How to congratulate your sister on the new year in an original way. New Year's greetings to the sister - the eldest, the youngest. Happy New Year to sister

Happy New Year,
Let the cheerful Santa Claus
Will reward you with luck
And throw sweet dreams
Lots of happy smiles
Kisses and love
May you be lucky, sister
And dreams come true!

On this magical night
I wish
So that you are happy
Dear sister!

For dreams to come true
You weren't sad
Troubles were forgotten
There were easy days!

To not know grief
To know no evil
Happy New Year dear
I congratulate!

My dear sister! Let every page of this New Year be happy and meaningful. I wish you to keep the mood of magic, miracles and celebration in your soul for the whole year. I wish you to live positively, look at life with a smile, laugh in the face of troubles, enemies and envious people. And let Santa Claus read your thoughts and give you your dream. Happy New Year!

Sister, dear, I congratulate you,
I wish you great happiness, with love,
Good luck, fun and life "beautiful",
And most importantly, be very happy!

May the New Year be everything you want
Everything you prophesy will come true
And most importantly, remember: if you believe in a miracle,
That property of it, you will certainly appreciate it!

My beloved and best sister,
I congratulate you on the New Year
A normal day was still yesterday,
Well, today I wish you happiness.

Under the chime, miracles happen
You make a wish soon
Let your eyes water with joy,
And the world will become a little better.

I want to wish you everything,
So that you do not know sorrows loss,
So that there is laughter in your life,
And, of course, a huge salary.

May the New Year be with you, sister,
Give bright moments
Lots of smiles and kindness
And fulfillment of all desires!

Sister, know that you must
Achieve success in the new year!
May your life be full
Fun, joy and laughter!

happy new year greetings
You, sister, accept!
May you always be happy
Very cute and playful!

Be like a bright ray of sunshine
The lightest, without thorns.
Take care of yourself always
Don't ever get sick!

And only the most faithful friends,
No hypocritical smiles.
Be loved always
Happy New Year sister!

Happy New Year sister!
Love and success
Happiness, lots of health
And happy days!

Be always positive
And believe in luck.
Let dreams come true
Will change soon.

From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you
Happy New Year, dear sister!
I wish you a lot of happiness
Much joy, peace, goodness!

Let's forget the worst this year
So that the new year brings success,
So that everything that is done is for the better,
May this year be successful!

I want this New Year
Saved my sister from worries
So that you swim in the sea of ​​\u200b\u200bhappiness
And enjoy the clear sky.

So that every day is like a holiday
And only brought joy
A smile bloomed on my face
And everything was going great!

Happy New Year, dear sister!
Be always beautiful and smart,
Be happy in the New Year
And you are always fair to others.

May your house always keep comfort,
They love you there, they are always waiting.
Laugh, honey, you're from the heart
And always do good.

I want to achieve all the heights
And so that there are no ruins in your soul.
I wish you great happiness
And always bypass any misfortune you have.

My dear, even if this year you were not the most obedient, but know that you will still find a small present under the Christmas tree. In this New Year, live for today, be positive and do not cry over trifles. All the best to you, love you sister!

Sister, may this year all the most secret come true, and you have many desires, I know that. Thank you for the gifted moments and good memories. In the New Year, obey your parents and be a good girl. Study for one five. Let only true friends be in your life. Celebrate this holiday very well so that there is something to remember. Happy New Year!

Despite the fact that it is winter now, I want to wish you warm sunshine to warm you. May there never be sadness and grief in your life. Always smile, because your smile is beautiful. Dear sister, I love you and wish you a happy New Year. Happy New Year!

New Year is a family holiday, but if I am not around, I want to congratulate you at least in a message. Dear, the best sister in the world, all the best to you in the New Year, may all the most cherished come true, and the worst and saddest be forgotten forever. Always smile and never be sad. Happy New Year, I love you so much!

You know, I don’t know how to write beautiful words, but I’ll try to convey all my love in this congratulation. Sister, forget everything that happened in the past year and enjoy the present, you have only the best ahead of you. Let only true friends and your loved one be around you in life. Happy New Year and may all your dreams come true!

Happy New Year! May your true love come to you in the New Year. May the smile never leave your face. Be always such a cheerful and cheerful girl. Be happy and always cheerful. I love you sister and will always be there for you.

Sister, Happy New Year! In the New Year, always go straight and do not look back, achieve your goals and be happy. Study well and don't forget to take time for yourself and your personal life. Find a good man you can rely on. Know that I am always with you and will always come to the rescue.

My beloved sister, thank you for having you. Over the past year, we have become close with you, and I am very happy about this. Let's stick together in the New Year. I want to wish you happiness. No money, no love, but happiness. After all, if a person is happy, he will overcome any difficulties. Love you. Happy New Year!

Happy New Year. All the best to you. May there be only clear days in your life, may the whole world smile at you. Be happy in the New Year and don't think about the past. It's gone and can't be returned. Do whatever you think is right and never doubt anything. May your dreams come true. Happy New Year sister!

Happy New Year, with new happiness, as they say. May everything be wonderful for you in the New Year. May your family and true friends be nearby. Always smile and don't be sad. Cry only for joy. Happy New Year, dear sister!

Happy New Year to sister

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For many, the sister invariably remains the closest person, which means that congratulations for her should be special, the most touching and sincere. And if almost everyone can choose, for example, a gift, then we will try to help you find the right words at the right time. The selection contains more than twenty best congratulations for your beloved sister.

How to wish a Happy New Year to your sister in verse

My sister, dear, Happy New Year!
May all your dreams come true
Let snowflakes surround in a round dance,
To never know trouble.

Let the coming year give mood
Which brings you good
Good luck, endless luck!
Events of joyful cycle!

Happy New Year, dear sister,
The chiming clock will fulfill dreams.
May the love in your heart not melt
And you will be loved.

Santa Claus on a New Year's sleigh
Let it fly to you this night.
Let him give you a lot of money
Wait, he will visit you soon!

Night of magic and night of charm
The clock is left - the New Year is coming,
Let the distances disappear, sister,
My love will find you everywhere!

I wish you love without counting dreams
And in reality, to make it even better,
Let the cherished couple of words be said
And clouds will disappear forever!

My sweet sister!
Happy new year, dear!
your pure soul
Let betrayal not know

I wish that in love
Only happiness you know
So that all your dreams
Turned life into reality!

Home is so cozy and warm
Smells like delicious fresh food
I dream that you are lucky
And I congratulate you with a poem.

You are my sister, and on New Year's Eve
I only wish you the best
Let the round dance circle happiness
You live, loving and prospering.

Like you, my sister
Believe me, in my life I have not met
Smart and sharp on the tongue -
There are many advantages of all kinds.

In the New Year I want to say:
You only deserve the best
I want you to flourish
Be flawless and calm!

My sister, always be the same -
Cheerful, energetic and beautiful,
Forget about all your problems
May the New Year give you strength

To overcome all worries,
After all, you deserve the best, dear,
Let the heart sing with happiness!
I wish you good health!

Touching New Year's greetings

Dear sister! You, like no one else, know that the New Year remains a holiday in our family, when a magical feeling appears in everyone's heart that a miracle is about to happen. And it doesn't matter how old we are, where we work, what we have and what we dream about. Everyone, without exception, believes that a miracle can still happen. And I would very much like this miracle to happen in your life this year. Keep on believing only in the best, kind, bright. Remain the same sincere: believe me, this quality is very valuable in the modern world. Don't forget: I'm always there. Happy New Year!

My darling! Every year I think about what you wish for. Health, happiness, success… All this goes without saying, but I want to say something special. I know you have big plans for this year. May they come true exactly the way you want. Knowing your passion for work, I want to wish you to implement the coolest and most interesting project. I, like no one, believe in your abilities: you are a great clever girl. And there will be no greater joy for me if I know that you are successful in your personal life, that you have found a person with whom you can safely go through life hand in hand. Kiss you. Happy New Year, dear!

My dear sister, the New Year is almost knocking on the door, and I want to tell you something very important. Everything is changing rapidly, and so are people. Some in a good way, and some and vice versa. However, we must understand that how we change depends only on ourselves. Not from circumstances, not from work, not from the financial situation. Only from ourselves. And I really want you to not change this year! Because you are already beautiful - both in soul and in body. Keep what you already have. With coming!

Sister, you are the closest person in my life, and all the words that I say come from a pure heart. I wish you a unique symbiosis this year: let there be a place in your life for childish spontaneity, faith, naivety. But at the same time, you did not lose adult optimism, perseverance, self-confidence. Start this year from scratch: write your story on it - unique, kind, always happy. Happy holiday to you!

Happy New Year to my sister in prose

Sister, our favorite children's holiday is about to come. Do you already feel this aroma of ripe tangerines, do you hear how champagne hissed impatiently in glasses, do you feel the aroma of spruce paws? Try to look back after the outgoing year. He wasn't as bad as you might think. Yes, there were problems and unnecessary frustrations in it, there was also a place for sadness. But there was a lot of good, warm! We will not just let go of the old year. We will put all the bad things in his bag and send him home. So rest assured, there will be no disappointments this year. But dreams will come true, plans will be realized, pleasant surprises will happen. May everything come true for you. Happy New Year!

Sister, dear, there are completely new three hundred and sixty-five days of life ahead. May each of these days be at least a hundred times better than each previous one. Feel confident in everything you do, live every minute as vividly as possible. May fun and joy always go next to you, and kindness and decency live in your heart. Be happy. Happy New Year!

Expensive! It will rain this new year. But let them be from dollars. There will definitely be leaf fall. But this leaf fall will consist of happy moments and good luck. Will not do without a blizzard. But snowstorms of bright, positive emotions. And snow will also fall - a lot, in huge flakes, and it will literally cover your house with a roof. And it will be a snowfall of happiness. Enjoy every minute of life, Happy New Year!

By tradition, we expect something special to happen on New Year's Eve. And not only on the night itself: we hope that the whole year will definitely be happier than the previous one, more successful, richer. To you, dear sister, I want to wish that this belief in a miracle is not just an aspiration for you, but a reality. So that all your expectations come true, and this year really becomes special. Congratulations, let's raise our glasses to that!

I still consider this holiday one of the most amazing and magical. Sister, I want your deepest desires to come true in the year of the Dog - their time has come. Let passions rage, let there be mysterious gifts, let creative ideas be born, let there be as many exciting trips as possible... This night is light, airy, surrounded by snow and the scent of tangerines. Let the whole year 2018 be the same air. With coming!

My dear, it's so nice to watch the city freeze in anticipation. Lights are burning in every window, all the Christmas trees are lit up, hundreds of bottles of champagne explode with a noise. Holiday in the heart. But I want him to be in your heart not only today, but the whole year, every day of it. Congratulations!

Touching New Year's greetings to my sister in verse

May the New Year bring joy
You, dear sister!
Let everything be fine in life
And only eyes shine with happiness!
Let's raise our glasses together
For this glorious New Year!
I congratulate you dear
I wish you a life without worries!

I wish you good luck, luck, love,
Sister, dear, live happy!
May you suddenly be lucky in the New Year
And the prince on horseback will come for you!
And in life everything will be fine with you:
And the house, and work, and kids - class!
Let the New Year's fairy tale suddenly come true
And all life will certainly be beautiful!

The earth is spinning, the days are coming,
And the New Year is again at the threshold,
Only a few minutes left
To sum up the annual results,
And we will celebrate! Sister, you, dear,
Today I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!
And I wish you only happiness and love,
Let your life be wonderful!

It's a frosty night outside,
The new year is coming, hooray!
The sky is clear, shining, starry,
Hey sister, it's time to celebrate!
Pour more wine into glasses
And let's make a wish
To live much better
And your whole life was like paradise!

Photo: according to Google requests

The New Year is already very soon: the list of gifts has been compiled, the packaging has been selected, it remains only to choose a New Year's greeting for your sister. After all, it is she who understands you best of all, supports, consoles, helps and knows how to cheer like no other.

Please her and sign a card, send an SMS, hang it on the wall in social networks or read it on the phone, or even personally at a family dinner, bright unusual congratulations in verse. Let 2020 start for her with your kind words. And we will try to help by choosing a variety of, but invariably sincere, filled with humor options.

My sister, my friend,
We didn't care about all the blizzards!
We were, do not spill water,
Always, my sister, always!

Take sister from sister
Good words are generous gifts.
And happy new year greetings
Accept with warmth accompanied!

Let it be this year, sister,
Fate is very kind to you!
And let happiness be in the strike,
And give a lot of joy!

My beloved sister, let
New Year will take over
Always protect you
And protect your happiness!

In the soul, let the cats do not scratch,
Let failures fight!
To luck on the road,
We walked side by side with you!

So that the joy of childhood that was
natural and real
For the good of the cause you took
Like mint tea, invigorating soul!

Sister, good memories
A cure for sickness!
And what binds us to you
It is not enough to call it a simple fate!

I'm not just a sister - to you, you - to me.
We are kindred spirits and friends.
And our relationship is worth
Do not measure. These are not services.

I congratulate you sincerely, with all my heart,
And I wish you luck in the New Year!
And let happiness be with you,
Will always scare away doubts!

I hasten to congratulate you
wishes to leave
Because the new year
Brings something new.

He will surely do
The holiday is just awesome!
There will be a sister for you
Just a Christmas miracle!

Like a sister to a sister I send
Everything that I love!
I know you very well
I send happiness to you!

Joy, laughter, love, luck,
Randomly let them jump!
Creating the rhythm of life
Enriching your life!

New Year's greetings to my sister and her family

Sister, dear, dear! With coming
Have a wonderful, Happy New Year!
May it be amazing
So that troubles get pennies!

I wish you and all your family, wholeheartedly,
Dedicate yourself only to joyful moments!
So that adversity is very, very tired,
And they had to stop hunting you!

May the coming year give you, sister,
Mutual understanding, love, warmth, comfort!
Let happiness quickly scald evil.
And miracles will send prosperity!

I wish you, sister
Find cash under the tree
Buy a sheepskin coat and boots.
And a few more dollars.

May Santa Claus on New Year's Eve
Will bring you gifts:
Good luck, happiness and love,
All your dreams will come true.

Happy New Year
I am dear sister
And I'm sure that in the world
Can't find one yet.

You support when needed
If you have to, you will curse.
I understand you by the look
When necessary, wink.

Be healthy, dear!
Be happy always!
I want you to be sad
Never knew!

My beloved sister, Happy New Year! I wish you, my angel, the most magical events and emotions in the new year. With all my heart I want you to be the happiest and most carefree, so that only good things happen in life. Huge all-embracing love to you, the strongest and unshakable health, self-realization, all kinds of benefits. May the New Year bring you the fulfillment of your desires, and dreams come true one after another!

A short

The New Year is coming.
Let him bring you
inspiration, mood,
Endless luck!
Be healthy and cheerful
My sweet sister!

Congratulations to my sister
And in the future I wish
Health, happiness, beauty
And dreams come true!

Let the year be very bright
Let him give gifts.
I want to believe in miracles!
Love you. Your sister.

May the New Year bring change
What do you wish for yourself.
The old year will carry with it dilemmas,
And only good will be remembered for winter.

Sister, I wish you to be happy
Merry days of the year that awaits us all.
I want to be beautiful and loved
May the best year come to you!

The clock on the tower strikes loudly,
The New Year is coming!
May you, my sister,
The whole year is lucky in everything.

May health be strong
Like frost in December
Santa Claus under your Christmas tree
Will bring gifts.

May it be fulfilled soon
Secret dreams.
Happy New Year! With new happiness!
You are the most beautiful in the world.

For your beloved sister
And while not joking,
Vacation bright abroad
I wish you a New Year.

So that at the same time the money was:
Euro, dollars, rubles.
To be able to afford
Both Egypt and Bali.

Well, if you get bored,
Don't forget about me.
I'll drop everything - I'll come to you,
So feel free to call.

Let, sister, the New Year
It will bring you a miracle
It's magic time
It's time to believe in a fairy tale
May all dreams today
Yours are fulfilled
Be healthy and happy
Like a snowflake, be beautiful
To the next all year
You wouldn't know the hassle
To always be lucky in everything
Life was fun!

You smile, my dear sister,
Now I will congratulate you.
May your eyes shine in the New Year,
So that everyone can be charmed.

Let my sister, my beloved,
The new year will be just with a bang.
May all your wishes come true,
I wish you happiness, joy and kindness!

Congratulations sister, you
Happy New Year, dear, loving.
Let the snowflake kiss you
Let it bewitch with its radiance!

Be happy, my dear
Know that I love you very much!
Smile, sister, frolic,
Take a moment to plunge into your childhood.

Make a wish soon
You say goodbye to the old year.
And the New Year that came to your house
May good luck bring you!