A written report on the features of the developing object-spatial environment of a group room, playground, shady canopy. Creation of a subject-developing environment at the kindergarten site

Do-it-yourself playground equipment for a summer playground kindergarten

Summer is the favorite time for children. You can spend all day on fresh air, which will strengthen the child's body. Teachers think about how summer period organize work with children in order to satisfy the need of a growing organism for creative, cognitive and motor activities.
We've been getting ready for the summer. We thought over areas for children's play activities, did a lot gaming equipment with your own hands. Parents were involved in this process, for which they are incredibly grateful.

Done path of health for the prevention of flat feet.
We used log cabins of tree branches of small diameter, bottoms plastic bottles, slats from the back of a crib, old abacus, capsules from kinder surprises. Walking barefoot in the summer will harden the child's body.

Created development center fine motor skills hands as play equipment.

We used the back of a crib, plastic balls from a dry pool, pyramid rings and cubes. We fixed the rings in such a way that they move freely and rotate.

They took an old table, fixed half an account on it. Bones painted in bright colors. I made lacing game using small plywood, juice box rings and self-adhesive paper. The plywood was screwed to the table. The game required brightly colored shoelaces. You can lace up in different directions: from top to bottom and vice versa, similar to lacing on shoes.
For traffic jam games a cube was made of plywood, the necks of plastic bottles were inserted into the upper surface and fixed. We made overhead picture mats from universal napkins. You can select corks by color for each picture-composition. A hook was attached to the leg of the table, on which they hung a bucket with a set of corks and a set of picture rugs. The chairs were taken from the warehouse, painted in bright colors. The equipment was fixed on the table in such a way that a group of children could play at the same time, you can approach the table from different sides.

In the center for the development of fine motor skills, hands were fixed on the fence Sun. It's made from plywood. Switches serve as eyes. They can be closed and opened. The mouth is lacing. Also used are rings from juice boxes.
A rail with ribbons is fixed under the sun. At the ends of the ribbons are caps from felt-tip pens. Ribbons are used for twisting (folding).

Our center has locomotive.
Various devices are fixed on it, which can be closed, pressed, snapped, turned on, twisted, etc.

A ram is now placed next to the mini sandbox cow we made last year.

Baran is a table for drawing semolina.
The ram is made of plywood, wooden bars are used for the legs. Plexiglas is fixed on top. Sand can also be used for drawing.

This stand for creative works.

Used the back of a baby bed, wooden blocks, wire, stationery nails and clips. WITH reverse side attached plywood for drawing with chalk. A bucket for water is fixed on the leg. There is also a cloth that children can use to wipe off the drawings.

For traffic rules training they made markings on the asphalt, a traffic light made of plywood and self-adhesive film.

This table for games according to traffic rules.

The road is made in the form of a cape, it is sewn from fabric. An elastic band is used, which is inserted along the edges of the road. It allows you to freely put the road on the table. Houses, traffic lights are made of waste material - cardboard boxes. Cars and attributes for the game are stored in a plastic container.
This FIZO - corner.

It is installed on the veranda. And it is made in the form of a machine from plastic boxes from under vegetables and fruits. The boxes are painted with paint and fixed on wooden log cabins, which are also covered with paint. The car stores attributes and equipment for FIZO - outdoor activities.
This a lion - physical education equipment plywood target throwing.

You need to throw in the mouth. For this purpose, a hole was cut round shape, a bag in the form of a bag made of red fabric is sewn, which is fixed with a furniture stapler. For throwing, you can use small rubber balls, plastic balls, cones. They are easy to get and put back in the basin or basket.

On the veranda we decided to make girls room.
For this, the walls were painted accordingly. One wall is the kitchen, the other wall is the bedroom.

They laid carpets. They put in an old deck. A cradle was hung on a hook in the ceiling. They made it from an old stroller, which was sheathed with bright fabric, tulle and rope.

The article contains photographs of the subject-developing environment of the territory of the MBDOU "Kindergarten of a combined type No. 12" in Kursk.

The theme of the organization of the developing subject-spatial environment of the preschool educational institution in modern conditions especially relevant. This is due to the introduction of the federal state educational standard (FSES) preschool education. Teachers of preschool institutions are experiencing an increased interest in updating the subject-developing environment of preschool educational institutions.

The most important role in the organization of educational and educational activities with children in the summer is played by developing subject environment in the kindergarten because children spend most of their time outdoors. Developing subject-spatial environment on the territory of our preschool organized in such a way that every child has the opportunity to freely do what they love.

We always remember that the environment surrounding children should perform educational, developing, nurturing, stimulating, organizational, communicative functions, it should work for the development of the child's independence and self-activity. In our small area, we tried to organize everything in such a way as to use every corner, provide flexible and variable use of space, integration educational areas, given the leading role of gaming activity. Almost the entire territory of the kindergarten becomes the basis for organizing an exciting, meaningful life, is the main means of shaping the child's personality, a source of his knowledge and social experience.

Our know-how has become themed walking verandas. Here the game and cognitive development and socialization and security. Children are constantly interested in the thematic veranda, on which several play areas are equipped at once (“Mini-market”, “Medical office”, “Apartment”).


Medical office.


Here children learn independence, correct communication, in fact, learn how to behave in one or another life situation, get acquainted with everyday wisdom, which contributes to the early socialization of preschoolers.

On one of the walking areas we have an impromptu weather station with a thermometer, barometer, sundial and even a dosimeter.

Weather station.

There is also a thematic veranda "Reserved Corner", illustrating the originality of the flora and fauna of the Kursk region.

Protected area.

The strolling veranda "Derevenskaya Gornitsa" allows in a playful way to acquaint preschoolers with the history, culture and way of life of our ancestors.

Themed veranda.

Every year, the verandas are modernized, their content is adjusted in accordance with the age, interests and needs of children.

Through the joint efforts of the kindergarten staff and the parents of the pupils, a cognitive and play zone was created on the territory of the preschool educational institution, where on the forest edge you can see the figures of wild animals of the Kursk region in life size, play in the "Insect Glade", take a walk along the shore of an impromptu pond.

"At the edge of the forest".

"Glade of Insects".

There is a preschool educational institution and a car park with pedestrian crossings, signs traffic and a traffic light.


Traffic police post.

Environmental Police Corner.

Fairy corner "Visiting Masha and the Bear".

House of creativity.

"Rural backyard".

"Beach Photo Studio"

Chess corner.

Emotional saturation is an integral feature of the developing environment of the territory of the kindergarten. Non-standard design of sites and adjacent territory, original design flower beds pleases everyone with multicolor and variety.

Something that is attractive, funny, interesting, bright, expressive, arouses curiosity and is quite easy to remember. Observations with children of aesthetically designed compositions made of natural and waste materials, of plants and flowers allow teachers to solve problems in forming ideas about the simplest relationships in living and inanimate nature and instilling respect for the work of adults.

The role of an adult lies in the correct modeling of such an environment that contributes to the maximum development of the child's personality, makes it possible to simultaneously engage in active communicative-speech, cognitive-creative and motor activity both individual pupils and all children of the group. The joint efforts of teachers and parents of our preschool institution are aimed at solving this problem.

  • Bodrova M.A., Head of MBDOU "Kindergarten of combined type No. 12", Kursk;
  • Tretyakova LL, Deputy Head of the Department of Internal Affairs.

ON A NOTE. Educational games and toys at low prices in the specialized store "Kindergarten" - detsad-shop.ru

Project: "Bright colors of summer"

Passport design work

Project name: "Bright colors of summer" (site improvement project mixed age group: Branch of MKOU Taskaevskaya secondary school - Karmyshakskaya NOSH - a kindergarten and the creation of a subject-developing environment on the site that promotes healing child's body during the summer period; emotional, personal, cognitive and creative development children as part of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard).

Project manager: Peshkova Valentina Gennadievna
Compound project team: educator and parents of a different age group.

Project type: practice-oriented.
Type of project: creative.
Duration: short term.
Project implementation period: May - July.
Project object: "Site preschool group- a place for play, recreation, sports, cognitive and creative development of children"
Problem field of the project:
- the presence of old equipment on the site, which, due to lack of funding, is not yet possible to replace with a new one;
- passivity of parents in the process of organizing and conducting group events in a health-improving group;
7. Purpose of the project:
Creation of emotionally favorable conditions for the stay of children in a preschool institution through the improvement of the site, the creation of a subject-developing environment on the site of the kindergarten, conducive to the improvement of the child's body in the summer; emotional, personal, cognitive and creative development of children through the interaction of parents and educator.
8. Project objectives:
- join forces preschool teacher and parents of pupils) to create a subject - developing environment that contributes to the improvement of the child's body in the summer; emotional, personal, cognitive and creative development of children corresponding to the Federal State Educational Standard.
- Creation non-standard equipment on site to ensure different types activities of preschoolers (game, motor, intellectual, independent, creative, artistic, theatrical);
- promoting cooperation between children and adults to create a comfortable subject-developing environment;
- improve the design of the site;
9. Expected results:

Creation of conditions for recreation, sports, games and experimentation of children that meet the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard;
- creation of conditions for the protection and promotion of children's health;
- creation of zones of continuous gardening and flowering when decorating
- involving parents
- satisfaction with the activities of the preschool institution on the part of parents and pupils;
- creating your own "image" of the site, the image of a group of different ages due to non-standard equipment and decoration;

10. Explanatory note:
Project relevance:
The issue of organizing the subject-developing environment of a preschool educational institution today is particularly relevant. This is due to the introduction of a new Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) to the structure of the main general educational program of preschool education.
The organization of the developing environment in the preschool educational institution, taking into account the Federal State Educational Standards, is built in such a way as to enable the most effective development of the individuality of each child, taking into account his inclinations, interests, level of activity.
Teachers need to enrich the environment with elements that stimulate the cognitive, emotional, motor activity of children.
The environment should perform educational, developing, educating, stimulating, organized, communicative functions. But most importantly, it should work for the development of the independence and initiative of the child.
I am convinced that it is necessary to surround the child with beauty so that he is imbued with the thought - it is important not only to preserve beauty, but also to create it around him. The upbringing and development of preschoolers is more effective if certain conditions in kindergarten.

Most of the time during the summer, our mixed-age children spend outdoors. It is important to try to fill with vivid impressions and joyful experiences of children's stay in kindergarten. Great importance I devote to the development and improvement of the subject-developing environment on the site in summer time as a system of conditions that ensures the full development of children's activities and children's personality. Thus, all these prerequisites led me to choose the theme of the project.

Significance at the level of educational institutions and society:
- increasing the motivation and involvement of parents in the life of the preschool group;
- increase in success social development children on the basis of the positive activity of interaction between parents and educator;
- increasing the prestige of the preschool educational institution as a favorable institution for the development and upbringing of children.
11. Project implementation plan:

Stage 1 (May)

1) a detailed survey of the site and the selection of the most interesting objects;

2) drawing up a map - a scheme for creating a site;

3) involvement of parents in the improvement and decoration of the site;

Stage 2 (June 1 to 15)

Reconstruction of existing equipment and decoration of the site in accordance with the objectives of the project and the requirements for protecting the life and health of children: - laying out flower beds, creating a play and sports equipment in accordance with the project;

Creating "bright spots" on the site with the help of decoration - creating zones for experimenting and experimenting with water and sand;

Holding holidays on the site and role-playing games;

Creation of a photo of the exhibition based on the results of work on the project.

12. Results of work on the project:

During the implementation of the project method, a lot of new things were created on the territory of our site: a wattle fence next to a painted house, a horse carrying a cart of grass, a sandbox umbrella, a place allocated for playing with water, a recreation area, an area for board games, drawing, creativity, butterflies and dragonflies, flower beds (umbrella, three little pigs, a frog princess, a train, a centipede, two baskets woven from twigs) “flew in” Parents, educator and employees worked in one team sparing no time and effort, which very much rallied the team. (A small village, one educator and small team). Children are very receptive to the environment, so the whole environment on the playground is of great educational value. The created subject-developing environment makes it possible to provide maximum psychological comfort for each child, to create opportunities for exercising his right to freely choose the type of activity, the degree of participation in it, the ways of its implementation and interaction with others. Conditions must be created on the site to ensure different directions for the development of children: play, motor, intellectual, independent, creative activity. For children, summer is the most long-awaited and favorite time. Therefore, together with the parents, we joined forces and created such a subject-developing environment at the kindergarten site that allows us to ensure the psychological comfort of each child, creates an opportunity to choose an independent individual activities, improve physical health.
As soon as the snow melted and the first flowers appeared, our kindergarten site began to gradually turn into a fairy tale. Children in this fairyland feel like full-fledged owners of the space, become the creators of their environment, their self. The subject-developing environment we have created allows us to provide maximum psychological comfort for each child, create opportunities for exercising his right to freely choose the type of activity, the degree of participation in it, the ways of its implementation and interaction with others. At the same time, such a subject environment allows me, as an educator, to solve specific educational tasks, involving children in the process of learning and mastering skills and abilities, developing their curiosity, creativity, and communication skills.

The section of the group is part of the developing space of the group, within which free motor and play activity children. Since in the summer, when children spend most of their time outdoors, the issue of filling the subject-developing environment in summer areas becomes very relevant. Therefore, in the summer period, we tried to diversify the subject-developing environment on the site and fill it with new attributes for games and research.



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Slides captions:

Organization of a subject-developing environment at the kindergarten site. Completed by: teacher Barulina E.V.

Relevance The site of the group is part of the developing space of the group, within which the free motor and play activities of children are carried out. Since in the summer, when children spend most of their time outdoors, the issue of filling the subject-developing environment in summer areas becomes very relevant. Therefore, in the summer period, we tried to diversify the subject-developing environment on the site and fill it with new attributes for games and research.

Objectives: Improving the artistic and aesthetic design of kindergarten sites. Creating the most comfortable and favorable conditions for active rest, upbringing and development of children; Activation of the creative abilities of teachers, children and parents, Comprehensive development of the child's personality in the conditions of a walk, health promotion in interaction with environment. Tasks: Organization of a developing object-spatial environment on a walking section of the preschool educational institution taking into account the needs and interests of children. Enrichment of the site with equipment and inventory for effective implementation walks. Increasing the material technical and aesthetic base of the preschool educational institution. Strengthening ties kindergarten parent”, “child-parent”, “child-caregiver”

Conclusions: as a result of the project, the subject-developing environment at the site was updated and expanded, which gave children new opportunities for the development of creative abilities, physical and intellectual development children, and also contributed to the involvement of parents in the life of the kindergarten.

Thank you for your attention!

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

The organization of a developing environment in the kindergarten area is an important condition for educating the cognitive activity of children

Our teaching staff devotes great attention creation of a cognitive-developing environment in the kindergarten area. Every year, the territory of the kindergarten is ennobled by the staff and parents...

technological map of the pedagogical project "Organization of a subject-developing environment at the kindergarten site"

Subject-developing dow environment should provide comprehensive development personality of the child, this is the system that directly affects full development children, their mental and physical

Tatyana Yatsenko
Creation of a subject-developing environment on the site

« Creation of a subject-developing environment on the site children of the senior group.

Supervisor: senior educator - Chernorayeva L.I.

Project type: information - design - presentation

1. Preparatory

Information and design

2. Main


3. Analytical

Expected results

Project participants: educators and parents of the senior group.

Implementation timeline: .

Experiment base: "Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

Objective of the project: improvement of work on design and improvement site for efficient travel. Aesthetic design and landscaping area of ​​the kindergarten.

Project objectives:

1. Inform parents about the need for this work.

2. Develop a plan - a scheme site

3. Provide material and technical base for the site transformation

4. Refresh the aesthetic space play area recreation and outdoor activities

5. distribute work between parents by organizing a subbotnik

Expected results:

1. For teachers - Creation aesthetically designed, meaningful, informative, diverse, dynamic children's life environment.

2. For parents - contribute harmonious development children

3. For children - to cause a positive attitude towards kindergarten, a desire to attend it.

Subject-developing environment we will arrange according to the following scheme:

1. Socio-communicative development;

2. Cognitive development;

3. Speech development;

4. Artistic and aesthetic development;

5. Physical development.

As required by the program.

Kindergarten is a second home for children and for us teachers. You want to make your home cozy and warm. And the kindergarten is also the most developing. Therefore, it is constantly updated and changed. subject-developing environment not only in the group but also on the playground of the kindergarten. Make it not Just: requires skill, creativity and material costs. And as a rule, there is always a problem of how to arrange the site in such a way that each child is provided with the opportunity to joyfully and meaningfully live the period of preschool childhood.

"Joyful Childhood" energizes for life...

Every year we pay great attention subject-developing environment on outdoor playground kindergarten. This is one of the important goals of the work.

When raising, educating and developing children in a kindergarten, one of the main tasks: to preserve and strengthen the health of children and form their habit of healthy lifestyle life. The walk is one of means of improving children, developing them physically. The walk is the first and most accessible means for hardening the child's body. It helps to increase its endurance and resistance to the adverse effects of external environments, To colds. On the walk, children play, move a lot. Movements increase metabolism, blood circulation, improve appetite. Children learn to overcome various obstacles, become more mobile, courageous, hardy. They develop motor skills and skills are strengthened muscular system increases vitality.

The walk is unique opportunity enrich the child with new knowledge. Awaken the child's cognitive inquisitiveness. We need to give children the education that is necessary for their age - to feel every thing, to smell it a dozen times, to subject of study certain actions , inspect a dozen times, repeat the appointment a dozen times subject, etc.. e. We must meet the desire of the child to expand his horizon by observing wildlife, people, their work, their relationships. As a result, children have more opportunities to cognitive activity, there is a desire for research, creative activity, accompanied by a joyful, satisfied, emotional state.

To implement these tasks (i.e. for the development and education of the individual) necessary create such a subject-developing environment, which would comply with all safety standards and requirements in accordance with SanPiN and Federal State Educational Standards, namely, to make small game forms for games, install equipment for various movements that would have attractive appearance both strength and workmanship corresponded to the age and strength of the children. So the idea was born to equip walking platform for the youngest visitors of our kindergarten. How create conditions for the development of children? How create such an environment in which an atmosphere of joy, peace and warmth will reign? What to include in subject environment so that the adaptation period leads to less stress, unrest, and addiction passes faster and more painlessly? Buying ready-made equipment would cost us too much. Having analyzed your pedagogical experience, drew up a rough project of buildings with a designation of goals and turned to her parents, having received approval.

To implement plans We:

1. Participants of the project implementation were identified

2. Developed sketches various options design

3. Solved the issue of updating the space site

Buildings, equipment

4. We thought over the provision of material and technical base (search for construction material: boards, blocks, polycarbonate, paint, flower seedlings, waste material)

5. distributed collaboration between parents and staff

6. We thought about the safety and care of buildings and flower beds

7. Made a positive decision about participation in the competition"Beautiful flower garden" on the basis of the preschool educational institution and in the municipal photo contest "My contribution to the improvement of the village"


1. Sandbox - protects from the sun, has a beautiful, light, transparent roof through which you can watch the clouds, listen to the rain, watch the sparkle Sun rays. The sandbox is equipped with special covers - a requirement of SanPiN, since we are in the residential sector. The wide tabletop is roomy, allows you to sit comfortably, "bake cookies" different sizes and play with toys.

2. The car is one of the best views transport. Accommodates a subgroup of children with a teacher. Roof protects seats from getting wet, which is important on cold autumn days. Games in content reflect home life: trips to the dacha, to the village to grandmother Arina, to the forest ... that is, episodes from their own experience are played. Games are plot-representative actions.

3. House - it is convenient to sit on wide seats, put your daughter to bed, set the table for guests, dry clothes on the balcony. Inside the room there is a switch, a soft lamp hangs. Is used for role-playing game "Family" or "Daughters-Mothers".

4. Slide - from which you can ride all year round overcome fear and rejoice with delight. Serves for development physical qualities child.

Children in the adaptation period often do not show their own activity, but, thanks to joint games with children, we perform basic tasks:

1. Set up trusting relationship with every child

2. Become interesting playmates

3. We give moments of joy and try to evoke a positive attitude towards kindergarten.

Games are not long in time, repeated several times. Therefore, it is important to arrange the game objects on the site in such a way that it is convenient and easy to switch the child from one type of activity to another, changing the plot.

To correct the main types of movements, a bright bench was made, which was also used to develop the main types of movements in children. (walking on a hill, jumping, climbing). Children love rhythm pronounce: "I'm going, I'm going, I'm going - I won't fall for anything". And, the most attentive, dexterous and cunning can try in "birch grove" ripe strawberries. Aesthetically decorated veranda with a family hare plot calls for a healthy lifestyle. The area needs improvement. The plans are to install a small comfortable staircase, a wide inclined board (for walking on an inclined plane, multi-level "stumps" And. etc. And the kids have already managed to climb up: “One, two, three - I will rise and I am not at all afraid.

The swing is my favorite place. It's good to be alone here.

Thoughtful safe beds (made from waste material) and lovingly grown flowers give an aesthetic and finished look to our walking area.

The design model was based on two ideas:

1. Create comfort, comfort on the walking platform

2. For full and diversified development created special organized play environment, recreation and activities.

The assigned task has been completed. Our design playground has become a favorite place for children.

With the advent of the sorceress of winter, new entertainments appear.

Work continues…

Walks provide excellent opportunities not only for healing and hardening, but also for enriching the mind with impressions, and the soul with beauty and light.

Experience has shown that this continuous activity children in busy created conditions creates good mood leads to a significant reduction in morbidity, children quickly get used to the conditions of the kindergarten and develop.

Both teachers and parents are satisfied with the result of the work. In addition, the work on the project made it possible to establish a close trusting relationship between participants which greatly facilitates further relationships.

Our goal is harmoniously developed children:

1. Free, active, independent, showing initiative both in activities and in communication;

2. Open to communication with adults;

3. Friendly and tolerant towards peers;

4. Emotionally responsive to the beauty of the surrounding world, works of art; on the condition of other people.

High skill combined with creativity and imagination, and most importantly - love for children will make the walk amazing and unique.