Jumping dog drawing. How to draw an adorable dog with a simple pencil

How to draw a Dog

Drawing on the theme: "Dog"

Master class "Drawing a dog" with a step by step photo.
Khilimonchik Natalya Alexandrovna - teacher of elementary grades at school-gymnasium No. 5A, Kostanay, Kazakhstan.
Dear colleagues, I offer a master class on drawing a dog in elementary school. The fantasy of children is rich, but it is difficult to draw something according to the idea. Step by step drawing will help the guys draw a dog. This way of working is very convenient for working with younger students. They can easily reproduce the drawing using step by step explanation.
Objectives: to introduce children to the technique of drawing a dog.

1. Teach children how to draw a dog step by step. Learn to analyze, find characteristic features. Learn to convey the form, structure, proportions, volume.
2. Develop visual memory, imaginative thinking, motor skills, perseverance, diligence.
3. Cultivate aesthetic feelings, artistic taste, love for animals, nature.

Sketchbook, pencil, colored pencils or watercolors, eraser.

I will give you a riddle, and you try to determine what our lesson will be devoted to:
Lying across the porch
Our shaggy castle.
But at night he, and during the day
Strangers will not be allowed into the house.

As you guessed correctly, today we will learn how to draw a dog. You will draw with a simple pencil and in stages.
Introductory conversation.
There are different information about when exactly the dog was tamed by man, 15 or 20 thousand years ago, however, despite the controversy, experts agree that the first domesticated animal was a dog.
Dogs are known for their learning abilities, love of play, and social behavior.
A long time ago there lived a dog in the forest. One alone. She was bored. I wanted to find a friend for my dog.
A friend who would not be afraid of anyone.
The dog met a hare in the forest and said to him:
- Come on, bunny, be friends with you, live together!
“Come on,” agreed the bunny.
In the evening they found a place to sleep and went to bed. At night, a mouse ran past them, the dog heard a rustle and how it jumped up, how it barked loudly. The hare woke up in fright, his ears trembling with fear.
- Why are you barking? says to the dog. - When the wolf hears, he will come here and eat us.
“This is not a good friend,” thought the dog. - Afraid of the wolf. But the wolf, probably, is not afraid of anyone. In the morning the dog said goodbye to the hare and went to look for the wolf. Met him in a deaf ravine and says:
- Come on, wolf, be friends with you, live together!
- Well! the wolf answers. - Both will be more fun.
They went to bed at night. A frog jumped past, the dog heard how it jumped up, how it barked loudly. The wolf woke up in a fright and let's scold the dog:
- Oh, you are so-so-so! If the bear hears your barking, it will come here and tear us apart.
“And the wolf is afraid,” thought the dog. “It’s better for me to make friends with a bear.” She went to the bear:
- Bear-hero, let's be friends, live together!
“Okay,” says the bear. - Come to my lair.
And at night the dog heard how he was already crawling past the lair, jumped up and barked. The bear got scared and scolded the dog:
- Stop doing that! A man will come and skin us.
“Gee! the dog thinks. “And this one was cowardly.” She ran away from the bear and went to the man:
- Man, let's be friends, live together!
The man agreed, fed the dog, built a warm kennel for her near his hut. At night the dog barks, guards the house. And the person does not scold her for this - he says thanks. Since then, the dog and the man have been living together.

Let's try to draw a dog together in stages with a simple pencil. At the last step, you need to color the drawing of the dog with colored pencils or paints.
Step by step job description
1. First you need to draw the main contours of the dog
Make a drawing of a dog on the entire sheet of paper, it will be easier for you to draw small details and a large picture always looks more spectacular than a small one. First of all, we draw the torso and head, and the one that will be the head of the dog is a little smaller in diameter than the bottom.

2. A general outline of the dog appears in the figure.
Draw the markings for the joint for the paw and the lower parts of the three paws, since the fourth paw will not be visible. Connect with lines, exactly as in my drawing, the paws and connect the oval of the torso and head of the dog. All these figures are easy to draw, but it is very important to position them accurately. The proportions of the dog, and the whole drawing as a whole, will depend on this in the future. Check again the exact location of these contours and move on to the next step.
In this step, you only need to draw the general outline of the torso, paws and head of the dog. This may be easy to do, but be extremely careful. From this contour will depend on how the whole drawing of the dog will look. You can draw this outline several times, removing inaccurate lines. Start tracing the contour from the head and further along the back to the paws.

3. Ears, nose, eyes and tail appear on the drawing of the dog.
Draw the dog's nose. From it, draw a small dash and draw the sinuous lines of the mouth (mouth) of the dog. Connect these lines with another line for the chin. I think you will draw the ears and tail of the dog yourself, without comment.

4. The drawing of the dog is nearing completion, adding details
The auxiliary lines now need to be removed from the drawing. Paint on part of the fourth paw, claws and draw the outline of the dog's fur.

Physical education minute
We tried to draw.
We tried to draw.
It was hard not to get tired.
We'll get some rest
Let's start drawing again.
(Hands stroked, shaken, kneaded.)
5. The final step of the drawing.
The last stage of any drawing is the easiest and most interesting. At this stage, the dog will already be in the picture "in full glory". It is not difficult to slightly correct the drawing, emphasizing the dog's hair with sharp pencil strokes. Choose your own desired color and paint with colored pencils or watercolors.

So our lesson ends, you did a very good job today, I hope that you learned a lot of interesting things: you got wonderful drawings, individual, original. This can be seen at the exhibition of your works. Well done! Thank you!

IMPORTANT ADVICE (Sergey Mikhalkov)
Can't raise puppies
Through screaming and kicking.
Puppy raised by kick
Will not be a devoted puppy.
You after a rough kick
Try calling a puppy!

There are many dogs in the world
And on the chain and just like that.
Service dogs - border,
Yard balls ordinary,
And young shy mongrels,
That they love to yelp from under the benches,
And those pampered lapdogs
Whose nose is snub, and his voice is thin,
And no longer good for anything -
Stray dogs are always hungry.
Ready to fight at any moment
Dogs-fighters and bullies.
Dogs are proud and touchy
Quietly dozing on the rapids.
And sweet-toothed lickers
Everything is licked from any dish.
Among dogs of any breed
There are beauties and ugly ones.
There are giants - these are Great Danes!
short-legged bulldogs,
And rough-haired terriers
Some are black, others are grey,
And it's a shame to look at others:
So overgrown that the eyes are not visible!
Known to all dog properties:
And the mind, and sensitivity and heroism,
Love and loyalty and deceit,
And a disgusting nobility.
And half a word obedience,
And it's all from upbringing!
Lazy full hostess,
And the dachshund-button is a lazybones!
Fearless border guard - warrior,
And the dog Ruslan deserves it!
The owner of the dog is a fist and a miser,
To match him burdock mongrel!
No wonder the dog bites those
Who throws a stone at her in vain.
But if someone is friends with a dog,
To that the dog faithfully serves!
But a faithful dog is a good friend
Depends on good hands.

PUPPY (S. Mikhalkov)
I got off my feet today
My puppy is missing.
Called him for two hours
Waited two hours for him
Didn't sit down for lessons
And I couldn't have lunch.
This morning
Too early
Puppy jumped off the couch
Started walking around the rooms
Wake everyone up.
He saw a blanket -
There was nothing to cover.
He looked into the pantry -
With honey, the jug turned over.
He tore papa's poems
Fell down the stairs to the floor
I climbed into the glue with my front paw,
Barely got out
And disappeared...
Maybe it was stolen
Taken away on a rope
They called it a new name
house guard
Maybe he is in the dense forest
Under the bush sits prickly,
got lost
Looking for a home
Wet, poor thing, in the rain?
I didn't know what to do.
Mother said:
- Let's wait.
I mourned for two hours
Didn't pick up books
Didn't draw anything
Everyone sat and waited.
All of a sudden
some scary beast
Opens the door with a paw,
Jumping over the threshold...
Who is this?
My puppy.
What's happened,
If immediately
Did I recognize the puppy?
The nose is swollen, the eyes are not visible,
twisted cheek,
And piercing like a needle
A bee buzzes on its tail.
Mother said: - Shut the door!
A swarm of bees is flying towards us.
all wrapped up,
In bed
My puppy lies flat
And barely wags
Bandaged tail.
I don't run to the doctor -
I treat him myself.
I wish you all good luck and creative success!

Today we will look at how to draw a dog in stages for children. Several variations of the image of dogs will be shown at once. You will learn how to draw adult dogs and small puppies. The instructions are clear and easy for kids. Let's not waste time and get started right away!

How to draw a dog for children: the first option

A dog is a true friend of a person and, of course, of any child. Many children constantly dream of a dog and really want to learn how to draw it. Today I will tell you how to draw an ordinary domestic dog. Most parents and children want to learn how to draw a dog in this form, without unnecessary anatomical features and realistic details. There is nothing difficult here, everything is extremely simple. It is only necessary to depict the dog in a very simplified way, without going into multiple details.

Stage 1
Start drawing the dog from the head. Draw an oval muzzle and a pair of oval ears.

Stage 2
Draw two dots, these will be the eyes, now a smile and a large black nose. It turned out a cheerful and cute dog face.

Stage 3
In this step, draw the torso of the dog. It is also drawn in a simplistic way and looks very much like a rectangle with slightly rounded corners. The bottom line of the dog's torso should be broken in two places in order to then draw the paws.

Stage 4
The paws can already be drawn, again very simply without any extra details. Now the ponytail and all. Congratulations, you just learned how to draw a simple domestic dog!

How to draw a dog for a child: the second option

Stage 1
Draw the dog's head. The head consists of an oval and a semicircle. In the center of the head, draw a pair of eyes and eyebrows. Draw a heart-shaped nose on the muzzle.

Stage 2
Further on both sides of the head, draw two large ears, draw the neck from the bottom of the head, and then the torso.

Stage 3
The next step is to draw the paws of the dog. The two front legs should be the same, and the back ones should be slightly larger than the front ones.

Stage 4
Draw the hind legs and decorate the dog.

How to draw a dog from the cartoon Tom and Jerry

Another option how to draw a dog

Stage 1
Draw three ovals for the head, muzzle, body. Add four circles for the back and front legs. Add lines to the paw circles on both sides of the circles.

Stage 2
Draw the ears and nose. After that, draw a wide smile for the dog. Draw the eyes. Then delete all extra extra lines. Decorate the resulting dog.

You are great! You have a wonderful drawing!

How to draw a shepherd dog in stages for children

Many children love sheepdogs. Therefore, now we will try to show how to draw these dogs correctly and easily.

Stage 1
Draw the shape of the body in the form of a bean, which should be somewhat elongated.

Stage 2
Now draw the base for the parts of the shepherd's body. A pair of triangles will become the ears. Draw a rectangle for the nose. From below it will be slightly curved. Draw fur on the chest. Label the tail as shown in the example.

Stage 3
Draw from top to bottom, add a couple of small circles for the eyes and a few curved triangles to make it look like the hair is sticking up. Draw fur on the neck with thorns. Add a complete tail and draw the part for the lower and upper paws.

Stage 4
Start by simply adding a line to make the smile and bottom of the lip. Draw some elements on the neck to make it more fluffy. Continue drawing the base for the paws.

Stage 5
At this last stage, it remains only to draw a small bang on the head, as well as finish the paws.

Stage 6
That's all, your shepherd is completely ready.

How to draw a puppy with a pencil

So, with adult dogs sorted out, now you will learn how to draw small dogs and puppies. You will find that drawing a puppy is not difficult at all. You will definitely be convinced of this. The steps in this lesson are very simple, you will have fun and learn at the same time how to draw a puppy step by step with a pencil for children. Enjoy this fun and interesting instruction "how to draw a puppy for kids".

Stage 1
Start by making a very simple egg shape for the head and then another small egg shape for the torso. After that, draw special lines dividing the face, as seen in the example.

Stage 2
All you have to do here is basically draw out the shape of the puppy's head.

Stage 3
After that, draw out the discouraged, but very cute ears. Make sure they are large enough for the size of the puppy's head.

Stage 4
Almost done! Make two oval eyes. Then paint them, except for two dots, as in the picture. Add a dash for the eyebrows and move on to the fifth step.

Stage 5
Draw the nose, and then the cheeks and a small mouth. When this is done, you can add a small tongue sticking out of the puppy's mouth.

Stage 6
Now draw the chest, front paws.

Stage 7
Now pretty close to completing the drawing. Draw a back paw and a cute wagging tail. Erase the extra lines and shapes you drew in the first step.

Stage 8
Everything, the puppy is almost ready. All you have to do now is paint it with some color.

How to draw a spaniel puppy for a child

Now let's try to draw a spaniel puppy.

Stage 1
First, draw two shapes that will help you in the process of drawing this very cute dog. Draw a circle for the head and an oval shape for the body. Then draw a vertical line directly along the circle for the head, which will help in the process of drawing the muzzle of the puppy.

Stage 2
Start drawing the face. To do this, draw the inner sides of the ears and draw the lower part of the head.

Stage 3
Continue drawing the head. To do this, draw fluffy and long ears, and then draw large oval eyes.

Stage 4
Finish drawing the muzzle, for this draw the eyebrows, nose and mouth. After that, draw the front paws, as well as the contours of the hind legs. As in the example.

Stage 5
Here, all we have to do is draw all the other parts of the paws, then draw the line of the back, the tail. After that, erase all the additional lines that came in handy during the drawing of this dog.

Stage 6
You see, drawing this cute dog turned out to be very simple. And all that remains to be done is to color it as needed.

How to draw a terrier puppy

Now let's try to draw a cute terrier puppy.

Stage 1
First, with light strokes, draw a circle for the head and an oval for the body of the terrier.

Stage 2
Draw ears. Wavy lines should outline the outline of the dog's muzzle.

Stage 3
Now you need to depict the torso and paws.

Stage 4
Now add everything else - mouth, eyes, nose and tail.

Stage 5
The image of the terrier is ready. Now you know how easy it is to draw this dog.

Everyone likes to draw animals: both children and adults. Especially often we draw cats and dogs, because these pets live in almost every home. Dogs are amazing creatures that are distinguished by devotion and kindness. Of course, an inexperienced artist will begin to doubt his own abilities and will surely be sure that he cannot draw such a “difficult” drawing.

But I would like to note that our lessons were created just by the masters of the pencil and eraser. So stock up on everything you need and get to work. This lesson includes several steps with vivid examples. Start drawing now.

Draw step by step

Stage 1 - draw the outlines of the animal

Unfold an A4 sheet of paper vertically. Our dog will stand up, so you should have enough space to fit every part of the body, from the ears to the tail. Redraw the image as shown in the example. Your lines should sometimes break. This helps to make more correct contour lines.

It is not necessary to create a perfect silhouette right away, because in the process of drawing the body of the animal will change a little. Mark the area of ​​the eyes and nose. Put small strokes near the future ears. Do not forget about the limbs - the dog's hind legs are slightly bent, and the front legs stand straight.

Stage 2 - give the body flexibility and add details

Now you should depict the smooth transitions on the body that the dog has. From the neck down to the back, thigh, legs, etc. The picture shows how to correctly draw the paws, belly and tail of the animal. Note that the dog's tail is curled up. Draw upright ears on the head.

Stage 3 - draw fur and eyes

Our dog will be fluffy, so we should add wool to her body. Wool is easy to draw - the main thing is to make light broken lines - strokes. You should “dot” with such strokes the neck, tail and torso of the animal.

You also need to draw a shadow on the ears with a darker pencil. Paint over the nose in a dark color, highlight the eyes. It is advisable not to forget about such small details as eyebrows and mustaches, because they will “revive” the dog on paper.

Stage 4 - final

The last step in creating the image of a dog involves adding a few more strokes and a shadow. A shadow is a prerequisite in every drawing, because without it it will be an ordinary faceless drawing. You need to draw a shadow not only on the animal itself, but also on the floor.

In this lesson, I'll cover . More precisely . Many, if not all, consider the cutest creatures in the world (after, of course, kote always rule). No matter what they say, it’s better to draw a cool picture once than to look at it a hundred times. Actually, this is what we are going to do now. But the dog will not turn out cute if you do not follow some rules of real artists:

  • First, give the drawing a piece of your love;
  • Second - sharpen the pencil;
  • Draw all the paper;
  • Did not work out? Throw it away and start over!
  • Turn on your fantasy!
  • Look at the result and rejoice, smile wider! =)

Step by step drawing a dog is easy and simple. Even if my dear readers skipped all the art classes at school (which I did at one time), with the help of our tips they can easily portray a dog, or.

Where do we start? Let's draw just two oval shapes, from which we will create the torso and head of man's best friend. Approximately at their junction, draw another circle from which the muzzle will grow. We also make blanks for the paws.
The next step to mastering the art of drawing cute animals is the head. What is important to remember here:

  • The head is a very important element in a painting;
  • It should not be too big or small;
  • Observe the proportions between body parts;
  • Do not make straight lines, they do not exist in nature;
  • Apply lines with light movements, do not press the stylus into the paper;

We turn to drawing the details of the face: ears like a bear, mouth and nose. And, most importantly, the eyes. Important points when depicting eyes:

  • The eyes of animals are usually round;
  • Pupils can be dilated, narrowed, of different shapes;
  • Glare must be added relative to the light;
  • The mood of the whole picture will depend on the eyes: sad, funny, aggressive, kind, and so on.

We step further. Now the outline. It should be highlighted with a thicker line. On the paws we draw pads and claws like a cat. Let's add a tail. difficult for beginners. I strongly recommend that after the first attempt, do not put the work aside, but try again.
The next step is to erase all extra lines. And now our sketch has already become more realistic. The main thing is not skill, but desire.
If you want, you can give his coat a slight shade, as in the first picture. Add shadows, colors. Connect your imagination. Do not copy 1 in 1 from here. They say that every artist sees the world in his own way. I hope you now know how to draw a dog step by step. I also recommend reading a lesson about drawing. Show your work. This is how it turned out for me:
Try to draw something else, for example, a dove. I would love to see the results of your work. Leave comments, visit us often, and you will learn a lot of new things. Thank you for your attention! Continuation of this lesson, let's try to draw other breeds.

One of the best gifts for the New Year for everyone can be a beautiful drawing with a pencil or paints. And it doesn’t matter if a child at school or kindergarten, an aspiring artist will depict this picture. It is important to pay attention and time to create such a masterpiece. And in order for the created drawing to become a real decoration of the interior, you need to try to make the New Year's gift as realistic as possible. With the help of the master classes below with photos and videos, you can learn how to draw a dog on plain paper or checkered paper. Simple instructions are suitable for children of any age and teenagers.

How to easily and beautifully draw a dog symbol of 2018 in stages with a pencil - a master class with a photo

It is useful and interesting to spend time at labor lessons on the eve of the New Year 2018 at school and kindergarten, drawing its symbol will help children. To depict a cute dog, you do not need to be a real artist, you just need to correctly repeat the instructions below. A detailed master class will tell you how to easily and beautifully draw a dog symbol of 2018 in stages with a pencil.

Materials for a beautiful drawing of the symbol of the year 2018 of the dog with a pencil

  • a sheet of A4 paper;
  • regular and colored pencils;
  • eraser.

Photo-lesson of beautiful and easy drawing of the dog of the symbol of 2018 with pencils

  1. Conditionally depict a dog: draw a circle for the head and two intersecting circles for the body. Draw the neck and mark the location of the muzzle and eyes on the head.
  2. Draw the elongated muzzle of the dog, eyes. Draw the front ear.
  3. Draw the outlines of the dog's head, draw the ears and the back of the neck. Draw eyebrows.
  4. Draw the dog's fluffy chest and front paws. Draw the tongue and tail.
  5. Add a collar to the figurine. Draw the hind legs. Draw a drop of saliva to the tongue.
  6. Erase the auxiliary lines and color the figure with multi-colored pencils.

How to draw Max's dog by cells for a child - a master class with video

Drawing by cells is a very useful activity for children. It allows the child to show imagination and develop attention. Especially interesting for kids will be the image of a popular and beloved character from a modern cartoon. For example, in the next master class, you can learn how to draw Max's cartoon dog by cells in a regular notebook.

Video on the master class of drawing a cartoon dog Max in the cells

A simple instruction will help the child to easily and simply portray the main character from the cartoon "The Secret Life of Pets" - the dog Max. With its help, drawing this hero in the cells will not be difficult.

How to draw a cool dog for the New Year 2018 - a master class with step-by-step photos

It is much more interesting for all children to draw their favorite characters, and not just animals. That is why the following instruction is perfect for kindergarten and school. With its help, children will be able to draw the dog Volt and decorate their room with such a pattern. The master class below will help you learn how to draw a cartoon dog for the New Year 2018.

List of materials for the phased drawing of a cool dog for the New Year 2018

  • a sheet of A4 paper;
  • simple pencil;
  • eraser.

A step-by-step master class with a photo of an image of a cool dog for the holiday of the New Year 2018

  1. Draw the "skeleton" of the dog. Draw a circle for the head. Form an oblong body from two circles. Add marks for the location of the eyes and muzzle. Conditionally draw paws, ears and tail.
  2. Draw the ears and tail of the dog. Draw the eyes, nose and chest of the dog. Draw the back parts of the paws.
  3. Add front lines for all paws. Draw a smile, add the top line of the nose, eyebrows and the inside of the ears.
  4. Draw eyes, add a collar. Add a hind paw, draw fingers on all paws. Draw a lightning icon on the side. Remove guide lines. Color the dog figurine if desired.

How to draw a dog symbol of the New Year 2018 with a pencil step by step - master classes for beginners

Usually beginning artists pick up simplified drawings for learning. But even the most complex images with easy instructions can be copied by children or teenagers. For example, the following master class for beginners will help you learn how to draw a symbol of the New Year 2018 with a pencil in stages, and easily and simply.

Materials for the phased drawing of the symbol of the New Year 2018 of the dog with pencils

  • a sheet of A4 paper;
  • regular pencil;
  • eraser.

Master class with a photo of a phased image of the symbol of the New Year 2018 of the dog using pencils

  1. Draw the main lines of the shepherd's body: paws, back and the central part of the muzzle.
  2. Mark the main parts of the dog's body along the drawn lines. Draw an oval-sternum, the back part - an oval, a circle-head. Draw the silhouette of a shepherd dog in the marked areas and draw paws.
  3. Erase the auxiliary lines, and then make the silhouette clearer. Mark the location of the eyes and draw the nose, tail.
  4. Draw fur on the chest, tail and paws. Draw eyes, add fur on the head.
  5. Add auxiliary thin lines for the growth of fur for a realistic picture.

A step-by-step video lesson on drawing a dog of the symbol of the coming 2018 with a pencil

Another version of the image of the symbol of the New 2018 can be found in the following video. A cute dog drawn in pencil will look appropriate both in the living room and in the children's room. Such a picture can be presented to friends or relatives for the New Year.

How to draw a dog with paints in stages - a master class with a video for children

The depiction of animals is quite a challenge. But if you choose a simple video lesson for beginners to teach a child, then there will be no problems with redrawing the beast. In the next master class for children, you can learn how to draw a dog in stages with paints beautifully and easily.

Step-by-step video on the master class of drawing a dog by a child

A bright and neat drawing with paints can be the best gift for the New Year 2018. Therefore, by creating a cool picture according to the instructions below, the child will be able to give it to parents, grandparents for the holiday.

So that the drawn symbol of the New Year 2018 can decorate every home, in this article you can find different master classes with photos and videos for kids and teenagers. With the help of simple instructions, you can depict a dog for the New Year 2018, both with a pencil and with paints. However, they are suitable for both children and beginners. For example, kids in kindergarten will be able to draw a figure of Max from the cartoon "The Secret Life of Pets". But the students of the school will be able to easily depict a shepherd dog or a cartoon dog in stages.