motor skills of the hands that are responsible for the development of these skills.

Games for the development of fine motor skills can be very diverse: from simple tasks for babies, for example, take a rattle, to more complex ones designed for older children. before school age, for example, draw a picture point by point.

Games for the development of fine motor skills

Hand and finger massage. To do this, you can play with the baby in everything famous game"Magpie Crow". A child of primary preschool age will be interested in the following game: an adult draws letters, numbers, figures with a finger on the palm of a child, and the child guesses what is drawn.

Small object games:

  • An adult takes a vessel and pours a homogeneous filler into it, for example, sand, cereals, beads of the same diameter, pellets or other small objects. Then he invites the baby to put his hands in turn into each vessel and mix its contents for 5 minutes. After the child has mixed the contents of all the vessels several times, he is blindfolded and helped to lower his hands into any vessel. He must by touch determine which filler is in the vessel.
  • An adult pours a lot of beads or buttons in front of the child and offers to string them on a fishing line, observing certain order, for example, only large or only light, or one large, one small.
  • Children over two years old can be offered to assemble puzzles or mosaics from large parts.

finger games. An adult gives the child an elastic band for hair with a diameter of 4-5 cm. The kid inserts the fingers of one hand into the elastic band and tries to scroll the elastic band first clockwise and then counterclockwise with the movement of all fingers.

modeling. The child sculpts numbers, letters from plasticine, geometric figures. And then with eyes closed, by touch tries to determine what kind of figure he has molded in front of him.

Drawing and application:

  • For the development of fine motor skills it is very useful to draw. In addition to the usual drawing of drawings and coloring pictures, you can invite the child to draw geometric shapes or animals through a stencil, draw a path through the labyrinth with a pencil, and race around the contours of circles or squares.
  • Engage in appliqué with your baby (cutting and then gluing small parts), cutting and coloring “snowflakes” out of paper.

Use household items. Put ordinary twisting jars of different diameters and a saucer with small objects (beads, buttons or peas) in front of the child. Have your child sort the items into jars. Over time, the task can be complicated, for example, you need to put one item in the first jar, two in the second, and so on up to ten. You can also invite the child to put on his father's shirt and try to fasten and unbutton all the buttons on it.

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All mothers know that children need to develop fine motor skills of their hands. But not everyone knows how to do it correctly, and indeed what is fine motor skills and what features does it have? What activities, games and exercises should be done with children to develop motor skills? Let's consider all these questions in detail.

General concept and features of fine motor skills of children

Fine motor skills are the ability to perform small and precise movements with the hands and fingers and toes as a result of the coordinated actions of the most important systems: nervous, muscular and bone. With regard to the motor skills of the hands and fingers, the term dexterity is often used. The fine motor area includes a wide variety of movements, from simple gestures (such as grasping a toy) to very complex movements (such as writing and drawing).

The development of fine motor skills plays important role For general development child. Fine motor skills develop from the newborn. First, the baby looks at his hands, then learns to control them. First, he takes objects with the whole palm, then only with two (thumb and forefinger) fingers. Then the child is taught to properly hold a spoon, pencil, brush.

Fine motor skills have very important feature. She is associated with nervous system, vision, attention, memory and perception of the child. Also, scientists have proven that the development of fine motor skills and the development of speech are very closely related. And this is explained very simply. In the brain, speech and motor centers are located very close to each other. Therefore, when the motor skills of the fingers are stimulated, the speech center begins to activate. That is why for the timely development of the child's speech it is necessary great attention to develop fine motor skills. Fine motor skills directly affect manual dexterity, handwriting, which will be formed in the future, and the reaction speed of the child.

According to the peculiarities of the development of fine motor skills of the child, in the future they judge his readiness for training in a school institution. If everything is in order, then the child is prepared for learning to write, knows how to think and reason logically, has good memory, concentration, attention and imagination, coherent speech.

Fine motor skills develop gradually individual process And each child goes through it at their own pace. At first, the baby's movements are awkward, inept and inharmonious. To help the baby improve fine motor skills, you need to play educational games with him (the online magazine "Razvitie" has articles about educational games for children at 1 year old, as well as games for the development of children at 2 years old).

Activities, games and exercises for the development of fine motor skills

There are many activities, games and exercises to develop fine motor skills. They can be divided into the following groups: finger games, games with small objects, modeling and drawing, finger massage. Articles about the development of the child according to the Montessori system, as well as about the Montessori games, will also be interesting.

Consider the most simple and effective games:

1. Hand massage

This is the easiest and most versatile way for any age to develop fine motor skills. Run your finger along the child's palms, stroke them and massage. Accompany your actions with the saying “Magpie-Crow”.


Since childhood, everyone knows the nursery rhyme “Ladushki-okladushki”. This game will teach the little ones to straighten their fingers and clap their hands.

3. paper tearing

This exercise is suitable for children from 7 months. Give your baby a few sheets of soft colored paper. He will feel it with pleasure, begin to turn it in his hands and tear it. This occupation will give him untold pleasure.

4. Page turning

After a year, tearing the paper can be replaced by turning the pages of some picture book or magazine.

5. beads

Children like to touch small objects, which is very useful. Therefore, you can put on some beads with beads different size and forms. The child will touch them with his fingers with joy and interest.

6. bowl inserts

From them you can build towers, put them into each other. This game develops the child's concept of the size of objects.

7. cereals

Pour any cereal into a bowl and give it to the baby. He will touch the cereal with his hand or spill it through his fingers. This game develops fine motor skills and tactile sensations well.

8. Jars of cereals

Pour different cereals into jars and let the child dip his hand into each of the jars in turn. So he can feel different grains and take them with his fingers. You can complicate the task. In front of the child, bury some small object in the cereal and give him a jar. Let him try to find this item.

9. Drawing in the sand

Pour sand onto the tray. Take the child's finger in your hand and run it across the sand. You can start with simple figures- lines, rectangle, circle, gradually complicating the task.

Toys for the development of fine motor skills


You will need a pea and a jar with a removable lid. Show the child that you first need to remove the lid, then take the pea with your fingers and put it in a jar, then close the lid. Ask your child to do the same. Don't be discouraged if it doesn't work the first time. Show the baby the whole chain of actions slowly several times and then he will definitely be able to repeat everything. Active children quickly get bored with this game, in this case there is no need to force them. Offer the child a different game.

11.Screw caps

Such a simple activity as screwing and unscrewing the lids of cans, bottles, bubbles develops finger dexterity. Offer your baby vessels different size and shapes, it will make the game more varied.

12.Fastening, unfastening and lacing

This exercise does not require any additional toys. Gradually include the child in the process of dressing. Let him fasten and unbutton his own buttons and zippers. This will not only develop hand movements, but also teach the child to be independent. Also, give your child some unnecessary lace-up shoes that will be a great hand trainer.

13. modeling

Modeling is suitable for children different ages. Plasticine, clay, dough are suitable for modeling. When you are going to bake something, be sure to bring your child with you. He will love to knead and roll out the dough. In addition, he will be proud that he helps his mother.

Exercises for the development of fine motor skills of hands

14. Drawing and coloring

It is very useful to trace the outline of pictures, consisting of dotted lines, as well as color objects various shapes. It is very useful to draw on vertical surfaces: wall, blackboard, mirror. Therefore, it is advisable to hang a special board for the baby so that he draws.

15. Collecting mosaics and puzzles

For children under 3 years old, puzzles and mosaics with large parts are chosen. Puzzles also train the imagination.

16. Cutting

Buy baby scissors, glue stick, colored paper and cardboard. Teach him to craft. Cut out pictures, paste them, make snowflakes, etc. This will not only develop fine motor skills, but also spatial imagination and creative thinking.

However, it is worth remembering one simple thing. Games for the development of fine motor skills should be carried out under the supervision of adults. Otherwise, the child may swallow some small detail or choke on her. You need to play games and perform exercises that develop fine motor skills systematically. Practice with your child every day and you will soon notice that your baby's movements become more and more smooth, clear and coordinated each time.

The relationship between the brain and fine motor skills

The cerebral cortex consists of several parts, each of which is responsible for something. There is a part in the cerebral cortex that determines motor characteristics. The third lobe of this part of the cerebral cortex occupies the motor abilities of the hands and is located very close to the speech area of ​​the brain. That is why we can say that if a child has poorly developed fingers, then his speech will suffer from this and vice versa. In this regard, a number of scientists call the hands the "organ of speech", as well as articulation apparatus. Therefore, if you want your child to have well-developed speech, then you should train not only the organs of speech, as such, but also fine motor skills. If a child’s speech is poorly developed, then both classes with a speech therapist and developmental classes are necessary. motor abilities hands

Fine motor skills affect not only speech, but also attention, memory, thinking and imagination. Thus, by developing the fingers of a child, we contribute to the development of a number of the most important properties of his psyche. A child with well-developed fine motor skills can independently dress, write and draw, cut, perform household and educational activities.

When should you start developing your child's fine motor skills?

The sooner we develop the motor skills of the baby's fingers, the better. You can and should start from birth, massaging the baby's fingers, his palms. This massage affects active points that have a direct relationship with the brain. As the child grows older, you can use finger games, which are accompanied by a poetic text. Next, you need to teach the child to independently fasten buttons, lace up shoes. Of course, this will be difficult at first, but with your help, the child will quickly learn this. Even such, at first glance, elementary games with kids as “Forty-white-sided”, “Horned Goat” and “Ladushki” are not only entertaining in nature, but also contribute to the development of the baby's fingers. Very useful for fine motor skills are modeling, appliqué, stringing beads, drawing, cutting and other activities in which the child's hands are involved.

Exercises for the development of fine motor skills

1) Massage of the hands, which can be started from infancy. This activity is both pleasant and useful both for the development of fingers, the activation of the speech centers of the brain, and for the overall development of the child.

2) "Find me" - this game is as follows. Peas or beans are poured into a small container, they are placed there small toys. Everything is stirred, and the child must find the toys by touch.

3) Modeling. Currently, there is a huge amount of materials from which you can sculpt. This is plasticine, and clay, and puff pastry, and others. The children love this activity. You can start with simple balls and sausages, gradually complicating tasks. The main thing is that the material for modeling is soft and plastic.

4) “Distribute in places” - cereals that mix with each other are well suited for this game, and the child must sort them out in different containers. Cereals are a good massaging material - for this, let the child rub them in his hands.

5) Laying out mosaics - in any children's goods store you can buy mosaics and lay them out with your child. It is important to remember that the mosaic must correspond to the age of the child.

6) Finger gymnastics when an adult reads a poem, and the baby at this time performs certain movements with his hands. Such and gymnastics can be found very much in the specialized literature.

7) Lacing games. These games are available for purchase now. ready-made, but you can do it yourself. To do this, an image is drawn on cardboard, for example, an apple, and holes are made along its contour with a hole punch. The child takes the string and threads it through these holes.

8) Stringing beads on a thread. How less age baby, the larger the beads should be, and you should carefully monitor that the baby does not use them for other purposes, because little fidgets love to taste everything. Older preschoolers can string beads, but to make it not a simple stringing - make beads, necklaces, bracelets, etc.

9) Sorting beads. Beads are mixed in one container, and then sorted by color, shape, size. So that children are not bored, activate your imagination. Let the red beads be a treat for the bear, and green beads for the bunny. This activity requires a lot of perseverance and attention, so you should not do it for more than ten minutes so that the child does not lose interest in it. Do not mix a lot of beads so that the child can go through everything to the end, without leaving the case, without completing it.

10) “Fisherman” - water is poured into the bath, non-sinking toys are placed in it. The child must fish them out of the water using a small sieve.

11) “Pour, pour” - you can pour water or pour something into one container. The child should carefully pour or pour water into an empty container. If something wakes up, then let him collect it on a scoop and throw it away, and if water spills, then the child will have to wipe it with a cloth. At the same time, this will form accuracy in the child. You can pour and pour from one container to another using a spoon. You can even arrange a small family competition.


No wonder there is an expression that our mind is at our fingertips. Therefore, if you want your child to be smart and capable, then pay close attention for the development of fine motor skills. Try to do as much as possible with your child at home. Use every free minute for this. Such homework will be simply priceless for your baby. Of course, children's fingers are also developed in kindergartens, but this is not enough. Need daily systematic work in this direction. Better let the child once again not sit down for computer games, will not watch TV in the evenings, do useless things, but will play games with you to develop the motor abilities of the fingers.

A lot is written and talked about how to develop fine motor skills in young children, And what means and methods to choose in the classroom for the development of fine motor skills in accordance with the age characteristics of younger children adolescence write little. This determined the topic of the article.




Fine motor skills - a set of coordinated actions of the nervous, muscular and skeletal systems, often in conjunction with the visual system. She matterswhen performing small and precise movements with the hands and fingers. The need and importance of the development of fine motor skills are more often said and written when we are talking about small children. This is justified by the fact that early age the brain is developing rapidly. The most active maturation of the motor cortex occurs in the first year of a child's life and continues in the motor field up to 3 years.

At the age of 10, the child becomes a junior teenager. Despite the very large amount of diverse information on how to develop fine motor skills in children of early, preschool and primary school age, at the end elementary school there is a category of children in whom the development of fine motor skills is at a low level. They have poorly developed small muscles of the hand, insufficiently developed mechanisms for programming complex-coordinated motor actions, imperfect nervous regulation of movements, low endurance to static loads, Children do not know how to correctly build a sequence of their actions, do not know how to evaluate them, and therefore correct them in the process execution. First of all, this manifests itself in writing, in school failure.

Among the features of younger adolescence, A.P. Krakovsky singles out: the desire to dissociate himself from everything that is emphatically childish; the need for a decent position in a peer group; lack of adaptation to failure; increased interest in the question of the “balance of power” in the classroom; lack of adaptation to the situation of the “worst”; the desire to avoid isolation, both in the classroom and in a small team; pronounced emotionality; reassessment of their capabilities, the implementation of which is expected in the distant future. Exercises for the development of fine motor skills should not cause rejection, but interest and be supported by visual intermediate results. Then the child will fulfill them with desire. The feeling of adulthood, as the central neoformation of this age, is expressed in the adolescent's attitude to himself as an adult and the desire that both adults and peers treat him the same way. The question arises, how to develop fine motor skills in this age group if available in in large numbers methods are aimed at earlier age periods.

The complex for the development of fine motor skills includes exercises: static (holding a certain pose given to the fingers), dynamic (development of finger mobility, switching from one position to another), relaxing (normalizing muscle tone) and others. To obtain maximum effect these exercises should be designed in such a way that compression, stretching, relaxation of the hand are combined, and isolated movements of each of the fingers are used.

Based on the analysis of the game market and teaching aids it is recommended to use for classes with children of younger adolescence: an egg-shaped massager for the hand "Anti-stress", a massager "Su-Jok" (2 rings, a ball), a set for engravings (store or homemade), a set of circular stencils "World of Flowers" ", stencils for drawing "How to draw a spiral" ruler-spirograph (spirograph was named the best educational toy in the world 4 years in a row, from 1965 to 1969), "Mirage" copy screen, "Finger Twister" game, handgam, "Balance" game ", the game" Spillikins "( different sets), finger brushes, finger puppet show, walking dolls, glove puppets, manual "Not just mazes" Set 1 (author: G.M. Segebart, Genesis publishing house), set "Magic mazes (+ marker)" (authors: Ekaterina Gvozdeva, Natalya Plotnikova), manuals for drawing with two hands, coloring-hatching .

How additional funds paper (origami crafts, papier-mâché, etc.), a set of smooth pebbles of at least 40 pieces - for playing pebbles (such games were very popular with schoolchildren in the USSR), plasticine, colored pencils, colored pens, felt-tip pens, threads, matches or counting sticks (for match training).

As traditional forms we leave the work on the development of fine motor skills of the hands: self-massage of the hands and fingers (with and without the use of objects); graphic exercises: hatching, drawing a picture, graphic dictation, connection by dots, continuation of a series; development games tactile perception type "Wonderful bag"; games with plasticine, sand, drawing with crayons, drawing with colored sand.

Based age features, you can replace: finger games to perform wise; children's laces in the form of butterflies, flowers, boys, etc. for lacing different ways shoes, with various ways of tying knots; children's games like ladushki to more complex ones that were played at breaks in Soviet schools, drawing paths - to drawing hieroglyphs.

From the point of view of neuropsychology, the maturation of the structural organization of the cortex in ontogenesis is associated with the growth of neurons, the formation of their separate associations, and the formation of associative links between them. By the time of birth specific gravity neurons in the cortex exceeds the proportion of fibrous structures (neuronal processes). By the age of 5-6, the specific volume of fibers increases significantly due to the development of associative connections and prevails in most parts of the cortex, beyondwith the exception of the frontal cortex, where its increase occurs after 10-12 years. The anatomical structure of the frontal cortex, related to the third functional at the block of the brain, determines its leading role in programming, control over the course of mental functions, in the formation of ideas and goals mental activity, in the regulation and control over the results of individual actions, activities and behavior in general.The frontal cortex includes motor and premotor (motor) and prefrontal (non-motor) sections. Therefore, classes on the development of fine motor skills in children of younger adolescence will help improve the functioning of the third functional block of the brain. In addition, exercise and rhythmic movements fingers inductively leads to excitation in speech centers of the brain and a sharp increase in the coordinated activity of speech zones, which ultimately stimulates the development of speech.

So, the problem of the development of fine motor skills in younger adolescents is relevant, and it cannot be neglected. Based on the characteristics of the development of the human brain, classes aimed at developing fine motor skills in younger adolescents will contribute to: school performance, speech development, development of communication skills, regulation of behavior, concentration of attention, and since the frontal cortex is interconnected with all areas of the brain, then solution of problems related to its development will provide positive influence for the course of all mental processes. It is necessary to select methods for the development of fine motor skills in children of younger adolescence very carefully in accordance with the tasks set and taking into account age characteristics.


Krakovsky, A.P. About teenagers (the content of age, gender and typological in the personality of a younger and older teenager). Moscow: Pedagogy, 1970. 272 ​​p.

Mikadze Yu.V. Neurophysiology childhood : Tutorial. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2008.// Collection of articles on the study of mental phenomena. URL: uro/science/base/ch_ontogenesis.php

Pridvorova V.S. What is fine motor skills and how to develop it. // Education of preschool children in kindergarten and family. URL:

Ekaterina Rakitina

Dr. Dietrich Bonhoeffer Klinikum, Germany

Reading time: 5 minutes


Article last updated: 01/23/2017

The human brain is a complex system of the body that sends signals to action. The centers responsible for speech and the movement of the fingers are in close proximity to each other. Thus, the development of fine motor skills in children stimulates the speech zone, and also helps to control their actions with the help of vision.

Fine motor skills are the coordination and control of the movement of the fingers or the entire hand. different systems body: nervous, bone, muscle, visual.

The sooner loving parents begin to stimulate the motor skills of the hands, the faster the development of the crumbs will take place.

The little man comes to our huge world without any knowledge or skills. Even the movements of his fingers he makes unconsciously, the muscles of the child are weak and undeveloped. One of the primary tasks of parents is to help their baby get comfortable, to form the necessary skills:

  • development of memory and speech;
  • learning to draw and write;
  • formation of logical thinking;
  • development of dexterity;
  • expanding horizons;
  • development of imagination and fantasy;
  • preparation for manual skills.

Child under one year old

There is an opinion that crumbs up to a year do not need to develop motor skills of the fingers. But we should not forget that the newborn seeks to know the world, which gradually expands around it.

By three months, the child develops grasping reflex. First, he reaches out with his whole hand to a bright spot, then he begins to grab and squeeze everything that comes across with his fingers.

What can parents do to develop fine motor skills in a baby up to a year old?

  1. Every day, perform a gentle massage of the fingers and palms. When feeding, gently stroke the clenched fists, gently unclenching each finger. A baby up to a year remembers emotions well - positive and negative, so a pleasant stroke will have a calming effect on him.
  2. Newborns always try to grab onto the outstretched fingers, after a while, feeling their strength, they will be able to rise with the help of their parents and rely only on their fingers.
  3. When the child has enough strength to hold the toy, it is necessary to purchase a rattle with a wavy surface, which will become the first assistant in the development of fine motor skills.
  4. Children up to a year really like the rustle of paper. Show that newspaper sheets and napkins can be twisted, wrinkled, torn.
  5. Six-month-old children can already buy cubes, a large designer, a pyramid. While playing, babies develop their fingers.
  6. For a baby from 6-7 months to a year, all items in the kitchen are of great interest. Let him play under your supervision with beans, pasta, laying out and pouring them into different bowls, plates and saucepans.

Important! Do not leave your child alone with paper and small items. Babies love to taste everything.

Game and development of fine motor skills in children

A little man cannot be forced to do something. The result will be one - tears and whims.

Remember! Only with the help of games do we develop fine motor skills in children and thereby contribute to the expansion of their horizons.

1. Gymnastics for little fingers.

It is very important to develop the flexibility of the fingers, as soon the baby will have to master writing skills. Flexibility will also help to form neat and legible handwriting.

The staging of small rhymes and fairy tales will not only contribute to the development of motor skills of the hands, but also to memorization, and will also teach the child to fantasize. A simple nursery rhyme about a staggering bull can eventually be turned into a whole performance with the addition of words and small theatrical props. For example:

  • add different intonation - sad or comedic;
  • draw eyes, nose, mouth, hooves on the fingers;
  • build a swinging bridge.

The game will allow the child to navigate where they are: up, down, right, left.

Watch the time! Do not tire the child, especially if he is not yet a year old. It is better to stop the game after 3-4 minutes than to try to keep your attention.

2. Games with small objects.

Best suited for older children who already distinguish objects from each other and know their properties. You can offer the child to touch, with his eyes closed, determine what it is.

Buttons, beads, pebbles, nuts - all these items can be shifted, poured.

Beads and buttons can be strung on a thread, and from seeds and cereals - lay out pictures on the table.

All children love to build sand figures. It is not necessary to sit outside in the sandbox, collect sand in a bucket, rinse it. For the child will be exciting activity- search small items hidden in a box with sand. This lesson will bring undoubted benefits for the development of fine motor skills of the hands.

Invite your fingers to draw a simple pattern or letters on the sand surface.

Show that paper can not only be crushed and torn into small pieces, but pieces can be torn out, which are then glued to another sheet of paper, making up a pattern.

Explain to the kid the rules for using scissors, trust him to cut something.

Do not leave your child alone with sharp objects. If the baby starts to indulge - take the scissors from him, calmly explain the reason, do not succumb to tears.

All kids love to sculpt. Modeling material - dough, plasticine, clay.

If you are afraid that plasticine and clay will go into your mouth, then the dough will be the most excellent material for the first figures. If you prepare the dough for dumplings or cookies yourself, then even a crumb is a little older than a year can mold a bun or a small sausage. Teach your baby how to use a small plastic dough knife, and the modeling process will become more entertaining. With older children, you can assemble more complex compositions from clay and plasticine.


There are many different games using lacing. But much more interesting - there will be a hand-made toy, for example, from a box from a set of sweets. Pull the laces (ribbon) in turn through the randomly located holes, creating a cobweb for the spider.

7. Screwing.

Children will be happy to twist and unscrew the corks of bottles and jars. Arrange competitions.

8. Coloring pages of our childhood.

Remember how you yourself sat at the table, awkwardly holding a pencil and slightly sticking out your tongue, diligently coloring the picture.

Teach your child to be neat from the first moment, thus you help to feel beautiful, learn to combine colors, develop creative thinking.

9. Drawing.

You can start learning to draw with paints without a brush. We dip our finger into the paint and learn to put the first traces and blots on paper.

Then, we give the child a pencil, felt-tip pen, pen. For starters, you can learn:
  • outline the contour of the palm, glass, molds;
  • draw along the outline;
  • finish drawing.

After, you can begin to perform more complex drawings.

The ways of developing motor skills in babies up to a year and after are varied. The main rule is to use game elements, then learning will turn into an easy and easy process.

Fine motor skills of hands play an important role in the development of memory, speech, and thinking. The gameplay will help not only to form the necessary skills, but also to identify hidden talents baby.