"Safety at home". Entertainment for children in the educational area “Safety. Entertainment scenario for the "journey to the country of safety" entertainment on the theme of a safe summer for preschoolers

"My Safe Summer"

Scenario of summer outdoor entertainment for older children, preparatory groups

Under the song"Good Summer" by V. Udartsev the clown Klepa runs out

Klepa : Hello kids! How are you? How do you live?

Speed ​​up game "How are you?"

Klepa: Do you want me to tell you why you have a good
mood, why do you live so well?
Because it's summer in the yard! Do you agree?
Let's have some summer fun!

Dance "Grow Up"

music Sergei Melnikov Anastasia Potanina

Klepa: And so that summer brings us only pleasant moments,
Let's remember today about our safety! And now
on our merry steam locomotive we will go on a journey,
complete the tasks and find out how well you know how to
cope with any situations and at the same time not
get injured!

Each group is given a route sheet, according to which the group will follow 4 stations and complete the task.

Station "Rules of the road"

Riddles (Internet resources)

1. Sign "Pedestrian crossing":There's a ground crossing here
People walk all day long.
You, the driver, do not be sad,
Pass the pedestrian!

2. Sign "Movement of pedestrians is prohibited":
Rain and clear weather
There are no pedestrians here.
One sign tells them:
"You're not allowed to go!"


Sign "Underground pedestrian crossing":

Every pedestrian knows
About this underground passage.
He does not decorate the city,
But the cars do not interfere!


Bus stop sign
trolleybus, tram and taxi":

In this place the pedestrian
The transport is waiting patiently.
He was tired of walking
Wants to be a passenger.

Game "Collect the signs"

Game "Traffic Light"

Station "Young firefighters"

The game "Flammable objects"
There are items on the table: matches, a lighter, wires, a socket, an iron, etc. Children are asked to name objects that could cause a fire. Children tell what objects
they should not be used and why.

Poems- riddles (Internet resources)

Whether in the afternoon, at night, early in the morning
If something lights up
That's the fire department
Quickly rushes to help
Remember friends,
What to play with fire


I am stronger than everyone in the world
I'm bolder than everyone in the world
I'm not afraid of anyone
I will not bow to anyone.


The smoke of carbon monoxide swirled,
Gary's room is full.
What does a firefighter wear?
What can't you do without?


What kind of stairs is this?
Grows out of the car
Rising above the house
All firefighters are so familiar.

(ladder on a fire truck)

I rush with a siren to the fire,
I carry water with foam.
Put out fire and heat
We are fast as arrows.

(fire engine)

A real firefighter must be fast, agile. And for this you need to play sports. Children are encouraged to go through the obstacle course

Relay "Obstacle Course"

Game "Young firefighters"

(Children are divided into 2 teams, each team member holds on to the rope with one hand (“fire hose”). On a signal, each team runs, carrying the rope, to the landmark and returns back. Whose team is faster?)

Station "Water"

- Tell us how to behave correctly on a river, lake, sea, in any body of water?

Relay "Lifebuoy"
The group is divided into 2 teams, one by one they run in an inflatable circle to the landmark, come back, pass the circle to the next participant

Game "Ship"
2 teams are located near the pool with water, their task is to blow on the paper boat so that it reaches the other side of the pool. Who is faster?

Station "Lesnaya"

Guess what kind of forest inhabitants are spoken about in riddles?

1 . She can't sleep early in the morning

I really want to work.

Brought a lot of honey

Working ... (bee)

How should you behave so that the bee does not sting?

What should you do if you see a tick on yourself?

3. What kind of animal is here in front of us.
With small dangerous fangs.
Can bite hard
Release the poison faster.
We will be afraid of her
Let's not forget the image.
Let the whole family be afraid
Children, this is...

Tell us how to behave in order to avoid meeting with a snake?

And what else should not be done in the forest, how should one behave correctly?

In the forest you can meet another inhabitant - a caterpillar

Game "Caterpillar"
( Children are divided into 2 teams, squat down, put their hands on their shoulders and goose step to the landmark. Which caterpillar crawls faster)

Game Don't Get Lost

( 2 teams one by one run around between the landmarks, arranged in a checkerboard pattern. Whose team is faster?

All teams come together.

Klepa: Well done guys, you all did a great job!
And to make summer safe for you, follow all

Song "Summer is a hot time" by E. Kislitsin

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten of a general developmental type "ABVGDEYKA"

Fire safety entertainment for older preschool children:

“Every little child should know this from the cradle!”

Prepared by the teacher


Chikileva S.V.


Target: the formation in children of a conscious and responsible attitude to the implementation of fire safety rules. Equip with the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for action in extreme situations.


1. Educational

  1. To give the concept to children that fire can be a friend, but it can also be an enemy.

2. Educational

  1. To form the ability to realistically assess the possible danger.
  2. Help children remember fire safety rules.

3. Educational

  1. Cultivate a sense of caution and self-preservation.
  2. Cultivate feelings of gratitude to people who help us in difficult situations.

4. Practical

  1. To instill practical skills in children's behavior in the event of a fire.
  2. Learn the basic steps to put out a fire.


Educator: Dear Guys! Today we will talk with you about fire, fire. Have you seen the fire of a fire, the flame of a candle, the flame of logs burning in an oven?

Please tell me what the fire looks like.(children's answers) That's right, the fire is bright red or orange, it's very hot. Flames are always in motion, they tremble, tremble. Smoke curls around the fire. No wonder they say: "fire without smoke does not live!" Guess the riddle:

The red bull lies on the ground

The blue bull reaches for the sky

Right! The red bull is fire and the blue bull is smoke. Well done!

And here is the light itself. (showing an illustration of a fire)

The light brought us the first task - guessing riddles. Do you like to solve riddles? Listen carefully. Whoever guesses gets a token.

1. He is beautiful and bright red, but he is burning, hot, dangerous (fire)

2. A small horse, instead of a mane - a light (matches)

3. A crane with an arrow rushes on a large car so that any car (fire engine) can put out the fire

4. If the smoke pours out in clubs, the flame beats with tongues, and the fire is everywhere, and the heat is a disaster - (fire)

5. He gives warmth and light, no need to joke with him, no! (fire)

Educator: Well done all the riddles correctly guessed and earned chips.

2 task: (Situation analysis)The teacher invites the children to look at the illustrations. Children look at illustrations, discuss what can cause a fire.

Educator: Well done guys, how much you know!. The next task is to finish the phrase: I will start the phrase, and you will finish it. Listen carefully!

One, two, three, four, who has a fire in .... apartment.

A red glow ran, someone with matches ... played

The table and wardrobe burned down at once, who was drying the laundry ... over gas

The flame jumped into the foliage, who burned near the house ... grass

Who threw strangers into the fire at the same time ... items

A column of smoke suddenly rose, who did not turn it off .... iron.

What should you kids do? Remove plug from... sockets.

Coal fell on the floor, a wooden floor .... burn through

Don't sit, don't wait, don't stand, but light the fire... water.

If everything is in the smoke you put on ... mask

I saw smoke - do not yawn and firefighters ... call.

Remember every citizen, fire number... 01

Educator: Well done! And it’s true, you need to be careful with fire, otherwise a fire may occur. And now we will all warm up together and do a physical exercise.

Educator: If the flame curls

Smoke is pouring out,

"Zero - one" we dial,

And who will we call?(children's answers)

Listen to the poem that the children will tell you. It's called - "We are firefighters."

By car bright red

We rush forward

The work is hard and dangerous

Waiting for us firefighters.

Howling shrill sirens

Can stun

Let's be water and foam

We put out the fire

And people in trouble

Can we help

We will fight the fire

We are day and night.

Educator: The fire brigade came to our party today.


fire rules

Know without hesitation

fire rules

Observe strictly!

The first rule applies to everyone,

The rule is the most important!

Both outside and in the room

You guys remember!

Don't touch the matches - there's fire in the matches!

2. The second rule is easy to remember:

Be careful with electrical appliances!

3. Rule three.

Don't go near the stove in the kitchen.

First, you grow up to your mother.

presenter - Do you want to compete like firefighters?

Game team competitions:

  1. Firemen go to the rescue. / Children stand in teams one after another. Skittles are lined up in front of them. Each team is given a small fire truck on a string. Children alternately run around the pins with a snake, carrying a typewriter by the rope, trying not to knock down a single pin. Whose team is ahead.
  2. Running with obstacles. / To save people from a fire, firefighters have to overcome various obstacles. Here you are now, like real firefighters, you will also overcome obstacles and save the skittles that are behind the benches. Benches are set up. 4 for each team. Children take turns running, crawling under one bench, climbing over the top of another, etc. Which team is ahead.
  3. Firefighters put out the fire. / Each participant is tied to the foot of a balloon (preferably red, imitating fire). Children without touching each other with their hands must “put out the fire” (burst the balls) from the other team. Whose team is ahead.

presenter - Thank you, Flame. We will be happy to be friends with you and always follow the rules of fire safety.

Scenario of entertainment "ABC of security"

Description of work: I offer you a scenario of entertainment (leisure) for children 4-7 years old on the topic "ABC of safety". This work will be useful for teachers of middle and senior preschool age. Your attention is invited to a scenario of entertainment - leisure, aimed at developing communication and interaction of children with adults and peers; strengthening the skills of safe behavior in nature and on the street.

Purpose: to continue the formation of the foundations for the safe behavior of children in nature, on the street.

1. To form a cautious and prudent attitude towards situations potentially dangerous for humans and the natural world, to consolidate the ways of behavior in them; basic understanding of road safety rules.

2. Develop memory, attention, observation, motor abilities of preschoolers; to form a positive emotional and sensory perception of the world around.

3. To cultivate a culture of behavior on the street, respect for one's health, a sense of self-preservation.


2 cones, 2 hoops, 2-3 Christmas trees, "river", 3 mushrooms, 2 telephones, 2 chairs, traffic lights - red, yellow, green circles, 2 vests, 2 caps, 2 wands, 4 whistles, 2 scooters, 2 big cars; - CD player, phonogram.

Leisure progress:

Phonogram "Barbariki"

Presenter: Guys today we will go hiking in the Land of Security. Want to?

Pochemuchka runs out: Oh, oh, did you forget to take me with you?

Host: Guys, who is this?

Pochemuchka: I'm a cheerful Pochemuchka, hello! (children's answers)

Pochemuchka: Do you know why they called me that? (Answers of children).

Why: Yes, I like to ask different questions: Why is the grass green? Why does the sun shine? Why are cars moving? And why…

Host: Wait, wait! We are very glad to see you, do you want to go hiking with us?

Why: And what is it - a hike? (Answers of children).

Leading: Camping, Why, this is when children and adults all go for a long walk together, for example, in the forest, to the meadow or to the river.

Why: Yes, yes, I really want to. I like walking.

Host: Are you ready to go?

Why: Yes, ready!

Host: Where is your hat? When you go hiking, be sure to wear a hat on your head.

Come on, guys, tell him what for? (“To avoid sunstroke”).

Leading: Guys, do you know the main rule in the campaign? In the campaign, you need to follow the guide together, keep up and not be distracted anywhere. And you can’t touch insects and animals, there are unfamiliar berries and mushrooms.

Why: Everything is clear, but as I understand it, we have to go far, so I propose to warm up a little. Everyone stand in a circle.

1. Warm up:

We walk one after another (walking in place)

Forest and green meadow.

Motley wings flash, (raise and lower straight arms)

Butterflies fly in the field.

One, two, three, four, (raise your hands up, rotate your fists)

They flew, they circled.

Squeeze your fingers into fists (hands to the sides, clench into fists)

And put it on your shoulders (hands to your shoulders)

clenching fists,

Spread them apart (hands to the sides)

Now lift them up (hands up)

spread them apart (hands to the sides)

And now, we are streams, (feet shoulder-width apart, lean forward)

We drive a race (we make movements from side to side with our hands)

Let's go straight to the lake

The lake will become big (we show)

Have fun, my friend!

Why: And let's go on a steam locomotive first. Take your seats, everyone stand in a circle.

(Soundtrack: Bukashka Train)

2. Host: Stop "Forest". Take seats on your stumps (chairs)

Look guys, this is a forest, and here is a river.

Why: Hurray, river! I'll go take a dip!

Host: Stop! You can't swim in an unfamiliar place!

Why: Why? Children's answers

Leading: In the river there can be different snags, glass, metal, which can cause severe injury. We swim only on specially equipped beaches. And here is the beach. Let's play the relay game "Swim to the shore"

Rules: the first participant puts on a swimming circle (hoops), runs, holding it with his hands, to the cone, goes around it, comes back and passes the circle to the next team member. The team that finishes the crossing first wins.

Play in 2 stages (depending on the number of children).

3. Why: (finds a mushroom under the tree) Oh, look what a beautiful fungus I found! And let's taste it, and maybe we'll find some berries, eat? (licks)

Leading: What are you, what are you! Guys, can you do this? Children's answers.

Leading: You can’t try mushrooms, and even pick them with your hands, because mushrooms are poisonous, and there are a lot of poisonous berries. You can’t eat any berries without the permission of adults, because even the most beautiful berries and mushrooms can be poisonous.

Leading: And let's play the game "Pass the fungus" better. Everyone stand in a circle.

Why: To the music, you pass fake mushrooms in a circle, as soon as the music stops, those who have mushrooms come out in a circle and do exercises with me (squat 3 times, jump on one leg 5 times, etc.) ( Phonogram)

Leading: we played a little, rested, it's time to return to the city.

4. Why: Well, since we were about to leave the forest, let's take something as a keepsake of our trip. For example, if we catch a squirrel, or a bug, or a butterfly, they will live with us.

Leading: No, animals and insects cannot be caught!

Why: Why? Children's answers.

Leading: That's right, guys, all the inhabitants feel good in the forest, because this is their home, and, in captivity, they are likely to die. And besides, defending themselves from you, they can bite, and this is painful, and sometimes life-threatening!

5. Why: And let's make a fire, it's so beautiful!

Host: Guys, can children play with matches? Children's answers.

Host: Children, do you know how to call the firemen? Children's answers.

Did you hear about the fire?

Give me a signal about it!

Let every citizen remember

Fire number: "01"

Leading: Here we are now and see how you remember the number of the rescue service.

Game - relay "Call firefighters"

Rules: you need to urgently call the fire department. To do this, quickly run to the phone, pick up the phone, say the number "01" loudly and run back, passing the baton to the next player on the team.

Play in 2 stages.

6. Why: Well, well, I understand everything! Then we went back to kindergarten. Everyone stand in a circle.

We walk one after another through a field and a green meadow (walk)

One - two, one - two, (squat and get up)

Here is a birch, here is grass (stand on tiptoe, sit down)

Here is a clearing, here is a meadow, (walking in place)

Have fun, my friend!

7. Host: Look, guys, we have come to the city.

Why: To everyone who likes to take a walk,

Everyone without exception

Need to remember, need to know

Driving rules!

Leading: Three eyes hang on a pole,

We recognized him right away.

Each eye when it burns

The team tells us:

Who can go where

Who is walking and who is standing.

Child: If the light turns red

So it's dangerous to move

Light green says

“The way is open for pedestrians!”

Teacher: What are these guys? (Traffic light)

Why: And to make it easier to remember the traffic lights, let's play the game "Traffic Light".

Rules: I will alternately raise red, yellow, green circles. When I raise the red circle - you are standing, the yellow one - jump, if I raise the green one - you are walking in place. (Soundtrack "Traffic light")

Leading: So that there is no anxiety, trouble does not happen suddenly

He always guards discipline on the road! Who is this? (traffic police inspector)

Now we will play the relay game "Inspector's Dress"

Rules: one person from the team is dressed as a traffic police inspector. To do this, team members run out in turn, take one attribute of clothing and put it on the player or give it to their hands. After all the attributes are put on and taken in hand, the player who was dressed blows the whistle. The team that quickly dresses the inspector and whistles wins. (Soundtrack "Road sign")

8. Pochemuchka: What good fellows! Do you like riddles? Try to guess?

Does not fly, but buzzes

The beetle runs down the street.

And burn in the eyes of the beetle

Two brilliant lights. (Automobile)

Strong man on four legs

In rubber boots

straight from the store

He brought us a piano. (Truck)

Clear morning along the road

Dew glistens on the grass

Spin your feet along the road

Two fun wheels.

The riddle has an answer:

This is my ... (bicycle)

It's not easy for him, probably.

He travels back and forth

Forward and backward and in circles

Clinging to the wire with horns. (Trolleybus)

Here is a steel bird

Aiming for the sky

And the pilot is leading it.

What kind of bird? (Airplane)

Well, my friend, guess

But it's not a tram.

Away along the rails quickly rushes

From the huts a string. (Train)

This horse does not eat oats

Instead of legs - two wheels.

Sit on horseback and ride it

Just better drive. (Bike)

Wonderful long house

There are many passengers in it.

Wears rubber shoes

And it feeds on gasoline. (Bus)

Presenter: guys, how to call riddle riddles in one word? (transport)

9. To check how you remember the rules of the road, let's play a game - the relay race "Drivers"

Rules: you need to “control” the car (scooter) to go around obstacles and pass the baton. Whose team finishes faster, and at the same time does not violate the rules of traffic, he won.

(Soundtrack "Stop")

The results of the game are summed up.

10. Presenter: Attention, the Bukashka train is leaving, everyone should take their seats. (stand in a circle).

The phonogram "Insect Train" sounds

11. Leading: stop "Kindergarten". Our journey is over. You were brave, dexterous, active and very friendly.

Why: Thank you guys for taking me on a hike! I understood and learned a lot, but it's time for me to go home. Goodbye, guys.

Host: Guys, did you like the trip? And let's today, after a dream, you draw what you remember most about our trip, make a big exhibition and call it "The ABC of Security."


    To consolidate the knowledge of children about the rules of safety at home, on the street, in nature. To consolidate the ability to provide basic medical care, to promote the development of caution and prudence. Develop logical thinking, memory, attention. To cultivate concentration, sensitivity, responsiveness, the ability to listen to a friend’s answer without interrupting.

The course of the holiday

Presenter 1: Hello guys! Today we have gathered in this hall to talk about safety rules. There are rules in the world,
All children should know them.
Now we're on our way
To the country where the rules live. The song “Together it’s fun to walk across the open spaces ...”Host 2: So, we are in the country of Safety Rules. Presenter 1: I have an envelope with riddles in my hands ... A house on legs,
Window in the middle.
Zasv e the window twitches -
The movie will appear. ( TV.) He has a rubber trunk,
With a canvas stomach
How his engine hums
He swallows dust and rubbish. ( Vacuum cleaner.) In the summer, our dad brought
There is frost in the white box.
And now the frost is gray
Houses in summer and winter
Saves products:
Meat, fish, fruits. ( Fridge) The ship is sailing,
Back, then forward. ( Iron.) This is a miracle device
Washes everything.
He is a helper for the hostess
What a miracle, guess what. ( Washing machine) I puff, puff, puff,
I don't want to get hot anymore.
The lid rattled loudly.
“Drink tea, the water has boiled!” ( Kettle)Host 2: What must be done when you ironed clothes, watched TV, listened to a tape recorder? ( Listening to children's answers.) - That's right, you need to turn off the appliance. Presenter 1: What can happen if you pull the wire or put your finger or other object into the socket? ( Electric shock, may cause fire).Host 2: You, my friend, must remember:
Be careful with the socket!
You shouldn't play with her
A hairpin, a nail to stick there -
The case will end in disaster:
The current in the outlet is very angry!!! Presenter 1: If suddenly there was a problem,
If there is strong smoke,
Don't get lost and never be afraid
Dial "01" by phone. Host 2: Now let's play. I'll start a line of poetry, and you'll finish.
    One, two, three, four, who's on fire …(in the apartment). Smoke suddenly rose like a pillar, who did not turn it off ... ( iron). The red light flickered. Who with matches ... ( played). Where people are careless with fire, a ball will soar into the sky, There will always be evil to threaten us ... ( fire). Who threw strangers into the fire at the same time ... ( items). Remember every citizen, this number ... ( 01 ). I saw smoke - do not yawn and firefighters ... ( call).
The song of Little Red Riding Hood sounds.
Dramatization of the meeting of Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf
.Host 2: Guys, do you remember the fairy tale about Little Red Riding Hood? Did Little Red Riding Hood know the Wolf? Can you talk to someone you don't know? What can happen? ( Children's answers).– Did you understand, Little Red Riding Hood, what the children said? You can not talk to strangers on the street and tell them about yourself! Presenter 1: Be careful
Dear guys:
To strangers
Trust is not necessary! If you are with you
Will be invited to visit
Or you candy
Delicious will give
Better run back
Get away from them quickly
And warn
All your friends... Host 2: Little Red Riding Hood, what's in your basket? Little Red Riding Hood: Mushrooms. I collected them for my grandmother. Presenter 1: Guys, what are mushrooms? ( edible and poisonous).Host 2: Let's help Little Red Riding Hood: give her edible mushrooms, and leave the poisonous ones in the clearing. Guys, why can't you destroy poisonous mushrooms? (Children's answers.) That's right, they treat forest dwellers.

Game "Edible - inedible"

(Categorize cards depicting edible and poisonous mushrooms.) Because of the dark forest
Terrible, huge
Came out sparkling
Above the neighboring house
Thunder rumbled,
Like a bunch of stones
Rolled off the steep.
flew unexpectedly
hurricane wind,
Rumbled angrily
And he went to life.
On the glass with a ring
Splashed rain with acceleration,
drowned in the puddles,
Here it stopped.
Old fir trees
They suddenly turned green.
In puddles - windows
The sun played. Presenter 1: Guys, remember that you can’t stand under tall and lonely objects during a thunderstorm! If there is only one tree
Rising in the field
Then stand under it in a thunderstorm
People are forbidden! If lightning into it
Hit randomly,
It's nobody alive
Will not leave nearby... Host 2: Let's remember, guys, how to behave if you are suddenly lost?

Fizkultminutka "I got lost once"

I got lost once (feign fear)
Just figured it out quickly (lightly hit yourself on the forehead, smile),
Looked back and forth (turns)
No mom - that's the trouble - (spread arms out to sides)
I ran to the right (running in place)
My mother was not found - (hand "visor"),
I ran to the left (running in place)
My mother was not found - (hand "visor"),
I turned around (turn around yourself)
Maybe I'll suddenly see - (hand "visor"),
No. I decided to stand (arms crossed on chest)
And wait for mom. Presenter 1: Did the boy do the right thing? If you are lost, then you do not need to run anywhere. Stop and wait. You will definitely be found. Host 2: Now imagine that you fell while walking. And you have an abrasion on your knee. It is necessary from the items offered to you (iodine, cotton wool, syringe, brilliant green, thermometer, pills, bandage) to choose those that are needed to treat the wound.

Game exercise “Give first aid for abrasions”

Presenter 1: The leaves of which plants treat abrasions and scratches? ( Children's answers).Leading 2: Plantains grow here and there along the way.
The unfortunate plantain is all trampled, look.
It creeps low at the feet, have pity on him, my friend.
A sufferer himself, he is not averse to helping someone else's misfortune.
It can serve faithfully if someone gets hurt.
It is worth attaching a leaf - the wound will be delayed. Host 2: Guys, what number should you call if someone is seriously ill? Little Red Riding Hood: But I found the package. It's New Year's, probably a gift there. Let's get a look! Presenter 1: Wait wait. Is this your package? No. Host 2: Guys, you can’t take packages from someone you don’t know. You need to put him in his place and call the police. What is the police phone number? ( 02) Presenter 1: Unknown Items
Do not take it into your hands!
No boxes, no bags
Don't even look
And call on the help of adults,
To find out
What to do with such a find,
What to do? Can be very dangerous
Here is a package...
If you're not careful
Wait for problems and troubles! Lead 2: On our street
Cars, cars.
little cars,
The cars are big.
Trucks are rushing
Cars snort,
Hurry, rush
As if alive. Presenter 1: Guess the riddle: Explains to pedestrians
How to cross the road.
He lights the signals
Helps us along the way. (Traffic light)Host 2: Our house is a traffic light,
We are three brothers
We've been shining for a long time
On the road to all the guys. The strictest red light
If it's on fire
Stop! There is no further road
The path is closed for everyone. So that you calmly cross,
Heed our advice:
Wait! See you soon yellow
In the middle of the light. And behind it is a green light.
Flashes ahead.
He will say: “There are no obstacles,
Feel free to go!” Presenter 1: Guys, do you remember the safety rules well? You always remember the rules,
So that suddenly trouble does not happen,
And trouble did not come.
And somewhere suddenly I found you.
And you need to not only know them,
And keep doing it. Presenters 2:Onthis event can be considered closed.(Together) - Take care of yourself!

OBJ entertainment:

“So that trouble does not come to our house, always be careful with fire!”

Target: consolidate knowledge of fire safety rules, instill skills in careful handling of fire, instill a sense of responsibility.

Decor: In the gym on the walls - hang posters, newspapers on fire safety, photos of fires, fire signs.
Characters: Malchish-Plokhish, presenter, performers of poetry.

(The sports hall includes 2 teams "Rescuers" and "Firefighters" consisting of 8-10 people each)

Children read poetry
1. Everyone knows: a man without fire
Doesn't live a single day!
With fire, as with the sun, it is light!
Warm in the fire and winter!

2. Look around guys
Fire is our everyday friend!
But when we're careless with fire,
He becomes our enemy.

3. Man friend-fire,
Just don't touch him!
If you mess around
That trouble can not be avoided -
Don't get sick from the fire

4. Don't play match buddy!
Remember, she is small
But from a small match
The house might burn down!

Morning, evening and afternoon
Be careful with fire!

Leading: From one tree you can make a thousand matches, and with one match you can destroy the forest!

(A frightened Malchish-Bad Boy runs into the hall in the hands of a match.)
Bad boy: Oh, what have I done,
Why did I play with matches
Why did I light the fire?
Now the fire will burn the whole forest
There the smoke rose to the sky.
(Malchish- Plokhish runs around the hall and says to the children)

Malchish - Bad; Children need to save the animals, they will die in the fire.

Relay race: "Young rescuer"
(20 animal toys, 2 baskets 2 flags)
Children run to the basket, take a toy and return, pass the baton and stand at the end of the column.

Malchish-Bad Boy: We saved the animals, now we will put out the fire.

Relay "Fire Fighting"
(2 flags, 2 basins)
Children run with a basin, run to the flag, imitate pouring water from the basin onto the fire (flag), return and pass the basin to the next child.

Host: And now a warm-up joke. Guys! We will ask questions, and all of you must answer together: “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!” But be careful...
He: Who, having heard the smell of burning, reports a fire?
She: Which of you, seeing the smoke, say: “Fire! We're on fire!
He: “Which of you is naughty with fire in the morning, in the evening and in the afternoon?
She: Who does not kindle fires and does not allow others?
She: Who hides matches from a little sister, children at home?
He: And confess to me which one of you is naughty with fire?
Her: Very good, guys! Well done! Let's move on to the next competition.

Relay "Young firefighter"
Leading: To become a young fireman, you need to go through an obstacle course.
(2 flags, 4 posts, 2 hoops)
Children run, climb over the bar, crawl under the bar, climb into the hoop. They run to the flag, return in a straight line and pass the baton to the next child.

Relay "Transfer of the wounded"
Moderator: Rescuers must be able to carry the wounded.
(2 flags, 2 ice cubes, 2 dolls)
Children put the doll in a sled and run with an ice cube, run to the flag, return in a straight line and pass the baton to the next child.

Malchish- Bad: And now guys, riddles for you. We will guess together.

Coal from the oven "skok",
And ... arson rugs.
Don't be an observer
Fill the coal ... (with water)
The oven burns - do not touch it,
Because in it ... (fire)
Naughty with matches
Naughty to the hospital ... (pleased)

Small in stature
Little match.
Only touch matches
Don't have ... (habits).

Thanks guys! You are very good at solving riddles.

Relay race "Bandaging of the wounded"
Moderator: Rescuers and firefighters should be able to provide medical assistance
(2 white coats, 2 bandages)

(A group of guys comes out. In their hands they have drawings depicting:
fire, a box of matches, a gas stove, an electric iron).
1. FIRE: I am fire! I am a friend of the guys.
But when they mess with me
Then I become an enemy
And I burn everything around!

2. BOX: Don't touch the matches,
Matches are fire!

3. GAS STOVE: Be careful with gas...
Gas can cause a fire!
4. ELECTRIC IRON: Both shirts and panties,
I look for you kids
But remember friends
That you can't play with me!
Malchish-Bad Boy: Now I will never play with gnat.
Thank you so much for helping me put out the fire, saving the animals and telling me about fire safety rules.
Leading: For your courage and resourcefulness, I give you prizes.
(Children go into groups to the music)