How to develop psychic abilities on your own. How to develop your paranormal abilities

Everyone has the beginnings of extrasensory abilities. The suggested exercises will help develop them.

90% of the inhabitants of our planet mistakenly believe that psychic abilities are a gift that only the elite receive. The remaining 10%, those who practice work with subtle energies, are sure of the opposite. Every person has the beginnings of special abilities. You just need to learn how to use them.

How to develop psychic abilities

Each person has a unique set of "tools" for communicating with the universe. Our task is to identify our strengths and learn how to manage them. You can start with simple exercises.

1) Meditation. It all starts with the ability to focus on the problem. The more focused you are, the more likely it is that the subconscious mind will prompt the correct answer.

2) Foresight. The level of psychic abilities is increased by such simple exercises as trying to guess the time, the number of the next bus, the name of the caller, and so on.

3) Visualization. Visualization exercises help to capture and correctly interpret the received signals. Drawing, modeling, designing teach to clothe the images that have come in a specific form.

4) Look and see. Each person and any inanimate object has a special biofield that can be seen with inner vision. This simple exercise will help. Put any object on a plain background and examine it without fixing your eyes on it. With proper training, you will see a thin outline of energy framing the object of observation.

5) Stimulation of prophetic dreams. Before you go to bed, ask yourself what will happen tomorrow. The answers will come in a dream.

6) Body practices- the ability to work with hands, to feel the aura - they help well in healing and working with psychological problems. You can start by trying to feel your own aura. We connect the palms and slowly spread them apart. Then we return to the starting position. Gradually, you will learn to determine the boundaries of your aura "by touch" by tingling, warmth, pressure in the palms.

The result of such exercises are skills that will improve your life, tune in "on the same wavelength" with the Universe. However, in order to reach the next level, to help not only yourself, but also those around you, you should practice under the guidance of experienced masters. After all, extrasensory abilities are not only a special power, but also a special responsibility with which one must learn to live.

A real psychic is a bright and strong person, but not externally, but internally. A magician of incredible beauty, sitting in a dark room and conjuring over a ball, is just a romantic stereotype. In fact, psychics in appearance do not differ from ordinary people, but their inner qualities and abilities are incommensurably higher and more diverse than those of an ordinary person. Nevertheless, each of us has extrasensory perception, only for some it sleeps in a deep sleep, for some it is poorly developed, and for those who are strong, people call sorcerers, magicians and psychics. Try to remember at least one episode from your life when you guessed, for example, the next melody that will sound on the radio when the right bus arrives at the stop, where to go in an unfamiliar area to find what you need ... Surely, there was such an episode, and not alone. Such cases are examples of the manifestation of your personal psychic abilities, which can be developed. It takes time, patience, willingness to learn, and continuous practice.

How to develop psychic abilities in yourself? First, identify your strengths.

Determining your own capabilities

There is one popular exercise on the Internet. Surely it will help you too. To make everything go smoothly and properly, try to relax, disconnect from real life, stay at home or in a separate room alone with yourself. Nothing should distract you. Sit down, close your eyes and visualize the following scene as clearly and vividly as you can:

Summer sunny day. You are alone on a sandy river beach. Seagulls scream. You feel how the rays warm your body. You are calm. Then you take off your shoes and feel the soft river sand with your feet. A child bathes in the river, he calls his sister to him. You hear it. You were exhausted by the heat, and you were thirsty. You get up and go to a nearby kiosk, where you buy popsicles that feel cool. You start to eat the treat, you feel the taste and smell of strawberries. The ice begins to melt, and sticky streams run down your fingers.

After you imagine everything, analyze your feelings and ideas. This must be done honestly, so you can determine the strongest of your feelings. Answer yourself these questions:

  1. How much and how clearly could you see the objects around you? Have you seen the river, the ice cream stand?
  2. How clearly did you hear sounds? Could you hear the children's voice and the cries of seagulls?
  3. How strong were the tactile sensations? How well did you feel the softness of the river sand, the coolness of the kiosk and the trickle of ice running down your skin?
  4. Olfactory sensations - could you smell strawberries?
  5. Taste sensations - how vividly could you taste the ice?
  6. Feelings and emotions - what and with what strength did you feel during the presentation of this picture?

By carefully analyzing your feelings, you will be able to understand what you have developed most strongly. In the future, try to develop the strength and sharpness of your leading feelings. They will also help you recognize extrasensory information.

What should be learned

One article is extremely insufficient to tell you how to develop psychic abilities in yourself. In this paragraph, we will list what you need to learn. Special literature, training and constant practice will definitely help you with this.

  • Mastering autotraining and meditation.
  • The development of imagination, the ability to think figuratively.
  • Self-hypnosis and hypnosis.
  • The ability to accumulate biological energy, it can be drawn from the natural elements and the Cosmos.
  • Energy management in various ways.
  • Ability to extreme concentration.
  • Development of calmness, a benevolent attitude towards the world; the ability to clear negative feelings and emotions.

Exercises for developing intuition

How to develop psychic abilities in yourself? It’s impossible to start with a difficult one right away - there are not enough strengths and experience for this. Intuition can also be trained, but you can figure out how to do it yourself. Everything is very simple - you are trying to look into your future, think of different situations, referring not to logic, but to your inner voice. Next, check how right you were. The more often and more you train in this way, the stronger your intuition will be. For example, you do not know what time it is, but first you try to guess the time, and then you check the clock. Or you have lost some item, but you are trying to guess where it is without using logic.

Exercises for the development of extrasensory perception

Now let's look at a few exercises with which you will understand how to develop psychic abilities in yourself.

Perception of the human aura

Sit on a chair with your back straight. Relax, don't think about anything specific for a few minutes. Then spread your palms at a distance of about 30 cm from each other. Bring them in and out slowly. The task is to learn to feel the boundaries of your biofield. These sensations can be in the form of warmth or energy. When you learn to clearly feel your aura, you can learn to recognize the aura of other people.

Seeing the future through a dream

Before going to bed, try to set yourself up to see tomorrow. To do this, you need to try to fall asleep with only one single thought that you should dream about tomorrow. It's hard to learn this. It takes many weeks and months, and in order to see their day not completely, but in fragments.

Development of the power of the gaze

Willpower and perseverance are qualities without which nothing will work. Take a sheet of paper, draw a circle in its middle, paint it black and hang it on the wall at a distance of 90 cm from your eyes. For a minute, look at the circle without looking up, then move the sheet to the left 90 cm from the starting position and repeat the exercise. Next, move the sheet to the right of the starting position also by 90 cm. And repeat the exercise again. You need to train daily, gradually increasing the time to 5 minutes for each position. Upon reaching this result, you will begin to observe that your gaze begins to affect people.

Development of intuition at a high level

The task is to learn to recognize the emotions and feelings of another person. To do this, one must learn to penetrate into a certain person, to present oneself to him completely and completely. Try to look at the world through the eyes of this person, without mixing in your own thoughts, assessments and judgments.

Seeing someone else's aura

The exercise is done in 2 stages. First, before going to bed, learn to peer into the small lines and details on your closed eyelids. Exercise is done within 2-3 days, one procedure lasts 10-15 minutes.

In the second stage, the exercise is best performed at dusk. Put any plain object on the table. It is better if it is located against a white background. Look at the object not directly, but as if from the side, casually. After a while, you will be able to see a small haze going along the contour of the object. Soon it will become brighter and acquire a characteristic shade. The aura of an item will depend on its color. A yellow object will emit a blue aura, a green one will emit a red aura, and so on.

We have told you a little about how to develop psychic abilities in yourself. I would like to say that this is only a small part of what you can master. Do not be afraid to improve, look for new exercises and opportunities. Be alone and in nature more often, grow spiritually and look for new ways to develop psychic abilities in yourself.

How many people have you met in your life who have supernatural powers? Some adhere to the theory that they receive a unique gift only from birth, but there is another opinion: anyone can become a psychic. Which option is closer to you? If you are interested in the question of how to develop psychic abilities in yourself, then further recommendations can help with this. The main thing is to be prepared for hard and regular work on yourself.

How to become a psychic at home

A psychic is a person with overdeveloped sense organs in relation to ordinary people. The owner of a unique gift can feel the approaching danger, communicate with the other world or suggest a solution in a difficult situation. For some, such abilities are given from birth, while others have to work to awaken them. How to develop psychic abilities in yourself? You need to train a lot, doing special exercises. Accomplished psychics advise at the same time to study the theoretical foundations from books written by experienced people in this field.

How to develop psychic abilities yourself? The main thing is to have a great desire and perseverance. If you are hoping to find a way to become a psychic in 10 minutes or a week, then know that there is no such thing. Better start following a few simple tips on how to develop extrasensory perception:

  1. Tune in a positive way, because doubts will only slow down the process.
  2. Pay close attention to all your feelings. Notice every little thing going on around and inside you to pick up supernatural signals.
  3. Write down all your dreams and visions. Get a special notebook for this. So you can track if there is progress after classes.
  4. Often mentally imagine different pictures. Use any photo for this. After looking for a couple of seconds, try with your eyes closed to reproduce what was seen.
  5. Try the audio hypnosis technique of suggesting positive thoughts.


  1. Focus on your inner self. With your eyes closed, mentally transfer all your attention to a point in the middle of your forehead. It is believed that the "third eye" is located there.
  2. Every morning, make a forecast for the events that will happen. Try to determine what they will be: negative or, on the contrary, will bring unexpected joy.
  3. Try to guess who came when the doorbell or phone rings.

After that, introduce a few more useful exercises into your practice:

  1. Question. Waking up in the morning, ask yourself the so-called question of the day. In the evening, you can compare the morning sensations with what happened.
  2. Stimulation of prophetic dreams. When you are about to go to bed, set your body up to see a prophetic dream. You should fall asleep with only one thought - what will happen tomorrow.
  3. Development of intuitive abilities. You need to learn to understand what the other person feels or wants.


The best assistant to a person in learning anything is books. There are several well-known authors who have written about unusual abilities and their development:

  1. Jane Roberts, Psychic Powers. After reading, you will be able to open your "third eye", which is waiting for awakening. The publication contains a lot of information on how to properly develop psychic abilities, control power and dreams, predict the future and learn telepathy.
  2. Alexey Pokhabov, "Vertical Will". The winner of the 7th season of the Battle of Psychics program in his book teaches people to feel the world and see its essence. The author believes that this ability opens the way to extrasensory perception and changes in human life.
  3. Gennady Kibardin, "Secrets of clairvoyance: how to develop extrasensory abilities." A psychologist by profession, the author decided to use the book to tell about his own experience in clairvoyance.

Stones that develop psychic abilities

Natural minerals allow the owner to tune in to the same wave with the world. Which stone develops psychic abilities? Here are some examples:

  1. Azurite is the first of all stones. Has the power to increase consciousness.
  2. Heliotrope is an ancient stone used in witchcraft. Included in rings and bracelets.
  3. Sardonyx - is able to force the body to heal itself, setting up the correct operation of all systems. Gives the owner access to hidden information.

Video: is it possible to develop psychic abilities in yourself

The theme of the supernatural does not cease to be one of the most popular. So is it possible for an ordinary person to develop psychic abilities? This question is of interest to many people seeking to acquire a unique gift. If you also want to know if it is possible for an ordinary person to become a psychic on their own, watch the video below with useful information about supernatural abilities and their development.

Everyone at least once dreamed of having superpowers or superpowers that would distinguish him from the crowd and give advantages that others do not have. Most people give up on the idea of ​​getting superpowers, believing that it is simply impossible, because only comic book superheroes have superpowers, and not ordinary people. Of course, you can’t argue with this: people cannot learn to fly or teleport, but you can very well sharpen the feelings given to you by nature and make them stronger than those of other people. You just need to study and practice!


How to develop psychic abilities

    Find out as much as you can about the abilities you want to develop. Focus on one or two abilities, don't waste your energy on learning a dozen of them at the same time. Decide which psychic abilities are most important to you and train hard to develop them.

    Practice first. Take time before bed to write down three predictions for the next day on paper. Before that, close your eyes and concentrate. What impressions do you have when you think about the next day? Do you feel something inside? What song is playing in your head? How are you feeling? Who do you represent? Does your mood change?

    • Do this exercise every day and notice any patterns that lead to your erroneous or correct predictions.
    • Keep detailed records of your predictions.
  1. Improve your clairvoyant ability by practicing psychometry. Psychometry is the art of “reading” the energy of an object through touch. This practice is based on the idea that people, places and events around us can leave emotional and energetic traces on material objects. It is believed that a clairsentient can read these emotions and energies by touching objects. This ability can allow you to sense the people, environment, and events associated with a particular person when you pick up an item that belongs to that person.

    • Ask a friend to blindfold you and then give you a small object. Ask a friend to choose an item that is frequently used by the owner (such as keys or jewelry), as these are the items that are believed to be especially highly charged with a person's energy.
    • Take the object in your hands, then relax and notice all the ideas, impressions and feelings that you have. Write down everything you felt. There is no such information that would be insignificant in this case. When you're done, repeat the session with a friend.
    • Ask him to comment on everything he hears, and you will see for yourself if there is any confirmation of your feelings.
  2. Work on your ability to see from a distance. Starting to read information at a distance is not so difficult. Pick any location. Before starting the session, decide for yourself what you want to know about this place. Are you looking for someone here? Are you trying to see the event that happened here? Then concentrate and visualize this place clearly. Pay attention to any thoughts and impressions that come to you as you imagine this place.

    • As you practice distance vision, close your eyes and direct all your thoughts to your third eye, which is located in the center of your forehead, slightly above eye level.
    • If possible, try to practice seeing from a distance also in a group. Group sessions can be a powerful source of energy and produce good results.
  3. Learn to read information. It is believed that each person has their own unique energy, which is emitted in the form of an aura. When you try to see someone's energy, you kind of tune in to its frequency and learn something about a person by analyzing their aura. Mentally sensitive people are believed to have this ability. By practicing this art, you can develop the capacity for empathy.

    • Try this exercise: find a person, preferably someone you don't know very well, and stand 1-2 meters away from him. Each of you should close your eyes and imagine the other as a ball of energy or light.
    • As you visualize this together, try reading each other's energies, from top to bottom, and notice any associations that come to you (colors, numbers, words, pictures, or impressions). After a few moments, both of you should open your eyes and discuss what you saw.
    • Discuss how these visions relate to your lives.
  4. Keep a dream diary. Keep this diary on your bedside table or table so you can write down your dreams as soon as you wake up. Each dreamer has a certain cipher - a set of symbols that is repeated in his dreams. By writing down your dreams, you can solve this cipher. This is important if you want to create astral projections or practice lucid dreaming. In addition to writing down your dreams, write down any questions or worries that you have from time to time.

    • If you are trying to connect with your spirit guide, this can help you tune into them and find answers to your questions.
    • Write down any stuck ideas or pictures that come to mind during meditation.

    How to strengthen your mind

    1. Meditate. Any strong medium will tell you that the key to the practice is meditation. Meditation will help make your mind hypersensitive and attuned to your surroundings. A calm mind will sharpen your awareness and muffle unnecessary thoughts. At first, your thoughts will wander randomly, and it may seem that all efforts are in vain. Do not worry! Good meditation takes hours and days of practice. Be persistent and you will reach your goal.

      • Find a quiet place where no one and nothing will disturb you.
      • Start simple, set a clear and achievable goal. Meditate 10-20 minutes a day.
      • Once you have mastered this skill, gradually increase the time of the sessions.
    2. Relax. Usually our consciousness works too fast for any psychic connection to form. Our brain constantly responds to a variety of stimuli and only a small percentage of signals from the outside are recognized by us. By taking enough time to relax, you clear your mind of unnecessary thoughts. You can even tune into things that you would never feel in normal life. This will help you develop clairvoyant and clairaudience abilities, and it will be much easier to evaluate intuitive feelings when you are relaxed.

      Train self-awareness. Self-awareness is a constant focus on what is happening around at any given moment from a rational point of view. When you can focus on the present, you can perform your current tasks perfectly. This will help you develop the ability of psychokinesis. Work on being truly aware of as much of what is going on around you as possible. Relaxation and meditation skills will help you a lot when you start practicing mindfulness.

    3. Train your intuition. Intuition is an inner feeling, premonitions that you feel in relation to people, situations, and which you cannot rationally explain. There is no logical explanation for these feelings, but usually such impressions are very strong. We all have intuition, strong or weak, but it can be developed through practice and life experience.

      • By developing your intuition, you learn to better understand the world around you.
      • Keep detailed records of any intuitive feelings you have.
      • As you get more information about each individual event, compare how it matches up with your initial feeling about it.

      How to acquire physical superpowers

      1. Learn to see in the dark. You can train your eyes so that they quickly get used to the twilight or darkness in poorly lit or unlit places. Spend 30 minutes a day exercising your eyes. Spend time in the dark to get your eyes used to recognizing shapes in the dark.

        • Wear sunglasses often, even if you don't need them.
        • Over time, your eyes will adjust to the dark more quickly.
      2. Exercise and keep in good physical shape. To get physical superpowers, you must always be in shape. This is a constant process during which you are constantly developing and becoming stronger and more resilient. Work out in the gym to get stronger. Do cardio regularly to increase your speed and endurance. Practice yoga to relieve stress and open your mind. Try hiking and rock climbing to learn how to appreciate distances and other parameters of the world around you.

        • Don't overexert yourself at the start of your workout. Do only what you can do, and gradually increase the load.
        • The physical abilities of a superhero will not appear in a couple of days.
        • Give up all bad habits. For example, if you smoke, it will be much more difficult for you to increase your stamina and improve your overall fitness.
      3. Practice doing some elements of parkour. Parkour is an urban sport. Parkour practitioners try to move around the city as quickly as possible and use the environment as efficiently as possible, regardless of the obstacles that many people would find insurmountable. They accelerate using only the resources of their body and surrounding objects, overcoming obstacles in the blink of an eye. Such athletes must maintain pace (to maintain efficiency and strength) while running, climbing, jumping, spinning, vaulting, and more.

        • Parkour is a sport that does not have an element of competition.
        • Parkour teaches you to move in the environment, while being able to use it to move.

Extrasensory perception is a mysterious and mystical field of human capabilities that allows you to go beyond the traditional perception of the world. Not everyone thinks about the fact that he, it turns out, has hidden ones. It is enough just to learn how to develop them - and a truly magical world will open before you.

The word "psychic" comes from the Latin extra - "over" and sensus - "feeling". That is, it indicates a person who is able to feel much more than others, has supernatural abilities.

The psychic is able to receive information directly through the brain, without using sight, hearing, smell and touch. These messages come to him as pictures, voices, or other phenomena known only to him.

Psychic abilities are usually manifested by telepathy, clairvoyance, clairaudience, or telekinesis. Also, these people are able to see the aura of people, animals or objects.

Most people believe that only a select few can possess extrasensory perception. This is an incorrect judgment, because any of us can become a psychic. Superpowers are hidden in any person from the moment of birth, but in most cases, they remain undiscovered.

It is sad, but most people, having matured, lose their potential, not finding ways to reveal their abilities in the modern world. But most young children are real psychics, able to see and hear much more than adults.

But don't get upset. If you are concerned about questions about the meaning of life and the Universal laws of the universe, then your time has come to comprehend the mysteries of extrasensory perception of the world and develop superpowers in yourself.

The manifestation of psychic abilities

Psychic abilities can manifest as:

  • Clairvoyance is the ability to receive information about what is happening regardless of time without the participation of the organs of vision. This is an inner vision of what goes beyond the real world.
  • Clairaudience is an inner voice, receiving knowledge about the Universe at the level of auditory vibrations.
  • Claircognizance is the ability to receive information directly from the Cosmos, understanding the processes taking place in the Universe. A person receives the correct answer from nowhere and cannot explain how this knowledge came to him.
  • Intuition - the ability to foresee certain events, using the clues that the world sends, dreams and premonitions.
  • Telekinesis is the ability to influence objects with the power of thought without any physical effort.

Very often, extrasensory abilities are opened in cases where there is a threat to life or a person is in a critical situation and needs help. At such moments, some inner voice tells you how to act.

Also, a person can feel superpowers in himself, being in an altered state of consciousness under the influence of psychotropic or narcotic substances. Healers and shamans in various cultures were well aware of this, and used the properties of certain plants to enter a state of trance and communicate with otherworldly forces.

How to determine the presence of psychic abilities

To assess your ESP abilities, try asking yourself a few questions:

  • How lightly do you sleep?
  • Do you have a developed intuition?
  • Do you feel someone's presence when you are alone in a room?
  • Are you lucky in life?
  • Are you superstitious, do you listen to various signs and signs that the world sends you?
  • Are there people in your family associated with magic, witchcraft, healing?
  • Are you sensitive to the energy of the people around you?
  • Try spreading your palms to the sides at a distance of about twenty centimeters. Do you feel the warmth that comes from your hands?
  • Do you think you were "born wearing a shirt"?
  • Have you experienced a feeling of discomfort and fear in places where some kind of tragedy happened, although you did not know about it before?
  • Do you communicate with inanimate objects?
  • Can you easily persuade a person to certain actions?
  • Can you help the patient and alleviate his pain when communicating with him?

The greater the number of affirmative answers, the more developed extrasensory perception you have. If you answered yes to more than 10 questions, you definitely need to develop your abilities, because you are a real psychic.

But having the ability alone is not enough to become a professional in this field. It is also necessary to develop your sensitivity and intuition through training and exercises.

Exercises that develop psychic abilities

For people who dream of developing psychic abilities in themselves, there are a number of exercises that expand the range of perception. These techniques activate dormant psychic abilities.

How to learn to feel the aura with your hands

If you want to learn to perceive a person's aura, do this exercise:

  • Sit comfortably in a chair with your back straight.
  • Relax and stop the flow of thoughts, rub your palms together.
  • Move your palms away from one another by thirty centimeters, while keeping them parallel.
  • Start slowly bringing your palms together until they touch. Repeat the exercise several times.

After a while, you will begin to feel the limits of your aura with your hands. There will be a feeling of warmth emanating from the hands, the palms will become elastic. After a few workouts, these sensations will become not just subtle, but quite real and physical. In the future, you will also learn to feel the aura of others, to feel its boundaries.

How to learn to see the aura

The exercise is performed in two stages.

At the first stage, you need to try to see for a couple of days the small lines that appear before your eyes when you peer into the space between the eyelids. It is better to do this in the evening, lying in bed. For this exercise, 15 minutes a day is enough.

For the second step, proceed as follows:

  • Place an object in front of you - a jug, a flowerpot or something else. It is desirable that the item be one-color. Position it against a white sheet of paper to neutralize the background.
  • Start peering into the subject, but not directly, but casually. Over time, a slight haze will begin to appear along the border of the subject. Next, you will begin to distinguish its color, depending on the color of the object. For example, a green item has a red aura, and a yellow item has a blue aura.

It is best to exercise before bed.

How to learn to see prophetic dreams

We all know about the phenomenon of prophetic dreams or the ability to foresee future events based on dreams. In order to see a prophetic dream, you need to give yourself an installation. Before going to bed, tune in to the fact that in a dream you should see how tomorrow will go. Do this every night for a month. Gradually, you will learn to see fragments of events that should happen soon.

Try to remember your dream in great detail and analyze it. So, over time, you can develop your own system for interpreting dreams.

Beginning psychics are advised to visit nature as often as possible, away from the bustle of the city. Try to spend more time in solitude and meditation, learn to hear the voices of nature and peer into the night sky. And then, perhaps, the Universe itself will begin to talk to you.

Fortune telling today with the help of the Tarot "Card of the Day" layout!

For correct divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you're ready, draw a card: