Children's magnetic designer with balls and sticks. The designer is magnetic, for the smallest. Sets of magnetic sticks and metal balls

I’ll make a reservation right away, this is not the constructor about which all sorts of horror stories on the Internet, such as sticking together in the intestines and so on. In this designer, the parts are much larger (sticks 2.5 cm, balls 1 cm in diameter) and magnetic - only sticks. The balls are just metal.

In the set that we have - 157 elements: 96 magnetic sticks (they are plastic on the outside) and 61 steel balls. But there are different, in terms of the number of elements, options for sets.

All parts are packed in a foam box. DO NOT store in it. Magnetic sticks - with different poles, and laying them side by side is very problematic. Yes, this box takes up a lot of space. We keep them in a bank. Twisted into a ball and there.

The whole game consists in building various figures from them. The sticks are magnetized to each other or through the ball.

Examples of figures are in the appendix to the toy.

But we do not build such complex ones. We don’t have enough details, and even small ones (4, 5 years)

Here are some examples of our buildings. The child collected independently. According to the picture.

In general, very exciting. A child can sit for hours and play with a toy. My so constantly returns to his sticks, even after a break. Attaches them to each other and to everything else metal in the house.

Of the minuses:

High price (at the time of writing a review, a set of 157 elements cost + -2 tr.)

Not too many pieces in the set. To build a multilayer structure, for example, such

one set (even if you take 157 parts) is not enough.

All in all, I highly recommend this toy. Despite the price. I have never regretted the money spent. The game develops imagination, fine motor skills of the hands, and at the same time is very entertaining for the child.

We have another toy from this company. Magnetic mosaic. I can also recommend it as a good educational toy.


Our online store sells the most popular play sets, including children's magnetic construction sets for kids. From large cubes and balls, inside of which there are magnets, children assemble pyramids and bizarre designs.

A child of primary preschool age can design houses, cars, animal figurines. The more parts in the set, the more interesting the combinations are. For everyone who plans to buy a magnetic construction kit in an online store, we recommend paying attention to the popular series:

  • MAGNETICUS (animal figurines);
  • SMARTMAX (a set of colored balls and sticks);
  • MAGFORMERS (a set of geometric shapes);
  • a line of play sets for girls (fairies, ballerinas, princesses).

If parents want their child to show their creative imagination, it is recommended to purchase a magnetic construction set for children from the MAGFORMERS series with the largest number of elements. From 25 parts, you can create more than 30 3D structures - towers, pyramids, prisms and car models.

Magnetic board-constructor - a toy that can be taken on the road. Children fold figures for a long time on a flat surface, and this activity gives them pleasure.

Buying a magnetic constructor inexpensively in Moscow is a very real task. Our online store features popular models, including the Magformers 30 pastel set, which received a platinum medal from the Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Association. Buyers who regularly visit the site of the store site get the opportunity to purchase popular products at a discount.


Surfing the expanses of online stores for long evenings, most often I look into the toys section with the desire to purchase something new and interesting for my child.

Of course, all toys are good, but I support the opinion that designers develop thinking in children, I consider them “useful”, therefore I throw them in the basket more often than other toys.

Today I want to share my impressions of buying another designer. Briefly, then I recommend, but not earlier than 5 years.

So, a magnetic constructor, or as it is often called - magnetic puzzles.

This designer was bought at the dawn of my online shopping. Now the seller no longer has it, so I give a link to a similar one, but from another seller. Its price at the time of purchase was $19.85.

Came about a month later, the seller was in no hurry to send, after the third reminder on the 8th day the parcel was sent. Came in a transparent thin plastic case, the lid of which broke safely in the first days. There are no complaints about the designer himself - the quality of the plastic is quite acceptable, and most importantly, there is no smell.

The magnetic constructor is a set of 140 sticks in 4 colors and 90 nickel-plated steel balls.

In the description of the designer, it was written that neodymium magnets were inserted into the cavities of the sticks.

I read that neodymium magnets are much more powerful than simple ferrite magnets and magnets made from other alloys.

Whether they are really neodymium, I don’t know, but the magnetic force of the stick is quite large - one stick holds several balls.

Details are connected in all planes and at any angle.

This constructor can become an assistant in the development of a child's three-dimensional imagination, geometric skills and will undoubtedly contribute to the development of fine motor skills.

All the figures below were built by a 5-year-old child without the help of adults.(so please don't judge too harshly)

Of course, I had to promise him a new toy if he would help his mother with a photo shoot for a review)

You can build these pyramids.

Figures can be both simple flat and three-dimensional three-dimensional.
The parts are interconnected very firmly - the built pyramid can be picked up without fear that it will crumble.

Boys and girls tend to invent, build, design, disassemble, consider - this constructor has a huge scope for imagination.

You can create many more figures - a cube, a ball, a spider, an architectural structure, etc. We are thinking of buying another one to increase the number of details.

I wanted to fold the cat from the designer, but my combinatorial abilities were only enough for this.

Children's toys are constantly being improved, developing together with their consumers.

Overview of manufacturers and prices

A simple set of balls and sticks will no longer surprise a sophisticated buyer. For this reason, many manufacturers are striving to expand the possibilities of the game by inventing new magnetic elements. These can be plastic geometric figures, rounded sticks or whole parts (wheels, body parts or decor). Two main requirements remain unchanged for all companies: product safety and structural stability.

For a magnetic design, stability is an important quality. The parts should hold very well under their own weight, but in such a way that the child can separate them independently.

One of the important selection criteria, in addition to quality and safety, is the cost of the designer. To a greater extent, it depends on the number of parts and the manufacturer.

Manufacturer small set Medium set Big set
Magformers 26 children - 2790 rubles. 144 children - 16990 rubles. 400 children - 49990 rubles.
Bornimago 24 children - 1600 rubles. 168 children - 3000 rubles. 320 children - 4200 rubles.
magneticus 34 children - 900 rubles. 88 children - 1738 rubles. 157 children - 2488 rubles.
Geomag 30 children - 629 rubles. 120 children - 2259 rubles. 222 children - 2999 rubles.

The larger the set, the more interesting and varied the details. Accordingly, figures can be created more complex, voluminous and unusual.

Magnetic sets serve as an excellent tool for developing the cognitive abilities of the child's brain

Which constructor for girls from 5 years old is the most fascinating read in.

The magnetic designer will be a useful acquisition for a child. Such a set contributes to its development, learning and knowledge of the world around. The game is safe if properly matched to the age of the young user, but adult supervision is still required.

It will not be difficult to choose a designer according to your preferences, because there are several manufacturers and many series of their products on the domestic market.

The magnetic designer 120 parts consists of small multi-colored magnetic sticks that are attached to each other with metal balls. The details of the magnetic designer are bright sticks of different colors and sizes. The sticks of the magnetic construction set gradually taper towards the middle - this shape is very convenient for children's fingers. The details of the magnetic constructor are easily transformed into a model of a molecule, and into a tower, and into any three-dimensional geometric figure.

The magnetic designer perfectly develops the spatial imagination and motor skills of the child, helps to understand the basic laws of physics.

An excellent gift not only for preschool children, but also for their parents - we present to the attention of our customers the magnetic designer Magnastix.

What to do tonight?

What to do with kids on the weekends?

What activity can combine the benefits and pleasure of the game at the same time?

Such a designer develops logic, imagination, has a beneficial effect on the child's fine motor skills, teaches him patience and perseverance. The structures created by the details are mobile and safe.

The game will captivate the attention of the child for a long time, completely immersing him in the world of experiments. Indeed, from the details of the designer, you can add both the simplest shapes and figures (cubes, little men, cars) and more complex ones, using more and more elements.

About the constructor

Magnetic constructor Magnastix consists of a certain (specified on the packaging) number of bright plastic parts and elements, inside of which magnets are hidden. Unlike a conventional construction set, a magnetic one is not limited by absolutely any nuances and shapes. Therefore, choosing between them, give preference to a similar set.

Magnetic constructor 120 parts is:

  • 120 elements in the form of sticks of different shapes and balls,
  • given examples of various figures and designs in the insert and on the box itself;
  • the ability to gradually increase the load, starting with a few details.

As well as features such as:

  • magnets in the designer are located at both ends of the sticks;
  • for the best connection, use metal balls, with which you can create the most unusual designs and shapes;
  • one stick can hold up to three balls at once!

You can buy a magnetic designer Magnastix in our online store, where the most original products and items made of magnets are presented. In order to find out all the details of the purchase or technical information about the product, please contact our consultants.

Important! Learn the rules for using the constructor. So, parts of it should not be kept near electronic items that are sensitive to magnetic fields.