Games for parents of children with disabilities. Game activity of children with mental retardation

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Novosibirsk Pedagogical College No. 1 named after A.S. Makarenko

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Topic Playing activity of preschool children with mental retardation

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1. Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the child before school age with ZPR

5. Practical task. Synopsis of the organization of the plot- role play with preschoolers with mental retardation



Let us take a closer look at the place played in the life of a child, especially at preschool age. For him, the game is the most serious business. In the game, the world is revealed to the children, Creative skills personality. There is no, and cannot be, full-fledged mental development without play. The game is huge bright window, through which a life-giving stream of ideas, concepts about the world around flows into the spiritual world of the child. The game is a spark that ignites the flame of inquisitiveness and curiosity. V.A. Sukhomlinsky

Currently, the game is considered as the main condition for the development of a preschooler. In it, he can manifest abilities that reveal the level of his social development. However, only a full-fledged gaming activity can create a “zone of proximal development”. Works by N.P. Belopolskaya (1976), I.F. Morkovskaya (1977), L.V. Kuznetsova (1981, 1985), E.S. Slenovich (1983, 1985) indicate that children with mental retardation (MPD) have a significant lag in the development of play.

In the works of domestic and foreign scientists (L.S. Vygotsky, A.P. Usova, D.B. Elkonin, J. Piaget, M. Montessori, etc.). It is noted that the game is aimed at the formation of his social competence, is one of the main aspects of preschool education.

The game is of particular importance in the correctional pedagogical process of educating and educating preschool children with mental retardation, since, along with objective activities, it is used as the basis for the formation of social reality and for their full development. In the game, children reflect their ideas and knowledge about the world around them.

1. Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of preschool children with mental retardation

Psychological research on the problem of mental retardation in preschool age contains information that makes it possible to reveal the features of the cognitive activity of preschoolers with mental retardation and to characterize some other aspects of their development.

The attention of these children is characterized by instability, periodic fluctuations, uneven performance. It is difficult to concentrate children's attention and keep throughout the activity. The lack of purposefulness of activity is obvious, children act impulsively, are often distracted, inert, it is difficult to switch from one task to another. At the senior preschool age it is not enough developed ability to arbitrary regulation of behavior, which makes it difficult to complete tasks of an educational type.

It has been established that many of the children also experience difficulties in the process of perception (visual, auditory, tactile). The speed of performing perceptual operations has been reduced. Approximate research activity as a whole has a lower level compared to the norm.

From the side of auditory perception there are no gross disorders. Children may experience some difficulty in orienting in non-speech sounds, i.e. phonemic processes are mainly affected.

The shortcomings of orienting-research activity also relate to tactile-motor perception, which enriches the sensory experience and allows you to obtain information about the properties of objects.

In children with mental retardation, the process of formation of interanalyzer connections, which underlie complex activities, is slowed down. Deficiencies in visual-motor, auditory-visual-motor coordination are noted. In the future, these shortcomings hinder the mastery of reading and writing. The insufficiency of intersensory interaction is manifested in the lack of a sense of rhythm, difficulties in the formation of spatial orientations.

The memory of children with mental retardation has a limited volume and reduced memory strength, inaccurate reproduction and rapid loss of information. Verbal memory suffers the most. With the right approach to learning, children are capable of mastering some mnemonic techniques, mastering logical methods of memorization.

The development of their mental activity is noted already at the level of visual forms of thinking, there are difficulties in the formation of images and ideas, the difficulty of creating a whole from parts and separating parts from a whole, difficulties in spatial manipulation of images.

The reproductive nature of the activity of children with mental retardation, a decrease in the ability to create new images creatively, is noted. The process of formation of mental operations is slowed down. By the older preschool age, children with mental retardation do not form a level of verbal and logical thinking appropriate for their age: children do not single out significant features when generalizing, they generalize either by situational or by functional features.

However, unlike mentally retarded children, preschoolers with mental retardation, after receiving help, perform the proposed tasks at a higher, close to normal level.

Speech disorders in mental retardation are predominantly systemic in nature and are part of the structure of the defect.

Many children have deficiencies in sound pronunciation and phonemic development. There are many children with such a speech disorder as dysarthria.

At the level of impressive speech, there are difficulties in understanding complex, multi-stage instructions, logical and grammatical constructions such as “Kolya is older than Misha”, “Birch grows on the edge of the field”, children do not understand the content of the story with a hidden meaning, the process of decoding texts is difficult.

Children have a limited vocabulary. Adjectives, adverbs are rarely found in their speech, the use of verbs is narrowed. Word-formation processes are difficult, later than normal, a period of children's word creation occurs and lasts up to 7-8 years.

Immaturity within speech mechanisms leads to difficulties in the grammatical design of sentences, the formation of coherent speech.

In terms of organizing corrective work with children, it is important to take into account the uniqueness of the formation of speech functions, especially its planning, regulating function. With a delay in mental development, there is a weakness in the verbal regulation of actions (V. I. Lubovsky, 1978). That's why methodical approach involves the development of all forms of mediation: the use of real objects and substitute objects, visual models, as well as the development of verbal regulation. IN various types activities, it is important to teach children to accompany their actions with speech, to summarize the work done, and at later stages to draw up instructions for themselves and for others, that is, to teach planning actions.

Considering the psychological structure of the ZPR in preschool age, E. S. Slepovich (1994) points to its main links: insufficient formation of the motivational-target basis of activity, the sphere of images-representations, underdevelopment of sign-symbolic activity.

All these features are most clearly manifested at the level of play activity of children with mental retardation. They have a reduced interest in the game and in the toy, the idea of ​​the game is difficult to come up with, the plots of the games gravitate towards stereotypes, mainly affect everyday topics. Role-playing behavior is characterized by impulsiveness, for example, the child is going to play in the "hospital", enthusiastically puts on a white coat, takes a suitcase with "tools" and goes ... to the store, as he was attracted by the colorful attributes in the play corner and the actions of other children. The game is not formed and how Team work: children communicate little with each other in the game, game associations are unstable, conflicts often arise, collective game doesn't add up.

The immaturity of the emotional-volitional sphere of children with mental retardation determines the originality of the formation of their behavior and personality traits. The field of communication suffers. Thus, studies by E. E. Dmitrieva (1989) showed that older preschoolers with mental retardation are not ready for extra-situational-personal communication with adults, unlike their normally developing peers, they reach only the level of situational-business communication. These facts must be taken into account when building a system of pedagogical correction.

Problems in the formation of the moral and ethical sphere are noted: the sphere of social emotions suffers, children are not ready for "emotionally warm" relationships with peers, emotional contacts with close adults may be disrupted, children are poorly oriented in the moral and ethical standards of behavior (Vassilieva E. N " 1994; Efremova G. N., 1997). It should be noted some features of the formation of the motor sphere of children with mental retardation. They do not have severe motor disorders, however, a closer examination reveals a lag in physical development, lack of technique in the main types of movements, lack of such motor qualities as accuracy, endurance, flexibility, dexterity, strength, coordination. Particularly noticeable is the imperfection of fine motor skills of the hands, visual-motor coordination, which inhibits the formation of graphomotor skills in children. So, when developing a model of correctional and developmental education and upbringing, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the mental development of pupils of diagnostic and correctional groups, only then can the main directions and content of correctional work be determined.

2. Specific features of the formation of play activity in comparison with the play of preschool children with normative development

The leading activity during preschool childhood is the game. In connection with this mainstream pedagogical work, both in mass and in special preschool institutions is the management of the game. There are a number of games: didactic, mobile, dramatization games, building and constructive, musical fun games and creative role-playing games. They play a special role in the development of the child's personality, therefore, in the future, speaking of the game, we will keep in mind this type of game.

The underdevelopment of play activity in children with intellectual disabilities is, as it were, “programmed” already in early childhood. The reasons for this are: low cognitive activity, delay in the timing of mastering motor functions, objective actions, speech, emotional and situational business communication with adults

Low readiness to establish emotional and communicative relationships with adults, weak expression of the desire to establish emotional contact and find ways to communicate with adults, inability to involve them in joint activities. In addition, the low level of development visual perception, motor and visual-motor coordination significantly hinders the process of mastering the child with objective actions.

When interacting with unfamiliar toys, children with problems intellectual development mainly four types of orienting research actions are used: looking, feeling, turning, listening research. Such a set of actions is not sufficient to find the correct course of action. Most children with intellectual development problems show a mild and unstable interest in toys, which is an indicator of a general low cognitive activity. As a rule, such children do not have favorite toys, and they begin to perform play actions with those that are in this moment fall within their field of vision or that attract attention appearance, and not the ability to realize a specific plan, as is the case with normally developing children of the second or third year of life. Therefore, interest is short-term, unstable and the child quickly throws the toy.

Actions with toys in children with intellectual disabilities for a long time remain at the level of manipulations or non-specific objective actions, in which there is no orientation to the properties of objects.

Preschoolers with intellectual development problems long time do not find the need for the game. They are not attracted by the opportunity to act with toys, to establish contacts on this occasion with adults and children who are nearby. Having joined the game under the influence of an adult, they do not show interest in its process and toys, they act indifferently, inactively, obeying the requirements of an adult.

At this age, many children have a selective interest in toys, favorite toys appear with which they prefer to play. However, often random stimuli distract their attention, leading to the destruction of the game and its termination. The game for quite a long time remains one of the forms of satisfaction of the need for physical activity.

The limited life experience due to impaired cognitive activity leads to the fact that children do not form a sufficient amount of knowledge about life, activities, relationships of people. As a result, the plots of games are very poor, often do not reflect the essence of the activities and relationships of people that a child with intellectual disability cannot not only understand, but often even see. Outside of specially organized training, by the end of preschool age, the play actions of children with intellectual disabilities reach only the level of procedural actions.

Until the beginning of school age, the play activities of children with intellectual disabilities are of a detailed nature. In their games, as in normally developing peers, there is no substitution of individual actions in a chain with a word or a symbolic gesture. At the end of preschool age, the child begins to show interest in tools and objects related to the activities of people that are accessible to him. He is attracted to the process of using these objects, as adults do. Therefore, their own detailed actions bring the greatest satisfaction.

Preschoolers with intellectual development problems are able to reflect in their games the process of people's activities, and not their relationships, which is typical for normally developing children of senior preschool age. Since the relations that arise between people in the course of their activities are rather abstract and hidden from direct perception. The child can perform an action with an object, while experiencing positive emotions. They become the property of his life experience. Specific knowledge and skills acquired by a child with intellectual disability in the course of his vigorous activity are formed more easily and become stronger than knowledge and skills of a generalized, abstract nature.

To realize his game plan, a normally developing child can use any objects around him. This ability to use substitute objects appears in him by the beginning of preschool childhood. Mentally retarded preschoolers, even after training, tend to use toys that are a copy of real objects of the surrounding reality. The substitution function is not spontaneously formed in them. Children must be taught to use various objects in other functions and use them in games (a soap cube, a table, a chair, etc.). The inability to use substitute objects is due not only to the originality of their cognitive activity, in particular, the concreteness of thinking, the underdevelopment of the imagination, but also to the fact that these objects were not used enough in the process of learning to play.

For children with intellectual insufficiency, it is typical to perform play actions without accompaniment by speech. This is largely due to the fact that all children with intellectual disabilities have speech disorders.

In children with mental retardation, all forms of speech disorders occur, as in normal children (dyslalia, rhinolalia, dysphonia, dysarthria, alalia, dyslexia, dysgraphia, stuttering, aphasia, etc.). Semantic defect prevails in the structure of systemic speech disorder.

Even in the mild degree speech development of mentally retarded preschoolers is characterized by limited vocabulary, a sharp discrepancy between the volume of the active and passive vocabulary, inaccurate use of words, numerous verbal paraphasias, lack of formation of semantic fields, difficulties in updating the dictionary, which is due to intellectual impairment. Therefore, when playing, children with intellectual development problems, as a rule, act silently. With great difficulty, mastering the speech content, without which the flow of the plot-role-playing game is impossible. In independent games, they use memorized phrases without making any changes or additions to them. Only at older preschool age, children with mental development problems begin to designate the role with a word (I am a doctor, I am a driver), understand it and perform a number of actions corresponding to it. Even at the end of preschool age, they cannot independently assume a role and act in accordance with it until the end of the game. Therefore, the adoption of the role most often occurs under the guidance of a teacher who helps children remember the sequence of plot development and the main actions performed by the characters participating in the game, and also takes a direct part in the game. Under such conditions, most older preschoolers assume the role and act in accordance with it until the end of the game.

In older preschoolers with intellectual disabilities, as well as in normally developing children, there are preferences in the choice of roles. Attractive are the roles associated with the implementation of well-defined diverse activities. For example, in the game "Shop" these are the roles of the cashier and the seller. Less "active" roles are not popular, they are more difficult to perform. In the absence of the necessary life and play experience, children do not know how to reveal the role of the buyer, the patient, etc.

Independent play, as a rule, lasts no more than 20 minutes and is not intense. Unlike normally developing peers, they stop playing without regret or own will or at the suggestion of an adult.

Preschoolers with developmental problems do not show initiative and creativity in games. It turns out to be unable to act in an imaginary situation and with imaginary objects. Actions "as if", "pretend", which are typical for normally developing children already at a younger preschool age, as a rule, are absent in them.

Despite a certain originality and poverty of the game of children with intellectual development problems, by the senior preschool age, almost all children enjoy the game, primarily from performing actions with toys. This is manifested in the general revival, smiles, gestures.

In games, laughter and crying “pretend” are rarely heard, intonations are even. There is no place for any expressed feelings. An attentive teacher should be alerted by such an inexpressive spirit of the game, its emotional poverty. Like no other, play activity should, on the one hand, embody the emotional experience of the child, and on the other hand, accumulate it.

pedagogical delay mental preschool

The initial task of the teaching staff is to create conditions for the development of gaming activities. Here importance has a play corner device in group room. Its equipment should take into account the age interests of children and meet the objectives of the development of gaming activities. Teaching the game is carried out in special classes and in the time specially allotted for free play, on walks.

In the program, the section "Game" includes three areas of teaching a role-playing game, mobile and didactic. Classes in the first direction are conducted by a teacher-defectologist and an educator, in the other two - mainly by an educator.

At the initial stage of learning, it is important to create in children an emotional attitude to the toy and this game situation through interaction with an adult, as well as to form the orientation activity of children. To this end, the first classes are held on playing out didactic and plot toys.

A special place in the teacher's guidance of children's play is given to the formation of skills of play behavior. It is necessary to teach them to exchange toys, to play side by side, to cultivate goodwill and compliance in them.

The next task of teaching the game is the assimilation by children of the logic of the development of the everyday plot, so that the children understand the pattern of development of the game action, which consists in the fact that one of the actions is preparatory in relation to the other.

Only with the development of object-play actions can a genuine, meaningful plot play arise, which is a great achievement in the development of the game of a mentally retarded child, its necessary stage.

In the future, role-playing games are taught.

It is this type of games that embodies the most significant and essential features of the game as an activity. In them, the child transforms into various characters, roles, acts in an imaginary situation, operates with a variety of toys of their deputies. The main point of the role-playing game is the reproduction of the activities of adults, their relationships. Through the game, the preschooler learns various spheres of human activity, masters various ways of communicating people with each other.

The formation of play activity in mentally retarded children should take place in close connection with the expansion of their ideas about phenomena social life. At this stage, classes are aimed at accumulating, generalizing and consolidating the social and emotional experience gained, with moral standards and human feelings. The process of familiarizing mentally retarded children with social phenomena carried out different methods: excursions, observations of the relationship of people in labor activity, reading fiction, watching filmstrips and movies, conversations.

It is very important to prepare the children themselves for the depiction of characters, for the correct reproduction and understanding of speech material, to create in them an emotional attitude to what is happening. For dramatization games, fairy tales are selected, the content of which contains dialogues between characters.

One of the important points in guiding children's play at this stage is leading them to an awareness of the role they play in the game, and thereby leading to a genuine role-playing game.

In the process of conducting a dramatization game, children should be given the opportunity to try themselves in various roles, prompting them to act as much as possible in an imaginary situation. This is greatly facilitated by the use of costumes and various attributes.

When conducting the game, the teacher must clearly understand his role. At the beginning of each game, it is necessary to create a game mood in children, to arouse in them an emotional attitude to the role. At the same time, the teacher himself tunes in to the game mode. It is important to make learning entertaining, to keep the children themselves active.

After each game, it is necessary to conduct a conversation with the children offering to answer a series of questions. What were they playing? Who was who? What did you do? etc. Such a debriefing enables children to consolidate their behavior in collective activities with peers.

Teaching preschoolers a role-playing game should include the following steps:

Purposeful formation of children's ideas about the profession;

Preparing attributes for the upcoming role-playing game;

Conducting a game where an adult takes on the main role;

The development and deepening of the plot of the game, in which its modification and addition is possible.

The main goal of teaching the game is to develop an interest in role-playing games, including an imaginary situation, actions with substitute objects, and role-playing behavior.

During the game in children with intellectual disabilities, the arbitrariness of mental processes is formed: arbitrary attention and memory. The game situation and actions in it activate the mental activity of the pupils. In the game, children learn to act with substitute objects, they give them a new game name, they learn to act adequately in an imaginary situation. Gradually, play actions are reduced, the child learns to think about objects and act with them mentally. Consequently, the game to a large extent contributes to the gradual transition of the child to thinking in terms of representations. The game acts as an activity in which the formation of prerequisites for the transition of mental actions to a higher stage takes place - the stage of mental actions based on speech.

The studies of E.S. Slepovich, N.D. Sokolova, the experience of special preschool institutions show that the game of preschoolers with intellectual disabilities undergoes significant changes in the course of their lives.

The success of the process of teaching children with intellectual disabilities to play is due to the use of an integrated approach in its construction, which is a system of pedagogical influences that contribute to the emergence and development of role-playing games. Its consistent application ensures the formation of all components of gaming activity: target, need-motivational, operational, meaningful.

An integrated approach to teaching preschoolers with intellectual disabilities includes following components: familiarization of children with the outside world in the process of their vigorous activity; educational games; organization subject-play environment; communication between an adult and children during the game; the relationship in the work of the teacher-defectologist and educator.

The content of children's games is the life, activities and relationships of people. To reflect them in the game, the child must have the necessary knowledge about it. As you know, preschoolers with intellectual disabilities are not able to master this knowledge on their own, therefore, in the learning process, it is necessary to carry out purposeful work to enrich the life experience of children, to form their ability to use existing knowledge in different life situations. In the process of role-playing games, children must be taught to simulate situations of real emotional communication. In the center of such a game is an adult, he is the source of feelings, their "generator". It is designed to awaken a response in the child, to push him to the manifestation of emotion. To do this, it is necessary to conduct a variety of games and activities with children. It is advisable to start with improvisation games, during which small children can turn into butterflies, bugs, birds, become dogs, kittens, hares, etc. An obligatory component of such games-transformations should be music that accompanies and sets up the child to perform emotionally rich game actions together with the teacher. An important point in the organization of improvisation games is the use of game paraphernalia - costume details, scenery elements, fragments of visual images. Improvising game situations to the music, the teacher teaches children to expressively convey the character of the depicted character with movements, facial expressions, and voice. Improvisation games contribute to the emergence emotional contact between children and the teacher, help to overcome indifference, passivity, and negativism in relation to adults in children.

In working with children, the system of didactic games is widely used. So, for example, in the course of studying the topic "Toys", which prepares children for the game "Toy Store", you can use the following games: "Name the toy", "Find the toy that is drawn in the picture" (correlation of the object and image), "Wonderful bag ", "What are we doing with this toy?" and etc.

Mastering a child with intellectual disabilities with solid knowledge is a long process and requires a lot of exercises, therefore didactic games should be diverse (in terms of content, material used, form of conduct), carried out in various versions and gradually become more complex.

An important place in the system of work to enrich the experience of preschoolers is occupied by an excursion. During the tour, it becomes possible to acquaint children with the activities and relationships of people in the natural conditions of their course (in a store, at the post office, etc.). Firstly, before the excursion there should be a goal that is understandable and close to the child (let's go to the doctor so that the doctor examines Masha and gives medicine, etc.). At the same time, on the way to the place of the excursion, it is necessary to repeatedly remind the children about where they are going, what they will watch, who they will meet. The teacher should not deviate to extraneous observations, conversations with children, so as not to distract their attention from the main content of the excursion. Secondly, on the excursion, conditions should be created for the active activity of children (they buy toys in the store, send letters to the post office, etc.). Thanks to this, the actions performed by the child are firmly included in his direct life experience, and it will be easier for him to reproduce them in the conditions of the game. Thirdly, children's observation of the activities of adults should be organized accordingly, the child should be able to clearly see all the actions performed. Observation should take place under the guidance of a teacher who, with the help of explanations and questions, draws the attention of children to the actions performed by people, their sequence, the objects used, the relationships that arise between them (buyer - seller, buyer - cashier, etc.), clearly fixes them in speech and requires detailed answers from children. Fourthly, the whole excursion should be emotionally rich. They must have created positive attitude, constituting a favorable background for the perception of information. This will contribute to the fact that everything seen and done by the child will be remembered more easily and more firmly, he will have a desire to reflect what he saw in his games. Didactic games help to consolidate the knowledge gained on the excursion.

In the process of consolidating the knowledge gained on the excursion, this type of work is traditionally used as a conversation on the picture. For viewing, a picture is offered, which depicts a situation that really reflects what the children saw during the excursion.

Of great importance in enriching the experience of children is the participation of parents in this work, who, receiving specific tasks (make purchases with the child in a store, market, pharmacy; show and tell him how to do it, etc.), become active participants in the correctional and educational process. Such joint activities are very effective.

The second important element, without which it is impossible to conduct a game, is a game action. As already noted, preschoolers with intellectual disabilities do not master it on their own. In this regard, the process of learning the game includes a system of educational games, which are aimed at the formation of subject actions, object-game actions, a chain of actions, actions with substitute objects. In the process of teaching preschoolers with intellectual disabilities to play actions at the first stages of work, such techniques as joint actions of a child and an adult, and the child's performance of imitation actions are widely used. At the next stages greater value acquires a demonstration of the sample action. Verbal instruction in the formation of play actions in preschool children with mental disabilities is used extremely rarely.

It must be remembered that each game should give the child pleasure and joy, therefore, despite the important didactic tasks, it should be easy, fun, without reproaches against the child and moralizing. In no case should a child experience a situation of failure. In the game, he should feel comfortable.

In the process of learning games, it is necessary to teach children to accompany game actions with speech, facial expressions, and gestures. Slowly and with great difficulty, but it is possible to form quite expressive pictorial play actions in some children. In the process of learning, the teacher-defectologist, educator, on the one hand, himself gives a model of correct, clear speech, and on the other hand, stimulates their own statements. At the same time, it is advisable to ask questions in such a way that their constructions contain answers, for example: "Do sailors need nets for catching fish?", "Will mom cook soup for Masha?" and so on.

An important stage in the course of conducting educational games is a verbal report in which the child must not only reflect his actions, but also the mistakes made, inaccuracies, and evaluate his game. This is very difficult for children with speech and intelligence disorders, but the formation of these skills contributes to the child's awareness of his activities and the development of the ability to plan the upcoming game.

The next component of an integrated approach in teaching the game to preschoolers with intellectual disabilities is the organization of a subject-play environment, which is very important for the formation of a role-playing game in them.

However, toys by themselves do not induce actions with them, do not stimulate the emergence of a game in them. This is often due to. In order for the toys to stimulate the child to act with them, he must be able to use them, know what and how to depict with their help. At the same time, children with mental disabilities need to demonstrate all kinds of options for performing actions with this toy and teach them how to perform them. In this regard, each new toy that is provided to children for games must be beaten. Without this, children will not use it.

In the process of getting acquainted with toys, it is necessary to teach children the diverse use of objects in the game, to show how one or another object can be used in different ways in different situations (a soap cube, a pack of cookies, a table, etc.). This allows you to bring the child to an understanding of the function of substitution. However, be sure to remember that to show the variety of uses different items is possible only when the children know their main purpose and properties, as well as the properties and purpose of the replaced object. In this regard, it is necessary that substitute items have some external resemblance to the ones being replaced.

Communication between an adult and children is very important in the process of learning to play. After all, it is in the course of this communication that the child acquires social experience. Communication between an adult and children is aimed at shaping their play actions and organizing their activities. An adult should give children patterns of communication with various people, standards of emotional manifestations, carefully monitor the reactions of children, try to direct their communication, teach them adequate and emotional communication during the game. In the course of learning to play, an adult performs the functions of an organizer and leader of the children's play activities until the last year of education in kindergarten. At the same time, the more pronounced the violations, the more urgent is the need for them to perform these functions.

Techniques for directing the play of preschoolers can be direct and indirect. In the education of preschoolers with developmental disabilities, the former predominate. Direct leadership involves the direct intervention of an adult in the children's play. It can be expressed in role-playing participation in the game, in participation in the collusion of children, in explaining, in providing assistance, advice during the game, or in suggesting a new topic for the game. As a rule, an adult is the organizer and participant of children's games. At the initial stages, he plays the main roles in the game (doctor, salesman, etc.), giving instructions to children in various forms. These can be direct instructions (a salesperson-teacher tells the child: “Go to the cashier. Pay for the purchase and bring me a check, please,” etc.), instructions in the form of specific or general questions, for example: “Does your daughter want to sleep? What should be done?", "Why is your daughter crying?" and so on. Later, the roles can also be secondary (customer, patient, store manager, etc.).

Being a participant in the game, an adult, depending on the situation, always has the opportunity to clarify the desires of children, their individual inclinations, show various ways of organizing the game, and resolve controversial issues. For example: if during the game the doctor-child in the clinic is often distracted, the teacher takes on the role of the mother and asks: "Who can help me? Who is our doctor?" Children can immediately understand what is being said. But don't rush them to answer. As if not noticing that the doctor is not there, the teacher-mother says: "Well, we'll have to look for our doctor, let's ask the nurse to help us. Please look for our doctor, and we'll wait." So the teacher will help the child to return to the game again, to the role of a doctor. Indirect play guidance is especially fruitful in working with children of older preschool age with intellectual disabilities and is of great corrective importance if this work is properly organized. In each case, the teacher must take into account individual characteristics children, their qualities. In the process of playing with children, he expresses his judgments exclusively in the form of advice, without requiring strict submission. Children must be convinced of the appropriateness of certain actions during the game.

The key to successful teaching the game of preschool children with intellectual disabilities is the presence of a close relationship in the work of the defectologist teacher and the educator. First of all, their work is planned taking into account the unity of content. The main activity in the sections of the educator's work is built around the plot of the game, planned together with the defectologist teacher. The educator not only reinforces the knowledge acquired by children on this topic in the process of the role-playing game itself, classes in drawing, application, modeling, work and at home, he also conducts outdoor games with plots, forms objective actions, and consolidates the formed game actions. If the defectologist teacher takes on a predominantly teaching role, then the educator seeks to combine the individual elements of the game into a coherent plot. It is advisable to offer children with developmental disabilities to play role-playing games as much as possible. Since the games require the participation of an adult, often, in addition to the educator, the assistant educator is also included in the game.

Play corners in a group should not be a "learning area". In them, the stormy play life of children should flow. They have enough time for this, and the only thing is that the teacher can organize the children for the game, captivate with its content, distribute attention between all the pupils, tries to help them unite in small interest groups. Role-playing game training, although it takes important place, is not an end in itself of correctional and educational work, therefore, time cannot be considered wasted if the child does not learn to play on his own, if he needs the help of an adult in the game.

The main thing, in our opinion, is that the child comes out of his closed world. He becomes interested in the world around him and activities, in particular, in the game, an understanding is formed, a positive emotional attitude towards it and a desire to participate arise, there is a need to establish contacts with adults and peers. But even the feasible participation of an abnormal child in the game contributes to his mental and physical development.

5. Practical task

"Toy Store" (preparatory group)

Purpose: To develop interest in the role-playing game.

· Strengthen the ability to take on roles, act according to the role taken on in accordance with the plan of the game; use attributes;

· To form the ability to jointly deploy the game, to teach how to model the game dialogue.

Develop positive communication skills.

Consolidation, enrichment and activation of the vocabulary

Development of tactile perception, speech, attention, thinking.

· Equipment: cash register, toys, bags, wallets, paper money, split pictures, cards.

Equipment: toys, cut pictures, boxes, clue cards, cash desk, counter, goods (toys), bags, wallets, paper money. Hod: Q: How are you feeling today? (good, cheerful, joyful) Game: "Be careful"

There are several tasks to consider:

Change places for those in socks.

Swap places for those with pigtails.

Change places for those in T-shirts, etc.

Find the box game

You need to find a box like a teacher. Whoever found it, comes up to the teacher and says quietly and sit on a chair.

Let's see what's in the box. There is a surprise in the box for you. This is a riddle:

What is the child playing

In daughters-mothers in the morning?

In the seller, doctor, tailor

And a dashing driver ....

Who are our friends

Well, of course……(toys)

Didactic game "Cut pictures"

Children sit at tables, each with an envelope with a split picture.

Tonya, what did you do? (Matryoshka)

Call her affectionately.

Guys how to say in one word what did you do? (These are toys)

Didactic game "Wonderful bag"

Children sit in a semicircle. The child selects an object by touch and names it. Gets him.

Hare (whose) My hare.

V. makes sure that the child correctly coordinates the pronoun with the noun, in case of difficulty he helps.

What is a rabbit made of? Plush.

So what is a rabbit? Bunny plush.

Please note that you must answer in full.

Q: Look how much interesting toys we got it from a wonderful bag.

Do you want a new toy?

Where can we buy it?

D: In the store.

Q: What store?

D: In the toy store.

Q: What other shops do you know?

D: vegetable shop, fruit shop, furniture shop, grocery store, bookstore, etc.

Q: Well done, how many shops do you know. Then tell me who works there?

D: Cashier, Seller. Loader, cleaner, security guard.

Q: What does the seller do?

D: The seller sells the goods, weighs, packs, releases the goods, accepts the goods.

Q: What does a cashier do?

D: Breaks a check, takes money, gives change, works at the cash register.

Q: What does the loader do?

D: Unloads, unloads and loads goods.

Q: What does a security guard do?

(Children's answers.)

What are the people who buy called?

D: buyers.

Q: What do buyers do?

D: Buyers choose a product, pay for the product, be treated politely, thank you.

Q: How should you behave in the store? How to make a request. Which polite words You know?

D: "Hello", "Goodbye", "Be kind", "Please", "Thank you", "Thank you", etc.

Q: Today we will play shop. Let's distribute the roles. Children take turns pulling out cards on which the designation of the role is depicted (bag - buyer, cashier - cashier, shop window - seller, etc.). The teacher once again discusses who will be who, recalls the duties of each. Cashiers sit down at the checkout, the seller stands behind the counter, buyers prepare bags, wallets, paper money.

The toy store opens.

The teacher starts the game.

Hello. Today is my son's birthday. Stepa, what gift would you like?

Stepa: I would like a car. Please show me the cars you have.

Seller: We have plastic, metal and large wooden machines.

Stepa: how much does a red, plastic car cost.

Seller: the car costs 3 rubles, will you take it? Then please go to the cashier and knock out a check and come back to us.

Children (buyers) stand in line to the seller, choose the goods, go to the cashier, pay, receive the goods, thank.

The teacher helps.

Children who have made a purchase sit at tables and play with their toys.

Q: Everyone visited our store, everyone bought toys?

Then the store closes for lunch. But it will definitely open again soon.


1. Baryaeva L.B. The program of education and training of preschoolers with intellectual disabilities// Correctional pedagogy [Text] / L.B. Baryaeva, O.P. Gavrilushkina, A.P. Zarin, N.D. Sokolova. - St. Petersburg: SOYUZ, 2003. - 320 p.

2. Baryaeva L.B. Teaching a role-playing game to preschoolers with problems in intellectual development: Study method. allowance [Text] / Ed. L.B. Baryaeva, A.P. Zarin, N.D. Sokolova. - St. Petersburg: LOIUU, 1996. -95 p.

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TARGET:Develop attention, speed of reaction; accumulate the number and clarify the meaning of the words denoting the action.

Children stand in a semicircle. The leader slowly performs simple movements with his hands (forward, up, sideways, down). Children must perform the same movements as the leader. The one who makes the mistake is out. The last one left wins.


1. Simple movements can be replaced with more complex ones, including movements of the legs and torso, asymmetric movements (right arm up, left arm forward), etc.

2. The leader simultaneously with the demonstration of movements calls the name of one of the players, who must repeat this movement, and the rest of the players are watching.

3. The leader pronounces the movement (hands up), and at this moment performs another action (hands down). Children must perform the movement to show the leader, not paying attention to his commands.


TARGET:Develop tactile sensations, auditory attention, memory, ability to navigate in space.

One half of the children are blindfolded and allowed to walk around. playground. Then they are invited, without removing the bandages, to find and recognize each other. You can recognize with the help of hands - feeling hair, clothes. Then, when the friend is recognized, the players switch roles.

OPTION: If the player is unable to recognize the other child by touch, it may be suggested that they try to recognize them by their voice.


TARGET:Activate speech activity, develop memory and speed of reaction, form the ability to imitate animals (dog)

A "dog" is chosen from among the players. He sits aside, other children slowly walk towards him, saying:

Here sits a shaggy dog, sticking his nose into his paws.

Quietly, peacefully, he sits, either dozing, or sleeping.

Let's go to him, wake him up and see

What will happen?

Children come up and clap their hands. The dog jumps up, growls and catches the children. The caught player becomes the driving "dog".



"Affectionate Name"

TARGET:Teach children to remember each other's names and establish contact.

“Remember how you are affectionately called at home. We will throw the ball to each other. And the one to whom the ball hits calls one or more of his affectionate names. In addition, it is important to remember who threw the ball to each of you. When all the children call their affectionate names, the ball will go in the opposite direction. You need to try not to confuse and throw the ball to the one who first threw you, and besides, say his affectionate name.


TARGET:Children remember each other's names.

They choose a child “engine” - rides in a circle, loudly saying “choo-choo-choo”. He will drive up to any child with the words: “engine choo-choo-choo” - and calls his name. The child, in response, calls his name and becomes a new engine, and the first - his "carriage". The new “engine”, together with the car, continues to move in a circle, then it will drive up to any child with the words “choo-choo-choo engine” - and will name its name and the name of its “car”. The game continues until all the children are included in the "train".


TARGET:Create positive emotional background, develop tactile sensitivity and observation.

The children line up behind the leader. The driver stands with his back to the group, putting his hand out from under his armpits with an open palm. The driver must guess which of the children touched his hand (by facial expression, movement). The driver leads until he guesses correctly. The driver is chosen with the help of a rhyme.


TARGET:Group rallying.

Children sit on high chairs, driving with eyes closed walks in a circle, sits in turn on his knees to the children, guesses who he is sitting on. If he guessed correctly, then the one on whom he sits says: “BEEP”.


TARGET:The development of auditory attention, promotes voice recognition.

Educator: “Let's imagine that we are in the forest. What are we doing there? Of course, we collect mushrooms or berries, but one of us got lost. We are very worried and loudly and affectionately call him in turn, for example: “Ay, Sashenka!”. The “lost” child stands with his back to the group and guesses who called him”


TARGET:Develops intelligence, speed of reaction and coordination, the ability to act in concert.

A circle is drawn on the floor, sized to challenge the children with the difficult but solvable problem of how they all fit into the outlined space. To complicate the task, you can ask the guys to make an "island" of newspapers that can neither be torn nor moved apart.

The team that manages to fit in the smallest space wins.


TARGET:Promotes greater inclusion of children in the group, allows you to try different tactics interactions.

Children stand in a circle holding hands tightly. One child must break this circle with a run and be inside it (other options for penetrating the circle are possible: crawl into it from below, just ask the children to let it in). A variation of this game is the game "breaking chains". Children are divided into two teams and stand, holding hands, opposite each other at a distance of 10-15 meters. One team calls a member from the other, who must scatter and break the chain of players. If he succeeded, then he takes one of the players of this team into his own, if not, he himself becomes one. The next player is called by another team.


TARGET:Cooperation training.

MATERIAL: paper, scissors.

Ask each participant to fold a piece of paper 8 times and cut out an asterisk. Reminiscent of a snowflake. When everyone finishes the work, the children lay out the snowflakes on the floor in such a way that they get one big one. This exercise can be done in small groups of children, each of which will make their own snowflake.


TARGET:Promotes the development of cooperation, the ability to negotiate, respect for other people's work, space.

MATERIAL: paper sheet, wax crayons.

“Today you will be drawing on one sheet of paper at a time. Think about what you want to draw and choose a place for yourself. For drawing, I will give you each of you only 1 crayon, but I think that you will certainly want to make your drawings multi-colored. To do this, you will need to exchange crayons with each other.

Drawing is best done on a large carpet so that children can take a comfortable position.


TARGET:Development of the ability to coordinate actions with a partner.

Children press their palms together and thus move around the room, where you can set up different obstacles that the couple must overcome. It can be a mountain built by a child or a river.


TARGET:Encourages children to negotiate with each other, to cooperate.

MATERIAL: 100 buttons x 10 different color, templates with color pattern.

The teacher mixes the buttons and then gives each participant a template and 10 buttons (the number of buttons is determined by the number of participants). Each child must assemble a pattern of a certain color from buttons according to the template. To do this, he will have to exchange buttons with other children.


After the children got to know each other, we teach them to negotiate and cooperate.


Help children to have positive feelings for each other and create an atmosphere of cooperation.



Children, if desired, are divided into pairs - a blindfolded follower and a leader. The leader takes the follower by the hand and explains where they are currently moving, what awaits them and how to avoid falling or colliding with things.

The follower must fully trust the leader. Children change after a while.


TARGET:Forms a careful and trust relationship to a partner.

The game is played on the carpet, without shoes.

Children are divided into pairs. One child lies on the carpet on his back, the other child kneels in front of him. The lying child raises bent legs, very carefully places his feet on the chest of the child standing in front of him, listens to his heart. Then the children switch roles.


TARGET:Helps relieve stress.

Children "turn" into animals, into those whom they themselves want. At first, everyone sits on chairs (“in cages”). Each child depicts his animal, the others guess who he depicts. After everyone is “recognized”, the cages open and the “animals” go free: they jump, run, growl, scream.


TARGET:The exercise is aimed at muscle relaxation.

The child turned into a little teddy bear. He lies in a den. A cold wind blew and snuck into the lair. The teddy bear is frozen. He shrunk into a small ball - he is warming himself. It became hot, the teddy bear turned around and growled

An adult tells the child about the teddy bear, and he depicts his movement.

Daria Kovylina
Games for the development of attention of children of senior preschool age with mental retardation

Games for the development of attention in children of senior preschool age with mental retardation.

Attention is the concentration of consciousness on a particular object. Objects attention there can be any objects and phenomena of the surrounding world, as well as actions, thoughts, experiences of the child himself. From level development of attention largely depends on the success of the child's education in school.

Children with mental retardation have a number of characteristics mental development, including, attention. Researchers note its instability, absent-mindedness, low concentration, switching difficulties, and narrow volume.

Decreased ability to distribute and concentrate attention especially manifested in conditions when the task is carried out in the presence of simultaneously acting speech and other stimuli, distracting factors. Organizational weaknesses attention due to weak development intellectual activity children, imperfection of skills and abilities of self-control, insufficient development sense of responsibility and interest in learning. At children with ZPR there is unevenness and slowness development of attention span, as well as a wide range of individual and age difference in this quality. There are shortcomings in the analysis when performing tasks in conditions of increased speed of perception of the material, when the differentiation of similar stimuli becomes difficult. The complication of working conditions leads to a significant slowdown in the execution of the task, and the productivity of the activity decreases.

The attention of these children characterized by instability, its periodic fluctuations, uneven performance are noted. Difficult to attract and collect, concentrate children's attention and to keep during this or that activity. The lack of purposefulness of activity is obvious, children act impulsively, are often distracted. There may also be manifestations of inertia. In this case, the child hardly switches from one task to another.

However, timely detection, study and correction of cognitive disorders, and above all attention in children with mental retardation at the senior preschool age is necessary condition their continued success in school.

This article provides a list of games and exercises that teachers and parents can use to correct attention of children with mental retardation.

A game "Repeat after me".

Target: Development active arbitrary attention.

Instruction: “Now we will play. I will be the driver. Your task is to follow me and repeat after me all the actions that I will show you.

Note: at the development stage games hand movements are shown by an adult, then children also become drivers.

A game "Guess what it sounds like?".

Target: Development of auditory attention and perception.

Equipment: items that publish different sounds(whistle, pencil, rattle ball, paper, scissors, screen.

Instruction: “Now behind the screen I will make different sounds, and you have to guess with what object I made noise. Let's see who can guess the most sounds.

Note: The task is performed in complete silence.

Exercise "Colour your other half".

Target: development ability to follow instructions sustainability development, switchability attention.

Equipment: Sheets with underdrawn images for each child, colored pencils.

A game "Flies - does not fly".

Target: development of shifting attention, the ability to highlight the main, essential features of objects.

Note: an approximate list of words - a snake, a sofa, a butterfly, a chair, a ram, a cow, an airplane, a tree, a helicopter, a boat, an iron, a fly, a dog, a house, a sparrow, etc.

A game "Lay out of the sticks".

Target: development of fine motor skills, visual perception, arbitrary attention, the ability to act according to the model.

Equipment: counting sticks, cards - samples.

Instruction: “Look what is shown in your picture. Take the sticks and lay out exactly the same pattern from them. When posting, be attentive. Get to work."

Note: if the child can not cope with the most simple drawings, then you need to start laying out the pattern directly on the card, using the technique "overlays".

A game "Remember and Draw".

Target: concentration development, stability, volume attention, the ability to hold instructions, fixing the basic geometric shapes.

Equipment: sheets depicting two geometric shapes (red circle on the left, blue square on the right, colored pencils for each child.

Target: development of auditory attention.

Content: the teacher determines the driver with a counting rhyme, he comes forward, the rest of the children sit in their places. The driver turns his back to the children, the children speak in unison words: "You guess the riddle, who called you - find out". Then the teacher touches one child, and the child says words: "Guess me by my voice!". The driver turns and guesses the speaker. If the driver guessed correctly, then the next child becomes the driver.

Instruction: Guys, now we will play in interesting game. We have one driver, he does not see us. First we all together tell him rhyme: “Guess the riddle, who called you - find out!”. And then whoever I touch must say: "Guess me by my voice!" and the driver must guess which of you said these words.

Exercise "Who eats what" ("Twisted Lines").

Target: development visual perception, stability attention.

Equipment: letterheads depicting animals, lines from which lead to images of the corresponding "goodies" (dog - bone, rooster - grain, cat - bowl of milk).

Instruction: "Look look at this picture. It depicts various animals. (children name who is shown in the picture). By swiping your finger along the lines, guess which animal loves to eat the most?

Note: If the task causes difficulties for the child, the adult individually shows the way to complete the task.

Exercise "Find differences".

Target: sustainability development, switchability, volume attention.

Equipment: a table showing two paintings that differ from each other in several differences.

Instruction: “Guys, look at the pictures. Name the differences between the two pictures. For the correct answer you will receive a token, at the end let's see the games whoever has more tokens will be the one attentive».

A game "Frogs and Storks".

Target: development of auditory attention, switchability attention, motor coordination.

Equipment: whistle.

Instruction: “Guys, let's imagine that we are now in a swamp. And who among you knows who lives in the swamp? So we will now turn into frogs with you (showing a pose "frog"- sit down, legs pulled apart). Who are frogs afraid of? (show pose "stork"- one leg bent at the knee, arms pulled apart). When you hear one whistle, you turn into frogs, and when you hear 2 whistles, you turn into storks.

Note: children who make the most mistakes are considered losers and are eliminated from games.

ball game "Edible - inedible".

Target: Development of reaction speed, switchability attention, hand-eye coordination.

Equipment: medium sized ball.

Instruction: “Guys, I will now name objects and throw a ball to you. If the item is edible, you catch it; if it is inedible, don’t catch it.”

Note: First, the adult becomes the driver, then all the children in turn. If someone from children it is difficult to invent words, you can enter cards with the image of objects familiar to children.

Exercise "Lay out of geometric shapes".

Target: development voluntary attention , concentration, volume attention, short-term memory, consolidation of basic geometric shapes.

Equipment: tables with images of a Christmas tree, a house and a snowman, sets of geometric shapes by number children.

Instruction: “Children, look at this picture. What geometric shapes does it consist of? Remember it. Take out the figures from your envelopes and make the same picture as I showed you.

Note: if children from memory find it difficult to lay out the figures, then the first time they lay out the figure based on the sample, and then the second time they lay it out from memory.

mobile game "Owl - owl".

Target: concentration development, switchability attention, reaction rates.

Equipment: musical accompaniment, an owl mask for the driver, mouse masks for children.

Content: at the command of the driver "Day!", children - mice move to the musical accompaniment, and "owl" at this time he sleeps in his house. At the command of the driver "Night!", the music stops, the mice squat down and "sleep", i.e. do not move. At that time "owl" flies out to hunt, and if he sees that "mouse" moved, takes her to his house. The last remaining players are considered the winners.

Instruction: "Guys, you be mice and I'm an owl. On command "Day!" the mice run out for a walk, the owl is sleeping at this time. And on command "Night" the owl flies out to hunt, and the mice freeze so that the owl does not notice them. If someone moves, and the owl sees this, she will take this mouse to her house. Whoever stays last wins!

A game "4 Elements".

Target: concentration development, switchability, volume attention.

Instruction: “Guys, now we will play an interesting game. Do you know what an element is? These are different natural phenomena. Depending on which element I call, you you will perform different movements. "Earth!"- hands down (as if touching the ground).

"Water!"- hands in front of you (like swimming in a river).

"Air!"- hands pull up (as if reaching for the clouds).

"Fire!"- perform hand rotations.

Let's practice with you."

Note: at first, the teacher performs the movements together with the children, then the children perform the movements on their own. As a complication, the teacher can increase the pace of movement change.

Good luck in job!

Bibliographic description:

Nesterova I.A. Role-playing games for children with mental retardation [Electronic resource] // Educational encyclopedia site

Currently, there is an acute problem of interaction between teachers and children with mental retardation in the context of inclusive education in terms of preschool. Work with children with mental retardation and with children with normal physical development can be successfully based on game methods, namely, on the use of role-playing games. Correctional work through a role-playing game allows a child with mental retardation to socialize and adapt more successfully in a preschool institution.

Impaired mental function

Typically, children between the ages of 3 and 4 years are characterized by an increased ability to learn. This age becomes ideal for acquiring new skills and information. However, at present, the growth of children with mental disabilities has noticeably increased, who experience difficulties in communication, in mastering speech, it is difficult for them to concentrate, they are closed. Increasingly, in kindergarten there are children with mental retardation who need correctional and pedagogical assistance from specialists.

Mental retardation (MPD) is a tempo lag in the development of mental processes and the immaturity of the emotional-volitional sphere in children, which can potentially be overcome with the help of specially organized training and education. Mental retardation is characterized by an insufficient level of development of motor skills, speech, attention, memory, thinking, regulation and self-regulation of behavior, primitiveness and instability of emotions.

A number of domestic teachers rely on a very relevant in modern conditions classification of mental retardation:

  1. Mental retardation of somatogenic genesis occurs in children with chronic somatic diseases of the heart, kidneys, endocrine system, etc.
  2. Delay of mental development of psychogenic genesis. With the early occurrence and prolonged exposure to psycho-traumatic factors, a child may experience persistent changes in the neuropsychic sphere, which leads to neurotic and neurosis-like disorders, pathological personality development.
  3. Delay of mental development of cerebral-organic genesis. It is characterized by pronounced violations of the emotional-volitional and cognitive spheres.

Each child with mental retardation may have different manifestations of mental retardation, however, there is a general classification presented in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Manifestations of mental retardation in children of primary school age

Children with mental retardation, like children with normal development, should have the opportunity to receive an education of an appropriate level.

Correctional and developmental work with children with mental retardation

Correctional and developmental work with children with mental retardation has a number of features, which can be safely attributed to:

  • the need for an individual approach,
  • slow learning pace,
  • structural simplicity of tasks,
  • increased visibility,
  • regular return to already studied material,
  • development of independence and activity of children.

A teacher working with children with mental retardation must be aware of the fact that the development of such children is subject to corrective influences. However, this requires the constant participation of educators, psychologists and parents.

Correctional and developmental work with children with mental retardation should be built on mutual trust between the child and the teacher. There is also an urgent need for full communication between children with mental retardation and normally developing children. In modern preschool educational institutions it would be good to understand that their future depends on the quality of correctional and developmental work with children with mental retardation.

In modern Russian conditions the problem of raising and educating children with special educational needs in the general educational space requires a delicate and flexible approach, since not all children with developmental disabilities can successfully adapt to an environment of healthy peers. In preschool institutions, they must be able to educate everyone, and do this not only from the point of view of ensuring the interests of specific child with ZPR, but also in terms of raising other children. Healthy boys and girls need to understand that there are other children who may be less fortunate but also need education, development and human support. It depends on how they grow up.

Role-playing game in preschool

The role-playing game has a very strong influence on the development of children of primary preschool age. In modern pedagogical science, there are several types of role-playing games for preschoolers. They are presented in Figure 2. All of them have successfully proven their effectiveness in the educational and educational processes.

Role-playing games are games that reflect the child's knowledge, impressions, ideas about the world around him, recreate social relations. Each such game is characterized by: theme, game plan, plot, content and role.

First of all, attention should be paid to director's games. In the process of directing the game - the preschooler acts as a "director", the acting "actors" are toys that portray various characters.

No less interesting role-playing games on everyday subjects: to "home", "family", "holidays", "birthdays". In these games, a large place is occupied by games with dolls, through actions with which children convey what they know about their peers, adults, and their relationships. Very often, in the conditions of preschool educational institutions, games are used on industrial and social topics, which reflect the work of people. Topics are taken from the environment.

WITH last years increased interest in patriotic education children from preschool age. In this regard, widespread role-playing games on heroic and patriotic themes reflecting the heroic deeds of our people. Games on themes literary works, cinema, television and radio programs have not lost their relevance, despite the emergence of many new gaming areas. So very well perceived by children are the games of "sailors" and "pilots", of the Hare and the Wolf, the crocodile Gena and Cheburashka (according to the content of the cartoons), the four "tankers" and the dog (according to the content of the movie) and so on.

Figure 2. Types of role-playing games for preschoolers

At present, the fact that role-playing games are one of the most relevant methods in the education of preschool children. In modern pedagogy, there is a wide range of methods and techniques for managing the game in groups of preschoolers.

Game management is direct and indirect. The methods of direct management of the role-playing game include the following:

  • inclusion of the teacher in the game
  • teaching game actions and role-playing dialogue by example
  • questions and requests
  • urge to speak
  • help of the educator to unite in the game
  • the introduction of the educator into a role-playing conversation (in order to activate the role-playing dialogue).

Indirect management techniques include:

  • the process of organizing the subject-game environment;
  • creating a game situation;
  • enrichment of children's social experience through all kinds of activities;
  • remembering more suitable events for the game, setting their sequence;
  • games to familiarize with various professions;
  • reading works of art, dramatization of fairy tales - watching the games of other children;
  • making children's attributes for games;
  • assisting an adult.

Role-playing games and children with mental retardation

In the conditions of preschool educational institutions, teachers actively use role-playing games. The process of teaching children with mental retardation to play role-playing games uses the following techniques: reading fiction and looking at illustrations for it.

Table 1. Features of the role-playing game


Characteristics of this feature

Compliance with the rules.

Mastering the rules of role-playing behavior in the game, the child also masters the moral norms contained in the role. During the game, children form a positive attitude to the way of life of people, to actions, norms and rules of behavior in society.

In the role-playing game, emotional development prevails.

Game experiences are always sincere.

The child does not pretend: the mother truly loves her daughter-doll, the little mother does not just repeat the manipulations that are supposed to be performed on babies, but feels a real feeling of motherly love for her "baby".

In the course of the role-playing game, the development of the intellect of a preschooler takes place

The development of a concept in a role-playing game is associated with a general mental development child, with the formation of his interests.

The role-playing game develops imagination and creativity.

Consistency of actions in long-term role-playing games is combined with improvisation. Children outline a general plan, a sequence of actions, and during the game new ideas, new images arise.

The development of speech.

In creating an image, the role of the word is especially great. The word helps the child to reveal his thoughts and feelings, to understand the experiences of partners, to coordinate his actions with them.

Despite the widespread use of role-playing games in inclusive education in preschool educational institutions, there are currently problematic aspects in the field of pedagogical guidance of role-playing games for children of primary preschool age with mental retardation in conditions of preschool. One of actual problems in modern preschool education is the organization of the pedagogical process in inclusive groups of preschool educational institutions. Solving this problem requires attention not only from teachers, but also from psychologists.


  1. Medical encyclopedia. Mental retardation (MPD)
  2. Mikhailenko N.Ya. Organization of a plot game in kindergarten: A guide for a teacher - M .: LINKA-PRESS, 2009.-96 p.
  3. Smirnova E.I. Modern preschooler: features of gaming activity.// Preschool education. 2002. - No4. – S. 70 – 74
  4. Elkonin. D.B. The educational value of the plot role-playing game // Preschool education.-2008.No 8 p.17

Correctional and educational games for the development of mental processes in children with mental retardation (workshop for parents)

Purpose of the workshop:to reveal to parents the pedagogical significance of developing games and their guidance. To draw the attention of parents to the fact that the child is brought up in activity, and since the game is the main activity, it is of particular importance in the comprehensive development and education with the purposeful and skillful guidance of an adult.

1. Psychological training "Greeting"

Parents and teacher stand in a circle. The teacher touches the palms of the person standing next to him with open palms, while naming his name. Thus, all parents standing in a circle have the opportunity to get to know each other.

2. Speech of the teacher.

Preschool age - milestone in child development. During this period, the main mental processes of a person are formed: attention, memory, thinking, speech, imagination, perception.

Your child is growing, and you, of course, try to closely monitor his development, rejoice at his successes, and grieve at his failures. You want your child to grow up not only healthy, but also able to fully perform mental actions, and their basis is neuropsychic processes: attention, memory, perception, thinking, imagination, speech. And there comes a time when systematized and generalized knowledge is necessary for the full development of your baby.

But in order for this knowledge to contribute to the development of the child, training should be based on the game, since at preschool age this is the leading activity. Through play, the child learns the world. And, importantly, in this system of learning - learning through the game - there are no strict standards for each game, for example, complete this task the first time or the fifth, use the help of an adult once or ten times. The main goal is to interest the child in such activities. And even if the baby does not manage to complete this or that task the first time, your child each time takes a small, but a step towards knowledge, and this is the development process.

But all children are different, families are different, conditions for development are different. By itself, the amount of knowledge or skills cannot serve as an indicator of development. It is more important how the child knows how to use them, applying them. Basic mental processes are very important for successful preparation for schooling.(attention, memory, perception, imagination, thinking, speech). And if these cognitive processes are not developed before the age of 7, then at school, children most often show learning difficulties. That is why we would like to draw your attention to this problem.

One thing is required from parents - to remember that the GAME is a kind of key in their hands, the key in organizing the upbringing and development of the child.

We propose to hold a series of meetings with you during this academic year, during which we will introduce you to educational games for children. These games are aimed at correcting disorders in the mental development of children with developmental disabilities, in particular with mental retardation. Today is our first meeting, where we will talk about attention and memory.

3. Fizminutka for parents.

Teacher: Let's remember the traffic lights. What does red light mean? Yellow? Green? Well done, now let's turn into a traffic light. At the same time we will check your attention. If I say "Green" - you stomp your feet; "Yellow" - clap your hands; "Red" - silence. And I will be a faulty traffic light and will sometimes show the wrong signals.

4. Educational games


As practice shows, one of the urgent problems for learning is the problem of developing attention. Consider what attention is, what are its types and properties.

Attention is a form of organization of cognitive activity, the selective focus of consciousness on any object. The images obtained with careful perception are distinguished by clarity and distinctness. In the presence of attention, thought processes proceed faster and more correctly, movements are performed more accurately and clearly. The result of attention is the improvement of any activity with which it accompanies.

There are 3 main types of attention

attention span determined by how many objects a child can perceive, cover in a short period of time(4 years - one object; 6-7 years - three objects).

Sustainability of attention- this is the ability to maintain concentration in activities for a long time, the ability to distract from everything extraneous.

Distribution of attentionis the ability to perform several activities at the same time.

So, let's play games and exercises that you can use at home to develop your child's attention.

"What changed"Purpose: to develop voluntary attention.

Three or four toys are placed on the table(then the number increases)and the child is offered to consider them for 10-15 seconds. Then ask to turn away, and in the meantime, remove one toy or swap them. When he turns around at your signal, ask him what has changed?

"The Fourth Extra"Purpose: to develop concentration, distribution of attention.

The child is offered 4 items: three of them from one group and one from another(for example: spoon, fork, ladle and book). Can be replaced with a card with images of objects. Invite the child to look carefully and find what is superfluous here and why?

"Draw" Purpose: to develop the skill of listening carefully and following the instructions of an adult.

Instructions: Color the balls so that the big ball is between green and blue, and green is next to red.(draw four balls schematically on a piece of paper, one of them is large).

And you can also practice with your child at home:

Color by pattern(hatching in a specific direction)and drawing elementary patterns according to the model:

Spreading out counting sticks(matches) figures, objects according to the model:

Games for the development of visual and auditory attention: “What is the difference between 2 pictures?”, “What has changed in the room?”, “Listen to the claps”.

5. Fizminutka for parents "Pinocchio"

Pinocchio stretched - once he bent down, he bent down twice,

He spread his arms to the sides, apparently he did not find the key.

To get the key to us, we need to stand on our toes.

(parents perform movements according to the model of the teacher).


Memory is one of the most important mental processes by which a child learns the world around him. By the time the child enters school, all types of memory should be developed.

Thus, memory is the foundation of human development as a whole, and if a child with developmental disabilities has deviations in memory processes, our task is to lead corrective work for its development.

We offer several games and exercises for you to practice at home, in your free time, on your way home or to kindergarten.

"Images" Purpose: to develop visual memory(short term and long term).

Instruction: Now I will show you ten pictures, each of which depicts an object familiar to you.(display time 1-2 seconds). Now name the things you remember. The order doesn't matter.

"Word Game" Purpose: development of auditory memory.


I will name a few words, and you will remember them: a table, a hare, an elephant, a closet, a wolf, a sofa ....

Ask to repeat after 15-20 seconds. Similarly, you can conduct an exercise in memorizing phrases. In this case, semantic memory also develops. For example:

The boy is tired

girl crying

Dad is reading

Mother is cooking

Grandma is resting

If an older child has difficulty repeating the words of a phrase that is called to him, give him a sheet of paper and a pencil and offer to make a diagrammatic drawing that will help in memorization.

"Guess what I thought?"Purpose: to develop figurative memory, speech.

You describe any object from the child's environment. The task of the child is to identify this subject. For example: this item is large, soft, comfortable, with a back and armrests. What is this? Then let the child guess their subject for you.

You can also use the following games and exercises to develop memory:

Memorizing poems, riddles, tongue twisters, counting rhymes, etc.

- "Add a word"; "Listen and Draw"

- "What changed?"; "Put the dots"; "Draw the same thing"

- "Guess by touch"; "Great bag."

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the desired effect is not achieved after one or two sessions. In order for a stable result to appear, it is necessary to conduct them regularly, at least for a month or two. For such activities, it is better to use the hours after the rest of the children. The main thing is that at this moment the child himself wants to study, so do not impose your desires on him and do not turn the game into a boring lesson

So, attention and memory can and should be trained, however, it must be taken into account that violations of these mental processes may be associated with the peculiarities of the functioning of the child's nervous system.(hyperactivity, PCNS, etc.)or with his general physical condition.

Thus, I would like to say that the most important thing is that any game relationship brings together, helps to establish contact, gives parents access to the most secret secrets of the child's soul. And our children, like no one else, require special help from adults. And our task is to provide them with the most complete development both in kindergarten and at home.

At the end of the workshop, parents are asked to complete a questionnaire.

Children's play activities
with a delay in mental and speech development

Mental retardation is a complex problem. However, the delay in speech development is not just speech difficulties found in the child. Such a delay has an impact on all (especially higher) cognitive processes of the child, on his personal characteristics. So, speech is a kind of integral of all other processes, therefore, when it is violated, thinking, memory, and imagination suffer. The child may become shy, vulnerable due to the misunderstanding between him and the people around him.

In children with mental retardation (ZPR) or speech development (SRR), game motivation is very poorly expressed. Such preschool children either “do not want” to play, or are not able to develop the game proposed by adults. As a rule, there is a game “nearby” (when several children are in the same place - in the sandbox, in the play corner), but not together (kids cannot negotiate, regulate each other's actions with the help of rules and a common plot). Manipulative activity with objects is clearly expressed (the doll goes to bed and rises again, the pan opens and closes), while there is no game plan. Those. the child acts as if mechanically, repeating what adults do, but does not build the plot of the game (which is not the norm for older preschoolers - 5-7 years old).

Such children have difficulties in forming images-representations, in creating an imaginary situation. The process of transferring knowledge from a familiar situation to similar conditions is weakened. Quite often the memory is weakened.

Items for children with mental retardation and mental retardation are not a support in the game, they do not contribute to the development of the plot (the game “Sick” - an adult offers a phone, but the guys do not notice it, they are not able to think of using it, for example, to call a doctor). Preschoolers often involuntarily slip out of the situation of the game, being distracted by something else. Sometimes there is a looping action.

Preschoolers with mental retardation demonstrate an inability to use substitute signs or substitute objects. In one object, they single out only one sign, one function (a toy hammer for them can only be an object for extracting sound, it cannot become a little man or a rocket).

For the development of children with mental retardation and delayed speech development, special games are needed in which the activity of an adult is of key importance. Without the leading role of an adult, his example and active participation, such children will not be able to fully play.

Role-playing and theatrical games are the basis for the education and development of such kids. At the same time, it is necessary to interest children in the game, show game situations using the example of other children or adults. With the help of theater and table compositions, one can not only develop communication skills in such children, but also, most importantly, develop play activities, which will become the basis for the rapid development of higher mental functions. Try to create play corners together with the children, let them equip them, often rearrange them.

So, our ultimate goal is to teach the child to play. To do this, it is necessary to organize a phased work.

Give the child an introductionabout the content of the game. Possibly to spend excursion (to the doctor's office, to the post office, to the store). Next organize conversation - first we name the actions, their sequence, then we ask you to guess the action (depicting, for example, it - this will help create images-representations). Didactic games will also play an invaluable role, in which actions by profession are listed, there are corresponding pictures.
An adult shows actions with 3-4 objects, they can be performed together with a child. Pay attention to speech! Speak all the main actions!
For the development of speech, imagination, images-representations, you can invent a fairy tale: on the subject ( descriptive story), according to pictures (no more than 4 pieces), according to toys. To help the child, offer a question plan, key words (3-4 words for a story, for example: a nail, a picture, an artist). You can also organize a collective storytelling of a fairy tale (one starts, the other continues) and the composition of a fairy tale with changed conditions “What would happen if ...”
Play out dialogue scenes using a variety of materials: on puppets, on substitute objects, for example, cubes (for example, the fairy tale “Three Bears”: big cube- father is a bear, medium - mother is a bear, small - a bear cub, ball - a girl). This will help develop abstract thinking and imagination skills.
In working on communication, the ABC of communication, the book of Boguslavskaya “This cheerful etiquette” can help.
To expand the horizons with preschoolers, it is imperative to talk about abstract subjects, on a specific topic. Encyclopedias for preschoolers can help out here.

Planning for the upcominggaming activity.
In construction, for example, we can discuss what kind of cubes we need, what the foundation will be, what we will do. At the end, it is worth giving a verbal assessment - how we did it. Drawing, modeling, telling fairy tales are similarly organized. Together with the child, draw up a game plan (to the post office, to the hospital, to “Mothers and Daughters”) - you need to select items for the game, determine roles, choose actions.

Formation of a sign-symbolic function. First, real characters are used. Then the fairy tale is played out on substitutes (skittles, triangles). Then we just imagine, without relying on objects.

And a few words about the benefits of theatrical games. Theater is one of the most attractive and accessible forms of art for children. It allows you to solve various pedagogical and psychological tasks, among which we are interested in: the development of the communicative qualities of a person (verbal and non-verbal communication), the development of memory, imagination, speech (dialogical and monologue), creative initiative, arbitrary regulation of one's own behavior, getting rid of egocentric attitudes ( the need to take into account the opinion and position of another). And, of course, the theater contributes to the development of the spiritual and creativity each child, his social adaptation, removal of excessive stress and anxiety.

To organize appropriate classes, you can refer to the book “Theatrical Games in Kindergarten” by Petrova T. I., Sergeeva E. L., Petrova E. S. M: School Press, 2000.

Games for children with mental retardation - "smart" entertainment

Probably, for many of us it will be a real discovery that not all children like to play, and to be completely accurate, not everyone can. Children who were once diagnosed with mental retardation have a particularly difficult time even in such seemingly pleasant matters as entertainment. It is difficult for them to independently organize fun for themselves, in which there would be a goal and a plot, it is not easy to interact with their peers (they play rather parallel to each other, rarely intersecting in the process), and creating an interesting game situation in their imagination for many of them is not at all seems possible. And, nevertheless, you should not immediately give up, because games for children with mental retardation are important and can be organized, the main thing is to understand how best to conduct them, so that entertainment in the end turns out to be pleasant and useful for children.

Important Features

So what is the first difference between games for children with impaired speech or psychological development?

  1. Support in the game should beadult , and not objects, since it is difficult for such children to build associative connections in their heads between, say, a saucepan and playing incooks or phone and the ability to use it to callthe doctors or firefighters.
  2. It is important to draw children's attention more to the storyline than to the execution. certain actions, otherwise the whole game can simply be reduced to a meaningless, repeated repetition of the same movement.
  3. Children with special needs find it difficultfantasize or to give objects some unusual properties. So a spoon for them serves exclusively for food and cannot in any way play the role of a drumstick without the prompting of an adult.
  4. An adult leads the game - Active participation kids and improvisation in such games, as a rule, is impossible.

Correct Games

The key to success in the organization of games for children with mental retardation is the use oftheatrical And role-playing entertainment. It is they who will become your reliable support and support in working with such kids and solving the main task -teach play them on their own.

But before the start of the lesson itself, it is important to plan each stage of your future activity, gradually explain them to the children (tell about the characters, things, their properties and capabilities) and several times together say everything that you have to do. This is a long and painstaking work, but believe me, it's worth it, because all your efforts will pay off handsomely when you see the enthusiastic faces of the guys.

So, what kind of games can be offered to kids?

Game type


Game examples

dolls and pictures

With their help, you need to teach your child to come up with interesting stories or act out dialogues, based on your prompts, leading questions, or a plan made together in advance.

"Reading pictures", "Puppet show ”, “Three Bears”, etc.

These funny animals

Children's games with horses, cats, dogs and othersanimals (of course, primarily toys) stimulate speech activity kids, teach them to try on different roles, while describing all the properties and features of the proposed animal.

"Zoo", "Pet", "I am a kitten", etc.

Balloons, cubes , triangles

They will help children learn to build associations and replace well-known things or people with ordinary ones.balls and cubes, acting out fairy tales with them or thinking of other ways to use these items.

"Deal with the balls", "Pyramid", "Magic items", etc.

Children's games with the hall

Such games are especially well perceived by children, since they will not participate independently, but inpeer companies . This means that you can not be afraid of awkwardness and embarrassment, and even, possibly, receive useful tips. Such entertainments involve either choral answers, or, on the contrary, are built in the form of a simple quiz contest.

"Repeaters", "Associations", "Guess", etc.

As you can see, games for children with mental retardation carry not only the task of entertaining and captivating kids, but help them get used to the world around them better, adapt to it and get to know what surrounds them better.

Correctional and educational games for children 4 years old:

Pyramid: Purpose: to learn the basic colors and learn how to count up to 5.

Equipment: pyramid with 4 primary colors (blue 1, green 2, yellow 3, red 4)

Large mosaic:

Equipment: board with the image of a horse, the board is divided into large parts.

Entertaining palette:Purpose: to study the colors of the rainbow and the world around.

Equipment: cardboard boards, 24 pictures with rainbow colors and different images: animals, clothes, transport.

Sweet, bitter, sour, salty:Purpose: to teach and learn what is sweet, bitter, sour and salty.

Equipment: pictures of different products.

Pictures - halves:Purpose: development of attention, logical thinking and speech.

Equipment: 64 cards, cut into halves.

Who is whose mother and where is whose leaf?:Purpose: study of trees and what leaves belong to them, animals different breeds and what kind of babies they are.

Equipment: a box with 8 tree rollers and 8 tree cards, all cards are divided in half.

Pick the right one:Purpose: development of attention, logical thinking.

Equipment: a board with cut out holes for the figures, 2 bags with different figures.

Exercises for the development of expressiveness of facial expressions, gestures and movements:Purpose: to form children's imagination, expressiveness means of facial expressions, gestures and movements.

Also develop and improve the ability of children to find geometric shapes of a certain color and shape; learn to find your mistakes (self-control); develop design skills and knowledge.

Equipment: tables on which images of objects are pasted, made up of geometric shapes of different colors.

Game for the development of visual and auditory memory:

Repeat 5 words: elephant, fish, bird, cube and circle.

Sentence repeat: Seryozha got up, got dressed, went to school.

Match the word with the corresponding picture, remember the words from the picture.

Words - vase, lair, kennel, sky, rain.

Correctional and educational games for children 6 years old:

1) to develop attention

Kogan's method:Purpose: to keep attention, the possibility of distributing attention according to one, two or three signs.

Equipment: a set of cards (25 pieces) with multi-colored images of geometric shapes.

Mitten: Purpose: development of attention, trains perception, ingenuity.

Equipment: 24 cards with mittens, 24 cards with socks, 12 cards with hats, 12 cards with scarves.

Equipment: figurines of 4 colors, each figurine of a different color.

Mine is not mine Purpose: to develop attention span and observability.

Equipment: 36 cards.

2) on the development of logical thinking

Sequence of events:Purpose: to study the features of the child's mental activity, the possibility of establishing causal and spatio-temporal relationships, the analysis of the child's speech development.

Equipment: a set of 4 original plots.

Exclusion of excess:Purpose: to highlight the essential features of objects and explain how the object differs from others.

Equipment: a set of images, where each task is 4 images various items, united by a common frame.

3) for the development of memory

Mediated memory:Purpose: the possibility of using an external tool for memorization tasks, the volume of material, memorized mediation, the mental activity of the child.

Equipment: pictures - towel, chair, bike, globe, pencil, sun, glass, cutlery, plate, mirror, bakery, factory chimneys, pitcher, fence, dog, shorts, socks, boots, horse, penknife, goose , street lamp, rooster, school board, hairbrush, clock, tray.

Subject classification:Purpose: development of conceptual thinking of the child.

Equipment: a set of specially selected color realistic images.

The first series - 25 cards, 5 by 5 cm in size.

The second series - 32 cards measuring 7 by 7 cm.

Magic bag:Purpose: development of tactile memory.

Equipment: one bag, objects of different shapes.

4) to develop the imagination

The system of exercises for the development of imagination:Goal: develop imagination, thinking.

Equipment: a notebook for the development of imagination.

Game tools:Purpose: to develop imagination.

Equipment: musical instruments.

5) for the development of motor skills

Finger gymnastics:Purpose: development of attention, thinking, memory, speech, contributes to the mastery of writing skills.

Lesson #1

Warm up. Fingers greet.

Lesson #2

My family. Let's fashion a bird - modeling a bird from plasticine.

Lesson number 3

Our Baby. The bird is pecking.

Lesson number 4

Naughty. Hello.

Lesson number 5


Lesson #6

We squeeze-unclench the fists, tension-relaxation of the fingers, stretching, flexion and extension of the fingers, flexion-extension of all fingers together and in turn, exercise for the fingertips.

Boards for the development of motor skills:Goal: to develop fine motor skills, thinking and imagination.

Equipment: boards for passing the labyrinth, metal balls and 4 pencils.

Eye workout:Purpose: exercise for prevention or visual impairment.

Preparing the hand of a preschool child with mental retardation for writing.

Every year, life makes ever higher demands not only on us, adults, but also on children. The amount of knowledge that needs to be passed on to them is steadily growing. The assimilation of this knowledge should take place not mechanically, but meaningfully. To help children cope with the tasks, it is necessary to develop speech in a timely and complete manner. This is the main condition for the successful education of the child in school. Since speech is a complex function, and its development depends on many points. From the point of view of psychological and pedagogical science, speech is a condition for the full existence of a person in society, because it has an active character and is the leading means and form of communication.

For a number of ecological, morphophysiological and social reasons, including pathological features pregnancy and early postnatal development of the child, early motor development suffers, which leads to a delay in speech and intellectual development. As a result, the majority of children of preschool and primary school age with speech disorders have a varying degree of general motor insufficiency, as well as deviations in the development of fine finger movements.

fine motor skills - one of the sides of the motor sphere, which is directly related to the mastery of objective actions, the development of productive activities, writing, speech of the child (M.M. Koltsova, N.N. Novikova, N.A. Bernshtein, V.N. Bekhterev, M. V. Antropova, N.A. Rokotova, E.K. Berezhnaya). The formation of motor functions, including subtle movements of the hands, occurs in the process of the interaction of the child with the objective world around him.

It is known that the motor act of writing also requires fine coordination of movements, and, in addition, long-term fixation of the joints associated with a significant static load. “Imperfect nervous regulation of movements, poor development of the small muscles of the hand, low endurance in relation to static loads in children of this age determine the extreme difficulty in mastering the skill of writing.”

To no lesser extent, this applies to children with mental retardation. In many children with mental retardation, neurological and neuropsychological examination reveals mild and latent forms of motor disorders, which are the result of early organic brain damage (Yu.I. Daulenskene, 1973; Yu.G. Demyanov, 1971; I.F. Markovskaya, 1982 ). Sometimes even a mild dysfunction of the motor sphere without timely and purposeful corrective actions can lead to secondary underdevelopment of more complex and differentiated movements and actions, which negatively affects the formation of writing, drawing, designing and other forms of manual activity of the child. A change (increase or decrease) in muscle tone causes exhaustion and fatigue of the muscles of the hands. “Insufficient differentiation of the innervation of the muscles of the fingers and hands makes movements awkward, prevents their coordination and smoothness. Therefore, the child cannot hold a pencil or pen for a long time, as fatigue increases, his movements become inaccurate, large-scaled, or too small.”

When determining the system of work on the correction of motor disorders, it should be taken into account that the personal immaturity of a child with mental retardation manifests itself in the lack of formation of educational motivation, weakness of volitional attitudes, and emotional lability. Persistent failure in trying to reproduce the desired movement or action can lead to abandonment of classes. Therefore, any task should be offered to children in a playful way, which will not only arouse interest, but also, due to positive emotional stimulation, will help increase mental tone, and, consequently, improve performance in general.

“It is known that the violation of purposefulness and arbitrariness of movements and actions in children with mental retardation is also associated with the immaturity of the regulatory function of speech (V.I. Lubovsky, 1978).” All this prompted us to regularly work on the development and improvement of fine motor skills of the hands and fingers.

The whole complex of exercises can be divided into four components:

  1. finger gymnastics;
  2. work in notebooks - working out elementary graphic skills;
  3. exercises for fingers and hands using various objects;
  4. physical exercises (physical education).

Classes for the development of finger motor skills are held regularly, using for this time in the classes of a defectologist, educator, exercise therapy instructor. Optimal, in our opinion, was the use of physical education minutes.

Physical education minuteIt is proposed as an element of physical activity for switching to another type of activity, relieving the load associated with sitting, and to increase efficiency. They are carried out in a combination of movements with the speech of children. Pronunciation of verses simultaneously with movements provides a number of advantages: speech, as it were, is rhythmized by movements, becomes louder, clearer and more emotional, and rhymes have a positive effect on auditory perception children. In addition, it allows you to achieve the greatest learning effect. Passive and active massage is used to the maximum, play complexes self-massage using the “Finger pool” (at the defectologist’s classes), “Colorful clothespins”, speech therapy brushes “hedgehogs” and rubber balls. We usefinger gameswithout speech accompaniment and poetry with accompanying movements and certain postures of the hands and fingers, we draw Waldorf forms. At self-massage exercises with walnuts (of various sizes) and rolling of hexagonal pencils are used, which have a healing and tonic effect. Massage is one of the types of passive gymnastics. It has a positive effect on the human body, providing a general strengthening effect on muscular system, increasing the tone, elasticity and contractility of the muscles. The performance of a tired muscle is restored faster under the influence of massage. At the same time, the functions of receptors, pathways are also improved, reflex connections of the cerebral cortex with muscles and blood vessels are enhanced. In turn, the impulses that have arisen in the receptors of the skin and muscles, reaching the cerebral cortex, have a tonic effect on the central nervous system, as a result of which its regulatory role in relation to the work of all systems and organs increases. We teach children the following self-massage techniques: stroking, rubbing, kneading, squeezing, active and passive movements. We use three sets of self-massage exercises, which were developed on the basis of the recommendations of A.A. Biryukov:backside self-massagehands, self-massage of the palms, self-massage of the fingers. This type of work was used at different levels: both in listening (a defectologist says - children do), and in pronouncing words, phrases, poetic texts. Self-massage begins and ends with relaxation of the hands by stroking. Classes are also held in the group with the use of nursery rhymes. According to the international classification, games that combine finger movement with short rhythmic rhymes are divided into two types:

First - actually finger games, “sitting”.

Second - games in which, in addition to the activity of fine motor skills, movements of the whole body are included: jumping, running in place, movement of arms, legs, head.

To the second type can be attributed folk games, to the first - exercises for fingers, which are conducted with and without speech accompaniment. For speech activity, it is important to coordinate the work of the peripheral speech apparatus with the work of the speech mechanisms of the brain. With the help of organs of articulation, the child learns to produce various units of oral speech. Muscle work is closely related to articulatory work. writing hand. In the process of speech development, coordination of the movements of the writing hand with articulation is formed. finger games with the use of nursery rhymes, we did not take it by chance. We know the lack of physical contact experienced by the children of modern parents. Therefore, nursery rhymes give the child the opportunity to feel the joy of bodily contact, to feel their fingers, palm, elbow, shoulder; to realize oneself in the system of bodily coordinates, to form a scheme of the body. This prevents the possibility of many neuroses in the future, gives a person a sense of self-control. In addition, these games create a favorable emotional background, provide good finger training, contribute to the development of the ability to listen and understand the content of nursery rhymes, and teach to catch the rhythm of speech. Folk rhymes are an excellent material for teaching colloquial speech, because. most of them are built on dialogues.

Work in albums and notebookspromotes better orientation in the two-dimensional space of a sheet of paper and prepares the child's hand for learning to write. It is important that graphic tasks have figurative and semantic significance. For this purpose, objects such as waves, rainbows, puffs of smoke, fish scales are selected for drawing. Here you can take the task of drawing the missing details of flowers and objects, tracing patterns, shading and coloring contour images, pictures in albums for coloring. A gradual transition to work according to a given scheme of action is envisaged, for example: “Draw waves, large and small, three large waves and three small ones.” Then the work of drawing ornaments and labyrinths becomes more complicated.

It is very popular with children and games such as various kinds of mosaics, constructors, large and small pictures from puzzles, working with which also contributes to the development of motor skills and the improvement of constructive skills in children.

As is already known, in preschool children, due to the weak development of the small muscles of the hand, there is a rapid fatigue of the hand in the process of graphic actions. Under these conditions, the rolephysical education classes, because they provide ample opportunities for training the small muscles of the hand in various activities that are mostly playful in nature (outdoor games with nursery rhymes, recitative and physical education compositions, shifting small objects in relay races, bars and catching a sword, serso and many others). “With this approach, even if you have to perform a large number of exercises that are directly aimed at developing the small muscles of the hand and coordinating the movements of the links of the hand, children never complain of hand fatigue.” Thus, at preschool age it is not only possible, but necessary to develop the child's coordination of movements, spatial representations, a sense of rhythm and "manual skill" in order to prepare him for mastering the graphics of writing. And since the development of these qualities is the task physical education, then specially selected physical exercises will contribute to the improvement of the child's coordination of movements, they will teach you to navigate in space and feel the rhythm, develop your hand - i.e. will give him everything that is necessary for the successful mastery of writing.

The methodological manual of S.O. will help in conducting these physical education classes. Filippova “preparing preschool children for learning to write”.


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