Creation of a subject-developing environment at the kindergarten site. On the walking platform of the doo in the context of the fgos do


educatorMADOU Kindergarten No. 22 of Uspensky village

territory of preschool

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, the developing environment should be built taking into account the principle of integration educational areas and according to the age of the pupils. The solution of program problems is envisaged not only in joint activities adults and children, but also independent activity children, as well as during regime moments.

The subject - developing environment in my group meets the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, and taking into account the age characteristics of preschoolers, was organized on the basis of the following principles.

is to ensure the emotional well-being of the child, the development of his positive self-perception. Interior group room, close to home environment, helps preschoolers to adapt more easily to kindergarten, helps to remove the stress-forming factor. The conditions created in the group soothe, balance emotional background have a beneficial effect on the nervous system of children. For example, the stand "photo exhibition", which is a vivid photo montage of the life of the pupils of the group, cheers up, extinguishes negative emotions, conducive to communication.

In accordance with in the design of the group's premises, a single style is maintained. Walls, curtains, rugs are selected in a pleasing to the eye light blue colors, do not violate the overall harmony. Light walls and white ceilings optically expand the space, create a feeling of spaciousness and lightness. The development of the correct light perception of children is served by color spots in the interior of the group: an art gallery, toys, framed posters. A well-chosen color palette contributes to the comprehensive harmonious development of preschoolers.

Important in organizing a subject-developing environment is for children's health. The opinion of the child regarding the content of the subject environment should also be taken into account, therefore, pupils are actively involved in the process of equipping play areas and corners, and make their proposals.

The teachers of our group strive to create conditions for both the joint activities of pupils and for individual ones, taking into account the peculiarities of the development of each preschooler.

The subject environment should provide the child with the right to choose an activity, the opportunity to express himself as actively as possible. It is proved that the objective world, and not the educator, encourages the preschooler to active independent actions. The right to choose activities provides him with ample opportunities for self-development.

When building an environment, you must follow zoning principle. Thanks to the organization of various play areas and corners with the help of light partitions, open shelving that does not clutter up the room, the group has created conditions for various types of children's activities (playful, productive and educational research).

Subject-developing environment in senior group must answer .

Following in the selection of gaming equipment, teachers should carefully approach the issue of saturating the group with toys and be guided by the interests of pedagogical expediency. For example, traditional mosaics and modern puzzles are presented in the play corners. When choosing games, preference is given to their ability to stimulate development. Play equipment creates an optimally saturated, holistic, multifunctional environment with enough space for children to play and engage.

In order for each child to be able to find a job and an occupation to his liking, the group has allocated centers for organizing a certain type of activity. They do not have a clear distinction, which allows you to observe polyfunctionality principle when the same play corner at the request of the child can be easily and quickly converted to another.

In accordance with the principle of an individual approach, the group provides areas for personal exhibitions of children's creative works, a photo booth.

Principle of gender approach to the development of the environment allows to take into account the interests and inclinations of both boys and girls.

All centers of the developing environment in our group are interconnected and united by the tasks implemented in the main general education program preschool education"From birth to school" Edited by N.E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva,.-Moscow: Mosaic - Synthesis, 2015.

The size of furniture for children, the location and size of the equipment complies with the recommendations of SanPiN.

In accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard and the principles considered in our preschool group the following subject-developing environment was created.

theater corner- an important object of the developing environment, since it is theatrical activity that helps to unite the group, unite children interesting idea a new activity for them. In the theater, preschoolers reveal themselves, demonstrating unexpected facets of their character. The timid and shy become confident and active. The one who went to kindergarten without desire, now hurries to the group with pleasure.

A screen, masks of fairy-tale characters, puppet, glove, finger and table types of theater are placed in the theater corner. The teacher, together with the pupils, prepares costumes, attributes and scenery for small performances. Children are great artists, so they are happy to participate in productions and are happy to act as spectators.

natural corner serves not only as a decoration for the group, but also as a place for self-development of preschoolers. We have selected and placed in it plants that require different ways care, necessary equipment: aprons, watering cans, sticks for loosening, spray guns.

In the natural corner there are also children's crafts from natural material, exhibits of nature, harmoniously arranged on the shelves.

With a subgroup of preschoolers, the educator can conduct observations, simple experiments and nature studies in a natural corner. A variety of natural materials are placed on the shelves for children's research: chalk, sand, stones, shells, coal, etc. Microscopes, a globe, laboratory equipment, measuring utensils - all this is of particular interest to children. For cognitive development, the educator selects special children's literature, operational cards, algorithms for conducting experiments.

the brightest, well-lit place in the group is assigned. Here the pupils free time draw, sculpt, perform applique work. The shelves are filled with the necessary visual material. At the disposal of children are crayons, watercolor, ink, gouache and sanguine. Didactic games, paper different texture, size and color, cardboard stocked up for future use are in cabinets under hanging shelves. There is also a place for a small exhibition with samples of folk art craft, and wall panel"Underwater kingdom", made by children collectively.

Construction center, although it is concentrated in one place and takes up little space, it is quite mobile The contents of the building corner (constructors of various types, cubes, large and small wooden building material, diagrams and drawings of buildings) constructive activity With big group pupils, in a subgroup and individually, deploy construction on a carpet or on a table. Children, especially boys, are always happy to build buildings, playing with them, combining them with other activities (in role-playing games, dramatization games, manual labor).

The main activity of children is play. In our Living Room center, toys are collected that introduce children to the household items around them. Children not only get acquainted with objects that are new to them, but also learn to act with them. And then they transfer the acquired knowledge and skills into everyday life.

In Group game environment filled with a variety of materials and equipment. These are, first of all, toys-characters, cribs and strollers for dolls, kitchen furniture with a set of large toy utensils, ironing board with an iron, etc., they bring joy and pleasure to children, form ideas about the world around them, and encourage active play activities.

The group has zones for role-playing games- "Hospital", "Family", "Barbershop", "Atelier", "Post Office", "Fishing".

IN game centers are all the attributes on the topic. For example, to play:

The "hospital" should have gowns and medical devices (instruments), all kinds of vials and boxes of pills;

for a traffic corner - various cars, road signs,

for playing "Barbershop" - capes, hairdressing sets (tools), bottles, boxes, photographs with model haircuts;

for the "Studio" corner - a sewing machine, fabric samples, buttons, an album with clothing models;

Attributes for games are selected in such a way as to create conditions for the realization of the interests of children in different types of games. The aesthetics and sophistication of design, the modernity of materials make preschoolers want to play. The selected game material allows you to combine different plots, create new game images. Dramatization games based on familiar fairy tales are also appropriate here, especially since the necessary conditions have been created for them.

book corner

In the corner for artistic activity - a book corner - books, literary quiz games, plot pictures.

Since the development of active speech is the main task of the development of children, sets of subject pictures, sets of plot pictures. Children love it when we read books with them and look at pictures, so here we have a lot of books on the program.

Dressing corner with a mirror

Dressing corner with a mirror is a necessary attribute of the group. The guys look in the mirror and dress up with the help of an adult in handkerchiefs, capes, skirts, costumes of different characters. We fill the dressing corner during the whole school year, gradually introducing new attributes: beads, hats, ribbons, attributes, costume elements for role-playing games.

Bright, cheerful sports corner succinctly and harmoniously fits into the space of a group room. It is popular with children because the increase motor activity has a beneficial effect on the physical and mental development, health status of children. Here, preschoolers can practice and reinforce different types of movements: jumping along a winding path, crawling under an arc, playing with a ball, throwing at a target, etc. In the "Zone of motor activity" there is a variety of equipment: gates, tunnels, balls, hoops , bags stuffed with sand, multi-colored flags, ribbons, gymnastic sticks, rings, attributes for outdoor games, file cabinets: outdoor games, physical education, morning exercises.

Interested primarily in boys. It is equipped with the necessary attributes for role-playing games, classes to consolidate knowledge of the rules of the road. These are all kinds of toys - vehicles, a traffic light, a policeman's cap, a traffic controller's baton. good didactic guide serves as a floor mat with markings of streets and roads.

I would like to tell you a little about the design dressing room. There is a stand for parents ".." where you can find a lot of interesting information about the life of children in the garden, stand speech therapy consultations "..". Children's works (drawings, crafts and collages) are exhibited to the public at the stand "….", to which there is free access. Often a personal exhibition of the work of a child is also organized here. Along with children's works, illustrations by famous artists are hung out, which increases the self-esteem of pupils and contributes to their self-affirmation.

For several years, we have gained positive experience in the use of vytynanka in the design of the subject-developing environment of the group.

Vytynanka - a type of Ukrainian folk decorative arts. The name comes from the word - "to stick out", i.e. "cut out". These are ornamental home decorations, openwork or silhouette compositions cut with scissors or a knife from white or colored paper. In ancient times, such products were used to decorate walls, windows, shelves, stoves. As a rule, the traditional vytynanka contains a plot - it was possible to read from it what was happening in the village, who was born, where the wedding was, what the holidays were.

The main task of educators is to introduce children into the special world of Russian culture and life through its effective knowledge. Classes in the "Russian hut" involve familiarity with oral folk art, arts and crafts. Meetings and gatherings are held here, where children get acquainted with the pearls of folk wisdom and simply drink tea from a samovar.

Thus, the variety and richness of sensory impressions, the possibility of a free approach to each center in the group contribute to the emotional and intellectual development of pupils.

The developing environment created by us contributes to the establishment, assertion of a sense of self-confidence in a preschooler, gives the opportunity to test and use their abilities, stimulates the manifestation of their independence, initiative and creativity.

Updating the content of the subject environment in the group entails the expansion and diversity of the activities of teachers and children. The well-thought-out interior of the group room, designed according to the color scheme, has a positive effect on the mood of both children and adults. Pupils get acquainted with new equipment with interest, try their hand at this or that activity. Environment allows them to choose activities according to their interests, and the educator to direct children's activities. By creating various zones and corners, the teacher invites preschoolers to do what they love (drawing, designing, research activities), thereby realizing the development potential, as well as the need for recognition and self-expression. Observing the children, the teacher receives a lot of interesting and valuable information. This helps him thoughtfully and rationally organize and adjust the space of the group in the future. To improve the professional competence of teachers in the matter of creating a developing environment, methodical work according to a predetermined plan.

Thus, the ongoing project of a subject-developing environment in the older group evokes a feeling of joy in children, an emotionally positive attitude towards kindergarten, enriches them with new knowledge and impressions, encourages active creative activity, and promotes intellectual development. At the same time, teachers are given the opportunity for creative self-realization and organization of educational educational process at a new quality level.




Teacher MADOU kindergarten number 22 of the village of Uspensky
Dubrovna Lyudmila Alexandrovna

about the features of the developing subject - spatial environment group room, playground, shade canopy,

territory of preschool

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, the developing environment should be built taking into account the principle of integration of educational areas and in accordance with the age capabilities of pupils. The solution of program tasks is provided not only in the joint activities of an adult and children, but also in the independent activities of children, as well as during regime moments.

The subject - developing environment in my group meets the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, and taking into account the age characteristics of preschoolers, was organized on the basis of the following principles.

The principle of individual comfortis to ensure the emotional well-being of the child, the development of his positive self-perception. The interior of the group room, close to the home environment, helps preschoolers to adapt to kindergarten more easily, helps to remove the stress-forming factor. The conditions created in the group soothe, balance the emotional background, and have a beneficial effect on the nervous system of children. For example, the "photo exhibition" stand, which is a vivid photo montage from the life of the pupils of the group, cheers up, extinguishes negative emotions, and encourages communication.

In accordance withprinciple of aesthetics and beautyin the design of the group's premises, a single style is maintained. Walls, curtains, carpets are selected in light blue colors that are pleasing to the eye and do not disturb the overall harmony. Light walls and white ceilings optically expand the space, create a feeling of spaciousness and lightness. The development of the correct light perception of children is served by color spots in the interior of the group: an art gallery, toys, framed posters. A well-chosen color palette contributes to the comprehensive harmonious development of preschoolers.

Important in organizing a subject-developing environment isprinciple of safety of equipment and materialsfor children's health. The opinion of the child regarding the content of the subject environment should also be taken into account, therefore, pupils are actively involved in the process of equipping play areas and corners, and make their proposals.

The teachers of our group strive to create conditions for both the joint activities of pupils and for individual ones, taking into account the peculiarities of the development of each preschooler.

The subject environment should provide the child with the right to choose an activity, the opportunity to express himself as actively as possible. It is proved that the objective world, and not the educator, encourages the preschooler to active independent actions. The right to choose activities provides him with ample opportunities for self-development.

When building an environment, you must followzoning principle. Thanks to the organization of various play areas and corners with the help of light partitions, open shelving that does not clutter up the room, the group has created conditions for various types of children's activities (playful, productive and educational research).

The subject-developing environment in the senior group must meetprinciples of activity, independence, creativity, as well as dynamism.

Following principle of reasonableness and expediencyin the selection of gaming equipment, teachers should carefully approach the issue of saturating the group with toys and be guided by the interests of pedagogical expediency. For example, traditional mosaics and modern puzzles are presented in the play corners. When choosing games, preference is given to their ability to stimulate development. Play equipment creates an optimally rich, coherent, multifunctional environment with enough space for children to play and engage.

In order for each child to be able to find a job and an occupation to his liking, the group has allocated centers for organizing a certain type of activity. They do not have a clear distinction, which allows you to observepolyfunctionality principlewhen the same play corner can be easily and quickly transformed into another at the request of the child.

In accordance with the principle of an individual approach, the group provides areas for personal exhibitions of children's creative works, a photo booth.

Principle of gender approachto the development of the environment allows to take into account the interests and inclinations of both boys and girls.

All centers of the developing environment in our group are interconnected and united by the tasks implemented in the main general educational program of preschool education "From Birth to School" Edited by N.E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva,.-Moscow: Mosaic - Synthesis, 2015.

The size of furniture for children, the location and size of the equipment complies with the recommendations of SanPiN.

Features of building a subject-developing environment in a group

In accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard and the principles considered, the following subject-developing environment was created in our group of preschool educational institutions.

theater corner- an important object of the developing environment, since it is theatrical activity that helps to unite the group, unite children with an interesting idea, a new activity for them. In the theater, preschoolers reveal themselves, demonstrating unexpected facets of their character. The timid and shy become confident and active. The one who went to kindergarten without desire, now hurries to the group with pleasure.

A screen, masks of fairy-tale characters, puppet, glove, finger and table types of theater are placed in the theater corner. The teacher, together with the pupils, prepares costumes, attributes and scenery for small performances. Children are great artists, so they are happy to participate in productions and are happy to act as spectators.

natural cornerserves not only as a decoration for the group, but also as a place for self-development of preschoolers. We have selected and placed in it plants that require different ways of care, the necessary equipment: aprons, watering cans, sticks for loosening, spray guns.

In the natural corner there are also children's crafts made from natural materials, exhibits of nature, harmoniously arranged on the shelves.

With a subgroup of preschoolers, the educator can conduct observations, simple experiments and nature studies in a natural corner. A variety of natural materials are placed on the shelves for children's research: chalk, sand, stones, shells, coal, etc. Microscopes, a globe, laboratory equipment, measuring utensils - all this is of particular interest to children. For cognitive development, the educator selects special children's literature, operational cards, algorithms for conducting experiments.

For the art center "Young Artist"the brightest, well-lit place in the group is assigned. Here, in their free time, pupils draw, sculpt, and perform applique work. The shelves are filled with the necessary visual material. At the disposal of children are crayons, watercolor, ink, gouache and sanguine. Didactic games, paper of different textures, sizes and colors, cardboard, stocked up for future use, are in cabinets under hanging shelves. There is also a place for a small exhibition with samples of folk art and a wall panel "underwater kingdom", made by children collectively.

Construction center, although it is concentrated in one place and takes up little space, it is quite mobile. The contents of the building corner (constructors of various types, cubes, large and small wooden building material, diagrams and drawings of buildings) allow you to organize constructive activities with a large group of pupils, a subgroup and individually, expand construction on a carpet or on a table. Children, especially boys, are always happy to build buildings, playing with them, combining them with other activities (in role-playing games, dramatization games, manual labor).

Game center "Living room"

The main activity of children is play. In our Living Room center, toys are collected that introduce children to the household items around them. Children not only get acquainted with objects that are new to them, but also learn to act with them. And then they transfer the acquired knowledge and skills into everyday life.

In the group, the play environment is filled with a variety of material and equipment. First of all, these are character toys, cribs and strollers for dolls, kitchen furniture with a set of large toy dishes, an ironing board with an iron, etc. They bring joy and pleasure to children, form ideas about the world around them, and encourage active play. activities.

The group haszones for role-playing games- "Hospital", "Family", "Barbershop", "Atelier", "Post Office", "Fishing".

In the game centers are all the attributes on this topic. For example, to play:

The "hospital" should have gowns and medical devices (instruments), all kinds of vials and boxes of pills;

For the corner of the road - various cars, road signs,

For playing "Barbershop" - capes, hairdressing kits (tools), bottles, boxes, photos with model haircuts;

For the corner "Atelier" - a sewing machine, fabric samples, buttons, an album with clothing models;

Attributes for games are selected in such a way as to create conditions for the realization of the interests of children in different types of games. The aesthetics and sophistication of design, the modernity of materials make preschoolers want to play. The selected game material allows you to combine different plots, create new game images. Dramatization games based on familiar fairy tales are also appropriate here, especially since the necessary conditions have been created for them.

book corner

In the corner for artistic activity - a book corner - books, literary quiz games, plot pictures.

Since the development of active speech is the main task of the development of children, sets of subject pictures, sets of plot pictures are selected in the center of a favorite book and speech development. Children love it when we read books with them and look at pictures, so here we have a lot of books on the program.

Dressing corner with a mirror

Dressing corner with a mirror is a necessary attribute of the group. The guys look in the mirror and dress up with the help of an adult in handkerchiefs, capes, skirts, costumes of different characters. We fill the dressing corner throughout the school year, gradually introducing new attributes: beads, hats, ribbons, attributes, costume elements for role-playing games.

Bright, cheerful sports cornersuccinctly and harmoniously fits into the space of a group room. It is popular with children, since an increase in motor activity has a beneficial effect on the physical and mental development, and the health of children. Here, preschoolers can practice and reinforce different types of movements: jumping along a winding path, crawling under an arc, playing with a ball, throwing at a target, etc. In the "Zone of motor activity" there is a variety of equipment: gates, tunnels, balls, hoops , bags stuffed with sand, multi-colored flags, ribbons, gymnastic sticks, rings, attributes for outdoor games, file cabinets: outdoor games, physical education, morning exercises.

Road Safety Cornerespecially interesting for boys. It is equipped with the necessary attributes for role-playing games, classes to consolidate knowledge of the rules of the road. These are all kinds of toys - vehicles, a traffic light, a policeman's cap, a traffic controller's baton. A good didactic tool is a floor mat with street and road markings.

I would like to tell you a little about the designdressing room.There is a stand for parents "..", where you can find a lot of interesting information about the life of children in the garden, a stand for speech therapy consultations "..". Children's works (drawings, crafts and collages) are exhibited to the public at the stand "….", to which there is free access. Often a personal exhibition of the work of a child is also organized here. Along with children's works, illustrations by famous artists are hung out, which increases the self-esteem of pupils and contributes to their self-affirmation.

For several years, we have gained positive experience in the use of vytynanka in the design of the subject-developing environment of the group.

Vytynanka is a type of Ukrainian folk decorative art. The name comes from the word - "to stick out", i.e. "cut out". These are ornamental home decorations, openwork or silhouette compositions cut with scissors or a knife from white or colored paper. In ancient times, such products were used to decorate walls, windows, shelves, stoves. As a rule, the traditional vytynanka contains a plot - it was possible to read from it what was happening in the village, who was born, where the wedding was, what the holidays were.

The main task of educators is to introduce children into the special world of Russian culture and life through its effective knowledge. Classes in the "Russian hut" involve familiarity with oral folk art, arts and crafts. Meetings and gatherings are held here, where children get acquainted with the pearls of folk wisdom and simply drink tea from a samovar.

Thus, the variety and richness of sensory impressions, the possibility of a free approach to each center in the group contribute to the emotional and intellectual development of pupils.

The developing environment created by us contributes to the establishment, assertion of a sense of self-confidence in a preschooler, gives the opportunity to test and use their abilities, stimulates the manifestation of their independence, initiative and creativity.

Activities of teachers and children in the created subject environment

Updating the content of the subject environment in the group entails the expansion and diversity of the activities of teachers and children. The well-thought-out interior of the group room, designed according to the color scheme, has a positive effect on the mood of both children and adults. Pupils get acquainted with new equipment with interest, try their hand at this or that activity. The environment allows them to choose activities according to their interests, and the educator to direct children's activities. By creating various zones and corners, the teacher invites preschoolers to do what they love (drawing, designing, research activities), thereby realizing the development potential, as well as the need for recognition and self-expression. Observing the children, the teacher receives a lot of interesting and valuable information. This helps him thoughtfully and rationally organize and adjust the space of the group in the future. To improve the professional competence of teachers in the issue of creating a developing environment, methodological work is carried out throughout the year according to a pre-compiled plan.

Thus, the ongoing project of a subject-developing environment in the older group evokes a feeling of joy in children, an emotionally positive attitude towards kindergarten, enriches them with new knowledge and impressions, encourages active creative activity, and promotes intellectual development. At the same time, teachers are given the opportunity for creative self-realization and organization of the educational process at a new qualitative level.

Tatyana Yatsenko
Creation of a subject-developing environment on the site

« Creation of a subject-developing environment on the site children of the senior group.

Supervisor: senior educator - Chernorayeva L.I.

Project type: information - design - presentation

1. Preparatory

Information and design

2. Main


3. Analytical

Expected results

Project participants: educators and parents of the senior group.

Implementation timeline: .

Experiment base: "Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

Objective of the project: improvement of work on design and improvement site For effective implementation walks. Aesthetic design and landscaping area of ​​the kindergarten.

Project objectives:

1. Inform parents about the need for this work.

2. Develop a plan - a scheme site

3. Provide material and technical base for the site transformation

4. Refresh the aesthetic space play area recreation and outdoor activities

5. distribute work between parents by organizing a subbotnik

Expected results:

1. For teachers - Creation aesthetically designed, meaningful, informative, diverse, dynamic children's life environment.

2. For parents - to promote the harmonious development of children

3. For children - to cause a positive attitude towards kindergarten, a desire to attend it.

Subject-developing environment we will arrange according to the following scheme:

1. Socio-communicative development;

2. Cognitive development;

3. Speech development;

4. Artistic and aesthetic development;

5. Physical development.

As required by the program.

Kindergarten is a second home for children and for us teachers. You want to make your home cozy and warm. And the kindergarten is also the most developing. Therefore, it is constantly updated and changed. subject-developing environment not only in the group but also on the playground of the kindergarten. Make it not Just: requires skill, creativity and material costs. And as a rule, there is always a problem of how to arrange the site in such a way that each child is provided with the opportunity to joyfully and meaningfully live the period of preschool childhood.

"Joyful Childhood" energizes for life...

Every year we give great attention subject-developing environment on outdoor playground kindergarten. This is one of the important goals of the work.

When raising, educating and developing children in a kindergarten, one of the main tasks: to preserve and strengthen the health of children and form their habit of healthy lifestyle life. The walk is one of means of improving children, developing them physically. The walk is the first and most accessible means for hardening child's body. It helps to increase its endurance and resistance to the adverse effects of external environments, To colds. On the walk, children play, move a lot. Movements increase metabolism, blood circulation, improve appetite. Children learn to overcome various obstacles, become more mobile, courageous, hardy. They develop motor skills and abilities, strengthen the muscular system, increase vitality.

The walk is unique opportunity enrich the child with new knowledge. Awaken the child's cognitive inquisitiveness. We need to give children the education that is necessary for their age - to feel every thing, to smell it a dozen times, to subject of study certain actions , inspect a dozen times, repeat the appointment a dozen times subject, etc.. e. We must meet the desire of the child to expand his horizon by observing wildlife, people, their work, their relationships. As a result, children expand their opportunities for cognitive activity, there is a desire for research, creative activity, accompanied by a joyful, satisfied, emotional state.

To implement these tasks (i.e. for the development and education of the individual) necessary create such a subject-developing environment, which would comply with all safety standards and requirements in accordance with SanPiN and Federal State Educational Standards, namely, to make small game forms for games, install equipment for various movements that would have attractive appearance both strength and workmanship corresponded to the age and strength of the children. So the idea came up to equip a walking area for the youngest visitors to our kindergarten. How create conditions for the development of children? How create such an environment in which an atmosphere of joy, peace and warmth will reign? What to include in subject environment so that the adaptation period leads to less stress, unrest, and addiction passes faster and more painlessly? Buying ready-made equipment would cost us too much. After analyzing my teaching experience, I made an approximate project of buildings with a designation of goals and turned to my parents, having received approval.

To implement plans We:

1. Participants of the project implementation were identified

2. Developed sketches various options design

3. Solved the issue of updating the space site

Buildings, equipment

4. We thought over the provision of material and technical base (search for construction material: boards, blocks, polycarbonate, paint, flower seedlings, waste material)

5. distributed collaboration between parents and staff

6. We thought about the safety and care of buildings and flower beds

7. Made a positive decision about participation in the competition"Beautiful flower garden" on the basis of the preschool educational institution and in the municipal photo contest "My contribution to the improvement of the village"


1. Sandbox - protects from the sun, has a beautiful, light, transparent roof through which you can watch the clouds, listen to the rain, watch the sparkle Sun rays. The sandbox is equipped with special covers - a requirement of SanPiN, since we are in the residential sector. The wide tabletop is roomy, allows you to sit comfortably, "bake cookies" different sizes and play with toys.

2. The car is one of the best views transport. Accommodates a subgroup of children with a teacher. Roof protects seats from getting wet, which is important on cold autumn days. Games in content reflect home life: trips to the dacha, to the village to grandmother Arina, to the forest ... that is, episodes from their own experience are played. Games are plot-representative actions.

3. House - it is convenient to sit on wide seats, put your daughter to bed, set the table for guests, dry clothes on the balcony. Inside the room there is a switch, a soft lamp hangs. Used for role-playing game "Family" or "Daughters-Mothers".

4. Slide - from which you can ride all year round overcome fear and rejoice with delight. Serves for development physical qualities child.

Children in the adaptation period often do not show their own activity, but, thanks to joint games with children, we perform the main tasks:

1. Set up trusting relationship with every child

2. Become interesting playmates

3. We give moments of joy and try to evoke a positive attitude towards kindergarten.

Games are not long in time, repeated several times. Therefore, it is important to arrange the game objects on the site in such a way that it is convenient and easy to switch the child from one type of activity to another, changing the plot.

To correct the main types of movements, a bright bench was made, which was also used to develop the main types of movements in children. (walking on a hill, jumping, climbing). Children love rhythm pronounce: "I'm going, I'm going, I'm going - I won't fall for anything". And, the most attentive, dexterous and cunning can try in "birch grove" ripe strawberries. Aesthetically decorated veranda with a family hare plot calls for a healthy lifestyle. The area needs improvement. The plans are to install a small comfortable staircase, a wide inclined board (for walking on an inclined plane, multi-level "stumps" And. etc. And the kids have already managed to climb up: “One, two, three - I will rise and I am not at all afraid.

The swing is my favorite place. It's good to be alone here.

Thoughtful safe beds (made from waste material) and lovingly grown flowers give an aesthetic and finished look to our walking area.

The design model was based on two ideas:

1. Create comfort, comfort on the walking platform

2. For full and diversified development created special organized play environment, recreation and activities.

The assigned task has been completed. Our design playground has become a favorite place for children.

With the advent of the sorceress of winter, new entertainments appear.

Work continues…

Walks provide excellent opportunities not only for healing and hardening, but also for enriching the mind with impressions, and the soul with beauty and light.

Experience has shown that this continuous activity children in busy created conditions creates good mood leads to a significant reduction in morbidity, children quickly get used to the conditions of the kindergarten and develop.

Both teachers and parents are satisfied with the result of the work. In addition, the work on the project made it possible to establish a close trusting relationship between participants which greatly facilitates further relationships.

Our goal is harmoniously developed children:

1. Free, active, independent, showing initiative both in activities and in communication;

2. Open to communication with adults;

3. Friendly and tolerant towards peers;

4. Emotionally responsive to the beauty of the surrounding world, works of art; on the condition of other people.

High skill combined with creativity and imagination, and most importantly - love for children will make the walk amazing and unique.




Zlobina Nadezhda Vasilievna

Educator of the first qualification category

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 23 of a general developmental type", Syktyvkar

The task of the preschool educational institution and each teacher is to competently organize a developing subject-spatial environment that complies with the principles of the Federal State Educational Standard. At this stage of work, necessary for a successful educational process, there are often difficulties, often caused by teachers' lack of knowledge and experience on this topic.

In the work of a teacher with children, the subject environment is defined as the basis of the structure educational environment. In contact with surrounding objects that require the work of thought, imagination, the child constantly develops, thus, the environment becomes a development environment. It affects all aspects of the child's personality - it causes emotions, feelings, will, encourages action.

When developing a modern developing subject-spatial environment, we adhered to the fundamental principles of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education: variability, multifunctionality, accessibility, richness, assistance, cooperation between children and adults, support for the initiative of children in various activities, cooperation between the organization and the family.

Based on these principles, we, together with the parents, created a meaningfully rich developmental environment for the walking area of ​​our group, contributing to the maximum realization of the educational potential.

Following an exemplary transformation algorithm, we have competently organized the subject-spatial environment, where we now have the opportunity to effectively work on revealing the individuality of each child, taking into account his inclinations, interests, level of activity:

  • Ø Conducted an assessment and analysis of the developing subject-spatial environment of the walking area.
  • Ø Identify the missing components.
  • Ø Compiled a list of necessary materials and equipment, based on the requirements of the Program.
  • Ø We studied the interests, preferences and characteristics of the children of the group.
  • Ø We made a plan - a diagram, determining the spatial arrangement of equipment, based on the principle of non-rigid zoning.
  • Ø Thought out ways to allocate gaming zones, taking into account regional component and opportunities to make changes to the environment during the school year.

Remote equipment is transformed by children depending on the educational or game situation, it has the character of an open open system ready for adjustment. For example: when organizing a subject-spatial environment for the role-playing game "Car", children's chairs and small forms are used, which, when the interests of children change, can be transformed into any other games ("Travel", "Polyclinic").

The multifunctionality of the equipment allows them to be used in various types of children's activities. For example: attributes for one story game can be used at the request of children as a substitute item to improve the storyline of other games.

The same manuals are used to develop children's research skills, speech development, experimental search work.

Centers for various types of children's activities are organized on the site: plot, building games; drawing and modeling, theatrical and gaming activities (summer period), experimentation. Children are available necessary materials, toys and equipment for free choice, considering gender development.

For boys there are tools, parts military uniform, technical toys, various types of transport, parking lots, constructor, building material. For girls - bags, umbrellas, dolls with attributes. The object environment is equipped with sets of attributes for the role-playing games "Mistress", "Post Office", "Sailors", "Polyclinic", "Shop", "Builders", "Safe Road". All material is in a place accessible to children. The children can independently choose the necessary material for the games, after the games they remove the attributes to their original places, which have conventional designations.

Stimulation of the game, motor, cognitive and research activity of children is carried out by updating the game material, introducing new items and attributes.

The experimentation center is equipped with attributes for experimental and search work: magnifiers, measuring containers made of various materials, hourglass, stopwatch, funnel, rubber pear. Here, children can work with samples of natural materials, paraffin candles, balloons, paints, and the “Experiments, Experiments, Tricks” file cabinet. In the first half of the year, the children were offered materials and necessary items for independent experimentation with water. In the second half of the year, we will add materials and tools for independent experiments with air and sound. Thus, the periodic replacement of materials makes the developing environment of the walking area variable.

Available during summer fiction, postcards, illustrations, paintings, albums of various subjects.

Given the age characteristics, a large space on the site was left for the physical activity of children, where we use various Sports Equipment(balls, hoops, skipping ropes, skittles, gymnastic sticks, a log for walking, etc.) Depending on the season, we use the same space in different ways. In the summer we play outdoor games, hold sports relay races, individual work with kids. And in winter - we build a hill, fortresses, labyrinths, snow figures.

Creating a developing object-spatial environment of the walking area, we were guided by safety standards and compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements, rules fire safety, a program implemented in the preschool educational institution.

The developing object-spatial environment organized on the walking platform contributes to the maximum realization of the creative potential of children, the creation of comfortable conditions for various types of child activities. On the site there are plants of different species for observation, examination, holding research activities and labor. Children can independently plant and care for them, watching them grow and change. At any time of the year, children, together with adults, have the opportunity to engage in labor activity. All tools in an accessible and safe place for children. Due to the fact that the walking area has changed in terms of multifunctionality, variability, safety, children have a great opportunity to be creative.

Our walking area has the character of an open, non-closed system, capable of adjustment and development, it is not only developing, but also developing. Under any circumstances, we will replenish and update the objective world surrounding the child, adapting it to neoplasms of a certain age.


1. Avdulova T.P. Saturation of the educational environment and its psychological safety// Handbook of the senior educator.-2014-№8.

2. Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations SanPiN 2.4.1. 3049-13.

3. Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated May 15, 2013 No. No. 26 Moscow "On approval of SANPiN" Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, content and organization of the operating mode of preschool educational organizations "

4. the federal law"On Education" No. 273-FZ of 12/29/12.

5. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated 17.10.13. No. 1155 “On Approval of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education” (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on November 14, 2013 No. 30384)

The object-spatial environment created in the preschool educational institution affects the development of the child, contributes to his comprehensive development, and ensures his mental and emotional well-being. I think this factor is very relevant today. In organizing a subject-developing environment in a group, I am guided by the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for the creation of a subject-playing space in a preschool educational institution. To create a subject-spatial environment in the group, I relied on the principle of zoning and mobility. The group has created conditions for the interaction of children with the teacher and with each other. All the centers of the developing environment in my group are interconnected and united by the tasks implemented in the updated program edited by N. E. Veraksa: - satisfy the baby's need for movement; - create a positive emotional mood; - Encourage children to be active.

In our group, the developing object-spatial environment is divided into zones, micro-centers for independent activities of children.

calm zone- this is a part of the group room where children can relax, watch books, play educational games on their own: - "solitude center" - study area - "Safety center" - sensory development center.

This is a place where a child can sit, think, dream, remember pleasant sensations, communicate with relatives and friends, consider something, listen to something pleasant and useful, play with some objects, toys, communicate with an adult or peer , look through a book, for this we equipped a corner hung with beautiful curtains.

study area

- "Hello, book!"

The book corner in our group is represented by a mobile basket with books that correspond to our program and change according to the seasons. There are books with both cardboard and regular pages. Literature is selected for different topics: children, professions, nature.

Safety corner contains didactic games and manuals, attributes for role-playing games, "Transport" illustrations, a traffic light layout.

Center for Sensory Development. The development of the processes of perception, sensations in children significantly enriches thinking. The process of introducing the child to sensory standards happens gradually according to patterns younger age. An important condition conducive to sensory development is a specially organized developmental environment, which includes: pyramids, various colors of the gamut, various shapes and various textures, laces, various inserts, didactic games, large and small mosaics, prefabricated toys, pyramids (of 6 -10 elements, simulation and substitution games, bingo, paired pictures and other printed board games; set geometric shapes, objects of various geometric shapes. counting material; nesting dolls, insert boards, insert frames, split object pictures, divided into 2-4 parts (vertically and horizontally). Canvas depicting roads, medium transport; models of houses, trees, traffic lights. Materials for the development of speech and cognitive activity. Sets of pictures for grouping: “pets”, “wild animals”, “animals with cubs”, “birds”, etc., household items, games with clothespins. Clothespin games for kids are part of modular gymnastics, which involves playing with objects that don't disassemble themselves, but can be made into other things. With the help of such gymnastics, we strengthen and develop the hand and two fingers, which will subsequently be actively involved in writing.

Building corner:

wooden, plastic constructors, a floor set of plastic cubes.

    Role-playing game center;

    Theatrical Center;

    Center for visual activities;

    Center for Physical Activity;

    Center musical activity;

    Center "Igralovka";

    Nature Center The group starts with a dressing room business card with information for parents:

About the daily routine in kindergarten;

In our group, the developing subject-spatial environment is divided into corners-microcenters, which are mobile used for independent activities of children - the child wanted to play with musical instruments, took a basket with tools and moved it to any place in the group.

Center for role-playing games where children reproduce the actions of adults that they observe in their daily lives. The game is essential social development children. For the modern development of the game in the group, the necessary conditions have been created: they equipped the play area with children's furniture, introduced various attributes for playing "Home", "Shop", "Hairdresser", "Hospital", "Drivers", etc .; dolls; toy wild and domestic animals; sets of kitchen and tea utensils; a set of vegetables and fruits; cars; trucks and cars; telephone, steering wheel, iron, ironing board, hammer, etc.; doll carriages; fun toys.

Next to us is one of the most effective means of developing and educating a child in a younger age. preschool age. It is theatrical activity that helps to quickly adapt, unite the group, unite children with a new activity for them. In this zone, we placed various types of theaters and introduced attributes for independent theatrical activities of children. Table theater: "Turnip", "Ryaba Hen", puppet theater: "Masha and the Bear", "The Wolf and the Seven Kids", flat theater "Teremok", hats, masks, attributes for fairy tales, a screen for showing puppet theater. Also in the corners there are didactic games with relevant content.

in our group there is a mobile small corner where we have placed various materials with a variety of means of image, sets of colored pencils, gouache, colored wax crayons, brushes - thin and thick, in order to form an idea of ​​their expressive capabilities in kids. In addition, they placed materials for modeling and applications, stencils on topics. I also use non-traditional drawing techniques, as I believe that drawing in non-traditional techniques, unusual materials using non-standard equipment stimulates preschoolers' interest in visual activity, allows you to experience unforgettable positive emotions develops imagination and artistic creativity children. Therefore, in our center there are some options for non-traditional drawing equipment: cotton buds, print made from potatoes.

The group has . It is popular with children because it fulfills their needs for physical activity. There are: rugs, massage paths (for the prevention of flat feet); balls; hoops; ropes; skittles; cubes; cords are long and short; cargo bags; ribbons different colors; flags; attributes for outdoor games and morning exercises.

Equipped in a group according to the principle of mobility in order to create conditions for the accumulation of musical impressions by children, the development of musical thinking, memory, speech. Music center equipment: drums, guitar, pipes, bells, rattles, metallophone, tambourine, musical rattle, promotes the manifestation of children's abilities in various types of musical activities, there is a folder of didactic music games There is a tape recorder for listening to recordings.

organized in accordance with the gender characteristics of the pupils (a modular divider in the form of a kitchen and a workbench is used). First of all, these are role-playing games: a corner for boys and a corner for girls. There are carpets in the corners.

Girls corner.

Kitchen with a set of dishes, cutlery, food models, trays, etc.

Dining room furniture set

Ironing board with iron.

A set of cleaning equipment.

Doll bed with linens.

Doll carriages

Dolls, clothes for dolls.

Hairdresser's set, hairdresser's apron, fashion hairstyle magazine.

Medical gowns, caps, scarves, handbag, medical instruments.

Dressing corner: skirts, veils.

On the shelves are all kinds of vehicles of different sizes (cars, trucks, tractor, excavator, electric train, racing cars, concrete mixer, crane, aircraft, tank).

Center of nature. A special role in the upbringing of children belongs to nature,. The center of nature helps us to cultivate love and respect for nature, where there is everything necessary for experimentation (loupes, hourglasses, containers (glasses, measurements, funnels, tubes, natural and waste materials, cotton wool, paper different varieties, watering cans, sprayer for flowers, sticks for loosening the earth and caring for plants (ficus, geranium, etc.) and observing nature. Selected pictures for the seasons, models of vegetables and fruits; crafts made from natural materials, a calendar of nature, a poster “The season. Weather. Days of the week. Months", poster " natural phenomena”, books and magazines for children about animals and birds. I made a model of a tree on the doors of The Seasons, on which the leaves and inhabitants change.

I organize the developing object-spatial environment on the site of my group in such a way that each child has the opportunity to freely do what they love, I organize everything in such a way as to use every corner, to ensure flexible and variable use of space. The site has the necessary equipment for playing football, throwing games, big cars and horses, moon rover slide, sandbox. For construction, there is a large designer and Lego constructor. For board games, benches and tables are equipped both on the veranda and on the site. I attach great importance to the aesthetic design of my site, as I believe that this contributes to the development of susceptibility to everything beautiful in life, the harmonious development of the child. Together with my parents, we broke flower beds, a flower garden, painted all the equipment, built a bench under the fungus for shade protection, and decorated the flower bed with small sculptures.

Thus, the subject-developing environment in my group serves the interests and needs of each child, enriches the development of specific activities, develops Creative skills, and also forms personal qualities preschoolers and their life experiences.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 16 of the village of Gubskaya of the municipality Mostovsky district of the teacher Motorkina Svetlana Alexandrovna.

One of the most important conditions for educational work is proper organization spatial environment.

Under the subject-spatial environment, I mean a natural, comfortable, cozy environment, rationally organized, with a variety of game materials. This environment allows you to simultaneously include in the active cognitive activity all children in the group. The developing object-spatial environment in our group is rich in content, transformable, multifunctional, variable, accessible and safe.

The green tone of the walls of the group room creates a feeling of light, air and cleanliness of the room. The furniture is selected in warm colors. It is mobile and easily transformed, which allows you to change the interior as needed. All this creates a favorable psychological environment, a positive emotional mood.

The group room is conditionally divided into functional zones, smoothly passing one into another. All material is selected pedagogically expediently.

The development center is represented by a game library, which contains game materials that contribute to the speech, cognitive and mathematical development of children. These are didactic, developing and logical-mathematical games aimed at developing the logical action of comparison, logical operations of classification, recognition by description, reconstruction, transformation; orientation according to the scheme ("Assemble the whole from the parts" , "Decompose according to the pattern" , "Find the same items" etc.), for succession and alternation ("What first, what next?" ) . To develop game logic

"Rectangles" , "Cubes for Everyone" . Board games and lotto are available for children.

The story game center allows children to constantly gain experience in independent and creative activities. It is represented by dolls of different sizes, sets of furniture, dishes, toys - household appliances, various different types transport, For role-playing games "At the doctor" , "Salon" , "Shop" robes are sewn.

The design center is represented by a variety of materials with a complex shape of parts, different ways fasteners made of various materials, different types of designers. Enriched with diagrams and building plans, small toys for playing or designing according to given conditions.

The Creativity Center helps children to show creativity, gives them the opportunity to experience the pleasure of getting to know new materials. Here we have collected coloring pages, printables, didactic games ( "Connect the Dots" , "Trace around" , a variety of paints, paper, crayons, colored pencils, felt-tip pens, markers, materials for gaining experience, using unconventional ways in fine arts: drawing without a brush and pencil, blotting with a tube, object stencil printing, plasticineography, which are constantly being supplemented. The center of creativity is combined with the center of the book, where children are offered books by various authors according to their age; new books are periodically exhibited in accordance with the age of the children, the program, seasonal changes, themed holidays. Here are portraits of children's writers, poets, plot pictures, book illustrations with the sequence of the plot of a fairy tale.

Music center complies age characteristics and the needs of children 3-4 years of age. It is represented by musical instruments - maracas, bells, bells, non-traditional musical instruments made independently and together with children.

Center for theatrical activities, where children are offered various types of theaters - table (theater of toys, pictures, knitted), masks and caps for dramatization games, a card index of fairy tales for display on a flannelgraph.

Center for Study native land reflects one of the main directions of the personality of preschoolers: it contributes to the formation patriotic feelings, introduces the symbols of our country, region. There are card indexes of didactic and Kuban folk games, albums "My favorite station" , "My family" . I created didactic games "Assemble the whole from the parts" , "may-no" .

In the center of experimentation, we conduct the simplest experiments, develop children's thinking, curiosity, cognitive activity, enrich children's ideas about the diversity of the man-made and non-man-made world. The corner is equipped with sets for experimenting with water and sand. The center is united with the center of nature. It contains plants in accordance with the Program and SanPiN. There are means for caring for them: a watering can, a sprayer, aprons, rags, shovels. A wide variety of visual and didactic aids: a calendar of nature, board games, models of fruits and vegetables, animal toys, albums "Birds" ,

"Garden flowers" , diverse natural material. Collections of shells are decorated. Here, children can show their creativity by creating interesting crafts from natural material. All this helps us to cultivate love and respect for nature, to involve children in caring for plants, to form the beginning ecological culture which is an important direction in the development of preschoolers.

The sports center is located in such a way that the child can find for himself during the day an exciting activity. IN sports corner there are designed and made by us massage mats for the prevention of flat feet, skittles; balls and balls of different diameters, hoops, long and short ropes and cord, rings, flags.

There is an information corner for parents in the changing room. "For you parents" , where the grid of gaming educational situations and classes, information about the working hours of the group, about events held in kindergarten. A corner of creativity has been organized, where the creative works of pupils are exhibited. Periodically, photo exhibitions are arranged in the dressing room. « Summer rest» , "How we live!" etc., as well as regularly posted information for parents.

Educational subject environment Location on

I also consider it important in my work to create a developing environment on the playground, which contributes to:

  • full recovery of children in favorable climatic conditions
  • continue to work on instilling healthy lifestyle habits in children
  • consolidation of skills and knowledge in the framework of cognitive, aesthetic development.

The object environment of our playground includes: a shady canopy; sports ground; marked track for jogging; flower garden, vegetable garden.

There is a center for role-playing games, game attributes for role-playing games, made together with children, have been developed.

The equipment of the playground with sand includes: a sandbox with moistened sand collected in a hill; scoops, molds, buckets, flat toys: houses, trees, little men, animals, voluminous toys, cars, etc.; water play containers.

For games with water we use basins, rubber toys, floating toys, paper crafts, waste and natural materials. Special baskets and boxes were prepared for the external material. Toys after a walk must be washed, so there are containers for washing toys, which complies with SanPiN.

Work on the street provides for individual work with children, so on the veranda, in the shade, there are tables for independent activities of children:

  • children interacting with books
  • drawing, sculpting, working with natural materials
  • board games
  • constructive games.

On the veranda there is equipment for sports games: ring throwers, jump ropes, rings with nets for throwing balls at them, balls of different sizes, etc.

Creating a spatial environment, we tried to make it informatively rich, which is ensured by a variety of subjects, a variety of didactic and informational material.

For the aesthetics of our site, we created bright crafts from waste material: the plot of a fairy tale is captured here "Swan geese" (from a car tire), "Three Bears" (from plywood), car models, motorcycle (from a car tire). On hot summer days, children feel great in the shade. walnut sitting around the table on wooden benches.

All components of the spatial environment are combined with each other in terms of content, artistic solution, provide meaningful communication between adults and children.