Native path for a child of 7 months. Educational games for children at seven months. Finger games are also relevant for the development of a child at the age of seven months, in addition to activating speech centers and helping to develop motor skills, they give the baby pleasure.

Today, in continuation of our favorite topic “ Games from birth to a year"Let's talk about educational games for 7 month old baby.

Earlier I wrote: the baby learns to understand that in any action there is some kind of result, for example, he dropped the rattle - it fell with a thud, pulled the rope that is tied to the bell - it rang. Etc.

The kid covers with his gaze more and more objects, his can take almost any- he will definitely consider it for a while. By the way, that's why the seventh month is a great time to distract from dangerous maneuvers, objects and actions. If he is upset about something, reaches for forbidden things, offer him something new or unfamiliar, he will quickly switch to this object.

7 month olds love hit with objects on the surface, against other objects, simply because they like the sound they make and their own swing of the hand “I'm strong, that's how I can!”

The child is watching the parents seeks to imitate their everyday actions(fiddling with the pot like mom, pressing the buttons on the keyboard like dad, etc.). Use this passion and encourage him to imitate- with this you can teach him many important actions that will enrich his physical and mental development. Buy toy plastic or wooden utensils, a toy telephone with sound buttons, a baby piano, a drum, i.e. those objects that will give the baby the opportunity to manipulate them, imitating adults, to cause responses to pressing, tapping.

When introducing your baby to objects, try to don't say long sentences- two or three words are enough: “This is a bear, bear.” “Look, it's a cat. Fluffy cat." Repeat the names several times to reinforce understanding and recognition. Avoid talking about the past or the future - talk only about the current time, what is happening with the baby or with you right now. NOW is the keyword

It is important to be able give your child time to play independently. Many mothers constantly rush about with him, endlessly occupying him with various games in her presence and forget that he also needs “personal time”. Plant the baby in a safe place: on the floor, in a spacious playpen, give interesting toys and go out. Let him play a little.

And you can watch him from afar, without interfering with the process. This will help the baby develop your independence and the ability to occupy yourself. In the future, these important qualities will be very useful to both the baby and you: he will not be capricious from boredom even during the period of time when, for example, you need to talk on the phone, cook dinner, put laundry in the wash, etc.

And finally, before we move on to educational games, we need to say the following: a seven-month the baby is still so small to fully learn the words: “no”, “no”. Therefore, do not abuse these words, do not irritate him, but rather switch to something else and remove everything that can provoke him to grab a forbidden object.

Educational games for a 7 month old baby

Let's grunt?

At this age, babies begin to wrinkle their noses in a funny way. Straight, like old men Catch this moment and teach him to blow his nose into a handkerchief, saying: “Let's grunt like a pig?” - show a picture with a piglet or a toy so that he understands who he is talking about. - “Look here: Hrr- ... Hrr” - show by your example, then let's “grunt” him.

This game will help the baby clean his nose in a timely manner, and, God forbid, he will get sick - blowing your nose will help to quickly cure a runny nose and improve nasal breathing.

What a wonder rug!

At seven months, babies love to crawl on the floor, grab everything that comes to hand. In this case, a developing mat with sewn on buttons, ribbons, rustling fabric or filler, etc. will be an excellent educational material that can keep the baby busy for a long time. You can either buy it in a children's store or, better, sew it yourself for every taste and imagination! By the way, my colleague Lyuba Dalnova sews wonderful rugs, educational and tactile books for children. Come visit her, she will be very happy to see you! She can also subscribe to a free course on sewing such a rug or take her training " We sew a Unique Educational Book in 3 weeks".

They involve tactile receptors, motor skills, cognition of the properties of things, which enriches emotional perception, develops intelligence.

Who is this light and round?

Blow up a lightly colored balloon and show it to your baby. Its size should not be larger than your head. The child can lie on his back, tie a ball to his leg - let him pull his leg. Can also be tied to a handle. If the baby reaches out to feel this miracle - do not forbid, but be as careful as possible so that the ball does not burst right in front of the nose.

In the game the child learns to see the consequences of their actions, gets acquainted with the concepts of “easy”.


Teach your child to keep things in their places. For example, a car is by the bed, a doll is in a toy bed, a bunny is in a box, a ball is in a basket, etc. When you have spoken the names of the objects several times, ask him: “Where is the ball? Here it is - a ball in a basket ”- show the baby’s pen to the basket. When the baby remembers after repetitions, you will ask - and he will begin to look in the right direction.

Show with a pen or nod-shake your head in response to a question, he will be later. You can also discreetly move the toy to a new location later, leaving its old location empty. To the question “Where is Lyalya?” you will shrug your shoulders in bewilderment: “No Lyali! Let's look for Lyalya!”

The game is very exciting and develops the baby memory, attention, orientation in space.

What is it flying?

Take a light scarf, sit next to a sitting or lying baby. Introduce him to the scarf, let him feel it with his hands, bring it to his nose, and touch it. Then toss it up: "Fly up!" so that it smoothly falls on your head, then on the baby's head. Encourage him to show positive emotions, praise him if he "caught" on his head.

The game teaches show positive emotions, strengthens bond with mom, develops hand coordination.

Learn ... letters!

A seven-month-old baby can begin to introduce letters. Choose the vowel or consonant letter with which his name begins. Draw it on paper (half of an A4 sheet is suitable) - the vowel is in red, the consonant is in blue. The colors should be clear and saturated, not pale, a marker or felt-tip pen (not too thin) will do. Attach it to the wall or on a board against the wall so that the baby can clearly see it. Say: “Alyosha, this is your letter, the letter “A, A, A”!” Repeat it several times. Then draw an "M" - and say: "And this is my mother's letter, the letter "Mmm, Mmm."".

These two letters will be just enough for two weeks. Further, you can expand his knowledge of the alphabet by adding letters that begin with objects that the baby knows well.

Where does it squeak?

Play hide-and-seek with your child. Let's just complicate this time, and we will find the hidden toy by sound. To do this, select a squeaky, purring, meowing, etc. a toy. Hide it after the baby has played enough with it and squeaked it, so that he does not see. And ask: “Where is the cat?” He will look around in search of her, and you squeeze the toy: “meow!”

The game teaches find an object by its sound.

This concludes an interesting selection of educational games for a seven-month-old baby. Next we will go. Grow-grow!!! Do not miss!

Joint games with a child at 7 months old are one of the simplest and most enjoyable, but at the same time effective ways to educate and develop a baby. If you choose the right toys and not just give them to your child, but plan interesting activities, you can count on the correct formation of systems and organs, the formation of the psyche and sensory perception of the world, the rapid honing of speech skills and intelligence.

To play with a baby and benefit from it, it is not necessary to purchase developmental complexes that are so popular today. It is better to use objects that constantly surround children and do not cause him misunderstanding and rejection. You need to work with children (and games at such a tender age are exactly hard work) every day, affecting all areas of their development.

What should a child be able to do at 7 months?

Initially, you need to decide on the goals that toys and activities with parents should fulfill. It is bad if they are carried out only to occupy children for a while or to calm them down, this will definitely be deposited in the subconscious of the child, associating with an empty pastime. If you play with a 7-month-old baby with benefit, then he will always have a positive attitude towards learning, and he will approach the choice of games consciously and with a specific goal.

Educational games for kids pursue several goals at once: working out physical indicators, forming the speech apparatus, stimulating sensory perception. It is recommended to keep a diary and note in it the appearance of new skills in the child, the consolidation of recently mastered ones. Toys and activities should be selected so that by the end of the 7th month of life, the baby has basic skills in all of these areas.

In terms of physical development, the baby should be able to:

  • Crawl in all directions, quickly and without whims. It can crawl up low hills along sloping steps.
  • He tries to sit up on his own and loves to do gymnastics, aimed at developing a new skill.
  • Able to independently move from a sitting position to any other.

Tip: If for some reason the baby is significantly behind physically, then you need to play less active games with him, setting adequate goals. Any action that involves the direct participation of a newborn immature for its age must be agreed with the pediatrician, otherwise there is a risk of violating the correct formation of systems and organs.

  • He is already trying to stand at the support, after which he can get on all fours or try to sit down.
  • Holding on to a support, he tries to take lateral steps.

Speech development is not only the ability of children to speak, but also their skills in perceiving phrases addressed to them. Classes should be structured in such a way that the following skills are present in the arsenal of a mature 7-month-old baby:

  1. He is able to perform some action in response to a request addressed to him.
  2. The kid already knows the words of some nursery rhymes (Ladushki, Magpie) and begins to reproduce the appropriate actions if the mother begins to read the rhyme.
  3. The child actively mutters, pronounces individual syllables.
  4. In response to the question addressed to him "Where?" children point to the right toys, objects, people, or at least look for them with their eyes.
  5. Most children already know their name well and respond to it.

Educational games aimed at activating sensory centers will achieve the following results:

  1. The kid will begin to recognize familiar objects from different distances, at different angles, in an atmosphere that is unusual for them (for example, on another shelf).
  2. He tries to explore his toys and other available products in every possible way, everything new arouses his interest.
  3. Able to manipulate several things at once, and not just one, as before. During the game, he actively uses both hands.
  4. Begins to understand the meaning of direct and reverse actions (collects and disassembles toys, takes off and puts on things).
  5. Correctly evaluates the features and properties of objects (rolls balls, puts cubes on top of each other, opens and closes lids).
  6. The attention of children at this age can linger on an interesting subject for up to 3-6 minutes, if classes are held with an adult - up to 8-10 minutes.

All of these abilities in kids are most quickly formed during the game. But these manipulations must be special and specific.

Optimal games that develop the physical properties and strength of the body

Basically, at 7 months, all manipulations and games are aimed at strengthening the muscle corset and preparing the child for the first steps. You need to do it in two directions - work with the abdominal and back muscles, improve the crawling skill. In the first case, the method of sitting down the baby from the standard position on the back and from the position on the back by one hand is used, by fixing the knees. In the process, you need to use toys to interest the baby. Gradually, the mother should use less and less physical strength, encouraging the baby to act independently.

Crawling classes are organized as follows. We take toys that can make sounds, and lay them out on the floor of the room, cover with thin napkins. We seat the child or lay it on the floor, activate one of the toys. She should interest the child with her sound, forcing him to crawl and pick up the napkin. We do this several times, over time, the baby himself can even begin to understand that there are surprises under the napkins and begin to crawl without incentives. It is desirable not only to ensure that the baby crawls from one surprise to another, but tries to play with toys for a while.

Games that involve the development of speech

At 7 months, one of the most effective ways to develop speech is to conduct a game roll call with a child. Lessons are built according to the following scheme:

  • We start with preparation. We lean over the baby so that he focuses on the mother's face, and say his name several times, stretching the vowels, changing intonation, but not modifying the word. Repeat several times and pause for 15 seconds.
  • We pronounce the sounds and syllables that the baby already uses in his “speech” and make short pauses after them. If the baby tries to repeat them, we do a few more repetitions.
  • We connect toys with sound. Just let the child listen to them for a few seconds.
  • After that, we try to use the sounding toy in the game, perform any actions with it, reinforcing them with sound.
  • Again we perform the exercise on the repetition of syllables.
  • In conclusion, we read a rhyme to the baby, sing a song or play a nursery rhyme.

Listening to audio recordings with fairy tales gives a good effect, but only if the mother listens to them with her little one, pronouncing individual key words or reinforcing the story with actions. The duration of such a game should not exceed 5 minutes. It is recommended to use the listened recording for several lessons, this allows you to train memory and attention in children, they are happy when they hear already familiar words and sounds.

Entertainment aimed at sensory development

In this case, educational games are based on the study of the properties and characteristics of familiar objects.

  • First you need to arouse interest in the baby, we do this with the help of a new or favorite toy. It is desirable that the child independently crawls up to the product and starts playing with it, examining it from all sides.
  • After interest is lost, it needs to be refreshed. To do this, one of the parents connects and begins to show the possibilities of the subject. He shows how the toy rides, jumps, squeaks, disassembles and assembles or does other equally interesting things. For one approach, it is best to limit yourself to 1-2 actions. It is desirable that the child repeats them.
  • When interest is lost again, we connect the effect of the sudden appearance of an object. We take it out of the bag, from under the table or napkin, from behind. Having shown the child, we again hide the product, provoking the interest of the baby.
  • After some time, you can connect auxiliary items. It can be a box with a lid or a bag with a simple clasp, from which the little one must get his favorite toy.

In addition, you need to try to teach children new actions. You can perform them directly with the hands of the baby, developing muscle memory, show and wait for him to repeat, or encourage him to independent actions by speech itself. The main thing is that all these manipulations give pleasure to the child.

What games can be played with a child from 6 to 8 months.

In the period from 6 to 8 months, your child clearly controls the position when sitting, gets up in a crib or playpen, holding on to the fence, and actively crawls. The baby has formed the first attachments and there is an alarming reaction to the appearance of strangers in the house. The baby masters simple imitation games, imitates adults in their actions (mirror reflection). “Battering” develops, the child begins to listen to the speech of adults, can manipulate two objects, knows how to shift a toy from hand to hand, learns to put objects into each other, and depicts the work of simple mechanisms.

Note to parents

❧ From early childhood, carefully observe the behavior of the child, and you will see what will allow you to cope with age-related crises relatively easily and painlessly in the future.

❧ To establish contact with the baby, you need to put yourself in his place. And for a better understanding of the child, you need to look at the world through his eyes, play his games.

❧ Among the toys that you buy for your baby, there should be simple toy tools and mechanisms so that you can show your child how they work.

❧ Impressing a child with positive, good things helps him gain confidence and better adapt to the world around him.

❧ Toys rather quickly bother the baby, satiety occurs. Therefore, you should separate them and periodically replace one with another.

Educational games for children from 6 to 8 months

Who is faster

Purpose of the game: development of coordination of movements, emotional contact, competitive spirit, adequate perception of defeat.

: various toys, whistle.

Game progress: the participants of the competition are the baby and the father, the judge is the mother. Mom shows the baby a toy and sets it a short distance from the child and the father with the words: “Where is the bear (or other toy)? Let's get to the bear", whistles the whistle, giving a start. The baby and dad begin to move towards the toy, during which it is necessary to encourage the baby. After the child comes to the finish line first, praise him by clapping his hands: "Well done." Having reached the toy, the baby is left to play with it on its own. After the game, the toy is put in place.

It is worth noting that the child does not always have to be a winner, but even in case of a loss, you need to reassure him and praise him so that the game remains positive, and failures are not perceived as a disaster.

Elephant shakes his head: yes, yes, yes

Game Goals: obtaining an affirmative answer to an adult's question, the development of verbal communication.

Required materials and visual aids: toy elephant, blanket.

Recommendations: if dad and mom portray a family of elephants, then the child will join the game much faster. Warning: if the child is not in the mood, postpone the game, otherwise your actions will give rise to a duality of feelings in the baby if his desires do not coincide with the answer that you expect from him.

Game progress.

1st option: dad or mom sit on the floor with the baby, on a spread blanket. Dad shows the baby a toy and depicts how the elephant shakes its head: up and down, up and down. At the same time, he asks the question: “What does the elephant say?”, And he himself answers this question: “The elephant says “YES” - up and down, “YES” - up and down”:

The elephant shakes its head

Up-down, up-down

What will he say today?

Up-down, up-down

"YES" today says

Up-down, up-down.

Then the dad invites the baby to say “Yes” with the elephant, nodding his head up and down. In the future, resort to this game when an affirmative answer is required from the child: “Let's go for a walk?”, That the elephant says “Yes”, etc. The game requires an emotional lift.

2nd option: all family members play as much as possible. Preliminarily, a fairy tale is told about a family of elephants: there lived an elephant father, an elephant mother and a little elephant son. When the baby wanted to eat, he asked his dad: “Do you want to eat?” And dad answered, shaking his head up and down: “Yes”, “Yes” (at this point in the tale, dad depicts a big elephant and shakes his head, while saying “Yes”). Then the baby elephant ran to his mother and asked her: “Will we eat porridge?”, And the mother answered in the affirmative: “Yes” (mother, depicting an elephant, shakes her head and says “Yes”). Mom and dad sit down at the table and ask the child: “Do you want to eat?” The kid, like an elephant, answers, nodding his head up and down, and dad and mom say: “Yes”, “Will you eat porridge?” - "Yes". One recommendation: you can play using this fairy tale when the child is hungry, then what is happening will correspond to reality. According to the situation, come up with other versions of the fairy tale: elephants go for a walk, elephants go to sleep, etc.

In the future, the child will give answers to your questions in the form of shaking his head up and down, which means “Yes”.

Hide and seek (or "Where are you?")

Purpose of the game: development of the skill of collective play, emotional contact.


Game progress: sit in a circle, determine with the help of a counter (you will find options for counters in the chapter "Grandma's Chest") who will drive:

The mouse came out once

See what time it is.

One two three four,

The mouse pulled the weights.

Suddenly there was a loud ringing.

Get out of the circle!

Hide first with your baby so that he learns the rules of the game. The one who searches comments on the results of his searches: “Where is everyone?”, “No one under the bed and no one behind the curtain”, “Found it, cheers!”

The child can also look for those who have hidden. At first you can give a voice so that the baby is interested and tries to look for you, in the future, refuse this technique and watch what he will do. After the baby has found you, praise him: “I found mom (dad), what a fine fellow.” Be sure to take the child in your arms, throw it up, hug it to you.

Blacksmith. Telephone

Purpose of the game: development of purposeful actions at the request of an adult.

Necessary materials and visual aids: toy hammer, toy phone.

Game progress.

Blacksmith. Pick up a toy hammer, depicting the work of a blacksmith, say:

We beat the anvil

Forging bells!

The bells are ringing,

The bells are ringing:

Knock, knock, knock, knock,

Let's hit together all of a sudden!

Knock, knock, knock, knock.

Give the kid a hammer in his hands, show him how to work with a hammer. The child knocks with a hammer, and you again sentence, ending the poem with the words: “Knock, knock, knock, knock ...”

In the future, ask the child to show how the blacksmith works. When he starts to knock with a hammer, say: "Knock, knock, knock, knock." At the end of the game, praise the child and put the hammer back.

Telephone. Show the child on a toy phone how to use it, dial a number, depict how the phone rings (if the toy does not make such sounds), explain to the baby when to pick up the phone: call - picked up the phone - HELLO ...

For this, use Korney Chukovsky's poem "Telephone" (or any other, at your discretion), read it in faces, place the necessary accents with your voice.

- My phone rang (Tsing-n-n-n-n).

- Where?

- From a camel.

- What do you need?

— Chocolate.

Watch how the child will conduct the game on their own. If the phone does not have a ringer, sound the ringer yourself. At the end of the game, be sure to praise the baby, put the phone back together.

Let's clap our hands

Game Goals: consolidation of purposeful movements in response to the request of adults, development of a sense of rhythm.

Game progress: at the end of any game, when you praise the baby for the successes achieved, end the praise with the words (options can be very diverse): “Sasha (child's name) played well today, well done, let's show how well he played? Let's clap our hands: "Ho-ro-sho, mo-lo-dets" (clap your hands to the beat of the syllables). The baby quickly adopts your movements. In the future, ask the child to show how he played today, ate, slept, walked, etc. This game, which takes place on an emotional basis, creates a good, joyful mood. Clapping hands can also be used to express joy: “Hurrah! Dad came”, “Hurrah! Let's go for a walk", "Hurrah! Let's play."

2 toys

Purpose of the game: development of coordination of movement, the ability to manipulate two toys, speed of reaction.

Required materials and visual aids: bright squeaky toys, a blanket.

Game progress: put the child on the floor, on a spread blanket, sit next to the baby, put a few toys next to him, let the baby choose one of them and start playing, quietly remove the rest of the toys. Give the child a “new” toy, offer it either from the side of the free hand, or from the side of the busy one. If the baby lets go of his toy and reaches for a new one, try to offer him the object left by him again, either from the side of the free hand, then from the side of the busy one. Repeat the steps until the baby learns to shift the toy from the occupied hand to the free one in order to take another toy. When the baby completes the task, praise him for his diligence. Watch how the child will behave if, at the beginning of the game, unselected toys are not removed, but left in the child’s field of vision and attract his attention with their squeaking sounds. See how he will dispose of his free hand on his own. After the game, all toys must be returned to their place.

Roly-poly, Roly-poly

Purpose of the game: development of movement coordination, team game skills

Necessary materials and visual aids: blanket, pillows.

Game progress: Spread a blanket on the floor, put a few pillows on it, put the child on the blanket and sit next to him. Gently push the child so that he falls on the pillows, while cheerfully say: “Masha (child’s name), like Tumbler, fell on her side, look how quickly she got up,” then again gently push the child onto the pillows:

The roly-poly will not get tired,

Lie down, get up

Lie down, get up.

Praise your baby for getting up quickly and being so tireless.

For boys, use the name of the Roly-Vstanka toy.

Vanka, get up

We will ask

“Are you tired, Vanya?”, we ask.

Vanya lay down, Vanya got up,

But not at all tired.

Pretend that you also fell when the baby touches you, this will cause him a storm of delight, the joyful mood that is created in the game is the key to mutual understanding between you and the child.

After six months, parents expect new achievements from the child: first words, active crawling, first steps. Every month, if not a day, the baby will master and improve these skills. But at the same time he needs the help of his parents. So, how to develop a child at 7 months? What is important to pay attention to?

Age skills

Now the baby is actively studying the world around him, is interested in people - not only relatives, but also everyone who is around. At this age, both the right toys and live communication are important to him.

A 7-month-old baby is becoming more and more like a “real person”: his motor skills are becoming more diverse:

  • the child is able to sit without support;
  • he can (or learns) to sit up from a prone position;
  • crawls in all directions on his stomach (and the most active babies are already crawling on all fours, overcoming small steps),
  • reaches for a toy with one handle resting on the other;
  • able to shift objects from hand to hand;
  • leafing through a cardboard book, looking at pictures;
  • plays with a ball;
  • independently holds the bottle, and if it has fallen, it can pick it up;
  • can change position: from lying down - sit down, from a sitting position - lie down or get on all fours;
  • with support under the armpits, the baby can step over with its legs;
  • some fidgets have learned to stand up on a support and learn to take steps on their own with its help.

Progress is also noticeable in intellectual development.

  • The baby is already able to recognize objects at different distances, even if he is shown them from different angles.
  • He explores a new subject in all ways available to him now.
  • Can play with a wide variety of objects with both hands.
  • He studies the direct and reverse order of actions (takes off-puts on, closes-opens, takes out and folds back, throws and picks up).
  • Acts with toys in accordance with their purpose (rolls or throws the ball, puts cubes one on top of the other or knocks one on the other, opens boxes, pushes wheelchair toys).
  • Large toys or objects are captured with the whole five, small ones with a pinch.
  • To the question "where?" can point his finger at the desired object, even if it has been moved from place to place. Can choose the desired item among several offered.
  • Can find and show something familiar not in life, but in the picture - in a flat image.

Significant changes also occurred in the psycho-emotional sphere of the child by this age:

  • he already understands many words, understands when he is called by name;
  • can express their emotions with intonation, gestures, facial expressions;
  • distinguishes the emotional state of parents;
  • can contact other people, but not yet on their own initiative;
  • can repeat the learned movements that accompany nursery rhymes when mom says them;
  • fulfills simple requests (sit down, give, raise, drink);
  • speech is in the stage of active babbling: the baby babbles for a long time, loudly and clearly, repeats syllables similar to future words (ma, ba, pa) after adults.

At this age, it is important for a child to understand why he is being praised, and not just to hear that he is good and well done. Therefore, always explain to him what the praise is for: he found a toy, gave his mother an object, closed the box, took a step, etc. So he will learn to correlate praise with the right actions, he will begin to see in his mother an interlocutor and an employee in his actions, which is extremely important now and at later stages.

What can be taught to a child?

First of all, you need to proceed from the skills and needs of each individual child, teaching simple skills appropriate to his age:

  • point at objects not with eyes or hand, but with a finger;
  • fulfill simple requests: bring, give, pick up, find;
  • wave the pen “bye”, hold it out as a sign of greeting;
  • climb on the support on the legs;
  • eat from a spoon, drink from a cup from mother's hands;
  • go to bed at a certain time.

But one of the most important activities with a child at 7 months is teaching crumbs of objective activity. This will help him manage his actions, understand the possibilities of these actions and anticipate their consequences.

  • Take 2 toys, tell about each of them - who or what it is, what it is for, what color, size, etc. Then ask the child to give one of the toys. The kid must learn to navigate in your requests.
  • Show what actions you can perform with different toys and objects and what the result will be. For example, how to play with a nesting doll, a sorter, a pyramid, a tumbler, insert toys, cubes.
  • Teach your child to correlate two toys (cubes can be put in a box, a doll can be rolled in a typewriter, knock on objects with a hammer).

When showing your child new toys, after a brief description and demonstration, give him the opportunity to feel and explore the new item himself. As soon as he exhausts the arsenal of cognitive actions, start showing him various simple plots: a bunny can jump, hide, fall, eat, cry, sleep, sing or dance.

In such classes, it is important, first of all, the positive attitude of the adult and the baby. You should also remember about changing activities: the game should not last more than 5 minutes. After that, you can do something else. For example, learn to crawl or stand up.

Buy or sew a glove doll. She can become a real friend and helper: help feed or bathe the baby, calm or tell stories before going to bed, give him a massage or become a character in the first puppet theater. This is a mass of positive emotions that are so important to the baby now.

What to play with the baby?

Educational games for children at 7 months old can be quite organized using improvised materials. Here are some examples.

  • What's in the box?

For this game you will need a box, basket or container with a hinged lid. Inside you need to put a small object, shake it and give it to the child, asking what it is that is rattling inside. Let him try to open the container himself and find the item, and then examine it.

In addition, it is useful to simply fill such containers with various objects and invite the baby to lay them out and collect them back. Such games at this age are able to occupy the child for quite a long time. After all, he will learn to take objects of different shapes, sizes, properties, thereby developing fine motor skills, tactile sensations, and coordination. Household items can also be used as “fillers”: bottle caps, spoons, plates, champagne corks, a mirror, washed coins, squeaker toys, beans, curly pasta, nuts, etc.

  • "Thimble".

Everyone knows this game. You can play with the baby using 2 cups and, for example, a piece of fruit or vegetable that he has already tried in complementary foods. Before his eyes, a piece is covered with a glass, the second glass is also turned over and placed next to it. You need to move the cups a little and invite the child to show where the food is hidden. This game helps to develop logic, attention, intelligence.

  • "Drummer".

Games with the baby for the development of hearing, a sense of rhythm can also be carried out "in between times", with those items that are at hand. Let him drum on different pots, pans, bowls with a wooden spoon (or a plastic rod from a pyramid). You can give two different "drumsticks" at once. While mom is preparing dinner, the child will entertain mom and herself with such a “concert”.

Mom can make useful developments herself, it's not difficult. For example, you can take a small box and stick a bright picture on one of its sides. The child needs to show the picture, and then turn the box over to the other side. If the baby himself did not understand how to look for the picture, the mother shows him by turning the box in different directions. This game also trains attention, logic, coordination.

Movement - green light

The motor activity of the child is extremely important for his physical development, in particular for the timely mastering of the skill of walking. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a child at 7 months physically.

For example, now it is important to stimulate him to sit down on his own: help from a supine position, first turn on his side, and then sit down while relying on one handle. For this, the “sitting down” exercise is useful. First, the child is taught to rise by pulling him by the handles. Then the exercise becomes more difficult. With one hand, an adult holds the baby by the legs, and with the other he takes and pulls the child’s hand to the side. The baby will begin to sit down with the help of a free handle. Therefore, it is important to do the exercise with both hands in turn, stimulating the child with an attractive toy.

The following exercises will help you improve your crawling skills.

  • Find a toy. It is good if the toy is musical at the same time, because, without seeing it, the child will want to find a sounding object. A toy (or several different ones) is hidden under a handkerchief or napkin at a distance from the crumbs. Then it is turned on without opening. The kid will be interested, crawl up and open the toy. Let her play with her.
  • Race. Mom "competes" with the child. You can crawl after a toy (who will get it faster?), run away from the baby or catch up with him, tickling his heels. Of course, the winner should be the kid who, during the game, will get a lot of fun and crawl from the heart.
  • Obstacle race. For this exercise, you will need a special children's massage track (you can buy it or sew it yourself). This is a textile rug on which elements of various shapes and textures are sewn (bags with different cereals, soft and rough sponges, wooden rings or sticks, buttons, all kinds of cords, plastic lattices, etc.). Along the way, the baby will not only overcome these obstacles, but also touch, along the way developing fine motor skills. It is important that at the end of the child's journey a desired reward awaits (a treat, a bright toy or a mother's kiss).

We develop speech

This is one of the most important skills that needs attention at any age. How to stimulate the baby in speech terms was described in a previous article. Let's take a look at a few more points here.

  • Use onomatopoeia. This is the first step on the way to speaking real words. Imitate the sounds of animals, nature, household appliances when you see them, look at pictures or just play imitation. Articulate clearly so that the baby can see the movements of the lips (and perhaps he will begin to feel them - this is also useful).
  • Use a mirror. Bring the baby to the mirror so that he can see you and himself, control whether he repeats after you correctly. Despite all the stereotypes, a mirror in terms of speech development is a very useful subject.
  • Positive attitude, jokes, joyful emotions will contribute to the rapid development of speech. Whereas constant stressful situations can become a real brake on this path.

Positive emotions help develop not only speech, but also all other skills of the baby. Causing positive emotions in a child, surrounding him with affection and love, parents do much more for his development than when they fall asleep from head to toe with expensive toys.

How to play with a 7 month old baby. At this age, the child is actively trying to learn about the world around him and all the objects around him. He is already sitting on his own, albeit uncertainly, he can safely roll over from his back to his side, onto his stomach and vice versa, he tries to reach toys nearby, kneel down and crawl. He learns to grasp objects with his thumb and forefinger, and also tries with might and main to imitate his parents in gestures and pronounces the first syllables “ba-ba”, “ma-ma”, “ta-ta” and other sounds. Therefore, games and toys should be in their content the subject of knowledge and development of the child.

For the baby, you need to select toys that can respond to his actions - these can be squeakers, or stretchable toys, and the like. To develop coordination, you can offer the following games with a child at 7 months old: drop the ball into a tin, do the same, taking the ball in the baby’s hand, you will hear a ringing, unfamiliar sound that will arouse his curiosity and become an incentive to do this, but already without your help.

Don't forget to read to your baby. At this age, he may have his own favorite book, which you read to him constantly, and which gives him joy and pleasure. The book should be with hard pages and bright and colorful pictures.

At seven months, the baby may already be interested in various toys with buttons, musical or animal voices. You can teach your child to move to music by dancing with him.

You can purchase or make a rug yourself, sew on it, buttons of various textures, materials, hang a variety of toys so that it reaches out to them, hitting and pulling. Such a rug will not only entertain the child, but also contribute to the development of fine motor skills.

You can interest the baby in actions with the help of a bright and sounding rattle. Focus the child's attention on the rattle, voice its name and ask: "Where is the rattle?" Repeat the question several times, if it is difficult for him to orient himself, point to the rattle. The kid will take a rattle, start playing with it, shifting from one hand to another. You can also show and hide the rattle under a napkin or in a nearby box and ask the same question. Or hide toys in one of the hands. The child will begin to look for her, and when he succeeds, rejoice with them and praise him.

Emphasize simple baby activities with toys, such as matryoshka dolls, or stringing rings onto a pyramid. In the process of playing with a child at 7 months, he learns to imitate, so often carry out joint actions with the baby. For example, you fold a pyramid, he takes it apart, the same thing, but with cubes and other toys.

At this age, the child is already mastering the game of "patties", hide and seek. He likes to play them regularly. You need to play hide and seek with a child in this way: we put a diaper on a child or an adult and say, “Where is the baby?” or “Where is mom?”, and when the child pulls off the diaper, we rejoice and say “Ku-ku!”. You may have to remove the diaper yourself several times at first, but then the baby will certainly learn this. It’s not really worth hiding from a child, even if he already knows how to crawl, this can only scare him.

You can add the following similar game, such as “fly-fly, sat on the head”, when the child will have to wave his arms, and then fold them on top of his head. Or “a clumsy bear walks through the forest”, while depicting the actions of a bear. First, the adult shows them to the baby, so that later the child begins to show them himself.